Teaching Old Muffs New Tricks

Story by The Bloody Seje on SoFurry

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#4 of Old Men Preying On Lads

Don't you just love the power of being a werewolf? The strength, the agility, the lust...Oh yes, the lust.

Ryan always thought being a werewolf would be as cool as they made it out to be in movies, TV shows and books; you get to hulk out, grow stronger, move faster despite your new size and look like the stuff of nightmares that'll have people not ready or unbelieving of your existence sharting while they futilely run away from you. It was supposed to be the life he wanted to live once the time arose with all the stories he's heard about the free isolation and the feeling of having zero obligations to weigh you down.

But no one told him that there'd be people who ...liked the danger.

Ryan thought it was all a farce, that it had been a silly rumor that werewolves were "big, cutie puppers" as the story was told and he shrugged it over as the days waned before his first transformation from a wimpy wolf to a beefy giant of power and fantasy. But then, his father came home earlier from his night of prowling the woodlands, hurriedly locking the door in his comically large size and barely being able to barricade it from the scores of fangirls and fanboys that came banging on their doors and windows in hopes of getting their hands on the big guy. Poor thing had been covered in kiss marks, scratched in places where their greedy hands missed snatching him back into the crowd and fur patches where unsuccessful attempts to capture him left to only giving the assailants some of his fur as a reward rather than the full package.

This caused Ryan and his dad to move from that city once the commotion died down, but the stories of their presence in the world of furrykin had the next town shouting for them to come out of their moving truck to greet their adoring "fans" that his father nearly ran over escaping from. There were some stragglers on the truck but he shook them off-once they were within range of soft places to land of course. No matter where they went, no matter how promising and calm the new cities and towns looked as they crossed the limits and borders, the news that they weren't just normal wolves meant their travels were always on watch and nowhere offered them true peace and solitude.

Except the wild, where no one could track them with some satellites.

And so this is how they were living to this day, having unpacked into an old cabin that had been dusted off and cobweb-free after an hour of making it somewhat like home. But Ryan could tell his dad missed the comfort of being in a neighborhood with his friends, having to leave them all behind to have some quiet in his old life. He himself couldn't relate, for he had been a lone wolf-ironic, right?-growing up and never bothered to be friends with anyone unless they found out about his secret, hereditary curse in a rather detrimental manner that woulda had them moving away from society sooner.

Today-however-was special to the young wolf, for it was Ryan's 18th birthday. And not only was he of age and allowed to have sex with others on his own terms-provided he actually found someone who'd want him that bad as he did them-but it was to mark the beginning of the curse in his blood that's run in his family for generations at a time. He rose from his bed, having had to clean out his new bedroom of spiders and their nests so he didn't have to worry about waking up from a nap with a whole web and their babies crawling around on his tongue and whatnot, and yawned before stretching outward. His limbs cracked in that painfully pleasant sensation that left him to go slack where he sat and scratch his back. Today was his day to fetch water, so he made sure to grab the buckets that had been waiting for him at the foot of his bed and hauled their empty weights over his shoulders before going outside.

He found his dad on the porch, staring out into the distance of the dirt road that led out to the main road from where their new home was. It led to a string of paths that all-if someone actually tried mapping it out-towards the main road that led to the interstate, but the length of each one varied and dissuaded complete travel through them.

"Dad?" Ryan felt the need to counsel with the older wolf, watching those grayer furs on his face dance with the breeze that kissed his muzzle. As he expected, no answer, so the lad went ahead and got to work looking for the river.

It had been a glorious find, because he thought he'd be living without genuine water and had to do everything completely stone-age style, but seeing that body of water flowing down deeper into the woods saved him from thinking he'd go wild before he got to go wild. He had several routes towards it, but straight to it from home was always fastest.

Along the way, he thought he heard twigs snapping nearby and his ears flicked towards the noise only to come up short. Hmm, strange. These woods were mostly vacant of actual woodland critters-at least this portion anyhow-so Ryan was suspicious of the fact that twigs were breaking and natural causes wasn't the reason they did. He continued on, however, and found the scent of freshwater filling his nostrils that he knew was emanating from his destination. Once he broke out from some shrubbery without scratching himself, he was on the trail that the river split into two where he stood and twice over towards south-or his right. He unloaded his carriage and slowly dunked each bucket into the water until they were full. There were five in total, so once he got started with the third, he felt a rush of cold ride up his back.

Someone was watching him.

He looked behind him to see if there was someone hiding behind the trees or bushes, the trunks big enough to hide mostly anyone and the bushes low enough to hide anyone's stature provided they weren't as big as Ryan's dad when he was wolfed out under the moon's light. But after coming up short, he turned away and got back to filling the buckets.

Only to see the water on the opposite side of him ripple and make him jump back at what he saw.

It was a gnoll, a close relative to the hyena, but they didn't bear the modern look of those cackling mammals mostly seen at malls or strips. This guy-because he was pretty sure no lady gnoll would have their breasts that saggy and petite-looked like he was well off yet still looked starved with his growling belly fat enough to look like he ate somebody rather than started laying off on eating something.

Ryan was weirded out, for not only was this stranger growling at him but they were almost naked save for a loincloth made of bearskin and armed with a wooden spear tipped with what looked like a shark's tooth. He dared to see if he could try hurrying up to fill the fifth and final bucket before he left, but the gnoll noticed his ploy and pointed at him threateningly.

"Monster...." Even their voice was as savage as their strained vocal cords, meaning English was a far distant tongue for them and a bigger problem for Ryan as he backed away from the river with his filled buckets hanging off the thick branch he carried them all on.

"Look buddy. I don't want any trouble." To the best that his position would allow, Ryan held up a defensive pose towards the gnoll, trying his best to avoid a tussle-or worse, a hunt that he'd be easy prey for with his added weight-but cursing under his breath as they stepped closer and spoke again.

"Monster...." Their gaze narrowed, knowing that Ryan was trying to make a run for it, and primed their spear to lob it at him. That was the lad's cue to book it, turning around and nearly running head-first into a tree before he heard the sharktooth weapon sink into the ground inches behind his foot as he hightailed it. He heard a war cry from the dangerous gnoll, praying to whatever gods above would bother listening to him that the guy wouldn't follow him...


Ryan's journey home took longer than it usually did, for he had to hide behind trees when he swore he heard the gnoll trying to track him but just barely missing the wolf at every turn and allowing him to run back home. He couldn't go straight there, having needed to circle the same path a few times until he was sure he backtracked his hunter enough times to make trying to follow him towards the dirt road leading to his house nigh impossible unless he chanced it. He nearly kissed the dry soil at his feet as he dropped off the thankfully full buckets of water behind him and took a well-needed rest. He heard approaching footsteps but didn't need to panic as they were the gray stompers of his dad.

"What happened?" That concerned face was loaded with alertness, those ears looking like satellite antenna tracking any form of signal hanging in the air. "I heard some weird yelling coming from where you left and thought you were trying to test out if you could get the howling down already."

"Dude ...tried to...attack me...Barely got away..." Despite Ryan's vague explanation, it was all for his dad's needs as he went stiff and looked around.

"Take the water into the house and don't open the door for nobody unless it's me, got it?" The seriousness in his tone meant that Ryan was in something deeper than he thought he was, and he cut his panting off so he could nod. "Got it!?"

"Y-yes sir." The older wolf grumbled under his breath, retreating back onto his porch and plucking up one of his old novelty baseball bats. Sure, he was a batter and knew how to swing, but now that his glory days were over it made for a great way to make intruders run for the hills-which is exactly what the old man's brandishing of the object intended.

The second he saw the old man walk into the trees, he scurried into the house as carefully as his waterlogged weight would allow and barred the door shut behind him. It had metal locks, but they were rickety at best so they made sure to build a much safer option for all the doors and windows when it was time for bed. With nothing else to do other than wait by the kitchen window in hopes of catching sight of his dad-and if he were lucky, with some food-Ryan deposited the buckets into the unoperational freezer and stood guard.


It was probably a good hour or so when Ryan's dad returned, fuming under his breath and covered in scratches from what Ryan had hoped was just from thorn bushes. But as he asked his old man what happened, he was shocked to hear that the gnoll not only attacked him too but broke his bat by squeezing it with his thighs when he was trying to fend off the savage man from stabbing him in the eye with that spear of his. The wolf made it out but not unscatched from the marks all over his chest and arms. There was a cut over his eyes but it had long since stopped bleeding.

Not like it would be for long on account of the old wolf already being well past the age of his transformations.

But even with his ability to heal wounds and lacerations with ease, he was still miffed about losing his bat and it showed when he made a fire for the two of them to eat lunch. Bunny stew, for fish was to be eaten at night, and the two steaming bowls were halfway eaten when Ryan decided to crack the silence.


"I told you, I'm fine son. Like I said, next time I catch that fucker I'm putting his head on a stake and hanging him on our wall."



Ryan forgot that his dad hadn't been well-versed with internet lingo before they started living without anything electronic, so he clarified. "Too Much Information, you know like someone talking about their day and how it was so wonderful compared to your shitty day."

"Language." Ryan scoffed.

"Says you, Mr. Graphic."

"Riiight. After today, I want you to do your water collecting 'round where I fish so we don't have another run-in with that maniac."

That seemed like a fair solution; that path was the quickest from home and the water was only a tad less fresh on the tongue. A willing sacrifice if it meant keeping their heads.

"Sure thing, dad."

"Naw, it's Mr. Graphic, remember?" It took a minute for Ryan to register the regurgitated joke being thrown back at him, and when it finally hit he laughed his ass off and nearly dropped his stew. A few moments later and his dad joined in too, letting them bask in this humorous scene to break away from the tension of earlier events with joy. Their shared laughter lasted a good while too, only oxygen being the reason why they both stopped rather than a disturbance like one would expect.

"And here I thought you'd never get with the distracted generation, dad."

"Eh, I can be an old fart but that doesn't mean you kids didn't have it made with all the junk y'all can use."

"Wasn't really much for me. I wasn't the looking-to-chat-someone-up type when I was on the internet."

"So what were you then?"

"The uh...Look-Up-What-Isn't-Boring type?"

Ryan's dad took that info with a grain of salt, eyeing his almost empty bowl of stew before nodding. "Yeah, you look like a guy that uses computers and tech just to not be bored."

"What about you then?" The old man was immediately apprehensive, trying to wave the question away but Ryan stayed on topic. "C'mon I laid it out for you. Only fair if you laid it out for me so we can both dig in."

"Hey, I taught you that saying and what it meant."

"And I didn't forget like you thought." Ryan's dad stared for a good half-minute, making Ryan think the moment was ruined thanks to his snarkiness, but after watching the old wolf's tail sway for a few and a smile grow across that muzzle Ryan knew it wasn't over just yet.

"Alright fine...I'm the...Looking-For-The-Fun-Sites type with computers."


"Is that what y'all called it?"

"More or less."

"Then yeah, that's what I did. I knew how to cover my tracks so don't go asking if I got caught using anybody's computer." Ryan still laughed, slapping his knee as he thought of walking in from his old man at their old house, hand in his greasy underwear-which was all he wore at this moment-and going at it real hard until finally noticing Ryan standing there and yelping like a fox kit. Then the last bit hit him and he stopped.

"Hey, wait a minute-"

"Gotcha, kid." That wasn't an answer to if he did or not, but one wink answered that for him. Ryan groaned and felt his face deflate while his old man took the time to laugh his ass off.

"Such a damn pervert."

"Says Mr. Geek."

"At least I only looked at the stuff a kid my age was supposed to be looking at. Can't expect me to relate to your old man when you don't even know what your old man is into."

Ryan's dad shook his head and laughed a little more, staring at his face in the reflection of the bowl and marveling how clean it looked before turning back to Ryan. "You don't know the half of what gets me going."

"Oh god please don't tell m-" Ryan was about to whine in hopes it would derail the old man's idea of having a conversation about the fetishes he's jacked it to off of Ryan's computer when a familiar spear dug into the ground at his feet. He locked up and froze, leaving his dad to turn and see that the gnoll had snuck up behind them and was cursing under his breath for missing the younger of the two.

Nearly losing his son the same way he lost his wife when Ryan was only two...sent the old man in a fury that had him roaring towards the savage and chasing after him. "YOU LITTLE SHIT! DON'T YOU EVER ATTACK MY BOY AGAIN! YOU'RE DEAD!"

Ryan's heart fell down from his throat once he was calm enough to see that both his dad and the gnoll were gone, eyeing the spear that had nearly landed in his leg or much worse had the wild gnoll's aim been truer than the flop it pulled. Looking at it in full reminded him of the sad tale of how he lost his mother to an angry mob and as soon as the pain it created made his heart thump in a pent-up rage, he dug the spear out of the ground, broke it into several pieces and laid the sharktooth into the lunch fire so it'd burn into uselessness. The fire illuminated the tears that he and his father shared when the story of why he only had one parent growing up had finished.

No point going after his father in hopes that he'd come back with that wild man's head, he knew what he was doing out here in the buff. Better to just wait and see if they can have a crack at him together, because after that all Ryan cared about doing with that gnoll was seeing him beg for mercy...


Ryan woke up with a jolt, having went to his room after lunch and taken a nap to cool off from being angry. He didn't hear anything that would wake him, nor saw his dad or worse in the doorway of his room-which would be locked anyway-so he looked around and came up short again. Only to feel his heart start pounding and leave him a trembling mess as his body fell into the paned refraction of moonlight pouring into his bedroom.

He forgot that it was a full moon tonight.

Ryan felt a rush of energy course through him, leaving him feeling hot all over and making him tear out of his washed-out sweatshirt and track pants before he even tore his underwear off with claws that grew sharper and more jagged the more he stared at them. But that wasn't all that began to change, for the hands that situated these new deadly weapons surged with a new strength while growing to accommodate the power. His wrists and arms followed, leaving him to look disproportionate in the upper body until his chest and neck began to bulk out and fit the bill before he looked deformed for a werewolf.

His teeth followed, all the blunt ones becoming fangs and the fangs that had already been there growing to be more gnarly until they couldn't fit inside of his extending muzzle and he had to let them press over his lips. His ears reached for the ceiling above him, as if growing to be wailing alarms that made no noise until he could start hearing things that his duller senses as a regular wolf could never pick up. After his chest filled out with rawer muscle and sinew to leave his once-flat surface with barreling pecs, he felt his stomach cave in to allow abs to grow. His pudgy belly grown from a lack of exercise became another testament to a workout he didn't partake in and filled out to be ten whole portions of muscles hidden away by fur that thickened after a bit. His legs finally joined in, starting with the tail above his naked plumping-out ass growing towards the window like one reaching for the light, becoming bushier and a darker grey until it was big enough to be a third arm; his thighs filled up with muscle so that he wouldn't be without balance for his almost overbearingly huge new upper body nor be forced to keen from having all that weight snap his bones to pieces; and his forelegs slowly cracked and extended backwards to become digitigrade to allow both bipedal and quadrupedal movement. Lastly, the claws of his feet sharpened out from the blunted nails they had been left to be and his eyes grew sharper and more yellow before his body felt the need to push out the unused energy into a howl that left the house trembling at the visage of a newly formed werewolf.

Ryan...felt at home. His mind, having stayed relatively the same but with more aware instincts in mind, felt like it had been opened up to thoughts that he thought were beneath him in the past. He could smell the river from his room despite his window being closed, he could feel every splinter in the wood on the floor at his paws and he could hear the soft *pap pap* of hips colliding with another downstairs in the-

Wait, what?

Ryan tuned his ears from trying to listen to bats screeching outside and sure enough his new senses picked up the sounds of what was obviously sex going on downstairs. For a minute, his mind brought up the earlier conversation he had with his dad about the porn the old wolf watched, but he debunked that with his tamer thinking remembering that there was no internet to watch anything like that out here in the wild.

His dad, his alpha father, was having carnal sex....without him!

Ryan nearly tore his door off its hinges ripping it open, snarling as he hoped that he wasn't too late in not only becoming his true, savage self but also use the time to claim some tail that he could have used long before they had to start moving. And the sight he drank in when he was low enough on the stairs to see what transpired in the living room, Ryan froze.

There, hunched over on the cabin floor looking to have the time of his life, was Ryan's father. He too was changed all over, looking even more bushy than Ryan turned out to be and grayer furs tipping some of the hair on his head. But it wasn't the raw power radiating off of his dad that made Ryan gaze upon the scene in primitive wonder.

It was who his dad was humping into.

One quick sniff of the air and the familiar stench of the gnoll came to mind and a closer look with squinted eyes showed that yes, the gnoll was pinned down under Ryan's dad and being the victim of a werewolf's desire. Ryan watched the actual action and felt his muzzle lick itself clean as he saw that red rocket pumping in and out of the stranger in a sopping wet blur within their wooden den. Ryan wanted a better look, so he prowled up to the scene until he was almost within arms' reach.

He was noticed immediately by his mustached father and the older werewolf snarled with glee at seeing his son watch him so closely in his new body. "Enjoying yourself, kid?" His voice was also just about the same as it was when he wasn't a beast but only a few notches deeper and gravelly.

"What?" Ryan's shared the same state, but he still held a bit of his youth in his tone.

Ryan's dad didn't answer, only nudging his muzzle towards something beneath Ryan just in time for his hips to stop moving and a quiet howl to emanate from his muzzle. Almost like clockwork, Ryan felt the urge to join in run through him and his mouth already moved to perform it.

Only for his father to reach over and cut him off just as he started the "Woooo-"


"Sorry kid...ears need a break after I did that while you were sleep...I'll let you have yours when I'm out of your hair...for now...I gotta talk to you." Ryan's dad let go of Ryan's neck, letting him cough to recover from the lax yet strong grip that had nearly left bruises under his fur while the old man went back to humping into his catch without a care that they were only meekly growling from beneath him.

"About...?" Ryan didn't know if talking to his dad was a good time right now, because he looked really busy with what he was doing and Ryan had the urge to go run around and climb trees and howl at the highest point in the woods now that he was out of his room.

"This little wretch." Looks like Ryan wasn't gonna be able to rest until the gnoll was either dead or dealt with, so he stared with newly rapt attention to the gnoll now being moved up from the floor to a forced sitting position between the older werewolf's legs. "Notice anything...different about them?"

Ryan gave them a look-see, recalling right away the fat moobs and the rotund belly that the savage man had earlier in the day, plus the wild look in his eyes that seemed to never fade. But not that he was close and naked thanks to his dad, Ryan could see where his father was getting at.

Instead of a stinky pair of balls and a sheath to hide his poker, the savage gnoll had a thick cunt almost as big as Ryan's newly changed paw with a bush as thick as his tail around those brown lips that were drooling with juices and Ryan's dad's cum.

"Yeah...I see it."

"Was a nice little find...when I saw it. Took the fight right outta him." The old man finished brandishing the defeated gnoll and pinned him on his back this time so Ryan's dad could look him in the eye while that wolf dick dug back into that hairy muff. "Been down here since before the moon rose just fucking this bad boy with my pups...Tried to take me out earlier, kid. Don't feel sorry for 'em."

"I don't...Not after what happened..." As if on cue, the gnoll looked over from Ryan's dad to Ryan, taking in his new visage with a sneer and he finally spoke.

"M-monster...." Though Ryan's dad wasn't keen on letting his son steal his captive's attention away from what he was doing to them, so he grabbed their chin and forced them to look up instead of right.

"Now now, you ain't dealing with him just yet. Like I told you, you're not leaving my sight unless my nuts are dry...~"

Listening to his dad with his heightened senses left Ryan in a panting stupor, eyes trained on the speed of which that red meat log of a cock ripped out of those greedy folds puffy from overuse before drilling back into the sloppy mess already inside of that passage and making the young werewolf's ears and erection twitch.

The old man's humping started getting erratic again, so after he made sure his hips were on autopilot, he reached in and grabbed the gnoll's moobs and nearly crushed them in his giant paws. "Bark for me again, bitch. I wanna see how you act with an audience...."

The unruly mammal snarled at Ryan's dad, as if daring him to ask again, but the second that werewolf twisted both of those flabby pecs the gnoll was singing to the moon above in yelping barks that seemed to help set the werewolf off as he snarled his orgasm instead of howling it out once more and left another round of puppy batter inside that quivering muff. Ryan didn't even need to be behind his old man to know that there was excess, but seeing that the gnoll was taking in loads like they were nothing left his cock, which he realized was just about as much a monster as the gnoll claimed him to be, ready to lay seed inside the first hole it dug through.

The old man seemed to notice this, for he pulled out and let the last strings of his runny cum paint over the gnoll's beefy clit and leaving him smelling like dirt and claimed property before the tall 'wolf stood up to stretch. "Ooooh fuck, I love full moons. I'd probably be out cold if I wasn't wild...Here boy, he's all yours. Don't go easy on him."

Ryan watched dumbfounded as his dad's cock retreated into that burrito-sized sheath situated over watermelon-sized balls yet to be fully drained, only to have his gaze return to that gnoll whose eyes fixated on him once his dad left him be and challenged him with his bared fangs. Ryan saw himself in those eyes and used the time to test out his new visage by snarling back at the man who nearly took his life when he was just a weak pup yet to truly become his own alpha and watched with pride as the gnoll shrunk back a bit.

"There ya go kid. If he tried to nip at ya, put him in his place. I'm gonna go fetch us some dinner. Don't kill him just yet." An odd request to give a werewolf fresh into the life, but Ryan merely shrugged before prowling over the gnoll's body and taking aim towards that sopping pussy.

"Monster..." The gnoll still had a voice, but Ryan was going to snuff it out as gently as he could. With his teeth into the gnoll's neck to make hin yelp, Ryan sank into the depths of that hot, cum-soaked pussy. He cared less that his dad claimed the muff already as his own, nor did he seem to want to know if there were pups brewing inside of that bulging gut, as all he wanted to see was the broken face of the gnoll before him beg for release from this prison of being a pair of werewolves' toy until further notice.

Suddenly, killing him for attempting to kill the lad was less and less appealing for his satisfaction.

Ryan's enlarged cock felt like it was the right size for a job like this, feeling the first few inches of his meat slam right into the sea of batter than his old man left behind and decided to work himself to orgasm to try and fill in the blanks. The gnoll laid there and took it like a good bitch, folds only spasming when they went through what Ryan could tell was a repressed orgasm dulled in feelings by the wild mind of the savage man. It mattered none to the lad that the gnoll was trying to avoid looking like he was enjoying himself.

Because he wasn't here to be happy to be fucked. He was here to be a pup dumpster for Ryan and his dad.

The first load from that red powerhouse came when Ryan found a good pace that left him barely disturbing the creamy mess within the gnoll's passage, quickly filling the space up with wolf spunk that felt like it drained directly out of his heavy loins. He repressed the urge to howl on his father's request from irritating his old ears, and for a moment he thought his stamina would be tapped out up until he felt renewed energy fill his limbs and he was back at it again.

"Monster....fuck...Krol..." Finally, the newly identified gnoll said something other than just one thing.

"So you...got a n-name, huh...?" Ryan was taunting Krol, making sure he felt the effort in the werewolf's voice being used to plow his muff until it was just a soggy weight that poured cum out of its depths. "Don't matter none to me...be-because you're just Bitch in my eyes..."

Saying an expletive felt so alien in Ryan's mind, but with his new body who cared about rules as silly as what words to say? Who's gonna care but his dad and Krol, who didn't have any say to what happened to his body now that he was claimed by the both of them? Though, the gnoll didn't seem too keen on being called anything other than Krol, so his snarl was back.

"Monster...boy...fuck....like whelp." Ryan barely made those words out to make sense yet he was able to hear them, so when he cracked the code of the gnoll's basic mind he snarled back and reclaimed that neck into his razor-sharp maw that left Krol growling in newfound pain. Seems he didn't like having his life a bite away from ending, Ryan mused. Let's make sure he knew his place for certain.

Diverting his focus from his arms keeping Krol's chest smushed down, Ryan's hips began to pick up into that speed that he watched his father obtain when he first arrived on the scene, immediately feeling the bliss go from "meh" to "fuck yeah, let's do this". Going faster also made Krol's snarling come out in hitches thanks to the strength of those thrusts knocking into the cervix of the gnoll's muff, so it was a humorous change of pace for Ryan. He felt his balls prep up another load, so he knew what to do when he felt a familiar something slide out of his sheath and start knocking at Krol's folds.

Though color Ryan surprised when the first full-fledged slam he delivered with his knot out had the knob of flesh sinking right in without a fight.

The shock left Ryan unprepared for the warmth and spasming walls massaging the entirety of his cock, and within seconds he pulled off of Krol's neck to bite back a howl that was dying to leave his chest as he nutted again. Now with his even more sensitive flesh digging into that muff, his cum came in harder and left his dick swimming in his and his dad's collective batter. He wondered if the old man had found his way into the deep end, but he wouldn't need to wonder for long.

Ryan's dad had returned and he looked quite pleased with himself despite having streaks of blood on his chest fur.

"See you found out the best thing about being a werewolf, kid. Feeling you tie into some bitch and making sure she-or in this case, he-takes all of your pups and doesn't leak a drop while you wait to deflate..." Those words voiced Ryan's thoughts exactly and he turned away with a face contorted in repressed euphoria. "Don't worry about tying this bitch though-not even my "monster" kept him locked up tight."

So it wasn't a fluke then. Krol's pussy was just really loose. Ryan snarled as he took in that info and held up a paw as if ready to tear the gnoll's throat open. Though he had been expecting such a brandish and shut his eyes to brace himself. Though Ryan found that he couldn't bring his arim down even if he wanted to honor the gnoll's wish to die, and the older werewolf was the culprit.

"Don't sweat it, kid. I'm sure you'll be able to claim his other holes with your bitch maker and be just as satisfied. Now hold off, I told you I need to finish in him so I get a message across." That authoritative voice had a much more commanding tone with the werewolf twinge in it and Ryan shirked away from the attack just in time to watch his dad step back into the scene.

And sit on Krol's face with his furry ass.

"Why don't you clean me off? Made me work up a damn sweat chasing your fatass back here so I could teach you a lesson on manners." Ryan's never seen such a display before, only used to the idea that men dominated other men simply by being the first to claim their asses and tying them shut to take their puppies. But it looks like Ryan's pops had been right with saying he was a lot kinkier than what sight betrayed. The old man situated himself better on his new "sit-upon" and brought Ryan's attention to his face with a gentle claw to the lad's chin. "Having the time of your life, son?"

Ryan felt the gnoll gush out fluids against his crotch and growled as it sent those walls on a feeding frenzy that his dick got vice-gripped for, but he toughed it out and urged his hips to get back to work for a third load. "Y-yeah....bitch has a name, apparently..."

"Is that right? Well he's been working out as just Bitch to me, so I don't care whatever he wants to be called right now. Isn't that right, Bitch?" Ryan's dad humorously lifted his ball sack with his big paw, letting Ryan see that the gnoll's throat was moving to relay to him that he was indeed licking the old man's ass clean as ordered and making him grin with delight with how easy it was to have the gnoll bend to the older 'wolf's whim. Imagine if he could get that kinda servitude from the hunter...

"So y-you like getting your ass licked...huh?" Ryan had to ask, seeing as they were far from being the awkward son and father sitting at a campfire eating stew out of bowls. Now they were werewolves and werewolves didn't get bashful about fetishes.

"On occasion. Ass licking's for preparing a bitch to take a dick that pops his or her cherry, but I won't lie it feels pretty good making someone clean you up after a hard day's work..." Ryan's dad liked it more than he told, for his dick was back at attention and he seemed to have a hankering for smearing his taint across faces. "Oh yeah, get real deep inside old Roger ...~"

"Anything else you got in mind...?" Ryan felt like he was gonna have a long night ahead of him if he was just gonna watch his dad get kinky with their captive, so he decided to cut that weary morning out of his intuitive thoughts and get working towards another load.

"I like...teaming a bitch until me and my buddy nut inside. Bonus points if it's....the same hole and even more...if we both got knots ...~" Roger seemed to imply something when he wiggled his eyebrows at Ryan and grinned to show off those yellower teeth in his muzzle, and the lad caught on before he missed it by cumming inside of Krol again with the kind of snarl that'd send chills down some unfortunate traveller's spine.

"So you wanna...team this Bitch in our paws...?" Ryan's load was half-hearted, both to keep from blowing every drop in his loins and so he could keep attention on what Roger had to say.

"Goddamn right I do, kid. Scoot up." Roger lifted off of Krol's face, seemingly just in time as the gnoll's matted face was brought back to life with him gasping for air. Even with his somewhat far proximity Ryan knew the gnoll smelled like sweaty wolf ass and he wouldn't dream of doing anything with it for the time being. No soap in the wild, so the smell was gonna stay. For now, Roger managed to lift that cum-heavy body off the floor and ignored the splinters digging into his back as he put Krol on his front with his dick posed to dig back into that muff from below. He was still taller than Krol, so he just had to look over the stinky guy's head to see his son. "Ready!~"

"You're such a kinky old fucker..." Ryan had to pull back out to make sure he was still hard as wood, moving himself to where he was parallel to his dad's cock.

"Language, boy...~" Roger seemed just about ready to give whether the lad was going in first or last, so Ryan took the leap before it was stolen from him and the old wolf followed up right behind him. Right away, Ryan felt why he wanted to do this with someone like Krol; thanks to his thick pussy, he took both of their "monsters" with relative ease and they were both deep enough to rest inside their own ocean of cum.

"Filthy...beasts..." Krol did not seemed pleased that he went from just being stuffed with one dick and loads of cum to two but Roger wasn't having any of it and slapped him.

"Shut the hell up, you little rat. You're lucky I didn't bust your little stick up. Now lay there and whine like the Bitch you're supposed to be." The assertive tone, the witnessing of submission from the now silent gnoll...Ryan was glad he had a dad just as-if not, more-wild as he felt when he was this big beast under the moon's rays. They both managed to start thrusting, and after coming to the conclusion that Ryan went in and Roger pulled out before vice versa occurred, father and son began to pound into gnoll cunny.

That hairy hot box was no chance against the savagery of two werewolves hungry to put pups into that muff, Krol whimpering as he felt the older of the two start hitting the entrance to his core. It had remained unexplored since sunset where the werewolf took him prisoner and subjected him to this shameful life of sucking his seed up like a living vacuum, and feeling even just one of these hairy beasts start reaching for it made the gnoll's legs tremble. And for the first time tonight, he actually cried out as he came from a renewed vigor brought on by the anxiety of actually being knocked up.

Unfortunately for him, Roger was more experienced with sex and knew exactly what he was griping about.

"Scared we're gonna leave ya ready to burst with all of our pups, Bitch~?" Roger's thrusts picked up on power, leaving Ryan to be speedy so he could get the whole worth of Krol's pussy while their orgasms waited around the corner a fair distance away from the edge.


"Oh you're right, the pups would be all hungry and ready to hunt down little..rats like you for game and food ...~" Roger's slams were wearing that hole down and Krol prayed to the gods that the boy wouldn't suddenly slip in only to yelp as he did in fact knock into the tight space and growl.

"F-fuck....he caught me..."

"Don't worry kid, I'm right be-hind you."

Krol screamed into the night as the older 'wolf joined in on stretching his cervix open with his son, forcing it to give in to the girth of their cock tips and leaving it the victim of dual sprays of precum ready to hurry and become actual semen. His prayers kicked up, pleading that they hear him and provide him with a means to escape the wrath of these randy werewolves, but they fell upon deaf ears and the gnoll had to lay there and bask in the final rending of his dignity as Ryan was the first to cum inside of Krol's womb and start to soil him up good.

"Atta....boy..." Roger didn't wanna get left behind, so after he was sure Ryan would be able to keep that tiny-well, not so tiny now-hole open on his own, he worked himself up over the edge and crammed as much of his dick into that core and put his own seed into the mix. Krol laid there breathless, feeling his life sink as his belly finally started to grow after the several failed attempts from both parent and child up until this point to make him look more gravid with their young. His lone tear quickly seeped into his ass-marked fur, leaving the remnants to burn his eye as he watched Ryan's form slowly disappear behind his growing stomach and only the boy's head was visible by the time they both stopped. He felt one last prayer go out to the gods that they were both spent and things looked hopeful as Ryan ended up flopping out of his cunt to rest his body from the ordeal, but Krol was swiftly reminded that he took two werewolves inside of his fertile womb instead of one and heard Roger snarl in his ear to bring that icy fear into his heart.

"Go ahead and do whatever you want, kid. I'm gonna make sure this forest' nice and loud with our pack when I'm done with this guy...And if he's got room, you can get your nuts sucked." Krol felt those gray hips get back to work in ruining his pride and he began to yelp anew as a result and brought Roger into a mocking fit of laughter. Ryan took the request into stride, taking a quick step outside to breathe some fresh air.

Now that he was finally out of the cabin, he actually realized that he hadn't even thought of abusing the other benefits of being a werewolf. Excluding his engorged junk and seemingly bottomless balls like his old man, Ryan was eager to learn what he was able to do, so after shielding his curiosity to the cause of both his old man and Krol yelling into the night from within the cabin, Ryan prowled out into the woods to see if he could finally explore what was originally out of his reach as a wimpy teen.

TFA!-The Second Round: Explore Outside Your Comfort Zone

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Drayden's Lucky Call

Mayor Drayden...or rather, just Drayden... shielded himself against the night breeze as he stood outside in the chilly night. The great city of Opelucid was nothing more than a technological ghost town by the time the sun fell and all who patrolled the...

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Getting the Mail(And some Tail)

Have you ever loved someone that you thought was out of your league? Like genuinely out of your reach yet your mind could never get over the idea of you being together with this person? To the point where you obsess over them like their a fantasy you...

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