Draykan's Discovery 2

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#11 of Tik Tik into the Wildlands

Draykan is a knight of love who had suffered abuse at the hands of an evil cult. Now, he returns to the place of his suffering, only to discover someone else who needs some healing, a beautiful elf with psionic powers and artificial limbs.

Her lips quirk up in a smile, a soft chuckle arising from her soft voice... "T... that. It's amazing!"

He smiles back, his hands gripping onto her shoulders. Keeping his eyes on hers, though she cannot focus back, he penetrates her.

The tight walls feel remarkably different than Tymara's. While the priestess kept her body in great shape for the arts of love, this one feels so different, so new. He doesn't question himself as the grunts rise up from his throat. He leans forward, overwhelming her with his form as he presses his chest to hers, his snout booping her nose.

His hips rock forward, spreading her wide. The deeper he delves into her, the louder her once-silent cries become.

Her body writhes underneath of him, perhaps the only way she can show her excitement in her current state. The penetration becomes more natural, and her cries get higher and higher with each deeper thrust.

It is with one of his deep thrusts that one of his members meets, and then destroys, a barrier. He freezes, his eyes widening, and stops, staring at her. "You're..."

"Why... why are you stopping?" Galenna asks, her eyes blindly searching for him. "P... please, keep going!"

Breaking through that initial surprise, he grunts an affirmative and presses on, now going through that barrier to parts untouched!

Snorting, he speaks up to her. "I'll see if they can heal you... better than I can... give you your... your legs--your arms, too."

Her smile is so wide, her sightless eyes rolling back as she pants higher and higher with each thrust.

"I... I don't n-need that, t-thanks to you!" She gasps, her voice losing more and more of its resistance and growing more with each syllable.

"What do you-" He asks, but stops when something taps on his shoulder. Looking over there with a snarl, he yelps as a cold, porcelain arm rests over his shoulder, the hand tickling under his chin. Another hooks under his lower body, groping his ass.

Galenna bites her lip and nods. "K-keep going. I feel it returning. My ability!"

He shakes his head and continues, pushing further into her than before, even as legs graze his own and attach at her hips. Once connected, they wrap around hm, pulling him closer, stopping him from ever leaving before he is done!

"More, more!" she screams, and he listens to her, looking down, focusing on her body as fingers trail up and down along his scales, feeling him with their own indulgent pace.

Though, she isn't the only one who is getting the sensual delight, for with each thrust, he sees the distortion under her body caused by his massive phalluses claiming her body as his own personal grounds. Her form slides on the table with each thrust, her breasts flopping lewdly with no restraint. Her legs that hook onto him do not move with her, floating in their original position, but still strong enough to keep him from backing up away from her.

He grabs onto one of those legs, pulling them upward to rest it over his shoulder, and as he does, her body slides up to follow it, tied to the magical appendage, despite their lack of a physical connection.

The idea of this magical being, the control he has even when not connected, drives him wild, and he roars, his hot breath over her face.

With that, he slams into her, his climax coming hard and fast, shooting streams deep into her innards and up into her womb.

Her arms and legs clatter to the floor as her body contracts around his members, her screams echoing throughout the halls of the lair of evil before she collapses back, panting, sweating, a total hot mess.

Draykan pulls himself free, stumbling back, cum oozing from both tips as he stares down at her form, her head cocked to one side, full breasts glistening, her mouth quirked in a smile, and the cum dripping from two holes at once, her tummy swollen with his seed.

He wipes his brow, taking a few deep breaths to catch himself. That exertion tires him out enough to collapse onto his butt on the floor. "T... that was..."

She licks her lips, her whole form shuddering. "T... that was incredible!" she growls.

Suddenly, her appendages spring to life, legs lacing around his and arms on his shoulders, as if her phantom body were sitting on his lap. She brushes her fingers over his cheeks and says. "I... I don't feel any of it anymore. No more pain... no more restraint. I can do anything, be anywhere. It's all because of you!"

He smiles, pulling her hands away from his cheeks. "I'm... I'm glad to have helped. Now, about getting out of here...

Her body flies off of the table, landing right in place where it would belong with her arms and legs. He gasps as her crotch slams right up against his own, sniffling back a tear.

"What? Leave? Now? With you, my love? That sounds wonderful! Where shall we go?"

"I, uh... suppose we can go back to the temple of love. They should be able to help you out more than I did and-



She wraps her arms around him, nuzzling her cheek against his chest. "I'm perfectly fine with my Drakey! You'll protect me with your big strong muscles, and I'll let you use my stumpy body whenever you want!"

He stands up, helping her to stand with him. He pats her on the shoulders, squeezing them a bit to convey his meaning. "Look, Galenna. I don't want to use you. That's the last thing I want, alright? Besides, I can't take your limbs from you. That's cruel."

"Oh..." she says, tapping his chin. "So, you want me to keep the limbs on? Gotcha! Well, shall we?"

With a nervous chuckle, Draykan pulls up his pants and laces his fingers with hers. "Yes, let's," leading her out of the dark chamber and into the unknown of the future.

Draykan's Discovery 1

Draykan traded his close companionship with the temple and with Tybalt for the cold loneliness of the terrible place that he had once called home. Nestled into a mountain, hidden underneath and old watchtower, only those who had known of the place and...

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Rhannah and Halia 3

"Mind your step," Rhannah urges, stepping down from the porch of the establishment. She holds her hand out towards Halia. The horse does not take it but stumbles down a step and grabs onto the railing leading down. "I'm good," she replies, yet Rhannah...

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Rhannah and Halia 2

The best part about living in a big city is that there's never a shortage of places to drown your sorrows. When one bar closes its door to Halia, the horse just gets up and goes to the next one that piques her interest. It takes her a couple of nights...

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