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#83 of Commissions

A trade I did with nelson88 about his twins having some family fun.

Playtime by Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect. This work contains underaged content. You have been warned.

"Play is sometimes the highest

form of research."

-Albert Einstein

The purity of youth is palpable. Each day often brings new experiences, wherein childhood one can expect to be somewhat challenging. However, even the juvenile at heart doesn't take it this way. Seldom do kids see opportunity and instead spin it as nothing more than play. It is in the joy of play that maturation takes a back seat. Often offering the grand scheme of competition, companionship, and comradery. It is this mindset can we see the expansive horizons offered throughout childhood. As the idiom goes; The possibilities as limitless your imagination can wonder.

Remi and Sammy were brothers who lived in a suburb in the outskirts of Milwaukee. Both of their parents worked in the big city in various firms. Dad was a bureaucrat with the division of housing while his wife was a real estate agent at a firm with many clients. As such the two often had to employ all numbers of caretakers for their little ones. Remi and Sammy were still pretty young and at 8 they weren't yet mature enough to actually stay home alone. However, occasionally they got the treat of staying home with their grandparents.

This weekend it was the grandfather's turn. At 65 years of age, the man wasn't exactly young but the beagle had aged well. As with the rest of the dog family, he had orange, brown, and white fur around his person. He was the tallest and his kin considered him the most child-friendly. He loved being around kids and still worked with them on occasion at the local youth groups, such as the YMCA and Boy Scouts of America. It was his way of giving back to the community and making up the fact he couldn't always be around when he was younger.

The grandfather was known affectionately by the two boys as "Papa" and secretly they preferred him over his wife, as she was typically more strict than he was. In addition, he was more likely to give them sweets which is something their parents never did since they didn't like them staying up late or getting to rowdy after dinner. It was Friday night and only the mother was still around when Papa finally arrived at the door. The very moment he knocked, two kids lept from the sofa. Both of them still in their pajamas as it was still quite early in the day.

Remi and Sammy knew better than to open the door without permission and wagging their tails impatiently waiting for their mother to come. As usual she was slow since she was in no hurry to leave. Her meeting wasn't for another hour and it was a while past rush hour, so she had nothing to really worry about.

"Thanks for watching them, Pops." She hugged her father for a few moments before the two cubs inserted themselves between them,

"Hi, Papa!" Remi screamed out with joy as he latched on to the man's left leg.

"You're here!" Sammy latched onto the other leg and held on tightly.

"Hiya, Sports! We're going to have so much fun this weekend!" The grandfather knelt down to get closer to their eye level.

The woman couldn't help but laughing as she watched their reaction.

"Alright, I guess I'll get going. You two promise to be good, alright?" The mother eyed both of them back and forth.

"Yes, mom." Sammy was more of a mothers boy than his brother was.

"Give me a hug and I'll go then." She felt strange having to remind them of the gesture but they were young after all.

They did as they were told and Sammy felt a bit silly about not having done it without being asked.

"Alright. Goodbye, boys. Call me if you need anything, Pops." The woman collected her car keys and went out the door before locking it.

"So what do you guys want to do first? Piggyback rides for all?" The man got onto his hands and knees and patted his back.

Remi put his glasses on the counter so that they wouldn't fall off his face.

"Me first, me first!" The smaller cub was always more keen to be carried around as if he were a jockey.

The boy positioned himself to the side of his grandfather who hunched his body as close to the floor as possible. Remi got on and immediately the man pushed his body back upward. Slowly but surely he made his way around the living room. Sammy watched jealously as his brother got the attention first. It was often a game for him to be the attention seeker.

"Don't worry you're next, big guy." Papa knew that mentioning it would at least make the other cub a little more patient.

After about two rounds around the entire living room, he finally stopped and allowed the boy to dismount. Without even a moments rest, Sammy rushed over and put himself on the back of his grandfather. Papa decided to grin and bear it in order to remain fair. After all, he certainly didn't want to risk a hissy fit. Once he did another set of rounds he stopped, breathing a little hard. It was getting harder to be playful with the boys as he got older, but he could manage for now at least.

"So...who wants a snack?" The grandfather guided the larger cub off as he stood up to full attention.

"Me, Me, Me!" Both boys chimed in unison.

"How about marshmallows?" The grandfather knew all of their favorite sweets and figured a small one wouldn't ruin their appetite for lunch.

"Oh yay!" Sammy had a little more of a sweet tooth than his brother did.

"Alright, let me go get some from the kitchen." The man stepped out of the living room and like the little dogs they were, his sidekicks followed.

"You guys could have waited, you know that right?" Papa looked back and saw his cohorts mere steps behind him.

"We didn't want to." Remi was sort of the leader of the two boys and whatever he did his brother followed in suit.

The man rolled his eyes and went into the fridge pulling out a small bag of marshmallows. He popped out four large puffballs into his paw before distributing them equally into each hand. He then handed them to each cub who took them and without delay devoured them as if they had never seen the food before.

"Can we have more?" Sammy asked with his best puppy eyes.

Papa was immune to it as his age, though the boys still tried their best effort each opportunity they got.

"No, we still have to have lunch and I don't want to ruin your appetite for the rest of the day."

"Okay..." Sammy's head dropped down and his brother patted him on the back twice.

"Don't be sad. We're gonna have fun. Want to watch some cartoons?" The man knew this was both of the cubs favorite past time.

"Yeah!" Both boys chimed in unison and rocketed into the living room before jumping over the couch.

Papa trailed behind slowly as he rotated around the couch and picked up the controller. He scrolled through the channels until he found something colorful and entertaining.

Once the show started both of the boys suddenly became entranced by the television. Each cub sat next to each other with the grandfather squishing himself on the right side of the couch. Both boys were sprawled out so it didn't really afford much space. Regardless he didn't complain and simply put himself as close to the armrest as possible. Surprisingly he was able to relax, even with Remi's paws pushing into the side of his thighs. Eventually, he even dozed off because the kids were quiet enough that he could close his eyes for a while.

As lunch rolled around the two got rambunctious again as they were getting rather hungry. Papa got off the chair reluctantly without complaining. The two kids were rotating around him as if they were ravenous sharks waiting on their meal. The grandfather went into the kitchen with his two watchers closely behind. He made them some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches which were a time tested tradition and a favorite of his grandcubs.

He served up lunch and once the boy's appetites were sated, he made something more healthy for himself. Both of the boys stared at him relentlessly as he made himself a club sandwich.

"Boy's it's not polite to stare. Go play games until I'm done eating." The man pointed out trying to remain firm.

Both cubs turned their heads downward, a little sullen, as they head back out to the living room to do as they were told. Now that he was free Papa made quick work of his meal as he had a rather soft heart and didn't like making the boys upset.

Once he returned to the living room both of the cubs were pouting on the couch as they were upset and felt like they were yelled at.

"Don't be sad, boys. I just wanted to eat my lunch. I'm sorry if I yelled." Even now he felt like he didn't raise his voice, he knew it was best to just give in.

Both Remi and Sammy were quick to forgive.

"Come and play games with us?" Remi quickly got up and went to hook up his Nintendo Switch into the TV.

It was already partially plugged in from the last time they played. His favorite game for the console was Rocket League. He loved the sporty aspect combined with driving around what he considered to be snazzy cars.

Papa had never even seen the game before so once the title screen popped up, he assumed it would be cars tied to actual rockets.

"I'll just watch you guys play, alright?" The man didn't want to disappoint his grandkids.

"Sure, I can show you how to play." Sammy shuffled right underneath where the older man was sitting.

The two cubs began playing and before long they completely forgot about showing Papa how to play. Of course, he didn't really care and simply enjoyed watching them have fun. Time slipped away as hour after hour passed. The two cubs had no sense of time management.

By the time they got bored, it was just before dinner time. Papa had slipped into a light nap again as he was roused by the now hungry and bored cubs.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" He asked half already knowing the answer.

"Pizza!" Both boys chimed in unison after they looked quickly at one another.

"Go play outside and I'll call and order it then." Grandpa didn't think they could possibly get into any mischief by the time delivery arrived.

He called the local pizzeria and ordered the typical pepperoni on one half and sausage for himself on the other. They estimated him a 20 minute wait time, so he decided to watch the boys play from the window.

As he watched the kids tumble in the sandbox, eventually their bodies shifted and rolled around on the body. Their orange and white fur became one giant fuzzball as they wrestled onto the grass. There was no pain inflicted, only childlike enjoyment as they laughed and giggled. Papa couldn't help but smile as he watched. Before long the delivery driver rang the front door. The grandfather answered and paid the much younger fur along with giving them a tip.

"Boys, Food's here." Papa yelled out to the kids who had paid no attention to the driver arriving.

By this point, the two cubs were a muddy mess and as they approached the house, the man realized this.

"Take off your clothes this instant and you can just eat in your underwear." He instructed them as he watched the muddy sand and dirt drip from their clothes.

Remi and Sammy did as they were told and stripped down to their undies. Not caring much about where they put the stuff as they were much more interested in the smell of pizza originating from the kitchen. They ran inside and the grandfather popped open the box before serving them each a slice and a half. It didn't take them long to scarf it down. In fact, by the time the boys finished, Papa hadn't even started yet.

After dinner was settled, the grandfather sent the kids to take a bath. It was almost bedtime and they had to be quick about it. It wasn't exactly late but both Remi and Sammy had a curfew. Both boys knew better than to disobey bedtime. It was one of those things that no matter the situation they complied with the rule. So neither of them wasted time once they were told to hit the bath. Papa was still cleaning in the kitchen when he sent them to clean themselves.

Remi was the first one into the bathroom. Normally they bathed separately but tonight the larger one had a different idea.

"How about we take a bath together?" Remi was the first one to remove the rest of his clothes and step into the waterless shower.

Not only was this suggestion different but it had been a while since either of them had taken a legitimate bath since a shower was more efficient.

"Sure, that sounds fun." Sammy followed in suit.

Eventually, the smaller boy turned on the faucet and fixed himself in front. His body pushed back against the other boy as he relaxed and let the water rise steadily.

As his brother settled in, it didn't take long before Sammy's little cock began to stir. It had been a while since he'd given it some attention. After all, he was pretty young and he only occasionally played with himself. But the closeness of his brother was making him a little hard. Eventually, he reached around and began playing with Remi. The smaller cub squirmed a bit as he wasn't expecting the touch. After all, no one had touched him down there except himself for a very long time.

At first, he didn't move his hand, instead of allowing to just sit there motionless. The paw moved up and downward with the slow and steady movement of Remi's breaths. Eventually, the water rose above that level and his paw bobbed a bit before Sammy submerged it once again. Now his grasp became a little more firm as he began to rub his brother's crotch. Within moments his brother's groin became just as firm as his own was.

Sammy began pumping slightly as his brothers back arched backward and relaxed against the larger frame of his brother. Remi's breathing steadied and his heartbeat began to race as the pleasure was slowly getting to him. Just as the pleasure was rising to its peak, the door popped open.

"Everything okay in...?" Papa came inside and saw what was happening dumbfounded by the sexual nature of their play.

The mere moment he walked in Remi's body suddenly spasmed and then relaxed. His brother's relentless attention finally stopped

"What were you boys...oh never mind. Get out right now!" The grandfather was beyond furious and raised his voice for the very first time to the boys.

Remi was the first one to get out despite being in a slight state of sexual stupor. Sammy didn't take long to follow. Without delay they were lead on by opposing hands, each of them being rushed back to their room regardless of them being soaking wet. Grandpa took Sammy and lifted him up on his knee. One by one his hand reigned down spanking the boy. The larger cub cried out in pain as he was punished. Remi watched in fear as he knew he was next Without saying anything, Papa repeated the same penalty to the smaller boy.

" to sit and...just go to bed." The grandfather didn't actually want them to think about what they had just done.

Grandpa left the room and both of the boys were sobbing. Neither looked at each other as they went about their business drying and redressing themselves. The carpet was a little wet but neither noticed the moist fabric on their feet. They eventually got dressed, still muted and sharing no words between them. The man, on the other hand, was already having second thoughts about his own actions. He hated having to punish his grandkids.

Papa began to think about how he could make it up to them within minutes. By the time he returned to the room he had two cups of vanilla ice creams with separate spoons for both of them.

"Sorry...I overreacted a little. Do you guys forgive me?" After all boys will be boys he thought to himself.

"Yes, Papa" The boys chimed together and hugged him from each side.

The two chowed down on their ice cream without delay. The little act of punishment was soon forgotten and the boys went to bed despite their sugar rush. After all, they had a long, exciting and tiring day. Once Papa told them a story, he tucked them in and wished them goodnight. It didn't take them long to sleep and their grandfather turned off the lights smiling at them. It seemed it had been a great day after all.

A little day on the town Part 2

A little day out on the town Part 2: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story are fictional. They are my creation and intellectual property. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely a coincidence. This piece contains...

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Survival of the Fittest

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