An Ultimate Nexus Experience (6/14)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of An Ultimate Nexus Experience

Renzyl is hosting a party for his brother Famjin for a mystery gift that the had created, and Jason is invited! Of course he can't just go as a human, not with a bunch of rubber creatures running around. Luckily the rubber dragon has just the disguise to help him out, after all he has some plans for him once they get there!

Cover art by Croft

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When Jason awoke once more he found himself alone in the bed and laying on top of the latex sheets rather than a part of them, the human realizing he was not only completely unrestrained but no longer a rubber werewolf as he slid off the mattress. The glassy stone floor was warm to the touch under his bare feet as he got up and looked around. His clothes were nowhere to be found, which really didn't surprise him that much anymore as he went over to the vac-wall that he had seen before. The creatures inside all seemed to squirm more as he got up close to them, almost as if they could sense his presence as some even began to hump the air.

"They do certainly enjoy being teased," Renzyl's smooth voice said behind him, stopping Jason from touching the muzzle of a shark-like anthro and turning to face the rubber dragon. "But I don't think we're going to have enough time for that, I happen to be having a party in one of my wings and I would like you to come as the guest of honor. You will also be able to meet a few of my brothers since they'll be coming as well."

"Your brothers?" Jason asked as he saw that somehow Renzyl had also set up a few food items for him to partake in that were on the obsidian table. "You guys still are able to play nice with one another despite fighting for the Nexus realm? I mean I know we talked about it a bit yesterday that it's not all about the struggle, but I still find it a little hard to believe you would just invite the enemy over."

"It is true that we are locked in a battle of wills to see who will be the one in complete control," Renzyl explained as he sat down opposite the human. "But that doesn't mean that we can't be civil to one another while we do. Granted the first few millennia were rather intense against one another, but we've learned that we are still family and should treat one another as such. In fact it is for one of my brethren that this party is in honor of since he has given me a gift that even I don't know the nature of."

"I'm not sure I would be accepting any gifts from someone trying to take me over," Jason stated before taking a bit of his pancakes.

"It would be foolish of him to do something of that nature in my realm," Renzyl replied. "Here our power is absolute, which is why it's so hard for one of us to take over another. That being said it's happened before but it's usually less like a takeover attempt and more like a prank, especially when we target our second in commands. I'm sure Chrono could tell you a few stories of times when others messed with him to get to me."

"More than a few," Chrono responded, the two looking up to see the silver rubber raptor entering the room along with two other latex lizardman wheeling in what appeared to be a large rack of clothing. "I take it that I'm a bit early for him to pick out his suit?"

"You're fine Chrono," Renzyl replied, those red eyes looking over at Jason as he looked back at him in question. "There's going to be a lot of different creatures in this party and all of them happen to have the desire to take humans, especially willing ones such as yourself, and convert them into their prospective minion. That is why we have a few wardrobe options for you to try out, a suit like the one you wore last night will allow you to mingle unmolested during the party so I don't have to worry about you coming back to me as a bird or something."

Jason nodded and after finishing up his breakfast went over to the racks to look through the various garments. They were all full-body suits made of rubber, most of them dragons with a few others reptilian species in there as well. Upon Renzyl's recommendation he stuck to the draconic ones, they would give him the most freedom since dragons in the realm were often given such a form as a mark of honor or power. At first Jason thought that there was only going to be a few choices but as he flipped through them he was surprised at the variety before he took one off the rack that had caught his eye.

It was a fiery orange and purple rubber dragon suit, this one a little more aquatic in nature as he lifted the hands to see that they had webbing in between the fingers. It also had earfins as well as wings and a rather normal draconic tail. As he stretched open the slit in the middle of the stomach he saw that the inside was as smooth and shiny as the outside, save for the inner legs and the sheath that was ribbed. Once Jason was done investigating it Renzyl asked if that was the one that he wanted, to which he nodded enthusiastically.

Once he had made his selection Renzyl and Chrono both helped him to get into it while the lizardmen were dismissed and took the unchosen clothing with him. At first Jason wondered if it was going to come alive or something but as they helped him put his feet into the sleeves through the chest opening it was clear that this was just a suit. Once he got both legs in and they adjusted his groin so that his maleness was in its sheath he did feel a slight shift in the rubber, particularly in his feet as something gel-like filled in around his already covered body. Though it didn't transform him or anything like that he had trouble discerning where his human feet ended and the draconic feet began as he wiggled his toes, finding the suit to be impressively responsive to his commands.

"Wouldn't want anyone figuring out that you were a human because something sagged on you," Renzyl stated as he noticed Jason wiggling about slightly. "The suit will fill in all the gaps and help you feel things as though it was you that was being touched. For all intents and purposes you'll be a human in a dragon suit, it's just that no one else will realize that."

Jason nodded and continued to insert his arms into the holes of the suit, feeling the muzzle of the dragon suit press against the back of his head while he did so. As he did there were still changes happening to the legs of his suit as more gel began to pad it out. Though he remained bipedal the thicker muscles gave him a slightly more bestial look as the rubber pressed up against his back once he slid in his second arm. As he did he felt something press against his rear that caused him to jump slightly, or rather slightly above it as more of the gel pressed against the base of his spine. Suddenly he realized that he had control over a new limb, turning back to see the tail filling out as he was able to give it a weak wag while it continued to inflate with what he assumed was more of the gel.

As Chrono finished smoothing out the last wrinkles of the latex Jason gave his fingers a wiggle, feeling the latex membranes attached between his fingers as he slid his hands down his covered arms. It was a particularly arousing sensation and before he could contain himself he saw the head of his maleness poke its way out of the rubber slit. The others didn't seem to mind at all though and he looked to see that his entire member was sheathed in a draconic rubber shaft, the undersides ridged just like on the inside of the suit. Though he wanted to give it a squeeze just to see how much sensation the gel, which had filled the gaps between his own cock and the rubber one covering it, gave him Renzyl informed him that there would be more time for that later and that he needed the finishing touches.

With both arms secured the last thing to put on was the head, Chrono stretching it upwards to allow Jason to slide his own underneath it. Once he was completely in the raptor let it slide back down over his head, Jason letting out a muffled grunt as he was temporarily blinded by the latex over his face. It wasn't long though before he could see once more as Renzyl adjusted the muzzle of the hood and adjusted the eye holes. For a few seconds the human felt like he was just wearing some sort of full head mask until the gel began to flood in, pouring over his face and filling in the muzzle as well as anchoring to his own mouth. A similar sensation happened to his nose and for a while he couldn't breathe until he felt something push inside his nostrils and supplied him with a means to breathe besides his mouth.

"There we have it," Renzyl said as he flicked the earfin of the costume, Jason yelping slightly as he felt the contact as well as the instinctive flapping of the appendage from the contact. "How does it feel? A good fit?"

"You could certainly say that... whoa..." Jason was astonished when he heard his own voice, which no longer sounded like it used to as he put his webbed hands to his throat. "I know you said you didn't but it feels like you transformed me. Are you sure I'm not a dragon right now?"

"I'm quite positive," Renzyl confirmed with a chuckle. "Now let's seal you up and see what you look like." When Jason looked down he saw that some of his human skin was still exposed underneath the suit from the flap that he had entered into, though it didn't stay that way for long as the rubber dragon pinched the two sides at the top and ran his fingers down. When he was finished it was completely seamless and as the covered human ran his hands over it he suddenly felt the muscles swell as the gel helped give him a far more defined set of pectorals and abdominal muscles.

The two brought Jason over to the mirror and as they did it took a little bit for him to get used to the new gait, but eventually with the help of the suit he was walking normally again by the time they got there. When he looked at himself he was surprised by what he saw, once more his hands ran down his body as the orange and purple latex glistened in the light. Even though he knew that a lot of it was enhanced by the internal gel padding of the suit he couldn't help but think of himself as that hunky rubber dragon as he struck a few poses in the mirror. He even turned around and raised his tail in the air to see how detailed his rear looked, though he quickly turned back around when he heard a few snickers from the raptor.

"Someone is enjoying themselves it seems," the silver raptor said as he appeared behind Jason in the reflection, feeling the shiny digits sliding easily over his similarly synthetic skin. "Perhaps we can enjoy one another a little more before the party."

"Settle down Chrono," Renzyl intervened, the mirror-eyed male glancing over at the black rubber dragon before pulling back... after giving Jason's package a squeeze. "Though I'm sure that he would have all the fun with you, a romp in the sack is never short where you're concerned." Chrono blushed and grinned sheepishly in both pride and embarrassment as he continued to step back, letting Renzyl get into the reflection as Jason still stared at himself. "Still need one or two adjustments, but I think that no one will be the wiser at our little party, don't you think?"

Jason wondered what else he could possibly need shifted before Renzyl pointed to his eyes, which upon closer inspection in the mirror he realized still looked human. That didn't last long though as the Nexus creature put his hands over the new rubber dragon's eyes and Jason could feel the gel leak out of the suit and completely coat them. When Renzyl pulled back the human expected to be unable to see, but instead he could see sharper than ever through the gel lenses. When he leaned in closer he saw that they weren't just for improving his sight either, gazing into the purple eyes as the reptilian pupils moved in exact time with his own eye movements.

There was a bit more that the rubber dragon did, including having Jason presenting his covered cock completely so that he could make sure it sat right while the suited human practically trembled in pleasure, before Renzyl announced that they were ready to go. They gave Jason a minute or two to calm down once more, then the three made their way out of the room with the suited dragon giving himself one last look at himself leaving before they made their way through the manor. As they walked towards their destination it was clear that the jubilation of this unveiling was not restricted to the party as others were out celebrating in various fashions from innocuous to lewd.

However it appeared the main party itself was restricted access, Renzyl putting his hand against the door and causing glowing lines to appear on it briefly before dissipating. "So whatever you two do," Renzyl warned before he pulled open the door. "Try not to look at them so that this can be quick."

Jason didn't even have time to ask what that meant before he felt a hand go over his eyes, the raptor shielding his gaze before he was walked into the door. What followed was another short walk that he blindly took until he was stopped once again. "Master Renzyl," a voice said. "A pleasure to see you as always."

Even though the words were brief and he heard the sound of a door opening the tone practically caused him to melt in Chrono's arms. It felt so good listening to them that he wished he could continue to talk to the stranger for hours, to the point where he was straining his head to try and ask a question to hear that voice again. The silver latex hand moved from his eyes to his mouth to prevent him from speaking and when he was able to see he did catch a serpentine tail that looked like it was made of molten silver before the door closed.

"Hypnagas..." Jason whispered as he felt the spell get lifted off of him, Renzyl grinning and nodding as Chrono let him go. "You let them do security? I thought that they were too dangerous to let out?"

"With the proper wards they are allowed to be in specific places of the manor without being in their suppressed forms," Renzyl corrected. "Also they're not dangerous to let out, but special care has to be taken lest they start drawing a crowd of minions that are vying for their attention. Great power, great responsibility, all that noise, but they are very, very effective for keeping people out that aren't on the guest list since it's hard to lie when you're enthralled."

Everyone got a chuckle out of that and Renzyl then told them to go and have fun with the party; he had to go and see about what the main unveiling was going to be. Jason nodded and looked around the area, which appeared to be a mostly unfurnished space save for the set-up for the party as well as something very large that took up most of the room. Walking around it seemed to take up the entirety of the cylindrical room and was also circular in nature, but any other information was concealed by a curtain guarded by a number of heavily muscular shark men that looked to be covered head to toe in a scuba suit along with a gas masks covering their heads. The sentries made it clear that the surprise would not be spoiled so Jason instead went over to mingle with the crowd.

Though most of the creatures in the room were rubber reptiles, Jason recognizing several that he had seen in his first day, there were also others that took him slightly by surprise. At one point he thought he was leaning up against a marble lion statue until he heard it start to purr and vibrate, the frozen feline suddenly laughing as Jason jumped back in surprise. Most of those around that weren't of Renzyl's fold appeared to be aquatic in nature and had come from one of the brothers named Famjin. He also found out that Famjin was the one in charge of the surprise remodel, though more information about that was being tight-lipped as well.

One other creature that really stood out to Jason was what he could only describe as a tentacle monster, the shiny black skin signaling this was probably one of Renzyl's creatures but unlike anything he had ever seen before. Though he tried to get over to talk to him it appeared that he was a rather popular entity at the party and always had a crowd around him, which was impressive considering his size. After multiple attempts to try and get through to the large creature he gave up and made a mental note to try after the unveiling. He did find out one thing while waiting, that the creature was modeled after something called a Bal'Kar and they were apparently a very exotic species.

After a few hours Jason decided that he was feeling hungry again and went over to the table where various foodstuffs was being served. Behind the table loaded with various goodies there was a chocolate crocodile with a chef's hat on, cooking things table side for people to enjoy. "What will it be?" the creature said before looking over, his eyes widening slightly as he motioned for Jason to wait as he finished off the dishes that he was creating before turning to him. "Fancy seeing a human running around these parts, must be quite some occasion."

"Wait, you know that I'm... human?" Jason replied, leaning in and whispering that last part which caused the crocodile to chuckle.

"Of course I do," the chef replied as he continued to smirk, putting a little sign on his station that said he would be back soon. "That disguise you have may fool most here, but a Nexus creature can see through it in an instant. Of course since this is a party and out of respect for our host we'll keep this to ourselves, my name is Jerkah by the way."

"I'm Jason," the dragon-suited male replied before once more looking at the spread before him. "So did you make all this food yourself?"

"Oh I have my helpers," Jerkah replied with a wink. "Just like Renzyl has his minions I have my own, then it's just a matter of having the kitchen space. Thankfully our realms are close enough at the moment that I could just link a portal and have them come in and out."

Before Jason could ask what that meant he was given a demonstration as a rip formed in the air, a hybrid of a fox and dragon stepping out with three bowls in his arms. Much like Jerkah himself this one also looked like a creature made out of food, Jason attempting to identify the dish that the creature represented. It appeared the red lines were strawberry jelly and his scales looked like some sort of graham crust... and after a few seconds he realized that the hybrid was a living representation of strawberry cheesecake! Though he wanted to ask if he was right in his guess the creature was focused solely on Jerkah.

"We have everything ready for the Neapolitan," the smaller male said as he held up three spoons with his tail to the chocolate crocodile. "Just need your final approval for the fillings before we start layering."

Jerkah nodded, pulling out one of the spoons and dipping it in the pink-colored filling and tasting it. "The strawberry is perfect," he stated before tossing the spoon into a bin underneath him, then taking the second one and tasting the white filling before quickly repeating the process for the chocolate filling. "The vanilla could use two more splashes of cream and the chocolate just a dash of cocoa powder. Actually wait, I can do the second one for you right now."

Jason's eyes widened in surprise when he saw the crocodile take out what looked like a file and ran it against his own scales, watching the powder drop into the chocolate bowl before tapping the file. "Um..." the human said, getting both their attention. "That doesn't... hurt, does it?"

"Not at all," Jerkah replied with a chuckle before returning to address the fox. "Alright, just two splashes in the vanilla and you should be good to layer, no need to come back for a second check."

"Yes sir!" the fox-dragon replied before jumping back into the tear, which sealed itself behind him.

"So it's definitely not just for looks," Jason said in awe as he watched the chocolate scale that had been grated reform back to its original state. "You're actually made of chocolate. So what happens when someone takes a bite of your finger?"

"We'll reform it," Jerkah replied as he began to put different morsels of food on a plate, primarily seafood which seemed to be the theme. "Why, you could make a whole dessert course with just that fox lying on a table and he would be squirming in pleasure the whole time. Of course he's not on the menu today, nor any of my guys, we have a lot of work to do and I don't need people gobbling up my best cooks."

The two talked for a little while longer before Jerkah handed Jason the plate that he had been filling, which had all manner of foods that the human both recognized and had never seen in his life. Surprisingly when he tried them all he found himself enjoying all of them, even the ones that looked a little bizarre. Just as he finished his plate and had started to walk around a little more there was an announcement that the unveiling would happen soon and for everyone to gather around near the door area. All the creatures in the room migrated towards the designated spot and turned to see Renzyl standing there along with a black neoprene shark that had a stature as impressive as the rubber dragon.

"Thank you all for gathering here today," the shark stated, his voice a bit deeper and more forceful than Renzyl's but with not as much smoothness. "So Renzyl had helped me out with a little bit of a border dispute between myself and one of our other brethren, so in return I wanted to give him something that he didn't have before... and totally not to outshine the little pool that Athear had given to him. So without further ado I would like to present all of Renzyl's realm with a little piece of heaven from our own realm."

Famjin gave the nod and those that had been guarding the curtain turned around and pulled it down, a number of oohs from the crowd as it revealed a massive aquarium. Jason surmised that it was almost as big as the dining hall that he had first arrived in as he began to walk around with the others to see the extent of what Famjin had created. It looked like the neoprene shark had recreated something from a coral reef or ocean bed as some areas had large swathes of vegetation while others were smooth, flat sand or rock. As everyone looked around Famjin also explained that the walls were a special rubber of Renzyl's design that not only allowed others to go in whenever they wanted but also could be set so the inside of the tank could be a one-way mirror, an ocean bottom scene, or anything else that someone may want to experience.

When everyone had their fill of investigating they were once more ushered back to the main gathering area. As soon as almost everyone was there it was Renzyl's turn to speak, stepping forward and raising his hands to get everyone's attention. While this gift certainly is beautiful and worthy of praise to my brother it is missing something..." a murmur went through the crowd at what the rubber dragon could possibly be talking about. "It's missing a few creatures swimming around in it, luckily I happen to know of someone that would be more than willing to take the first swim."

Jason felt his heart leap up into his chest as those red eyes suddenly trained on him and he saw Renzyl gesture to come forward. Others quickly turned to look at him as he felt himself stepping forward, feeling the gazes of everyone from amusement to jealousy. When he finally got to the front Renzyl announced that Jason was his guest and would be more than happy to test the waters while Famjin gestured for another neoprene shark man to come over with a box. Though the human could feel himself trembling slightly it was more out of anticipation than anything as Famjin brought the box to him and let him open it.

What Jason saw inside was something that took him a second to process; it appeared to be an entire costume for a latex mermaid, complete with a large latex tail, mask, muzzle, and a few other additional adornments. "Don't worry, Renzyl already filled me in on what you really are before the party began," Famjin said lowly, giving Jason a wink. "All of this is designed not to bond to you, save for the last part which you'll find necessary in a second."

The first thing that they wanted Jason to put on was the mask. Though it looked to have a rigid shape to it the material was surprisingly flexible as he put it on. It also had a mane attached to the back of it that had a back fin running down his spine, giving his already slightly aquatic stature a boost in that direction. As soon as he pulled it over his head he found that it was tight against his muzzle and other than breathing through it he was unable to make anything more than a muffled noise. As he looked through the tinted lenses he could feel Famjin adjusting the back fin while Renzyl put something against his chest that seemed to alter the gel inside the suit, though he couldn't see exactly what was happening.

There were a few catcalls and other sounds of appreciation from the audience as arm fins were put onto Jason's body, the thicker, more pointed appendages on his sides like some of the sharks had. As they moved onto the biggest piece, the mermaid tail, he felt something pressing into the gel of his neck that eventually tickled his own skin. It was likely what Famjin had been speaking of as Renzyl lifted Jason's body with ease, and at first the suited human wondered if those talons of his suit would rip the neoprene only to find it stretching easily around him. The neoprene shark continued to pull it up his legs and even stuffed his tail inside it as well, causing all three to get pressed together as they pulled it all the way up to his waist before stopping.

"Not bad," Renzyl said as he continued to hold up Jason, who felt the neoprene tail tightening around his lower body to render the appendages inside completely immobile. "Let's get him inside the tank so he can see how he looks in his new get-up. I'd say hold your breath but that would be completely unnecessary."

Jason let out a muffled grunt as the rubber dragon pushed him against what the human had thought was the glass wall of the tank, only to find it enveloping him and moving his body through the barrier to the other side. He felt the pressure of water against his double rubber layered body and as he floated there he saw Renzyl and Famjin waving to him before the entire tank became reflective. If he had the capacity he would have gasped at what he saw in the reflection, staring at his twice altered body. At first he couldn't believe that it was him but as he waved his webbed hand in the air it was clear that it was.

Though he had retained the draconic nature of the suit for his upper body, the neoprene from the waist down made him like a shiny mermaid. It was also clear that the redistribution of the gel in his suit had an effect too as he ran his fingers down his flat stomach; although he still had the member of a male, which was currently fully out due to the stimulation of being wrapped in multiple layers of rubber, the additional changes gave him a more feminine appearance. The mask that he wore also smoothed his features over, the lenses giving him the look of one of Famjin's creations as he took a deep breath and realized that he had gills now as well to prevent the need for an air tank. In essence he looked like a draconic merfolk and the mixture of feminine and masculine on his aquatic body while still feeling bound within the costume caused his arousal to spike.

As he gave his new lower body an experimental move he found that it was quite effective at swimming, propelling himself through the water. After only a few seconds he mastered the basics of only being able to move his lower body up and down and started to use the new fins on his body to spiral and flip his way around. He was so preoccupied that he hadn't noticed at first that the reflective nature of the tank went down and he could see the others watching him intently. Most of the eyes were glued onto his junk, and had his muzzle not been bound it would have curled up into a grin as he put himself out on display with particularly lewd moves including stroking his own flat stomach and throbbing rubber cock with his webbed hands.

It wasn't long however until he found that he wasn't alone as he was caught mid-stroke by a pair of thick arms, one of the bigger shark men that had been guarding the tank suddenly appearing behind him. Jason squirmed slightly as the bigger predator held onto him and soon they were both moving through the water again, except now he could feel something pressing against his backside. Both layers of the suit gave way easily in order to let the large cock of the other male inside him, a trail of bubbles pushing out of his mask as he was penetrated. As soon as the head had spread apart his tailhole the shark wrapped his legs around his tubular lower body and began to thrust into him, the two males eventually being pressed against the now-hardened barrier with Jason's own maleness rubbing up against the glass for all to see.

"It seems that your creation is a hit," Renzyl commented as the others in the room eagerly watched the two aquatic synthetic males having sex underwater. "My water-based reptiles are going to have a field-day with it even more than the pool, which granted has become more of a playground for those who enjoy being inflatables."

"Your guest certainly enjoys it," Famjin replied with a chuckle, watching as the draconic mercreature started to attract a lot more attention. "You going to let him have his fun or take him out to enjoy the rest of the party?"

"I think he's having a good time," Renzyl said as a rubber aquatic lizardman pushed his way in as well, seeking to join the two as others simply were content to watch. "Plus he is entertaining the guests." The glowing red eyes of the rubber dragon moved over to the Bal'Kar that was holding several drinks in his tentacles while still talking to the group around him. "Don't worry too much about him though, I have made arrangements to make sure that he doesn't miss out on too much..."

An Ultimate Nexus Experience (7/14)

Jason was unsure of how long he had spent in the tank as a latex dragon mercreature, especially after several more guests decided to join him to take advantage of his bound state and have some fun. When he was finally pulled out the sky had grown dark...

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An Ultimate Nexus Experience (5/14)

When Renzyl came back a few hours later he opened the door to the hypnaga's chamber and stepped inside. "Just coming to see how you two were getting along," the rubber dragon stated as he looked around to see no one there. "From the looks of it I see...

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An Ultimate Nexus Experience (4/14)

Whether it was actually a few days or just a few hours since Jason had gotten sucked up into the fruit tree he wasn't sure, all his life was the sweet haze of purple pleasure as the gel between the two layers of latex continued to thicken. At this...

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