Berkley Transformation

Story by wolfied91 on SoFurry

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A short TF of me into Berkley, my fursona.

Berkley Braxton, that's who I am. Well, not yet anyways, but I'm about to be. I'm standing here, looking in the mirror like always, but today I'm going to become the bear. That much I can do. Today I'm going to change. I can feel the tingling spreading throughout my body, the excitement catching every nerve on fire with anticipation. I close my eyes for a moment, he's all I can see, his gruff expression and tough guy pose. He's taller than me, he's wider, stronger, bigger in every way. And that's what I love, the fact that I'm going to be just like him. I'm going to be that big bear in a minute, and that's what I want. What I crave. What I need more than anything at all.

I stare myself over in the reflection again, and my eyes catch on the colors in my iris starting to change. That's where it will start, I think to myself as I give a rather aroused moan just from the warm tingling behind my eyes. The optical nerves are firing on all cylinders, moving straight to my brain, already starting to rewire itself slowly. It won't do much yet, but I can tell already I'm starting to forget what color my eyes used to be, even as their color is still mostly the same as always. But from the pupils, I can see the deepest aquatic blue color spreading, lightening as it moves from the edge outwards to the rim, eating away that hazel brownish-gray. The more I see of it, the less I need these old glasses, and soon I can take them off, not nearsighted anymore, not needing them at all.

The deep aqua blue color is sharp, high definition against my former hazel's lower resolution. The sharpness alone is enough to remind me that everything about me is changing, not just the size. I can hardly wait for the size, though, and I lift an arm up, flexing hard in front of the mirror. The shirt still fits, I haven't grown a bit; that's okay, I'll outgrow it soon enough. I'm sure I'll need custom-sized clothes when I'm done growing, and these regular clothes will be like hand towels. I pump my arm again, again, again. Each time I feel the change being directed there, the size starting to grow upwards, outwards. The sleeve of my shirt is tightening, the blue shirt ironically the same color as my new eyes.

I feel it, the power, growing, strengthening. My fur isn't here yet, but it's coming. The hair on my bicep especially becoming prominent, spreading from my arm pit, moving over and under and around my arm all at once, not advancing up the shoulder yet, but moving down to the elbow first. The sleeve groans once, the first time my clothes are making that sound. It won't be the last. I flex harder, growling in my throat in a slightly more convincing sound than before as I see the bulge of muscle definitely now. My tricep is growing too, of course, becoming a huge counterweight to my swelling bicep. As the sleeve starts to tear, I can see the grassy green hairs starting to show themselves in the tear.

Stripes meant for a tiger, but they're on my body too. They'll cover all of me soon. No boring plain brown fur for this bear. A dusty brown tone, color that I initially made to sound like I was referring to myself, is lightening its way through my normally dark brown hair. I can remember less of that color too, even though for now only my upper arms are showing that light brown. It's almost like a cross between blonde and brown, not dirty blonde because it's lighter in color, but it's neither of the other colors directly either. The grassy green color blends into the fur, becoming the fur too, and soon enough it has a seamless blend. My arms slowly begin to grow that fur down beyond the elbows now, but first they have to swell too, and in strengthening and growing bigger, my sleeves finally tear apart, my shirt now sleeveless entirely thanks only to my growing.

As my forearms heft up in the flex, growing larger and stronger, I already am focused on something else, the hands. The fur is creeping like a slow growing ivy over my arms, but my hands are popping and swelling now. Thickening, the fingers slightly stubbier in appearance, but they're still larger overall. My palms grow too, and as my fingerprints are erased by growing leathery calluses, my palms are doing the same. The callused areas are turning black, leathery textures replacing the old skin texture. Pads, not something that most people think of when they think of bears, but this bear has one hell of a set. They're the main reason my fingers feel slightly less dextrous than before. The new, swollen, massive paws have to get around those pads' mass too when they flex and move in any way. And at the tip of each finger, my nails are discoloring, darkening blacker and gaining a slight shine to them in the light, looking like obsidian claws soon enough as the ends taper to deadly points. But before they can grow out, my fingertips swallow them up entirely, hiding the new nails from me. I feel my fingers crackle and pop as they adjust physiologically and grow a slightly bigger and puffier bit at the tip, but then with a thought I've gained new muscles in them and I flex out my new claws, watching them curve and grow longer than I would have ever let them as a human.

Still, it's just my arms and hands. My eyes are the only thing on my face changed still. But I know I'm not done. I reach in and grab my shirt at the collar with both arms. I feel them grow and twitch and spasm, but even though they're growing massive, more than before, I know the spasming is because my shoulders are growing too. Broadening, widening, thickening. My delts pop up and round. They're prominent now, and the fur is quickly covering them. But something else is covering my arms from wrist to shoulder now too, a layer of heavy fat. Hiding the look of just muscle on my arms, hiding behind a huge layer of fat that keeps the definition from looking like I'm a bodybuilder. Still, as I remind myself by flexing hard again, this time pulling my shirt apart at the center, I'm big and bulky. I have only to touch those muscles and press a bit to find that fatty layer gives only enough to remind me there is a hard, steely bulk there behind it. As my shoulders pop out even further, my traps and lats are spreading out too, giving me a more believable width than my arms alone would have provided.

Speaking of my back, it helps my shirt tear free from my body, and the fur races across the back to finally meet between my shoulder blades and moves downwards towards my rear. All along my spine at first, but then slowly widening towards my wider sides, I feel the muscle and fat piling onto me here too, making me feel like I have a heavy shell on my back for a little bit. It'll even out as my chest and belly swell on the other side. They're already barrelling out and growing too, and soon enough the fur is following around from my sides and back, growing wider and rounder and heavier. My core is now heavily guarded, far more than it ever was before. A belly that spills over my jeans, popping the button right off and tearing the tops of my jeans as my waist widens at the lower side of my belly and back. A waistline that started at nearly forty inches, big enough I guess for some, is now much higher, over fifty, close to sixty. That's right, a nearly five foot wide circumference of a waistline. Berk is big. I'm big. And I want more.

I pump my chest, letting the fat and muscle sag down as I relax the pose, resting on my huge girth, but it's not my chest I'm focusing on, even as the nipples bury themselves in the new fur, turning black and almost leathery like my pads. No, it's my face. Most people would wait for the end to do their faces. It makes sense, right? Lose that last bit of humanity after savoring all the other changes to lock it all in place. But no, I want that face gone now. I want to savor being Berk before the changes finish, let it all lock in place afterwards now. So I focus on my head, on my neck. My neck beefs up, gaining the fur, but also gripping my vocal chords and throwing them deeper and deeper into a whole new pitch. It's growly, dark, rough, sounding mature in a way but also like rolling thunder in the distance, if the distance were my new chest. I let out a few new words, hearing the hint of that Texan accent I know I'll be able to suppress so easily it'll sound like I don't even have an accent until my emotions pop out in full force. I can hardly wait to have the rest of the changes, but the voice deepening is certainly a special one to savor.

As my nose and mouth tug forwards, like being reeled in by a fishing pole somewhere ahead of me, my jaw has to work hard to keep them back in place. I don't let it win, though, and soon my jaw has to grow too. All of my lower head is reaching forward towards that invisible reeling, stretching me and tugging my bearded lower face into an unrecognizable look, making it bestial as the beard now becomes part of that new fur coat I'm starting to remember I've always had. The nose turns black and leathery at the tip as it squares off, flipping up entirely, making my new muzzle almost boxy, but not quite. There's a hint of feline roundness in the edges that an ursine just doesn't have. And the new, sharp dentin in my teeth is forming fangs like cave stalactites and stalagmites in my mouth. My tongue is growing longer and thicker and a bit rougher too. As it does, it fills my new muzzle out, and once that's done, the lips tingle into a new, leathery black texture, feeling smoother than my nose or my paw pads do, but having the same look to them almost. They're a bit bigger, plumper, but not obscenely so. Just enough to give my new muzzle enough personality to differentiate it from my feral cousins. The boxy muzzle has ensured my jaws are squared at the back too, looking sharper than any human's lantern jawline.

The fur spreads higher than a beard or mustache could, and indeed aside from extra long and thick scruff at the chin of my new muzzle, there doesn't seem to be any hint of the old facial hair again. My ears are rising too, covering ground as fast as the fur on my face. All the while, my hairline is being eaten down into the fur, the color and length and texture all changing into the new fur just like the beard had before. And as my ears reach atop my head entirely, they change their shape too, becoming entirely rounded off, but slightly longer than just a circular shape. They adjust their orientation, facing forward now just like the rest of my facial features, and they twitch as my brain finally hits a sensory overload in its changes. The neurons in my auditory and olfactory and salivary glands are all insanely intense now, compared to a simple human's anyways, and I feel like I'm seeing the world with an unfiltered, superior sensation for the first time. I'm actually better in every sense now, and the growing strength and size in my body means that even my physical sense is getting better.

My ass gets the changes next, and there are two major ones, of course. The first is the tail, the obvious one, and as it unfurls itself from my spine just above my rear, I feel the new nerve endings twitching all afire and becoming alive. The fur that grows with the tail just helps remind me that it's new, but that it's also exactly like a fifth limb for me. In fact, thanks to how I made Berkley, how he... how I am now, it's almost prehensile in its motions. I can control where it goes when I want to, I can use it almost like a monkey's tail for grabbing things except in a more clumsy manner. I obviously can't hold anything with it very powerfully by comparison to the rest of me, but I can hold some weight back with it if I wrap it around my own wrist now. Moreover, as it stretches to the floor, I can feel the second half of the change to my ass happening. It's widening farther, growing heavier, rounder even. The sensation of a big ass isn't lost on me, and I want Berk, me, to have the big ass I deserve. After all, a bear like me has to have a good ass to sit on when I get tired. And I don't want to sit on my tail accidentally, so it has to be a good bit plump and plush.

With that done, the changes reach my legs finally, and I can feel them becoming heavy and trunk-like to support my weight. I don't dare think about how my body was holding itself up the whole time thus far, I won't be going back to that human body ever again. I don't have to worry about being that light anymore. I'm going to be bigger than any human I've ever seen, even if some are slightly taller or slightly heavier. My mass will outdo them all. And to outdo them all, I need massive legs. And that's what I have now.

Underneath them, my feet change too, of course. They're the roots to the tree trunks my huge legs are. As the fur reaches them, they change considerably. They feel like they're nearly triple in length, probably longer, and they're definitely wider. The arch is gone, though. I've always had high arches to my feet, but now I have no arch. I don't really need the arch like a human would. My feet are flatter, not digitigrade as some furs, especially felines like my mom's half, would have. A bear my size needs a pair of powerful paws, complete with the same pads and claws as on my hands, and now that's exactly what I have. Thick powerful legs that could easily move a thousand pounds a piece, maybe more than that if I really wanted to.

And finally, the last of the changes to my physique occur. I clench my eyes tightly because this is the pair that needs the most work outside of my muzzle. My manhood, the last symbol of my humanity, fades out as it folds into a new, growing sheath. The thick fur there is warm, encasing my cock and protecting my balls. But the pleasure is intense and almost blinding as that area begins to swell. My balls grow, beyond tennis balls, almost softballs now. Full of potent bear and tiger seed, the combination of which guaranteeing that any kid I have, if I have any, will be exactly the same kind of hybrid as me almost positively. My cock takes more work, but soon it emerges from my sheath without any prodding. Thick, heavy, black like my lips and just as sensitive in that regard. It's shaped entirely ursine, but at the head and just under the rim of it, slight if not downright subtle barbs are visible in the light. They're not fully functional like my mom's family's men would have. But damn they feel good to be licked or touched in any way. And with a cock as big as mine, now a good thirteen inches long and poking out from under my heavy gut, with a girth of nearly seven and a half inches, those barbs are always going to give me pleasure if someone tries to get me off.

But the bigger change is the last one, my size. Yeah, I'm huge in my mass, but I'm not my proper size yet. I close my eyes and imagine it topping out in all the right numbers. Growing my height first, passing 5'9" which I used to think I was. 5'10". 5'11". 6' even. I feel so aroused by the mere act of growing taller. 6'2". 6'4". 6'6". 6'8". 6'10". I'm six-ten now, and my weight is piling on proportionately to the rest of me to match that height. 250. 275. 300. 350. 400. 450. Topping out at exactly 225 pounds of muscle and fat each, almost like a mathematical equation. Of course, neither of those numbers accounts for bone mass or anything like that, so neither of those halves are perfectly that even, but they're basically close enough together to make it a proportionate match. With that pair done, though, there's only one thing left to change. My age. Yes, it's a little silly to some of you, but I'm older than that human was. I'm five years older, five and three quarters years older, actually. He would have had a birthday in September, but mine is in May now. I'm 33, he's almost 28. But he also doesn't exist anymore, either. It's just me, the bear.

And that's all that's left. I flex for myself, my clothes forming around me almost as if magically appearing from the remnants I had on before. A tight black tank top, covering my whole gut if barely, underneath a plaid flannel button up shirt. The sleeves are rolled up and the buttons are undone. It's just too much work to get those shirts to stay on otherwise. The sapphire and emerald color that is the color scheme on the shirt has traces of amethyst in the thinnest of lines, giving the plaid an almost but not quite two-color plaid scheme. It is a three-color scheme, though. The jeans I had on reform, refit around my animal frame, and pop in place perfectly, dark but also worn in color around the knees and rear. I don't just sit around despite my size.

That's all there is now. Just me, Berkley Braxton, the bear. I could use a cigar now, I can feel that desire cropping up as my mind fully changes over. I'm not addicted, but I do love the taste, the way the smoke feels on and around me. I love every bit of being a bear too, and once you get a look at me now, you'll love being my cub too.

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