Land of the Lawless: Chapter 2

Story by Skyclaw Eallec on SoFurry

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#3 of Land of the Lawless

Something short, but made of action. Don't worry, something longer will be coming your way soon enough. This chapter was just an excuse to have some action-y fun.

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With the contract in full effect, and having gained legal immunity for this bounty by the Peacekeeper Corps, Diamond Ace reviewed the bounty in question. The only thing that set the wolf she was hunting apart from the rest of his gang was a black patch of fur over the right side of his muzzle.

Diamond Ace sat on the edge of a building far away from a place that the gangster is known to frequent for protection money. Her sights were trained on the antique door, which is something that Thonov is renowned for. A hovercar landed down in front of the shop, where her target stepped out of, a tall male bird following his steps, the armour resembling angels for some odd reason. Which was odd, since his file told that the gangster she was sent to kill only recruited wolves for his gang.

Dismissing those thoughts as the gangster went inside, Diamond Ace focused and stared intently at the door, noticing the hovercar moving away to a different spot. It took a few minutes, potentially more of a beatdown than a shakedown, but the gangster did walk back out again. As soon as the antique door opened, Diamond Ace pulled the trigger, the sniper rifle firing a heavy bolt of plasma towards the gangster.

But the bolt was blocked by the bird, a wide shield emanating from his armour. The gangster ran away, obviously smart enough to know when there's an attempt on his life.

Diamond Ace growled, and removed her eye from the scope. She slung the rifle back onto the mag strip and began to run after the gangster, using the built-in jets to get her over the gaps between rooftops. She had to catch up to the gangster before he got away.

She ran to the edge, pulling the rifle back into her wings. She saw the gangster running on all fours, like their feral ancestors from long ago. She looked through the scope once again, following the gangster's movements. A moveable wing feather slowly pressed against the trigger, pulling it. But a force knocked her side.


The plasma shot was sent hurtling into the air, of no threat to anyone. Diamond Ace looked to where it came from, seeing a bird now in demonic styled armour, a helmet hiding his face from view, and a colour scheme of black brimstone and a fiery red. Acting quickly, Diamond Ace aimed at her assailant and pulled the trigger again, which isn't recommended with a plasma rifle this powerful, but it was only a recommendation.

She saw something that should've not been possible. Her assailant's armour changed states, for lack of a better term. Every panel somehow flipped from the black and red to white and gold. That's when she recognised just who this bird was.

It was the gangster's bodyguard.

The bird crossed his wings, and an external shield manifested itself in front of his wings. The bolt of plasma hit the external shield and dispersed. With the immediate threat out of the way, the bird took down the external shield and his armour flipped back to the black and red. A Materiblade emerged into view and the bird charged at her.

Diamond Ace dropped her rifle, since having it on the mag strip would do no good. She pulled on a section of her boot, a Materiknife blade out of the tiny hilt. When the other bird swung his Materiblade at her, Diamond Ace used her jets to move off to the side.

'Must kill the gangster, not this dumb bird,' Diamond Ace thought, leaping off over to the next building to follow her target.

As she kept leaping between the buildings to catch up to the still-fleeing gangster, Diamond Ace kept looking back at the other bird, who was leaping across the same gaps to catch up to Diamond Ace, but was still a fair distance away to get a single shot in.

She pulled the high powered rifle off of the mag strip and lined up the shot. She slowly squeezed the trigger, the shot lined up just ahead of the gangster.


The rifle fired the bolt of plasma, and the super hot mass hit the wolf gangster in the side of the head, the wolf violently falling off onto his side.

She heard footfalls behind her, so she pulled out her Materiknife and spun around. But, the bird slowed to a stop, leaning over and started heaving his lungs out. He raised a wing and pushed a button on the underside of his armour's collar, and the helmet split off into tiny sections and rolled back into the helmet.

Revealing the bird was another falcon, a disfiguring scar on the right side of his beak.

Diamond Ace was confused about his actions. She just shot his boss, so why wasn't he going to kill her in kind?

Thinking nothing else of it, she contacted the Peacekeeper Corps about her completion of the contract. When they asked for confirmation, she sent a picture of the corpse to them, which she got the payment for the bounty.

She turned back around to look at the other falcon, but he disappeared without a trace.

Thinking nothing of it, Diamond Ace went back to her ship, making sure to keep out of sight, now that her deal with the Peacekeeper Corps is nearing it being all null and void.

Land of the Lawless: Chapter 1

"Where are you going to start with this waste of time?" "Now, now, no need to be pushy." "I'll be pushy if I want to be, since you're on my property." "I'm assuming you know the infamous Diamond Ace?" "Pfft, who doesn't know the name? Why is that...

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Land of the Lawless: Chapter 0

She never knew just how long she has gone on for. Just how long she's been lying there, looking through the scope of her rifle and waiting for her target to come by. Not that she's going to actually make it due to the wound on her side. She can...

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Voided Traveller: Chapter 8

The two sat by a fire, the sky the dark blue and offset by the triple moons and stars. Lexiss was sitting on a rock, looking over the edges of the twinblade, a whetstone at the ready, while Skyclaw was on one knee sorting out the amethysts gained...

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