Slippy Scaled up

Story by hunter of chiroptera on SoFurry

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#5 of Star Fox: Rebellion

Slippy considers his past and awaits his future

Slippy glanced around the hangar feeling something off. His eyes slid over each of the unit in the hangar reflecting on the machine and it's usual pilot.

The mobile command center known as the Panterror was a giant pentagonal tank equipped with a half dozen multi missile launchers, a long range gun that would better suit a battleship and enough shield to ensure the slow paced machine reached its destination. That behemoth machine was usually piloted by their ground combat expert Miyu. Miyu was as tough as they came and smart enough to single handedly control a unit designed for a crew of six.

Next to it was the Roadmaster which had finally been completed shortly before the apariod invasion. Fay was recruited for her medical skills not pilot so the robotic Direct-i was the actual pilot for it. The road master made more sense as an ambulance than a combat unit anyway Slippy admitted. The Star Savior was an air/space version of the Roadmaster a heavily armored but mostly unarmed medical transport shaped a big box.

Beside that was Fox's Arwing the least modified of the vehicles a couple mounts for starlink tech, lasers on each wing and three on the nose cone for rapid fire. Like it's pilot the Arwing was versatile. With ease of use as it's main virtue it matched Fox's style like a tailored suit.

Krystals Cloudchaser was next while modded to use Arwing parts and incorporate some tech from their friends in Atlas it's changes were mostly cosmetic. The cockpit and the main gun were forward and raised up from the main body. Coupled with the L shaped wings and it resembled nothing so much as a giant bird. Twin Freeze ray units had been mounted to its body and Ice rockets sat on each wing. Krystal was a good pilot until she was asked to fight on the ground at any rate. Slippy bore no grudges but Krystal's position on the team seemed a touch unearned.

Next was the grav-master or rather the remains of the gravmaster Farah had taken it apart to construct some nightmare weapon so far she had doubled the cannons shielding before adding a dozen or so rocket launchers to the side of it and seemed to be making a pair of legs. Farah was a genius in the field of weapons engineering, but she was a tad reckless for Slippys preference.

Katt's ship the MADcat was an illegally armed civilian space cruiser other than guns it's radar was it's sole modification as Slippy wasn't allowed to touch it. Katt, much like her ship was an enigma to Slippy.

As his eyes slid past the empty spot where the Skyclaw would sit he finally realized what was bothering him about the hangar. Falco's ship was missing because Falco was out on a mission. The skyclaw was the most derivative of his creations but it was suited to Falco's style. Sleek, fast, maneuverable and pinpoint accurate. The machine oozed Falco's grandstanding nature. Slippy at stared at his own machine the hybrid of the Gyro wing and Arwing that he had dubbed the Bullfrog. Designed more as a bombing vehicle then as a conventional fighter it was better suited to destroying big lumbering targets and in his own opinion he was a total mismatch for his own ship. He was a small kinda tubby weakling. Which brought to mind Bentelys thoughts about using the machine to transform themselves.those thoughts were interrupted as the drone came back bearing it's sample which from the looks of it had come from Sauria.


Slippy stared at his test subject as he started up the machine he was gonna need to come up with an actual name for it at some point. The Test subject was a bright green and black striped predator species perhaps a raptor of some sort with spines down it's head and spine all the way to her tail. Slippy was only aware that his subject was female because the monitor informed as much. Slippy hopped back wards as the dino went from hissing and clawing at the tube to giving a barking cry. Slippy turned to the monitor once again. A dialogue bubble had appeared asking if he wanted to use the same setting as the last user. "Let's see what this turns out." he said confirming the activation. Grey fluid rapidly filled the chamber up much to the distress of its occupant. As Slippy watched the goo swirl he ban to wonder if something had gone wrong until a green four fingered hand slammed against the tube. His worries changed when he realised the previous height of the subject and where the hand was on the tube. "Oh wow!" slippy said as the tube drained revealing a tall muscular woman easily four times his height and her hips were broad enough that he could almost stand between them without touching, her breasts were easily the biggest he'd seen in person with her massive form pressing them again the glass.

Slippy struggled to tear his gaze from the glossy black skin of her pussy and nipples as she spoke. "Who are you?" her voice had a thick accent that Slippy couldn't really place it was rich and deep and powerful though.

"I'm Slippy." he replied, trying to hide his swelling erection

"Are you going to let me out Slippy? It would make me ever so happy." she replied with a sharp toothed grin.

"Are you gonna hurt me?"

"Why would I?" She said as she tried to shift around in the almost to small chamber. "You'd be letting me out of this cramped little prison and I really need to stretch." her last word was accompanied by her managing to lift her tail and turn giving slippy an even greater view of her cunt.

Failing to think with the larger head Slippy hit the switch for the door release. "There you go." Slippy said as the Saurian woman emerged from the chamber. A thill ran up his spine as her eyes locked on him and she smiled that toothy grin once more her dark lips a perfect contrast for the pearlescent white of her teeth. Without a word she grabbed him into a bone crushing hug as she clutched him to her chest. "No I'm afraid this won't do." she said dropping Slippy in the chamber she had just left. "You're simply to small and precious to be a proper mate. Luckily that can be fixed." The dino lady said as she completely reversed their positions.

"Stop! You don't know... what.. That..." Slippy shouted before trailing off as the Dino girl expertly tapped away at the computer.

"I can read now. Thanks to you I'm stronger, faster, smarter, and larger. I don't know what this machine does but i know that you used it to make me this." She declared with a sweep of one arm across her features. "A strong mate is good, a smart mate equally so, but a mate that is strong and smart?" her eyes locked on Slippys. "Worth any fight Slippy and with just a button press you can be both." she said as she hit a key on the terminal.

The goo came pouring down devouring Slippys clothes and tingling like carbonation on his skin.his muscles flexed on their own as his body changed. All at once it was over and when he looked at himself nothing seemed different. The dino girl popped the chamber open and now he could see the difference, He was now taller and wider in perfect proportion to what he had been before except know his arms and legs were thick with muscle and his stomach had less jiggle due to his newfound buffness.

"Now you're a worthwhile mate." She said stroking his face. "Take me to your nest so I can lay claim to your seed." Slippy nodded numbly before hurrying to his room. He had only just got the door open when he was roughly shoved inside and onto the floor. Climbing to his knees he found himself faced with the Dino girls groin. "Get me good and wet." she demanded holding his head firmly. Slippy slowly extended his tongue rubbing it up and down her velvet folds which rewarded him with a strange almost bitter flavor that the toad found oddly delightful. As he serviced the Suarian woman her tail began to brush against his shaft which sprang erect as if spring loaded. Slippys tongue pushed between her folds slipping further into her slit. "Enough." She said pulling his head away from her groin his tongue slurping back into his head seconds later. "I'm ready to begin." she said leaning over his bed tail raised exposing that wonderfuls slit slick with her juices and his saliva. "Mount me." he said sternly.

"Yes Mistress." he said -just like he'd heard in dozens of bad pornos- as he went to obey. As he took hold of his throbbing member he figured he must have doubled in length and girth for it to be as big in his grip as it felt. Grunting he found it rather hard to push into her pussy his shaft was nearly to large but he had no plans to disappoint her. He went in slowly sinking every inch of his flesh into her produced moans of pleasure from them both. Once his hips met hers Slippy held nothing back pulling back her he slammed his cock into her with all the force he could manage over and over. The bed shook as the saurian sank her claws into the mattress her maw open wide as she panted from the toads furious pace. Wrapping his arms around her tail he traded force for speed going as fast as he could manage.

"Give It to me now I want to feel your Seed take hold." The saurian girl said as her tail wrapped about Slippys shoulder. The toad gave a weak moan as he climaxed. He collapsed against her even as he continued to cum. "Yes, oh yes that is exactly what I wanted." she said sliding the toad off her back side and onto the bed. "You should make for an excellent mate." she said as she climbed into the bed beside him.

Just at Slippy was about to reply a creaking noise reached his ears, followed shortly by the beds legs collapsing drooping the rest of the bed to the ground with a rather jarring thud . "We might need a bigger bed Sarah."

"Whats' Sarah?"

"You are. Sarah that's your name since you didn't have one before."

"I thought my name was Mistress?"Sarah said snuggling up to the toad unperturbed.

"Mistress is just for when we are mating. Make sense?" the toad asked as he stroked Sarah's face.

"More or less."

Nest building

Falco yawned in boredom as the third rocket in twelve minutes sailed over the canopy of the Skyclaw. He and his ship had been selected for a scouting mission. A week out, a week of study, and a week back. Now he was being chased by goons of some sort....

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Bentley's Scale Problems

Bentley was in awe of the technological prowess on display all around him. The Machine he was repairing was some relic of a bygone age its purpose eluded him. He wasn't alone in that Slippy Toad chief mechanic and head of science for Star Fox couldn't...

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Caput Lupinum

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