SYBT: Madish Scientist Vix

Story by thatpersonyouknow101 on SoFurry

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#18 of So You've Been Transmogrified

Vix is successful in her development of a nanit computed that can turn people into shark people, however she accidental become the first test subject...

So You've Been Transmogrified: Madish Scientist Vix

To say it was a dark and stormy night would have been cliche, however it was. However the occupants of test lab number three were indifferent to the stormy weather outside and to the time of day. Vix twirled a pencil in her hand and had her feet propped up on one of the desks. The latex fox with long red synthetic hair was bored, her phone was across the room on a charger only at 14%, the computer was not connected to the outside internet for security reasons. Vix leaned back in the chair more and through she heard something snap, she leaned forward and then back again and not hearing anything further leaned back even further. Donny while fun enough to be around was exactly a conversationalist, the fact that it was 10:44 pm did not help matters but both of them were committed enough to the current research tract that they didn't mind the extra time in the lab. Donny the larger polar bear sitting in his reinforced chair was in a position similar to Vix, legs kicked back on a table thumbing through a tech magazine. Finally boredom had set in enough to were Vix stopped trailing the pencil and she turned her attention over to the big white bear.

"So... big guy anything interesting in the magazine." Vix said turning her head towards him but not her body. Donny charged and turned to the next page, he then flipped the magazine to one side and let a pinup drop down.

"Please don't tell me your reading a porn mag." Vix said looking over to the bear smiling in dull tired kind of way.

"Relax boss, it's not a sexy thing, well depends on who your talking to." Donny said getting up and walking over to Vix the pinup pages still unfolded. Donny held them out for her to look at and she studied the inside of the pages. It was a large panoramic shot of some kind of machinery with some facts in white text pointing out different specs and aspects of the device, at the bottom were some men and women in lab coats with names under some of them to denote the most important members of the project.

"What is it?" Vix asked looking up at the bear.

"Its scaled down super efficient nuclear reactor, half the amount of fuel rods for twice the performance." Donny said pointing to the machine in the center.

"That's cool I guess, wait why are you reading a mechanical engineering magazine, I thought you're a chemical engineer." Vix said looking at the pinup and focusing in on one of the members of the science team, a tall woman with blond hair, that look distantly familiar in a weird way.

"I minored in mech, plus I know a few guys working on this thing." he said walking back over to his chair. Vix nodded to the bear back and turned her attention to her screen satisfied at having gotten a few words out of the bear and granting her a few moments reprieve from the boredom both were feeling. Before Donny could sit back down however a shrill tone emanated from Vix's computer and he came back over with a quicker pace as Vix dropped her feet to the floor and looked at the report the computer had generated. TEST 997-434, result, success, 100% efficiency.

"YES!" Vix said jumping up from her chair and hugging the big bear in satisfaction before turning back to the monitor.

"Great, now what?" Donny asked leaning on the desk and putting a damper on Vix's mode.

"Well for starters..." Vix said as she yawned and stretched her arms up, "I need a coffee or something." She finished looking at the larger polar bear expectantly.

"Fine. he said yawning himself and walking towards the exit.

Vix watched him leave and then turned her attention to the screen and scrolled through the data looking for anything of interest. This was the latest in her many ongoing transformational projects. That oil company guy wanted something to turn the divers working on the drill platform into something more suitable for the environment. Mainly, something strong, something that can swim and breath under water, and something that would ward off any predators that had been troubling them up till now. The man had told Vix that if this didn't work he was considering hiring Russian frogmen to murder anything that got remotely close to the men and women working on the platform. That however seemed like something he would have considered first rather than turning his employees into shark people. Vix squinted in thought for a moment before shrugging the thought off, maybe the guy had a weird process or something. The computer dinged again and Vix looked over at the output.

Synthesization of nanite compound, 434, complete please remove from receptacle, 4. Vix looked over at the container to her left and saw the front of it open inside where four test tubes all of which were now filled with the nanit compound Vix had custom tailored to turn people into shark people. Now all that remained were human trials. She recalled a few names on the application list wanted to be sharks. She reached over and took one of the tubes from the receptacle and looked at the grey goo. The hard part of the whole thing was making the thing only use one species instead of whatever the subject or the controller of the bots had in mind. The other issues, mainly growing gills, and trying to figure out the temperature concerns had been easy in comparison. All in all through the whole issue had only taken about two weeks from conception to now. She felt confident enough in her abilities to twirl the tube like the pencil she had been doing the same with for the last few hours, so she did swishing the tube around in her fingers. However the thicker tube proved to be a bit trickier to use than the pencil and after the second rotation Vix went wide eyed as the tube left her fingers and fell downward.

"SHIT." She said curtly as she watched the tube fall down to her lap. She looked down at the undamaged tube and sighed in relief as she picked it back up. "Last time I do that." Vix said chuckling as she examined the tube for any breaks or chips. Vix leaned back in the chair again still chuckling when she heard a sharp crack. The back of the chair snapped and Vix fell backward onto the floor. Vix clenched her hand reflexively and crushed the tube in her hand as she fell backward onto the floor.

"OW." Vix screamed as she hit the floor and looked over to her hand. She went wide eyed as she saw the nanite compound leaking all over her hand, "FUCK" Vix said sitting up and looking at her hand. The grey goo seemed to evaporate but Vix knew that in reality her latex skin was absorbing the nanite compound and her own nanites were integrating them into her own structure. She held up her hand to her face and examined it closely, all the goo was gone now, likely coursing through her blood stream, or what passed for her blood stream given her rubbery latex constitution. Vix remained still for a moment thinking through what she should do next. Then she stood up and quickly ditched her clothing, a lab coat, a grey t-shirt and a pair of slacks, she didn't wear a bra or panties. She looked over her orange and white body looking for any evident changes to her physiology. Thinking fast Vix ran over to her phone and turned the camera on, she then propped it against something on the desk and faced it towards an open space in the middle of the room. Vix walked over to the space and examined her naked body, still no signs of physical changes, she wondered why.

"Ok, subject Vixel Klyn, accidental exposure to nanite compound 434, change to follow." she said looking into the camera and then back down at her still unchanged latex body.

She suddenly felt a sharp but brief pain in her fingertips and winched in response as the claws on her fingers receded into her hand. Vix held her hands up to her face to examine them more closely but was interrupted when she felt something growing on her back. She could not turn to see it but instead turned her back to the camera so that it might be captured and analyzed later. On her upper back a triangular protrusion was pushing its way up from her latex skin. The object seemed to stretch the skin around it, similar to how an object placed in a vacuum sealed bag looked. Vix winced as the tightening skin on her back caused her a bit of discomfort but just as soon passed leaving the fox with a dorsal fin as she panted and waited for the next set of changes to start.

Vix looked down at her hands again and was surprised to see that her fingers where now webbed but quickly found her eyes drawn to something other than her normal skin. The black latex skin on the tops of her hands while remaining rubbery was turning a shade of brown, the pure white color on the underside of her hands was turning something more mottled and murky, as her orange coloration was taken over by the spreading brown. Vix watched as the brown coloration spread up her arms darker shapes of brown started forming in horizontal lines across the tops of her arms, there size varied and they were spaced about half an inch apart up the length of her forearm. As the changes spread Vix also noted a sizable increase in her muscle mass. She made a fist and flexed her mostly changed right arm and watched as the rubbery latex muscle bunched up forming an impressive bicep. She looked at the brown as it then rounded her shoulder, more of the darker lines forming their on her shoulder like they had on her forearms. She raised her right arm now fully transformed and looked at the underside of it, the dirty white color was spreading onto her white chest now and brown was also spreading over the rest of her torso and back.

The changes stemming from her arms met just below Vix's neck and formed a circle around her body that once completed started to descend bringing the alterations with it. The changes ran over her breasts of which Vix had a large size already, the murky white color ran over them and a flash of sensitivity rocked Vix as her nipples changed from a dull pink color to a murky fleshy red. She took in a deep breath and refocused herself, there would be time to experiment later , now was a time for science, and observation. As the changes rounded her breasts and passed her abdomen Vix noted that again she had a large increase in muscle mass, her figure while still remaining distinctly feminine was now much more in line with a bodybuilder than her old body type, which while lacking no small amount of strength was more in line with that of a model,or porn star. She looked down and rubbed her new set of pecs wondering just how much her new body would allow her to lift, something else to consider when she was done.

As the changes rounded her hips Vix winced briefly contemplated sending a finger into her sex, however the thought passed, she needed to stay clear headed about this, well as clear headed as she could be at least. As the changes rounded her hips properly she noted more of the brown striping on her hips and her thighs as the brown and murky white overtook her crotch. The lips of her vagina turned a similar shade of fleshy red to her nipples, a fact which she found distantly interesting. Vix felt her legs bulking up further as the changes spread further down, more of the brown striping pattern forming as her orange legs turned brown. She found patterning growing on her, she through that it provided a nice contrast to the somewhat dull color palette of the rest of her body.

Vix then felt as if someone was pulling on her tail, she turned her rear around and faced her changing tail to the camera. The orange protrusion from her body was clearly lengthening, at the start it only had been about a foot and a half long, now however it was growing thicker and longer. The base of the initial which was originally been a small nub of flesh had grown and now was fully attached to her, making it in essence a proper extension of her spine. The latex flesh now forming a point about a few inches in diameter were the base of her spine once was. The brown coloration continued and Vix looked over her shoulder as best she could following the onward march of the transformation. From the diameter of a few inches the tail began to shrink in a conic way, not much at first but becoming more pronounced as the lengthening organ grew and grew, reaching an ultimate length of five feet. Vix felt the formation of fins on the length of the tail, she could not remember what they were called.

The tail continued to swell up a bit as the brown coloration continued to march down the upper side and murky brown followed suit along the bottom. Vix circled the still forming tail up and tapped the top of her head with the still pointed tip. She looked at the forming brown stripes and then felt a weird pressure on the tip of her tail. She looked up and winced a bit as a process similar to what had occurred in her back in the formation of her dorsal fin occurred. The brown latex flesh seemed to grow outward horizontally forming a thin but large fin that gradual grew outward in a triangular pattern from both sides of the pointed tail. She felt the flesh thicken and grow more until she flicked her tail admiring the now properly formed tail. However she found it strange that the tail fin she had grown looked more like that of a whale, than a shark. It was however of little consequence at the moment.

The changes continued down the length of her legs, more muscle, more of the brown strips, more of the brown latex flesh. Her feet started to shift and Vix turned back around to face her front to the camera, and looked down watching her digitigrade feet start flatten, the ankle restructuring. She had a flat human looking ankle and soon her foot followed. Her paws started to change back into toes, the three large toes splitting back into five distinct toes, each of which had a claw protruding from it. Vix looked down and admire her new, she had grown to like her paws, and truth be told the sight of human like feet on her body again if anything made her a bit sad, she would have to get this corrected. She flicked her larger thicker tail and then thought. Well maybe i'll get most of it corrected, she rather liked the thicker more muscular appendage. She looked at herself again and then realized she was about a foot taller, she looked up at the closer ceiling praising her idea to increase the height of the spaces by as much as possible, not that she was short of clearance, but still.

So consumed by the desire to look over her body she failed to notice that her face had yet to transform. A sudden sharp pain in her mouth fixed that. She opened her mouth and whined as she felt her teeth and jaw begin to reform. Her box like canine muzzle started to develop a distinct tip, her black nose turning a darker color, a mix of the murky white and the brown most of her body was covered in. From there change spread from her neck and the tip of her nose back and upward over her neck. She felt her teeth grow sharper and sharper until she had a set of interlocked razor sharp shark teeth. She felt her ears begin to fall backwards into her red hair becoming longer, not unlike the ears of cows but still maintaining there triangular shape and rigidity. Her nostrils turned into two slits and she felt as the whole of her face was overcome by the combination of colors her nose had turned. She blinked a few times feeling a new clear eyelid formed over her eyes and her normal one thicken a bit, her irises turned a shade of deep red replacing her blue eyes. Her hair also turned a slightly darker shade of red. She held a finger to the tip of her new sharky muzzle and then just stopped thinking, letting the new sensor inputs from her body rush over her.

The body was not unlike the foxy form she had just lost, however she felt a few new impulses, in the back of her mind. They were distant, remnants of her animal brain locking onto long since evolved away appendages. Echos of genetic echoes long since lost in the march of time. However she did have a sudden and strong craving for sushi, probably a coincidence she was sure. She took a long deep breath tasting the air with her new body and felt the very last bit of changes role over, three slits formed on both sides of her neck, frilling and then closing up again. She ran a hand over the new slats. She tried to force a finger into one but felt a sharp and sudden jolt of pain when she did so.

"So, gills, well I can still breath normal air." she said out loud and then looked over to the camera. "Subject Vixal Klyn, transformation from female latex fox, to female latex shark success, no signs of mental degradation, no signs of body degradation, no noticeable changes in personality, yet, I have a strong desire to swim however, and find myself craving raw fish, specify sushi, unclear if this is due to transformational process or lack of dinner on my part. Will review tape and under go through inspection of myself after having eaten and..." Donny walked into the room and Vix looked over at him with a passive face. He was looking at her with one of slight confusion.

"Uh, Vix?" he asked standing and blinking in the doorway to the lab. Holding two cups of coffee.

"Don't worry Donny no side effects, I'm still me, but uh, you know any 24 hour sushi places?"

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