
Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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A short piece to fill time while I work out the complexities of a much longer upcoming story.

Thank you to the members of Hoofprints - my Telegram group - for their suggestions and assistance with this piece. Whether you're interested in seeing snippets of upcoming pieces, helping me decide what to write next, like seeing WIPs of my art, wanna provide characters for future art or stories, or just want to chat casually with fun people about shared interests, why not pop in? Readers, writers, and everything in between are welcome :) Join us here:

"Yeah." The rancher sucked thoughtfully on his teeth, a hand resting on the Friesian stallion's thigh. "He's just not interested in 'em at all. They'll practically be squirting into his eye, and he just moves away."

The dark-haired farmer standing opposite him nodded. "It happens," he said. They stood together in one of his fields, next to a tall black Friesian stallion. The rancher's shock of blonde hair looked odd, superimposed against the pitch-black horse. The farmer's sooty mane was a much better match.

"Sure." The rancher frowned. "Hate to lose him, though. He's got a great attitude. Real friendly, very calm. Easiest horse I ever trained." He sighed and patted the stallion fondly. "But I gotta, big guy," he murmured. "Because you don't wanna cover any mares, do you, you big dumbo?"

The farmer chuckled, and the other man gave him a wry smile. They were silent for a while; the farmer let the rancher be alone with his thoughts. It was hard enough saying goodbye to a horse without a near-stranger trying to make things better with small talk. "Well," the rancher said eventually. "Leastaways, you got another horse around to keep him company, huh?" He stared fondly at the big animal as he cropped at some grass. "I don't want him to get lonely."

"Yep." The farmer chucked a thumb over his shoulder. "Caesar's dozing in the stables back there right now. He's also a big friendly lump. Does all the heavy lifting for me around here. I'm sure they'll get on real well."

"Good, yeah." The man nodded. "That's good. He deserves a good home. Being cared for. Getting out and about, doing stuff."

"Of course," the farmer agreed. "All horses do. He'll not want for anything here. I promise."

The man nodded, hardly listening. He took a deep breath, and set his jaw, then slapped the horse firmly one final time before shoving his hands into his pockets. "Whelp," he said in a resigned tone. "Better get back, gonna be a drive." He nodded at the stallion. "See you around, Sam."

"Come by and visit him anytime."

The farmer walked the man back to the front, chatting about anything that wasn't horses. The rancher was clearly hurt to lose his stallion, but as he said: he had no use for horseflesh that didn't breed. As the man's truck drove off, the farmer turned and ambled back to the field. Sam was trotting about, tossing his mane and enjoying himself. He seemed perfectly at home in the field, which pleased the farmer. He watched the black stallion for a while, resting his arms on the fence.

"Sam's not much of a name for you, is it?" he said to the horse. The horse had no comment on the matter. "You're a noble-looking stallion, with that big fancy mane and shiny coat. You deserve a better name than that." He thought for a moment and then chuckled. "How about...Vercingetorix? Caesar will like that." He considered a moment. "That's too long to say, though. How about just...Versin." He nodded in satisfaction. "Yeah." He clapped his hands, making the horse look towards him. "Alright! Let's get your stall sorted, Versin, and you can meet your new friend."

The farmer headed into the stables, and was greeted by a nicker from a stallion already there. Caesar the roan was a little on the small side for a stallion -- a good two hands shorter than Versin -- but he was strong and stocky. Good Clydesdale stock in his past somewhere. Not that that mattered; the farmer had picked him up after his previous owner died, glad to provide a home for the colt. Years later, they were good friends, but the farmer had always wanted a second stallion to keep him company. He simply hadn't been able to afford one -- until a friend mentioned a Friesian that a local rancher needed to get off his hands.

The man petted the roan's nose and made comforting noises at him. "Just letting your new buddy get the lay of the land, handsome," he murmured to the stallion. "I'll let you out in a bit, alright?" The horse nickered back, and the man nodded along as if he understood. "Yeah, it's not nice being in your stall on such a pretty day. You can go play outside soon. I just need to do some work first, because you shit fucking everywhere, you silly thing." Grabbing a spade, he began cleaning out one of the unused stalls.

A while later, the stall was cleaned out and floored with fresh straw. Versin could come and go as he pleased for now; the farmer suspected he might be happier out in the fields for a few nights before deciding to stay indoors. The weather was warm this time of year, so it didn't really matter. As long as the horse felt comfortable and happy in his new home.

The man walked out into the field. Versin was standing in a corner, cropping at some sweet grass, and the farmer wandered closer. The stallion paid him no mind, and the man petted his flank and picked off a few pieces of dirt and grass. "You're a big boy, huh?" he said thoughtfully. The stallion certainly was: his back was barely lower than the tall farmer's head, and his ears perked when his head looked down at the new man in his life.

"So, you don't like mares, huh?" the farmer asked. "I wonder if you don't like them the same way Caesar doesn't." The horse continued to say nothing, and lowered his head to crop at some grass again. The man watched him for a bit, and then looked back towards the stables. "Let's find out."

He walked back into the low building, petting Caesar's nose again when he reached his stall, and then entering it. The roan stood quietly as the man stroked a hand along his flank, before slipping it below his belly to rub around the base of his balls and the opening to his sheath. It didn't take long to get a healthy coating of horse sweat and scent on his hand. He petted the roan farewell again, and headed back out to the field, approaching Versin.

He had his answer even before he reached the horse.

The Friesian's head came up sharply as the man approached, and his nostrils flared. He watched the farmer get closer with a focused expression, and the man hardly had to raise his fragrant hand before the stallion had pressed his nose eagerly against it. His upper lip rose in flehmen, and he alternately snorted up the scent, and whinnied deeply. The man smiled, and leaned to one side; the long, black, dropped horsecock below the horse's belly confirmed his theory.

"Well," he said smugly to the excited stallion. "You and Caesar are going to get along even better than I thought."

The man went indoors briefly to collect a few items, and then returned to the field. He opened the gate to Caesar's stall first, clucking softly to make the horse follow him outside. The roan stood at the entrance to his home, looking out at his field and the strange horse in it. "Don't worry, boy," the farmer told him with a smile, scratching him behind an ear. "You'll like him. I promise. He's like you."

The stallion nickered uncertainly, but after another minute of watching what the other horse was doing, he clopped forward. Versin had been watching Caesar himself from across the field, and the two horses slowly approached one another. Cautious optimism seemed to be the feeling, and apart from a few tossed manes and wary whinnies to establish dominance, they ended up alongside one another without incident, sniffing curiously. Caesar seemed to decide that he could bear to live with the Friesian, and started eating. Versin, though, was a little more insistent in his evaluation. His cock had gone back into his sheath after the man had left him alone, but now -- as he sniffed at the other horse's rear, and at his musky underbelly -- he began to drop again.

Caesar only noticed the attention when the Friesian's nose pressed against his doughnut. His tail began whisking side to side, before rising fully. He was very familiar with attention at his rear, and it didn't take much to get him eager. Versin nickered again, far more deeply, and walked around to nose intently at the stallion's hole. His cock had hardened somewhat, and the semi-stiff flesh swung side to side below him as he moved about, like a loose bowsprit. His dick was long and thick; the farmer thought it must be a good twenty inches, and when he knelt down to grab it, he couldn't surround its heft with a single hand. Not that that mattered. He was just happy to be able to touch a horse's prick.

As always, he was amazed at the feeling of it. Hotter than expected; the blood thundering through it made it even more fiery than the warm day, and it throbbed with the animal's every massive pulse. The shaft was firm, but not hard, and the flare -- when he took a moment to grasp it in his other hand -- was softer than the rest. He could squeeze it gently, like warm putty, admiring the texture and the way the creases in the skin smoothed out as the horse's erection grew harder and longer.

Versin only knew that he was being pleasured, and his enthusiastic whinny and thrusting against the farmer's hand made the man chuckle. "Yeah, yeah...I've got something better for you than a hand job, stud," he told his new companion. "Just be patient." He released the flare and stroked along the shaft some more, loving how the dark flesh shimmered in the sun, and grasped the stallion's balls gently to admire their weight. The heavy testicles were amazing, and the man moved his head forward to sniff at them a little. Sweaty, musky horse: same as Caesar. He felt his own pants growing tight, and -- letting the horse's dick fall -- stood up again.

"Let me show you the best place for that big cock, boy," he said, patting Versin's side. The horse slapped his hardening member against his belly in response and went back to sniffing at Caesar. The farmer walked around him to Caesar's ass, gently nudging the Friesian's inquiring nose aside. The roan stood with his tail still held high, quivering in the air. A few soft strokes over his doughnut made the smaller stallion quiver like a mare in heat, and the man smiled. Caesar adored anything that touched his ass...or went into it.

The man took a step back and undressed, sighing with pleasure as the sun began warming his exposed flesh. The farmer was a human match for the roan: stocky and strong, with the powerful muscles of a person who did hard labour every day. His hard, upright cock was a deep crimson by now, driven to erection by the beautiful, sexual horses standing in front of him. He stroked it a few times, groaning softly, and then fished a tube of lube from the pocket of his discarded jeans. He snapped the cap open and squeezed a healthy dollop out onto his palm before tossing the tube aside. As Caesar nickered happily from the nosing, sniffing attention he was getting from his new friend, the man smeared lube across his asshole. The horse enjoyed that; he knew what it meant, and pressed back into the feeling. The farmer smiled and slipped his middle finger into the stallion's hole, the well-lubricated digit sliding in easily. Caesar's excited whinny -- and the feeling of his anus clamping down eagerly on the finger inside him -- made the man grin.

"Got something even better for you today, boy," he murmured, stroking the stallion's leg with his other hand, feeling the taut veins and warm muscle. "Versin's a big boy. Quite a bit bigger than you. A lot bigger than me. And he definitely likes you." He continued to lubricate the stallion's hole, adding a second finger to make the horse nicker in pleasure some more, until he was satisfied every inch he could reach was slick and ready. He wiped his hands clean on his pubic bush before reaching down to grab a second item from his jeans: an oversized horse condom.

He pressed his hand against Versin's nose again to make the stallion trumpet with lust, and coaxed him around to stand behind Caesar. The farmer wondered if the horse had ever mounted before; with his lack of interest in females, and having previously lived at a stud breeding facility, he doubted it. But instinct was a powerful teacher, and as soon as the Friesian was presented with the rear of a horse, he knew what to do. A powerful push with his hind legs sent his front soaring upwards, and he thudded down atop Caesar's back with a force that made them both grunt, and sent the black stallion's cock swinging wildly to either side. He was fully erect now. Caesar quivered a little under the extra weight, but for all his smaller size, he was a powerful farm horse, and his legs flexed and held up.

The man made a grab for Versin's dick as soon as the stallion thumped down on top of his mate, and quickly tugged the condom onto it as he tried to keep a grip on the huge thrusting member. He'd given this condom a little something extra when he was inside: a couple sprays of a mild numbing agent he'd picked up online. It was aimed at men who needed to last longer in bed -- and if there was ever a male that the farmer wanted to see last longer, it was a stallion.

With the condom affixed, and Versin's frantic thrusting growing stronger by the second, the farmer let the cock go. Versin screamed in excitement, and his hips went berserk, trying to find the hole that his instincts told him must be there. His cock slipped all over Caesar's rear, his own greasy pre-cum only adding to the slipperiness of the lube the farmer had added. The man reached for the cock again, guiding its aim higher, towards the shiny, flexing hole of muscle above where a mare would be...

With a deep trumpet of complete triumph, Versin found it, and punched inside.

Caesar whinnied loudly as his new friend's cock slammed into his ass, and the farmer heard the meaty smack of the roan's cock slapping against his belly. The smaller horse had braced his legs and was actually pushing back against his mate. Versin didn't seem to notice; the rutting horse's face was angled upward, eyes half-closed, hips pounding away at Caesar's hole. The man felt a little jealous, which was stupid: the Friesian would tear him in two with that monstrous prick if he ever dared to try to take it in himself. He wasn't stupid. He'd just have to live vicariously through Caesar.

The man slipped closer to the fucking stallions, eyes fixed on the incredible sight of the Friesian's thick penis thrusting and withdrawing from his mate, over and over. Versin didn't waste any effort on care, or take his time; he was fucking as hard and as fast as he could, right from the start. Between the condom and the spray, the farmer's plan seemed to be working: it rarely took stallions more than a few seconds to cum, in his experience. This stallion seemed no closer to orgasm than when he started. Artificial stamina.

The farmer slid one hand under Caesar's belly to fondle his cock, as the roan stallion grunted and snorted. Pre-cum was drooling freely from his cock, making a puddle underneath him on the ground, and the man caught some on his fingers, sucking eagerly on them to taste the stallion. "Does he feel good, Caesar?" he asked his horse. "He's fucking you really hard, boy...I know you like that." Only happy nickers answered him. "Bet you love the feeling of that big dick in you, you lucky thing." He slid his hand up to fondle Caesar's furry balls and sighed as he let his mind lose itself in the sight and sound and smell of horses mating. "I made him last extra-long for you this time, boy. Well...for me, too, if I'm honest." He slid his free hand closer to Caesar's ass, feeling the flesh stretch every time Versin's fat prick tugged outward. "He's not gonna put any foals in you this time, though. This time's for me. You can have his babies next time."

He dared to place a hand directly on Versin's cock, right at the entrance to Caesar's body, to rub it as the horse fucked: all lust and horny animal. The heavy animal threatened to crush his hand against Caesar's rear on each slam, but it was worth the risk. The shaft was coated with lube by now, and hotter than before. It made the man's own cock jerk -- and his breathing grow ragged -- to watch this absolute stud, this avatar of masculinity fucking another male. No dissembling, no confusion, no delay: Versin needed to fuck, and so he did. The farmer enjoyed being treated the same way by his hookups. But none of them were as big as this stallion, and none of them smelled of powerful, otherworldly equine musk. The man looked up at the black stallion as he felt the horse's cock sliding back and forth through his palm, glorying in his strength, his muscles, his shining hair, the way his balls swung about as he fucked. The nuts knocked against his hand as the horse's hips swayed, heavy and full. They'd empty themselves in time, and the farmer would get what he sought.

The man walked back to Caesar's side, gripping the roan stallion's flare and massaging it. A couple of minutes in, and the horse was still going. Even a big strong stallion like the Friesian had limits, though, and his body wasn't used to fucking for this long. The farmer could see his thrusts begin to slow. "I think we better help your new guy finish off, Caesar," he said. His hand expertly worked the smaller stallion's flare, stimulating the horse as best he could. Caesar whinnied, head lifted to the sky, nostrils flared. "Yeah, boy...cum for me, stud," the farmer growled. He continued to work the stallion's flare with one hand, and stroked the horse's chest with the other, nails scraping gently through his belly hair. "Let's make your boyfriend cum, too..."

Caesar's hoof thumped, and his head shook wildly to either side. The farmer could feel the tip of the horse's cock growing in his hand, first filling it...then expanding beyond it. The roan's flare was massive, and he was ready to orgasm. "Yes, boy," the farmer growled. "Come on, you can do it...almost there..."

The roan stallion's epic trumpeting was accompanied by a hot, hard spurt into the man's hand. He gasped as the liquid splashed off his palm and over his body, followed moments later by another two. The smell was incredible, and he could vividly imagine how Caesar's ass would feel to Versin: his cock being gripped, massaged, teased to its own climax as his mate's prostate pulsed and pumped its load out. The big stallion must be able to feel that, even through the condom, and it was no surprise when his thrusts halted seconds later, cock buried inside the other stallion. The man turned to watch the big horse pump his load into his ersatz mare, groaning and panting with his own unsatisfied lust and need.

Caesar's squirts gradually turned into dribbles, and the man rubbed his cum-soaked hand across his chest before letting the slippery, softening cockflesh fall. Versin was still on Caesar's back, but he was about to dismount. The farmer gripped his cock as it slithered out of the other stallion's anus like a wet snake, and caught the condom before it fell off. Versin landed back on all fours, snorting and blinking in the light as if he'd just awoken from a dream. The man patted his muzzle with his free hand. "Good boy, Versin," he said. His other hand held the top of the large horse condom, hefting it to feel the weight of its contents. As the two satisfied stallions wandered off, nuzzling at one another, the man grabbed the bulb of liquid through the latex, squeezing and stroking it. Fuck...the Friesian's load felt as big as a zebra's.

With shaking hands, he lifted the condom over his head, gently upending it. A stream of pale viscous semen drizzled down over him and down his body, soaking into every hair, every nook he had: down his chest, through his body fur, and into his crotch. His cock felt like iron as he felt the stallion's masculinity covering him. His mouth licked eagerly at it as it ran down his face, tasting the raw animal sexuality of it. And when the last drop fell, so did his hand; he sucked the remnants from the latex container with a greedy tongue, then slipped the large condom over his own agonisingly hard cock and jerked himself off as fast as he could. Whimpering with lust, eyes shut, he relived the sight of the two males rutting; fucking one another with bestial abandon until their bodies crested and their cocks jerked and flared and exploded with hot, delicious seed...

Both horses looked over when the man screamed into the sky, staring curiously at the sight of a human with one hand holding a used horse condom over his dick, and the other frantically fingering himself with a cum-lubed finger. The farmer emptied himself into the condom that had only recently been wrapped tight around a horse cock, his meagre offering a shadow of what it had held before. His mind was filled with stallions, and a vision of their godlike bodies, and muscles...and dicks.

When the intense climax faded, he collapsed to the grass, panting, sweat and cum mingled on his skin. Caesar walked over, nosing at his owner and licking his salty skin. The man chuckled and patted the horse's nose, then lifted the well-used condom and squeezed out a little cum for the stallion to lick at. Beyond, Versin stood, having a meal; his cock was hanging out, loose and happy. The farmer sighed as he looked at it, and then he looked back at the roan.

"I'm gonna have to work on my stamina with you boys around now, huh?" he said happily.

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