Clinical Calibrations

Story by VictorTheMaker on SoFurry

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Thalia learns the importance of using a service manual when working on insemination pumps. Especially when they have a turbo setting


Good afteroon everyone, at the risk of repeating myself, I hope yall are having a good afternoon. I've got another serving of smut sponsered by Aurum, and I hope you enjoy. In any case, I hope you let me know what you think


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Thalia rolled her shoulders and smoothed her lab coat, then tied it tight around her waist and stepped into the test chamber. Harsh lights and sterile walls greeted her, though the machine at its center remained stoic and silent. The alolan vulpix mentally rehearsed the calibration procedures as she approached, intent on getting the device up and running as quickly as possible. A list of scheduled cases scrolled by her mind's eye, though the details fuzzed and faded beyond the first two lines. Suffice to say, she had more appointments that day than she could keep track of. The vixen took in a chilly, calming breath as she stood before the marvel of fertilizing machinery, the very cutting edge in its field. When properly used, it boasted a 150% success rate, though it was by far the most fickle device she'd ever worked with. She chided it for its laziness as she opened its case, quickly checking for anything blatantly wrong. When she found nothing, she turned her attention to its broad, luminescent screen. Soft clacks filled the room as her blunted nails skated across its surface, quickly setting up a test profile for an imaginary user. She entered her own height and weight as test data, then let the machine scan her for the rest. A medusa of metallic tentacles snaked from its back and swarmed her in an instant, filling in gaps in data and building a thorough profile. A shiver ran up Thalia's spine when a chilled nozzle pressed into her plush middle, flashing pulses of light through her fur while the others mapped her contours. The process took only seconds, and by its completion, the machine had a complete map of her figure and vitals.

She verified the information as a list of options presented itself, inquiring how she would like to proceed. A hum of consideration resonated in her muzzle as she recalled the next step of the maintenance procedure, spurring her to fish a tablet from her coat. She swiped through its digital pages and found her notes. Realization flashed in her eyes, and she quickly punched a combination buttons. The screen flashed and flickered for a brief moment, then launched into its service mode. Soft beeps and shrill alarms filled the room while it ran through a battery of self tests, granting the alolan vulpix a moment to relax and browse her phone. Endless checklists detailing cum pump parameters and flow rates raced across the screen, passing as quickly as they appeared, until a harsh alarm halted its progress. The vixen only delved a few posts into her social media feed before the machine demanded her attention, and with equal parts annoyance and curiosity, she checked the display. Her brow arched in confusion as the message "failed to initiate turbo mode" flashed before her, offering no option other than "begin physical calibration." She tapped its chrome sides and poked every part of the screen except the button, then left with no other options, swallowed her apprehension and started the calibration.

The machine's mechanical tendrils reemerged, then lashed out and snared her limbs.

Thalia regretted her decision as the inseminater lifted her from the ground and spread her thighs, then snaked under her leggings and shredded them away. Shock turned to arousal as a pair of heated nozzles teased her lips, lancing her with bolts of incapacitating pleasure. A needy whimper tumbled from her muzzle as yet another tentacle pressed to her belly, then warmed her fur with pulses of light. A carnal heat kindled in her core and rose higher with every calibrated flash, priming her womb for an upcoming flood. Hormones rushed through her and prepared the rest of her, subtly widening her hips and swelling her breasts The machined tip at her belly remained and ran constant scans as a pair of tanks rose form the floor, brimming with enhanced seed longing for a suitable home. In the back of her mind, Thalia knew she should be putting up more of a fight, but the device read her like a book and sabotaged her efforts to escape. The tentacles at her hips softly vibrated on converged on her clit with every token attempt to wiggle free, flooding her with enough pleasure to derail her train of thought. She lost it entirely when a particularly phallic tool buried itself into the crux of her thighs, spreading her passage and knocking the wind from her chest. Her head rolled back in bliss and she struggled to catch her breath, only to lose it again when it started to move. Her huffs and pants of rapture punctuated the soft squelches of the hose's movement, and their tempo rose as the machine drove her to climax.

The vixen staved her release off as long as she could, delaying the inevitable for only a minute at most. Every muscle in her body tensed and resonated with bliss as the machine inspired the most powerful orgasm of her life, shorting her nerves and leaving her helpless to the ensuing rush of cum. The hose subtle shifted with moving weight before the first blast filled her to capacity, allowing the second and third to surpass her limits. Her coat fell open as the tight dome of her belly overpowered her belt, exposing her tight, snowy hide to the open air. Audible sloshes rippled across its surface as the pair tanks emptied with almost frightening speed, growing her belly until it dominated her figure. The probe at her middle followed its expansive curve out and pumped another light-show into her pelt, enhancing and activating the potent hormones gathering in her middle. Her hips widened to proper brood-mother proportions as her thighs thickened to support her tripled weight, and her breasts battled for space against her chin as they swelled with maternal ivory. Even her cheeks softened with excess, hiding the curve of her jaw and softening her expression. Climactic aftershocks resonated on her nerves as the last drops of the tanks drained into her belly, and the machine gently returned her to the ground once the cycle finished. A soft ding announced the calibration's completion, earning a half-hearted glare from the vulpix. Every part of her wobble as she waddled to the room's exit, leaving a trail of leaking lust in her wake. A blush kindled in her cheeks when her colleagues greeted her with snickers, though warm maternal satisfaction softened her temper.

"Don't worry guys, turbo mode works."

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