The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 12 - The Tiger Talisman - Yin and Yang

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#13 of The Twelve Talismans

This lemon contains sexual situations involving the TV show Digimon. Do no proceed if you are under eighteen or this material is Illegal in your jurisdiction. If you wish to contact me positively, I am mrredrover on AOL, and my email is [[email protected]](%5C)

This is a semi cross over lemon between Jackie Chan adventures/Digimon, though there are no actually characters from Jackie Chan that really appear in this lemon. Oh and to help those who don't watch the TV show Jackie Chan Adventures, the talismans we are talking about grant a special power depending on the Talisman. I think it worked well, but feel free to tell me. Thanks to El Intruder for inspiring this lemon. He also helped planned this one out. I was debating about adding yaoi, but it seems that the non-yaoi lovers wanted it out. Was about fifty-fifty. Someone also made a good point, earlier he was kind of freaked out when he found Betamon had a crush on him.

The Twelve Talismans

Chapter 12 - The Tiger Talisman - Yin and Yang

(Gomamon/Kari & Gomamon/Yolei)

Gomamon was in the middle of a forest in the Canadian Tundra, the northern lights in the sky. It was cold here; a foot of snow on the ground... but Gomamon was a seal type. He always felt a touch hot in the Japanese climate, with his thick coat made for swimming in the Arctic Circle. With his new power of flight, coupled with his power of speed, he could be anywhere in a matter of no time. He chose the middle of nowhere this time, simply because the last time he wrecked Joe's room. He was fortunate enough to discover that the horse power, which not only healed him, could heal inanimate objects as well. The power of the magic icons he held in his flippers, simply was amazing. He kept find new applications for his previous powers, not to mention combining them produced all sort of interesting results. Still, he had to fix up Joe's room, and getting everything in order was still time consuming, not to mention annoying.

But now that he was a million miles from anything he could damage? It was time for the final two. (The tiger... I almost don't know what power could be left!) He smiled... it was almost a let down, knowing this would be the last time he got to discover a new ability. (Of course, one should not look god-like powers in the mouth.) He grinned as he tapped the tiger once, the power glowing softly. Gomamon waited for a moment... hoping this time he would not catch on fire, smash his head...

"Nothing so far..." Gomamon waited... thinking for a moment. Maybe what he was doing was wrong. Petty.... Taking advantage of his friends... "This is not right..." he sighed, rubbing his flippers. "I should be using these powers for good!"

"Oh don't be such a pussy." Gomamon turned around.... Looking at Gomamon! Except... his fur was a dark grey, his eyes a deep shade of red. His stripes and markings were orange. Dark Gomamon looked over Light Gomamon, his colours difference. "Not one of the girls complained, did they?"

Light-Gomamon looked down at himself. His markings were a bit lighter now, bluer then purple, his eyes deep blue. "The tiger makes twins?" he asks a bit.

Dark Gomamon grinned... his teeth looked a little sharper to. "Little more then that... I think it spits us into our good and bad sides... I mean, I look like a bad ass punk rocker... and you like you the bottom bitch at a queer bar...." Dark-Gomamon glared at Light-Gomamon, his natural aggression hyped up. Dark-Gomamon had most of the aggression, the ego, the need to prove himself. "You know, this begs a question. I always wondered if I could kick my own ass."

Light Gomamon held out his flipper. "S...stay back! I'll.... Run!" Light Gomamon turned around and tapped his right flipper, jumping into the air... and falling flat on his face hard. "Gah... my powers!" Light Gomamon looked at his right flipper... all the symbols were gone... before the ground exploded under him, sending him up the air.

Red eyes burned with intense energy ten feet above Light Gomamon's head "Nope.... Just split!" Dark Gomamon hovered in mid air, holding out his left flipper. He had six symbols glowing on his fur... the pig freshly activated. "Six and six....." Dark-Gomamon grinned. "Let's see what I got..."

"I got speed!" Gomamon, the good one, quickly tapped the rabbit one, a rush of speed filling him. The snow explodes around where Gomamon used to be, a trail of snow rushing off.

"Nu-uh!" Dark Gomamon raised his flippers, a wall of snow appearing in front of Light Gomamon. Light-Gomamon turned on a dime, but the wall of snow followed him, cutting off his attack. Dark-Gomamon kept using the levitation power of the rooster to cut off Light-Gomamon's escape until there was a thick wall of compacted snow surrounding him. "Hah! Dark-Gomamon smiled as he raised his paws, cutting off the avenues of escape.

"Come on goody-two shoes!" Dark-Gomamon tapped his flipper again, firing a blast of energy under Light-Gomamon's chest, sending him flying up into the air. "I am bored! Do something!"

Light-Gomamon flipped head over flippers, smacking into the wall. He hit the dragon one on his flipper by accident, the next think he felt was two powerful bolts of hot energy from his flippers. Dark-Gomamon flew up as twin blast sailed at him. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean..."

"Oh come on you sissy!" Dark-Gomamon landed on the ground. "All we've been doing is fucking non-stop!" Ox talisman this time, Dark-Gomamon grabbing a large chunk of ice from the ground. "Which is cool, but there are other ways to get the testosterone flowing!" Dark-Gomamon flung the giant ice chunk at Light-Gomamon.

"Hey!" Light-Gomamon tapped the transformation one this time. He suddenly grew, turning in Flamedramon, the six foot tall blue dragon with blazed armour. Just he thought he needed something with fire to counter. "FIRE ROCKETS!" Fireballs spewed forward his claws, the ice ball turning to steam.

"Really?" Dark-Gomamon cocked an eyebrow at the new arrival. "Did you get all my latent sexuality? That poor excuse for a gay porn star? I mean the black leather on his arms alone are a dead give away."

"Hey! Veemon's my, err our friend!" Flamedramon, well Light-Gomamon held out a clawed finger at Dark-Gomamon.

"Yeah, and we boned his girlfriend." Dark-Gomamon smirked a bit as Light-Gomamon shrank back down to his normal rookie self.

"Just once!" Light-Gomamon snapped as he dug his flippers into the snow. "And they've been a couple, for like a week!" He activated his speed and his flippers flew faster than the eye could see. "She went on with Patamon on a date on last Tuesday!" The next thing there was a tsunami of snow flying at Dark-Gomamon.

"G-yah!" Dark-Gomamon was lost in a sea of snow. Tons of powder came to a rest, with no signs of motion.

"Oh no!" Light-Gomamon rushed forward, starting to tear apart the snow with his flippers. "Oh don't be deleted, don't be deleted...." The snow flew away as he dug... finally uncovering the unconscious form. "Oh no oh no... Wait..." He looks to his flippers, seeing the horse. He tapped it once quickly, his flippers glowing with healing energy. He pressed the claw finger to Dark-Gomamon's head.

All of Dark-Gomamon's injuries were instantly healed up. "Whoa!" Dark-Gomamon's head snapped up, sitting up half buried in the snow.

"Oh I am soooo...' Light-Gomamon started to speak, and then Dark-Gomamon snickered, before bursting into laughter. "What, why are you laughing?" Light-Gomamon was a bit annoyed now. "I almost killed you, you know!"

Dark-Gomamon laughed more. "And here I thought you were a pussy!" The black version smiled some more. "Now that was a good fight!" Dark-Gomamon calmed down, but still let out a few soft chuckles. "Got me right off guard!"

Light-Gomamon looked at disbelief at his evil twin. "Man, you are nuts!"

"Yeah, but I am having fun." Dark-Gomamon stood up, brushing off the snow. "I guess we aren't exactly good and evil."

"Yeah... maybe more yin-yang? Dark and Light? A natural duality of nature..." Light-Gomamon started to reflect on the power of the tiger talisman.

Dark-Gomamon cut him off. "Yeah, whatever. You wanna go fuck Yolei now?"

Light-Gomamon thought for a moment. He wasn't exactly an angel, even in this form... nothing really wrong with screwing, right. "Yeah, sounds good."


"So you went digital?" Yolei asked as she sat cross legged on the bed, in her pajamas. Going digital was slang for fucking a digimon.... It was a new phrase floating around ever since digimon became common place.

"Yeah..." Kari brushed Yolei's hair, brushing it as they two had a sleep over. A big bowl of popcorn was on the side. The two were chatting about boys, digimon, and so on. "Was kind of weird. I mean I was just alone, and I stumbled on some magazines and videos... and I wasn't even looking."

Yolei chuckled as she adjusted her glasses. "Any idea whose porn it was?"

"I don't know... could be Tai's I guess." Kari knew some guys were into digimon, and her brother was around digimon more then anyone. "More likely Agumon's though..." Kari mused as she continued to stroke the long purple hair.

"Or your dad's." Yolei grinned

"Eewww!" Kari swatted Yolei with the brush light, Yolei giggling. "But seriously, I was watching it... pants down... and Gomamon stumbled in..."

"Gomamon, seriously?" Yolei turned around to face Kari. "He was your first digimon?"

Kari nodded. "Yeah, why do you look surprised?"

"Well I mean... he's not the best looking digimon by far.... I mean.... Angemon..." Yolei murred softly pretending to rub herself. "Or even Flamedramon. MMmm tall and handsome that one."

"Bitch." Dark-Gomamon snarled under his breath in the corner. He held onto Light-Gomamon's flipped, keeping them both invisible. Light-Gomamon shhhhed his evil twin as the girls continued to talk. They two had snuck in, and had been watching the two go on for some time.

"You did Flamedramon?" Kari continued, looking around. She though she heard a hissing sound from somewhere. But she quickly forgot.

"Nah that was wishful thinking.... My first was Hawkmon.... Of course." She chuckles a bit as they continued on talking. "But had a few digimon in the digital world.... A couple Gazimon, a Snowagumon... a Mikemon..."

Yolei continued speaking, listing off her conquests. "Wow... she is a slut." Dark-Gomamon said in a hushed whisper. "We should have done her first..."

The two continued to talk, blissfully unaware of the two peeping tom-mons. The discussion turned to "Which rookie friend would you do?" started by Yolei of course. "So, all the first digidestined rookies... who would you do first?"

Kari giggled and though... hmming softly. "MMmmm I think... Veemon. Yeah."

"Vee!" Light-Gomamon clasped a paw quickly over Dark-Gomamon's mouth, silencing him.

Both girls looked at the floor, hearing something. "Bah.... The walls are so thin. You can hear the next door neighbors every time they screw..." Yolei replied.

Kari snickered a bit... Yolei was not the least bit shy of anything to do with sex. "All right, Veemon's mine, who would you take?"

"Gabumon. I hear they are hung like horses...." Yolei giggled, Dark-Gomamon grunting a bit.

The game continued. "Hawkmon." Kari replied. "I want to know why you did him first!"

"Honestly, I love him... but he was way too gentle." Yolei replied. Dark-Gomamon replied something about taking her rough. "Okay next, Patamon." Another Dark-Gomamon's eyes went wide. Light-Gomamon had to use his super strength to keep him in check.

"Patamon? I mean... he's a good friend... but he looks like a pot roast!"

"Yeah, but his Boom bubble attack? I bet he gives the best oral sex!" Yolei grinned back as it continued. "Okay, your go."

"Armadillomon." Kari held out her hands, a good ten inches apart.

"Really?" Yolei's eyes went wide. "How do you..."

"Saw him taking a piss... by accident. I bet he could suck his own cock!"

"Yeah, easily, I mean he can roll into a ball.." Kari though. "You think he has done that?"

Yolei grins wide. "I would!" Both girls laughed a bit more, Dark-Gomamon thrashing a bit more under Light-Gomamon in the corner. "Okay my turn... I say, Palmon."

"Palmon, but she's!" Kari started.

"A she, I know." Yolei giggled madly. "But think about all those vines... Mmmmm..."

"Ewwww that doesn't turn me on..." Kari covered her face. Not one of her fetishes apparently.

"Mmm it does me... I should show you some of the tentacle porn I got." Yolei winks at Kari.

"I'll pass... okay.." Kari hmmed as they were going down the list. Dark-Gomamon was getting upset. He was all of Gomamon's negativity... and Gomamon was prideful. Being pushed to the bottom of the list was quite upsetting to him. "Well if we are going to do girls.. Gatomon." Kari blushed Red when she said that.

"Your own digimon, really?" Yolei giggled a bit. "And I never know you were a pussy eater!"

Kari giggled madly at this. "Not really... but when we snuggle, she sometime purrs... and it feels so good...." Kari grinned softly. "I have had a few fantasies about her..." Kari admitted. Dark-Gomamon and Light-Gomamon both stopped for a moment to listen... both of them having such mental images. But the game continued.

"Biyomon." Was Yolei's next choice, a grin on her face. "I like the feel of feathers from Hawkmon... and since we were doing girls..."

Kari giggled a bit at the image of that, and she thought about her choices left... which were Gomamon and the only other digimon left. She had done Gomamon before so... "Tentomon."

"TENTOMON!" Dark-Gomamon flung Light-Gomamon off, Light Gomamon flinging across the room. No longer touching Dark-Gomamon, he appeared in mid air, coming in contact with the laptop.

Both girls snapped their heads to the side, seeing Gomamon resting against a computer screen. Well not quite Gomamon. His colours were a touch more pastel, his eyes crystal blue. "Ouch!" Light-Gomamon rubbed his head, blinking his eyes as he looked to the two girls in their bed clothes.

"Gomamon! What the hell!" Yolei threw a pillow at Gomamon.

"I am not surprised!" Kari threw a pillow as well as Gomamon, the light one, covered his head. "He snuck into as girls once in a hot spring!"

Light-Gomamon jumped from the laptop. "Sorry, I was just..."

"A pervert!" Yolei threw a lip stick at Gomamon, this one went wild though to the left. All of the sudden there was a loud yelp.

"Bloody hell!" Dark-Gomamon rubbed his eye. "That got me right in the fucking eye!" Dark-Gomamon appeared, losing control of his invisibility, a flipper over his eye. The snake talisman took a bit of mental control, getting hit would break it.

Kari and Yolei looked to the side, holding their projectiles. This Gomamon had dark grey fur, his markings were orange not purple. And his eyes, were deep red. "A viral Gomamon?" Kari held the hairbrush in her paw. She flung the brush at Dark-Gomamon hard, making a dent in the wall.

Yolei looked close to the first Gomamon, noticing his colours were off. The stripes on Gomamon looked more blue then purple. "Wait, the other Gomamon's not right either....It's a trick!" Yolei moved to her belt, realizing her D3 digivice wasn't there. "Kari, our digivices!"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Light-Gomamon held out his flippers. "Um we, I mean this..."

Dark-Gomamon spoke first. He was a natural liar. Guess he got that part of them. "It's quite embarrassing really. It happens sometimes."

"Huh?" Kari grabbed her digivice from the little table on the side. It could call the other digidestined here in a heartbeat. But she hesitated for a second.

"Oh, most digimon don't like to talk about it... but sometimes when we travel through the digital portal... something, well, weird happens." Dark-Gomamon looked embarrassed, putting on an act.

"Really?" Yolei looked skeptically at Dark-Gomamon.

"Yeah, really?" Even Light-Gomamon looked confused.

"Oh we can talk about, they are close friends." Dark-Gomamon looked back to the girls. "Sometimes we... split.... It's called a digi-split"

"You're kidding... right?" Yolei raised an eyebrow, still holding one of her stuffed animals. "I mean, Hawkmon never talked about it."

"Well, not to be coarse, but for digimon it is like talking about taking a piss, or your period." Dark-Gomamon also didn't care too much about social decorum either. "Which, by the way, is filthy!" Digimon didn't have periods, their way of pregnancy was totally different. He figured that would be the best way to get them from asking too many questions.

"Gomamon...Gomamons, that's filthy!" Kari still had the digivice in her palm, but it looked like she was starting to be convinced.

"Which is why we don't talk about it." Light-Gomamon started to get an idea of what Dark-Gomamon was planning. "It is quite embarrassing for digimon to talk about."

"I'm not buying it..." Yolei looked suspiciously at the pair, back and forth slowly. "Can you prove it?"

"Sure." At least the Gomamon's had all their memories. "Yolei, we first met in the Digital world, I was trying to help some Gizamon."

"And you Kari have little black birth mark under your right nipple." Dark-Gomamon started to say. Again, no sense of keeping his mouth shut.

"It's him!" Kari shouted, covering her breasts even though she was clothed with a bright red blush on her face. "Err... them."

Yolei snickered for the first time since the Gomamon twins appear. "Guess you were telling the truth about Gomamon!" Yolei lowered her projectile snickering.

"All right, so you, um, split.... What happens now?" Kari still had the tell tale signs of blush on her face.

"Well, a trip back in the digital world will do it... but we really should wait. It does take some energy. Do you mind if we stay over night?" Dark-Gomamon baited the hook.

"It'd be embarrassing calling up Joe and explaining this to him..." Light-Gomamon gave a pathetic little face.

Kari and Yolei looked at each other. "I guess... why not?"


Yolei had a weird dream, and it was so realistic. She was naked in it, swimming in an ocean with waterfalls all over it. Gomamon, while the dark one, was in it to. Dark-Gomamon had mounted her from behind with a giant cock, as big as he was, and started to fuck her from behind. She moaned loudly as some how she took the cock, being fucked again and again... then she woke up. And horny. (Fuck... that was so intense!) Yolei felt down in her PJs. She was so wet... she had had a few wet dreams before, but never like this. If she didn't know better, she thought the Gomamon in her dream was real. (Damn... I should get one of my dildos...) She looked to her right, Kari sleeping in the same bed as her, the Gomamons were asleep in a large quilt on the floor. (Forgot about them... fuck I should have enough restraint...) She touched herself again, and shuddered. (Fuck... maybe not!) Yolei got up in the middle of the night trying not to disturb Kari, going quietly to her cupboard and fishing out one of her dildos. Not a vibrating one, they'd be too noisy. She grabbed one of her magazine too and tucked it under her arm, heading to the bathroom down the hall. She had a large family, mother and father, and two older sisters and one older brother, and only one bathroom. At least at this time of night there was no line as she went in the darken bathroom...

"Hey!" Dark-Gomamon looked as the door opened, washing his flippers.

"Gomamon!" Yolei held the items behind her back quickly. "Why, why are you in the dark?"

"Cause the light switch is four feet up, and I reach about a foot?" Dark-Gomamon cocked an eye in the thin light. "Took me four tries just to get up here.... And call me Dark babe. Least till me and the sissy Gomamon apart till we get together." Dark-Gomamon turned off the water. "And using the toilet, well... best left to the imagination." Dark-Gomamon smirked a bit. He had gotten the sheep talisman, astral projection. He had invaded Yolei's dream, and had a nice screw inside. It was good, like when he did Catherine... but it just wasn't as good as real life. Maybe it was because he really hadn't done her in real life so to speak. So, he snuck in here before Yolei, and waited for her to show up.

"Yeah, well least I didn't walk into you pissing..." Yolei felt a twinge in her loins. "Anyway, you done, I need to use the bathroom?"

"Yeah sure, you can get your rocks off now." Dark-Gomamon hopped down off the counter. "I saw the toy."

"Hey!" Yolei began to shout, but suddenly whispered. "You've always just say what is on your mind?"

Dark-Gomamon smirked up at Yolei. "Side effect of the digi-split. One of us tends to get in touch of the viral side." Dark-Gomamon grinned. "Not like the take over the world kind of virus. More of the, make dirty jokes, check out my friend's ass, that kind of thing."

Yolei actually giggled a little. "MMmm cute." Yolei smiled down at her seal friend, watching him start to go out. "I guess I see what Kari saw in you." She looked over Dark-Gomamon. A bit of a bad-ass, kind of cute, in a weird way. Normally she wouldn't look twice, but that dream helped. "Oh hell, wanna mess around?"

Dark-Gomamon smirked at Yolei. "Thought I wasn't your type?"

"You were listening in on us?" Yolei looked at Dark-Gomamon, a bit of suspicion now. "How... I thought you popped through the computer at the end."

"Caught the tail end of it when we travelled through the digi-gate." Dark-Gomamon smiled up at the girl. "And Tentomon over me?"

"I'd still do him first." Yolei smirked down with a bit of snark. "And if you have a problem, you can go elsewhere."

Dark-Gomamon was a bit impressed at her cocky attitude. "Not much for sweet talk?"

"Neither are you, so come on in... and keep it down." Yolei gave Dark-Gomamon a boot on the tail lightly with her bare feet.

Meanwhile, Light-Gomamon was going for Kari. He figured that Kari was a better choice for him right now. Well he was horny, but he felt more like snuggling to. That felt a bit weird, but hey, he knew he was a bit screwed up. Dark-Gomamon was hitting on Yolei, and the way his/their track letter was going, he was probably at second base by now.

Light-Gomamon looked at his powers. Super-speed, transformation, combustion, healing, and the dog... they hadn't figured out what dog was yet, but they could save that for later. He had the tiger as well, guess he was the one that had to merge the two of them back later. He climbed on to the bed, Kari still asleep softly. He felt bad, because he was going to wake her. (Bah, split like this, I feel guilty for just about everything.) Gomamon looked at Kari, her head turned away. Gomamon ran his claws through her soft hair. (I can't wake her... I guess I don't need to fuck tonight.)

"Gomamon?" Kari turned around on the bed, looking at Light-Gomamon in the eyes.

"Oh! Sorry!" Light-Gomamon yanked his paw back quickly. "I didn't mean to..."

"You didn't wake me up." Kari smiled in Light-Gomamon's face. "Yolei was fidgeting in her sleep for the last hour. I've been up since then." Kari grinned at Light-Gomamon's face. "Plus your grey furred friend opened the door to go to the bathroom."

"Yeah sorry about that, he's..." Light-Gomamon started to speak, trying to cover for his twin.

"Hitting on Yolei?" Kari giggled some more, Light blushing hard at that. "I figured.... Yolei was moaning Dark Gomamon in her sleep. It must have been some dream. I think he heard."

"Yeah, call me Light for now I guess. I am already confused with what pronouns I should be using." Light-Gomamon grinned back, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, I think I got more of the vaccine part. I feel guilty even for what my other half is doing. Kinda sucks really."

"Don't be. I know Yolei likes to fool around... most of what I learn about sex I heard from her first." Kari smiled and pet Light-Gomamon over the head.

Light-Gomamon let out a little purr almost feline like. "Rrr... Kari, mind if we snuggle a bit? I, just kinda feel like cuddling." Light-Gomamon honestly meant that.

"Sure, Yolei might not be back for a bit anyway." Kari pulled Light-Gomamon close to her chest. "I saw her dig into her special drawer."

Back in the bathroom, Yolei was jacking off the grey-furred Gomamon. She was sitting on the toilet while Dark-Gomamon lied across her lap. "Huh..." She stroked the dick back and forth while Dark-Gomamon. "Not bad. I honestly thought it be bigger."

"Not much for flattery are you?" Dark-Gomamon murred as his red dick was soon extending out from its hidden sheath.

"Nah, I just had a weird dream where you were fucking me. Your cock was like a foot long." Yolei continued to stroke, her grip strong and practiced.

"You can take a foot?" Dark-Gomamon panted as he dripped precum slowly from the piss hole.

"I am not THAT much of a slut." Yolei let go of the cock, Gomamon hard as a rock. She placed him on the toilet, Yolei getting down on the bathroom floor. She pulled down her PJ bottoms, showing her young slit with just a whiff of pubic hair growing from it. "Now, I feel like it doggy style, like in my dream.

"Not much for foreplay either." Dark-Gomamon grinned as he did a little hop, landing on Yolei's back.

"Hey, I just feel like fooling around. You want to hug and snuggle?" Yolei murred as she felt the little seal dick poke around back there. She reached behind, helping to guide that cock into her wanting pussy, still wet from her dream. "MMM right there baby..."

Dark-Gomamon slammed into the cunt again and again. No cherry whatsoever, and she easily took the length. "Mmmmm you like my big cock up in your pussy, don't you bitch?"

"Not as big as you like to think it is, Darkie." Yolei placed her arms on the ground as she was done doggie style. "I think Hawkmon has a half inch on you..."

Dark-Gomamon growled a bit as he continued to plow nice and hard, dripping pre cum. "Oh really? Well maybe, I am just in the wrong hole!" He smirked as he pulled out suddenly pushed his cock in Yolei's ass crack, aiming it at the puckered little asshole.

"Hey, what are you doing!" Yolei remarked as she suddenly felt the seal prick push against her sphincter. "Where do you think you are sticking that?" She half turned around, letting out a laugh "OMMpphh!" as the sweaty dick was pushed into her butt. "Fuck!"

"My cock big enough for you now?" Dark-Gomamon groaned as he began to anal Yolei nice and hard. His flippers wrapped around Yolei's slim waist tightly. "Oh yeah, this is where I should have stuck you first, you dirty bitch!" Gomamon wasn't one for dirty talk, but Dark-Gomamon was.

"Mmmm be fucking quiet Dark!" Yolei hissed softly. "I don't want to wake my family up!" But she didn't fight... she had fingered her ass a bit, but never was fucked before up her butt. Not as good as her ass by far... but the name calling.. That was new.

"Don't want every to know you are a fucking slut right?" Dark-Gomamon murred as he slammed into that back door, fucking her in the unnatural way.

Yolei grimaced hard as she was fucked up the butt. "Ohhh fuck Dark Goma..." She squirmed as she reached back to play with her pussy, running her fingers up and down the young slit.

"Oh yeah, dirty little slut, digital fuck toy." Gomamon's hips sped up faster and

faster, dripping precum into the rectum. "Passed around from digimon to digimon...."

"Yeah, just a dirty little girl." Yolei had fucked digimon before, but usually they are much more gentle, foreplay, caressing. Which was good, she liked it, but this was a new twist. "Who loves cock... any cock..."

"Yeah baby.... Going to cum... up your... ass!" Dark-Gomamon held on to Yolei so tightly, he left little scratches on her belly. Dark-Gomamon shuddered hard, enjoying the tight feel of almost virgin ass.

"Ohhh yeah... cum in me baby.... Come in me dark." Yolei's fingers rapidly pumped inside of her wet snatch as she tried to bring herself to an orgasm. She felt a little one built inside of her, coating her insides with cum. She had never been cum up in the ass before. Not as good as her pussy, but still, not bad.

Dark-Gomamon grinned, as he rested in Yolei for a few seconds, before pulling out his cummy cock. "Mmmm yeah babe. That felt awesome..." He slipped off her back, making sure not to land on his cock.

Yolei was still fingering herself, cum dripping down her ass crack. "Dark, fuck I am still horny..." She looked back, two fingers pumping into her pussy, her other hand rubbing her clitoris as she knelt up.

Dark-Gomamon grinned. He felt a lot more domineering in this form, with the more positive aspects pulled out of him. "Well... maybe if you beg realllllyyyy nice, like a good bitch.... I just may help."

Back in the bedroom, Light-Gomamon and Kari were having a much different experience. The two were cuddling closely, chest to chest. Light-Gomamon nuzzled with his furry cheeks, licking Kari on the face, peppering it with kisses. The two were cuddling, at first, but now it turned to a make out session. "Mmmm Light." Kari smiles as she ran her soft hands down Gomamon's furry back. "I do like the feel of fur I admit... it's so soft." Kari thought for a moment. Yolei hasn't come back yet for sometime... odds are she was fucking the grey furred Gomamon right now. And she was feeling a bit frisky. "Mmm Light? Do you mind doing a bit more?" Kari didn't wait for an answer, as she began to take her top off, so she could feel the fur on her naked chest.

Light-Gomamon smiles as he felt the small tits on his chest now. "Mmmm sure Kari..." Light-Gomamon moves hid flippers up and down Kari's arms, before bringing them inside to rub at the small breasts. Kari moaned softly as Light-Gomamon rubbed her breasts tenderly, tweaking the nipples in his claws. They nubs were soon nice and erect, Kari shuddering under the blanket. He spent quite some time at it, pleasuring the young girl. "Feel good?" Light-Gomamon asked as his own erection began to extend, rubbing into Kari's belly.

"MMmmm yeah... you hardly touched them last time..." Kari groans softly, getting moist down in between her legs.

"Guess I was a little eager..." Light-Gomamon smiled as he felt his erection growing now. "But we can take out time, if you want of course."

Kari's hands moved down, lowering her PJs a bit, pulling the soft cotton down till her young slit was showing. "Mmmm we don't know when Yolei will be back... and I can feel you want it badly, right Light?"

Light-Gomamon smiled happily. He was a lot nicer and patient in this form, but he was still horny. "If you want." Light slid down, so his head was resting right between the cleavage. His cock moved between the soft silky legs, as he slowly entered Kari, the first girl, human or digi, that he ever fucked.

"Mmmm yeah I do... I was hoping it would happen again..." Kari groaned as she felt the length throb inside of her. Gomamon entered slowly this time, getting her ready as she felt the cock pulsing inside of her. "MMmm so much nicer then a toy..."

Light-Gomamon wrapped his flippers around Kari's sides, right under the armpits. He began to fuck, slowly, and strong, making sure Kari got every bit of pleasure out of each entrance and exit of his seal penis. Even his dick was a shade lighter, almost pinkish then the normal red. "And you feel so nice to Kari."

"Uhhh..." Kari kept her voice down. She knew Yolei's family was close by, and as bad as Yolei catching her like this would be, having her mom or dad walk in would be worse. "MMMm you feel so good Light... come on... keep going.... Please..." Kari had been thinking about going with Gomamon again since the first time she went digital, so to speak.

Light-Gomamon still continued in slow, powerful strokes. He wanted to go faster, but he wanted Kari to enjoy it more. So his entire style of fucking was changed, focused on someone else pleasure more than his own for the first time. This built up the orgasm slowly in Kari, much slower then the first time. "Oh god I am getting closer..." Light said in a hushed whisper, his dick dripping pre-cum inside the tight snatch.

Kari had to hold herself back. She wanted to moan and scream, but she didn't want to wake the entire household. "Oh god, oh god..." She whispered as she felt a powerful orgasm build more and more, till she couldn't hold it back anymore. She let out a little squeal before she bit her lip to silence any more noise. She twisted her head back and forth, this orgasm was even better than the first time she and Gomamon fucked. "Mmmmeeee...." Her hands balled up the blanket in tight fistfuls, even as Gomamon was getting close.

"Kari... going to cum... can I cum in you?" Light-Gomamon asked, wanting permission from his mate. Something else he didn't normally do.

"Oh please, yeah... cum in me..." Kari would never fuck a human without a condom.... But she knew she could not get knocked up or anything like that. "Cum in me Light..."

"Here I cum!" Light-Gomamon said in a hushed whisper, giving Kari another warning in case she changed her mind. But she didn't, and he blew a good wad of cum deep inside Kari's pussy, painting the walls with jizz.

"Oh god, yeah..." Kari came down from her orgasm. She swore it lasted twice as long as the last time she fucked Gomamon in his new split form. It took her several seconds to come down from her zenith. "I think that may have been better than the last time..."

Light-Gomamon smiled happily. Not just from the fact he came, but also the fact he made Kari happy. "Glad you liked it." Gomamon's dick flopped out of the cunt, making a bit of a mess on Yolei's sheets.

"I liked it a lot." Kari grinned and stroked her fingers through the soft red mohawk.

Light-Gomamon murred softly, letting Kari pet him for several minutes. "MM I have to go to the bathroom..." Light-Gomamon didn't want to leave, but he was a touch concerned about Dark-Gomamon.

"Hurry back." Kari grinned happily, in a sort of relaxed happy contentment. "And don't walk in on Yolei."

Light-Gomamon slid off the bed, his cock back in his pouch. He headed to the bathroom quietly, and waited outside for a few minutes. Dark-Gomamon came out a minute later, a smile on his face. "You bang Kari sissy?"

"At least call me Light, please." Light-Gomamon sighed as a whisper.

"Whatever." Dark-Gomamon smirked back. "Cross Yolei off our list. And Kari to?" Light-Gomamon nodded once. "Sweet, wonder if that counts as a foursome? Or a threesome?"

"Still a nice night, Kari was happy." Light-Gomamon beamed happily.

"Whatever, sissy." Dark-Gomamon placed a flipper on the side door to the hallway, leaning against it. "But a good night, you're right. Can't really top it." The door suddenly swung open suddenly, it wasn't snapped shut. It creaked open softly, the soft light in the hallway opening. Both of the Gomamons looked inside the room, out of sheer curiosity. Dark-Gomamon smiled softly at Light-Gomamon as his eyes adjusted.

Momoe and Chizuru slept softly in one of the other bedrooms. Older sisters of Yolei, they slept on the floor in one of rooms, side by side. They looked very similar to one another. The Gomamons knew their names, but they couldn't remember who was who, they only met a couple of times. But it didn't matter to them. "I call the one on the right." Dark-Gomamon murred softly.


Gatomon purred softly as she bounded back home into her apartment. (Well... it's not Tentomon... I think...) Gatomon sighed, this was taking longer than she thought. The feline had been staking out Tentomon for several days, and other than catching the bug go through what was possibly the weirdest masturbation ritual with those talons ever, nothing was up. She knew the fake Veemon had shapeshifting powers, and super speed. That meant it would be very hard to catch him in the act. She crossed off Agumon right away. She lived with the orange dinosaur, and it would be hard for Agumon to do anything without her knowledge. Next she tried Armadillomon, but apparently he and Cody were staying over at their Grandpas. Gatomon found out Cody was practicing Kendo with Armadillomon watching the whole time she was at the movies. Gatomon was assuming the fake Veemon couldn't be in two places at once. But even that was not a given. In fact, Cody could even be covering for Armadillomon. (Damn it, so many possible digimon powers...This is going to be next to impossible to track!) Gatomon sighed as she sat in front of her computer. (I need to think...Maybe I am going about this the wrong way. He wanted to fuck me right? Maybe it was not just me...I mean even I thought about doing Agumon more or once, just for fun. Heck, I've thought of how all my friends might be in the sack. I mean I talked to the girls about it. What if it's not just me he wanted, but random screwing? So...) Gatomon went to her computer, and quickly placed a quick call.

She didn't have to wait long. A sleep Palmon rubbing her eyes appeared on the screen. "Gatomon... Is something wrong?" Palmon yawned once. "Please don't tell me the world is going to end again. It's far too early for that."

(Eep!) Gatomon blushed, she had forgotten about the time difference from Japan to America. "Err sorry for waking you. No, no emergencies... I just um.... Lost my virginity." It seemed like a good way to search for clues.

"Oh Gatomon!" Palmon snickered loudly. "And you just had to tell someone?"

Gatomon blushed a little. "Well I guess. I mean it is a once in a life time thing right?"

"True, true." Palmon was leaning on her palm leaf hands. "Especially since you are several thousand years old. So Veemon finally got up the nerve to go all the way."

"In a matter of speaking." Gatomon didn't mention which Veemon it was thought. "It was nice... a romantic walk... and we kind of got carried away in a fountain. It felt so right though."

"It does feel right..." Palmon suddenly blushed a little.

"Palmon?" Gatomon cocked an eyebrow at this. "Did you finally seduce Betamon?" Gatomon knew Palmon's little obsession with the gay little digimon friend of Palmon's. A shape shifter could easily take advantage of that.

"No... not him." Palmon giggled a little.

"Spill girl!" Gatomon wagged her tail in front of the screen. "Can't be anyone I know anyway. I mean, all of my friends are in Japan."

"Nuh uh." Palmon shook here head. "Gomamon's visiting America."

"Gomamon!" The cat's eyes doubled in size when she heard the news.

Palmon blushed at Gatomon's reaction, though Gatomon was screaming the name as the puzzle pieces started to fall in place. "Yeah, I mean he was a good friend but I never thought he would be my first! And whoa... what a first!"

Gatomon's tail twitched... she hadn't heard anything about Gomamon's trip to America. And if the little bugger had super speed... a trip to America would be easy. "I see... was he good?"

"Ohhh not like I had much to compare it to... but god! He fucked me for hours! And the little seal kept going and going. I didn't know males could cum that much!" Palmon almost seemed lost in thought. Gatomon could almost swear she was touching herself under the desk. "And damn he is strong! Picked me up as Lillymon like I was nothing!"

Gatomon's tail was twitching; this was sounding more and more like she hit pay dirt. "Really? Didn't know Gomamon was so strong."

"Mmmmm...." Palmon murred softly, Gatomon wondering what Palmon was doing with the hand she could no longer see. "You know Gatomon?" Palmon smiled at the screen. "I know you are close with Veemon.... but if you ever break up. Or even want to fool around once.... I suggest giving Gomamon a call." Palmon smiled mischievously.

Gatomon smiled to herself. "I just might do that.... I just might do that."

RED ROVER FUN FACT #5 - Gomamon is my favourite digimon. Duh.

Gomamon's power list so far is -

Rabbit talisman - Super speed.

Snake talisman - Invisibility.

Ox talisman - Super strength.

Horse talisman - Healing.

Pig talisman - Heat beam eyes.

Sheep talisman - Astral projection.

Dragon talisman - Combustion.

Rat talisman - Animation.

Monkey talisman - Transformation.

Rooster Talisman - Levitation

Tiger Talisman - Balance, ability to split into yin and yang forms

I do enjoy this series. I wish I had those powers. Any suggestions, plot ideas, comments, request, or wishes to be on my mailing list, send them to [[email protected]](%5C).

The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 13 - MILF

This lemon contains sexual situations involving the TV show Digimon. Do no proceed if you are under eighteen or this material is Illegal in your jurisdiction. If you wish to contact me positively, I am mrredrover on AOL, and my email is...

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The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 11 - The Rooster Talisman - Levitation

This lemon contains sexual situations involving the TV show Digimon. Do no proceed if you are under eighteen or this material is Illegal in your jurisdiction. If you wish to contact me positively, I am mrredrover on AOL, and my email is...

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Legacy of the Vampire

Red Rover- Welcome to Red Rover's first Mega lemon! A great piece that I was inspired to write... Gomamon- Yeah, inspired by the fact that Jodan wrote a better lemon than you. Red Rover- Hey! Gomamon- Come on. You read that See La Vee fic. It was...

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