Gods Chosen- City Assault

Story by MigeYeFoxe on SoFurry

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#2 of Gods Chosen

Admittedly I probably could have done without the action in this chapter, but it just served far too many purposes, even letting me organically give a little bit of information about the Rooqa or bone flutes.

Alliquinn is rather uncomfortable about the prospect of going into the city that she was sent to by her god. Not so much because of feeling self-conscious, But, rather that she is an Alkilraen and there aren't a lot of those this far away from their own country. This particular city is overrun by humans, despite the fact that like everywhere else they are not technically the most populous species. And since most have probably not seen Alkilraen all that often, especially ones that don't wear any clothes, makes the situation slightly awkward. On top of that she can't help but feel that her god drastically overpaid her. The task at hand doesn't seem to be equal to what she's supposed to be getting for the act, especially when considering that she's supposed to witness something and then get paid for it.

As she walks through some of the shadier portions of the city, a few drunken humans seem to have taken note of her and have started making their way in her direction, laughing between themselves. Alliquinn tries to pay them no mind. As a Rooqayla she's supposed to be safe. She still keeps an ear out for them, though. When she gets to the spot from the letter she begins to look around for a good enough vantage point.

"Hey there, little lady," one of the humans speaks up, the very reek of him causing Alliquinn's nose to cringe. Not only does he smell strongly of cheap booze but also seems to have neglected any sense of hygiene for at least a month.

"Go. Way," Alliquinn states. Though she has enough knowledge of the language to be able to understand anything they say, like all Alkilraen she has a strong difficult in actually trying to speak it in any real, coherent manner. It's just too different a language to their own. "Busy."

"Aw, don't be like that," his buddy chimes in, positioning himself to try and block her off so she can't just get away easily. Her response is to make her Rooqa to be more visible.

Alliquinn tries to excuse herself, extracting herself from one and slipping past the other, but when she does one of them grabs her by the arm and twists it before throwing her forward, causing her to drop the Rooqa and land on her hands and knees. She cries out against the treatment and tries to stand back up only for one of them to pin her down from behind, the two of them laughing amongst each other. Alliquinn renews her struggles as she can feel one of them start to let their hand drift closer to her tail and her more private areas, the gem at the top of her Rooqa turning a bright crimson color. Just as the one behind her is about to insert himself into her someone coughs and makes themselves known. Alliquinn turns and sees what looks to be a male Saren, a somewhat shorter race with pale green skin and longer fingers; a race most well known for the fact that they have literally sold their god out for money on more than one occasion.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the Saren says.

"And why is that?" the human that's right behind Alliquinn asks. "Are you gonna stop us?"

"No. Though I would rather you did it somewhere more private. It's more she's a bone flute user and her flute's gem is red."


"That means she's currently transmitting a signal to all of the nearest guard posts."

"Why would the guard care what happens to a stupid alky?"

"They don't. However, they are required to come to the aid of a bone flute user when needed or else face the gods' wrath. So, I imagine they'll be here in a minute or two. You haven't done anything illegal yet so they'd have nothing against you right now."

"Here's what I think of your stupid flute!" the second human says as he grabs the Rooqa and snaps it against his leg.

The Rooqa seems to snap in half, but the moment he lets off the pressure of his motion, the two halves snap back together to appear as if absolutely nothing had ever happened to it. And in the mean time the second human drops to the ground, clutching his leg, which has suddenly bent in a strange angle.

"What the hell?" he demands.

"What did you do to him?" the first human asks Alliquinn, pulls her up and pushes her against the wall, one hand at her throat.

"She did nothing, your friend is just an idiot. Well both of you are, to be honest. Living all this time and not once ever bothering to learn what to do or rather not do around a bone flute user."

"Yeah, and here's what I think of your little flute shit," the first human throws Alliquinn then draws his sword and slashes down at the Rooqa. Like before it seems to give quite easily to the blade, but the moment the blade has fully finished its attack, the Rooqa snaps right back together and one the human's ribs suddenly snap as if having been broken forcefully by a blade.

"And that's why you should pay attention in class when growing up," the Saren sighs, shaking his head. "People call them bone flutes for a reason. They break your bones if you do anything to them. Honestly, how stupid can humans get--up and here are the guards now," Saren quickly raises his hands up into the air as a pair of heavily armed men rush into the area.

To their credit, the two seem to get the gist of what all has transpired rather quickly, what with the pants of one of the humans still being partly down and both of them clutching at wounds on the inside of their bodies. They question the Saren to make sure that he wasn't involved in the attack as well and then haul the two humans away, more for medical treatment than anything. They had, after all, not yet done anything actually illegal yet. Alliquinn takes it all in stride and reaches over to pick up her Rooqa and brushes the dirt off it as best she can. She nods slightly at the Saren.


"Eh, no sweat. But don't peg me the wrong type. I only did it because nothing would ruin my day more than to have to listen to someone getting raped just outside my home. Though you really should be wearing clothing. Your appearance is practically begging to get abused in such a manner. I would advice you go somewhere else to not get any repeat advances."

Alliquinn makes no response. Instead, she goes back to her efforts of finding somewhere to observe safely. She then goes about starting to climb up one of the walls, much to the Saren's confusion.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"God told. Go here. See thing. Go place. God say. I follow." Alliquinn responds in as strong of common language that she can manage. Though she can understand what they're saying easily enough, it's a completely different matter for her to replicate all the strange sounds completely. More importantly, the way that the language is structured is so different from the one her race normally uses that piecing it together can be tricky.

"Well don't blame me if you end up getting raped again. I'm not saving your ass twice today," he says, though instead of leaving, he ends up climbing up after her. Alliquinn gives him a rather perplexed look, but otherwise ignores him, instead trying to figure out what their god was trying to have her see.

"I'm called Jasalen, though most people only call me Jase."

"Alliquinn," she responds.

Alliquinn looks up at the night's sky, trying to use them to gauge how far into the night it is. She was told approximately what time she'd need to witness the event, and also told that she needed to make sure she was there before they arrived, which if it's something she's not supposed to see would make sense. It's definitely not the most deserted of places but at the same time it's not all that active at any given time. Instead they watch for a good long while as various people seem to come and go with virtually no really recognizable or notable effect from them. The worst that comes across over that first hour was someone trying to get some drugs from a dealer. It's dull enough that Jase actually catches himself almost falling asleep on their little hiding space. Just as he's about to give up and go back to his own home to get some sleep he sees Alliquinn perk up slightly. Looking over the two see as someone is doing there best to make sure no one is watching before letting someone in.

Alliquinn takes particular attention to what all is now going on in the alleyway. Though she has no idea who they are and can't exactly tell what they're talking about from her distance, she knows deep down that this must be the event that she was told to wait for. Even looking at the sky briefly implies that it's the time that she was told. The two mainly seem to be talking about something or another. Or rather one is talking to the other. The second is more cowering from the first, trying to come off as submissive and non-threatening as possible, which Alliquinn can definitely understand. But the way that it's playing out, especially with the way that the other individuals are more concerned about making sure no one else is watching than what the two are saying definitely comes off as strange. The situation starts to turn more and more against the more meek individual and it becomes increasingly clear that they are in serious danger. Jase is about to try and interject to try and stop what is clearly building up to be a murder but Alliquinn puts an arm on his shoulder.

"Not help. Only make us die," She says.

Jaselan grits his teeth but doesn't further interject, allowing himself to be held back. And sure enough after a moment a sword comes out and barely with enough time to call for help he gets cut down. The men continue to watch the area and then collect the body and drag it away as the boss cleans his sword on a cloth offered by one of the men and then they all depart. Once certain that everyone is clear, Alliquinn begins to make her way out of the hiding place, content on the knowledge that odds are that must be the thing that she was supposed to see. Time for the next stage of the instructions. But not knowing the layout of the town Alliquinn stops for a moment while trying to figure out how best to proceed. Finally she decides to simply ask the Saren at her side if he knows where it may be.

"Where," she begins and then instantly stops as she tries to figure out the next word. The note told her the address of where she's supposed to go, but didn't exactly say how to pronounce such a word. She struggles for a moment to see if she's even heard a word similar enough and decides it's better to simply spell it out. "F-R-E-N-K-I-S-A street?"

"You want to know where Frenkisa Street is?" he asks, prompting Alliquinn to immediately nod repeatedly, assuming that the word he said matches the name of her destination.

"Where is?" she reiterates.

"Well I guess in for a penny," Jaselan shrugs and then gestures at her before beginning to walk down the road, more curious as to who she intends to pay for that information or if this is all just some crazy game. Certainly makes for a much more interesting night than he usually ends up getting.

So the Saren leads the Alkilraen through the streets with the casual ease of someone used to the town, to which Alliquinn is quite thankful for. Their destination turns out to be only a few blocks away. Jase stops at a street sign with the Frenkisa Street listed on it.

"So here we are. Any idea of where on this street you want to be?"

Alliquinn considers for a moment then nods. Seeing how all the numbers on the buildings all go up in one direction and down in another it's fairly straight forward for her to start finding the direction that she wants to go. She begins walking, almost oblivious to any sort of potential danger she may be coming towards. And with the road as empty as it is at this time of the night and everything still lit up pretty well it doesn't take much for her to find her destination. Jase gets extremely nervous about the door she decides to stop at and is half attempted to abandon her here. It is not a place to just casually knock on the door.

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