Milked by the Dryad

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A dryad seeking to increase his power enters a farmyard for breeding and milking and everything his twisted heart could possibly desire from the farmer's daughter too...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Milked by the Dryad

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by anonymous

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"You will do perfectly..."

The dryad smiled as he stood before the barn, sinking his roots down into the rich and fertile ground. On first glance, one could have mistaken him for a tree if he had indeed been standing still but the resemblance to a human being could not be denied when his bark-like face cracked into a smile. The rough lines of bark softened there and gave way to a fall of vines that spooled freely from his head like human hair, although they twisted and wound into one another as if they were alive too, a part of his body that could still be moved and controlled simply by thinking about it.

That was one of the powers of dryads, after all, and Kerokeis knew the intricacies of his own form and body after so many years. Although his legs were not as defined in shape as a humans calves and thighs may have been, there was a distinct calf there and his claw-like toes curled down into the ground, roots sprouting forth to draw sustenance from the ground even as he walked, letting it seep up into his body, feeding him as he walked and moved through the sunshine.

Kerokeis' lips pressed together, chest moving as if he was breathing, although it was not necessary for him to take in oxygen in that way with the leaves sprouting from his shoulders. Every part of his body was designed so that he could take what he needed from the world around him but there was something more that the idyllic farm set many miles away from any kind of civilisation could provide him with if he was brave enough to take it all for himself.

Power, on the other hand from merely living... Well, that was something more difficult to acquire. And yet he had happened on something as he slowly but confidently walked into the barn, his long stride appearing both slow and ground-covering at the same time. There were few that could outrun a dryad but it was their stamina more than anything else that made them such a formidable opponent in the grand scheme of life and the sustainability of such life.

The coolness of the painted red barn washed over him, the centre aisle empty as if it was used to house creatures in times of bad weather. Of course, on a farm that encompassed both farm animals and plants, the fields ripe with wheat and other grains that he didn't have the time to pause and admire, there were many outbuildings there and he would find that he visited them all in his quest for power. They, the animals and anthros, that was, would be more than happy to see him after they understood all that he could do for them.

It was all about a mutual agreement of things, something that would benefit all that came to pass in the intricate liaison, the symbiosis of creature and dryad coming together repeatedly as they brought fresh life to one another. Why, the mere thought of it made Kerokeis suck in a deep, satisfying breath, filtering through the scents of the barn as he sought out his first...ah...what was the word?

Partner. That was the one he was looking for. Rumbling a chuckle, he rocked back on his heels, feet looking more like tree trunks as his roots tried to sink down and yet could not, considering the concrete barn floor. But no matter: there were more interesting times to come and it was merely a comfort thing for him, something that he always did for his body to reassure itself that all was working as it should. And it was time to move ahead with his plans.

Kerokeis, after all, was there but for one reason alone and that was about to come to beautiful fruition as he approached a dairy cow that had wandered into the barn, chewing curiously as her soft, brown eyes eyed him up and down.

"Hello there, my beauty," he murmured in greeting, letting her smell him, coming close without any hint of fear. "Now, you will be perfect, to begin with, if you would be so kind?"

He offered his palm to the cow and she willingly pressed her nose into it, snuffling and grunting softly, her black and white hide quivering. Already, his pheromones were going to work, the chemicals in the pollen he exuded in a pinkish cloud filtering into her system, allowing her to feel more pleasure than perhaps a dairy cow should have. But that was the beauty in what he did, opening up new worlds to creatures that otherwise would never have had access to such things, pushing onward as she mooed lowly and swung her head down for him.

"There now..." Kerokeis smiled. "Show me what you want."

And it was all suddenly easy for the cow who could not have before vocalised what she wanted, shuffling hastily around so that her hind end pointed towards him. Her tail flipped up or at least tried to for she didn't have the correct muscles in place to hold it there, knowing what she needed and the natural loop of it mostly keeping it well enough out of the way anyway. With her soft folds on show, flushed with warmth, she mooed again and jiggled her hind end at him, conveying quite clearly to him without the use of words what she wanted. Kerokeis chuckled and ran his hand over her flanks, under her tail, fingers squirming and teasing through her already moist slit, supplying the barest hint of penetration as she heaved for breath, quivering in place.

She was ready, his cock fleshing up too, although that was not his concern when he had such a fine 'milker' before him. An animal like her needed no foreplay or warming up considering how her body worked, hot and ready for him, pushed into her form of 'heat' with her vulva flushed and ready to breed. Tracing his vines over her vulva, he teased, enjoying her for himself even as he chuckled lightly in the back of his throat, teetering on the edge of his milking power trip. He would take so much from them and they'd welcome all he gave to them too, the cow only the first with her fat, heavy udders too simply begging to drip and leak milk. The dryad's dark tongue flickered out over his lips and the vines of his hair curled back and forth lightly, although they would not be needed for such an encounter. The other vines, however...

Ah. He would return to those at a sweeter time. His cock rose to the occasion, strong and woody, although his natural lubrication of a type of slicker sap (without the stickiness) did the job for him. A golden droplet glistened at the tip and he scooped it up on his finger, presenting it to the cow's entrance as she grunted and bore back against him with increasingly urgent shifts of her hindquarters and swinging, ropey tail.

"Easy now, I have everything you want, my dear."

The tip of his cock pressed up to her swollen lips and she tensed in the moment before penetration - and then she was spread, passage stretched around his thick rod, a breeding spire that anyone would have been proud of. Yet Kerokeis was exceptionally proud of it as he took her in long, slow, claiming strokes that let her know who she now belonged to, despite the fact that no one who had had the luxury of his cock in the past had ever been disappointed in what they received. Beneath him, the cow mooed and trembled, her cunny rippling and clenching around his fat length. He powered into her, the flesh giving and tugging lightly as he thrust, relishing each and every stroke, his need rising more and more. It was a wonder, truly, that he was able to hold himself back at all considering all that he wanted from her, but that was to come in time as he worked at seeding her, need tingling within his loins.

Driving, passionate strokes rolled forth and he would have gasped if he had needed air to breathe, claiming her over and over again. She was the first and would always be remembered as the one who made him the powerful being that he was, vines whipping about, caressing her body, teasing down around her udders and those delectable teats. Could there be anything more delicious than those as he slammed in, taking her and anticipating, still, all that was to come too? The pace of his liaison may have been slower than usual but he relished each and every tiny sensation, how her passage twitched around him, the cow bellowing out her enjoyment and rolling her head, large ears flopping back and forth as she sought to understand.

Yet she could not understand the ways of a dryad and could only offer herself up as a very willing and happy participant in lust, his shaft powering into depths that the bull on the farm never had been able to reach. Her eyes opened to the light of sexual fervour and her moist nostrils fluttered with breath, head down so that she could better bear her weight back into him. There could be no doubt about her passion for what he was dosing out and Kerokeis increased the force of his thrusts, pounding into her.

And her energy filled him more and more, even if it was so very much more that he needed from her, vines sprouting from his sides, his back - all over his body! There was only one thing that they intended to do and the cow, to her credit, did not even flinch as they suctioned onto her udders, others squeezing and caressing as she was milked. They suckled her milk from her even though she surely could not have regained all that she had produced for the morning milking already, Kerokeis easily filler her udders back up again with his powers, swollen and heavy and full and so very desperate for the tease of his tentacles. Overwhelmed by sensation as she fed him more and more power, the cow shook her head and mooed over and over again, surely drawing attention from the farmhouse.


It was all as it was meant to be as two bodies came together for mutual benefit, the cow's eyes opened to the great pleasures of the world around her. The dryad's pheromones and magic helped make it even more pleasurable for her than it would have been naturally, her intelligence increasing so that she could both understand and comprehend what was happening to her and what he was doing. Her eyes shone with liquid kindness, soft, warm pools, and she bellowed out her lust and pleasure as he ground into her, the long, driving strokes pushing her closer and closer to something that she could not have before imagined.

Her first orgasm swamped her and the cow tilted awkwardly onto one side, her weight shifting and cloven hooves scrambling, Kerokeis only just catching her in time. And yet it was time for him to spend the first drops of his lust in her too and he supported her weight as much as he could, sinking back onto his roots, as his cock twitched and jerked, a rod of deliverance as he filled her with a thick and heady stream of cum. If anything, that flow of semen smelled even more powerfully than the sweet, flowery pheromones that he had already released and he parted his lips in a grin that spoke more than any words, thrusting until every last droplet of seed was well and spent.

"There... There's a sweet one."

Dazed and yet satisfied, the cow wandered off, cum sloshing from her slit, creamy and heady with the cumbersome dose that he had supplied her with. The mess would only lead more of the farm animals to him and their nostrils quivered even as they trotted and pranced into the coolness of the warm, letting the noonday sun slip from their bodies in favour of something more favourably erotic even if they did not yet know quite what was in store for them. A horse, a pig, a goat, a llama - not only one of each too, but more and more of them until the barn itself was a heaving mass of lustful bodies, everyone wanting a piece of what his pheromones, leading a trail to him, had promised.

And that was all that the dryad wanted to deliver as he took up his place right in the centre of the barn, the animals flocking to him like moths to the flame, although there never would be any measure of becoming burned when they were around him. No, Kerokeis was a dryad whose form was all about the art of pleasure and the milking of power, tentacles wrapping around a squealing sow as he plunged his cock into a willing llama. Funny to see them being bred more commonly but he did not spend much time thinking that as the fluffy creature rocked back on him, hind legs buckling to put them on the same level, for Kerokeis could not help but crouch, thrusting and grinding. The sow wriggled happily within his tentacles and he sent his magic forth into her, his power swelling her udders so that they hung heavily beneath her body as if she was feeding a whole horde of piglets, teats fat and dripping with milk.

Grunting in need, she turned to him and the dryad was only too happy to help as she rolled her body into his tentacles, the slithering grasp locking onto her teats and squeezing, milking her. Pleasure wracked her body and the pig alternated between squeals and grunts, trembling all over, her mind not knowing quite where to go as she was milked, yet it didn't feel as if any milk was leaving her. The mouths of the tentacles suckled and pulsed, little nodules of sustenance travelling down them as her eyes rolled, exposing a rim of white, and she panted, her little piggy tail quivering as she heaved for breath, sides quaking. There was a beauty in how she fought and fought to restrain herself, the milking of her unnatural, bringing all the wrong-right sensations along with it as she squealed and swung her head anxiously back and forth.

Kerokeis knew that all was as it should be, despite that, her essence flowing into him, supplying his power, vibrating through a body and firing down nerve-endings that was a magical sex stud in itself. Laughing recklessly, Kerokeis relished in his own growing power, re-energised as he fucked the llama as if it would be the last time ever he got to feel a hot vent wrapped around his shaft, ploughing into her until she cried out and he too felt the familiar rise of seed that he had to release clawing its way up wantonly inside him.

The llama grunted but it was hard to pick out any one noise out of the throng and cacophony, heaving bodies surrounding him on all sides. Her plush coat pressed against him and he leaned over her, smirking lightly, the feel of her passage contracting around him more divine than even he could have imagined. She squeaked and grunted, noises rising through, need coming up trumps as she clicked her large teeth and wove her head around, knowing that something, even if she could not quite yet explain it to herself, was imminent. His orgasm beckoned too as the llama clenched around him, going through an orgasm of her own (perhaps her first), although he would have much liked to know how that felt for her, not having conversed with one in their native tongue before. Perhaps there would be time later when the breeding and milking session - at least the first - was complete? And he needed to cum...

It would have been a shame to not let it out and he filled her full of every drop that she had been craving, the llama weaving her head back and forth, teeth showing as she languished, spent and sending her influence into the body of the one who had shown her such divinity. A minor god-type of the forest, the dryad took all the power she offered up to him, gladly and with thanks, even as the sow's milk flowed into him too, her form slumping happily to the ground as she could give no more.

Still, he knew that the seed he was spilling into them was not virile yet and carrying his essence, performing the act of impregnation without following through on it. No! He needed more, to do more, and his cock wasn't going to be enough for that! Grunting deep in the back of his throat, he concentrated and tentacles shot out in all directions, too many to count, shifting and weaving into one another. Even some of the ones atop his head had to be called into action, writhing like vines as they sought out their targets.

Horses, alpacas, goats, a Highland cow, donkeys, sheep, a grey mule and even a dog! The latter was not the best to be milked but he was willing to try anyway, the tips of his tentacles becoming smaller and finer for the delicate act of squeezing and manipulating her teats, belly fat and heavy with milk that he had encouraged her, however lightly, to produce. None of the animals seemed to need all that much persuasion to do as he willed, their bodies responding to his touch as if they had always been meant to curl into his bark-like warmth, his body seeming cool to the touch at first and then warming. That was a sign too that his power was increasing, more and more with the many animals he milked and fucked, lusting after all they could and would do for him.

The others took his vines inside them as if they were cocks, thick and fat and swelling, pulsing with the magic that ran through his body in lieu of veins. There was no blood in his body to transport and carry oxygen around, taking that in via photosynthesis, and Kerokeis groaned softly as he sent more of his vines around to milk some of the donkeys too - apparently they had a little breeding herd on the farm too. How appropriate for him!

The donkeys had udders like the horses and they were rendered fat and ready with the mere brush of his tentacles, the vines doing their job as they tugged the teats down obviously, otherwise they may well have melded simply into the udders themselves. They were not as defined as cows but no less sweet in their execution, the dryad rolling his shoulders and letting out a long, low moan. So sweet... Even though those vine-mouths, he could taste their milk, his pheromones forcing them to lactate, although it was his magic that would thicken them up, heavy with cream, even more for him, drinking it all down greedily as if it was slipping down his throat and not his vines.

The donkeys, however, would not be bearing mules or hinnies as their udders plumped up for his embrace, vines caressing and squeezing and making it so that they could not help but lactate, trembling droplets of milk clinging to their teats before plummeting. Those were swiftly scooped up by his tentacles, however, before he latched onto them, taking in their milk for his own source of power. And, as it flooded him, his cock pumped up full and harder still, wanting more, desperate for more. Revelling in the supremacy of becoming more than he ever had been before, Kerokeis hissed and suckled his tentacles around those teats, completely and utterly losing track of what animal he was drawing milk from at any one time. Truly, did it matter?

His vine-cocks were not idle either as they rammed and ploughed, only taking the vents and slits of willing creatures as they all clamoured and whined and even barked to be first, to be next in line. Locking around the teats of a goat, they suckled that milk down deeply and lustfully, knowing what their intended purpose was for. They needed to keep going, lusciously suckling more and more power into the dryad that controlled them, separate and yet a part of them still. The goats bleated and shivered as they were milked too, little tails flicking up and bouncing around as they asked for more, eyes shining and ears flopping.

Highland cows too, ah - those were interesting. The vines took their time with those, snaking around the hind legs as if they were afraid of getting kicked, although, if they were kicked it would only be from the throes of passion for which no one would be responsible for. The heavy-coated beasts grunted and leaned back into them, their vents ready and waiting, soft and yielding for the lust of one who could take charge of them, even though there were no bulls there to take by the horns. Their udders grew larger and larger as they were ploughed, tentacles fat and driving for the sake of pleasure, and they bellowed until the dryad acquiesced there too, suckling at and draining every last drop of that milk from them with rippling, quick pulses of his vines, taking it as quickly as their magically infused bodies could now reproduce it. There would always be more.

Of course, it went without saying that not a single creature wanted to be left out and he spent himself evenly between them as he panted softly, the lines in his body glowing with an otherworldly green light as if something inside him was trying to break free. The dryad panted, swapping his cock to a lusty mule who took him to the hilt and brayed half like a donkey for more. Her tail thwapped up against his chest and he powered in over and over again, driven mad for a moment in furious lust, needing something that even he could not explain when need shimmered through him, rising up from the inside out.

His lips parted. It was working.

A mare hustled her way through the maze of vines and presented her winking sex to him, huffing and stomping as if to say that she would not be denied. Despite drawing what he needed from the groaning cacophony of other creatures, Kerokeis found that he did not have it in himself to resist her and he speared her full of his breeding shaft with one thrust, her pink and grey sex parting around him sweetly. The mare tossed her head, one eye fixed on him even as the dryad humped and thrusting, powering into her with long, smooth strokes that rocked her entire body, hooves scrabbling, across the floor.

The equine was a worthy partner indeed and she took his cock like a professional, although he doubted that one with a cunny as tight as hers was had been bred before. A virgin? How divine... It was a strange thing to encounter on the farm and he heaved a grunt as he slammed in, trusting her to bear both his weight and the furious force of his thrusts, going harder and faster, as keen for more as she was.

"What in heaven is going on here?"

An anthro giraffe - ah, she must have been from the farmhouse! - gaped at him, clad in dungarees and a white T-shirt that had seen better days, the sleeve torn and front stained with something from around the farm. She should have been more of a surprise than she was but, well, Kerokeis knew that they were making rather a lot of noise out there and it couldn't have all been held a secret forever. Besides, an anthro could give him even more sustenance, fuelling him to his full power, if he was so fortunate...

As the giraffe tried to pick her jaw up from the ground, stuttering and stammering, the dryad straightened, bark crackling softly and leaves rustling across his shoulders as he straightened his upper back. She was fine... Very fine, in fact, huge tits straining out against her shirt and dungarees, hooves showing bare at the base. She was, as the anthros and humans would say, very 'hot'. Smirking, Kerokeis' heart pounded, a dull roar clamouring in his ears, so many sensations striving to overwhelm him, all demanding the same measure of attention. And yet they would all have to wait.

"I was wondering when you would show up," Kerokeis said smoothly, not slowing his strokes into the mare as she whinnied, wanting more. "You're the farmer's daughter, right? Is he away right now?"

She blinked at him, lower jaw falling slack for a moment before she snapped it back up again.

"I'm not just the farmer's daughter, my name is Isabella and this place is gonna be mine one day! Now, get away from my animals!"

Kerokeis chuckled and shook his head.

"Well, when you put it like that..." He paused as if for dramatic effect, making a gesture with a hand that could have meant anything at all. "I shall leave them alone...if I must."

The dryad was only proving a point as his cock woefully left the slick hotness of the mare in season, her udders plump and full and begging for more. Rather than flee or huffily take her leave as Isabella may have expected her to, the mare backed right back up onto Kerokeis' cock and planted herself on it, screaming out her orgasm as she whipped her head back and forth, the rippling explosions thrumming throughout her body difficult to bear, for all the pleasure they brought along with them. She craved him, that hot length of dryad fuck-meat and she was willing to show it to all who dared stay there to bear witness, flanks trembling and dark with streaks of sweat.

"See, she wants it," he said smoothly, a bark-like ridge of an eyebrow raised. "Why should I deny her? Or any of the others?"

The giraffe could not argue with that, as much as her mind swirled and throbbed with question after question, one thought seething against the next for dominance. What the heck was going on with her animals? She'd seen them mating, doing their thing, before but never like this! They weren't themselves, weren't normal, licking and wriggling into his tentacles as if they couldn't get enough of them, needy and desperate for attention - any kind of it too! They seemed

She trembled, forcing herself to reconcile with it, for there was no denying those blissed-out expressions by any means. Above all else, they looked...happy.

"What have you done to them?" She whispered, hands clutched to her chest. "It's... They... You?"

The scent of sex hung heavy in the air and Isabella swallowed hard, trying to clear her head as his tentacles pounded a pair of alpacas, her pet dog rolling around on her back, cum drooling from her spade. It was harder and harder to focus as his tentacles slurped and sucked at her animals' teats, the lewd sound echoing through the confines of the barn, as big as it had looked before. Forcing her way through the animals did her no good but she felt that she had to do something, huffing and puffing and standing before him with her hands on her hips, neck tense and teeth clenched.

Smiling, Kerokeis spent himself inside the mare for the second time, sighing softly even though he was not quite there yet. A little more, however, would seal in his power and then...well...there'd be nothing in the world that could stop him. And maybe the farmer's daughter, the giraffe who thought she had all the answers despite not knowing or understanding what was going on, would be the one who was lusty enough to get him there. For she had not screamed or flailed or run away screaming, his pheromones having an effect on her even as she stood there, nostrils wetly flared in the darker patch at the end of her muzzle. Her brown eyes did not glaze over, however, too strong to fall, and he didn't need to force her anyway for Kerokeis had more than enough confidence in himself to know that his form with his wide chest and strong thighs, like tree-trunks but more anthropomorphised than one that someone could find in the forest, her eyes roaming him even as he took note of the hitch in her chest, breath catching.

He really was simply that good, luring her in. it would have taken a fool indeed to not be able to see the care she had for her animals and he caressed the face of a donkey as she leaned into his touch, braying and swinging her tail for the thrust of his tentacles once more.

"I'll make you a deal... Isabella, was it?"

Gulping, Isabella could only nod, barely able to hear him as her pulse pounded, bearing through her entire body.

"This isn't normal to you, I know, but you've seen the magic flowing through the world, haven't you?" He said softly, his tone wheedling even as he subtly released more of his pheromones, rendering her gently open to the idea of it. "There is more than you have seen, sweet Isabella, but if you allow me to grow my power on your farm, I shall ensure that your animals and your crops too are the most profitable, that they flourish and thrive as you have never seen before. Never shall you want for anything after I have done what I need to here and your animals will be better off for it."

He paused, smiling as the giraffe swayed. So close.

"What do you say?"


The word was out of her lips and born into the world before she could claw it back, clapping her hands to her mouth and quivering. Why had she said that? Was it too late to take it back? Most likely so but that didn't stop her wishing that she could either way as she couldn't explain what was going on, why her animals suddenly looked perkier and brighter than they had in months without a pained noise sounding at all between them. Old injuries no longer seemed to bother them - not even the donkey why had always walked a bit funny - as the dryad took them over again over again, tentacles ploughing into ever sexual orifice he could possibly reach, tentacles swapping between partners as friends traded appetisers at a restaurant.

And yet she couldn't drag her eyes away, Kerokeis feeling them on him, observing him, stepping closer and closer, a hand brushing one of his tentacles. Every inch of his body was resolved not to stop but his head turned too quickly and, locking eyes with hers, he stiffened to see the lust in her gaze, legs pressed together and a sheepish blush colouring her cheeks.

Oh, she knew that what she was doing wasn't right but it sure didn't feel wrong either and that was the most confusing thing about it as she reverently dropped to her knees and tried not to think too much about what she was doing, why she needed that thick rod like nothing else before, lips parted and hands trailing down his legs. The giraffe grunted and chuffed, nostrils fluttering as her ears splayed, perhaps too much caught in the moment as she whimpered and took in the lewdness of the barn. Creature after creature had received all they needed from the dryad and, still, they did not leave, though she could see through the double open doors at the other end of the barn that some of the mares had taken off to get the others who perhaps had not heeded the call or whatever it was. They didn't want their friends to miss out - but what was it that they thought they were missing out on?

Drawing more and more milk into him, the essence of the climaxing females fuelling him on, Kerokeis moaned, head tipped back and lips parted.

"Yes... So much... Power!"

And then there was a hand on his thigh and he looked down, the giraffe blushing heavily as she trailed it around to his cock, fingertips brushing his length so lightly that a butterfly's wing-beats may have had a greater effect. But the presence of her brought an idea to his mind and Kerokeis grinned, tipping his head towards her as she drank in the lustful pheromones of a powerful dryad, growing stronger, in the midst of the forest rut.

"Bend over..."

How could she resist such a command? Trembling with need, she did as he asked, standing to push her buttocks back towards him as the dryad's cock nudged at her covered backside and pussy, sending tiny, wicked tremors through her body. Of course, her hand had been down there before but never...not even once... Isabella gulped down her nerves. Never had she had a dick down there! And now she was about to have her first time with a dryad? She'd never had the time for that kind of fun, it was too much, she'd have to say -

And then it was too late to change her mind, his tentacles snaking lustfully into her clothes, tearing them from her body, although they still hung there, tits out with shreds of cloth to frame them, the heavy mounds of flesh swinging under her chest as she stayed there obediently poised for him. Or maybe she thought that there was something more that she would otherwise be missing out on if she did not do as he asked of her - her animals certainly thought so. A tentacle brushed her folds with an intimate kiss, what felt like it had to be semen squirting out over her bare sex, the giraffe twitching and heaving, eyes wide in anticipation of what was to come.


He would not hurt her and he proved that as he entered her gently, letting her tight body grow used to his cock as he, very slowly, pushed inside her. Bit by bit, he stretched out her virgin pussy without any semblance of pain, easily able to recognise a virgin when he met one, and Isabella moaned out loudly, head tucked down and tail swishing, the shreds of her clothes making the whole experience seem all the dirtier for it. She should have been showered in attention, adored and given roses, and yet her first time had ended up being in the barn, the typical deflowering place of farm girls. But she wasn't just any farmer's daughter and what she had there was more than any other young woman in the world.

Grunting softly, Kerokeis felt out her sex, a tentacle rubbing against her clit, sending sparks flaring through her body, a crackling, popping pleasure that could not be denied no matter how much she twisted. She could not say she didn't want it, moaning out as she did, humping back on his cock as he thrust, testing out how much her body could take, even though Isabella very much was no longer a virgin. What did virginity matter anyway when it came to having a good time? She'd never had the time and yet the fun had come to her anyway!

Isabella's head rolled and all she could do was lust there in the moment, panting and heaving, her big tits shuddering with each and every breath that she managed to drag into her lungs. The giraffe's hide quivered and he delivered the brutally driving strokes to her that she had not known that she craved, his massive length stretching her out more and more. She tried to splay her legs more to take it but there was so much, even as a tentacle twitched at her lips, requesting more, and she blushed heavily, taking it into her mouth to suckle and taste, drawing it in deeper and deeper.

Arms trembling, Kerokeis groaned and pummelled his tentacles into all the animals he could find, taking two goats next to one another, the barn dog coming back for another turn, horses and donkeys and the sheep taking centre stage. Every one of them swayed with heavily overfilled udders, begging to be milked, the flesh of them pink and ready, strained with the weight of the milk inside. And his tentacles were only too eager to do the work they were designed to do, groping and squeezing and taking everything that they could, pulling the teats down and releasing them again, if only to make the milk squirt out all the harder.

He was so close and yet he needed one more thing as he wrapped her lusciously huge tits, bigger than the udders of any of the animals (well, bar the cows) that he'd bred and milked so far, chest heaving with lust for him. And it was only when he filled those huge breasts with milk, groping and squeezing and forcing her cream out, that his true power returned, his ability to seed those around him flowering with him, a storm of petals and a thicker scent than ever rising from him, uncontrollable in the moment that changed everything for the better.

Gasping as her breasts were milked, Isabella bobbed her head, lips wiggling, trying to contain herself against all the odds. The tentacle in her mouth was still there, pressed against her tongue, but it did not thrust far enough back to stop her from breathing, allowing her to explore and unknowingly give the dryad all the attention and power that he ever could have needed, grunting and heaving, the tip of the tentacle dribbling with cum. There was no holding back as she fixed her gaze on the sheep before her, their sexes stuffed full of tentacles, ploughing out thick and ready doses of dryad-seed, climaxing with a scream that should never have come from lips as sweet as hers. And yet there was nothing she would dare do to stop her orgasm from rolling through her, claiming everything that she had before thought was hers, Kerokeis stiffening and suddenly slamming into her with desperate, renewed determination.


Grinning, he drove into her and spent himself, the churning in his gut spinning out of control, hardly in command of his body as he slammed in over and over again, her pussy conforming to the rigid shape of him. She was the first one that his virile cum flowed into, glowing faintly with the raw power of him, pumping deeper and deeper, more and more until her strained sex simply could not hold a single drop further. Her belly inflated lightly, giving the semblance that she had been overfilled, but Isabella would not have changed anything for the world as her head spun, pleasure crashing through her, an erratic, exotic throb and wave claiming her even as Kerokeis forced her body to acclimatise to what he needed from her - in the best way possible, of course.

He had the power to seed now but what of something more? His cock never softened, forced hard with his magic, Isabella moaning for more, tits squirting milk everywhere as he pumped them with great relish, sucking up their cream with his tentacles. He could take her however he pleased and it all came back to where he gleaned his power from, renewing himself as branches rose from his shoulders, taking those leaves higher. The moss grew thicker and richer, a fertile green, and he howled out his delight as he thrust, cock spurting yet another load of semen into her equally fertile breeding tunnel.

Now, there was no way that anyone in the barn would leave the encounter without a womb full of his fertile seed and Kerokeis plundered animal after animal, starting with the horses and moving onto the alpacas. He didn't waste an opportunity as he covered every single one, pumping them full, and chuckled with delirious glee as energy flooded him, milking them at the same time as he bred them. There was no time to waste and he had to do everything at once, going around every creature in the barn and then again until they lay in a sexually exhausted pile, some scattered and sleepily zoning out, sides rising and falling gently in breath.

He had to allow them their time to rest too and Kerokeis hesitated, gaze raking the barn as if there may have been someone he'd forgotten in a far corner or something of that ilk.

"We have more..." Isabella murmured, barely managing to stand upright as she rested her hand on his forearm. "Outside... Come with me?"

Forming sentences too was almost beyond her capacity as she shyly led the dryad out into the sunshine, the leaves on his shoulders and his tentacles too stretching up towards it as if they had been locked away for far longer than they actually had. And what he found outside was hardly expected, the fields filled with curious water buffalo, zebra, camels, antelope, deer, okapi, bongos, capybara and even a single elephant! Without thinking, Kerokeis grunted, tentacles writing eagerly, his lust evident even in the glowing lines of power coating his chosen body from head to root. There was so much there to take...and his power was only just beginning to take seed!

"You have exotic creatures here too?" Kerokeis chuckled, tentacles already rising to the thrill of the challenge. "And I thought farms were still traditional..."

Isabella didn't have the chance to tell him about their breeding programme but there was going to be a far more interesting one in place as he took charge of the situation, angling immediately for the elephant that was taller than him. She swung her trunk eagerly but he was already behind her, sinking his roots into the ground as he rose and rose, his magic allowing him to become larger than ever, cock waiting keenly to plough into her grey depths. Her folds welcomed him in as he sought the vent beneath the pucker of her tail hole and the cow elephant trumpeted as she was filled, her virginity stripped too for she was the only female of her kind on the farm.

His tentacles dared not be idle too as the thick vines sought her udders, although they were smaller than others, being a maiden elephant. They were never meant to be full and heavy like those of a dairy cow but his magic made them so, swelling out the smooth, grey flesh until it hung down heavily, taking on a fresh shape as he filled them with milk. It was not like a cow udder, per se, but something that could have been said to be a cross between, taking on four teats but retaining the general shape and greyness, the soft skin there sensitive to even the lightest touch. She'd keep lactating and wanting to be milked as long as he was there and she leaned gladly back into the dryad as he squeezed and massaged her udders, a spellbound Isabella even edging around beneath her elephant charge in wonder, tits leaking milk everywhere.

On and on, he took his pleasure and sweet, sweet time milking her, tentacles fat where the milk travelled down with them, light patterns emerging. And, still, his cock thrust and thrust, pounding the elephant infectiously, the giraffe's eyes fixed on the joining of their bodies, rampant desire impossible to miss as he threw himself into every single thrust. The elephant cried out her pleasure, legs fixed in place, braced for him even though he did not have the strength to slam in even harder than he already was, not the strength of a bull elephant that her body was designed for.

He would take her and he laughed recklessly, revelling in all that the animals gave him, her pussy clenching around him, his tentacles twitching and milking her too, rubbing and forcing her udders, however large and unwieldy they were, to produce more milk than her elephant mind could have ever dreamed of. So much was it there that his tentacles could not even suck it all down as they flittered back and forth, swapping between them as milk warmly trickled down them, adding to sweet sensation as he dared to push the limits of what any dryad may well have thought possible. Oh, how he dared, he would have dared under any circumstance and the trumpeting of the kindly elephant drove him on, wanting to feel her tremble in climax around him, her body taking everything it could and so much more too from him.

She had it, of course, and her ecstasy could be heard on the other side of the farm, although anyone passing by there would have put it down to a normal elephant sound - "you know, the one those strange folk keep on their farm". They had nothing to fear about discovery but Isabella's whimpers rose, eyes fixed hungrily on Kerokeis' lustful administrations.

Kerokeis' lust was infectious and Isabella begged him to take her too, although his cock was now much larger than what her pussy could sustain as he withdrew, not without a tint of reluctance, from the tired elephant, her trunk waving weakly. His tentacles could ram into her cunny, however, stretching her open with two suited to her size this time, and her tits leaked heavily as he 'drank' it down with the tip of his suctioning tentacles, more than one needed to truly pleasure her breasts in a kinkily rippling massage. As he fucked her in that manner, he shrank his body down to a more manageable size again, if only for the passion he could share with the animals of the farm, for he did rather like the larger size. It made him feel, well... What was the word he was looking for?

Powerful? Invincible? Godlike? Any one of those would do.

Her moans spread and other animals clustered in, eager to see what was happening, tails raised and muzzles snuffling, looking for his attention. Yet he still had the elephant to get off, her passage twitching and squeezing down wetly on his already soaked shaft in climax, every last part of her body responding to his cock. Her ropey tail swished, ears flapped, trunk swayed, though he was in such a position that she could not look back at him, swaying her head and yet still unwilling to move. And so she would be until he finally spent a hot load of exceedingly fertile seed in her, her womb taking it all with pleasure, the dryad rocking and grinding up to her, as deep as he could possibly go.

Retracting his tentacles, he smiled fondly to her and sent a little of his magic into her body through the ground, swelling up her udders even more, for he had a distinct feeling that he would have to return to the sweetly needy elephant sometime soon. The water buffalo called his attention next, leaving Isabella to tend to her charges, despite her state of undress, and he slammed into every single member of the herd, matching their bellows with his own to fuel their lust. Their udders he did not add too much to but he took more milk from them than their bodies should ever have naturally have been able to hold, replenishing it within their udders and tugging at their teats as quickly as he drank it down from them.

And, oh, that power, it seared through him with a cold heat that could not be mistaken for anything else, heaving for breath, eyes rolling back, though he had no muscles to draw taut. Yet there was a tension still in Kerokeis' body and the lusty dryad took his time milking the zebras and the camels, swapping between the two species as he milked one and then pounded the other, impregnating them all in swift and kinky order. The camels grew udders that hung nearly down to the ground but he left them 'small' enough so that they would not gather grit and grime and cause them discomfort. No, he was too considerate for that as he positioned his tentacles with open 'mouths', milking and squirting the camel's milk into them if only for the show, his power in full force and grower stronger and stronger still.

The camels seemed to adore that too, swinging their heads back and forth and lowing like cows, humps quivering. They wanted him and pushed into the sweet mouths of his tentacles, their thick, ropey tails thrashing and thwapping as if to denote their desire even further. And just how else were they meant to tell him that they wanted it all to continue, shivering and grunting, nostrils fluttering, as they were milked and milked, the tentacles doing their work in relieving their need instantly even as his magic replenished their milk over and over again. One particularly randy one pushed the others out of the way, or at least tried to, bracing herself and spreading her hind legs as she took two tentacles at once, head lowered submissively as she took what she only thought was rightly due to her.

Of course, the dryad was ever the caring lover in that regard and ploughed her full, although he did send out more tentacles still to fuck the other camels, just to ensure that no one was left out of the fun. They wanted it and his magical 'blood' sang to the tune of their cries, lust rising in a way that should not have been possible for any animal. And yet their joy was there to see as milk trickled down the tentacles that were drinking and catching all that the camels lactated, the pussy of the one taking dominant centre stage massively stretched around two fat lengths of tentacle-dick and loving every moment of it.

The dryad's head reeled, drunk on power, every last bit of it simmering through him as he took his pleasure from the zebras too, cock jerking and twitching, drooling thick globules of cum. They clustered together, their hindquarters as close as they could possibly get, all clamouring for attention, to be the first in line at all costs, although he would, of course, divide his attention between each equally. He lingered over fucking them, tentacles wrapping lightly around their bodies in a sort of faux bondage, although they could have gotten away at any time. He had more than enough tentacles to cheekily milk the zebras too while he was pounded them, their marehoods closing around his cock, pulling and twitching as if they too were striving against all odds to milk him too. And what if they were? What would that do to his power?

Their stripes danced before his eyes as he let out a wild laugh, shuddering through the air, animals clustering in around him in all sides. Everywhere he looked, there were more and more, everybody wanting him, his lust and his passion. The zebra mare before him grunted and bucked, demanding he keep his mind on the job, and he treated her with a thick dose of seed, the flow spilling out of her slit even though she clenched down and brayed, trying to keep it inside her at all odds. There was only so much one zebra could do, however, and she was left there with her marehood gaping, twitching madly in a breeding 'wink', cum spilling out even though it was well accepted right there and then that she had been duly impregnated.

Just how much stronger could he grow on Isabella's farm? What could he do there? Their relationship, of course, was mutually beneficial with the seed he planted within the animals, every one of them pregnant and yet he could not stop, drunk on the pressure of his own power and desperate for more. It had been so long since he'd felt such a thrill and he laughed recklessly as he lost sense of himself, taking the deer next, the does with little white, raised tails lining up for him, already knowing exactly what was coming for them.

They were cute too, in their own way, his shaft teasing in as the bucked and tried to grind back on them, giving them cute udders that hung down like a cow's even though those of deer were not supposed to look like that. It didn't matter to them how he changed their bodies for his will and the fleshy teats of the deer were a pleasure to play with, tugging and massaging to coax their milk out, his tentacles drinking it all down as they were apt to do. They worked without his mental control or direction, knowing instinctively what he wanted them to do, and one after one the deer were bred, left with his cum drooling from their slits as they splayed their legs and bleated sweetly, asking for more.

He could not deny them as grinned as he ploughed his tentacles inside, even lifting some of the deer up in the air, easily demonstrating the strength of his tentacles. They had no trouble at all handling the lithe, wriggling bodies and their bleats were so very sweet as cum spurted from them, plump little bellies simply unable to swell up any more. No, they were not the most cum-thirsty of species but they were amenable and keen to please, presenting for him and grunting keenly, tails twitching and bobbing.

Yet what other creatures could he enjoy? His eyes landed on the okapi with their striped legs and he strode to meet them, the strangely antelope-like creatures nuzzling at his stomach and dipping their heads reverently to snake their long, flexible tongues around his cock. That was not what his shaft was for, however, but he did allow them the luxury of licking and running their tongues along his tentacles as he fucked them, the slurping, tickling sensation sending his tentacles spurting, cum coating both the animals and the ground, seeping into the soil that he had, of course, promised to fertilise too. That was part of the deal and his magic would do the trick without him even thinking about it - and what a beautiful arrangement that was too!

They were a pleasure to take too, although he had to be gentler with them, seemingly, than others, their bodies not truly designed not bear any large weight, long necks rising to scoop leaves and plants, stripping them from thornier hosts. But they still turned and adored him, licking and nuzzling at his dripping cock after he'd finished with them, their newly heavy udders leaking milk even then. Every animal that he bred needed sex more and more, lust overcoming them as Kerokeis moaned and powered into them over and over again.

And, still, there were more to breed and more power to be had, slurping it all down like a drunkard in a bar, unable to stop once he had begun. All Kerokeis wanted was to seed them all and he would have that as many times over as he liked, kinky desire flooding him as he drew milk into himself. His body wanted to grow and yet he had to remain comparatively small for the comfort of those hosting him, taking the antelope quickly, his seed coating their reddish-brown hindquarters as he hastily slammed in, desire overruling his better sense of being.

He was right where he wanted to be in the midst of the herd of capybara and the curious elk lingering on the outskirts and made good use of his tentacles to give them all the pleasure they deserved for obeying their dryad overlord so well. While his tentacles pounded his seed into the smaller capybara, their snouts quivering with delight, Kerokeis took his liberty with the elk, his cock swelling with magic to fit their larger sexes, slits eagerly accepting him. With how slick his shaft was with the juices of so many animals and his own cum - self-lubrication with sap was long gone by this point - he slid right in with nary a break in his thrusts.

Warmth wrapped around him and he leaned into it as if he was turning his face up to the sun on a hot day, relishing and drinking it in. Every thrust brought a fresh spurt of power into him and he took as much as he delivered, seed soaking their passages, warm and twitching and plentiful. The elk swung their massive heads and braced their hind legs for him, tails flicked up even though he could have pushed them aside, and he spare them several long minutes playing with their udders, drawing the dark skin down into something more like one would find on dairy cow, separated out into four teats, fat and leaking.

The elk did not mind but even seemed to enjoy their new additions, swinging their hindquarters to influence the swaying weight of them. They pranced and danced and not even Kerokeis could resist squeezing their udders again to drink down a little more of their milk, glowing lines lacing his body as the power within him, barely contained, reached bursting point.

More... He needed more. And yet the farm did not have enough animals for a dryad on a manner of a sexual rampage, all sweetly falling and bending to his kinky will as he impregnated them, leaving the poor males out of the occasion. Maybe he could milk them of their seed at another time and take that for his essence too? He wouldn't want it inside him but his sucking tentacles could still enjoy some time with that...

Maybe another time.

Eventually, however, he had seeded and milked every female animal on the farm multiple times and even their vibrant lust for him was spent, every creature satisfied as he rested with Isabella by his side, leaves trembling as they drank in the last rays of sunlight, taking their sustenance as he did. Energy filled him and he did not truly feel that he needed to rest, although the heaviness of the power he had absorbed weighed down his gut, leaving him with the sense that he needed to adjust to it. Maybe a bigger body and form would do him good but he didn't want to lose the chance to plough his cock into the animals in breeding; he couldn't let his tentacles when it was so much fun, after all.

"What..." Isabella puffed, pussy drooling his seed, spent and aching with pleasant exhaustion. "What are you going to do now?"

Smiling, Kerokeis snaked a tentacle around her, squeezing a breast. Without thinking, she moaned, tipping into him with a blush on her cheeks, flaring down her neck - and there was a lot of neck there to show her soft embarrassment!

"Why, my dear farmer, we're going to make your farm the best it has been in years," he said, smirking at the trickle of milk oozing from her tits. "I will grow in power and you will grow in profit. And, by this means, everyone shall benefit from this agreement."

It was the best deal she had ever struck for the farm and Isabella sealed it with a kiss on one of his tentacles, which surprised her by shooting into her mouth and spewing a load of cum, forcing her to gulp it down. And yet she did not mind being used so in the slightest, chest heaving and breasts wobbling, intent only on her next dose of pleasure, although the thrill of knowing what she had done for her farm, her animals and her family had her sucking on his cock like it was the finest treat in the world, impregnated by the dryad and her belly heavy with his seed. Soon, it would be heavier with his growing...well, whatever it was that the dryad himself produced with the good grace of his thickly fertile cum.

Smiling, Kerokeis enjoyed every last moment of it, head tipped back for the sunshine to wash over his face and head-tentacles, twisting and delighting in the warming caress.

It was going to be an excellent alliance of impregnation between them!


**Exhibition** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Aquilan_ _ _ _ _ "Hi, I'm here for the exhibit! That's today, right?" Aquilan laughed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. It had been nice for Sarah to...

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**Rampage** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by anonymous_ _ _ _ _ "What do you _mean_ it's cancelled?" Jaws parted in disbelief, Rolig balled up his fists, trembling in barely restrained fury. "I'm sorry, sir,...

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Training the Werewolf Pup

**Iron Author** **Rimming** ** ** **Training the Werewolf Pup** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Takoda Tiger_ _ _ _ _ The werewolf squirmed, locked in bondage, the room dark and furtive in its simplicity. But...

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