its not easy being gay part 1

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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a lesbian story as it is the end of gay pride so yeah might as well go here now lol, hope you enjoy and yes there are 2 parts

part one: you here

part two: comming soon!

As you fully know being gay is quite hard, your parents love you but you know they want to you marry a boy so they can have grand kids.

Your friends don't like you as they think your going to turn them gay or are looking at them wondering if there a sub or dom type.

As for me well I knew I was gay when I saw nude girls on a late night TV show and liked them more then the parts that a male has.

I'm ping, a Chinese panda, white and black basic colours nothing special I'm very chubby eating a load of different type of bamboo really fattens you up.

I'm quite big in the breasts area I think I'm a J cup most of the time I just very large bra's the panties that come with them are ok.

And yes I'm gay I love females but it's hard for them to love me.

Being chubby you have your problems, I can masturbate easy but someone going down on me would be hard thanks to the belly as I'd have to lift it in order for them to eat me out.

But there are also toys, some are short so if I want a double ended dildo I have to buy two put them as one and use that as my arms aren't that long and there not that long.

But today in class I'd find a very nice friend someone that would soon be my friend for life.

As class started I sat down and sighed looking at all the thin cute girls in my class, I was also thinking about PE, ugh I hate that subject, its just an excuse to see how fit you are and to be teased in the showers about how big you are both body wise and cock size wise.

As I waited for the lesion to start the teacher came in and behind her was a new student.

A skunk girl like me chubby but cute looking she was very shy but wasn't going to show it, the class settled down and the teacher spoke.

"class today we have Amy joining us, she is a new student here so lets give her a big warm welcome, Amy go and sit next to ping, she'll show you what's what"

The teacher smiled and let Amy walk to me I was stunned like a stun gun had made me unable to talk or move

Was I dreaming? The new skunk girl was going to sit next to me!

My heart beat I wanted to just melt and sink into the air vent I was next too.

She sat next to me and I smiled she did too the lesion then started.

As it went on she and I were both taking notes, I thought I was smart but she was quite good too and she helped me which was a surprise but soon the lesion was over and we had PE.

As I walked to the locker rooms Amy was in front of me I looked down and saw her big butt but the tail was her best part it looked so fluffy and soft I wanted to just grab it and hug but I couldn't I might spook her and she might spray me.

As we got into the changing rooms I sat down she did too sitting next to me we both waited for the other girls to exit as I knew they would insult me on my size and pick on Amy's size too.

But as they left Amy didn't instead she got out her book and started to read it was a book on something but I didn't want to know as it wasn't my thing.

"I'm not going out there, I like my body the way it is, I like to be big and I'm not going"

She said reading her book turning a page looking up at the door and the clock

"Same here, I'm only this size as bamboo is really fatting, but I suppose we could stay in here and chat"

I said looking at her getting a bit closer to her almost feeling the heat from her on me

"I like that, I'm Amy but you already knew that I'm not that new here but we moved here four years ago sadly I wasn't old enough for college so I waited and now I'm here"

She said smiling putting the book down to talk

"I've been here since I was born um I think 18 years ish maybe more I'm not sure"

I said smiling trying to make light talk sound long as a piece of string

We chatted and talked about the things we liked surprising we had a lot in common even going to the same store for clothes.

We talked about things we knew from our childhood we laughed and joked told each other deep things and then the talk about sex came up or rather it was bound too as everything else was going out as we would finish one thing then move onto something else I started lightly.

"Can I hug your tail? Only it looks so soft and cuddly"

I said blushing a little thinking it might be a bit rude

"Sure, but only if I can um feel your breasts I um want to see if there as big as mine or smaller"

She said blushing red and hiding a little behind her big tail as it was moved so that I could hug it

I smiled and lifted my arms up Amy went in and grouped them lifting them up and feeling them a small moan escaped my mouth as well as he wowing and feeling more.

Once she was done I put my arms down and hugged her tail, wow was it soft!

I could feel how soft it was like a cat's or one of those really soft plushy toys you get that have the strange soft fur.

"Your tail is the softest in the land! I wish I had one"

I said looking or trying to look at my stub of a tail which was just a small flat thing at the rear of my back

"Well your breasts are bigger then mine I could feel them, there bigger then mine by a few cups at least 2 maybe 1"

Amy said blushing as did I from that comment

"Amy I do have a confession to make, I hope you don't mind me telling you this but seeing as we've gotten on very well I might as well tell you"

I said breathing as I had no idea how she would react to me coming out to her;

"Tell me what?"

She said looking at me but more looking at my breasts as they moved with each heavy breath I took to build up my confidence

"I'm gay, I like females"

I said looking away knowing that she would be disgusted and want to never see me again or that she would hurt me at least my back wasn't going to be to hard to hurt but to my surprise she replied

"That's okay, I'm gay too"

She said looking at me as if it was nothing like we were talking about a normal subject

"Are you sure? Only you might just be acting to say that then expose me to the others"

I said turning to face her but still on guard

"Please, I grouped you good and hard, I know I'm gay"

She said smiling and looking at my breasts

"That's great I have someone to be gay with, what do we do first?"

I said looking at her now knowing fully and yeah she did get a good long feel of them so yes she was gay, if it had been a light touch then no but that was a full on grope

"Well were alone in here so I'm thinking looking at each other nude, or sharing a kiss"

She said blushing and getting close to me to a point that our sides touched

I smiled and leaned in my lips parted in a kiss Amy wasted no time and kissed me.

Our lips joined and our tongues danced about in each others mouths.

I moaned from this she really was into this, most of the girls I knew would only want a nice simple kiss but she wanted the whole thing she then broke the kiss.

She lifted up her top and left her arms in the air I knew just what to do I grouped her and felt her soft breasts indeed they were smaller then mine but you wouldn't know as they looked the same but cup wise they were smaller.

She moaned from this a hand went down and rubbed at her sex as she was getting excited.

I smiled and stopped her, I then moved the closest I could and grouped her butt, she got up and sat on me facing away from me I felt her big soft warm butt as well and rubbing my face all over her soft tail but then the bell for end of lesion went and in walked a load of girls.

We quickly moved apart she pulled her top down and we talked about the things we liked her top was smoothed out and brushed her tail making it look like this was all we had been doing.

The girls around just ignored us getting dressed as if we were invisible to the, we both smiled at each other and while the steam from the showers made the room hot we both looked at the girls; Amy pointing to one and I'd say they were gay or not gay.

It was all fun until we had to go to our next class we smiled and exited the room they hadn't been out of the locker room so the teacher was not happy but ping told him that she was comforting the new girl Amy who just nodded and he let them go saying that next time he wanted to see them out here.

Ping walked Amy to her next class the hall way was empty except in the classrooms were students were talking and busying writing waiting for the class to start.

Any looked around then hugged ping and kissed her deeply making ping blush she then kissed back and let Amy put her paws on her butt making her gasp and grouped it more ping doing the same to Amy until a door to a classroom started to open ping was still kissing the air when Amy let go.

Any blushed and waited ping was now horny but also a bit wet she said bye to Amy and went into the bathroom the girls.

She sat in one of the cubicles and pulled her panties down she then got out from her bag a mini dildo, she hid it in an old water bottle that was metal on the outside so no one would see it if it fell out they would just think it was an old broken water bottle.

Ping moaned rubbing her clit, pushing the dildo into her thinking of Amy then the door opened ping going quite so as to not attract attention then there were voices.

She lightly pushed it into her she was good at keeping quite she had been trained to by her parents as the other girls left she heard footsteps there was still one girl in the bathroom.

Amy could see one of the door closed she went into the other one and looked over to see who it was only to see ping using her toy making Amy blush ping smiled and opened the door letting Amy in who came in and shut the door.

"I thought you had a class?"

Ping said to Amy pulling the dildo out of her pussy letting her juices drip from it making Amy look at it more her mouth almost going to it to taste her

"I needed the bathroom I saw you go in here so I thought I might get lucky and may I?"

Amy said looking at the juices dripping from the mini dildo ping smiled and let her lick it she wanted her too

"Go ahead lick it"

Ping said as Amy licked it long and got it all wet with her salvia she then kneeled down and started to lick ping's pussy which was still dripping from that light play

"Gods you're so wet I want it"

Amy said putting her soft pink nose to ping's clit and then starting to eat her out making ping moan out not so loud but enough to get her to muffle her mouth

"Ah ngh wait here"

Ping pushed her away then get onto the toilet and let her lick her from there which was better

ping moaned as Amy licked and pushed the dildo into her making her juices flow ping gasped and moaned cupping her breasts letting out moans as she could feel that soft pink nose and red wet tongue of Amy on her pussy lips that dildo pushing into her virgina only just rubbing on her g spot but it was enough to get her to feel it.

Amy was rubbing her own pussy lips too fingering herself until she couldn't take it any more that dildo was now getting in the way she pulled the dildo out she shoved her whole face into that black pussy and licked deep making ping gasp and grip the sides of the stall with a vice grip.

This was too much for ping she could no longer hold back it was too much her grip tightened and she let it all out.

Ping let out a bear roar as she orgasmed her juices squirting all onto Amy's mouth and around her muzzle making her squirt her own juices as she orgasmed too.

Ping gasped and panted that was her first really intense orgasm she got down from the toilet and just stood there panting and gasping Amy looked at her she too was panting the two then looked at each other ping pulling her panties back up Amy adjusting hers back into there rightful place Amy was then licked on the lips by ping who then kissed her they kissed then ping cleaned her face the two looked at each other and smiled.

"That was fun, but I think its time for class, I just hope no one heard that"

Ping said as she put the dildo away back into the metal water bottle as Amy opened the door checking to see if it was clear

"Indeed shame we can't swish I'd love to do that again but with you on me and your thick tongue lapping at me oh gods I'm still horny!"

Amy said kissing ping she pushed her away and smacked her butt lightly

"Easy girl! Tell you what if you want to you can come back to mine after school and then we can have some fun"

Ping said adjusting her bra and then walking out only to be confronted by a teacher

Ping explained that she bashed her foot on the door and that's why she let out that roar.

Amy said that it was true and that she was checking to make sure nothing was broken or damaged as ping wore those old shoes that most Chinese or Japanese furs wear in there gardens or all the time so her toes were exposed even with socks on.

The teacher just rubbed his chin and let them go Amy going back to her class and ping joining her not that the teacher minded ping turning up late ping could have turned up only with ten minutes left and still done all her work on the subject.

All throughout the lesion ping was thinking about Amy and Amy was thinking about ping she could still smell her on her fur and that turned her on but she was able to keep control mostly by thinking about the school or the teaching.

At lunch the two sat with each other and chatted until the school bully turned up now in schools there are two types of bully.

The kind that bully everyone and the popular bullies you know the ones that are in groups and normally only tease the nerds or the less popular or ugly ping was on there list.

"Well, well if it is ping ah so you wike de chop sticks?"

The mare said making the racist slanted eyes at her as well as the voice

"At least I can use them unlike you who still hast to be feed by spoon by her mother"

Ping said as she ate her bamboo with rice cakes which made the mare growl

"Oh yeah well at least I can fit into anything and be sexy you have to wear a tent to go out anywhere"

She said a few of her friends laughing too thinking that come back was good is a bit dated

"Hay that isn't nice! I should spray you right here"

Amy said getting up and lifting her tail forgetting that she had on her panties

"hay look lard has a smelly friend I guess having slanted eyes isn't the only thing they have plus you spray me fine go ahead but enjoy being expelled as that counts as mace spraying"

The mare said standing right in front of her butt then giving it a smack laughing which was not the best thing to do to ping's new girlfriend

"Grr that does it you've asked for it!"

Amy said lifted her tail and letting out a fart as well as spray but her panties got in the way so all she did was mess them up making her blush and sit down as she had to now put up with that for the rest of the day

"Oops I guess skunks are dumber then they look phew! It stinks but ping won't mind not with her small nose and her lack of taste"

The mare said laughing but all the while ping had been paying attention to other things she took Amy's cup of soda and shock it then opened it spraying it all over the mares breasts making her gasp but also angry

"Hay boys! Check it out boobs!"

Ping said pointing to the mares now wet and soggy breasts which from the soda were on show the boys mostly stallions went after her making her gasp and run away as they went after her stallions aren't that smart just show them boobs and you got them

"You bitch you pay for this ah now boys one at a time ah no stop help!"

They snorted and grouped her body tearing at her clothes stallions are horny and this was just like giving them a free show in a strip club

Amy sat there crying as she tried to use her tail to cover the foul smell she had done as the mare ran out ping finished her food and lead Amy outside Amy lifted her tail and ping using her fan waved the smell away.

Amy blushed and thanked her once the smell was almost gone Amy sighed and sat down on the bench.

She now had smelly panties and had no clean ones ping smiled and they went to the basement in there was washing machines for school uniforms all had to be washed before being sold as the school had a rebate thing were if you hadn't torn ripped or stained your school uniform you could get some money back from it.

Ping took Amy's panties off and put them in the wash Amy sighed and sat on the chair there as she waited for her panties to wash.

"Thanks for stepping up for me but I can handle her, plus next time tell me and I'll aim the fire"

Ping said laughing making Amy smile as she wiped a tear away

"I don't normally wear panties but I've been told by the head that I have to as well boys have been taking pictures when I bend over"

Amy said blushing ping nodded knowing full well the guys all did that

"Well its there phone or picture but it happens mind you I wouldn't mind seeing you bend over and take my own picture"

Ping said rubbing Amy's leg making her blush but smile at this naughty thought of ping

"For you only? no one else right?"

Amy said blushing and getting up walking in front of ping swaying her hips as she did

"Only for me babe, besides who would want to see it other then me when were not as one"

Ping said getting out her phone and putting the camera on getting it all set up

Amy smiled and leaned over looking at her panties in the washing machine go around as she did so she lifted her tail and showed off her white fur and her pink pussy lips her butt also on show she heard the click of ping's phone go off she then turned and ask ping if she wanted more pictures ping smiled and said yes but only when were at home or alone.

The teacher came down in the basement just as ping was putting Amy's panties on the hot radiator to dry ping was in trouble and so was Amy both had to stay after school for what they had done both sighed and said they were sorry.

Any put her panties back on gasping at the warmth they had on them and the two then went to there next class.

Outside the head masters office ping and Amy waited there fate they could hear the mare inside crying ping knew those were fake tears to win the head over but the head wasn't that stupid and told her to grow up.

She exited putting her tongue out at ping and Amy as her father hit her on the head for doing that and said that her credit card would be taken away from her for a week.

Ping and Amy then went in and told there side of the story, the head master sighed and said that for ping to act like that was not like her as for Amy spraying was not allowed the only spray was what the boys had to cover up musk and BO and he said how this was her second time of being in here which made ping go all question mark face on her she had been here but only for a few days mostly not showing up or going home after these

The first for no panties; another time for spraying the fire alarm and setting it off just to get out of a class.

She would be out of this school and he told her that her father would not be happy.

Amy said sorry and bagged the head not to tell her parents as last time that happened she was hit by her father, sadly the head wrote out a letter to both parents telling them what had happened and that it would be with them in the morning; as he couldn't trust them to not throw it away or lose it on the way home.

Amy and ping left the school and sighed ping and Amy got on the late bus and were dropped off at the stop ping then walked Amy to her home Amy looked and there was a shop a Chinese food shop.

"You live here? Must be noisy when the shops busy"

Amy said going in to see other panda's there all were ping's family

"It can be but your get used to it"

ping said talking to her mother in her own langue she then said what she had done and got hit with a kendo stick making her wince and cry out which then her mother spoke in English (as most story's do they talking in there own words then its English neat huh?)

"You very bad ping! Also who friend? She nice not often we see skunk's welcome to the family ping shop of foods"

The older panda said ping's mum she then cried to her husband who came out and bowed at Amy who just bowed back

"ping you have been bad wife of mine has already punished you; you shell do the dishes after dinner now then hello young miss skunk I'm ping's father you may call me father ping come I show you to your room as ping has invited you over"

He said leading her to the back then up some stairs in a room full of stock was and a bed

"Oh um thank you I'm Amy but I thought I was with ping only she and I are well close friends"

Amy said blushing but ping's father nodded he knew what she meant

"I understand, our daughter is gay but we like her and do not mind what she does with her life, dinner will be ready soon"

He said bowing and showing Amy ping's room which also had stock in it but not as much as hers

A few moments later ping came out throwing her bag on the floor and taking her school top off Amy watching and blushing.

Ping smiled and let Amy have a good look Amy then grouped ping breasts ping pulled her top down only to be kissed by Amy then a gong went off making Amy hold her ears ping then put on some dressing grown and gave one to Amy who got dressed in it.

Ping went down Amy followed ping putting it on right and doing it up

in the shop was a small area that had letters in Chinese on the screens it said "family only and friends only" when ping slide the door there was mum and dad of ping's and two older panda's ping grandparents who also lived here.

Ping bowed and so did Amy before sitting down at the small table crossing her legs as ping's mum poured some hot water into a cup then when the water had cooled added tea leafs then they drank them Amy drank it too and liked it better then what her family drank.

The food then came in on big plates ping told Amy what everything was Amy tried the bamboo which was very sweet she then had some fish and then some octopus and then some rice balls.

Amy ate until she was full her belly slightly bulging out from the dressing grown she was in.

after dinner ping got up and took all the plates then ping's dad poured some drink into some cups and gave them to the older panda's and one to his wife.

Amy waited for her putting her cup in the middle but she was told no, this was sakie an adult drink for adults only.

Amy went oh and said could she try a small amount? Ping's father looked at the others and they nodded.

"Wise panda once say, this is the bite of snake some will get sick from but others heal from it"

That was ping's grandfather who said that not the saying but the words to Amy

"Well I guess I'll see but it's not that powerful"

Amy said sipping it and her eyes going wide then her mouth opening and her body going mad like a fire had gone off in her tongue, she drank some of the tea and gasped the older panda's laughing

"A wise person takes it like a bull, you have much to learn dear Amy but how was it?"

Grandma ping said to Amy drinking some from her cup

"Powerful, man I could use some of that to calm my father down if it's that hot and powerful"

Amy said making ping's parents cock there heads but then think and know what she meant ping then came in taking the empty cups kissing Amy saying she'd be with her soon

"Tell me Miss Amy do you play chess?"

Ping's grandfather said to her getting out a chess set made from pure ivory and ebony in the shape of old men or some army

"I used to back in old school it's been a while but yes I'd love to play"

She said putting it on the table and looking at the pieces in awe as they were so detailed for being so small

"Then unlike my son here you shell be an interesting match"

He said adjusting himself as grandma got up and sat in her chair to have a snooze ping's father just grumbled as ping's mother went back into the shop to open it up being joined by him a few seconds later

After telling Amy what the pieces were the two of them sat down Amy wondered if there was a timer but there wasn't as after 23 moves ping's grandfather took his time stroking his long bread thinking which took a while so no clock needed.

He then made his move Amy then looked her mind was now at ease she used to play all the time to get it off thoughts of home and the bullies at school she then saw it and moved the knight she then said check;

Ping's grandfather looked and then took his time he had thought this young child would be a hard match but no it was even harder like a match with his father.

Ping came into the room saw the two in there stature like state looking at each other deep in thought ping smiled kissed Amy on the check and went into the office to do paper work.

Ping's grandfather then moved a pawn into place blocking the knight but then Amy smiled and moved the castle and then said checkmate.

Ping grandfather hadn't seen that coming he looked though his eyes and knocked over his king which meant that Amy had won.

"You are most wise and good at this game my dear, I hope my grand daughter marries you or stays with you as I would like to have more matches with you, you are wise and great and not since my father have I been beaten"

Ping grandfather said to Amy making her blush as she had never gotten a complement before

"Well it wasn't easy your quite good yourself plus it has been a while so I lost more pieces then I should of, I'd like to make this a thing it makes me forget about home and my father"

Amy said starting to clench her firsts trying not to break anything

"Tell me child do not bottle it up, that can lead to bad health and your body not being with one of the universe"

Ping's grandfather said patting the cushion next to him Amy sat next to him as he light up a long white bone pipe puffing away

"well my father lost his job a few years ago when the markets crashed, he still had a job but it was bad he'd worked his way up then boom done in a few days,

"he turned to drinking and hasn't stopped, I was 11 at the time I'm now 17, he has a job its a counter staff at the local market but he only just keeps it what with his angry temper and his drinking hangovers I mean with this stuff he might stop or want more"

Amy said sighing and crying lightly into the old panda's side as he comforted him

"he has many demons, I can not banish them but I can offer him a drink that will either kill him or make him see the errors of his way sadly I ran out of that stuff years ago when it sent some guy into a coma from drinking too much, I was lucky to get off with a warning but had to destroy the bottles"

He said puffing away on the pipe stroking Amy's sides making her comfortable and safe with him

"If only he could get a job that he wanted he'd stop but he always gets no feed back or reply whenever the job comes up, it's what he used to do which is guarding the money on those big trucks"

Any said as she sniffed trying not to wipe her snot on the grown which was not very nice

"do not fear child, you will see him in better light soon, even the oldest tiger can catch the mouse that dashes though the grass as one day his cockiness gets the better of him, or was it no for the tiger remembers his moves and catches him the lesion there is don't keep doing the same thing every day change it and you will not be caught"

Amy smiled and it made sense to her, she hugged him and went to see ping.

Ping was in the office doing the paperwork for the shop with help from her father who had taught her to this since she was 13.

Amy came in and hugged ping telling her that her grandfather was a great man, only to have ping's father say he was a stupid old man making ping hit dad telling him not to talk down about the elders.

Ping then let father take over as it had to do with the money and he knew the accounts numbers, ping only did the adding up and the ordering of stock as well as what stock there was maybe when she older or finished school she would be allowed to see the numbers of the accounts and the money.

(So after all that are we wiser? No because your still reading the sex part and here comes another sex part sigh)

ping lead Amy upstairs to her room she then shut the door and kissed her passionately Amy then took her grown off she still had on her school uniform on under making ping giggle ping took her grown off all she had on was her panties and bra, she told Amy that's all you had to wear to show yourself or to be on show was bad and would be a caning with that stick Amy had saw ping get hit with earlier on.

Any took her top off then her skirt and her t-shirt only her bra and panties left on, ping was on the bed looking at her as she pulled off her bra and lowered her panties Amy now nude looked as ping took hers off.

The two of them looked at each other blushing from there nude bodies ping then got from the draw under bed a big black dildo a double ended one as well as some lube making Amy blush more but she got onto the bed.

Ping told Amy to turn around on her which she did ping then licked her pussy lips making Amy cry out her juices started to make her moist and lubed up Amy licked pings pussy it was so sweaty but so sweet ping moaned deeply into Amy's pussy as she lubed the dildo up she then pushed it into Amy's pussy spreading her wide making her gasp and scream into the bed as ping pushed it in and out of her lovers pussy.

Amy then gasped as ping pulled it out with a pop as her pussy went back to normal the warm breath of ping's mouth on her pussy made her moan deeply Amy then turned and sat on ping's pussy then started to grind both of them letting out moaned of pleasure and lust.

Amy then put the dildo into ping's pussy which took it Amy then put the other end into her pussy it didn't give but did push on certain spots making both furs cry out.

Amy started to grind more on ping who rubbed her breasts and Amy's; Amy rubbed her leaning down getting more pleasure from the dildo as it made the U shape its rubbery ends moving around hitting there g spots and other pleasure spots only males or dildo's could touch.

Ping then used her power and pushed Amy onto her back then started to grind on her making Amy cry out as she felt her clit and ping's clit rub on each other there pussy lips rubbing each other like a well going at it snog fest.

Amy then moaned loudly and orgasmed unable to keep her body in time she cried out and buried her face into ping's breasts lightly biting on a nipple making ping almost orgasm but no ping was more stronger then that that had only taken her by surprise.

Ping then used her flexible feet and pulled the dildo out then pushed it in making her roar out and Amy cry out the shop down below could hear this but were to polite to ask or question it.

Amy then orgasmed again crying out ping's name as she kissed her ping orgasmed too the dildo hitting her spot and she pushed it into that spot her juices and Amy's mixed as the dripped and ran down there pussy's onto the bed ping then pulled Amy up so that she was on top of her.

Ping panted and gasp Amy doing the same as ping pulled the dildo out a wet plop was all it made as it feel from her pussy Amy blushed as it was still in her ping used her feet to push it in more hitting her cervix and making her cry again as she sprayed ping with her juices all over the bed.

Ping kissed Amy and Amy kissed ping the two made out until the dildo plopped from Amy's pussy making her gasp but sigh the two then fell asleep next to each other cuddling or spooning.

The next morning Amy woke up and yawned she then saw that there was no ping.

She put on the grown from yesterday and went into the shop only to see ping in her uniform and getting customers there orders for breakfast turns out you could not only buy the food here but they cooked it too.

Amy went into the kitchen and was given a bowl of something she ate it down it was nice.

Ping then came into the kitchen telling her that she was up early to help out and cook the food.

Ping grabbed the morning long bread and put a load of lettuce and rice in it then a load of pickle and ate it quickly.

Then she went back to the till Amy went up stairs only to find her uniform washed and neatly laid out on top of the dresser grandma ping then said that she would be late for class.

Ping came up kissed her and then Amy and went out to school the bus turned up Amy and ping got on.

Amy was still asleep so laying on ping got some extra sleep the breakfast she had had was very filling and made her sleepy.

When the bus stopped she yawned and walked to class she was now wide away I guess a power nap was good for you.

Classes went on only ping and Amy having a quick grope of each others butts and breasts in between lesions in the bathroom.

Sadly nothing sexual as the teacher would keep an eye on then when they went into the bathroom.

At lunch ping ate her food and Amy asked her how she could do that.

"well when I was 8 I was told that I needed a job so in order to get the things I wanted I had to work to get them I wanted the dolls house deluxe for my birthday but it was out of my price range that my parents could afford so I worked hard restacking shelf's, taking orders and waking up early like my mum and dad do, I'm up at 5 every morning"

Ping said making Amy's draw drop at this story and that she'd been doing this for 10 years

"That's crazy I'd love to work there but not at that time! Maybe from seven until I was like you know awake plus I could clean and do the heavy lifting"

Amy said showing off her muscles ping giggled touching it only to feel a slight muscle there

"We'll see maybe when your 18 as then its okay with me my family would let me make mistakes until I turned 14 and was an adult, and when I learned about sex"

Ping said eating her rice cakes and drinking her drink not even blushing at that point for saying sex learning

"So did you become a lesbian or were you not that into men? Only I'm asking as I fear I'm not your first"

Amy said looking sad as maybe ping had loads of girls and she was just another in her life

"your the first to come out to me, normally the other two I've been with I did it to them, but they weren't that into me only after my mum and dad's cooking and free food as for my body they would push the dildo into me then I'd ride them but they call me Ming which is a boys name"

Ping said eating the last few bits of her food making sure to tidy her place up putting everything back into the small square box she had

"Oh, well I mean cool"

Amy said looking sad still

"What's the matter babe? Look, your the first one who I've had a good fuck with, besides I love you and your tail, "besides if I'd only wanted you for a fuck do you think I'd of gotten mum and grandma to cook and wash your clothes?"

Ping said looking at Amy's green eyes and kissing her on the lips lightly making her blush but only slightly

"well I just thought I might be your first but I guess not but you were my first babe and I love you as your cute and know how to please me, unlike the boys, I had a date with one and he drugged me next thing I knew I was waking up in a motel with four guys jerking there junk over my body, "I was only thankful I was nude as my spray got rid of them after that a friend who lives far away who is also gay said to forget men,

"and became gay I liked the idea but my parents aren't that into it I've not come out them yet in fact if they knew about you ping well dad would hurt me"

Amy said starting to cry into her food as she knew what her father did to her last time she seen holding hands with a girl

"hay, no one would hurt you with me around tell you what lets go over to yours tonight as well you've got to face them from yesterday's papers, I'll be there all the way I'll even hold your hand if you want me to babe"

Ping said lightly kissing her Amy blushed looking around thankful no one had seen that she then returned the kiss and they would be at Amy's home

A quick phone to home made ping's parents happy as Amy rung up there was no reply after a few times Amy knew that her mum was out but were she had no idea.

As the day ended ping was worried Amy looked really scared and worried not even a kiss or light show of her pussy would cheer her up.

The bus went over some rough road then stopped at a stop Amy got off ping followed.

The place was a mess, there was burnt out cars, cars on bricks with only the shell left all parts gone, cars that were complete but in bad shape.

Amy then walked though a gang marked alley and then there was a load of cheap houses.

Any went into the one that had a load of rubbish in the front no cars.

She opened and saw the post on the floor she just walked over ping picked it and saw all the DEMADES and last time before we send men around then she found the letter from school.

"Mum I'm home? I've brought a friend for um dinner"

Amy said as her mum walked out from one of the rooms

"Oh hello, um make yourself at home I'll be ready with dinner if the lighters your father got don't give up"

She said as ping walked in to see a tin of beans being cooked on a tray with 8 lighters all burning it

There was an old wooden TV in the corner the rear garden was empty no grass or anything except a load of old bikes and parts.

Amy sat down turning the TV on but nothing happened she sighed

"No power it's off as well the bills late sorry Amy and friend oh here's your father now remember Amy if he hits me run to your room"

Amy mum said as the father walked in a skunk you could smell him from the sofa

"Hay I'm home hic! I hope dinners cooked also I got some money but it's kinda in this stupid kiddie's box"

He said throwing a charity box agent the wall it took a while before it opened only having a few bits of money in it enough to buy a bit of food

"That's great dear how was work? Dinner is ready too"

She said holding the plate which was burning her paws

"Crap, I'm on my final warning stupid cunts oh hay, a friend hi! I hope your not one of those stupid workers because if you are then you can fuck off before I bottle ya!"

He said sitting on the chair turning the TV on to no avail

We had our dinner of half cooked beans before Amy took me upstairs to her room.

It was like mine small but it had a bed a 4 draw thing with two draws broken and a long box an ottoman I think there called.

Amy sat on the bed and sighed then there was screams from downstairs and a loud thud Amy shut the door locking it and putting a wedge of wood under it she then hid in the box.

I listened as someone ran up the stairs then rattled the lock I opened it and in fell Amy's mum I closed the door and locked it.

"Come back here, how dare hic you say there's no power and that I'm late on the bills! The kids in school get a job you slut open up!"

His head bashed on the door making Amy's mum cry Amy opening the lid only to hold it shut with a piece of rope she had drilled or put in it

I opened the door and he looked at me drunk

"What you looking at you wanna fight? Your a girl but I don't care I'll hit anyone"

He said swinging his arm and missing I simply did something and he hit the floor like a sack of spuds

"Oh gods you've killed him no you've knocked him out I'm in trouble I should of oh gods"

Amy's mum said panicking I told her to calm down,

"I just put him to sleep an old move I've used on others if they annoy me now lets get you to bed"

Amy's mum lead ping the way to the bedroom a double bed was there she then closed the door.

"Thank you he's not like that well he is oh thank you for doing that"

She hugged ping and ping smiled hugging back

"It's alright now if you don't mind I'd like to please my friend you can join us if you want"

Ping said taking her top off making Amy's mum blush as she did that and said that

"Amy what does she mean?"

Amy came out of her room and holding my hand took a breath and spoke seeing as her father was now out cold on the bed

"Mum I'm gay, and ping here is my girlfriend, it has nothing to do with you or dad it was what happened a in the old town"

Amy said holding ping's hand very tight making ping wince

"well I guess its your body but please don't tell your dad you know how much he loves you and wants you to marry a nice boy so that he can be a grandfather, oh Amy I'm happy for you but keep it quite"

Amy's mum said going into the spare room looking the door they really did live in fear of that oaf,

"Wow that was good I feel so much better! But now I still have the burden of my father, well I guess I'll tell him next time or when he's sober"

Amy said turning and going into her room I pulled her back into my arms and kissed her deeply

"You did great and besides when were ready we'll have kids not when he wants to or when my parents want our time"

I said to her kissing her and moving into the bedroom closing the door a night of sexual pleasure was to be had.

End of chapter one

its not easy being gay part 2

In the morning as the sun came though the window Amy yawned as she woke up groaning and rubbing her head last night sexual fun was good and she enjoyed it her pussy still wet from the experience. Amy got up and stretched she then saw that there was no...

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Wanted, one room mate; must be clean as in washed and not have any drug problems, smoking it okay so long as it's not in the same room as me. Must be able to pay half the rent and on time. Needs to be clean in both looks and the room. No pets. For...

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holiday PT2

Morning came and I yawned I felt the cool room air wake me up more my fur was still wet from the heat and sweat I needed a shave. I rang up room service and they said there was a barber here in the hotel. I had a shower and using there towels dried...

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