A Drunken Wizard's Duel

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#5 of The Anteronian Ball (Tik Tik Collab 2019)

EDIT: added an image by Innocentbean

Every year, I do a collab project with my friends and viewers. The ideas is that the more people contribute, the more I shall also contribute. We have writers, artists, and even commissioners coming in to make a large series of interconnecting stories that will be a lot of fun to create. The last successful one was our "Tik Tik Christmas Special" Which you can read here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/25927767/

This project will be ongoing throughout 2019, and at least once a month, I will post a chapter from it here on my SoFurry. Throughout November and December, the entirety of the piece will be uploaded, including the great works of many other writers and artists.

If you think you'd like to join in and have characters of yours enter a sexy masquerade party, come to my discord and let us know! https://discord.gg/fA2NeqZ

If you wish to help support the story leading up to the Masquerade itself, consider becoming a patron to help support "The Adventures of Tik Tik" https://www.patreon.com/tiktikkobold

Squeaks stumbles along the beech, her glass of wine wobbling and spilling as she hiccups and sways to the beat of tropical drums. "I tell ya all what!" She says, her eyes half-lidded and a dopey smile plastered over her face. "Thish party is way too tame fer Anteron-hic-ia! We need to get really wild, come on!" She grabs her dress and tugs it upwards, only to stumble about and fall forward. Her glass launches from her tenuous grip and splashes upon a leaf-style dress, staining the green material with the blood-red liquid.

The gnome wearing the dress screams and shoves the mouse away from her, and Squeaks stumbles back, falling onto her butt.

"You... you incorrigible little...!" The gnome says, holding out her hand. A staff appears within it with wisps of gnomish magic. "Do you know how expensive this dress is? And you've gone and ruined it!"

"H... heeeey!" Squeaks says, bobbing her head back and forth. "I remember you! At the tower...!"

The gnome blinks, only to narrow her small eyes, then flick her staff up, pulling the mouse up by the tail and onto a standing position. "Right, you were with Tik Tik's bunch at the tower... Hm... regardless. You have sullied my dress at this fancy gathering, so repayment must be made! Luckily for you, I know you have the skills necessary to do what must be done."

"Do what.. Now...?" Squeaks blinks, one eye after the other, hiccuping right after.

"I know you are magically inclined, now, show me what you have!" She twirls her staff, hiccuping herself.

Squeaks giggles, reaching to her side pouch, "Gladly. It'll be fun to try out these new spells!"

"Hey, everyone!" shouts one of the guests. "Wizard fiiiight!"

Everyone on the beach crowds around as the drunken wizards square off, Squeaks holding a wand, and Gimmegee the gnome wielding her staff. They stare each other down, each of them slightly swaying, yet their focus is on each other. Sweat pools on Gimmegee's brow as she waits for the mouse to make a move. Squeaks's tail twitches as she does the same. The two don't want to be the first to fire the first spell, because who knows who would get in trouble for that.

In the background, someone sneezes. The two jumpy wizards then fire sparks of energy at each other, the blasts passing by with magical sparks before striking each other. Squeaks turns a bright green, while Gimmegee coughs, feeling her dress constrict at her. This makes her cleavage much more pronounced as she grips at her outfit, trying to give herself more room to breathe. She pulls up another spell, which causes the sand to swirl around Squeaks, and block the gnome from the mouse's sight.

With a fiery blast, Squeaks's whirlwind becomes a glass barrier between the two. She sees herself reflected in the ice and yelps. "Eep, I'm green!" She taps her fur, restoring her color to normal. "Now, let's really get down to it!" she taps the glass with her wand, and the whole thing cracks, shattering into a bunch of tiny, jagged crystals.

Gimmegee's eyes widen at the sight of the crystals, all of them pointing towards her, and covers her head as they fly forward, cutting and ripping. She screams, high-pitched, and terrified, and when its all over, she's kneeling on the ground, unscathed. She blinks and looks up, seeing the wall of glass still there. "Damn, an illusion!?"

"Yup!" Squeaks says, pressing the wand to her back. "And I got you!"

Gimmegee gasps as her dress shrinks once more, becoming nothing more than a tiny leafy corset. Her breasts spring free, and her bright bush is exposed for everyone to see. She covers herself with both hands, blushing terribly. "You... you monster. What have you... what have you done to me?" The people in the audience call and whistle to the gnome, and she turns and runs off, heading back to the main hallway.

Everyone cheers Squeaks for her display, but she ignores them and instead runs off back into the hall herself.

Inside, Gimmegee tries her spells to work upon her ruined costume. Each one bounces off harmlessly until she just gives up and slumps back against the wall until she's on the floor.

Squeaks steps into the hallway, fumbling with her tail as she approaches. "Hey there... sorry about that. I was just trying to have some fun, and, it was pretty fun. Green suits me, I guess!"

"Bah, how could a little drunk do better than me. I'm an honors student at Anteronia Academy!"

"Student...?" Squeaks says, her whiskers twitching. She tries to stifle a laugh, but it just comes out in great big giggles.

"Oh? And what's so funny about that, mouse?"

Squeaks holds her wand in one hand and has her other hand on her hip. "Oh, that's easy. Because you may be a student of magic, but I"m a professor of Alchemy."

"I..." Gimmegee stares at her. "You? A professor?"

"Looks like I actually got to teach you a few things today, huh?" she says, her tail swishing along the ground. She takes this rare position to look down at the slumping gnome. "Perhaps, then..." she smirks "I could teach you more..." Her voice comes in a husky, soft whisper

Gimmegee adjusts her mask and looks down and away. "I... I don't know about that. My pride is already hurt as it is. I don't know if I could accept to be your student in magic."

"OH, who said anything about magic?" says Squeaks, sobered up enough by the gnome that she can pull her dress off, letting it fall to the ground. "Come on... you're at a party, aren't you? Let loose? After all, haven't you ever wanted to have some fun with one of your professors?"

Gimmegee gasps, turning back toward Squeaks and staring at her small, yet erotic, body. "I mean... well..."

"First lesson," Squeaks says, tapping the little corset dress. "Learning to roll with things. This... is incredibly sexy on you. Don't take it off, got it?"

"W... what's the second lesson?"

Squeaks giggles a bit and climbs up onto the gnome's lap. "Let's find out together."

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