Cleaning Service

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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Solus the deer works as a domestic cleaner. He's very good at it, too; there's no end to the list of things he can clean. Kitchens, bedrooms, cocks, balls...he definitely won't leave you unsatisfied.

"Hey, Zaggy, I thought you were taking a break fro-"

"Sssssh, oh, and look at the time, is that my train, I really must, oh, hm, yes, well, farewell..."

I'm weak. Don't judge me!

Also, I have a Telegram group! Whether you're interested in seeing snippets of upcoming pieces, helping me decide what to write next, like seeing WIPs of my art, wanna provide characters for future art or stories, or just want to chat casually with fun people about shared interests, why not pop in? Readers, writers, and everything in between are welcome :) Join us here:

The deer stood in front of the door, a carry bag in one hand, watching the seconds on his watch tick down to six A.M.

It was a small thing, really; he doubted any patron would care if he arrived a few minutes early or late -- let alone a few seconds -- but he felt it was representative of the service his firm provided. He took his job seriously, and he cared to make the best possible impression. He knew some other employees lacked the same level of rigour, but as far as he was concerned, a good impression began with arriving precisely on time.

He raised his hand slowly, eyes fixed on the watch face, and as the hands came into their perfect diametric alignment, he rapped firmly upon the door. Knock, knock. Just twice, with a single second's gap between them. Neat and clean. No need to hammer the door down at this early hour. Others in the building might yet be asleep, after all, and if service was his byword, then trusting the client to be ready for him was part of the service.

He stood patiently, staring at the door, waiting. The lock scratched, and the handle turned; the portal swung open, revealing a stocky white bull terrier in a tight-fitting shirt and faded jeans. Brown markings crept over the top of his head and surrounded his eyes, which considered the deer with a hungry look. The same brown markings were just visible beneath his sleeves as they gripped his swollen biceps, and from prior experience, the deer expected that they'd run down his back and along the sides of his thighs, too.

The deer said nothing as the dog looked him over, his eyes moving slowly from the deer's face, down his slim body, and to his hooves. The cervine rested his arms at his sides, ensuring his body was fully visible for the canine's appraisal. He always wore the same thing for new client introductions: a button-up shirt and a pair of chinos. The least interesting clothes imaginable. It drew no stares on the street, and if the client misunderstood the rules and made a gaffe early on...well, it made a point as he pulled them back on and left.

"Right on time," the canine said. He had a pleasant voice. Casual and unworried. "I appreciate that."

The deer bobbed his head. "I aim to please, sir," he responded. He saw the dog's Adam's apple bob at the sound of his soft, almost feminine voice, and a wolfish grin split the dog's angular face.

"I'm sure you do." He stepped to one side and gestured the deer inwards. "Come on in, then."

The deer stepped briskly into the house, stopping a couple of yards inside and waiting. The door clicked shut behind him, and the dog walked around to his front, his blue eyes lifting back up after what had clearly been a close examination of the cervine's rear. The deer said nothing. He'd know if he needed to speak.

"So far, so good," the dog said with satisfaction. His sharply pointed ears, perked towards the deer like triangular radar dishes, gave his close examination an intensity that made the deer's belly flutter a little. It was not his job to pass commentary on the company's clients; he showed up, he did his work, and he left. He'd worked for every sort of person out there, and he'd always given it his professional best, regardless of how he felt about them. Whether he'd get along with them in a more social setting was irrelevant, after all. But that meant it always a pleasant surprise when a client gave him a belly flutter. He would never give a sub-optimal service -- but, if pressed, he might admit to putting in a little extra effort for those clients that made the butterflies wake up.

The other two in the room only made the butterflies flap harder.

The canine turned -- revealing his stiff, upright tail, wagging slowly behind him -- and walked over to a pair of males who stood next to the door, lined up like an honour guard. They stared at the deer with the usual set of emotions. A stallion, wide and tall, and a stag who looked to be as buff as the terrier, only larger. The stag drew the deer's analytical eye first, and he mentally compared them. They were the same species, but the similarities ended there: the larger male was probably double the deer's weight, and nearly all the extra mass was muscle, with the balance made up by the incredible rack of points he carried. An alpha, without a was the equine. The horse was truly enormous; a draft stallion in his prime. His thighs were muscle layered over muscle, and his chest was a barrel. He looked like he had "Stamina" tattooed somewhere on his body.

Three strong, confident alpha males. Flap, flap. The deer stood upright, hands at his sides, head slightly lowered, and waited to be introduced.

The dog poked a finger into the stallion's side first. "This is Levi." The stallion didn't say anything, but snorted heavily. His big brown eyes leered eagerly from under high brows, not breaking eye contact with the deer; his lips slowly moving as if chewing an invisible cud. He was a full foot taller than the others, with the top of his head only a little below the top of the stag's antlers. His body hair was ghostly white, darkening to ash grey at the end of his muzzle, and a pitch-black mane completed his charcoal-drawing appearance. His legs shifted about restlessly; probably trying to find a position that could comfortably accommodate the obvious bulge in his pants. Ah, stallion bulges were so delightful.

The dog walked behind the stag next, lifting a paw to hang a lazy finger on his friend's headgear. The stag's head didn't even tilt; the dog could probably have clambered up into those marvellous antlers as if they were a tree, and the stag wouldn't even have noticed the weight. "And this," the canine said, "is Puck. Puck the Buck."

"Heya," Puck the buck said. One of his hands was tucked into a pocket, and one hoof was raised to rest against the other. He was looking at the other cervine's antlers, and he nodded at them now. "Cute rack." The deer gave a little smile; he inclined his head forward a little more to let the alpha stag see his small points. Two to a side, only an inch or two long in total. Most people he met thought they'd only recently started growing back in, but they weren't growing at all; they were just always that small. He'd never had a display as magnificent as Puck's before. That didn't bother him, though. His points were a visual demonstration of who he was, informing anyone that saw him where his position in the hierarchy was. It made sense that this powerful stag had looked at that first; he'd always be on the look-out for challengers.

But "challenger" was not even in the smaller deer's vocabulary.

The dog circled around Puck and stood before the deer again, crossing his arms and lifting his muzzle. "And I'm Nick," he said. He fell silent, watching the deer over the length of his face, and waiting. The cervine knew what he wanted.

"I go by Solus, sir," he said, and Levi's nostrils snorted again as the other males heard his voice. Heavy hooves scraped across the wooden floors, and Solus could imagine the cause: legs having to spread yet wider, as the horse's bulge grew.

"Go by?" Nick inquired. "That's not your name?" Solus shook his head. "So why do you use it?" the canine asked, head tilted curiously.

"It was given to me, sir," the deer said. "And I was instructed to use it henceforth."

The dog's eyes glittered. "And you do that because...?"

The deer met the dog's gaze. "Because I do as I am told, sir," he said plainly.

The dog turned to look at his friends, raising one paw in a told-you-so expression. "Yeah? What'd I say?"

"Fuck," Levi said. A big voice for a big stallion: gravel cascading down a chute. "Fuck," he repeated. "That's hot. He's hot. He looks soft..."

He took a step forward suddenly, hand reaching out as if to touch the deer, but Nick slapped it away with a yelp of "No!" and the horse whinnied angrily, baring his teeth at his friend and flattening his ears. The dog met his angry expression with a snarl of his own, poking a finger into the softness of the stallion nose as he berated him. "Levi!" he barked. "What did I tell you about touching, dumbass? Huh? What's the one fucking rule we talked about? It was twenty minutes ago, don't fucking tell me that empty stallion head has already forgotten it!"

The horse covered his teeth and frowned, eyes sliding about as if searching his memory. "No touching," he said eventually, sullen eyes glaring first at the bull terrier, and then looking back at the deer. If lust had a form, it would be this stallion. His look alone made the deer's legs feel a little weak.

"No fucking touching," agreed the dog. He patted the side of the stallion's muzzle. "Later, alright? I promise. But the rule says, no touching yet. And if you break that rule, the nice deer leaves -- and I don't get a refund of the fucking expensive fee, either. No deer means no fun for anyone, and it also means Levi"--he poked the horse in the chest--" will be poor because Nick will make him pay back every fucking cent. Do you want to be poor and blue-balled?"

"" the stallion grumbled. He looked at the deer again, slow gears turning. "Fine," he rumbled. "No touching." He snorted again. "But I'm gonna touch you later, deer," he said to Solus. He smiled widely, showing an expanse of perfect, pale teeth in the middle of his dark muzzle. "A lot." One hand slid into his pants, and he fondled himself very obviously. "With this."

Puck gave a merry chuckle and looked at Solus with a lazy shrug. "Horses, huh? Can't live with 'em, can't fit them in the trash." He shot a couple of finger-guns at Solus. "Don't worry, cutie. We'll protect you from Mr Grabby McHorsehands here." His too-pink tongue slid out, wetting his lips. "Until later, at least," he added, almost as an afterthought.

Solus remained still and did not speak. The clients could have whatever arrangement worked for them -- as long as they adhered to the rules. He really had thought the horse was going to succeed in breaking the first rule there, for a second. The butterflies were glad that the dog had prevented it.

That dog looked at him now. "Are you ready to get to work, pet?" That was unexpected. He'd been called many things by clients before, including that, but it was one of his favourites. It pushed the hound even higher in the deer's assessment. At this rate, he'd be getting a little extra for certain.

"I am, sir," he said, hefting his carry bag slightly. "May I have somewhere to get changed, sir?"

"You certainly may," the dog responded, performing a little turn to wink obviously at his two friends. He swung back around and pointed to the centre of the living room, where couches surrounded a large open area. "Right there, if you don't mind."

Solus did not mind at all. It was rather ordinary, in fact, as far as these sessions went. The deer walked daintily over to the specified area, his small hooves tapping on the wooden floor before being muffled by the carpets. The three males followed, with Nick keeping a watchful eye on his stallion friend. They took seats on the couch as the deer placed his bag on a side table and gave a petite cough. With three horny sets of eyes upon him, he began to get changed.

The pants came off first; unbuttoned and dropped to the floor. Under them, white lace panties did a fair job of hiding his penis, but nothing at all to obscure the perky, round ass under his tail. He paused for a moment, turning this way and that as if looking for something, giving the viewers an eyeful of himself. Then he turned back towards them and slipped the thin underwear off, letting it drop to the floor, revealing his deerhood to the intensely silent, focused males. It was nothing special, but that didn't matter. He was never hired for his penis.

Reaching into the bag he'd brought, he pulled out a couple of long black stockings, and balanced carefully on one foot at a time, tugging the material over each hoof and up the leg. His pert balls jostled a little between his legs as he switched from one to the other, his sack as hairless as a boy's. The stockings reached the mid-point of his thighs, and he carefully smoothed them down to eliminate creases. With that done, he pulled out a new pair of panties -- black with red trim, to match the outfit -- but stopped when Nick made a noise.

"Are you going to wear a skirt as well, pet?" he asked. The deer nodded, legs close together, hands holding the pair of panties in front of him like the world's worst modesty shield. The dog considered, glancing at his friends for confirmation, and then made a flicking-away motion with his finger. "Leave those out, then," he said, arousal wending its way through his tone.

"Yes, sir," the deer replied obediently. He placed the panties back into the bag and retrieved the skirt instead. This was black velvet, with snow-white lace trim, and the deer stuck his tongue out a little in concentration as he stepped into it and began working the elastic up his body, over the stockings and then his hips. He left it there for now.

The shirt came off next, elegantly undone and discarded to show the male's slim body, with barely a hint of musculature on him. Pale, beautiful hair covered a smooth, feminine form that was more reminiscent of fine china than of Puck's aggressively masculine outline. Ignoring the antlers, they could have been different species. With the shirt removed, Solus continued pulling the skirt up, fitting his arms through the holes and lacing up the front with dainty fingers. The outfit covered his upper body completely, and hung down just enough below his hips to also hide his penis and ass from view -- unless he were to bend over.

The final touch was two long, silk gloves, cochineal red, which he slipped on with exaggerated slowness. Then he picked up his discarded clothes, packed them neatly into his bag, and turned to face his three horny males with a demure stance, awaiting his next instruction. Three horny males -- and three obvious erections. The horse's hardon was the most obvious, of course; his cock looked about to explode from his pants from the pressure. Solus wondered if that would violate rule two; hopefully, the fabric would hang in there and he wouldn't have to decide. The stag's arousal was just as plain, if smaller, but his musk was much more intense than the horse's. Perhaps the deer was more attuned to scents from his own species, but it was as if Puck wasn't even wearing clothes. The scent let Solus strip them away in his head, replacing the stag's casual, arms-outstretched pose with the image of a nude, powerful buck, ready to breed. Ready to be serviced.

And Nick...

Nick was rubbing the outside of his pants openly, fingers sliding up and down what must be the outline of his sheath. It looked firm and lovely, but Solus knew it was only one side of the equation. Canine plus sheath equalled...canine cock.

And canine knot.

The deer kept his expression professional. He was here to do a job. He would never admit to liking any one kind of dick over another; all dicks were good dicks. But if he was tortured for an answer, well, perhaps...perhaps he might let slip that flares and knots were a smidgen better than the rest. And both were here today. Flap, flap.

"May I begin cleaning, sir?" he asked softly, looking at Nick. The dog could not have missed the deer's eyes flicking between him and his guests, and the way it had lingered on their crotches. Thankfully, the skirt would obscure the awakening of his penis, and he was too small for it to hang down and be seen by the males.

"Do you like what you see, pet?" Nick asked, ignoring the deer's question. Solus nodded, dropping his eyes to the floor.

"Yes, sir," he said submissively.

"Who do you like the most?"

"I...could not presume to choose, sir."

"Hehe." In the corner of his eye, Solus saw the dog push a paw into his pants. "I'll ask you that again later, pet," he murmured, "and I'll expect a definitive answer."

"...yes, sir."

There was silence for a moment, with only Levi's heavy, half-snorted breathing filling it. Then Nick jumped to his feet. "Alright then! Get to cleaning, pet. There's not much to do,'ll be done by around midday, I imagine?"

"If you say so, sir."

The canine nodded. "I do say so." He gestured at the others, and they rose to follow him, eyes sticking to Solus long after their bodies had gone past. The deer waited patiently for the clients to move away, and then picked up his bag and placed it on a table by the exit, out of the way of his hosts. He took a deep breath, looked around, and got to work.

Some employees of his firm considered cleaning a mere side effect of their work, and put in only the most basic effort. The very thought made Solus angry. If you were given an instruction, you did your best to carry it out. That was how it should be. They were a cleaning service by name, and they had all been trained to clean. And so, he cleaned. He scrubbed, and washed, and polished. He vacuumed and packed and ironed. The grand, frameless glass doors that led out onto the pool were glittering like crystal when he was done with them, and every surface was clean enough to eat off of. He organised the furniture, aligning everything neatly...and picked up after the males as they wandered about the house and out into the garden, never straying so far as to have the deer be out of their line of sight.

They were incredibly clumsy, it seemed. One might even be suspicious of how many times they picked items up, only to instantly drop them. Books were picked up, glanced at a few seconds, and then allowed to drop to the floor with a smirking "oops". Cutlery was taken out of drawers, only to fall from apparently nerveless fingers seconds later. But Solus didn't complain, or comment. That wasn't his job. He simply walked over, bent down, and picked the errant items up. And if the males tended to find themselves behind Solus more frequently than one would expect by sheer chance, well...they'd paid, after all.

For him.

He eventually slid the last dish back into the cupboard, and dried his hands on a washcloth before hanging it neatly on its hook. He looked around, a keen eye making sure nothing had been overlooked, before nodding in satisfaction and sighing. Nick was sitting on the couch, absent-mindedly flicking through a magazine, his eyes fixed on the deer; when he saw Solus sigh, he dropped the rag and jumped to his feet.

"All done?" he asked, unable to keep the eager tone from his voice. Solus swept the room with his gaze a final time and then nodded happily. The dog grinned. "Wonderful. So...rule two is now...?"

The deer nodded again, and the dog's mouth fell open with relief. "Thank fuck," he groaned. Without saying anything else, he reached for his pants and undid them, tugging a large crimson dog dick -- as hard as a rod, and thick enough to make Solus gasp -- out into the air with a shudder of pleasure. "Ahhhh...that feels good," he muttered. He gripped it, stroking a couple of times, and then shivered happily. "Levi! Puck! He's done!" he yelled, and his friends appeared at the patio door. Levi took one look at the dog's exposed penis and whinnied thunderously.

"About fucking time!" The stallion's hands were a blur; he practically exploded out of his clothes. In seconds, he was fully nude, both hands massaging the thick, black-and-white mottled horsecock that hung between his legs. With gritted teeth and clenched eyes, he worked his flesh to full hardness and began to masturbate with deep nickers of equine pleasure.

"Hey, dipshit!" the dog barked. "He literally just finished cleaning up! Don't you fucking dare cum all over my carpets!"

The horse whinnied again, swinging his big head around to stare daggers at the dog. "Why," he snarled through clenched teeth, his hands balled into fists, "are you torturing me...?"

"It's not torture, you uncultured swine of a horse," Puck said behind him, removing his own pants at a sedate pace. "It's...anticipation." He pulled unseen threads from the air and pressed them to his nose, sniffing deeply. "Can you smell it? The building tension...the agony of the wait...the promise of a glorious, explosive denouement."

The horse sniffed the air half-heartedly. "All I smell is you, bitch," he growled.

"Yes, well -- beyond that," the stag said modestly, looking down at his hard penis and the dribble of pre-cum that was building on the head. He was the smallest of the three males, but that said more for the outsized endowments that the other two had than anything about him personally. His alpha stag member still shamed Solus' own. "I'm rather backed up." The big stag stared at Solus, and then swept down into a bow, arms pointing outside. "Would you enjoy a swim, my dear? The day is lovely, and the water is like silk."

Off to the side, Nick laughed and said, "You fancy fucking flirt," but Solus just blushed and nodded agreement to the stag's invitation, stepping briskly forward. His hooves tap-tapped along the floor, the sound as neat and attractive as the deer who made them. He passed before the stallion, barely a hand's breadth from his outstretched cock, and took a moment to look up at him and smile. He was an awfully big one; that would be fun. He moved on, passing by the stag, whose smile did not falter, but whose eyes watched Solus with a look that almost made the deer's steps falter. The stallion looked at him in lust; that was normal. The dog looked at him in an adorable, ironically puppy-like way. But the stag looked at him like he was a fine dish: a meal to be consumed in its entirety, with each bite savoured and remembered. How interesting.

Outside, the day was indeed marvellous. Warm sun, and the merest hint of a breeze to ruffle the surface of the pool. A few empty glasses rested on tables where the horse and stag had been having drinks; Solus looked back at the house to see the three males at the door, watching him. They didn't need to ask; he slowly undressed, placing his outfit in a neat pile until he stood naked. He was hard by now, too; his penis jutted out like a little handle. Something to be gripped for leverage. He stepped forward and into the pool, the roughened floor providing purchase for hooves, and sighed with delight. The water did feel soft, and was especially nice after the last few hours of labour. He took a deeper step, letting the water rise to the middle of his chest before pausing and ducking underneath, pushing himself back up again with a whale-like expulsion of breath. The cool water soaked his fur and swept away the fine patina of sweat he'd built up, leaving him smooth and clean and happy. He gathered his thoughts, considering the three clients and what they were like. Preparing for what was to come.

He swam about for a while, his splashes the only noise, well aware of the males that watched him. They all stood by the side of the pool, watching him, each now as naked as he was. The dog and the stag held their members, staring and stroking occasionally...but the horse snorted and huffed as if a fire had been lit inside of him. He was furiously erect; his flare was enormous, bulbous, and shiny, and surrounded with fleshy nubs that looked like they'd feel incredible as they slid around inside a willing ass. The stallion was struggling, that was clear: his attempt to remain as in control as his friends was on the verge of collapse. That should be interesting to see.

Solus finished his swim, emerging from the water like a horned nereid, with silvery liquid streaming down his body. He reached around to squeeze his tail dry, flicking it a few times to throw off the last drops, before walking meticulously over to one of the deck chairs. He slid carefully onto it, lowering himself onto his belly and crossing his arms under his chin for comfort. He sighed with satisfaction, spreading his legs and ensuring that his tail was well lifted to offer his clients a view they could enjoy. A hard hoof-stomp behind him made a smile flash briefly across his face.

"Fuck this!" the stallion exclaimed. "I can't, Nick...I can't...I gotta fucking fuck him, fuuuuck, look at that ass, holy fucking shit..."

"Levi, why the fuck did you agree to this if you can't keep it in your pants for one fucking day?" the dog replied with irritation. "You can't fuck him now. You know the rules!"

"I'm horny! Fuck you!"

"Then go jerk off to some porn! I swear, you fucking idiot, if you ruin this for me...!"

"Gentlemen." The stag's voice intervened reasonably. "If I may offer a solution?"

There was silence, and then Levi said, "Yeah, fuck yeah" in a breathy voice just as Nick said, "I'm fine with this." The deer's curiosity got the better of him, and he turned onto his side to look back at the three males.

The stag had stepped up to the stallion, taking his large member in hand and massaging it as he looked at the horse with a smile. One hand stroked the fat shaft while the other squeezed the flare, scooping up the horse's pre-cum. When his fingers were sufficiently wet, he reached behind himself and rubbed it under his tail before repeating the process. Nick, meanwhile, wandered closer to Solus, taking a seat on an empty deck chair and winking at the deer. The small deer blushed.

"You've put my friend in a real state," he said, staring at Solus' hard cock as he spoke. "I hope that lovely body is prepared for a little rough treatment later."

"I have had stallions before, sir," Solus responded softly, and Nick laughed.

"I'm sure you have," the dog said, "but Levi's blunt-force weapon isn't what I meant." He reached down to stroke himself again, sliding his paw lower until it grasped his sheath. A few hard squeezes were all it took to make it start expanding, and Solus took a sharp breath despite himself. "Yeah," Nick murmured. "Stallions are big...but they don't have knots." He looked down at himself. "Not like this one."

Solus' heart began beating faster for the first time that day.

"But for now," the dog said, stretching out along the deck chair and going back to simply stroking his dick, "let's enjoy the show." His eyes turned away from Solus, back to his friends, and the deer's followed.

Puck had his hands pressed to the wall of the house, his fluffy tail lifted high; sunlight reflected off the pre-cum he'd smeared on his dark ring. "You can hit it hard, big boy," he was saying, swaying his rear from side to side teasingly. "I juiced it up good with your lube, and I rode a toy just as big as you last night. It's as wide open as a cathedral in there right now." He chuckled. "A cathedral for cock."

Levi was staring at the stag's anus with predatory focus, gripping his cock so hard the veins looked about to burst from the surface. He stepped closer suddenly, grabbing the stag's antlers and pulling his head back, making Levi cry out. "So rough," the stag hissed. "You big, dumb horses -- you don't know your own strength, do you? Mmmm...." His ears flicked about as Levi lined his cock up with the stag's rear. "Just big, brutish masses of muscle and spunk and dick. Only good for fucking."

"Shut up," Levi growled.

Puck didn't. "Are you any good at fucking, Levi? Or did the horse gods empty all the mass from that head to make that beautiful cock bigger? It's not all about strength, you know -- well, no, you probably don't know." The stag tutted. "There's a rhythm to sex, Levi, a back-and-forth motion. A flow, if you will. Two parties become joined, but they vacillate about a central point. The longer the balance holds, the more potent the climax." He sighed dramatically. "But with you on one side, the scales just fall over."

"Stop making fun of me." The stallion's nostrils were massive with anger.

"What's there to make fun of? I can't mock a dick. I love dicks, Levi. So how could I bear to rile up one standing right behind me?"

Levi roared and drove into the deer as he pulled back hard on his antlers, making Puck scream into the sky. "Yeah! Ah, fuck, yes! You dumb fucking hot stallion fucking stud, that all you got? Fuck me properly, pencildick! Lemme feel that fat cock you got!"

Solus didn't know if Puck was being truthful, and poking at some sore points for the stallion, or simply trying to drive the horse into a rage, but the effect was the same either way. Levi went from inaction to fully primed, full speed locomotive in a moment. Puck might bellow about how small the horse's dick was, or wanting more -- and he did so, repeatedly -- but he surely couldn't help but feel what was being done to him. His body barely fitted the horse's size; Solus could see his ring stretching about it, thin as a black rubber band. It made the deer's own hole flutter sympathetically to imagine it. And the mass of him...Levi was enormous, and with his hands gripping Puck's huge antlers for balance, the stallion's entire body became the hammer to the chisel that was his prick. That prick slammed into the stag, again and again, each blow so furious that it seemed to Solus each time that his antler-cousin would be cleft apart -- but he survived, and asked for more. Asking became begging, and eventually even the begging dissolved away, and the only noises left were Puck's moans, and Levi's grunts, alternating like the ebb and flow of waves on a beach.

The stallion's orgasm was unexpected and intense -- even to Puck, it seemed. He gave a sudden gasp, saying "Oh, fuck, is that...?" -- only to be drowned out by Levi's trumpeting roar. He pulled back even harder on Puck's antlers, trying to push deeper into him even as he stopped thrusting and just held himself still, a slight tremble running over his muscles. Solus could see the stallion's balls hanging down between his legs; they jerked upward every few seconds, and the deer could imagine how it felt on the other end, with the stallion fully flared, pumping himself into the stag's passage. Soaking it in horse cum...

The horse cum followed the stallion's dick out; Levi released Puck's head and stepped back, dragging his cock loose, and most of his cum with it. It splattered onto the bricks, thick and glutinous, and began to ooze into the cracks between the stones. Levi was breathing hard, but he remained standing; Puck simply slithered to the floor, his own orgasm a wet mess on the wall next to him. The stag lay as if dazed, groaning long and low, with arms outstretched and a happy expression on his face.

Paws clapped, and Solus looked at the dog next to him. "What a show!" Nick barked. "That taken the edge off, Levi?" He laughed when the horse simply gave him the finger back. As the stallion knelt down to help the stag back to his feet, the dog checked his watch and leaned across to Solus. "Three more hours," he murmured, "and that could be you." He nodded at the pleasure-stunned stag lying on the ground, and trailed a finger along the edge of the deck chair the other deer lay upon. Solus watched his finger with careful eyes. It slid up onto the surface, moving closer and closer to his body. Two inches away from him...then one. If the deer shifted unexpectedly, they'd be touching. Would the dog really risk it all now for a simple bit of contact? Did he think the deer wouldn't react?

But the paw stopped, and then pulled back. Nick sighed and leaned in closer. "Three more hours," he whispered, "and you'll be full of this." His paw gripped his knot; it had swollen fully during the impromptu sex show, and the deer gulped at the size of it. Was it wider than the stallion?

It'd be interesting to find out.

Three hours crept by. Nick asked the deer to make them an early dinner, since none of them had had lunch. "Something light," he'd said with a wink. "Don't want to feel bloated for the evening's fun." After scanning the cupboards and fridge, the deer had gone with minestrone soup, cold cuts, and freshly baked bread. The clock on the wall near the entrance had ticked away as he worked, each quiet tock a reminder of what was going to happen. Solus had learned not to go into his appointments with expectations; those were for the clients. If they were satisfied, then so was he, by definition. But as he watched the three males eating his food, giving occasional nods and smiles at the compliments, he couldn't help his eyes dropping to the cocks that were visible under the table -- or the renewed feeling of butterflies as he looked at Nick's thick knot.

The clients finished eating, and Solus began cleaning up. Conversation had slowed as their bellies filled, and now the house was silent. They just watched him. Dishes clinked and water dripped, but in time even that fell still. At some unseen signal, the three males stood together and walked back to the lounge. They settled into the cushions, and when he was done, Solus moved to stand before him. He didn't ask to sit; they'd tell him if he could sit. He simply crossed his hands behind him, fixed his eyes on a spot on the floor, and let them look at him.

None of them said anything. Eyes flickered occasionally over to the clock on the wall, and then back to the deer. Levi was painfully hard again, as if he hadn't cum at all that day. He was playing with his balls, rolling them around in a palm as he stared at the deer with his intense, unbreaking gaze. Puck seemed fully relaxed, and alternated stroking himself, and slipping some fingers up into his horse-loosened hole, a gentle smile on his handsome face.

And Nick...

Nick sat, arms outstretched, not touching himself; he flexed his cock muscles to make the beautiful crimson dick jump about in the air, letting dribbles of clear, powerfully musky dog pre-cum run down the sides and suffuse the air.

Solus knew when the time was near, because all three of the males turned to look at the clock with perked ears and half-open mouths. Levi didn't even notice that drool was running down his muzzle. The deer stood quietly, waiting. When he saw Nick's mouth open, he thought the time had ticked over to six P.M. -- but the dog was just organising. Like a good host.

"Levi, then Puck, then me," he said huskily. "Do it here, so we can all watch."

The horse and the stag's heads turned back to Solus at the same moment, and Levi surged to his feet seconds later. He stepped towards Solus, but looked back at Nick before touching him, as if afraid he'd misunderstood. But the dog grinned and waved a paw grandly.

"You're good. Go for it."

The stallion's hands gripped the deer, and Solus gasped at the first touch he'd felt all day. The stallion's scent was overpowering: he'd taken a swim after fucking Puck, but the aroma of cum lingered on him like perfume, filling the gaps in between the rest of him that merely smelled Big, strong, male horse. Solus closed his eyes, the better to experience it. He loved that smell.

"Fucking knew he felt soft," Levi rumbled, his hands gripping handfuls of Solus' body and tail. One ran across the dull ends of his antlers. "Hehe...little baby antlers. Like a doe."

"Does don't have antlers at all, bud," Puck said behind him.

"You do," the stallion responded instantly, and Nick's snigger was interrupted by what sounded like the slap of a hand on a canine muzzle. The horse ignored his friends, putting his hands on Solus' sides and turning him around. His body pressed up against him, but his cock ground into the deer's lower back, not his ass. "Fuck," he swore, and Solus pressed a slim-fingered hand to the equine's own.

"Sir...if I may?" he asked softly. The horse released him, and the deer trotted over to the kitchen, resting his hands on the counter-top for support and pushing himself up onto the tips of his hooves. The sound of clapping paws came from behind him.

"Pretty, soft, and a problem solver," Nick said. "You sure get what you pay for. Good thinking, pet." The deer blushed with pleasure at the compliment. Levi came up behind him again, his dick now pressing against the deer's rear. His breathing was already short, and he fumbled with his cock, taking a moment to get the flare pressed against the deer's entrance. Then his big arms wrapped around Solus like bent steel girders. "Touching you," he said with a giggle -- and then he started pushing in.

Solus' moan was soft and high as the horse penetrated him. The cock expanded once it got inside his ring, pushing into the deer's willing passage easily; the cervine had come prepared. As the stallion pressed harder, his arms flexed tighter, and he groaned. "He's fuckin' tight", Levi gasped.

"Won't be after you're done with him, I bet," Puck said, and he and Nick chuckled. Solus couldn't see them from his position, but he hoped they were enjoying the sight of the big stallion's cock sliding into his ring. Then thoughts of the others were swept away by the feeling of Levi's medial ring crossing into him. He was more than halfway, then -- and still getting thicker. The little deer stretched his legs as far apart as they would go, his hocks shaking a little from the effort of supporting himself, determined to ensure the stallion's dick would all fit. The mass was riding up inside him, and he could feel it pressing his belly out a little. It was wonderful.

Had Levi not expended the most flammable portion of his lust on Puck earlier, he might have attacked Solus' ass with the savagery of a wild animal. Instead, he was...not considerate, exactly, but certainly understanding. Understanding that the small deer might need a moment to accommodate his dick, as his hips finally pressed against the deer's own, and his cock was fully inside him. It was exquisite. The sensation of being so full of stallion was simply wonderful, no matter how many times he experienced it, and the deer allowed himself a moment to enjoy it. The client's pleasure mattered more than his own, of course, but sometimes, they could both enjoy it.

Then Levi began to fuck.

It was more measured than his earlier fuck, but "more measured" was very relative when dealing with a stallion. He'd pull out about halfway, fast, and then slide back in much more slowly. The cock was so large, Solus felt as if it were about to lift him off the ground entirely. When it slid back into him, he'd feel the bulge in his belly grow, the proof that an entire stallion prick was buried within him. Then out again, slipping along his lubricated walls and giving them a moment's respite before returning.

All the deer felt was flare. It was so thick, so big that the shaft behind it hardly registered. Just the full, hard mass of stallion flare rubbing over his prostate, as if it was seeking it out, making his penis hard and making him gasp with pleasure. The horse seemed to enjoy his feminine sounds, and supplemented them with his own, ultra-masculine snarls, grunts, and snorts. Solus adored it when the horse snorted over his head; the hot breath was just another reminder that he was servicing a stallion. He considered it the most wonderful task he could receive in this line of work.

Hands slid up to hold onto his small antlers, and the deer quivered like jelly at the feeling. "Yes, please, sir," he whispered, unable to stop himself. Levi chuckled.

"Good little pet," he said, stroking the antlers. "Knows his place. Where's your place, pet?"

"Beneath a stallion, sir," Solus responded instantly.

"Doing what?"

"S--serving his needs..."

"Fucking right," Levi said, and he started to fuck faster, holding onto Solus' antlers as he'd held onto Puck's. "Your ass is hot, pet. My dick likes it. I can feel it stretching you. Tight little deer fucktoy getting spread wide by a stallion cock, huh? You love it." Solus didn't answer; every sound he made, every motion of his body already proved the horse's words true. "Bucks are the best fucks," the male continued, his words beginning to sound more strained as he had to take deeper breaths. "They me. Tight...and the same time. Gonna finish you I finished your deer friend." He was fucking really fast now, and Solus fought to keep his balance. "Nice fat load...hnnnn...of my jizz...for you to...hhhuh...remember me..."

The hands on Solus' antlers tightened, and the deer clamped his muscles down on the cock inside him. That did for the horse: he gave a garbled cry, and Solus felt the warmth fill him. It flowed up inside him, reaching farther than the cock had, its heat as instantly recognisable as the way the flare bulged wider within him, its outline visible if he looked down at his belly. Solus gave a soft bleat of happiness as he was filled, closing his eyes to luxuriate in the feeling. It was all the reward he needed.

He didn't even get a chance to turn around when Levi withdrew; a new set of hands grabbed his waist, and as the massive, softening horsecock was pulled out of him, a hand slapped against his hole, keeping the cum inside. "Can't have that being wasted, can we, pet?" Puck's cheerful voice asked, his mouth right next to Solus' ear.

"No, sir," the deer said, breathing heavily.

"No indeed. A travesty is what that would be. Wasting a stallion's hot, white loveliness? Make it a crime, I say. I've still got a little inside me right now, and it's simply...delightful." The large stag sniffed along Solus' neck. "It's rather interesting," the stag said, changing tack, "how much you smell like a doe. Any idea why that might be, pet?"

" not sure, sir," Solus said. The stag had slipped his middle finger into him, allowing him to simultaneously finger the deer and keep the horse cum from flowing out of him. The deer bit his lip to stifle a moan, because the client was still speaking.

"Well, I have a theory," Puck said brightly. "I think it's because you exist for the pleasure of males. Everything you do, everything you say, every time you raise that hot little fluff of's to win the favour of a male. You are, in all but name, a doe, then. Except that a doe can only wish she was as tight and hot as you, pet. Oh, you are marvellous...just feel the firmness of these muscles." His finger squirmed and stroked inside. "Well-trained, aren't you, pet?"

"Yes, sir," Solus said. He'd lowered himself back to his hooves; Puck wasn't as tall as Levi.

"Good doeboy," the stag said. He shuffled about a bit behind Solus, and the deer felt the stag's hand tense up -- and then pull out of him the same moment something thicker replaced it. "Fuck!" the stag cried, sinking his full length into the deer in moments. He wasn't anywhere as long or as thick as the stallion, and with an ass full of cum for lubrication, it was trivial for him to hilt inside the deer. "That's the ticket," the stag murmured, his muzzle pressed into the nape of Solus' neck. "Soft, warm deer ass, swimming in a sea of fertile stallion production. Do not worry, pet, do not fear, my dear. Think of me as nothing more than an older brother, eager to show you the ways of love, and lust, and breeding males..."

He started to thrust, barely pulling out of Solus each time in an attempt to keep as much of Levi's cum inside him as possible. Even so, a thick wash fell to the floor each time, soaking the back of Solus' legs and pooling on the tiles below. The deer did his best to contract around the smaller dick; his muscles had a lot of experience with this sort of thing, and it only took a minute or two to get them to tighten back up from the extreme looseness the stallion had required. As they grew firmer, he could hear Puck's gasps become not only ones of pleasure, but of surprise.

"Even better trained than I thought," he moaned. "Oh, my dear, my little are too wonderful to fuck...don't you dare stop..." His fingertips held Solus around the midsection as his thighs carried the fuck, and he began pulling out further and further each time as his rut rose. He began to bleat: deep, throbbing sounds of cervine satisfaction that made Solus shiver with delight. He loved to please any males -- but pleasing his own was a special honour. "Oh, oh, oh," Puck said, in between echoing bleats, his briefly romantic side now buried under a blanket of lust. "Fuck...fuck...yeah...tight...more...harder, doeboy..._uhhhnnn..._make me cum...come on, bitch...milk my dick...gonna fuck you...nice full ass of stag cum...yeah...c'mon..."

The sound of his wildly skewing thighs was pure carnality. Wet, sloppy slaps into Solus' ass, and sounds of liquid splashing into a puddle as cum continued to dribble out of him. The stag's words devolved into mere bleats, and his hands released the deer, flying forward to grip the counter-top to either side of Solus' own hands. Puck's legs spread wide, and he lifted his tail high as he screamed the arrival of his orgasm, the powerfully tensing muscles causing his ass to expel the stallion cum it still contained, even as his cock throbbed and pulsed his own cervine load into the churned, creamy mix of Levi's offering that remained inside Solus.

The stag's dick fell out of Solus as sloppily as Levi's had, and more cum joined the puddle on the floor. Solus gripped the counter-top, breathing heavily. He did not need to cum; only the clients did. But the switch from monstrously thick horse dick to thinner, more direct deer cock had certainly done a number on his prostate. A little while longer of that, and he might actually have reached his own peak...

"Pet," Nick said, behind him. His voice was firm and commanding. "Come here."

Solus carefully pushed himself upright and turned around, walking dutifully towards the hound. To one side, Levi was collapsed into a chair -- still recovering, apparently -- and Puck had his hands on his hips, his sweaty muscles actually steaming in the cool evening air. Solus paid them no attention, and stopped in front of the terrier, staring straight at him and keeping his hands to his sides. Cum continued to drool down his legs, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was ensuring that this client received the same level of satisfaction as his friends...with perhaps a bit extra. Because he'd been nice.

Nick was stroking his cock, the long, tapered canine member rising from his crotch like a thick, red fertility statue. He'd worked his knot free of the sheath, and it bulged at the base of the dick, huge and crimson and veined. The dog waggled it at the deer and smiled.

"Come sit on my lap, pet."

Solus approached obediently, lifting a leg to rest his knee on the couch to one side of the dog's hips. The canine put his paws under the deer's arms, helping to lift him as he got settled. As Solus' hips widened, more cum began drooling out, dripping onto the dog's penis like thick salad dressing, but he didn't pay it any mind. Nick would say if it was a problem.

The deer braced his ass on top of the cock and carefully lowered his body, the dog's tapered tip slipping into his now thoroughly-loosened ass as smoothly as if made for it. Nick groaned and gave a soft yip as more of himself slid up into the deer's tight, warm body. He was longer and thicker than Puck, and Solus made his own noises of pleasure as his body was stretched out once more. Then he felt his cheeks pressing into two blood-hot bulbs of flesh, and he stopped.

The knot.

Nick looked up at him with lazy eyes, panting. "What'd I tell you earlier, pet?" he asked.

"That I'd be full of your knot, sir," Solus replied. The dog's body was far hotter than the horse or the stag had been. It felt delightful.

"Well remembered, pet," the dog said. He released Solus' body, letting his weight push him down as much as it could, and pushing upward with his hips at the same time. "So, stretch that sexy hole nice and wide for me..."

The knot was about as wide as Levi's flare had been when he orgasmed -- but that had already been inside him by then. Squeezing a mass of that size in from outside -- and without the helpful elasticity of a stallion cock -- was another matter. The deer had received extensive training on handling clients at either end of the size spectrum, but the bull terrier's knot would test those skills. He felt a momentary flash of fear as the knot pressed harder and harder into him -- showing no sign of fitting -- but clenched his teeth and pushed it away. He would do this. He'd done it before, and he'd do it again. It just needed more focus...

His determined expression made Nick laugh, and the dog reached up with one paw to pat the deer's face. "Struggling a little there, pet?" he asked. He stroked down the cervine's body, fanning his fingers over his skin and teasing at his penis.

"No, sir!" the deer said. "Just...concentrating..." He fell silent, focusing on making the muscles relax, getting part of the knot in, and using his weight to get the rest to slip right up in after it...

There was an audible plop as the knot suddenly vanished into the deer, and Solus dropped a few inches onto the dog's crotch. That was matched by a wordless gasp from the hound; the hands stroking Solus' body tensed, and then fell to the side. "Oh, yeah...fuck..." the dog said, his eyes half-closing. "Oh, fuck, that's good..." Solus smiled in delight at the dog's pleasure, and shifted his folded legs around a little to give him more support. Then, raising his body up and dropping it back down again, he began to ride the hound.

Nick's knot seemed incredibly sensitive, because the dog was unable to do anything except lie back against the couch and moan as the deer rode him. It wasn't even that Solus had to move that much; he could only shift the knot about an inch within himself, anyway. But that seemed more than enough to send the canine to whatever place he went to when he was in a state of mindless ecstasy. The deer concentrated on gripping the knot inside himself, almost massaging it through careful tightening and relaxing of the muscles. The big mass felt fantastic inside him, and his own deep pleasure was a happy side effect of his work.

He watched the muscles of the dog's face jerk, his now fully closed eyes sliding about under their lids, and listened to his whimpers and occasional bark. Gently, he reached a hand back, sliding it between the dog's legs and under the canine's balls. Nick had a respectable pair, and the deer began teasing at them, rubbing them gently and stroking the skin. The reaction was immediate: the dog's paws slammed down against the couch, fingers curling into the fabric, his muzzle forming a silent howl. Oh, he liked that.

Solus started to bounce faster on the dog's lap, timing his landings with a tug on the dog's testicles. The canine was breathing fast and shallowly, whining in desperate need. His head whipped from side to side. Solus thought the canine was in pain at one point, and slowed down, but that only got him a wide-eyed, desperate look from Nick.

"Don't stop!" the dog gasped, his voice barely audible.

The deer sped up again, and the dog shivered, and closed his eyes, and shook as if freezing. His behaviour was remarkable; the deer watched it in fascination as the knot inside of him pulsed like a dying star. The deer was finding it hard to ignore the waves of pleasure rolling through him. It was poor form to orgasm before the client -- unless they'd asked for that -- and the deer tried to tamp down the sensations. The problem was, the sensations came from riding the enormous knot inside him, which he needed to do to make Nick happy...

The dog gave a loud bark, startling the deer. Was the hound close? He tried to increase the stimulation he was giving to the bulbous knot inside him, but felt a jump in his own pleasure instead. Were his balls rising? Damnit; too soon! His hand worked the dog's balls expertly, feeling them start to lift as well. Yes...almost there...

It was a huge risk to speak to a client without being invited to. Many of them paid primarily for the deference, not necessarily for the sex. But Solus had seen enough to have an idea of when he could push the boundaries of his job, to give the clients that little extra push that made them book him -- specifically him -- again.

And he knew just what Nick would like.

"Your knot is so big, sir," the deer said, keeping his voice breathy to accentuate its femininity. "I've never had bigger. It's filling me up so much, sir. I love how it feels inside me. I love squeezing against it, sir, I love making you feel good. I want to ride your cock for hours, sir, until you make me scream your name with your big dick, and soak me with your cum." He threw in a loud moan. "Oh, please make me cum, sir...fuck me with your thick knot, sir, and show me how a big strong dog ties his mate..."

Nick howled, and came.

It wasn't fair to say that the knot swelled like a flare; it probably stayed the same size. But it felt like it swelled up as the dog's cum surged along it, making the shaft jerk about inside Solus as it sprayed its watery load into him. It was the least voluminous of the three he'd had that day, but felt all the hotter for it. His sensitive flesh felt seared where it touched him, and that odd sensation on top of the relentless rubbing of the knot was all it took for him to lose control of himself. The deer's hard penis grew redder, the glans smooth and shiny, and thick cervine cum spat out of it in bold little arcs that ended on the dog's hard, muscled belly. As his self-control dissolved into the pleasure of the long-delayed climax, he couldn't help but cry out in his high-pitched voice. "Yes, sir, yes, yes...!" He knew he sounded like a girl, but he couldn't help it -- and Nick didn't seem to mind.

The dog's howl had diminished after a few seconds, and now he simply breathed in and out in short, shallow breaths, as if giving birth. His ears were flat against his head, and his whimpers were happy and frequent. His knot was still throbbing, his dick still jerking; how long did dogs cum for? Solus waited. The peak of his own pleasure had passed, but it still felt delightful to be filled with canine cock, and he slid happily down the long tail of that sensation.

It was ten minutes before the dog's whimpering slowed, then stopped. His eyes fluttered open, and he gave a goofy smile when he saw Solus still straddling him. The dog's paws stroked along his arms, and he took a deep, relaxed breath. "Wheeeew..." His mouth hung open, tongue lolling. "Was that good, pet?"

"Yes, sir," the deer said, surprised to be asked. He was much more used to being asked to get out the moment the client was done. "Thank you, sir," he added. He looked down at the dribbles of cum he'd sprayed onto the dog's belly, feeling a little annoyed with himself. He should have asked for permission to cum, but he hadn't expected the knot to push him that far. "Would you like me to lick that up for you, sir?"

"Oh..." The dog looked down at the mess. "I mean, I very much would," Nick said, "but you're not going anywhere for a while, pet..." He bounced his hips, and Solus felt the knot inside him. Surely they could just pull it out? It had gone in that big, and therefore it could come out. He would just need to...

"...are you?" Nick winked at him, and the deer blushed. Oh. Like that.

"No, sir," he agreed, giving a small smile. He sighed and relaxed a little more. What a pleasant end to the day this had turned out to be. And this was a very comfortable seat, all things considered. His mind, freed of immediate tasks, started running over the events of the last few hours, analysing them for later review. Something occurred to him. "Oh." He turned, looking at the floor behind them. "Sorry about the mess, sir."

Nick blinked. "Huh? What mess?" He followed the deer's eyes, and regarded the cummy hoofprints leading from the pool in the kitchen area to where they sat on the couch. His eyes turned back to the deer's face, but he didn't seem upset -- and then he smiled.

"Are you free tomorrow to do some cleaning?" he asked brightly.

Solus squeezed his ass around the canine monster that joined them. "If I'm not still knotted, sir."

Nick grinned. "No promises," he said. Then he leaned up, close to the deer's face. "So, pet," he asked, his long tongue slipping out to lick the deer's small nose, "who's your favourite now?"

Solus blushed, and opened his mouth to answer.

The Cowboy Way: Release

[This is the second and final part of a single large story that I split in two due to size. Part 1, "Tension", is here: []( ] When Kieran woke, Felix was gone. The horse lay on...

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The Cowboy Way: Tension

Kieran didn't struggle to locate his father when he entered the arrivals hall. His huge sire stood towards the back of the expectant crowds, towering over everyone around him: a mountain of stallion in a field of chattering stalks. The young stallion...

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[Teaser] The Cowboy Way

The two brothers were still looking out of the windows, seemingly unconcerned with conversation, and Keith dared to turn his head a little to either side and run his eyes up and down both of them. Chet's crotch caught his eye with a bulge that looked...

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