End Game - Chapter 2 - The Prophesy

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#2 of End Game (Season 1)

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction.

This is the next part of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals with plot a lot more, but still retains the lemon aspects. It takes place after the defeat of the final dark master Piedmon, and after my lemon chapter 1, Betrayal. This is some of my earliest work, so be gentle!


Chapter 2

The Prophesy

The digidestined had managed to escape Gatomon's army, but in the fog, they couldn't keep track of one another. They had all gotten separated as they took of on various directions. In the confusion, Tai and Izzy where running together when a fireball, most likely from Meramon, landed between them. The blast threw them both off their feet. Tai recovered and found Izzy's computer in front of him. He grabbed the computer and ran off as fast as he could.

Tai had emerged from the fog alone in a forest area. He sat down, utterly exhausted from the whole experience. As he lay against a tree, he realized he was at a complete loss as to what to do. Even if they had escaped, they where separated, no digivices, and Gatomon had converted whatever friends they had. His sister Kari was missing too. Just as Tai was about to give up completely, he heard a beeping from beside him. Izzy computer was making the sound. He popped opened the top, and found the mail icon beeping.

"Gennai must be trying to contact us." Tai tried to open the folder, but it was had a password. "Jeez, you think Izzy would have told us his password, after all we might need to use it. What could it be? Something uncommon, but easy to remember..."


Tai grabbed a rock and whirled around. He dropped the rock when he recognized his company. "Palmon! You scared me half to death!"

Palmon jumped out of the tree and landed beside Tai. She wrapped her arms him and hugged him. "I'm sorry Tai, I'm just so happy to see someone! I was afraid everyone was captured."

Tai was happy to see a familiar face too. "I'm glad to see you too. Let's try your password." Tai typed in prodigious and low and behold, it worked.

Gennai popped onto the screen. "I'm glad to see your all right Tai and Palmon. I've been researching at the ruins, and found a second prophesy?"

"Another prophesy?" Tai complained; the last one predicted Myotismon would digivolve to Venomyotismon. He wasn't looking forward to what this one predicted.

"I'm afraid so Tai. I'm downloading it now." Ancient hieroglyphics filled the screen, shortly after they turned to words.

The fallen angel shall show herself

In the guise of a friend

The sky shall turn dark

And friends shall become foes

She shall then raise the defeated and destroyed

To take their revenge against the ones who banished them

To the state of none-being

The son of fallen angels

Shall reveal his power

To save a loved one

The chosen ones shall than be tempted by the dark side

To let their evil selves take control

Then the fallen one shall reveal herself

In her true form

And then we shall see friends reunited

With the writings from the past

Hidden under the cover of shame

To travel back to the past

And the writer of these prophecies shall be revealed

As &^<">{@((!)*&@

"What's happening? The screen's going nuts." Tai whined


"I'm sorry, part of this tablet was damaged, the computer can't translate it. I'll have to repair it before we can finish translating the tablets. I'll get back to you as soon as possible." Gennai waved on the screen before it went blank.

"Well the first part is true. Gatomon must be the fallen angel in the prophecy." Palmon looked at the computer. "And the dark sky must be those black gears. But I don't understand the rest, son of a fallen angel? Gatomon doesn't have any kids. Besides, all digi-eggs hatch at primary village, we never see our parents."

Tai couldn't make heads or tails of the prediction either. It only made sense after it has happened, which doesn't help a lot. "I think where in trouble Palmon. We have no friends left, and Gatomon had stolen all our digivices."

A weird smile crept over Palmon's face. Tai look at her like she was nuts, "What in the digital world is there to be smiling about?"

Palmon reached up into the blossom on her head. She pulled out the two digivices she managed to pick pocket from Gatomon's sack. The smile on her face broke into an enormous grin. "She doesn't have all the digivices."

For the first time all day Tai smiled. "Palmon! That's great! We have a fighting chance now. I love you for this! I could just kiss you in fact," Tai grabbed Palmon by the shoulders and placed a quick kiss on her lips, "I think I will!"

This stunned Palmon. She never told anyone before, but she always had a crush on Tai. Now he said he loved her and kissed her!

Tai didn't notice Palmon expression. He continued talking, "Now we just need to find who these digivices belong to, find our digimon, and we can take on Gatomon." Tai sobered up when he said this out loud. "But we don't know where everybody is and without their respective digimon, these devices are useless. But at least it's a start." He took the digivices in his pocket and then placed his hand on Palmon's shoulder, "Come on, we better get some sleep, we have to start searching for everyone tomorrow."

Palmon looked at Tai in sleeping on the bed of leaves. She hadn't been able to sleep all night. What Tai had said and done really meant a lot to her. He had actually kissed her! She didn't know if Tai had really meant anything by it, but still, maybe something was there.

She got up and walked over to Tai. She sat down next to Tai and began to run her fingers through his hair. Suddenly a jolt of pain went through her hand; she let a yelp in spite of herself. She pulled her hand back from his arms and held it to her chest. Her fingers hadn't completely healed where Gatomon had sliced them off. She began to suck on her fingers, trying to rid herself of the dull throbbing.

"Are you ok?" Tai had woken up to a sound. He saw Palmon over him in obvious discomfort. He grabbed Palmon's hand and brought them close in to his face. Palmon's fingers tips had a greenish scab over them. "Palmon, you must be in pain." He began to blow lightly on her green fingertips to help dull the throbbing.

A cool feeling passed through Palmon. She looked up at Tai, and decided that to tell Tai what she really felled. "Tai," she struggled for the words. "Do you... care about me?"

A shocked expression went across Tai's face. "Of course I do!" He was surprised by this question. Palmon must know she was a good friend of his. Why she would even ask this was beyond him.

"That's great! I knew you loved me!" Palmon jumped forward and kissed him on the lips. It was then that it dawned on Tai what Palmon was talking about. She must have a crush of some sort on him! While Tai was actually quite impressed by that, he didn't know thing he had the same feelings towards Palmon. After all, they weren't even the same species.

"Palmon, I.." Palmon replied by pushing him down. "Now Tai, I know what you want, after all you are a growing boy. I'm not as naïve as some people light think."

She jumped on top of him and began kissing him, running her tongue against his lips. Tai opened his mouth to try to talk to Palmon again, but Palmon just shoved her tongue down his throat. Tai put his hands on Palmon's chest and tried to politely push her off. However, he placed his hand right on her breast, which where hidden underneath her greenish skin.

Palmon broke the kiss "Oh Tai that feels good!" Tai gasped for air finally had a chance to speak. "Palmon!" She placed one of her uninjured fingers on Tai's lips. "Sssshhhhh I know."

She bent down and in one swift motion took off his shorts and underwear. Tai blushed instantly. Palmon smiled at him. "Now don't be embarrassed. After all, you always see me naked." Tai blushed when she said this too, for it was true. She then jumped down and quickly took all of Tai's cock inside her mouth.

A muffled gasp escaped Tai's lips as this new sensation raced through him. He felt his dick grow hard as Palmon swirled it inside of her mouth. Her long tongue wrapped completely around his now hard cock. Tai no longer was trying to talk to Palmon; he just wanted her to continue.

Tai's dick grew to its full length as it hardened under Palmon's tongue bath. Tai began to thrust himself into Palmon's mouth in order to increase the pleasure. Palmon took the dick out of her mouth and began to lick up and down the shaft, sending jolts of pleasure through his rigid cock. She kissed the tip of it once before she stood up. Tai wanted Palmon to continue, but she pushed him down again.

"Just be patient, your ready for the next step." Palmon smiled seductively at him. She got on her knees on his hips and slowly lowered herself on Tai's erect prick. Tai gasped as he felt Palmon's tightness surround his cock. Palmon took his entire boyhood in her, and placed her hands on his chest. A twinge of pain went through her injured fingertips, but she barely noticed. She squeezed her hips tightly and began to pump. Tai grabbed Palmon be her ass and helped her move up and down faster. He was grunting every time Palmon brought herself down. Palmon was moaning Tai's name loudly now as she thrust her hips down on his again. Finally, Palmon and Tai both climaxed. Her sweet smelling pussy juices drenched Tai's dick while he shot his boyhood into Palmon. They continued humping for a minute afterwards as the last traces of their orgasm finally washed out from them.

Palmon got of Tai and kissed him on the cheek. "I'm so glad that you finally admitted your true feelings. I always knew you loved me. I just couldn't say it out loud."

Tai got up, pulling his pants up. He realized that he had to talk to Palmon, and he may well not delay the inevitable. "Palmon, I don't know if I have the same feeling that you have for me."

An enraged look crossed Palmon's face. "You just had sex with me! How could you not love me!"

Tai took a step back, actually afraid Palmon might attack. "You never really gave me a chance to stop you!"

"Why you human scum!" Palmon took another step forward. Tai was now really afraid she was going to jump him. The tense situation was halted from a voice from the sky.

"Did I interrupt a lover's quarrel?" A dark robed figure flew down from the sky and landed in front of them.

"Devimon!" They both screamed. The dark digimon moved towards the two. "But, we deleted you on File Island!" Palmon stuttered.

An evil smile crept across the virus's face. "I'm glad you remember me." His face quickly turned to a scowl. "I would kill you where you stand for defeating me, but Gatomon has given me orders to bring you back alive."

"Palmon, catch!" Tai threw the digivices from his pocket towards Palmon. She caught them in her hands, but just stood there, not knowing what to do next. "RUN! Hide in the forest!" Tai turned towards and charged Devimon, slamming his with all his force in the chest.

Devimon wasn't hurt by Tai's attack, but he was momentarily caught off guard. "Foolish digidestined!" His hand wrapped around Tai's neck and pulled him off the ground and backhanded him once against the face. "How dare you strike your superior!" His rage quickly subsided as he looked for his second victim. However, Tai had bought Palmon enough time to hide. In a forest setting, she blended in so well that she was undetectable by the naked eye.

Tai smiled through his bruised lips. "Who's the fool now? Palmon's escaped high and dry with the digivices."

Another enraged backhand strike knocked Tai out cold. Devimon slung the unconscious form under his arm and with a flap of his gigantic wings, flew off towards Gatomon's lair.

That's the next installment of my epic lemon. I would really like to know what people think about this plot. If anyone has any suggestion for a topic for this, or if there is a picture you want me to write a story with, just mention it. Any comments, suggestions, writing tips, feel free to post them at this site or e-mail me at [[email protected]](%5C)

Edited for accuracy by Bahamut X.

End Game - Chapter 3 - Hidden Power

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction. This is the next installment of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deal...


End Game - Chapter 1 - Betrayal

This work of fiction contains adult concepts from the TV show Digimon. Do not proceed if you are under 18, or this material is illegal in your jurisdiction. This is the beginning of my epic lemon, END GAME. It is an on-going lemon, which deals with...

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The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 13 - MILF

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