Beatrice Santello (Ch 8) - Love

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#13 of Beatrice

All stories are rollercoasters. Some start high, go low, then climb back up. Others start low and bounce around up and down. Some do this over and over. If you've played NitW (and why would you be here otherwise?), you already know how this has to end. But I'm giving you the chance to get off the rollercoaster right here, at the high point. Thanks for the ride and have a nice day!

For all us realists, well... just imagine how happy they both are right now. Sometimes that's the best you ever get. Just a few short days and nights. But it's better than none. Even if the rollercoaster can't stay at the top for long.


Image by PolarisSketches (rather obviously)

Also, a link to Mandopony's version of Die Anywhere Else. The best cover I've heard. (Though the original without the vocal at all is still righteous.) But it needs to have the lyrics sung. This should be on loop while reading this chapter. :)

"Sorry guys, got something in my eyes. I'll be right back."

The excuse was lame, but seemed to suffice for Angus and Gregg at least, as she found the sanctuary of the bathroom for a few minutes after the song was over. She recomposed herself as best she could. Her eye-shadow was a mess. She washed it off roughly, dried her eyes and waited to be sure the stupid fountains wouldn't start again before reapplying the makeup.

"So, what did you think Bea? Pretty good huh?" asked Clueless Gregg when she returned.

"I like it... a lot," she said, smiling weakly as she climbed back up on the platform that served as their stage. Casey smiled back at her proudly.

The rest of the practice seemed to drag on forever when really all she wanted was to be alone with Casey, but she got through it. She whispered for Casey to meet her at her car behind the Pickaxe, then they all went their separate ways.

The moon was out as Bea waited in her car, the engine running. The black-clad form of Casey came around the corner, smiling under his hoodie.

"Is this the right car?" he asked as he opened the passenger door and slid in beside her.

"Casey. That song..."

"I... guess you figured it out then?"

"Not exactly a mystery, Case."

"You really did like it?"

In answer, Bea slid over across the bench seat and hugged him tightly, pulling him down over her as she lay on his lap.

"It was... beautiful," she said, her eyes welling up again, but she fought against turning all blubbery again. Heavy eye-shadow running down her face would not leave the sort of impression she was hoping for. She may not have fur, but if Casey liked her at all, she wanted to look the best she could for him.

"It was for you, you know," Casey said, kissing her lightly, which she returned as best she could. She felt herself turning to warm butter in his arms.

Her eyes were shining when she responded in a whisper a minute later, "I know. I've never had someone write a song for me before."

Casey laughed at that. "I never have either!"

"Seriously," she said, sitting back up again and composing herself. "It's really good. And no matter what, no one can ever take that away from me. I have a song!"

"You do, Bea. It's for you."

"Thanks Casey. Now let's go before I completely lose it, okay?"

"Sure!" Casey said, but he unbuckled his seat belt and lay his head on her lap as she drove out of town.

"That's not safe, you know."

"I know," Casey said, his eyes closed. "But it's comfortable!"

"Well don't get too comfortable. We're not going far."

"Is it in Possum Springs?" asked Casey, somewhat muffled.

"Umm... I don't think so. Technically."

"Then it's heaven."

She felt his hot breath between her legs and she hit the brakes, both literally and figuratively.

"Whoa lover-boy! Hold those horses. This is our first date!"

Casey stopped and apologized.

"Sorry Bea. I... "

She started driving again, stroking his head.

"Don't worry about it. You know as much as anyone that I'm a sexual creature too. But no matter my feelings towards you, Case, it's still our first date. Let's not rush things, okay?"

"You're probably right. But can I stay here? It's comfy."

"Sure, basket-Case. I'll try not to wreck and get you dismembered."

"You don't know me that well yet, it's true. You don't know how quickly I can fuck things up, Bea. If I'm coming on too fast, I think it's just because I know this can't last."

"To be honest, Case, I'm actually surprised you find me attractive. I think I'm a little like you. I know it can't last too. I also know I'll fuck things up too, but instead of going too fast, I tend to try to work things out slowly because of that. I need to go slow, Casey."

"You got it."

She got to their destination and pulled into the long gravel driveway, only finished recently.

"We're here."

Casey looked up. It was dark outside. Only the moonlight lit the landscape, shining on the bones of a house. The smell of fresh lumber was strong.

"Wow! Is this...?" Casey asked, getting out of the car.

"Yup. This is the Grant house."

"They are FAST!"

"Within 2 weeks the outside will be basically complete. By the end of the month the inside will be ready for carpet. They don't waste time on new construction. Come on, let's go inside. Just watch out for nails."

Casey followed Bea over rough dirt onto the porch. There was no real roof in place yet, but they could still make out the basic layout of the place.

"Wait!" Casey smiled, and picked up Bea bodily.

"Casey, what are you doing?" Bea asked sardonically.

Casey carried her across the threshold.

"Well, that's a first!" Bea laughed. "Now set me down!"

"Our new house. What do you think?"

"It needs paint. But that's okay - I'm delivering that next week. Come on, I'll show you around..."

Bea and Casey walked through the skeletal structure as Bea pointed out the different rooms. The stairway, though without handrails yet, was solid enough and they went up to the second story.

"...and this," Bea said, "is the Master Suite. Note the built-in shower. Yup, you can take a shower without even leaving the privacy of your own bedroom suite!"

"What's this little room? Surely too small to be a closet."

"That, my friend, is the toilet. It has its own door for modesty. And... other reasons."

"Nice. I'll take it."

"You haven't even asked the price yet, sir! All this can be yours for less than half a million dollars!"

"Practically a steal!"

"Now, pardon me while I make the bed," Bea laughed, and laid out the blanket, wine and cheese.

"I'm taking a shower," Casey said, playing along.

A minute later she had everything prepared and turned around to see Casey naked.

"I'm ready," he said in a low voice.

"I see that! Casey, no."

"What? Isn't this the honeymoon suite?"

"Casey, I'm not going to..."

"I know. I'm not going to try anything. I promise."

"You mean it? Casey, I swear I really don't want..."

"I promise."

"Jeeze. Okay. If you insist. How do you feel about wine?"

"I don't know really. I've never had it!"

"Well, bring that... thing over here and try some."

She poured a glass for them both and handed one to Casey, trying her best not to be distracted. And failing.

Casey tasted the wine cautiously.

"Jeeze, it's not gasoline," Bea scowled.

"Eh. not bad."

"Not bad?! That's... well. Never mind. I'm glad you like my not-bad wine."

"I like grape juice better," he grinned. "Say, I hear wine can really stain clothes..."

"Well you don't have to worry about that!"

"No, but you do."

"Casey, it's black. All my clothes are black. Not much worry in..."

Casey tilted his head quizzically.

"Oh," she said. "Casey... I'm a little body-conscious."

"I know. It wouldn't be special otherwise."

"But... what if you don't like me?" she protested, knowing full well it was futile.

"Bea, I already like you. Surely you know that by now."

"Yeah but... I'm not a cat."

"No. That you are definitely not."

"Oh gawd. You're going to make me do this, aren't you?"

"No Bea. If I'm pushing too hard, just tell me. I'll put my clothes back on and we can forget it."

"No. Don't do that!" she grinned back at him, momentarily realizing what a gator's grin might look like.

"But... nothing else, right?"

"I promised, Bea. No matter what else I am, I'm not a liar."

Bea began unshackled her boots. There really was no better way to put it.

"Not exactly a sexy strip tease," she laughed nervously.

"Depends on the audience. Works for me!"

She pulled the boots off, then her leggings, hopping off-balance at the second leg.

Casey stood up and held her steady around her back. She looked at him side wise.

"It's a lot easier to do sitting on my bed."

Finally, she'd finished and she stood before him naked.

"This is when you're supposed to say how beautiful I am," she said, eyes downcast but watching his face closely.

"You're beautiful, Bea."

"Am not."

Casey stepped up close and lifted her snout.

"You are. Now dance with me, gator girl."

"I don't really know how to dance. And we don't have any music."

"Neither do I. Just hold me close and sway. I think that's how it's done. As for music, I don't really need any."

Under the moonlight, on the outskirts of Possum Springs and visible only to a handful of high-flying lightning bugs, Casey Hartley and Beatrice Santello danced naked in the unfinished house of the general manager of the Ham Panther. If their steps were a little awkward and their music was nothing more than crickets and the occasional car passing on the highway far away, they didn't notice. They noticed nothing but each other. For a few brief and stolen moments - far from the trouble of their lives, the impossibility of their love and the fickleness of fate - they danced in their own world.

But nothing lasts forever, it's said. Nothing except that tired old phrase.

"That was... nice," Bea said as they came to a stop.

"Yeah. Thanks Bea. Thanks for that."

"Seems weird, you thanking me when I feel like I should be thanking you."

"And as for my promise, I will now get dressed."

"Such chivalry as the world has never known," Bea said sarcastically, but as she watched him turn away, she had a second thought.

"Wait. Let's... eat like this."

Casey walked back over and sat on the blanket as Bea refilled their glasses.

"I feel like we should toast something."

Bea laughed and pointed to his manhood. "Here's to that!"

Casey scowled but clinked his glass to hers anyway. "And to those," he added, indicating her chest.

She looked down. "Really? You like them? They're not very big."

"Bigger than mine! Bea, they're lovely."

"Well thanks."

"Vive la différence!" Casey said in a passable accent and holding up his glass.

"Indeed! I'll drink to that!"

They noshed on cheese and grapes while they talked.

"Some couples are more different than others though," Bea continued."You don't think that will be a problem?"

"Certainly not for me. And you? Are you prepared to get fur stuck in your teeth?"

"I've got pretty big teeth!" Bea laughed.

"I get your point! But you like... this?" Casey asked.

"I'm probably weird, but yeah. I definitely do."

"Well then, I don't see the problem."

"Oh, it will be a problem."

"Others have managed. It's not like we're the first interracial couple ever."

"True. There are bigger problems."

Casey nodded. "I know. It's not easy, Bea. But I think maybe I could manage, with your help."

"I'll do all I can, Casey. If you need to detox at my place or something, it's open for you."

"I'm not sure I want you to see me like that, Bea."

"I'm what you've got. But let's forget that tonight anyway, okay?"

Casey set the bottle aside and lay down beside Bea, looking up at the stars.

"Yeah. Let's forget about that for a little while."

The two lay side by side for a long time, holding hands.

"Maybe Possum Springs isn't so bad," Casey mused, and Bea laid her head on his chest.

The feel of his furred arm against her breast felt good. Odd, but good.

"You shouldn't base your future on this, you know," she said quietly.

"Is there something better I should base it on do you think?"

"Probably. But don't ask me what that is right now."

She looked down at him and touched him. He was no longer erect.

"I guess it's time we called it a night. You've lost interest in me."

Things changed quickly.

"Never mind," she said with a grin.

"No, you're right. If we stay like this much longer, it's going to be tough to keep my promise. Bea, I think maybe Possum Springs might not be so bad - with you in it."

He kissed her then, and lay on top of her, studiously avoiding too much contact save what was unavoidable.

"Save it for another night, loverboy," Bea whispered as she accepted his kisses for a while.

WIth a mutual sigh, they parted and got dressed. Bea gathered up what was left, and packed the blanket back into her pack.

"It's been a great date, Bea."

"It really has. We should do it again sometime."

"My promise doesn't hold past tonight, I should warn you!"

"I hope not. Come on, let's get back. My dad... well. Honestly he won't worry about me, but we should get back anyway. Much longer and I'm not sure I'll want you to keep that promise."

They drove back in silence, listening to Casey's radio station and holding hands before Bea dropped him off by his house.

"See you tomorrow?" Casey asked.

"You know where I'll be."

He kissed her long and passionately, and she returned the kiss, before they finally said their 'good night's and Bea drove back to park the car behind the Pickaxe and started the short walk home.

She decided that, for this night, she wouldn't think about tomorrow. She wouldn't think about her troubles, her mom or her future. She thought only about Casey, and her thoughts proved she wasn't Beatrice the Pure.

Her father was snoring away when she finally opened the door and stepped into her room. She undressed and looked at herself, trying to see what on earth could turn on a guy so much in her. She couldn't see it, but she was damn glad he could.

The drawer slid open silently, and she pondered if she should get a replacement. One shaped just a little differently. She didn't turn on her laptop though. She had memories for that.

Beatrice Santello (Ch 9) - Gravity

The next morning Bea was feeling good. It was foggy and the radio indicated the possibility of freezing rain, but she couldn't help herself. She hugged her dad before leaving the apartment, donned her jacket and scarf, and headed in to work. Germ was...

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Beatrice Santello (Ch 7) - The Song

The next day for Bea passed relatively uneventfully until after dinner, when she finally opened the file from Casey. What she heard didn't sound much like any of the music she'd heard before by the band. It seemed to have a soul. It spoke to her, even...

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Beatrice Santello (Ch 6) - Friendzone

Chapter 6 Germ wasn't waiting on her when Bea and Casey got to the store, so she was able to smuggle him into the back room without incident. She wasn't the type to be embarrassed at such things, but she did appreciate not having to explain - at...

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