Flare & Ember: Installment 3

Story by rainChu on SoFurry

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#3 of Flare & Ember

Okay. I just finished installment 3. Included are two short chapters and lots and lots of yiff and yiff.

Also yiff.

I've got some story planned for installment four, so until I write it, yiff must suffice.

So... yiff.


I've decided to indent my paragraphs like I should from now on. They weren't indented before because, let's face it- I'm lazy. I realized this morning as I lay in bed that it was a simple matter of Search & Replace. This is just another reason I decided to write in plaintext HTML:

Search for:


Replace with:

_<p> _

Writing in plaintext may seem weird, but it actually leads to better results than using a rich HTML editor, like the one on the submit story page. In my opinion, it shouldn't even be there. It's like begging users: "Whip up a quick story and post it! It's easy!"

Flare & Ember

Installment 3

9 -- A New Beginning

A few moments later, the three were seated around the meal table in the Main Room. It took some explanation, but Lei was able to understand eventually. He had met these two through kitnapping them, and now, against all odds, they were living with him -- legally. He didn't know if this was such a good thing, though.

"You two can stay here for a little while," he said, looking at Ember, "but I can't just adopt you."


"It would be bad."


Lei sighed. "It would be too tempting for me. You don't want that stuff to happen again, do you?"

"I don't mind. It was kinda fun." Ember blushed, looking downward, then shot a glance at Flare, to see if he would disagree.

"It felt great. Why wouldn't we want to?"

Lei was obviously not expecting this sort of complacency. He thought that they were bothered only slightly, at best. He wasn't even sure that they wouldn't rat him out, after all. That they were actually eager for more was a little hard to believe. He decided to push his luck past the limit. Because, as he knew, the chance was high that he would break, and one of them would be more or less attacked. He wanted the best for them both, despite his past wrongs on them.

"I'll let you stay here, but..." He paused, and took a breath. With all his effort he got ready to say the thing which he knew would either save him, or damn him. Most likely damn him.

You have to scare them, Lei, he thought.

_If they think you'll be doing this to them, they'll leave.

They'll be better off with a real parent.

But they might stay.

They might._


but you'll both be my pets!" he spluttered, exhaling the breath he'd been holding this whole time. That's that, then, I guess.

But he figured without factoring in naiveté.

"What's a pet?" Ember asked matter-of-factly.

Lei looked at Flare, hoping he would see some spark of recognition in his foxy eyes. There was nothing, though. Just that light of blissful ignorance that children do have.

"Tell us," foxy demanded.

Lei took another deep breath. "It means that you'll have to do whatever I say. Whenever I want to mate, you will have to. Whenever I want to play with your privates, you have to let me. Sometimes I'll keep you both locked up, chained up, and you won't be allowed to do anything except endure torture."

Flare was unfazed until the last part, but now he was shocked, and a little worried. "Wh-What are you gonna do to us?"

Lei had never intended to keep them as pets in the first place. He just thought that they would choose someone else if it came to this. On the other hand, though, now that he was talking about it...

"It's just for fun. It will make you both crave attention, and you'll constantly want to play after the first few treatments. In a while, you'll probably even crave these treatments themselves."

"What are you going to do to us?" Flare repeated, enunciating slowly and carefully. He could tell that this would change them.

Lei thought. He wanted a couple pets now. Starting with no intention of ever hurting the kits, he was now thinking of breaking them. That sex training... should he play it off? Or should he make it sound like the life changing torment it was?

"ehh... You'll never be the same after it, but you'll like it all the same. Basically, I'll chain you both up in separate rooms, blindfold you and plug your ears, and... wait a moment."

He hustled out of the room, waving an "I'll be right back" sign, or something like it, and leaving the two fogged. Ember had been pretty quiet, and it was clear now that she was thinking. Which was quite unlike her.

Lei came back, rather, he catapulted himself into the room, knocking over his cocktail set in the process. It seemed as if he didn't want to leave his prospective pets alone. His heart was beating so fast, he was having trouble just keeping his cool. This might actually happen~

He had brought a toy. One that looks like a large Raichu dick. One that takes batteries.

"This will be giving you pleasure for the 5½ eighnigh long treatment. You will be able to look forward to a session every week."

Flare put a stop to this one, right quick. "The answer is no. I would have liked to stay here, even mate a little, but if you want to turn us into some sort of zombie, then find us another place to live. Or I'll tell someone in charge about what you did to us."

Lei was frozen by this. He put his paw to his mouth, and paled. He had lost that excited hope of his, and was now concerned once again with his own safety, should anyone ever find out.

Ember had finished her mental marathon. You could tell because she shook the daydreams out of her head like drops of water and slapped Flare lightly on the cheek. "Don't listen to him, Lei. This sounds like the easy life. I'll be a great pet. I'll mate whenever, wherever. Le'mme see what that thing feels like."

Boy's first bitchslap. Lei thought, relieved. Most people would still be worried, but Lei wasn't. He knew what that almost instinctive gesture meant, even a playful one from a sister. It meant 'Try all you want. Resistance is futile. I'll get my way in the end.' Just as long as he made Ember feel like orgasms were all he thought they were, he knew, he'd be set.

"Let's move away from the entrance, first," he suggested, beckoning them to follow him back to the bedroom.

And Flare just sat there awhile. He indeed had the look of 'Boy's first bitchslap' plastered on that once smug face.

10 -- Pets? Maybe.

Presently, Flare & Ember were on opposite sides of the bed. The only bed in the whole den, in fact. And the same bed they played on the first time. Lei stood before them, holding the vibrator in his hand, ready to share it's secret vibratey goodness.

He knew Flare's second experience wouldn't count much in deciding their fate, considering, as Kipling said, the female of the species is definitely more deadly than the male. And this male was standing here in an embarrassed pout.

"Okay, Ember," Lei said. "Just like last time. Up, up, my pet!" he called, patting the mattress gently, then smoothing it.

Ember hopped up and landed very smoothly on her back, momentum spreading her legs out as she flomped. She didn't bother pulling them back in. She smiled shyly and gently, fully aware that she was handing her body over to a lunatic. Frankly, she didn't mind. She felt great having everything taken care of for her. Last time, when she had to do nothing but lie here... her heart pounded as she thought of a night long game.

Lei didn't get to mate personally with her last night either, and with the vibe, it seemed that maybe man wouldn't stand a chance against machine. He looked at the blushing Flare, and formulated the night's agenda.

"Okay, Ember can have a tryout of what these treatments will be like, and while she does, you and I will have some fun," he told a blushing Flare. "First, though..." He moved up close to Ember's vagina.

"I'm a little too eager, tonight," he confessed, inhaling deeply. "I'm going to more or less leave you alone with this, that okay? During your training, you'll be without help for a long time, and this is a simulation..."

Ember just nodded weakly as Lei pushed the vibe in, turning it on as he did so. She squeaked as she felt it forcing her most sensitive area into sex overdrive in less than a second.

Lei stepped back and watched as her legs twitched and trembled at the mercy of her pleasure.

She was young and inexperienced with this kind of stimulation, and it wasn't more than fifteen seconds of human time before she couldn't take anymore torture. Shooting her paws toward her assailant, she grasped it and pulled it out, that final bit of rubbing bringing her to climax.

If she had known better, she would have continued with her paw here...

Her flower twitched and pulsed as she underwent her very first denied orgasm, and her first orgasm altogether.

"That..." she panted. "That was great... I need more. Can... can you put it in again for me? I'm too weak to bring that on myself."

Lei didn't know she had just been through a ruined orgasm. Not that Ember knew what that was. All he knew was that if he was going to get any pleasure for himself, this girl needed to be restrained.

"Okay. Sure thing. Wait a bit. Be right back."

He came back with some rope from his 'supplies' chest. "Put your paws behind your back, please," he instructed as he gently flipped his pet-to-be over.

Ember's heart pounded as she did so. She knew that she would be at his mercy like this. She knew it almost hurt before, but she knew she was too weak to not take it out. She felt the inactive toy slide back in, and she was turned onto her back once more.

"Ready?" her new owner asked.

Part of her wanted to say "No! I changed my mind. I don't want to be a pet after all."

But most of her wanted to just nod shyly.

Which is what she did.

Lei flicked the power switch, giving her the torment she was after.

As Flare watched her orgasm, he grew gradually interested in his own pleasure. Now, as she squirmed and cooed trying desperately to escape this thing inside her, he wanted to mate so badly, he would even let Lei play with him. He looked at his member, bobbing, trying to get attention.

He was just about to put his paw on it when he was picked up by the shoulders.

Lei set him down a fair distance from the noisy girl, together with him in a corner. Though he was surprised, Flare wasn't fearful. He had a sort of idea what he would soon be doing.

Lei put a paw on his friend's cock, and gave it a tempting rub. Flare sighed with content and closed his eyes, but was surprised to find his face pushed into Lei's member.

"I'll suck your penis, but you've got to do mine first."

Flare was really needy, but he did as he was told. He didn't want to end up like Ember, who was now crying in the background, but he needed release. 'Just this once.' he thought, as he began to lick and suckle.

Meanwhile, Ember really was crying. Her legs were burning under her knees, and her whole body was shaking. She had long since given up on breaking the ropes, and after thrashing around a bit, trying to force the evil thing to slip out, had just now accepted herself as helpless. She had had two more orgasms by now, and had lost her continence. Her thighs and the mattress were soaking wet with pee.

As he was slurping, Lei grabbed Flare's head and held it, thrusting deeply into his throat. He came, spilling his seed straight into his partner's chest.

Flare felt the warm liquid, and would have looked up quizzically, had he not been choking on Lei.

Lei pulled out, letting his last shot spurt into the mouth and tongue so his partner could taste it.

This time, Flare did look at him in question. He sat wide eyed as he wiped a little streak of it which had dripped from the side of his mouth, and sniffed it.

A renewed squeal from Ember had made him forget about himself though, as he dashed over to make sure she was okay.

Ember was now ashamed, embarrassed, and in the most pleasurable pain she couldn't have imagined. She had cried herself out, and had given up. Given up to just lying still and letting her most sensitive and secret part take the most aggressive rubbing and shaking the device could provide.

With each orgasm she had, her sensitivity grew. She began to squeak once again as her tummy cramped up with the pressure from her third, or fourth, time. Once again, she tried to stop it from coming. If she came again, she knew it would only double the pain she was going through once more. She wriggled hopelessly, and was immediately struck again by climax.

As she came, she squealed in pain, and tired as she was, she found the strength to fight once again. Struggling side to side, she caught a foggy glimpse of her brother.

"Are you okay?" he seemed to be saying.

"He...elp." she quavered, choking back a sob.

Lei had joined them by now. He was well aware that Flare was needy, even judging by the pre- dripping from his tip alone. He gave her an ultimatum.

"Make Flare cum, and then I'll release you."

Flare didn't want her to suffer, but he really needed it. He brought his dripping prick over to her mouth.

Ember flung herself on it, like she was starving for him. She cooed and moaned, causing her throat and mouth to vibrate softly. Fortunately for her, it didn't take very long. Only one agonizing minute.

Flare's knot swelled, as his stress was finally relieved in his sister's overly eager mouth. There was no sperm for her to taste, but she felt the knot swell, and throb with blood as it released the pressure it's owner was feeling.

Flare finally felt comfortably sated as he withdrew. And he had a comfortably sated look on his face that Lei took as a cue that Ember had performed her job well.

He stepped up to her now tortured, puffy, and sore girlhood, and removed the instrument which had been attacking the poor thing.

Now that it was over, Ember wasn't actually relieved. She thought that once it was over, she would never want to be touched again. But now, she had a strange empty feeling. She knew she would make a great pet.

Flare & Ember: Installment 4

Here is the fourth installment of my ongoing series. I worked extra hard on this one (not that I ever slacked off before **:P** ) so I hope you enjoy it. I sure enjoyed writing it. This one is mostly...

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Flare & Ember: Installment 2

Okay. The previous (first) installment was left at a sort of cliffhanger, so I am releasing this next installment even though it's much shorter than before. It has no yiff in it, but I feel this short piece will soothe the soul...

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Flare & Ember: Installment 1

This is the first part of a series I am working on. To avoid confusion, this takes place in an alternate world, not the standard Pokémon world. If you read it before, and you came back for seconds (^.^),...

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