So You've Been Transmogrified : Gerry and Izy

Story by thatpersonyouknow101 on SoFurry

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#10 of So You've Been Transmogrified

Gerry as some of you may remember recently stole a whole load of stuff from a certain company responsible for some accidentally and intention transformations. His deep analysis of his actions is interrupted by his friend Izy who among other things needs a place to stay for a while. However Gerry's accidentally self exposure to some nano bots and an awakening of some undiscovered interests sets him in the sights of strange and other worldly forces, who wish to make him... uh... sexy... and stuff.

So You've Been Transmogrified : Gerry and Izy

He wasn't sure what to call it. After all he had just committed a crime and he wasn't sure what to call it. Best of all he was pretty sure he had gotten away with it. Gerry was longing on the couch in his apartment contemplating his next move, significantly richer and now debt free he was unsure of where to go now. He did not want to quit his job, he actually liked it regardless of the corporate schmucks he had to deal with. In fact he had been so busy with work and paying his debts he had not really thought much about the after that part of it all. He had half expected to get caught in the act but that had not happened yet. Granted that did not mean he would never be caught. He put that thought aside for the moment, best not contemplate a long stint in federal prison.

"Yo Gerry you home" a voice came through the door ponding on it. Gerry goraned a bit at the realization of who it was. He got up and walked over to the door trying to think up an excuse to get her out of here quickly. He couldn't think anything up so decided to just see what she wanted. Opening the door he found the women a short ball of energy that would be able to floor him in a second should she want. She wore jeans and a t-shirt and her brown hair was cut short.

"Gerry how ya doing" she said walking past him and towards his kitchen.

"Izy... why are you here... in my house" he said already regretting opening the door.

"Well I... uh... you see funny story, not funny ha ha but uh you know just kinda funny" she said sitting down at a stool in kitchen. Gerry waved his hand signaling her to come out with it.

"I kinda totaled my car and you know I live out in the burbs, and you live here in the city and it's late and..." she would have kept going but he helped up a hand.

"Ok fine but why are you here, not in a taxi or an uber or on train" he asked already regretting asking her another question.

"Oh that's easy, most of the taxi dispatchers in the city hate me, I have a zero star rating on most of my ride sharing apps and I pretty sure the metro cops have a warrant out for my arrest" she said the whole thing rather matter of factly, not that it surprised Gerry.

"Ok, wait what how the hell do you still have a job if they..." she cut him off.

"Its only to bring me in for questioning, I didn't really do anything, that they can prove at least. Besides the federal government needs me I'm the best at what I do" she said pridefully enough to make Gerry wince. The worst part was that he knew the last bit to be true. Despite her appearance she was a force to be reckoned with when it came to numbers. As such the FBI rather liked having her on there payroll when they needed financial dirt on somebody, forensic accounting paid surprisingly well. It also helped to have the fed's on your side when you stole an ambassadors parking space in front of his own home.

"Ok got now more importantly why are you in my home" he asked getting back on track.

"Well I'm due in court tomorrow and since I don't have a means to get there" she waved her hand around allowing Gerry to fill in the blanks.

"You wanna be able to walk it" he said rolling his eyes as he knew what was coming next.

"Exactly now, it cool if I spend the night, I'll take the couch" she said leaning forward and giving her best puppy dog eyes. Gerry despite knowing that nothing good could come from couldn't help but say yes. Despite his feelings of modest disdain for the woman he did like her the two were friends and he knew that she would help him at the drop of hat, in the most over the top way possible but help him nonetheless.

"Just for tonight right' he asked taking a seat oppsite her on the counter.

"Yup, well and for the duration of the trail" she said shifting her eyes away from him and rubbing the back of her in a guilty way. Gerry looked at her with a raised eyebrow and tilted his head back shaking it knowing that somehow he was going to regret this.

"Fuck it fine, how long is this going to last" he asked giving up slightly.

"Not sure actually, maybe a week, maybe a month, kinda up in the air right now" she said shrugging as she did so.

"You do know there are hotels in this city for a reason right" he said back to her dryly.

"And you know that I have been blacklisted at most of the good ones right" she threw back at him crossing her arms and presenting him with a smug grin, as if she was proud of the fact. Defeated completely now Gerry rested his head on the counter then looked up after a minute.

"Where's the rest of your stuff" he asked.

"The hall, give me a hand" she said more than asked as she stood up.

An hour later both were on the couch flipping through T.V. trying a failing to agree on something to watch. It irked Gerry a bit that she kept on disagreeing with him even thought she had been on her laptop the entire time. Looking up to disagree with his pick only when he had settled on something.

"How about the news" He finally asked defeated again in his own home.

"Hm, news yeah sure" she said disinterested for now. Turning it over to the local affiliate he found the evening news already in progress he watched it dispassionately for a few minutes before they started talking about one of the big pharma companies, specifically the one that Gerry had recently been investigating and that he had stolen a large amount of sensitive information from. He looked over and saw Izy was now focused on the story playing out.

"Why so interested Izy" he asked more out of boredom and curiosity. She looked over at him pondering how to answer. Gerry saw her face turn red and flustered as she thought something out.

"What your not one of those furry weirdos are you" he said laughing as he did so.

"Uh well... you know... not really... but... uh..." Gerry turned his head and looked right at her. It was clear to him that she was for the first time in his memory completely and totally flustered. He had seen this women pimp slap a nightclub guard three times her weight and almost two feet taller than her without a second thought. Yet a single question had asked not in the least bit seriously had just left her completely discombobulated .

"Izy you know I was kidding right" he said emphasizing the word kidding as he asked.

"Hm... oh yeah I totally knew that one hundred percent totally knew that" she said overcompensating way to much.

"Izy were grown adults not middle schoolers porn is porn, you like that stuff" he asked starting to become genuinely curious at this development. Izy deflated a bit, and lowered her defenses as well.

"Eh, you got a point. Yeah I'm kinda a furry" she said rubbing the back of her head. Gerry didn't really know were to take the conversation and looking over at the heavily censored images somebody had managed to get off the the building internal security cameras he asked the only thing he could think of.

"You wanna have that done to you" he asked looking back at the T.V. and pointing towards it. She looked back at the T.V. and thought for a second.

"Well if someone offered me the opportunity I wouldn't say no" she said.

"Why" he asked curiosity overtaking him. Izy shrugged before answering.

"I dunno, I always wanted to be taller, sexyer, and uh, well I guess that kinda got throw in their with some other stuff." she said trailing off. Gerry saw there was something there that he probably shouldn't poke at.

"Besides look at those people they have bodies that make the greek statues blush, who wouldn't want to look like that" she said cheering up again.

"Besides looking like a reject from the Island of Doctor Moreau" he said looking over at her again.

"Well yeah I guess, there's a bit more to it but uh... Ah hell i'll just show you" she said looking down at her laptop. Gerry was suddenly confused as to where this rabbit hole was going.

"Look tell me you don't want to look like this guy here" she said turning the laptop to him. On the screen were three of the anthros, one of them kinda looked familiar actually, however this was a porn sit. A tall muscled black stallion with two other anthros at his side, seemingly made of some shiny material, latex he remembered. A zebra and a dalmation. If anything the colors on the trio made for a nice contrast however he still did not find the appeal.

"Firstly I keep coming back to the whole Island of Doctor Moreau feel, secondly what the fuck is this site" he asked.

"Oh this yeah apparently some people from that company branched out. There's a big market for furry stuff, whoever owns this site is making a killing on subscription fees" Izy said pulling the laptop back to their lap.

"Wait, is that all people from the company or are they turing more people into furries" he asked running something over in his head.

"Yeah wanna see" she asked.

"What" he asked looking her dead in the eyes.

"Yeah the whole transformation thing is a big subset of well, uh... furries at large I guess. It's a premium thing on the site, but uh, its kinda what I like. Here see" she said turning the laptop over to him again. On the screen he saw a video playing, a woman was standing posing in the middle of room with white walls and floor. He recognized her from some previous experiences with the internet and was puzzled for a moment. However that changed when he saw her start stretching showing her stuff, she was completely naked and to an unassuming viewer it would have seemed like some normal porn. However things started to change quickly, her skin lightened, turing white and it smoothed, hair melted away and skin turned shiny.

All the while the model, Gerry couldn't think of a better word stretched like she was getting ready to do exercise or run. He couldn't deny that the whole experience was erotic and interesting he couldn't take his eyes off the screen. He watched as her face elongated outward forming an equine muzzle, ear and other facial features blended into her head and re emerged in other places. Her face human second earlier was now fully horse like, he didn't even notice her feet and hands shit into less human forms. Finally he saw a main of black and white hair sprouted up along the back of her neck and head. Resulting in a rough looking hair style of salt and pepper coloration. Seemingly done now she ran her hands over her body running them up from her this up her belly and then placed them under her breasts showing them off all the while looking in the camera with a sultury gaze. He saw a tail sneak its way around from her rear and wiggle at the camera, a little tuft of fur forming at the tip as she did. Finally black stripes ran their way around her body leaving the already sex woman an arguable sexyer zebra. She feign a kiss at the camera and the video ended.

"Wow that was... something" Gerry said still staring at the still of the zebra. During his probe into the company he hadn't really seen any of the transformation footage only the after effects. Something about that transformation kinda hit a spot deep in the back of head and drilled down their. He wanted to watch that again. However another thought crept into his mind soon after, was this legal, nothing about the process was illegal. Save for the human testing angle but that was more so an accident.

"How many of these are there" he asked looking up at Izy.

"A few, I think they just realized how many people wanna see the transformation bits, I think there's only like six of them posted. But they have more than that in there other videos so I imagine they'll put more up. Wait are you interested in this now" she asked smiling in his direction.

"No, no, I've been investigating this company and uh well" his eyes wandered back down to the screen. "I think that this might uh... something" he said without thinking.

"No you like it, I can tell" she said taking her laptop back.

""I don't it's just, that its um..." Gerry couldn't really find the right words, it appealed to him but it felt like more than that.

"No you're into it, I just planted the seed in head your total gonna come over to the furry side" Izy said laughing.

"I doubt that" he said trying and failing to put the sexy latex visage out of his mind.

Hours later Gerry laid in his bed looking up at the ceiling grappling with his thoughts. In trying to put the zebra out of his head he had only burned it in further in. Gerry had always been a vanilla guy when it came to sex, nothing exotic just stick it in and go wild. During his time at the company he had never taken a sexaly veiw of the anthros there, he knew there was a sexal element to it, but up until his own interest in it had reared its head he couldn't really see why. Granted it was the transformation that had his interest, however the zebra girl did also seem to tickle his pickle as it was. He yawned, tired at the deep contemplation and Izy unrelenting teasing thought the whole experience.

She had even started making him a fursona as she called it. He wasn't really interested in the whole process and went along with just to try and get her to shut up about the whole thing. The rabbit hole only went deeper with her though he knew. So after about a half an hour he had wound up as a cow, well a bull he thought, big and strong tall and imposing. Well he was already big and tall he through. Reaching his hands down to his gut and sighed and said.

"Yeah, real big" deciding that he could probably use some more time at the gym. Why was this whole thing eating at him. Probably just cause he had seen something weird and instead of acting like he thought he would, he ended up liking it. He yawned again. Well might as well try and get some sleep, he thought. Closing his eyes and trying to wander off into a dream. Sleep did finally come for Gerry however it was not the rest he wished for.

He was unsure how he had gotten here, the room had no doors. There was no sound, even his feet did not make noise as he moved towards one of the walls. The room was lit, no shadows were visible, however no light source was in evidence as well. Gerry knew this place, but from where. It hovered in his mind before fading just as quickly. Everything was getting hazy, the room seemed to shrink and swell as he paced back and forth seeking an answer to a question he had not asked.

Behind him he felt eyes watching him. He turned and saw something differnt, the walls were still white the room still bright, however he was not alone anymore. Three anthro cows were arranged around a chair, one behind and one on each side. They spoke no words, but he could feel what they wanted, him. They reached out with there eyes, calling to him to sit with them. Gerry walked over admiring them as he grew nearer. Their faces were soft and inviting to the eye. They blended the snout of a cow and the face of pretty woman perfectly. Each had rich black hair running down their heads, they would have all looked the same were it not for there differnt pattering. The splotches of black against the white fur seemed almost mathematical placed on there bodies Gerry thought. Each curving line laid out to better draw the eye to another part of their body, the face, to breasts, to there inviting sexs, to there suppel rears and thighs.

He finally came close enough to touch one. He reached out a hand to the one standing on his left. He touched her chin running his hand down her neck and shoulder. Her fur was soft and felt good to run his finger through. She reached out to touch his arm. She softly grasped his wrist and pulled his hand to one of her breasts. It felt warm and inviting, He looked around and saw the other two looking at them impassively waiting for him to give them some attention. The cowgirl in front of him pulled him in closer with her other arm kissing him deeply when there faces came to meet. He felt her tongue and his meet and interlock, he took his hand off her breast and ran it around her bottom grabbing her ass feeling its firmness in his palm. She broke off the embrace and pushed him back gently motioning for him to sit, he did so.

Upon sitting the two girls at his side came to face him dropping to their knees as they did so. The one behind him placed both her hands on his shoulders. Gerry sudden became aware that this whole time he had been naked, however it did not trouble him. He felt the cow to his rear begin to rub his shoulders, the girls at his feet raised them each one taking a differnt foot massaging them as well. Gerry leaned against the back of the chair, the girls thick fingers lended themselves well to the act. He felt stress melting away, as were so many other things. Sense of time, of space, of self. He grew ever distant from the time before and the time to come did not cross his mind, all that was was now. Here in the moment the feelings of other touching him tenderly massaging the ills from his body.

He did not feel his body start the shift and change at first, but had he, he would not have cared much. His shoulder broadened ever so slightly at first before swelling with muscle. The cow behind him eyes the new addition with anticipation, From under her fingertips splotches of fur began to grow the color of rich fetail earth. Below the two other cows pressed harder on his feet. The flesh and bone in their hands seemed to give and sway under there toche. They molded and sculpted, each one mirroring the other as they pressed and folded the mans feet. Flesh turned darker and harder coalescing into two hooves in place of feet. Satisfied they worked there way up moving in tandem with the other. Working his muscles and reorganizing bone and flesh to better suit the future bull.

Above the cow standing began moving her hands closer to his neck. His shoulder already thinking with new muscles and covered growing fur. She dug her fingers into the spot where neck meets torso apling delicate but firm pressure to the muscles there. She felt the sudden tense of them before they submited to her touch. She could feel them swell and push the skin around them out slightly, she again looked down to see her work, the man's neck swelling with the muscle a master of a herd should have. Fur soon followed her hands traveling up his neck as she coaxed more and more growth from his thickening neck lengthening it a bit as she went. She smiled admiring her work as well as that of her sisters.

The two cows rested Gerrys fully changed feet and ankles, moving there work up to his calves. Again each took one slowly working the flesh like clay sculpting only adding muscle to better accentuate the bulls position of power in the herd. They gazed at the power full legs they were creating watching as more earthen colored fur overtook the skin of the man. They could feel it through there thick fingers the feel of the fur as it over took the human and replaced it with the animal. Moving up they passed his knees more and more muscle bulking up there bull as they went. Careful not to over do anything. Rounding out his muscles as they swelled them replacing fat with them to fit and support their creation. More fur, more muscle, more bull, less human. Both hovered over his crotch, looking at it with reverence. They looked up at each other. The one on the right nodded. The one on the left shifted to the front to face him, still on her knees. She took on hand and cupped the man balls, and another wraped around his penuis.

The other cow stood now taking a place next to the other standing cow. Both took up places around the man head. Watching as there sister began to better equip there project. The one kneeling cow made slight motions to her hand. Stimulating the balls of the man. The felt them swell in her hands at the movements, she was careful to balance them both not waiting ruin the symmetry they were working so hard to achieve. She felt the trembling in her other hand as well as his penius sweeled lengthing. A foot would be good for this one she thought and the tennis balls he now had would suit him well also. She smiled removing her hands and admiring her work. She looked up to her sisters and nodded sharply once smiling with pride. The other two had smaller smiles on there face but nodded back. Then turned their faces down to watch as began the most important and difficult part.

Both sets of hands worked in unison, each taking half of his head. Both mirrored the other movements rubbing and caressing the flesh of the man to do their bidding to change and progh under their direction. The kneeling cow stood to watch the proces studying her sisters techniques. She saw the mans face twist and change as her sisters hands pulled the flesh and bone outward, and sculpted the human features into the bovid ones. Blending them like an artist would the colors of their sunset. His face still resembled him even as the fur began to creep over and overtake the skin the man would not be mistaken for another. They blended the fur into his hair he already had brown lock and so all they needed to do was thicken what he had and then blend the colors a bit, a trivial matter to them. The two sister responsible began to flourish the new bulls head finishing his ears. Sculpting out the head to be just right, not fully bovid but not fully sapien either. As a finisher to the new bull head they grabbed at his scalp through his thick hair and gently massaged a horn each out of the top of his head. White and shining pointed at the very tip. Once done each looked over at the other and nodded curtly pleased with the others work.

The trio stood and examined what still need to be done. One took his center the other his left and the last his right. Pushing and pulling, rubbing and massaging, prodding and caressing. There fingers brushing away all the unsavory bits of humanity that remained replacing it with fur and muscle. There hands grappled with his, massaging them, beining some fingers with others thinking there tips as they did so leaving them looking like theirs. Fur spread up and down his chest as the center cow massaged his gut and pecs building up the muscle and that the bull would need to attract others to him, and to protect his herd. After some minutes of rubbing the three back away to observe there creation. A bull of high caliber, the envy of any boived not sculpted under their watchful eyes and skilled hands.

Now all that remained was to return this one, they could push their luck and interfere further, long had it been since they had the opportunity to sculpt a breeding pair in the same night. However that would push things to far they all silently agreed. This world was again finally offering willing flesh to them and they would not waste any of it. They had spent to long in the void honing their craft to throw away there chance at restoration. Now to send this one on his way, hopefully to claim his mate. But first the oldest of them decided on her own, a bit of encouragement never hurt. She called to him, without words, he rose uncertain at first, hesitant to move exploring his new body. She came up to him placing both her hands on his shoulders, again admiring her work. She leaned into him kissing him deeply filling him with lust, pashion, desire, a need. That which only ones mate could suffice. Breaking off the embrace she looked back at a fiery need, this one's finished she thought. However looking around she saw that there was no tail. Reaching around him she grasped a tuft of fur from the base of his spin massaging the spot for a second. After a moment a little nub budded from the spot help along by her she pulled it out extending it a ways before stepping back to join her sisters as they admire their handiwork in full. The bull began to distort phasing out seemingly growing less and less distinct until he was gone without any further prompting. Gerry threw himself upward from the bed, sweat poured off his body. He scanned the room, it was still dark. However something was off, something was in the corner of his vision. He reached out hand and was surprised to find a muzzle. His face, differnt, looking down he saw that he was differnt. Fur covered his body, his hands were different, his feet felt differnt. However panic turn to something else quickly, he felt a fire building within him. A need, something he had never really felt before. He bit his lip feeling his dick start to harden, trembling with anticipation. He needed a release he knew he needed to fuck something, someone. Lucky he knew there was someone more than willing he hoped sleeping in the other room. As if providence heard him ask the door to his be room opened.

A shadow entered the still darkened room and moved across the dark space towards the bathroom, the only bathroom in the apartment. Izy tried her best in a rare occurence to not make a scene. Every one had there limits and she found it rude to wake sleeping people up for no reason. Finding the door she silently slid into the room and found the toilet. She thought she caught a whiff of something distantly pleasant. Stopping at the bathroom she looked over at the clock, christ 3:34 in the morning. Well stops here past midnight she thought always came with a bit of introspection. She was grateful that Gerry had let her stay effectively indefinitely. Not many people could stand her, off the top of her head she could think seven, not counting family, a lot of who didn't really like her anyway. Not that it troubled her that much all any person really needed was a few good friends, and that she had. Done she got up and turned the light off trying extra carefully to not wake her friend.

Stepping into the darkness Izy was suddenly overwhelmed by smell from earlier. If perforated her, she blindly stepped forward over coe by the deep earthy scent. She could feel her sex twindge. She held a and up to her face trying to shield her face from it onslaught to no avail. Walking forward she collided with something large and imposing standing right in front of her. She stepped back her eye still adjusting to the darkness she couldn't see the figure in front of her. She almost screamed but she felt a hand reach out and over her face while another grasped her shoulder and drew her closer. The form drew her in and pushed her head into its, chest she thought. The full effect of that scent, his scent she now figured was taking full affect on her. It was intoxicating, she knew she should want to run but, instead all she wanted was to drink in the smell of this, thing. She looked up unsure of what would be staring back at her.

"Hey Izy" it said once there eyes met. In the darkness she could only make of the vagest features of the creature's face, however she could make out enough to see some boivd features. In addition she noticed that the fetchers seemed familiar, and once it spoke a flash bulb of realization went off in her mind.

"Gerry" she said in a hushed tone loud enough be a scream under the circumstance, but quiet enough to not wake the neighbors.

"Yeah, look uh this kinda forward I know, but uh... I uh... need you, bad. Like really bad" he said leading and ending with nervous laughter.

"Need you, what the fuck are you..." her mind was racing however that came to a screeching halt when she felt something poking her in the stomach. She was a good foot shorter than Gerry, and looking down she saw his full erect monster of a dick and flushed red.

"Oh, you um... need me, like that" she said raising a hand and biting down on a finger. She felt her blood boil, a fire burning, the scent, and that dick, pluse there was a sey bull. All that was conspiring to push her towards him.

"I don't know how, or why, not really concerned at the moment, but uh, I know that this kinda you're thing, so um... wanna run with it" he said. She looked up at him her eyes were finally adjusting and she could see the pained look of need on his face. His muscles, his dick, his pretty bovine face. Well, what could go wrong right.

"Sure, um... your bed" she asked. Pulling herself close to him. Taking in a deep breath of of scent savoring it as she did so.

"Yeah that uh... that sounds good" he said walking back a bit and then sitting on the bed. She followed him as if the two were tethered to one another. Looking at her Gerry saw she was already naked and moment of clarity broke through the lusty haze.

"Do you sleep in the nude" he asked looking her up and down, she was toned up, a short compact ball of muscle, he knew that but the extent of it was never clear to him until now.

"Yeah, clothing can be, constraining at night" she said her voice smooth and sultry, a tone he had never heard her use before. He nodded at the remark, his mind slipping back in the lusty haze of the moment. She ran a hand down the length of his chest as if to prove that this was not a dream one last time. She felt the fur under her hand the rough texture felt good. She looked up at him placing both her hands on his shoulders. She looked side to side and then back at him their eyes locking on each other. She grinned nervously her face red.

"I think your a bit to um... big for me Gerry" she said looking back down at his length. He did the same and looked back up at her his lust drunk mind running through the possibilities. He looked at her, he could see the her want of his plastered on her. The sexual frustration almost palpable. Gerry felt something distant reach out, a feeling both familiar and alien to him. He knew that if she could not take him like this then perhaps he could get her to point were she could. He reached out putting his hand behind her back and pulling her close. She gasped at the sudden action and looked at him a lustful smile plastered across her face. He leaned backward lying down across the bed taking her with him, lying her on top of him. Izy was still unsure of what he was thinking, but was more than happy to get another face full of his inticating musk. Looking up at him again she saw he held to two fingers in a v shaped position in front of his mouth. He flicked his tongue at her playfully. Using his other hand to single her to turn around.

She flushed an even brighter red than before realizing the implication of the gesture. However the shocked melted into her imagining that tongue inside her. She felt her need deepen, a lake widening to ocean. She nodded slowly and methodically, She turned around on top of him feeling as he softly but firmly grasped the checks of her ass. She felt his gaze looking at her dripping sex, lustly licking his lips in anticipation of his meal. She looked forward at her objective, the foot long cock just in front of her. She brushed against it with her head feeling it tremble with the stimulation. She took another deep breath of his mucky scent. It was stronger here, her whole body trembled as she reached out to touch the cock. She guided into her mouth and as her lips pressed against its side she felt the tongue his tongue run across the entrance to her dripping sex.

The sensation sent shiverers up and down her body. Causing her to wince for a second before returning her attention to his cock. Gerry's mind spinned with tastes, scents and sensations. He danced his tongue around the lips of Izy's dripping sex stimulating it, teasing it feeling her body trembling as he did so. Finally he felt her bring his length into her mouth. He felt her use her tongue if not with passion and experience then with gusto trying her best and largely succeeding. He felt the feeling radated up his body, he decided that he had teased her enough and pressed into her. The sudden feeling of his entrance casd her eye to open widel before the sensation rithimic and pleasant settled into the background of their throws of passion.

Gerry knew what he need to do, she wanted him and he wanted her. However her small through strong body couldn't handle him in his present state, that needed to be fixed. He willed it, he knew the basics of how the process was supposed to work he had read through a pile of technical data during his probe and he was going to put that to use here. He visualized it, her, how she looked, her body. Then how he wanted her to look. His eye closed he dreamt it, the sexy bovine she could be, his cow to love and pleasure.

As he wished so it became, slowly at first as her body adjusted ever so slightly, her hips widened slightly, her legs lengthened her assets front and back swelled bulging with new size. She felt it and craved the feeling washing over her. It only added to the engoring feeling already attacking her body. Gerry began massaging her ass cheeks not sure why, it felt to him the proper way to further her changes along. He felt muscles bulge up and firm her rear up as it expanded further. He took pride in it as he felt the last of her basic changes form up. Leaving the short stocky woman looking more like a well filled out amazon. However he was now done yet, an amazon she might well be, but the bull still needed a cow.

Her tail was the first feature to crop up, spinning its way out and around from the base of her spin. A tuft of black fur hung at the end. Still gently rubbing the checks of her ass Gerry felt the first pricks of fur sprouting from her skin. He opened an eye to examine them. White fur was spreading out all over her body, just as he had wanted. He closed his eye diverting his attention back to moving his tongue around the inside of his newly forming cow. Izy could feel the fur, she welcomed it. She relished the feeling of both the cock in here mouth and the tongue in her sex. However she drank in the feelings of the spreading fur over her body.

Izy felt the change begin to affect her humanity in a more tangible way as the fur spread further and fast from her crotch out around her body. Her feet morphed and degenerating reforming with hooves of cow. She could not see but she could feel it all happening. There was now pain to it, it was all pleasure even the parts that may have looked unpleasant merely felt like the stretching of a muscle. Tense in practice but once released euphoric and relaxing. Amidst the white fur splotches of black began forming, seemingly at random in oblong ovals that dotted her from her newly formed legs up to her changing arms. The feeling of some fingers merging most weirded Izy out enough to make her stop sucking but Gerry renewed interest in stimulating her pussy fixed that issue before it became one. She felt her neck push out as the fur expanded up her neck.

Gerry gave a twist to his tongue inadvertently tipping the already over stimulated woman over the edge. The overwhelming need to cry out overrode her desire to keep sucking on her bulls dick and she reared up ward pushing off of Gerry's thighs.

"MOOOOOOOO" a deep and bestail cry rang through the room and the building. Gerry was disappointed that he had set her off before he could finish but took pride in his ability to please his some to be completed heifer.

"I'm... Sorry... Felt... SO.... SOOO.... Good...." Izy spoke between deep breaths turning her head around as best she could to look over her shoulder at Gerry. He nodded at her

"Turn around, I wanna get a good look" he said.

"Sure" she said pulling herself forward along his chest and then turning around putting her weight on his belly. Gerry eyed her, the white and splotches of black complement each other well on her coat. She used both her hands to pick up her newly expanded breasts jiggling them up and down.

"So how about we make a proper heifer out of you" Gerry said grinning at her. She looked back down at him confused at first then realizing that she was still human from the neck up, and cow from the neck down. She looked back down at him, and laid her body on top of his resting her head just below his.

"We wouldn't want to let my complection ruin my new look would we" she said kissing him on the tip of snout.

"No I guess not" he said chuckling a bit. She grinned right back at him before pushing herself up off him. She looked behind her seeing her goal right there waiting for her to just stick it inside her. Gerry placed his arms behind his head and leaned his head up more to better watch. Izy took a hand and guided the thick throbbing member into the proper place. She lowered herself onto it slowly feeling it fill her up, she let out a sigh of relief feeling it enter her taking its length into herself completely. She looked back down at Gerry, biting his lip feeling the need and waiting with anticipation for her to begin. She smiled a dull smile at him, she would not disappoint him, he had gotten her over the edge with just his tongue, now she was going to throw both of them of a goddam cliff with her whole body.

She moved her self up and down, slowly at first. Finding a motion and getting used to her new forms locomotion. She adjusted quickly to it. Speeding up but not losing her control over the movements. Gerry huffed and sighed exasperated breaths as he felt himself being ridden hard by her. He watched as her body moved, up and down, her breasts jiggling up and down. It was mesmerizing. Izy felt her changes begin to start up again, the fur rounding her chin. She felt her skull begin to deform lose its shape and change. Gerry watched on in fascination, he distanly thought that the sight of her skull and face changing as they did bore some resemblance to something John Carpenter would have put to screen. However were that would be horrific this was breathtaking, the sight of traits never meant to mesh coalescing into a new form taking equal parts of each, the best part and reforming them into a better whole. Her muzzle pushed out of her face taking with it the last true vestiges of her humanity.

Between the thrusting and changing, Gerry caught few glimpses of her changing head what he could he savored. Each time he could make her out she looked more like the image he had crafted for her. Until finally she was that, the image of a cow girl black and white, with one spot over her right eye. Her short brown hair still a distinctive feature on her otherwise black and white body. He face a blend of her old human one and the new bovine elements. Not completely Izy but not completely unlike her as well. He savored the picture watching her move, rising and falling. She was completed and he could only let her work her body in service of his and hers now waiting for the penultimate climax he could feel just beyond the next hump or two.

Neither of them had to wait long. The whole things was building both the cows could feel it. Izy felt her body tensing with the anticipation of receiving her bulls warm load deep inside her. The through only drive her to ride him harder and harder trying to get it out of him. Gerry felt his boyd tensing he tried and fail to deny himself it trying to get a few extra seconds of the overwhelming feeling of the climax. It tore past his wishes forcing him to emit a load "MOOOO" as his spasming cock finally dumped its load into Izy. Izy dropped down on his dick ramming it into her self setting off her own climax and causing her to let lose another "MOOOO". Both felt the waves of the event wash over them. Izy fell the Gerry's chest and clutched him in her arms as he still pumped her full with his load. The residual trembles of the climactic finish still reverberated up and down her body.

The wave receded and with the hazy lust that had hung over the two. They could still feel the after effect of there passonte love making in there bodys, but felt their rational minds returning to them. All the feedback there bodies gave them was positive, nothing hurt and everything felt amazing.

"Hey, uh Gerry, this isn't some kinda freaky ass fever dream is it" she asked in a shaky voice.

"No, I'm pretty sure all that just happened" he said leaning his head back and looking at the ceiling.

"Yeah" she said laying her head on his chest and closing her eyes.

"Hey you should probably call out sick or something" Gerry said closing his eyes as well. Thinking that he was lucky since he was now done with his probe into the company he had a few days to himself, and now Izy as well.

"Hmm" she asked not yet putting things together.

"I don't think showing up to court like you are now is gonna help your case out much" he said all but feeling her eyes shoot open in realization.

Yossarian banged on the vending machine trying and failing to dislodge the candy bar he had wanted. The long night was starting to get to him. Between driving from D.C. to New York and suddenly being in the middle of a bunch of furry nonsense he was tired and need some sugar.

"Ouch tough break, you should've used the one by the bathrooms this one always does this" he looked over to the voice and saw the german shepherd lady walking over to him.

"Yeah, I would have but I want that little fucker right there and this is the only one that has it" he said looking back at the vending machine.

"Here let me" she said giving the mahine a good thwac with her powerful arm. The bar was dislodged and he reached down for it.

"Thanks" he said opening it an savering the instant gratification it brought with it.

"So, are they gonna be stuck like that or..." he asked the dog lady.

"Na, we have this stuff down to a science now, eh mostly. Me and some other people are stuck like this but hey it's not all that bad, oh uh i'm Lilly by the by" she said extending a hand to the man. He looked her over she was taller than him, by a good margin more than a foot he judged. There was also muscle to back that friendly demeanor up, and something else under all that fur.

"Yossarian" he said finishing his candy bar and extending his hand as well, "Were you a cop" he asked.

"Yeah, spent a few years in Newark PD. Does it still show" she asked crossing her arms and smiling.

"Kinda, I should get back to the lab. Walk and talk" he said pointing in the direction he was already moving.

"So what's the secret service like" she asked.

"Not much more than what you see now. Lots of looking for stuff that isn't there and standing around looking intimidating. Pays good through." he said. "So what all this like, the uh, fur I mean." he asked.

"It's pretty cool I guess, there's a lot a benefits that come with it you know, I do kinda miss my old face though. But hey i'm jacked and have the body of my dreams, so yeah there's a little give and take" she said sounding a bit down about her face but trying to emphasize the positive points.

"What's, the um, well" he seemed a bit anxious about this question. "What the sex like, I've heard some stuff you know, is it true that its ya know. Blow you fucking mind apart sex" he asked. Lilly was impressed most people that asked her about it left that part out, a lot of them looked like they wanted to but couldn't get over there inhibitions. She looked over at the agent.

"Yeah, its true. What happens is during the transformation the body just start producing hormones like crazy, normally that would be a bad thing. But the bots can regulate them, channel them, they effetice take over the functions of the cells for the duration and as a by product start releasing all the pheromoans in a concentrated aerosol form, which intern gets inhaled by other bodies and causes a kinda perpetual cycle of lust. The end result of that is well, feedback loop that just kinda keeps building on itself till a climax. There were a few kinks that needed the be worked out and uh, well me and lot of other people are testament to that. We have a lot more safe guards installed but uh, well let's just say we have a few more issues to fix, nothing that can't be undone mind you but uh well the effects can be a bit jarring once all the pheromoans wear off" she finished as the reentered the lab.

Inside a small group of technicians Vix and Quince included were looking over the two congressmen turned horses. They were sitting down being poked and prodded and examined thoroughly agreeing to some tests in exchange for some help turning back.

"Ok, so we can purge all the bots from your system once we turn you back. That will keep you from transforming again and will prevent you from spreading it to anyone else you become intimate with" Vix said checking off something on the clipboard she was holding.

"Um, that's nice but uh, what if once we are human again we say wanted to turn back" Hanna asked her embraced at the question.

"Yes", can you help us learn how to uh, change back and forth" Taylor asked shortly after.

"Yes, in that case we can help you learn how to control your transformations, however that will take some time, at least a few days" Vix said smiling at the development. A few people had come in that had been unwittingly transformed by their friends, lovers, or just by improper handling of the companions tech. So far not one had asked to be purged and returned to normal. Each and everyone said a differnt version of the same thing, "This feels really good, but I don't want people to know I like it, help me". She took a bit a pride in the fact that even up in the higher realms of power people succumbed to there baser urges.

"Ok, we can clear our schedules, and for other things, well I'm sure we can come up with good excuses" Hanna said reaching a hand over to Taylor and extending a longing look.

"Ok good, also keep it in your pants until we get you two a room ok, there's a reason all the rooms in this building are hermetically sealed now" Vix said cautioning the two.

Yossarian sighed, knowing that he would have to stay here and keep a watchful eye over the two. Couldn't just leaving important political figures at the mercy of the public, or a bunch of crazy scientists.

So You've Been Transmogrified: Leo and Audrey

So You've Been Transmogrified: Leo and Audrey Leo had the package in hand, Vix had been very cooperative once given the correct motivation. He could still see the smug grin plastered on her face when she realised that he had her in a corner. Not...

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So You’ve Been Transmogrified: Taylor and Hanna

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So You've Been Transmogrified: Avery

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