Aleisha's Story - Chapter One - School Days

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Aleisha's Story

Chapter One - School Days

© Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain)

May, 2010

All Rights Reserved

Authors Note: A big thank you to Nocturnal Lupus, for his invaluable inspiration as a sounding board, and helping me with this and the second chapter. Take a bow Noc, you deserve it.

Aleisha sat attentively at her desk, studying the whiteboard at the front of the class, her ears slicked back and eyes narrowed, before the nervously looked down at her textbook, then back up at the whiteboard. Her ice blue eyes sparkled and reflected the sunlight that streamed in through the windows and she sighed gratefully as the bell began ringing. Around her, fellow students began talking quietly to each other and gathering up their books, as Aleisha closed her textbook and began carefully collecting her books into a neat, orderly pile. As she rose, she smiled shyly at a young boy who laughed and made a witty joke, knowing how this young doe had a pretty good sense of humour.

Aleisha stood five feet three inches tall, her white fur almost blinding under the impersonal lighting of the overhead fluorescent lights, as she lay her ears back against her neck and smoothed out some wrinkles in her light blue blouse with her velvety like paws. Painfully aware of her mixed heritage, Aleisha stayed close to her desk, painfully aware of her long, slender feet - and how humans and anthropomorphic creatures sometimes accidentally stepped on them as they passed on their way out of the classroom. Clutching her books to her chest, she watched and exchanged pleasantries with friends, before quietly leaving the classroom. Making her way down the hall, she scratched delicately at the back of her neck with her short claws, then shook her head and walked quietly towards the exit.

Thinking to herself, Aleisha sighed and just after leaving the school, she turned and walked quietly up the side walk, knowing she had to go to the library and do some research for an assignment - and that she would probably be finished well after dark. Pausing at a pay phone, she called her mother and told her she'd be home later; that she had some work to do at the library. Her mother asked if Aleisha wanted her father to come get her when the library closed, but Aleisha rolled her eyes and giggled quietly, assuring her mother that she wasn't a joey any-more, and didn't need her father chaperoning her. Aleisha was sixteen, starting to blossom into a lovely lady, and would just have died of shame, had her father come to pick her up. After exchanging a lengthy series of farewells with her mother, Aleisha smiled to herself, then hung up the phone and hugged her books to her slender chest and kept walking to the library.


It was later than she realised, when the librarian come up to her, then lightly tapped her on the shoulder.

"Miss - the library is closing, I'm going to have to ask you to leave please."

Aleisha blinked, then nodded and rose, closing her books and resting a paw on them, but the librarian smiled in a friendly manner.

"They'll be fine - I'll put them back on the shelves."

Aleisha smiled shyly, then tucked her schoolbooks under one slender arm and walked out of the library. She paused outside, then glanced up at the dark, moonless night and contemplated calling her father, and accepting his offer to pick her up, then shook her head, her long ears flapping from side to side. It was a cool night, but the thick fur on her body instinctively fluffed up and she sighed quietly, grateful for her father being an artic fox. Sure, it was cool, she could feel the bite in the air as she breathed; and saw the first hints of her frosty breath, but it was nothing this young half kangaroo, half fox, couldn't handle.

Aleisha was of mixed parentage, her mother being a grey kangaroo doe, her father, a white artic fox; she had inherited her fathers distinctive snow white fur, black gloves and 'socks' on her feet and mid-way up her shins, but her form was distinctly marsupial. Her eyes were wide set and a deep, ice blue - another condescension to her fathers genes, and her fur was thicker than a normal kangaroo, once again, thanks to her fathers genes - and as she blinked and looked up and down the deserted road, she smiled shyly and started heading home.

Little did the young, innocent and naive doe know - but her refusal to allow her father to come pick her up - was to cost her more than she realised...


Walking along the deserted footpath, Aleisha was humming a song a friend had taught her earlier, her school books clutched to her breasts as she let her mind wander. Without warning, she was grabbed from behind and someone slapped a hand over her muzzle and squeezed, then her heavy tail was kicked out from behind her, throwing her off balance. Her unseen assailant changed his hold to her throat, then squeezed tightly, nearly suffocating her and preventing her from crying out in alarm. Her paws flashed to her muzzle and her school books crashed to the pavement, as she was cruelly pulled backwards and into the yard of an abandoned house. Gagging and struggling, she tried to get her feet under her, but her attacker merely grunted and tripped her up, before squeezing her throat tighter and snarling into one ear.

"Make a sound doe - and I'll kill you here and now - "

Aleisha felt white hot tears spring from her eyes, as she struggled wildly, the tears streaking down her furred cheeks as the person behind her pulled her roughly onto the porch of the house; the floor boards creaking ominously. He backed into the door, and dragged the gagging kangaroo with him, before spinning about and kicking it closed. His hot, fetid breath against her nape grew more intense, as he used his free hand to squeeze her small, breasts painfully, making Aleisha buck and struggle.

"Oh yes little doe...struggle...I like that...."

Aleisha stamped down as hard as she could with one slender foot, on her attackers foot, but he merely grunted at her, then slid both hands up to her furred throat - then twisted her about and made her look at him.

Her eyes widened in horror and disbelief, before he smiled lecherously and around her throat and began choking her, then bodily slamming the young does head against the door frame, stunning her and watching as she slithered to the floor bonelessly, consciousness fleeing.


Aleisha woke to pain unlike anything she'd ever experienced, feeling the human inside her, she instinctively screamed and he snarled, then moaned and forced himself against her unwilling body, right as he reached his orgasm. Clawing at his back with her claws, Aleisha shrieked in horror and agony, then he gasped as her claws drew great scratches down his back. He punched her cruelly in the side of the head, then forced himself off her and she felt the hot, sticky blood soaking her groin, but the hit to the head had momentarily scrambled her conscious thinking. He rose, then began kicking her violently in the sides, making her scream breathlessly and try to roll away from his merciless assault. He sneered then cruelly pulled her to her feet and there was a hissing of steel, and Aleisha shrieked again, as he pulled her ears back, making her expose her vulnerable throat - then he growled.

"Oh, you stupid, little girl - " He snarled then raised the blade, waving it before her eyes.

"No...please...don' don't..." Aleisha gurgled, eyes widening.

"Oh - but I do..." He smiled cruelly, then twisted her ears in his hand, making a fist and causing her to scream in agony.

It happened in the microsecond pause - between one heartbeat - and another. His hand flashed out, and there was come a searing - a burning at her throat, that surpassed anything in existence. As she tried to scream, her ears only heard a wet, sickening gurgling

"Urk..." Aleisha gurgled, her eyes widening as she slapped her paws to her throat, then retreated and were raised to her wide eyes.

Blood ran down her paws to the wrists, and she blinked stupidly, almost in slow motion. As he came at her again, fear seized the doe and she slashed out, left paw locked and fingers splayed, her claws curled inward to the palm.

Four claws, as sharp as razors, tore open flesh and cartilage, as there came an eruption of blood, the carotid artery severed. Aleisha leant back on her tail and her powerful leg muscles contracted, then kicked out violently, sending the staggering backwards, his eyes wide in horror, before he stumbled over a loose floorboard and crashed heavily to the dusty timbers.

Adrenaline and fear seared through her, as she slapped one paw to her throat, the blood already spattering her torn blouse; as she somehow managed to wrench open the door and staggered onto the path. Each breath was agony compounded on agony, her lungs screamed for precious oxygen, yet the hot, coppery blood began gushing down her throat. Her eyes wild and feral, she staggered almost drunkenly, tripping over small shrubs; even her own feet - and sprawling on the leave littered path.

Somehow, she staggered to her feet, then lurched out onto the pavement and clutched at an elm tree, leaving bloody smears of her paw prints on its smooth trunk, before her head swam sickeningly and she stumbled out onto the road, her paws falling from her throat as she swayed and twisted her head, yet there was no longer any semblance of recognition - it was - the look of an animal who knows it is dying - yet fighting a losing battle for her life.

The hot stench of her blood making her want to vomit, she barely heard the screaming tires, as she spun about and stared wild-eyed at the grill of the car that come sliding towards her; its tires wreathed in greyish-white smoke, a trail of black behind the locked wheels, before she crumbled to the ground, unconscious before she hit - a growing puddle of blood forming around her head....

To Be Continued...

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