Fyr's Night Out

Story by WithFurvor on SoFurry

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Fyr catches her boyfriend cheating, and decides to do something about it.

Commissioned by Tamati the Nine Tailed Fox

All characters are copyright their owners.

Fyr's Night Out

by WithFurvor

"Suck my fucking cock you little slut!" Said Ropes, his shaft half buried in a young mouse girls throat. He stood over her. His tendrils outstretched stroked at the girl, down her legs and up her sides. She was trying quite eagerly to please him, but his length was obviously more than she was used to. Meanwhile, one tendril had a very special place in the mouse femmes dripping wet cunt, it was pulsing deep inside of her. Her wetness permeated down its length and dripped on to the floor below.

Unbeknownst to the two lovers, a dragon with scales as red as her building anger was watching them. She peered through the cracked door, her fists balled and her wings outstretched in a primal anger. She watched as her boyfriend, Ropes, tried desperately to shove more of his dick down this little tramps throat. She watched as the tendrils he used to please her were being used on another.

"I'm going to cum!" Ropes panted.

"The fuck you are!" Shouted Fyr, finally.

She decided all at once that she'd had enough. She reared her leg back and then brought it forward, slamming her foot in to the door and kicking it open.

The sound made Ropes jump, and the young mouse trembled with fear when she saw the dragon woman looming in the doorway. She wiped her mouth and blushed.

"Who the hell is she?" Asked the mouse, incredulously.

"Who the hell am I?" Fyr yelled. "Who the fuck are you?!"

The mouse girl dared not answer, but looked up at Ropes with a frightened expression. Ropes looked at her, and then back to Fyr, and then back and forth again. He was obviously at a loss for words, luckily Fyr was not.

"You son of a bitch!" She stepped towards the puma, extending a finger and poking him in the chest harshly. "How dare you- and in our home! I can't fucking believe you."

"Fyr let me explain!"

"Explain?" Fyr's voice was getting louder. "I think I have the situation figured out, Ropes! You son of a bitch!"

Within a moment she had reached her hand back and the brough it back fiercely across his muzzle with a 'smack!' He flinched and then, wide eyed, rubbed at the now stinging spot with his paw.

"Please, I'll-" He looked down at the poor mouse girl, her mouth agape. "Or, I mean, we'll go."

"Don't fucking bother." Fyr retorted in disgust. "You two can just sit here and fuck for all I care."

Fyr turned her back on them, wings spreading out again in a continued display of her anger. She crossed the doorframe in a violent huff and slammed the door behind her, walking through the living room and then finally out of the house with an equally loud 'slam!' of the front door.

She came to her car and paused, checking her pockets and her jacket for her keys. She must have left them inside.

"Fuck!" She exclaimed, punching and denting the side of her own car. She looked back at the door of the house, and then back to her car.

"Fuck this." She spat out. With a 'woosh!' and a beat of her mighty wings she took to the air, rising above the ground. A woman like her, a strong dragon female had no reason to walk back in to her home in embarrassment when she could simply take flight. Her eyes were set with anger in arches at her brow. She wanted to be angry with the mouse girl, but she couldn't be. Ropes was a demon, and as a demon he had his ways when it came to intoxicating a lover that normal beings simply didn't have. He had probably released some pheromones, planted some idea or another in her head. Without a doubt that poor girl was barely aware of what was going on.

No, Ropes was definitely the one she was mad at. It wasn't enough that he was handsome, and had god damn tendrils that knew exactly how to please a woman. He had to be a demon with the ability to charm the pants off of just about anyone. Fyr had thought, up until this point, that such charm was hers alone to behold. She had held that idea dear to her heart.

But now it meant nothing. For a moment of passion Ropes a had thrown what they had together right away. Wind whipped over her exposed horns and around her head fin as Fyr charged through the sky, this usually calmed her but at the moment it had no effect. How was she to even know that this mouse girl was the only one Ropes had cheated with? What if there were others?

"Ahhh!!" Fyr screamed out her frustration, startling pedestrians below her. It dawned on her that for all her flying, she really didn't have a destination. She stopped propelling herself forward and beat her wings steadily, keeping herself suspended in high in the air. She looked down at the world below, and everything looked small and undefined but she was just barely able spot a bar. Though was early considering the circumstances she hardly cared. A drink sounded like a nice relief from her anger, she thought. With a sigh she decided to decrease the rate of her wing beating, allowing her to slowly descend back down to the world below.

Her footclaws touched down on the cool concrete just outside of the bar. She looked up at the sign, blinking even in the broad daylight with its neon signs advertising cold beer. Composing herself out of her mood for the moment Fyr pushed at the door and walked inside.

As she walked inside her nostrils were met with the heavy scent of smoke, and her ears with the sound of blues guitar emanating from a juke box set against the farthest wall. The light was dim, and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Once they finally adjusted fully she spotted an empty stool at the bar and quietly sat down.

"What'll it be?" Said the bartender, a friendly looking turtle male wearing an understated bowtie and colar.

"A fireball shot, with some kind of lager." She decided quickly.

The smiling turtle nodded and set two glasses, one small for the shot and pint glass for her beer, on the counter in front of her. As he poured her drinks, Fyr looked slowly around the bar. The bar was for the most part dead, save for a couple of furs sitting at a nearby table and a dragon, not unlike herself, sitting in a corner with his beer. They met eyes for a moment and Fyr looked away. The man was tall and attractive, large and imposing with muscles that showed through his sleeves. Fyr was not one to blush but had she not looked away she feared she might up. She looked back to her drinks on the bar, sitting there in front of the patient bartender.

"That'll be five dollars even, ma'am." He said.

"Right. Thanks." Replied Fyr.

She paid the turtle and raised the shot glass first to her mouth, pouring the liqour in to her maw and then slamming the glass back down on the bar as she swallowed. The drink sent a shiver down her spine, the cinnamon in the whiskey tickling her throat. She then cupped the larger glass and held it in her hands, staring at the swirling liquid within with a haze falling over her face. Her anger now hidden had subsided in to a depression. Why would Ropes do what he cheat on her?

She shook her head. 'No!' she thought 'I will not sit here and wallow in my sadness like a little girl!' And why should she? She was a woman, and more than that a dragon! Strong and vigilant was her way. She raised her glass to her maw and drank some of the sweet bubbly lager. It was cool and refreshing, and with that refreshment she felt a new resolve. Perhaps she could give her husband a taste of his own medicine.

"Two more shots, bartender!" Said Fyr, almost shouting down the bar at the turtle. The turtle nodded back at her and then brought a bottle down to where she was sitting along with another glass. He poured the two shots in front of her and looked at her with an expectant smile. Fyr paid the man and downed the rest of her beer. Imbibed with new confidence and a little alcohol she stood up and looked at the strong male sitting in the corner. She walked up to him slowly, and as she did his features came more readily in to view. His scales were dark, and all down his arm muscles was some kind of tribal style marking. He wore black pants with a matching sleevless vest, a white shirt underneath. Finally she was next to him.

"Hey there big man, care for a shot?" Said Fyr

The large male looked at her for a moment, as though not sure what to make of her. Then, finally he nodded towards a chair across from his table.

"I'm Tamati," He said. "But you can call me Tam if you desire."

"Can I call you Tamtam?" Said Fyr with a toothy smile, setting the shots down between them.

"No." Said Tamati simply. Then he reached for one of the shot glasses, holding it up towards Fyr.

"To new friends." He said.

"And good times." Fyr replied, picking up her own shot and clinking the glass against his. They drank the liqour and before they had sat their glasses down Fyr was signaling for the bartender again.

"Another two for me and my new friend." She said, nearly shouting again at the turtle.

"Don't you think you should take it slow?" Said Tamati.

"Slow is for nerds." Fyr said, her words only slightly slurred as she pointed a finger at Tamati. "Are you some kind of nerd?"

Tamati just laughed softly to himself

"Alright then." He said. "Fast it is then. Make it four shots, bartender!"

"There you go!" Said Fyr. "I like a fun man. Or I used to. I'm married now."

"Oh?" Replied Tamati. "What's a married woman getting drunk and talking to me in a bar for?"

"Because I found my husband cheating on me today." Spoke Fyr simply. "And I think I want to cheat back."

The bartender sat the four shots down between the two dragons. Tamati sat in silence and stared at Fyr. Fyr looked back, a smoky haze in her eyes. The thought of of this virile male on top of her causing lust to rise inside of her. Now that she had spoken her intention, her loins already burned for the male. Her tongue ran slowly over her lips in a visceral reaction to her body's needs. Tamati grabbed one of the shot glasses and held it up, a devious smile pulling at one corner of his mouth.

"Your place or mine?" He asked, drinking the shot.

"Yours, I have no doubt my husband is still fucking whoever that woman was as we speak." Said Fyr, grabbing a shot glass herself and throwing it back in to her maw. She wiped her mouth with her wrist.

"How big is your dick?" She asked.

"Bigger than your husbands, no doubt." Tamati replied with a grin.

"Maybe, but my husband has tendrils." Said Fyr with a laugh. "Do you have tendrils?"

"No, I don't believe I do." Tamati answered simply.

"Do you like to go soft or rough?" Asked Fyr.

"Rough." Replied Tamati.

"Great!" Said Fyr, picking up her last shot. "Big dick, rough sex, I think we're compatible!"

Tamati picked up his last shot as well and clinked the glass against hers.

"Fantastic." He said, drinking the liquid quickly. "My place is literally just down the block. I walked here. Care to walk back with me?"

"I don't see why not." Said Fyr. "I flew here anyway."

Tamati nodded at her and laid some money down on their table, standing up. Fyr stood with him and they walked out of the bar in silence together. Fyr shielded her eyes from the sunlight once back outside. As they started to walk together Tamati put his arm gently around Fyr's waist. She grabbed his wrist and pushed his arm lower, place his hand at her rear. With another devious grin Tamati squeeze roughly at her ample rump. He gave her cheek a light smack, which made Fyr stumble ahead a few steps with a girlish giggle.

Tamati replaced his hand at her rear and moved it under her, between her legs. He could feel the warmth of her womanhood through the denim of her shorts. He pressed his fingers there as they walked, groping and rubbing at her pussy gently as they walked.

"Turn right here." Said Tamati, basically guiding her movement by adjusting his grip on her nether region.

"Whatever you say handsome." Replied Fyr breathily.

They turned the corner and Tamati could feel Fyr's wetness dampening her shorts. He stopped and jerked her over to him on the sidewalk. Forcefully, he kissed her and held her close with his free arm as he rubbed at her barely concealed womanhood. Fyr closed her eyes and moaned out in to the kiss, pushing her tongue out to meet his. Their tongues intertwined momentarily, until Tamati broke the kiss suddenly.

"Sorry, I just needed a taste." He said.

"Mm. Not a problem." Fyr replied.

"My house is just a little farther." Said Tamati.

They walked together with Tamati's groping hand playing at Fyr's taught rump. Her lust rose to the point that her head felt like it was going to explode. She looked, hazy eyed, at her soon to be lover and was surprised to find him so incredibly calm. He seemed perfectly in control, she couldn't wait to see how he was in bed.

"Here we are." Said Tamati, turning Fyr toward his house.

It was beautiful, thought Fyr. A two story house with a large oak door, and columns and a red roof. It was brick, laid straight and beautifully set on a yard with a large tree giving the front of the house shade.

"Not bad." Said Fyr, trying not to show how impressed she was.

Tamati smirked and finally let go of Fyr's nether regions, walking up to his door and pulling keys out of his pocket. With a jingling sound the right key came in to his hand and he opened the door. As they walked inside Fyr realized the interior was just as beautiful as the outside of the house. The first thing she noticed was the chandelier, hanging above them in the entryway. Tamati flipped a switch by the door and the chandelier cast light on to their surroundings. Tamati led Fyr through the entryway in to a spacious living room, adorned with a black leather sofa and complimentary arm chair set in front of a fireplace.

"Very nice." Said Fyr.

"Better than 'not bad?'" Smirked Tamati.

"Oh hush." Said Fyr. "Do you have any booze here? I'm starting to lose my buzz."

"Sure." Said Tamati. "Make yourself comfortable on the couch."

Tamati walked in to his kitchen, grabbing a bottle of rum off of the shelf. He looked in his mostly barren fridge for some soda to mix it with, but found none. He grimaced. He would have to do some grocery shopping eventually. He walked back out carrying the rum bottle in hand.

"Hey, I've got this rum but there's nothing to.... to mix...," He trailed off stopping in his tracks. Fyr had removed all of her clothes, sitting naked on his couch with her legs spread and her arms outstretched on either side of the back of it. She had a coy look on her face, obviously happy to have stopped Tamati in his tracks.

"See something you like?" Spoke Fyr simply. "Why don't you hand me that bottle of rum and get to work on this pussy?"

Tamati grinned and walked over to the couch, passing the bottle of rum to Fyr. She opened it and took a draw out of it as Tamati got down on his knees. He placed his hands at her thighs and gave them a gentle squeeze as he positioned his face in front of her womanhood. He leaned forward and gave her clitoris a little kiss, feeling her relax as he did so. He extended his tongue and swirled it gently around the sensitive nub, squeezing a little tighter on her thighs.

"That's right, lick momma's pussy." said Fyr, panting as she placed a hand behind Tamati's horns, digging in to the back of his skull with her claws just a bit to push his face further in to her nether regions. Tamati complied, burying his maw between her legs and extending his tongue further. He pressed it inbetween her soft lips and dragged it from her opening back up to her clit, and then back down again. Then he buried his tongue as deep inside of her as he could, thrusting in a quick repetition.

She was dripping wet and as sweet as honey. Her taste drove him wild, and her scent was scintillating to him. He moved one hand from her thigh as he moved his tongue back up to her clit. He pressed his fingers against her entrance and then quickly penetrated her, pumping his fingers in and out as his tongue circled her clit. Then he heard a faint clicking sound and looked up, Fyr had taken a picture of him with her phone.

"I want to send it to my boyfriend." Fyr said, seeing his confused expression. "If you think I shouldn't I-,"

Tamati just laughed.

"Well let's make sure we get him good and mad then." Then Tamati restarted the thrusting of his fingers, to Fyr's delight. He suckled at her clit with his lips, and heard Fyr above him taking another drink of rum.

"You know." He said between gentle kisses at Fyr's clitoris. "I'm going to want some of that too."

"Oh but I'm having so much fun getting drunk off my ass while a prefect stranger eats me out." Fyr giggled, slurring her words just a bit. Tamati reached up and grabbed the bottle for himself, propping himself up by his elbows on her thighs as he took a drink.

"It's important to share." He said. He leaned down and kissed her clitoris lovingly. Fyr shivered.

"Wow, the rum makes your mouth sting on my pussy a little." She grinned. "I kind of like it."

A soft 'ding!' rang out from Fyr's phone.

"It's my husband. Eat my pussy while I read it." She commanded. Tamati was happy to oblige, diving face first back in to his lover's loins. He pressed against her sensitive entrance with his tongue, teasing it by flicking at the hole gently. He blew his lips into it and and tongued at Fyr's sweet taste.

"He's saying that I better not suck your dick." Said Fyr, clicking her tongue as she stared at her phone. "Guess what I'm in a mood to do?"

"Suck my dick?" Said Tamati, licking his lips and grinning.

"Bingo." Replied Fyr. "Stand up, big boy."

Tamati stood happily, quickly reaching to unzip his pants. His length popped out from behind the zipper, nearly smacking Fyr in the face as she got down on to her knees from the couch to the floor. She licked her lips as she saw at it, veiny and voluptuous. Tamati had been right, Fyr thought, his dick certainly was a fair bit bigger than her husbands. She kissed the tip of his trobbing length and smiled at the taste of precum.

"Here, take this." She said, extending her phone up to Tamati with a smile on her maw. "Take a good picture when you think I'm really going at it."

"Heh, yes ma'-" He was stopped dead in the tracks of his words as he felt the warmth of Fyr's maw engulfing his entire length at once. Obviously, thought Tamati, she had experience. A pleased groan erupted from his throat at the warmth of her mouth around the head of his cock. The groan grew to a soft roar as she throated his tip with an expert like sense of care and articulation. This, Tamati knew, was the perfect time to take a picture.


The sound of her cell phone camera rang through the air as Tamati, cross eyed with pleasure, attempted to get a good shot. He took a few more pictures and chose one that, while slightly blurry, appropriately showed Fyr's mascara running down her face. He passed the cell phone back to her.

"I think this is the one." Tamati laughed. "Send it to him."

Fyr grinned and tapped the screen. The she placed Tamati's cock back in her mouth. She worked her throat and pressed herself forward until she felt her lips against his crotch. His cock sat in her throat as she strained, choking, trying to hold it within her as long as she could. Every moment was a new revenge against Ropes for cheating on her. She let his cock out of her mouth with an audible 'pop!' and lowered her maw to lick and lap and his hanging balls. She reached above her head with her hand and wrapped it lovingly around Tamati's length, stroking vigorously.


The sound of a response on her phone made Fyr grin against Tamati's sac. She gave his testicles a gentle kiss before looking back at her phone with her free paw. Ropes was so mad, and something about that drove Fyr wild. She could feel her own wetness leaking from her, lubricating her thighs as she held up on her knees.

"Awwww, my husband is mad..." Fyr pouted, looking up at Tamati with wicked eyes. "let's make him even angrier."

She stood up and walked around him, sensually sliding her claws over his chest as she passed around him. He turned with her as she laid herself down on the couch, one leg off the side and the other carelessly hung over the back of the sofa with her tail dragged lazily between. Tamati licked his lips, taking in the sexual appeal of her body before properly indulging in it.

He bore down on top of her, mounting her on the couch with her legs at his sides. He felt the tip of his manhood pressing against the warmth of her velvety entrance. She wrapped her arms around him, her claws digging in to his back. He kissed her as he penetrated her, his tongue exploring her mouth as his cock ravaged her folds. She kissed back greedily, eager to exploit every bit of his passion in her lust filled mind as a revenge against Ropes.

Her lust drove Tamati's body even further in to its own intense passion. With each thrust in to her soft, tight pussy he came closer and closer to ecstasy. He felt Fyr's legs tighten around his waist, and as he drove in to her she raised up her phone again.


Tamati laughed at Fyr's guile, thrusting in to her with all the force he could muster as she sent her husband yet another picture of them together. She joined his laughter for a moment, in celebration of such an erotic delight. Then she threw her phone aside and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I want you to fucking cum in me." She breathed.

Tamati grinned, biting his bottom lip, and gave her everything he could muster, His hips smacked against hers with a harsh clap as his length drove deep within her. Each thrust elicited a new moan from her maw, driving Tamati closer and closer to the edge.

'Ding! Ding! Ding!'

An influx of new responses came to Fyr's phone, and the moment she knew that Ropes had seen Tamati penetrating she came. An orgasm rocked her body as she heard the phone cry out, announcing her husbands responses. Tamati felt her vagina convulsing and tightening around his shaft, and he slammed in to her with all his might finally releasing his seed in to her. Fyr felt the warmth of his cum as her orgasm peaked, and they came together as she squeezed Tamati close to her.

He collapsed on top of her, and Fyr held him there keeping their fluids together inside of her. His cock twitched inside of the warmth of her pussy as Fyr sighed, enjoying the afterglow of her own orgasm.

"That better not be all you have to give me." Said Fyr, tauntingly.

"Oh just give me a minute I can go again." Said Tamati, pulling out of Fyr with a grunt.

"You're so dirty." Fyr grinned. "Let me help you."

"Do wha-?" Tamati's words were cut off by the now familiar sensation of Fyr's warm maw lips around his shaft. She swirled her tongue around it, lapping up the mix of cum and her own juices. Pulling it out of her mouth she ran her tongue from base to tip over and over, thoroughly cleaning up Tamati's cock as he watched on with a pleased expression.

"There we go." Said Fyr. "All clean."

"And would you look at that." Replied Tamati. "I'm hard again."

"I think I know what we can do with that." Fyr said, climing back up on the couch with her rear towards Tamati. She raised her ass in the air and hiked her tail up, laying her face on the arm rest of the couch while using her hands to reach back and spread her ass cheeks for him. Her puckered tailhole winked at him. Tamati grinned.

"Really?" He asked, coyly. "No lube?"

"You can go as rough as you want. Just make sure to take a picture." Said Fyr wickedly. "I never let my husband fuck me here."

"You got it." Said Tamati, leaning up against Fyr until the head of his shaft pressed against her tailhole. He picked up her phone with one hand and grasped at her waist with the other, slowly he pushed himself in to her. He felt her tense, and heard her gasp as the head of his cock slipped inside of her tight ring. She wrapped her tail around his body, tightly coiling herself to him as she let go of of her own ass cheeks and grasped at the couch cushions. She drug her claws in to the fabric, trying to mitigate her reaction to the pain of her tailhole adjusting to her lovers girth.

"Oh fuck." Fyr hissed.

"Fuck yeah." Said Tamati.

His length was now halfway inside of her ass, and finally he took the picture. He passed it forward to Fyr, over her shoulder. Who, even while adjusting to the discomfort, had to smirk.

"Now that is a picture that will piss my husband off." She remarked, hitting send.

"Can I start fucking you seriously now?" Tamati asked sternly. "You're so fucking tight."

Fyr nodded back at him, and dropped her phone at the sudden force Tamati showed. He thrusted forward while pulling her hips towards him, hilting her snug exit in one fell motion. His hips hit her rear with an audible smack, and a shiver ran down his spin eat the feeling of her tight ring barely expanding around his bulk. Finally, he started a motion inside of her. He felt her hiss and gasp as he pulled back and then pushed himself all the way back inside of her, repeating the motion over and over until it became easier and Fyr's tailhole loosened.

Each thrust became easier, and Tamati closed his eyes as his pleasure began to build and build. His claws gripped at Fyr's sides roughly, digging in to her scales as he used her for his pleasure. As her pain subsided, Fyr expanded her wings in excitement. The pain turned to a pinch and finally to a pleasure as she became used to Tamati's sizable length. She bit her bottom lip.

"Harder!" She demanded, reaching a hand below her stomach to play with her wet, aching pussy. Tamati gladly gave her all that she asked for and more, pounding in to her as the sound of their sex rang out in his living room. Scales against scales smacked together as the passion between them built to a boiling point. Fyr wrapped her tail tighter around the male, urging him toward his orgasm with her body.

'Smack!' came Tamati's hand against Fyr's left ass cheek, leaving a faint imprint. He panted, grabbing her by the shoulder with one hand to pull her even harder back towards him. He felt his body tense as the peak approached him, until all at once he felt the first spurt of his cum shoot out in to Fyr's soft anal cavity.

"I'm cumming!" He announced, bearing down hard on the female dragon. He thrust in to her as hard as he could and pulled her in as another hot rope of his seed shot out inside of her. Fyr moaned and tightened her ass around Tamati's cock as hard as she can, feeling the male shake and hearing him groan. She felt the last of his cum release inside of her and she looked back at him wickedly.

"Mm. Was that fun, big boy?" Fyr teased.

"Yes." Tamati breathed, shivering as his orgasm subsided. "That was amazing."

He pulled out of her slowly, savoring the tightness around his length for the last few moments. Once out of her he sat back relaxed on his couch. He grabbed up the bottle of rum from the floor as Fyr repositioned herself, opened it and took a good swig. He licked the taste of rum off of his lips and then looked at Fyr.

"So, do you think your husband is sufficiently pissed off yet?" Tamati smirked.

"Oh, I'm more than certain that he is." Replied Fyr.

"Well good then."

Tamati took another drink of the rum and then passed it over to Fyr.

"And will you be staying the night?" Tamati asked as Fyr drank.

"Absolutely not!" Fyr laughed. "You're an absolute stranger!"

"A stranger that just fucked you in the ass." Tamati smiled.

"Yeah you did big guy." Fyr smiled back. "Yeah you did."

Fyr picked up her phone and grinned, a slew of messages from Ropes had filled her inbox about how sorry he was, and how angry he was, and how he'd never ever do it again. It went on and on, and Fyr was happy to vex her husband so. She stood up from the couch and grabbed her shorts off the floor, pulling them up her legs and buttoning them. As she got dressed Tamati watched her silently.

"Will we be doing this again?" Asked Tamati.

"I don't know." Said Fyr, putting her shirt on and walked towards the front door. "I guess that all depends on how my husband acts."

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