An Expendable Life (WARNING: SNUFF)

Story by FluffyShutterbug on SoFurry

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Here's a snuff RP that I did with a guy named Conor Hyena, adapted into a short story. In this story, Jamie is a male prostitute who decides to spend the night with the military assassin, Conor, with fatal consequences.

This story isn't for the faint of heart, though. If you don't like death or murder, this story might not be for you.

But if you do read this story, I hope you enjoy! ^w^

I pulled out a cigarette and set it alight, taking a nice, long drag on it before exhaling the putrid cloud of nicotine. It was a late June night in the red light district of the city. The sky was overcast, faintly illuminated by the soft, orange glow of the street lights. It was one of those hot and muggy nights; the type of weather that definitely forewarned imminent severe weather. It was likely going to rain very soon, so I hoped to find a special someone before I was forced back inside. I impatiently paced back and forth as my cigarette gradually grew shorter and shorter. But, when it came time to extinguish it, I saw a car pull up to the stop sign. It was an older BMW M3; a boxier coupe with a set of four, round headlamps glowing brightly at me, almost like the eyes of an arachnid. The driver was a calm and cool looking gent of a hyena, intently looking for cross traffic before he laid his eyes on me. He put down the window and smiled at me, the light of a streetlamp glinting off of his pair of aviator sunglasses. "Hello, there." He said. "Need a ride?" I glanced down at my rather skimpy outfit before replying, "Har, har. Good one. You know why I'm loitering around these parts of town, right?" He pulled off his sunglasses before replying, "That I do... That I do... Look, I'll be blunt. I'm looking for a piece of ass before I gotta fly outta here. You interested, boy?" "Hm!" I replied. I flicked the burnt-out cigarette to the ground and got into the hyena's old Bimmer. As he pulled away from the stop, he coolly said, "The name's Conor. Heh heh... I didn't know this city had cute boys like yourself working the streets." I blushed and looked away, focusing my gaze on the dilapidated old brownstones, sketchy storefronts and bright neon signs that were zooming by the moving vehicle. Noticing my silence, he quipped, "What. Was it something I said?" "No..." I responded. "I'm just not one for making conversation... That's all." "Aye..." By the time we arrived at the motel of his choosing, I could see the sky in the distance flash, following by a faint rumble of thunder. There was always something unnerving about a storm rolling in slowly... Especially at night. He checked us in, and then we entered the musty, disease-ridden, poorly-kept motel room. He set his belongings down on the bathroom counter and then came back out to the bedroom, where I was awaiting him. He examined my rather feminine-shaped body and shot me a smirk. "Well, well, well..." He commented. "Those are quite hips on you, boy. Do some people mistake you for a vixen?" "Pfft!" I replied. "All the fucking time! Although, uh, I will say that I don't COMPLETELY mind..." "Oh, is that really so?" He walked up to me and gave my left hip a soft, gentle stroke with his paw before it drifted over to my ass. He gave it a squeeze and I blushed through my bright orange fur. "My, my. With a booty like yours, who even NEEDS a female?" He gave it another grope, this time with both hands. "Tehee!" I giggled. "Oh, stop! You're making me feel all bubbly and giddy inside!" With a large, firm bulge now at the front of his pants, he grabbed my waistband and pulled my skimpy shorts to the ground. The smell of my strong, pungent fox musk filled the air, seemingly pleasing my customer for the night. My strawberry-colored penis was fully erect, and its knot was bulging. Having seen that, Conor's right paw drifted from my ass to my cock and balls. "Hmm, such a nice member you have." he said. "Too bad it won't be doing any of the work tonight!" He took the rest of my clothing off before he himself stripped naked. I had to admit... I was such a sucker for hyenas... Seeing him in his naked, spotted fur made me blush pretty hard, my face tingling from the heat I felt inside. "B... Breed me..." I softly begged. "You like it rough!?" He gruffly asked. "Uh, uh, uh, sure! I guess..." I replied. "Good... Because you don't have a choice in the matter!!!" He pushed me down onto the bed and turned me onto my back. Before I even had the chance to react, Conor grabbed my ass and forced it into the air, immediately and roughly shoving his cock inside of my puckered tailhole. "Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!" I cried out. "It hurts!!! Please, don't be so rough on me!!!" "Hey!!!" He yelled. "I fucking paid for this night, and I'm going to do what I want, and YOU have to do what I say!!! Now shut up!!!" He grabbed a sock and balled it up before shoving it into the back of my maw. "Gllk!!!" I choked, not expecting to taste cotton and foot sweat in my mouth. "Heh heh heh... Much better! Now be a good boy and take my cock like an alpha!"

* * *

As Conor contently rested on the bed with a soft smile on his face, I painfully walked over to the bathroom to make sure that I wasn't bleeding from the brutal assfucking he gave me. I grabbed some toilet paper and wrapped it around one of my claws. I rubbed it against my tailhole, and to my relief, there was no blood; only Conor's seed. I saw night sky light up through the bathroom window, followed by a loud crack of thunder. Unfazed by the approaching wrath of the thunderstorm, I turned on the faucet and splashed some water onto my face, washing away the tears and sweat on my face. "No more!" I thought to myself. "Not anymore! I'm not going to let this happen to me ever again." After I wiped the water off of my face with some tissues, I noticed Conor's duffel bag on the side of the sink counter. Curious, I unzipped it and began to rummage inside. I found a letter addressed to Conor, from our country's military, and silently opened it... As I read through it, my maw dropped to the floor! Conor was apparently hired by the military to carry out an assassination the very next day! It was going to be a journalist; one who dug too deeply into their affairs. And now he was to be silenced... And covertly. But, before I could finish reading, I heard a loud KNOCK on the door! "What are you doing in there!?" demanded Conor. "Uhh... Nothing?" I replied. "Like hell you are! Open the door!" I quickly put the letter back inside the bag and zipped it up. "Was that a zipper I heard!?" He admonished. "Were you rummaging through my bag!?" I froze. He then banged on the door. "Open the fucking door, or else I'll break it down!!!" My paw trembling, I grasped the door knob and turned it. The door slowly creaked open, revealing one angry hyena on the other side. "What did you look at!?" He demanded. I couldn't say anything in return. He got even madder and wrapped his paws around my throat. "WHAT DID YOU LOOK AT!?" I could see the murder in his eyes. I had no choice... I had to come clean, or else he was likely going to kill me. "An... Assassination..." And then the look of rage in his eyes turned into shock. "Assassination?" He asked, obviously frightened. "Ye... Yeah... You were hired to carry out an assassination... Uh... A journalist... I'm so sorry... I... I won't tell anybody! I swear to god, I won't! Please! Don't do anything bad to me! I'm just a lowly prostitute!!!" "I know you won't tell anybody..." He coldly replied. "Really, I believe you. There's no way you will tell anyone about what you saw." I let out a sigh of relief. He continued. "Now, could you be a dear and present that delicious, foxy ass of yours?" I cracked a smile and walked over to the bed. I placed my paws down on the foot of the bed and stuck my rump out for him. "Mmmh, just like that..." All of a sudden, something wound around my neck, choking me. It was his belt! He pulled on it tightly and I let out a loud, wet, gagging noise. As I desperately tried to pull the belt away from my throat, I heard him say, "I do like your ass... But this is more fun!" He pulled on the belt even tighter, ripping my paws away from it. I tried so hard to get away from him, but he was too strong for me... Choking and struggling, I turned around and stared into his eyes, seeing nothing but coldness in them. The fear in my eyes was obviously not making any difference. "C'mon, foxy! I want to see you get horny due to the lack of air!" He kept on pulling tighter and tighter on the belt... And I could feel my manhood begin to emerge from its sheath once again. He made sure that the belt was securely closed around my neck before pulling out a combat knife. As my lungs began to burn, I watched as I saw him trace the knife along my muzzle, the blunt tip in stark contrast to the razor-sharp edge. "Do you know why the tip is blunt?" He asked, as he spinned the tip of his knife around on my snout. I couldn't answer... I just stared nervously at the knife on my face as my manhood grew larger and harder, almost feeling as if I was wearing a cock ring. He then pulled me down onto the bed with him so that I was lying on top of him. My face was beginning to turn blue as my tongue began to swell, similarly to my cock. He looked back into my amber-colored eyes as he began to stroke my curly, vermilion red mane with his paw. "Heh heh... You can't stop me!" He teased as he continued to stroke my long hair. "It's over, little fox; you're dying!" The fear washed over me like I was some lowly forest creature being ruthlessly hunted down by a large, fearsome predator. But, anything I tried to escape just didn't work... The hyena was too strong... I could only stare at his cold, straight-to-business stare as my vision began to turn red and hazy. He giggled at my sorry state as he gave my soon to be useless cock a squeeze, giggling more as my body began to react in strange and grotesque ways due to the lack of oxygen. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as my body began to shake due to going into cardiac arrest. Everything just faded away into a haze before going black as my ears began to ring so loudly that I couldn't hear a damned thing. And I could only feel searing pain all over my body; my brain, my lungs, my heart... Thankfully, I would only have to deal with it for a few more moments before it all permanently faded away... My eyes went back to their normal position before dilating fully. Having just watched the life go out of my eyes, Conor's mouth curled into a triumphant smirk. He enjoyed my death stare, knowing that when he stared into my eyes, there was nothing at all on the other end. He gently rubbed my slightly ajar maw before pushing my dead yet still warm body off of him. But, he wasn't just done with me yet... He almost lovingly slipped his knife between my ribs into my ribcage, severing my aorta and stabbing into my heart. Blood began to flow out of my chest and onto the bed, Conor's eyes glowing with wonder and enjoyment. My blood flowed out of my chest and onto the bedsheets, leaving a rich, deep crimson red puddle around my body. He pulled the knife out of my chest and wiped the blood off in my long, red mane. He finally removed the belt from around my neck, leaving a visible bruise around my neck behind. He then got dressed again, my eyes staring at him both blankly and forelornly; the whites of my eyes glowing red due to petechial hemorrhaging. He noticed my blank stare again and let out a joyful giggle. The smell of blood hung in the room's air as the blood flowing my chest slowed to a trickle, leaving a large pool of it around me. How was Conor going to clean up this mess he left behind? With a thorough downpour raining down on the motel's parking lot, accompanied with constant thunder and lightning, Conor went out to his car and opened the trunk. Moments later, he came back with the soiled bedsheets and then plunked my lifeless body down inside and slammed the trunk closed. He got into his car and left the motel, heading out to the site where he would dispose of his kill; and he knew the perfect place to go. The rain slowed down to a light, gentle drizzle, and the lighting flashes grew dimmer and the thunder more faint by the time Conor's BMW arrived at the back of a docklands warehouse. With the headlights still shining, and the windshield wipers still going, Conor unfastened his seatbelt and got out of the car. He went around back and popped the trunk, my body still secure inside. He pulled me out and began to encase my body in saran wrap. By the time he got up to my head, he gently closed my eyes and softly whispered, "Sweet dreams, foxy." And he finished mummifying my body in the saran wrap. He opened up the lid of a large, green dumpster before tossing my body inside with the bloody bedsheets. Seeing my corpse unceremoniously disposed of inside of the dumpster brought joy to Conor. He gave my dead body one last stroke before slamming the lid shut. I was no longer his problem... I was no longer anybody's problem... If I was lucky, some dock worker would notice the stench of my rotting flesh. But, the chances were, nobody would notice, and I would be taken to the landfill where I would serve my final purpose as compost. Yes, it was all over... There wasn't much left to tell about my life's story. But then again, there wasn't really much to say about me in the first place. Being murdered was probably the highlight of my life, sadly. And when you live an existence as saddening as mine, maybe it's for the best to be slain. After all, there are some people who just cannot be saved...

Chapter III Preview

The still vulnerable wounds from 20 years ago were sliced right open for my father. First Christa, and now Jamie... How much punishment could one tod take? What has he done to deserve such misfortune and hardship? My father thought about this as he sat...


Corrupted Souls-Chapter Two

**\* \* \* CHAPTER II \* \* \*** Taking refuge in the crippled truck, Rita Lopez agonized over what she was going to say to the others about what had just happened to her friend--and her responsibility. But, no matter how much time passed, she just...

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Corrupted Souls-Chapter One

**\* \* \* CHAPTER I \* \* \*** I couldn't think of a worse time or place to get stranded than in a desert during a sandstorm. But, there we were... The pickup truck we were given broke down, and since the dig site was substantially closer to us than...

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