work place fear turned love

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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Fur that was bitten by a cow at a young age fears them now grown up he works in an office and sees that the new employee is a cow.

He avoids her until she confronts him and they talk which leads to sex.

that is pretty much my idea that i get instead of just the title as it might of been 4 maybe 8 even a year ago that i thought up this idea and i open it and go ????? but now i have that it reminds me,

enjoy the story and faves n likes re great but comments work

Another Monday morning the radio's of houses were on or waking furs and the daily workers up as well as there kids ready to go off to school and today was when I started my new job as a money counter.

When I was young I was always into money might be from a certain TV show with a certain goat that made more money then any one else but having watched that show I only wanted to do one thing count money and save money which is what I did.

In school I knew all the exchange rates so if some student that only had none furry money I could tell them how much they had it was great got me beaten up by the bullies but I just laughed it off as they'd be stuck in dead end jobs were as I'd have a job that I loved.

My name is Jason, I'm a rabbit normal colours grey and white long ears which one has a piecing nothing bold just a gold round circle it was done when I was old enough to get one, I'm about 4'7 in height short but still tall enough I love to be on my own counting money or checking that its real and not fake any ways today I would be starting at the bank there counting machines were only good with furry money not anything else and most of the furs they employed were crap at there job as I'd always see in there window a advertisement for a job as a money counter but when I went to hand in my papers it was gone they didn't last long but I got it in time this time.

I had the interview and they liked me seeing as they asked me what the rate was for the furry coin and I told them that its okay but needs something to boost it and that it was worth this in dollars and pounds and rupees, they shock my paw and said that they had a few other furs to interview but I would be in with a strong chance.

A week later and boom letter came though saying that I had the job a few hours later in my home the phone rang to confirm that I was to have the job and that I'd be there Monday morning sharp I told them I would be.

After that I went shopping well I needed suits and that custom fur suit shop was great run by two neko's they were very good at there job I declined the offer of extra room or extra bits as I wasn't into males I was straight most rabbits are.

Going home I set my clock for eight in the morning I then watched some telly and the door went shopping food lunch wise.

I then spend the afternoon and evening making food most sandwiches which I froze in the freezer I then thought about my job counting money I'd be very good working I looked though my college work as at college I'd taken a degree in money and banking which I passed with ease, sadly I had no job for a few months well other then temp work like in and out of places on certain days but it kept me in the house I live in.

a basic house one of those student places a balcony to view the city one bedroom which was just the bed and in wall fitted wardrobe as well as draws the kitchen was tiny a sink washer dry combo and some cupboards the living room was not that bad but small enough to have a friends party as in six friends that's it but to me it was home I'd brought it for the sum of 27600 furry money and it was mine no six or twelve month rent which I'd have to pay each month or at the end of the year and if anything went wrong I'd have to pay it no relay on the renter to fix it.

I went to bed and couldn't wait to start which is where we start now.

I woke up and got into the new suit it was comfy and fitted me great those neko's knew what they were doing I grabbed my lunch and put it in a cool bag to keep it nice n fresh as well as some fruit juice or vegetable juice carrot my fave (well he is a rabbit) I locked my door and welcomed the morning sun it was warm but not to warm I walked to the bus stopped and waited the bus came and I got on handing him my money I then sat down and looked at the sights I then got off as the stop was near the bank I then walked to the bank but it wasn't open I buzzed the button and the CCTV looked at me then the door opened.

I walked in and felt the cool breeze of the AC it was nice but mild not so cold it was freezing but cool that it was nice.

I walked to the back and signed in I then was meet by the boss who was a nice old ram he was old and had been running this bank since the 50's after his father started it in the 30's were all types of money was welcomed to be exchanged into furry money back then not the new one we have no.

"Welcome Jason all signed in? Good welcome to the bank of goat were where bleating to beat the others now here is your office for doing all the paper work but your be in the vault shorting the money"

He said leading me to the office which was not too roomy but was better then my kitchen I could put my arms out in here

He then lead me to the staff room were I met the others they were mostly the cashier's up the front shorting bills and other problems.

I put my lunch bag in the fridge marked food which was for food there was two others one for meat food the other for visitors which was on but empty.

I got to talking to them there they were happy to have someone that might know what they were doing I smiled and helped myself to some coffee I then looked at the clock and got to work.

I started by logging myself in to the computer and having up the rates of money and what the exchange was I also had up the bank's money account as in how much they had and what furs were putting in.

I then went to the vault there was the boss he was talking to the guy there who would be watching over me a guard just in case I slipped the odd bit of money into my pocket that and if anyone was to break or do a raid on the bank he was there to guard it.

"Hello mister goat so what do I start on?"

I ask sitting at the desk he then put on the table a sack of money mostly foreign money

"Short that out and change it into the accounts each bag has a number so put the right furry money into that account and the money here into the vault got that?"

He said smiling with his old face

"Yep short the money into furry money do I have to add it into there account or just back into the bags"

I asked as I didn't know if that was the right thing to do

"Oh no put it into the vault the old money and then put the new amount its worth into the bag and put it into the computer back in your office"

He said which was pretty much what I'd said but in a more better way

He left and I got started on the first bag there was a load of money in all from a charity clearly from furs and people that had given in clothing and there was money from another country in there.

I shorted it and did the exchange rates with ease checking my phone to see if they had gone up or down in the last few moments which can happen.

I then put the old money into the vault which would be shipped back to the country were it came from and back into there banks.

I gasped as that was just one bag there was a whole load more and this was my job but I loved it even if someone had put in one of those stupid bit coins or a football coins those were junk and made me lose track.

As the day wore on I sat at my desk putting the money into the right accounts the right amount and printing out a recite to send them it was then lunch at that point we were told to meet in the main training room next to the vault room.

We all meet in there the bank was closed for an hour or longer for this.

"Is everyone here? Good I have to say that I'm no longer the young goat that I was, my life is getting on and well stress is getting me high blood levels,

"That is why I am retiring and you will have a new boss, sadly as I've not got a hair to take over well I do but he is in another country looking after that bank,

"Your have a new owner or boss I might pop in on a random day or month to see how she is doing,

"Yes she, please meet your new boss at the end of the month miss hazel"

At that point in what a black n white bovine I gulped and exited going to my office and locking the door

"Oh gods why did it have to be a cow?! Why not a horse or another goat but a cow"

I started to breath deeper and more quicker I was having a panic attack,

I breathed into one of the extra money bags we have in case one breaks or is splitting open which could mean money goes missing.

I sat at my desk breathing deeply then a knock at the door made me speak in words I would never use

"Who is it I'm very busy"

I said trying to make my desk look busy but it wasn't but I made it look like it

"It's me the boss, why is the door locked?"

He said rattling the lock I walked over and opened it

"It's locked as ah her!"

I said shutting it as I breathed deeper and feel to the floor breathing deeply in a position that a baby would go into as I'd seen her with him

"I say Jason open this door open it, please why don't you want to meet our new boss? She's lovely come out and meet her"

He said rattling the door trying to get in but it wouldn't open

"I can't boss not until I know the new boss is gone I guess I'll have to go to another bank sorry but I can't"

I said still in my position and breathing deeply

A few hours past my door still locked I had calmed down but I had no reason to go out even if my lunch was in the fridge going off from not being eaten.

I could smell the others cooking there lunch I just worked on the accounts at that point the office phone rang being the dummy I was I picked it up thinking it was for a certain account nope it was the boss.

"look Jason this can't go on you being in your office what if there is a fire, miss hazel has gone home, now come to my office and explain your actions"

he said putting the phone down I breathed and got up saving the work I'd finished putting a note on the desk to say were I was and what I'd just finished.

I opened the door looking around and going to the bosses office it was big I opened the door and there he was alone sitting at the desk talking on the phone I walked in and knew that it had been nice but I guess it was time to go another job gone, he put the phone down and looked at me as he told me to take a seat.

"Now Jason your reaction to miss hazel isn't what we need in this bank your very lucky that miss hazel is kind and will let you off this one time but why did you do that?"

He ask getting out a note pad and pen to write it down then write it up on the computer

"Well mister goat it all started when I was a young bunny"

I cut away to me as a young child,

I was taken to a petting zoo as a school trip there we say loads of animals and we were allowed to pet and ride the ones that would let us,

I made a fuss of everything at that point I got some feed from one of the workers there and was mobbed by the animals I giggled but my giggles came to an end when a cow bit me hard on the arm then bit me again I screamed out and the worker came over, he said that she was being friendly.

I cried as she had taken and left bite marks on me which I still have this day I took my suit off and showed him the bite mark under my fur.

After that I never wanted to be near cows again or anything bovine, if there was a bovine at the till of a market I'd not buy my food I'd just walk on by, same in school I would stay away from any classes that had a bull or cow in them even if that class he was the teacher.

Later on in college I missed a few lesions but I got over that by taking them after hours, that's kinda why I've had temp work as they would have a new worker and it was a cow.

I told him and he just nodded he fully understood.

"Well Jason your just have to face those fears, not all cows bite and I'm sure miss hazel will not bite you or go after you"

He said pouring out some water for me,

"Thank you sir but I think I will just avoid her I can work around her I have in other places"

I said drinking the water as he poured some more into the cup which I drank

"well until the end of the month I'm here but she will start in the new month that gives you two weeks so if by then you still fear her then she may have to let you go"

He said drinking something not water which bosses could do

I left and was given the rest of the day off, I sighed waking to the bus stop and getting on only to run off as there was a bovine on there reading the news paper I guess I'd have to wait for the next one.

As I sat on the plastic seats that were terrible for your butt I watched the time table the next bus would be along in an hour.

I ate my lunch and sighed, I would go see a psychiatric but there over priced and would only tell me how to get over my fears not help it.

I would give my left foot for a time machine to go back and stop that cow from going near me you know be one of those furs that offers it food so it doesn't go over there instead comes to me but then I'd be in fear from that or break the time lines.

I sighed as a few other buses went by not mine soon though mine came I got on no bovines or cows I sat down and drank the rest of my drink I then got off and went to my home.

I flopped into the couch and didn't care about anything all I wanted to do was just not go back there but I had too.

As I watched the afternoon kids telly I sighed and ate some food I wasn't that hungry, to think something that happened when I was 5 had now major effects that I was now in my mid 20's I sighed and drank something very string mixed with carrot juice that eased the pain then I had an idea.

I'd meet her when I was drunk that way if she smelt my breath she'd be put off, and I'd still have a job as I'd gotten drink before in my college years and could still work out money.

I went out and brought a load of powerful booze I then brought a load of garlic and other foods that made your breath stink.

I went to bed and now would not have to worry about her until the end of the month.

Each morning I got up and went to work the boss said that I was much better looking and must of seek help I just nodded and knew that my idea was going to work if not it would put her off and she might leave or if I'm fired I'd be okay as they'd have to pay me a load.

I worked until it was the end of the month when we had a big goodbye party it was just before the weekend too I never worked at the weekend why? Well there'd be nothing there Monday morning for me to do we all said goodbye to the boss and went home I had two days and I knew just what do with those days.

I cooked up the garlic and made some food for myself I then poured a load of drink into my bottles and put them in the fridge.

Monday morning was just around the corner I knew I'd be ready but however I wasn't ready for what was going to happen on Monday.

I woke up and yawned my clock read ten more sleep but I got up I smiled and pack in my lunch the garlic and cheese which rabbit can eat but I have that special cheese goat cheeses its alright.

I then poured my cup of drink into a flask and drank some gasping at the warmth and strength of it but it would do me.

I then walked into the door I needed to walk sober which I did I then walked to the door only to see the morning and see that I was still in my boxers after getting dressed I walked to the stop took another sip of my drink and sighed yes morning drinking is bad but hay its alright if you have a reason (good thought? Eh what do you care your only here to read the porn) the bus came and after counting out my money I put it in the drivers hand and took my seat.

I walked to the bank and pressed the button or the door for furs in a wheelchair I then pushed the other button guess I couldn't handle my drink oh well I'd be fired and get paid for being fired.

If you are fired you have the right to get a lot of money as they can't just sack you without good reasons, so I'd be okay as I don't drive, I don't operate any big machines and I can't sink the bank unless I send all the money to the accounts of furs that use it like it water.

I walked in and tripped over the carpet I got up and said that that needed tape on it I then put my lunch in the fridge and took an extra bite of it and breathed heavily on a plant which welted.

I then took another swig and went into the vault the guard there sniffed the air I just told him to keep it quite and he nodded as he took a swig guess I knew what to get him at Christmas for the secret Santa thing.

The day went on me counting my money and after a while I started to sober up as there was sign of her I counted and shorted then added it to the vault all seemed to be going great until at 2:55 it happened everyone was out at lunch as we had ours at 2:30 so that the lunch furs could get there banking done during there lunch break.

Three hooded guys came in and pointed guns at the two girls on the desk they then fired there guns and told them to empty the tills.

As the gun went off I was shoved out from the vault and the guard inside locked it with a code that only he knew to open it but he was told to only open it 2 days later in one of the fake lock ups was food for two days as well as water.

I tip toed to the front there was all three one watching the door to the front the other two grabbing there money and getting a group of the girls.

At that point from the back came miss hazel who was detained and a gun pointed at her head.

She opened the rest of the tills I then went to my office I found the others locked doors and cowering in fear in my desk I'd found a gun I got it, it had a full load and I was sober so it was time to be a hero.

I walked out and hit the fire alarm the robbers went into a panic shooting at the red lights then at the walls I then took aim and hit one on the leg he screamed out as he dropped his gun the girls ran into the safe side room were miss hazel had come from.

One of them saw me and took aim he then blasted the wall near me as another person tackled him to the floor another gun went off by now the fire furs were there one took a blast from a gun as the three tried to get out but not before one lost his mask in the scuffle I ran out after them not shooting but pointing my gun at them they got into a car and speed away with only one bag of money I shoot the back window out as the police got there someone had pressed the silent alarm they told me to freeze but when they saw that I had the bank's name on my jacket they went after the others.

They found the car burnt out and left in a side lane they came back and took down everyone's details on what had happened I told them and then after all that the bank was closed to re-coop after that.

I was in a bit of shock but left not even getting thanks as hazel was trying to get to me and I was sober and had no lunch left as I'd eaten it.

I went home and we were on the news at that point I saw miss hazel she was there she was talking with the interviewer I watched hay she was there and I was in my house,

"Well it was all very bad which is why the bank will be closed for a few days to clean up and to see what we have lost, I would like to thank the one that saved us which is Jason,

"Without him we'd be out of pocket and maybe even not able to open as all the money apart from what was in the vaults left"

she looked at the camera and I felt bad, I guess I had just gone I could say it was just from the shock but after what I'd done I couldn't

"Sigh; oh miss hazel if only you knew"

I said as I ate the last few bits of garlic bread and drank the bottle dry

I went to bed that night very drunk and feeling bad I had to confront her as I'd saved the bank but with my fear of cows how could I?

I feel asleep and dreamed of how it might have gone maybe one of them saw me and as they got away I might be killed for stopping them? Were any of them bovines? Were they black? I might get out-ed as raciest all these thoughts bad me sleep bad until I heard that ringing I turned my phone off and groaned my head spun and my mouth was dry I drank some water and sighed my head hurt and I groaned as I vomited up last nights meal.

Okay drinking a bottle dry not a good idea I turned the telly on volume down very low I then saw that they had caught the robbers all three were cats I was now really screwed if they saw me I'd be there next dinner.

They were in jail and had no way of getting out unless they made bail or were found not guilty but they would be I hoped.

Turning the telly off I groaned my phone then rang I picked it up and on the other end was hazel she spoke and I just listened I then thought wait she's on the other end she can't harm me.

She spoke and I spoke the bank would re-open on the following Monday as that was when the police had finished she wanted to give me a special gift for saving the bank, I declined and said that she could leave it on my desk she then asked why I didn't want to me famous and at that point I told her what I'd told the old goat (read back if your confused)

"Oh my gods Jason why didn't you say, look, if you want meet me at the café down the road from the bank we can talk about it"

She said I sighed

"nothing you can do or say will cure me, its one of those fears that will be there, until they can do time travel and make events that are only to one person's life better or something like that"

I said as I was about to put the phone down she shouted

"don't go as your boss I demand you show up there unless you want to be fired don't think I didn't see you drinking, I saw the way you hit the button and tripped over nothing,

"Drinking at work can get you fired and with no pay for being drunk"

She said almost with a sly smile on her face not that I could tell

"I wasn't doing anything wrong besides were they any mistakes in those accounts? I think your find no, look it was to make you blurry or to make me not see you for my fear so if your just a coloured wobbly shape you could be anything"

I said trying not to get myself fired from this dream job

"Very well but as I said come to the café once your sober or the hang over is gone and we'll talk"

she said putting the phone down I groaned my head hurt my guts hurt everything hurt but not from yesterday no it was from the pain of having to face my fears,

I sighed and drank some coffee then put on some normal clothes and sighed I then went out to the café there sitting outside in the afternoon sun was miss hazel I sighed and walked over my body already sweating and I could feel my body shaking.

She put the book down that she was reading and welcome me I sat next to her as in opposite her and she spoke softly;

"Thank you for meeting me here Jason, now then how are you feeling?"

She said in a soft calming voice which made me relax only a tiny bit

"Sick wanting to run away and want to hide until I find another dream job also sweaty"

I said as I took a nap kin and washed my head with it as well as my ears

"Well this is good you're at least able to meet me or face me sober I hope"

She said looking at me I nodded and then food was ordered she had brought over two salads and it was nice she ate hers and mine

we sat there for a while eating not really talking my fears going down but coming back up and time she moved towards me even if it was to get her glass of water.

After that I felt great and my fear was now going down but that's when she made her move.

With a sly move as I was drinking I felt my paw be touched and then cupped by her hoofs my heart rate went up I started to breath deeper I then felt my body shake oh gods this was it this is where I'm eaten or attacked I looked at her right in the eyes but instead of seeing the fire burning lust of a demon cow or the fear of me all I saw was calm and bliss nothing else.

At that point she stroked me arm or my paw and I started to relax only a slight bit though, she then spoke in her warm soft voice;

"It's alright Jason your safe around me not all cows are going to bite you"

She said as my body starting to shake I then got hit by what she had done

"You've got me trapped, a café with loads of furs and people if I have a fit or do what I normally would I'll be an outcast,

"Very good but unlike others I can do one thing that no one else can, I can fake death"

I said as I stiffened up and made an odd face I then looked over and instead of fear she was holding back her face she then let out a loud laugh

"Oh gods you are funny well go on then run away from the big mean bovine let everyone here see you run away from me"

A few furs looked but went back to there eating and chatting

"Wait what?"

I said I was confused had I won or had she won?

"Your so cute, look I invited you here for a talk about your problems you're out in a public space if I was going to bite you I'd be filmed or could get into trouble besides I'm not like that"

She got up letting me go my fear now starting to go as she was right if she hurt me she'd be in trouble,

"Well that was I guess well I see you Monday then"

I said getting up before I felt her hoof my shoulder my fear hit me hard as I thought that she was going to bite me though her hoofs leave a mark and I'd be the one in trouble,

"no, I want you to meet me Thursday in the bank for the next part, one on one, after all I'm the boss so I'll need to check on you and if I get a complete or you make an error or if I think its an error your have to see me solo"

She said putting on her jacket and grabbing her bag putting money on the plate before waving goodbye to me

I stood there stunned that was in a public place I had no idea how to feel I wanted to feel fear but at the same time, no I didn't.

I walked home and had the thoughts on my mind; if I was in her office with her would she bite me there? No there are camera's I think.

I got home and sat on the couch thinking was I really going to get over this fear? I mean in public if I saw a bovine I'd walk around him/her but now I'd be able to walk right on by.

My mind raced like a sport car dodging cars but then it was hit by the traffic that was my mind thinking up silly thoughts and stupid things, no this had gone on too long I had to man up no more living in fear or being afraid of that creature known as bovine.

No Thursday I'd be in that bank and would do what my fear would always not want me to do I was going to stamp it out and no longer fear them.

I watched some telly and with a day off I decided to have a tidy up shorting out things and going to a store to get rod of old things.

Thursday morning came and my clock went off I then got up and itched my body I had a shower and thought about the day ahead, I put on my normal clothes as the bank wasn't open so no need for the suit I then got on the bus of which the driver said how brave I'd been I just thanked him and saw that in the local free paper from a day ago I was there on the CCTV shooting at the robber which had the words "who is this hero?" I read it and it was about how one brave bunny had saved the bank millions of furry cash and put away three bad cat robbers all with no armour or fear.

If only they knew my true fear it was there lurking like that bully in the back of the class who you told on for cheating by looking at the teachers papers he was going to get you some how some were.

But not today; today was the day tell him to go fuck off and that if he hurt me I would get him expelled by telling the teachers that he touched me in a bad place after the beatings.

As the bus stopped I walked to the bank the police tap still there but only a small amount wrapped around the pillar I pushed the button and the door buzzed and it opened.

"okay Jason from now on no more fear get off me fear you are not to set me back any more if you do I will burn you and drink you to death which will be my death"

I said as I walked in the empty bank I walked and could see the tape and the clean up crew doing there work

I walked to the boss office it now had the name plate of miss hazel instead of the goat I breathed and knocked on the door it was then buzzed open and there sitting behind her desk was miss hazel.

I walked in the door closing with a buzz she smiled and got up my fear was now talking,

"Run her around such a fat cow can't catch you, you could run over to the desk and press the button then run out"

It said with a laugh


I said out loud my eyes shut tight at that point I could a voice,

"Jason? Jason what are you talking about?"

I opened my eyes and there she was looking at me

I shrank in height and gulped my fear was now in me and I tried to shake it off but I was frozen I just stood there miss hazel shock her hand in front of my eyes and walked back to her desk,

"Sorry did I set fear off? Please take a seat"

I shock my head the room spinning lightly I walked over and sat on the chair

the office was basic all wood panels and with pictures of how to save money and what furry money accounts could do for you as well as the draws of furs and peoples details as well as new cards and paper work that was blank.

We didn't speak for a while she just let me get comfy she then got out something a bag, it was feed for animals she then got up.

"Today Jason I am going to break your fear, by putting you back going back to that fateful day when the feral version of me or my kind bit you"

She gave me the food and I looked at it I then opened it and it was just like the petting zoo feed,

"How will this help? What do I just go around and say "hi I have a fear of cows and bovines eat this to cure me"

I said looking at her as she smiled

"No, for you to be you and I will be the cow, now then lets start"

She said taking her clothes off making me blush

miss hazel was large like most cows but she had thin thighs a round butt that was pretty much okay in all types of jeans and pants, her belly was only slightly chubby a bit of pudge there that's it, her breasts were big and round I guess being a cow it was kinda her thing, her arms were like her thighs strong but soft her face had the classic cow look with pink lips from make up on them as she stripped off I blushed I'd never seen a girl do this in front of me other then when we went on that stag do years ago in college all that was left was her green bra and panties she then got on the floor after putting her clothes on the table and started to moo and move around on the floor I wanted to laugh but instead my hear took me back it was like the petting zoo only in an office.

"Well are you going to pet me or what?"

She said looking at me as she chewed on her lips like cows do well the feral ones,

"W-well your still in your um under garments as in clothes I don't think feral bovines wear clothes"

I said looking at her as she smiled and took her panties off putting them on the floor were they fell her breasts much bigger now free of that bra I could feel my cock harden and my fear getting bigger too.

She mooed and I just walked over to her but she stopped me,

"No your at the wrong height on your knees so that you are smaller then you are now"

She said almost as a demand which made me flinch and want to cry

I got onto my knees and she was right I was now shorter and I was back on that petting zoo, I looked and got out some of the feed I then stood there and dropped some on the floor she mooed and walked over on all fours she then ate the food she then looked at me and I put my paw out she then licked it moving the food to the floor which she ate.

My paw clenched up as her tongue was wet and felt odd I then put some food on the floor and then started to pet her.

Miss hazel just mooed as I rubbed her face and stroked along her back it felt good my fear was still though reading a book on how to stop this but there was no answer then she turned and mooed in my face that made me scared he went with that and told me,

"Run away now while you can this is all her doing you could make it look like a sexual act run"

but I was now in control no more mister runs away rabbit no more fear of bovines,

"Here you go girl"

I said putting my paw out and she started to eat from my paw it felt strange but great,


She said then rubbed her head on my body and at that point fear screamed and died petting her head and feed her some more

"That's it you like that huh? You're a good girl"

I said as my fear started to fade away more it might of come back from the dead but no it stayed dead I was now petting and making a fuss of a cow I stroked her body and let her rub on mine it was gone my fear,

Miss hazel stood up and so did I we looked at each other and then hugged I was pushed right into her breasts making me blush but I had no fear any more.

"So are you cured now Jason? No more fear of me of that cow that from years ago who is now long dead no fear for it?"

She said walking over to the desk still nude and starting to put her clothes back on

"Yeah thank you miss hazel I feel better in fact I have no fears of your kind look I'm talking to you and no sweating or fear or anything I don't want to run or even hide"

I said looking at her as she bent down her pussy on show which made me blush and get hard I'd never seen a cows pussy before she I'd not seen how big it was,

"Well I'm glad I managed to save you or at least let you go back and face your fear"

She said putting on her clothes and eating some of the feed

"Are you eating that?"

I said looking at her as she blushed

"um yes, I love this in fact, well seeing as you came out to me I have a big thing for being feral and letting someone feed me, or to do bad things to me"

She said putting her top on I looked at her and sat on the chair

"You mean beast things? Like a human fucking a feral animal?"

I said as her face wet red and she ate some of the food blushing and nodding,

"I thought that by doing that I'd either get a kick or I'd cure you guess it worked only one way"

She said with a sigh looking at the feed

"Well why don't I play with you? After all seeing you big pussy has given me a hard on I guess it's the first time seeing one as nice as yours"

I said blushing at that point she was now more redder then the chair's colours

"You'd do that? Just for me?"

She said looking outside into the street as she shut the window blinds

I just nodded and once again she got nude then went onto the floor and walked over to me I petted her and put some food on the floor.

She went to and ate it slowly I then felt her butt it was soft like her breasts but more firmer she turned and looked at me as stroked it then started to rub her pussy lips they were pink on the inside which got me letting out a low moo she ate some more as I fingered her with my paws.

She felt great, her pussy was getting quite wet now I blushed as I looked around thinking that if anyone saw us I'd be in trouble but it was all clear.

At that point I started to get behind her that's when she rose up making me gulp she then sat on the desk and spread her legs;

"Lets cut the crap and get to it you like my big bovine pussy don't you? Go ahead play with it and taste it"

She said as she rubbed her lips getting them moist and wetter,

"Well it's my first time seeing a cow pussy so yes I do like it"

I said as I moved to her desk and kneeled taking in her smell which was very sweet and musk like but musk that a girl gives off

just as I was about to lick her the phone wet making us both jump, she fell backwards off the desk I leaped as high a rabbit could and stood near the door my and her heart racing like a car's engine.

The phone then went dead, at that point she got up and started to put her clothes on I guess that was that then.

"after a shock like that I need to ready myself tell you what dear, come back sober and not smelling French and I'll let you have your fun with me"

She said as she opened the door we then exited a few asked us what we were doing in there she replied with talking about what had happened and if I needed time off,

"I'll see you soon then boss"

I said now no longer fearing them even in the public places and on buses

That night I sat down and had a drink but normal like not the drink until the bottle is bone dry but a drink.

All I could think about was her, how she liked to be treated like a feral cow I was kinda turned on by the thought of her being in a field and me walking up to her and then fucking her it made my cock hard.

For the first time since I was a teenager I rubbed my cock and rubbed it good up and down making moans that were not bunny like at all.

At the same time in her house was the new boss she was using a small dildo and saying my name as she lay on all fours pushing it into herself and thinking it was me fucking her while she was in some field.

We both moaned out as we came my rabbit seed going all over myself her juices going all onto the bed sadly it was another three days before we'd meet again.

Tried after that I had a shower and so did she we then went to bed thinking about each other.

The next day I went out and got some more shopping throwing the garlic and the drink in the recycling bin (no wasted food here fur be green and recycle) I brought normal food as I had no fear in her or any other bovines I joined the line that had the cow on the counter instead of longer queue.

I got home made my food up then froze it ready for it when I went to work I then sat around watching telly nothing much just the odd kids show and the adult comedy and a film I'd not seen in years.

I went to bed and before I knew it, it was Monday and we'd be back at the bank.

Monday came and I got up ready I dressed and grabbed my lunch then got the bus I had to be early I was a few days behind plus I needed to catch up on what we had done a few days ago.

On the bus was a bull I just passed him before I'd of missed that bus and got on another one or the next one but now no more.

I hit the stop button and got off I then walked to the bank there was still police tape up but it was being removed by them and only an officer was there to take down any information on the crime if there was any.

I walked in and put my lunch in the fridge I then walked by the bosses office knocked on the door but no reply which was odd I then sat at my desk and started the task of back logging the last week as well as the stuff I'd started on but not finished thanks to those crime furs.

A few hours past and I was now in the safe checking money and getting it exchanged into furry money putting it in the right boxes a normal day.

At that point the boss came in with a cup of coffee she then gave it to me.

"Thanks boss"

I said drinking it as it was nice and mild not hot but just mild enough to drink

"Please call me hazel I'm not your boss I'm everyone boss"

She said winking at me making me blush

The guard there just grunted he'd been in the safe for a few days two as he was there to kill anyone that broke into the safe, but only kill if they were armed.

I just went on counting the money and checking for fakes seems a few kids had photo copied a load of money and were trying to pass it off as real I just put it in the fake money bag which got burnt and put on there next account "toy money isn't real try working harder" just to detour them it sometimes worked if they did it again account would be destroyed any money in there would be put into there parents or next of kin account.

At that point the coffee cup was empty I took the paper part off and saw that there was a message on the inside it read;

"After work stay behind for some talks, talks being a code for sex"

I blushed but just screwed it up and threw it in the waste paper bin

At lunch I was chatting to the others there and telling them how I was the only one that could save the bank lying a little but they knew that as they had seen the footage on the news.

At that point our old boss walked in we welcomed him and he sat down only to talk about how bad it was for him to retire only to get robbed the next few days he then muttered something which he thought no one would hear but I did! He said;

"Won't use those fools again"

Had he set it up? Raid his own bank for money? I thought about telling hazel but thought no maybe it was a dark joke but was it?

Throughout the day I couldn't stop thinking about money and how to short it ack I mean about what the old boss had said but also about later on after the bank closes with hazel.

As I looked at the clock it ticked away I just sighed it seemed like this was a dead end job but it was my dream maybe now that I had no fear of cows or bovines I wasn't happy?

At five the new bank doors locked the guard went out to open them for furs and people to exit only, which they did then everyone filed away papers bills and money to the safe I counted it making sure it added it up.

Then once everyone was gone including the guard I took my paper work to the boss.

I knocked on the door and she said it was open I walked in and there she was on the desk like she was a few days ago I smiled and locked the door I then walked to her and put the papers on the desk at that point she looked though them her legs spread open she had no panties on making me blush.

"This all looks okay, now then about your reward"

She said opening her legs more and lifting the blue skirt she had on over her legs lifting it up then getting off the desk and letting it drop to the floor

"I take it you want me to eat you out huh? Well then get on the floor you cow you cows aren't allowed on the furniture"

I said as she blushed and did as she was told getting onto the floor and taking her top off too

"What are you going to do?"

She said I gave her big butt a smack making her gasp out loud

"Feral cows don't speak! They only moo"

I said as I gave her butt a smack again making her moo loudly

"Moo! Moo!"

She said I smiled and undid my flies I then pulled out my three inch cock

I rubbed it on her butt then pushed it into her wet folds it was soft and warm I moaned and loved it I thrusted hard into her I was only just going into her entrance but it was enough to get her to moo moan out.

She was rubbing her clit to get herself off as I fucked her I then grabbed her tail and pushed in more I then stopped I looked at her messy hole.

I pushed my cock into other hole it was warm and a lot tighter she let out a startled moo I just stroked her butt and pushed it in that was a lot better she bit her lower lip as it was hurting but felt so good.

I thrusted into her and she let out moo's of pleasure I fingered her pussy at the same time she let out more gasps and moo's as I slapped her butt from not going moo.

I then thrusted hard into her and came shooting my seed into her arse I then pulled out and rubbed my slightly shitty cock and came over her pussy lips and her butt.

I fell to the floor cock still hard she then got up and then grabbed me putting me on the desk I then watched as she got on top of the desk I then looked at her and she looked at me.

"I've wanted to fuck someone in an office for years now at last I can"

She said as she lowered her pussy lips to my cock which throbbed and went into her wet folds making us both moan

"I've never done it with a cow before thank you for curing me"

I said as I thrusted into her my bunny like matting habits kicking in as I shock my tail and thrusted into her

Both of us moaned the desk creaked groaned and moved about a little.

I felt her breasts as they jiggled around like jelly on a plate making me more rabbit like in fucking her she mooed out loudly not caring if any one heard she wanted this and wanted it bad.

At that point we both were close her inner walls clenched my cock and my cock started to throb in need.

At that point I thrusted as deep as I could my balls almost going into her but not quite and I came shoot my rabbit seed into her.

At the same time she cried out and came her pussy walls tightened up on my cock and I let out another cry as she orgasmed on me her juices going all over the desk at that point she fell onto me carefully and I just held her my paws on her back and the sides of her boobs we both gasped and breathed I then looked at her and kissed her deeply she kissed me back and then got off me her juices dripping down her thick thighs which she just cleaned off I took cleaned myself up a bit we then kissed and made sure to clean up the mess well not too much but enough that the cleaner would have no idea what went on.

"That was good Jason, now then at lunch I want you to come into my office and hand feed me I might be on the phone so if I am wait"

She said putting her top and dress back on her panties too

"And if I want to feed or pet you while you're on the phone?"

I asked looking at her as she blushed at that thought

"You'd be out of a job, I may enjoy being treated like a feral some times but not when I'm busy"

She said with a stern face I just nodded and we left the building

The next day went by as normal I feed hazel on the floor while riding her around the room like a feral we then kissed and I got to smack her butt like she had been bad but at that point the alarm went off.

Then there was gun fire I rushed out and there was one bank robber, he was tall and had horns my gut had been right about what the old boss had mumbled under his voice.

I ran back into the office and told her to lock the door I then got my gun this was now the second time this had happened.

As I looked around the corner he was opening the small safes we have with ease as if he knew the codes! He then took all the money all of it coins and things for free items that you got when you were with the bank.

At that point I clicked my gun and was about to take aim when my gun was shoot from my paw with one shot! I gasped as it hurt him then kicked me in the face.

"Get up Jason, yes I know your names all of you, do you think I was just going to retire without some extra money?

"Ha! Now take me to the office I want to get out the bigger stuff"

He said as he kicked me to the floor I groaned and crawled to the office door he then opened it with a key there was hazel

"ah good to see your enjoy my job miss hazel I even see your curing of furs fears has been used on this sack of fur, now get away from the desk"

He said pointing the gun at this point I pressed the button to call the police but it was dead!

"Why isn't this working?!"

I said I then felt the cold steel barrel on my head

"It'll work when I re-attach it you think I'm that dumb? Now then to the better safe"

He said as he kicked me in the gut hazel going to me and comforting me

We watched as he flipped the desk over and then pulled the carpet back there was a safe door! He then turned it and it clicked open at that point, he went down we crawled over and saw all kinds of gems and other uncut diamonds! All of which were worth tens of millions of billions worth of furry money or any money!

"Why sir? Why are you doing this?"

I said holding my gut as it was still hurting

"Yes sir tell us before you kill us as your going to I just know it"

Hazel said a few tears on her check which I wiped away and stroked her back comforting her

"Well you see this is all mine! Before I was a banker I used to ship in gems such an easy item to get into here but then after the stupid furs that did it for the money side made all the new rules come in I was ruined,

"So I stored them in here and one day I'd make a mint selling them once the heat was gone from them, these are UN-registered"

He said as he piled them into bags he then climbed out there was nothing else in there that safe had been long forgotten about

"You could have just taken them when you left"

Hazel said looking at him and getting quite cross

"Oh yes walk out of here with a load of diamonds boss retires and is now rich from uncut diamond sales you stupid cow"

He said as he looked out the window there was a truck that was ready to go

"I'm not stupid and you aren't leaving here with those!"

Hazel said leaping and biting him hard in the arm making him drop the gun but punch her in the head hard

"You stupid cow that hurt I should never have hired you! You are going to pay for that with your life"

He said kicking her off towards me I was now just there in shock looking at as this scene unfold in front of me

He got out another gun and then took aim at hazel who was winded from the kick but got up to tackle him

"Say hello to my late father!"

He said as he pulled the trigger on the gun

At that point my mind went into over drive I could see hazels eyes go wide as she couldn't stop the smoke went out of the sides of the gun and the front.

I then ran full rabbit speed at her I then used my full power and hit her out of the way just as the bullet hit me I felt its hot metal jacket go though me and out the other side I fell to the floor at that point there was nothing but white noise I could see hazel screaming and the ex boss running to the window only to be caught by the police as he dropped out, turns out the van that was to pick him up was stuck in traffic and that one just happened to be an under cover cop van he was detained and put in the back with the other officers who then broke into the building.

As I lay there in my own blood I could hear the room fill with voices but only one was heard hazel's she was holding me and putting pressure on the wound I then coughed up some blood and spoke, only enough for her to hear me;

"Hazel I love you, thank you for curing me"

I said as I started to cough and couldn't hear her reply at that point I was now seeing medical furs around me as I shut my eyes

I groaned and then went still hazel still holding me in her arms the medical furs saying that I was gone.

The bullet had hit a major vane and I had bleed out she cried and held me in her arms as I just lay there limp as a rabbit in the butchers shop.

I then woke up in my room I gasped sweated and looked around the dark room but then it went lighter then turned fully white at that point I looked around there was nothing not my room just my bed I got out then looked at my bed, gone! I looked around I was then in a dressing grown I then looked and on my back were two sets of wings and above me a halo I then saw a set of stairs which were moving I walked to them and they went upwards.

"If this is a dream then wake me up I hate it"

I said as I saw all my other bunny friend's siblings that had died or were still born's or picked off by prey going furs

I then saw my grand parents I then got to the top there was a guy standing there in a hut of some kind he then ushered me forwards I walked to him.

"Card sir?"

He looked at me and I looked at him I had nothing on me

"What card? I woke up like this if you need my credit card number its"

I said as he pointed to a pocket that wasn't there before I pulled out a ticket it just said "ticket to heave for saving another person/furs life"

"That card sir"

He took it and itched his long white bread

"so your Jason, ah yes the one that saved hazel from getting shot very good of you, now then here is your ticket to get into heaven look after it you only get one"

He said as I was moved along by a unicorn I was still questioning this until I saw two large metal gold gates

"But I'm not dead! I still have a life to live let me go back home I'll spread the word about you go to church and not use a condom on hazel!"

I said he disappeared from my sight I sighed that was it then forever stuck here and no goodbye to hazel just whatever I'd said then lights out and hello heaven

As I got to the gates there was a queue I waited and moved along when it was my time I handed him my ticket and he looked at it then called up the big guy.

I sat on a park bench as other went in all of which were furs that had died from something at that point a very big fur sat next to me.

"Is this your ticket Jason?"

He said in a booming soft voice I took it and sighed

"Yes it is yep boy howdy it is the ace of hearts seeing as mine is gone"

I said handing it back to him looking at the gates

"Well if you think it's a card game then you can go to the other place down there"

He said opening the cloud up to show me fire brimstone the heat of the sun and no cool breeze

"Fine either will do not that it matters I saved someone and all I get is this stupid ticket to let me in here"

I said raging a little

"Seems like you've not read the ticket fully"

He said flipping it over and opening my eyes

"What's this tick list?"

I said looking on it was a load of things, six

one; you are dead no coming back, it was not ticked, two; you are almost dead hold on in there, that wasn't ticked three; you had cancer get into heaven right away, that wasn't ticked four; your in a comma and are only here until you want to be, that was ticked, the others were you followed your book so welcome in, the last one was your a child that never got a start in life your in.

"Notice the tick? Your not dead but in a comma turns out yes you were hit bad but they got you back only just though your a fighter so if you want to I can send you back but your be in there for a week or two or you can join us here and end that life down there"

he said opening the clouds and showing me a bed were all the staff were from the bank putting flowers around my bed as well as cards then there was hazel holding my paw and crying

"I don't know isn't that like cheating? I mean I would like to go back but only if you say so don't want to feel like I've cheated you"

I said rubbing my paws nervous like

"Why would it be cheating? You save a fellow fur, that pretty darn good in my books now go and live your life Jason"

He said as my body started to float towards the body in that bed my wings gone my halo gone I was then back in my normal clothes

A week or two later hazel was still there by my bed side she was asleep at that point my mind woke up I grabbed her hoof and gripped it hard she stirred and then cried out as I started to grip her more.

The nurses and doctors came in and rushed me to the ER were I was fixed I then woke up in the bed there by my side smiling was hazel the first thing I did which was a mistake as it hurt was hug her.

She hugged me and cried she then kissed me and I kissed her.

"I thought you was a goner until they checked your pulse and saw that you were only in a coma"

She said holding me as I lay on the bed

"I thought so the big guy up there told me so but I'm just glad to see your face again come here"

I said hugging her and holding her which she did the same,

A few weeks later I was let out of the hospital and then went back to work the old goat had been sentence to life as for the bank and hazel? Me and her are getting married the bank is doing well in fact I'm her number two helper or boss we both run it that old safe was destroyed and we had the old building destroyed to build a new one.

Much better safes much more up to date machines desks that were new and not used to the point were you could see the MDF under it.

Things were great and I love my bovine we still play in the office even have others invited too that are into that stuff.

As for me? I got a cool scar and always make sure to thank the big guy up there for giving me a second chance, just goes to show that anything is possible if you are kind enough.

Now I'm off to go have sex with my wife she's in the bed on all fours waiting for me give her a clean she's all dirty from the mud.

~the end~

when lyn meet a stud

It was a nice sunny day as I woke up, well my alarm woke me up, I lobbed it agents the wall and it stopped, thank you mum that was the best gift ever a clock you can lob agents the wall and it'll never break. My name is Lyn, I'm a nice mare grey with...

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holiday part 3 final

The weather was warm but with that nice breeze behind it the sun was warm we put our sun cream on both layers went headed to the fair ground. As we got there the noise was loud of screams from the roller coaster and the other rides as well as the...

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fluttershy's secret

It was a nice day in pony ville, twilight was just opening up the library when there was a knock on her door, she opened it and there was Fluttershy. "Oh, good morning Fluttershy, how are you this fine day?" Twilight ask smiling as she walked into...

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