Merc for Hire (Vore Story)

Story by mzmm on SoFurry

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This story was released 3 days early for my Patrons! Wanna see all my stories early, see WIPs and play early versions of my games, along with other cool benefits? Check out my Patreon!-

Hoo boy. This is a doozy. A 9000 word commission for SnivyRump420, telling the tale of one Trinity Von Raven: a time-traveling mercenary who has a unique way of disposing of his targets...


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?The year is 2338. A time much like our own, to the surprise of most people reading this. Technology had mostly stopped its rapid advancement after the selfish surface-dwellers had destroyed and taken the environment from themselves; all the survivors funneled underground, pledging to create a world more resourceful and smart, a society that could be sustainable for centuries and centuries. That is where we find ourselves today.

One major scientific breakthrough had been made before all was halted by the passage of time and the draining of the seas, however. That was the discovery of time-travel.

At first, it was mostly used for so-called "time tourism". Paying people to let you experience the most important moments of history: the fall of Rome, the end of World War II, the Titanic, the list went on and on...often the payments for such services went to the advancement of the sciences, so most weren't bothered by it. But as soon as the technology got in the wrong hands, that is where things got out of control...

That is where our story begins. With a mercenary named Trinity Von Raven, contracted to track down all the dangerous criminals that had escaped into the past, the future, and everything in between. The orange tabby cat spun a pencil on his clawed finger as he sat in his small office. "Trinity Von Raven: Time-Traveling Mercenary For Hire" was printed in big, white letters on the glass window letting him look out onto the busy streets beyond him. It was almost 11 am and he had absolutely NO jobs brought to him...most days were like this, but usually there was at least some sort of distraction to keep time moving. No such distraction had graced the tabby yet today.

Thankfully, that was about to change. Trinity spotted a familiar character walking past his window: Kane Long. Kane was a beefy, grizzled rhino whose jobs filled most of Trinity's work days. He was actually a retired mercenary most of the stuff he presented was challenging, engaging work as well. No purse snatchers from Kane, that was for sure!

The rhino banged a few times on Trinity's open door...before coming in anyway. "Morn, Trinity." Kane said as he walked up to the cat's desk, taking a seat before Trinity even offered one to him. Kane meant business.

"About time, Kane. What's the matter, did the corner store run out of donuts this morning?" the tabby joked as Kane slammed a folder down on his desk. Kane did not laugh at Trinity's joke. His face barely changed at all.

"In fact, they did not." the rhino said as he slid the folder across Trinity's desk, tapping on the slot for the name. "Dennis Tieman. Mob boss. The latest in a series of high-up mobsters to escape justice. You've caught a few of them already, so this shouldn't be much trouble for you."

"Heh. Yeah, I have..." the tabby trailed off as a hand reached down and pinched a bit of fat on his gut. He caught them, all right. Caught ALL of them. Nothing left behind.

Kane continued. "As you can see in the dossier, he was last seen in the market district of town. That's probably where the mob moved their time portals, considering we destroyed their whole warehouse last time...anyway. There have been a few cops spotting him in several different time periods, but nothing definitive. It seems like he's always ready to disappear into another one...I'm surprised they built up that sophisticated of technology that quickly."

Trinity thumbed through the folder. Medieval times. Always a pain in the ass. "They could just have had a fully decked-out portal in storage somewhere. A backup, ready to be moved in whenever somebody blew up the old one."

The rhino just grunted at Trinity's suggestion. "Perhaps. The point is, they've got a new one up and running, and they've funneled one of their highest-ups through it. You think you can snatch Dennis?"

Trinity looked through the dossier for a few more minutes before looking up at Kane. "The last time I went back to the middle ages, I almost got the black plague."

Then, he smiled. "Of course I will."

"That's the Trin I know!" Kane said as the two of them stood up, Trinity gladly shaking the rhino's hoof-hand as he held the dossier in his other hand. "Gimme three days max and you won't be dealing with Dennis anymore." the cat said as he stepped away from his desk, putting on his black trench-coat and grabbing his holstered revolver. "Hell, I already had lunch, so I might as well start now. I'll lead ya out, Kane." the tabby said as he stepped past Kane, opening the door out into the streets as he buttoned up his long coat. He let Kane walk past him, giving the rhino a wave before closing the door behind him and turning around. Hidden in the darkest corner of his office was another door; a small one, which Trinity opened and stepped through, leading into a long hallway...and then a dark, rickety staircase. After going down it, Trinity flicked a lightswitch in the corner of the room - to reveal something quite complex.

A large metal ring sat in the center of this small room, complete with a small set of stairs in the front up to some sort of small platform in front of the ring. Off to the right side of this contraption was a small panel, full of dials and buttons and displays. Trinity walked up to this panel, pushing a finger down on one of the buttons - which made one of the screens light up with a brilliant glow. He started to type on an on-screen touch keyboard that came up not shortly afterwards. "Let's see here..." Trinity mumbled to himself as he flipped through the folder Kane had given him. "Hmm. 1305, London...I guess that's an interesting time. No black plague, at the very least..." the cat continued as he punched in a few more things, namely the coordinates he was given and a few other smaller things. Then, he pressed a rather large, red button right in the center of the panel...

And the metal contraption whirred to life. Gears started to turn and machinery clicked, but Trinity wasn't surprised. It was like turning a computer on. He just needed to wait a few moments, and then it would be all up to snuff. And, sure enough, small protrusions on the inside of the ring started to light up with a green, flame-like plasma...something. There were eight of these protrusions, and they started to fire these lasers across from each other, creating a wonderful pattern of light inside the ring. Lastly, the green light started to fill in the gaps between the lines...and, eventually, it revealed a green, swirling portal. A time portal.

"Good, I don't need to get this thing repaired after all." the cat commented as he brushed a bit of dust off of his jacket, stepping up the stairs and finding himself on the small platform in front of the panel. He did one last check to make sure he had everything he needed, before stepping into the green void in front of him...

Trinity blinked. In a split second, his eyes went from enveloped in green fog to the inside of a...barn? The time portal dropped you off in a random location near your coordinates (unless you enabled an override). Either way, the cat was now laying in a bed of hay, a bit dizzy from the sudden change of surroundings. It was normal, but every time it happened, it caught Trinity off guard. "Erf...better places to end up." the cat said as he stood up, brushing the hay off of his trench coat and starting to stumble around in the dark. He could flick on the flashlight on his phone, but he didn't want to startle any animals that might be laying down in the barn or something - causing a huge panic as soon as he arrived in a new time period was certainly not the best way to be stealthy!

It took him a bit to feel around the barn before he found his way out, but eventually he did find a sliding door that he was able to pry open. The light from outside hurt his eyes quite a bit...but it was worth seeing the visage that lay beyond the light. There weren't many buildings around this barn - a few small, medieval style houses. But the amount of the world untapped by nature was stunning. Trees growing to such impressive heights, only barely interrupted by homey dirt paths through the woods to the larger cities. Trinity could see some mountains just beyond the horizon, peaks kissed with the embrace of ice and snow. And the air - oh, goodness! So fresh and clean...

"Damn. Every time I think I'm not gonna be impressed..." Trinity said as he started to walk down the small wooden path to the city. The cat had never even seen a tree, or natural sunlight in his own time period; so every time he came back, the wonders of nature astounded him once more. It made him long for the surface, even though he was born long after it was declared dead.

Thankfully, the wooden path was empty of any intelligent life to gawk or be alarmed by Trinity's presence. Over the horizon, though, the cat could see buildings start to rise, and he knew he would have to sneak into the city to avoid alarming anyone. There weren't any guards or anything, but there was still plenty of foot traffic around. Mostly a bunch of peasants and people of that ilk, but there was a certain person making their way through the crowds that definitely looked like they didn't belong there. A time tourist who got lost, perhaps? Or maybe...

Crouching down behind a tree, Trinity quickly pulled the folder he had out of his pocket and thumbed through the thing until he found a picture of this "Dennis". He looked down at the picture, then back up at the guy wandering through the crowds. It was a bit tough to tell from this distance, but they definitely looked VERY similar. Certainly worth following up on. Trinity packed up his stuff quickly, crouching low and using the brush to his advantage to get a closer look. It was at this time that Trinity showed his hand in terms of weapons. He already had a revolver at his side, but he had plenty more up his sleeves...

Trin waved his hand on the ground of the forest...and in a few seconds, he pulled out one hell of a piece of technology from the ground. It was a DSR-50 sniper rifle, seemingly materialized right beneath the cat's fingertips! It came with its own tripod for the cat to balance it on, as well! Though he could certainly take down Dennis with this alone, it wasn't exactly...sneaky. It would definitely cause a riot. No, Trinity just wanted to use the scope on the rifle to confirm who he was after.

The cat crouched even lower onto the ground, before closing one eye and looking through the scope. It took a second for him to find his target, but once he did, it was clear as day. That was Dennis Tieman. And it looked like he was walking into some sort of large building. Perhaps a warehouse? The thatched-hut building looked like it was about to fall apart, but whatever. Trinity had his man. The cat immediately scrambled to his feet, letting his rifle fade back away into non-existence as he jumped out of the bush and made his way into the town.

He stayed to the forests, to keep it from looking like anything but a wild animal running through the bushes and trees, until he reached a wall. Right beyond that wall was the warehouse...thankfully, the build quality of this wall wasn't great either. There were plenty of rocks jutting out of it that Trinity could grab, and within a few moments he was scaling the wall like he was born to do it. He hopped over the thin rock structure, and landed on his feet right in a tiny alley between the wall and the warehouse. It was dark as hell, and a little grimy, but Trin was able to find his way out relatively came the tough part. He had no idea of what this building looked like on the inside, and just walking inside would probably alert his target (or anybody else inside, for that matter). Was there a different way to get inside..?

Trin stepped out of the alley to see a bustling marketplace. There were so many people walking around that he looked completely normal in the crowd - and even if he looked weird, there were certainly some odder things walking around to grab attention. He turned around to get a look at the building - and saw that one of the doors was propped open. It didn't look like it was the main entrance, either - it was off to the side, almost hidden behind another building. Perfect. The cat snuck over to the open door, making sure to not make any sudden movements...and then he entered the building.

Quietly, and slowly, of course. Sidling along the walls to make sure he had the right guy and that he didn't alert his target to his presence. Thankfully, there was a big wall of sorts along the left side of the room beyond the door, so Trinity could peek around the corner...

Dennis was standing, back to Trinity, talking to someone Trinity didn't recognize - mostly because they were dressed head-to-toe in a long, black cloak. He couldn't hear exactly what they were talking about, but there was clear banter and exchange of goods taking place. The cat did some quick thinking, and decided to wait until this cloaked person had finished their business with Dennis before taking down his target. The cat stood frozen, back to the wall, as he tried to pick up whatever they were talking about. He was able to weasel out a few words, but they were all disconnected and he had no idea of how to piece them together. Thankfully, it sounded like the two were at the end of whatever deal they had made; and, indeed, a few moments later, Trinity could hear movement. He peered around the corner for just a second, to see the cloaked figure walking out the other door - and Dennis turning around to look right at the cat!

Trinity was just barely able to hide behind the wall again before Dennis saw any part of his body. At this point, he would have to take down his target right now, right when he walked past the cat. Those few seconds of waiting were so tense...until Trin, out of the corner of his eye, saw the first bit of Dennis walk past that wall. The wall of no return.

With unbelievable speed, Trinity immediately rushed forward, throwing all his weight against Dennis, slamming the stoat right to the ground almost immediately. "What the fuck!?" Trinity heard the stoat's voice come, muffled underneath him as he struggled underneath Trinity. The cat calmly pinned Dennis down, as he started to proceed with his pre-prepared little script. "You have been arrested for evading arrest. Please do not continue to evade arrest, you will now be taken into custody..." Trinity droned on in a monotone as Dennis continued trying to push up against the cat. Trin stared right into the stoat's eyes for a few moments...before slowly opening his maw wide.

"Agh. Fuck! Fuck! Stop! You can't do this to me..." Dennis yelled as he watched Trin's mouth slowly start to consume his vision. Trinity was going to take him into custody all right - in quite a wet and cramped jail cell, to boot! This was just business for the cat - even though his stomach was growling, he wasn't going to stop and savor the mobster's taste. He was just gonna pack him away as fast as he possibly could - so his jaws quickly pried themselves as wide open as they could, the cat's tongue slurping along Dennis's snout as his upper jaw and teeth fit snugly over the stoat's lithe head. Dennis was clearly putting up a struggle, but his shouts were quickly absorbed by Trinity's throat, just as the cat's ample weight absorbed any blows he could get out. His lower jaw fit perfectly over the stoat's chin, and just like that, the stoat's whole head was trapped in Trin's mouth. He took a bit of time slurping over Dennis's face with his tongue, matting the stoat's fur in sticky, fishy cat drool. He guided the stoat to the back of his throat as quickly as he could, and then, with a thick *glrp!*, Dennis was neck-deep in cat gullet.

With a good bit of the stoat secured in his throat, Trin could get into a more favorable position for getting down the rest of the weasel. He slowly pulled most of his weight off the noodly stoat, falling back on his rump as he gripped the stoat's body with both hands, firm enough to keep his struggles from actually interrupting the cat's meal. His greasy gullet claimed another few inches of the stoat's body with a rippling swallow, Trinity's jaws fitting over the stoat's rather slim shoulders with no trouble whatsoever and allowing him to continue gulping down the weasel with ease. Once his throat got a hold of Dennis, it wasn't willing to let go; even when the cat wasn't consciously swallowing, his throat muscles were constantly pulling the stoat deeper, rippling waves of flesh going through the motions of peristalsis to filter the cat's big meal into its new home. As Trin continued to gulp the stoat down, he could feel Dennis's struggles start to reignite as the stoat started to be shoved out into his rumbling gut. It was a bit uncomfortable, but not anything that the mercenary couldn't handle; he just thumped at his stomach with a hand to calm the stoat down before throwing his head back and swallowing once more, the stoat's legs now the only thing left for Trin to capture. Hell, this was so easy! Dennis was the perfect shape to slurp down, the cat was surprised that he was the first one to get to him...

The cat's gut was starting to swell and bulge considerably now that a good portion of the stoat was shoved inside. Trin reached down to rub his gut a little bit, feeling quite satisfied as it continued to grow and fill up. His belly had been rumbling and groaning for what had felt like hours at this point, so finally having it start to be filled up was an absolutely heavenly feeling! He still had a bit of the stoat to get through, though - he couldn't get complacent quite yet! His tongue started to wrap around the stoat's legs, getting a firm grasp of the noodly appendages and letting his warm, hungry breath wash over them. He teased them a little bit, licking in little spots, letting Dennis know he had claimed him entirely...before, with a wet *shlrrrrrp* and a deep *glrp*, they were gone. Nothing but a bulge travelling down the mercenary's throat and a swollen, growing belly...

"Urf. Gotta get better at scarfing them down quicker..." Trinity grumbled as he fell back onto the ground, his stomach groaning and churning as the cat forced a sudden shift of weight upon it. His belly sagged down to his sides, quickly stretching over the shirt he was wearing; and the trench coat? There was no way he would be able to fit that thing around his gut, especially considering Dennis was - oof - being a real problem right now. He was not a fan of being encased in those slick, slimy belly walls, and he was putting up quite a fight as they attempted to squeeze and soften him up! The stoat was definitely one of the easiest crooks to capture, but contain? That was another story...

The sun was starting to set, and thankfully, the door behind Trinity was closed, giving him time to laze around and digest a bit before he returned to his own time. Dennis was still putting up quite a fight, even as Trinity started to hear (and watch) his gut really start to get to work. Muffled shouts, curses, and sharp kicks from Dennis gradually gave way to murmured curses, accompanied by copious amounts of *glrrrg*s and *shlrrrshh*s and all sorts of wonderful belly sounds, which started to overpower Dennis's noises and struggles. The environment inside Trinity's stomach was starting to get more and more hostile, stomach walls pressing in and massaging the stoat's fur with a soupy combination of acids and enzymes and all sorts of goopy fluids. Not painful, but definitely cramped, uncomfortable, and tingly for the stoat...which is exactly what a criminal like him deserved! Trinity had to stifle a deep belch as he felt his stomach tighten around the Dennis-soup that was starting to form in his belly, not wanting to make toooo much noise and maybe make the cat have to turn some inquisitive soul into a second course.

Trinity hadn't really left from the spot he had laid down in for a few hours. He was drifting in and out of consciousness during that time, the energy needed to digest such a large meal making it difficult to move. A food coma, if you will. But, eventually, his stomach did its job enough to the point where Trinity could finally stumble to his feet; the criminal's struggles all but finished at this point, his form reduced to a healthy, sloshing paunch as the rest of him worked his way through the merc's bowels. "Mmh...he's already gonna make good belly fat, that's for sure." the cat commented as he hefted his gut up and down, hearing its contents slorsh inside delightfully. "Hhf...alright Dennis, it's time to get you back." Trinity said to his gut, turning around and pushing the door behind him open - with his stomach, of course - and walking out into the medieval midnight.

Somehow, the black night of this little medieval town was even more beautiful than the midday forest. No light pollution, a natural inky-black sky with stars glittering every which way you could was breathtaking, honestly. A wonderful sight to behold, for sure. Trinity wished he could have sat here and just laid in the grass and watched them twinkle forever...and he did watch them, for a little bit. But despite how lovely the sky looked, Trin knew a night spent lying in the grass would probably result in SOME sort of disease. He'd need to make his way back home.

The alleyways of this city were pitch-black, and Trin could just hear the skittering of rats on the dirt and stone as he stumbled his stuffed self back through the town. Thankfully, the gate wasn't too far away, and most of the inhabitants were sleeping, so there weren't any prying eyes to witness Trinity slipping back off into the forest. The quiet chirping of crickets in the dark was the only noise besides the rustling of plants from Trinity making his way back to the barn he landed in. The door was still open from when he'd left the barn earlier; and whatever animals were inside were sound asleep - or at least, kept in their stalls as Trinity made his way through the darkness of the barn, eventually finding the same pile of hay he'd landed in earlier. He tapped something on his phone while he was standing in that spot...and suddenly, another flash of bright light filled his vision. In the blink of an eye, Trinity found himself back in that dusty basement, belly still full of semi-squirming and sloshing Dennis. "Ergh, travelling like that always makes me feel a bit *uUUUUuuurrrp* gassy..." Trin grumbled, thumping at his gut as he walked over to the dials and hit a few more buttons, turning the swirling portal back into just a large, metal frame.

Instead of heading back up the stairs to his office, Trin elected to make a left and open another door out of this little basement room. This was his bedroom; his living room; his kitchen; it was basically a whole studio apartment, conveniently connected to his building. And it was decently-sized, too - deep under the streets, isolated by layers of earth, a ton of space to fill up with furniture and knick-knacks of all sorts. But Trinity was looking for that wonderful, soft bed, and he found it a few moments later. He belly-flopped right onto his mattress, his gut making an audible *bwrrrsh* at the sudden pressure, before he passed out a few minutes later.

It was a satisfying rest, for sure. Laying in that medieval warehouse had felt good, but it wasn't a proper snooze. Gave Trin's body time to really process the stoat - or what was left of him, at least. By the time Trinity woke up in the morning, the only thing left of the convict was a bit of extra soft cat flab - which Trinity definitely took the time to get used to, rubbing and touching and playing with it as he dressed himself and made his way up to his office for another day of work.

Almost immediately as soon as he stepped foot in his office, Trin heard a knock on the door. Just from the shadow behind it, Trinity could tell that Kane had come for a status update. He stood in the doorway as Trin opened the door wide, not wanting to come in. "Trin. You're looking fatter. I assume that's what's left of our friend?" he said in his usual gruff monotone, motioning towards the cat's gut peeking out from underneath his shirt.

Trinity chuckled before hefting his gut up a bit. "Heh, yeah. Slid down real nice."

"Ace. Just wanted to check up. Oh, and your boyfriend's here." Kane said before he stepped aside, walking away as he revealed a rotund panda boy, sporting an absolutely obese, squirming gut. This was Trinity's on-again-off-again boyfriend, Reagan - but the gut was absolutely not normal. "Triiin! So good to see ya..." he said, wrapping the cat up in a hug before he could even really react, his gut being squished against Reagan's own. Who (or what) ever was inside of Reagan kicked back as soon as the two embraced, knocking the wind out of Trinity for a moment and causing him to stumble back. "Geez. That's fresh." he commented as he looked at his boyfriend's swollen belly.

"Heh, yeah. Some guy came up to me and pulled a knife...sucked him right up into my navel. No hesitation." Reagan beamed, thumping his gut with pride as he walked past Trin, wiggling his rump teasingly as he did so. "But, anyway. I've got a case for ya, hun."

Trinity's gaze shifted to that rump for a moment, clearly acknowledging the little bit of teasing his boyfriend was doing, before he stuttered a little bit. Reagan had a case for him? That was definitely out of the ordinary. Usually he would just come by to tease Trin while he was on the job and get him all flustered...

"Really? Well...hit me then, I guess." Trinity said as he slinked behind his desk, sitting down as Reagan produced a folder from...somewhere, setting it down in front of him a few moments later. "Guess who's back?" she said as Trinity opened the folder, his face instantly contorting into a scowl as he saw the picture inside the folder. "God damnit..."

It was the face of his arch-nemesis, Trogan. Trogan Hearthfire. The lion's long, black cloak obscuring most of his face was, ironically, recognizable from a mile away. Trogan had eluded Trinity's grasp for years at this point; always one step ahead of the cat, always snatching up Trin's contemporaries and snacking on them with ease. He had been wanting to add Trinity to his waistline for quite awhile...but the cat had always barely eluded his grasp. Trogan was certainly Trinity's most dangerous and evenly-matched adversary...

"What did he do this time?" Trinity grumbled as he flipped through the dossier. Drug trafficking. That was a new one for Trogan, at least. "Oh boy, looks like I'm going to New York. 2008, huh? Gonna be rainy, probably. Better bring an umbrella." Trin said, in a flat monotone. He had seen so many dossiers for Trogan at this point. The lion always managed to elude him, always managed to snatch up anyone Trinity took along with him to confront that lion. If there was an arch-nemesis for Trinity to have, Trogan would be it.

Trinity put his head in his paws for a moment as he thought. "Trogan, Trogan, Trogan..." he started to mumble. So much drama. So much work. So much pain from this one fugitive. The cat wasn't sure if he had the heart to go after Trogan again. He didn't even have a sidekick to bring along with him this time; he would be going alone. He kept his head concealed for a few more moments, before slowly lifting it and looking at Reagan, who was still standing in front of him at the desk. "Fuck it, why not?"

Reagan reached across the desk and gave his boyfriend a huge, tight hug, whispering in his ear "You've got him this time, hun." before breaking away and letting Trin get up from his desk. It had been years, it felt like, of Trogan just barely slipping out of Trinity's grasp. As he solemnly walked towards that small door in the corner of his office once more, he had only one thought in his brain. Ending this rivalry once and for all.

Flipping on the light in the basement once more, he came to that imposing metal frame, waiting for whatever direction Trinity would give it. The cat double-checked that he had everything he would need, before walking over to the panel on the right and punching a few buttons and typing on the screen a little bit. That same swirling pattern started to form in the panel...and, taking a heavy sigh, Trinity stepped inside.

Another flash of light blinded him for a split second, before Trin felt something wet splatter down onto his head. His vision cleared as he looked up to see a dark, stormy sky; with the flash from the portal faded, he could now see that he was in an urban alley. This was New York all right; dirty, loud, and abrasive as it could be. Thankfully, Trin had remembered to pack an umbrella, which he hastily pulled out and unfurled before getting to his feet. His head was already soaked, but at least now the rest of his body could maintain some semblance of dryness. He looked to the exit of the alley, watching a sea of umbrella tops go by as everyone rushed to and from work and school and coffee shops and what have you. There was simply no way Trinity would be able to get a good vantage point from ground level - he'd need to go higher.

He looked around for a few moments. If he had to scale up one of these tall, slightly decrepit buildings with his own claws, he would. Good thing he managed to spot a ladder - presumably from a fire escape - before things got dirty. The ladder's rungs were slick with rain, causing Trin to have a few close calls with the concrete beneath him, but, keeping his umbrella held between his teeth, he managed to scale his way up the side of the building. Thankfully, the fire escape led to a bit of elevated scaffolding that shielded Trin from the rain while he materialized his DSR .50 once more.

Trin didn't have the time or space to set up his scope fully, so he just peeked through it as soon as possible, scanning all the rooftops and crowds for Trogan. He stuck out like a sore thumb - giant lion with an incredibly long black mane, black trench coat, the works - so if Trogan was in a crowd anywhere, Trinity would be sure to spot him. There were so many people, though; the cat might have to settle in for a long wait...

It took about an hour of scanning everywhere around where Trogan was purported to be, but Trinity finally managed to spot the lion. In just the nick of time, too; he was standing right outside of the doors of a building across a park from Trinity, slipping into the building just as Trinity got a good look at him. The cat scrambled to his feet, running not back to the fire escape, but right out onto the roof. He needed to get there fast, and maneuvering through crowds of angry New Yorkers was not a recipe for speed. The roofs were the only way...

Umbrella in hand, Trinity started to sprint right off the edge of the building he was on, planning to jump the alley and building-hop around the park until he got to the roof of the building Trogan was in, rain pouring down on his face underneath the umbrella. He was soaked at this point, so what was the point of slowing down? As Trin hopped from building to building, his feet slipping every now and then causing him to lose his breath, the cat was prepared to fall at any moment into an alley, to slip and fall to his death; he was prepared, but he started to not care as well. This was his moment. He could finally get the upper hand on Trogan. This was a real chance to make the world better - and to get that sweet, sweet revenge. So, with the cat fueled by these thoughts of victory and revenge, the rain and the noise and the fog were nonexistent. Abstracted away. All he saw was what was directly in front of him, and that building that Trogan had walked into. He deftly hopped from roof to roof like it was nothing, everything but his goal melting away from him in the rain until he finally found himself standing on the roof of the building he saw Trogan disappear into. The cat put his hands on his knees, panting in the downpour as he stood in front of the roof-access door. This was it. Past that door, there was no turning back. Trogan would be leaving as part of him, or vice, versa...

The cat took a deep breath before grabbing the handle and firmly pulling the door open. The roof access floor was quite small, basically just a few tiles of floor before a staircase led downstairs. Trinity had no idea where Trogan was inside this building - or really, where he was even going. From the outside, it looked like a bank, so he was probably heading to wherever the vault was; regardless, Trin stayed quiet as he could, each step measured carefully to avoid making any sudden loud noises that could alert the lion (or, you know, bank security). The stairs quickly led to another door, which opened up into a long, fairly barren and empty hallway. Another flight of stairs was at the end of the hallway...but Trin could hear some movement beneath him. And some voices. Shouting. Trogan was probably already causing some havoc downstairs.

Trinity's pace picked up as he realized that with all the noise going on downstairs, he could afford to be a little less sneaky. He flew down another flight of stairs, peeking around the corner to see a much larger room beyond him; this must have been the lobby. And, yep, there was plenty of shouting; it looked like a few bank security people had been holed up behind the teller desks, pointing their weapons towards something that Trinity couldn't quite he peeked further around the corner, though, yep, it was Trogan.

The lion was standing behind a small barricade of his own; but it wasn't physical. It was a magical barrier, generated by one of Trogan's cards. The lion had a deck of magic cards that he carried everywhere, stolen from a museum in the far, far future. They were one of the most powerful weapons in any time period; Trogan risked his life for the power they would give. The bullets that the security guards were firing were completely being reflected by the magical barrier; and Trogan's booming voice only taunted them further.

"Just give up now, boys. Maybe I'll give you a dignified end then~" the lion teased, his red eyes burning with a hunger for both chaos and whatever was inside of that vault. The only hope that these security guards would have was getting up close and personal with Trogan - but considering how much area they had to cover just to get near him, it was already almost impossible. So they were essentially stuck at a stalemate.

Trinity watched the two square off for a moment, before materializing his DSR .50 once more. He had a great sightline on Trogan, and the lion wasn't covering his sides - it would be the perfect chance to land a direct hit. For the first time in a while, Trin chambered a shot; he lined up the scope, and put it all on black...


"Haha! Took you long enough, Trin!"

The cat couldn't believe it. Trogan had been expecting him the whole time. As soon as the shot came out, the lion instantly maneuvered one of his magical shields to block the bullet, which bounced harmlessly onto the ground. "I knew you'd be after me again," Trogan continued, staring right at the cat as he frantically dematerialized his rifle and brought something else out - dual golden katanas, only reserved for close combat. The security guards watched in confusion as Trinity bolted down the stairs, dodging the blasts of magic Trogan was firing out of his cards and getting close to the lion in a way the guards couldn't. There was something different about this time; no fear, no hesitation. Trogan was going down.

Trinity wailed away at the magical barriers with his two swords, managing to make a small dent in whatever Trogan was using to generate them as the lion scoffed. "A bit more direct than usual, Trin. A bit more...desperate, wouldn't you say?"

But while Trogan was distracted with the angry cat smashing away at his magic barrier, the security guards were on the move. Trogan didn't have his back covered by the shield - the doors were barricaded behind him. But it was the police that had set up that barricade in the first place, and the guards could certainly dismantle it...

So, while Trin was distracting the lion in the front, the guards snuck outside and around to the front door - where most people didn't even know a standoff was happening inside the bank. They used a welder to punch through the metal barricades - as quietly as they could - until they had made a hole large enough to aim through. One of the guards put their revolver through the hole, aiming for the deck of cards in Trogan's hand...


This time, it was a direct hit. The cards scattered to the ground, out of Trogan's control. It all happened so fast that neither Trogan or Trin even said anything; it was just, at one moment they were separated by a magical barrier, and by the next Trin had suddenly been pushed forward, knocking the lion to the ground. Trogan was stunned enough for Trin to land a few punches before he started to fight back, trying to push the cat off of him - to no avail. "Not so tough without your cards, arentcha, Trogan!?" Trinity taunted as he wrestled with the lion on the ground, Trogan struggling to throw the cat off of him. "I don't even need them to get rid of you, pussycat!" the lion retorted, spitting in Trin's face and managing to gain a bit of ground from the momentary stun - enough to throw the cat off of him, Trin stumbling back and barely managing to land on his feet. He quickly materialized his katanas once more as Trogan tried to stumble to his feet.

"It's over, Trogan." the cat calmly said, the two security guards walking into the door with their pistols pointed right at the lion. "Are you gonna do this the easy way, or the hard way?" the cat asked, wiping the spittle from his face as he stepped forward.

The lion stood there for a moment, his glance shifting from Trinity to the two armed guards. "Trin, Trin, Trin. You think I'm just gonna give up?" Trogan chuckled. "I've always got an ace up my sleeve..."

Trin realized what the lion was implying, but before he could react, it was too late. The lion had pulled a card out from one of his sleeves, using it to cast a blinding spell that stunned the three of them long enough for Trogan to start to escape. "God DAMNIT!" the cat shouted, rubbing his eyes as he started to run in the vague direction he had heard Trogan escape in, up the stairs that Trinity himself had used to get into the lobby. His vision gradually returned to him as he listened for the thumping of feet ahead of him - thankfully, it looked like that was all Trogan had up his sleeves was that one card, so Trinity was able to get his vision back a few moments later to see the tail end of Trogan's long trenchcoat making its way up the stairs. Trogan was witty and resourceful and powerful, but one thing that he wasn't was fast. Especially up stairs, apparently! Trinity was able to belt up those staircases, seeing more and more of Trogan's body rounding corners ahead of him, until they reached the door that Trinity had entered through. The roof access door.

Trinity could still hear the rain pounding on the ceiling above him as he made his way up that dark, narrow staircase to the roof. He burst through a few moments later, his fur immediately getting soaked by the downpour as he looked around for his adversary. "Trogan! Give it up already!" he shouted, wiping the rain from his eyes as he stepped out onto the top of the building. The lion was standing near the edge of the roof, looking as if he was about to jump.

"Make another step, and I'm gone." the lion said, looking directly at Trinity as the cat stood in front of the roof access door. "You really want that, Trin? You want me to be so close to justice, but just out of its grasp?

"No. It wasn't about justice, was it? It was about revenge. You want me all for yourself. And the only way for you to get to let me go, isn't it?"

Trogan chuckled as he teetered off the edge of the roof. "So what'll it be?"

The cat just stood there for a moment. He was in a shock of rage over what Trogan had just suggested. How dare the lion imply that this was some petty act of revenge! Yes, he did want justice for his associates and sidekicks, but mostly, he just wanted the pain and loss to stop...

Trinity just let out a snarling hiss before he rushed forward towards the lion, his arms wide open as he prepared to tackle his nemesis. He was so blinded by rage that he didn't even realize where Trogan was standing - so a few moments later, the two of them both screamed as Trinity threw the two of them off of the roof!

Time seemed to slow down as the two of them fell. There was a very good chance one or both of them wouldn't survive this fall, considering how tall the building felt. Trinity felt his life start to play before his eyes like a movie; the highlights being every time he failed against Trogan, every time he had to watch that fucking lion devour his friends and accomplices. All the reasons he found himself right here, right now, falling down this building, his nemesis in his grasp...

He regretted nothing.

The highlight reel stopped, and Trinity came back to the real world - right on time for Trogan to slam into the pavement beneath him. Everything went dark for a moment as Trinity expected to take Trogan with him...and then the cat felt himself. He felt his heartbeat. His muscles flexing and relaxing...and aching. Trogan groaning in pain beneath him. He was alive.

Certainly not untouched, and Trogan was probably worse for wear. But alive, and able to do something. He didn't realize in the moment that this was his opportunity; it felt like his body was guiding his brain through the motions, as if he was watching himself do what he was about to do. But either way, it happened.

"Trogan Hearthfire...I'm taking you into custody."

As casually as possible, Trinity found Trogan's head, picking it up with one of his hands. Trogan's eyes weren't open, and he was probably barely even conscious. Which would just make what he was about to do easier. He crouched, no, squatted over Trogan's head, casually slipping down his pants and underwear before sitting his exposed rump right on the lion's face! "God, I hope nobody sees this..." Trinity grumbled, a hand still clasped firmly on the back of Trogan's head as he started to wedge the lion's snout between his cheeks. "...or Trogan wakes up."

He relaxed the pucker hidden between those fat cheeks, before pressing Trogan's head deeper with that hand. "Nngh. Haven't done this in a while..." the cat groaned as he felt his pucker slurp in Trogan's nose with relative ease, but then struggle with stretching around the larger parts of the tiger's face. With enough clenching and pressure, though, Trin knew that anyone or anything could fit up his rump; and, with a mewl-like sigh from the cat a few moments later, he felt his pucker stretch around Trogan's head, the lion weakly groaning beneath him. Trogan knew what was happening right now, but he just didn't have the energy to stop it; after all, he'd just fallen down multiple stories onto hard asphalt. It was a miracle he was even alive...

Though, if Trinity had anything to say about it, that wouldn't last for much longer. Trogan's whole head had been cleanly swallowed up by the cat's ass, Trin groaning as he lifted up Trogan's semi-limp body a little bit, the lion dangling out of Trinity's cheeks as the cat continued clenching and slurping him up into his bowels. He was having a little trouble working his asshole around the lion's incredibly broad shoulders; so he sat his rump back down a little bit, wedging Trogan's midsection between the concrete and his ass. "Mmmph...for such a *hrf* pain in the ass, I thought you'd put up more of a fight..." the cat grunted as he forced the lion's shoulders up in his hole, feeling Trogan weakly squirming up in his bowels, which only pushed a lustful sigh out of Trinity.

"God, how LONG is this trench coat?" Trin commented as he looked down, seeing just how much clothing he would have to slurp up after he finished off the lion's paws. He really should have taken some time to undress Trogan before shoving him up his ass; but that would mean more time for some random pedestrian to stumble upon the two. Plus he could digest most clothes anyway. He wasn't sure what this coat was made of, but chances were it would probably melt up at least a little bit inside of him. It just might take a little longer; but once Trinity had all of his nemesis packed inside, he had as much time as he needed to finish him off.

His pucker slid cleanly over the lion's soft, furry chest, Trinity able to relax himself a bit as most of Trogan was now packed up inside of his guts. With a firm grasp on his meal's body, the cat's intestines would do most of the work from this point; constantly rippling around the lion, pulling him deeper into the maze without much effort. Trinity just slumped back against the building wall, the rest of Trogan weakly kicking between his legs as the cat's ass continued to slurp him up. This position let Trinity watch his stomach kick and grow and churn, already a satisfying thing to watch, but even more so when the cat knew that it was his mortal enemy making those bulges...and that soon, they would fade. And there would be no more Trogan. No more pain. No more suffering. There would be other criminals around; there would be shoplifters, mobsters, drug traffickers. But Trinity was certain that there would never be another person as evil and powerful in the world as Trogan once his stomach was through with him.

"Uuurgh, this is going to take a am I even going to get to the teleporter from here?" Trinity wondered under his breath as he rubbed and thumped his growing belly proudly. He was still clenching every now and then to get Trogan inside of him a little bit faster, but most of the work was being done involuntarily by his digestive tract. Every now and then Trin would feel a kick or thrash from deep in his bowels, but it was pretty obvious that Trogan was out for the count at this point. It was a little bit of a shame, honestly; Trinity had expected more of a fight from the person who had been such a thorn in his side for years on end. But at the end of the day, all he needed was revenge. Revenge was sweet. It tasted like lion.

At some point, the rest of Trogan disappeared inside the cat's pucker. Everything was kind of a blur for Trinity once he sat down on the lion's face, honestly. One moment he was sitting on top of his nemesis and the next that same nemesis was squelching his way through cat bowels. He felt so physically full and bloated, but still hungry; considering Trogan wasn't packed away in his stomach yet, it was a really odd combination of sensations. Trinity was definitely still getting the sleepy feeling one would normally have with a full belly, though. Obviously, it wasn't safe to just pass out in a New York City alley so, eventually, the cat would have to get up and find his way back home. At least it was dark outside now, so there would be far fewer people to witness him stumbling around with a gigantic, squirming gut. "*Uuuurrppphhh...*...up we go." Trinity mumbled to his stomach as he started to get off the ground, one arm cradling his gut to make sure it didn't slosh around too much as he got on his feet. It felt like Trogan was going to slide right back out of his butt at any moment, but the cat's strong anal muscles kept him clenched in tight. Even then, if the lion was putting up more of a fight, things might have gone differently. But Trinity hadn't even heard so much as a whimper from his nemesis for the past hour or so. He definitely wasn't digested yet - but the maze of bowels inside of Trin was certainly a long, hot, and arduous trek, so he had probably passed out at some point.

It took a few minutes for the cat to get back onto his feet, but eventually he made it, squirming stomach in tow. At least walking around back to the teleporter would help the process of digestion a little bit. Trinity slowly stumbled out of the alleyway, shaking, but ultimately triumphant. There was nothing he could consciously do at this point - the rest was up to his body. And his body was really good at doing what it needed to in regards to criminals. The cat let out a thick, proud belch as he walked down the empty, dim sidewalks, tracing his route around the park in the center of this neighborhood to the building that was on the exact opposite side from where he just was. In the left alley of that building is where his ticket home was awaiting him.

Even for it being in the thick of night, these New York sidewalks were oddly peaceful and quiet. It kind of felt like the whole world was acknowledging his triumph and letting him make his grand exit in the most unobtrusive way possible. He had expected to be accosted by a few homeless people, drunkards, or really anyone who saw what the hell was going on in his midsection. But he didn't see a single soul from the bank to the alleyway he had landed in. Maybe the incident at the bank had scared everyone back into their homes. Their tiny high-rise apartments, with windows able to look out and see all the beauty of what they has a species had created. Something that Trinity had never experienced.

The cat stumbled into the alleyway he had arrived in. In the dark of night, it was difficult for him to see the dumpster that he had landed behind; but after a few minutes of feeling around and eventually using the flashlight on his phone, he was able to find it. He tapped his phone while standing in that spot, and then, another flash of light blinded him. Hopefully the last flash of light he would ever see regarding Trogen.

In the blink of an eye, he was back in his basement. Teleporter trips always made him a bit queasy, especially with his stomach as full as it was, so he took a little time to get his bearings before walking over to the control panel for the teleporter and turning it off. He had one hand wrapped around the bottom of his stomach, which groaned and churned loudly as the chamber gradually shrank and softened up. Each step he took up the stairs pressed his knee into the bottom of his stomach, letting him feel how soupy the contents were inside as he stumbled back to his desk. He let out a heavy sigh as he collapsed in his office chair, leaning back and smiling as his stomach could barely manage to fit in between the chair and his desk. He lay there for a moment, before reaching into his pocket for his phone.

He dialed up Reagan's number. It was late, but he would still probably be awake. After a few moments of dial tone, Trinity heard his boyfriend's voice on the other end. He didn't say much.

"It's done."

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