Forcing Foxie

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#13 of Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018

Gangbanged in an alleyway, a fox is taken against his will...

This was written up for Christmas, just reaching its spot in the queue! Enjoy!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018


Forcing Foxie

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Matteh

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Matteh should have been more careful. In hindsight, that was a wonderful thing indeed to know, but there was nothing he could do about it in hindsight, walking down the dark street alone in an area of the city that was well-known for being dodgier than most. The red fox, however, had just thought that he could walk a little more quickly, get himself out of the danger zone and home free, if only things went his way for once.

Of course, that was not going to happen. He should have known better. He should have gone a different way. Should, should, should... It was funny how just one word could bring such a sickening rise to the pit of his stomach. But they didn't care about all of that. They only cared for their pleasure and their cruelty and, of course, took the poor little fox all the same.

The first he knew of his assailants was the knife pressed to his throat, Matteh yanked clean off his hind paws as he disappeared into the alleyway with a strangled shriek that wouldn't have honestly have alerted anyone to his presence. Truly, they would have put it down to the cry of a fox or some other four-legged vermin (rats too were well-known for making the most peculiar noises) but Matteh was long gone and lost to anyone who may ever have possibly have been able to help him, whimpering and squirming up against the chest of a much larger fur - a stallion who seemed to tower over him in the mind-numbing fear of the moment.

"Hey there, little foxy..." The horse sneered, lip curling back from his teeth as if the big, black beast was laughing at him. "You've chosen the wrong time to come down this way now, haven't you?"

"Wimpy little thing, isn't he?" Another fur sneered, a beastly looking rodent with large ears and a 'weasely' look about him - he could have been a hybrid. "Easy pickings... Hand over your wallet, bitch."

Gasping and wheezing for breath as his belongings were stripped from him, for it seemed that they didn't actually expect him to hand them over of his own free will, shaking him down quite physically for his belongings. Wallet and keys - everything went, but the sweet wrappers and tickets from the show he' been to that very night were discarded, junk to be tossed away while he was taken for a better purpose entirely. The fox's eyes welled up from lack of breath but he could hardly be relieved when he was finally dropped to the stinking ground, dirt and grime oozing through the knees of his jeans and into the usually pristine pads of his paws, when the mousey thing squinted at him with such a strange look in his eye.

"Hey... How about a little fun?" The rodent grunted, his beady little eyes seeming to gleam with sheer malice in a small, narrow head that almost looked to be too small for his body. "He ain't gonna say nothing, hey?"

"P-please..." Matteh gasped, even as the equine hefted him up by the scruff of his neck, forcing the small fox onto his knees. "Let me go..."

But they had no intention at all of doing that as the stallion bellowed a short, belly laugh, truly amused by the thought that they wouldn't go through with using him just as they pleased. And Matteh's head reeled, trying to drag him away from the situation as he was forced down, the rodent unzipping his scruffy jeans to reveal a thickening cock with a tapered tip, the end probing hungrily for his muzzle, even if it was hardly a willing hole to fuck. Whimpering, the fox tried to wrench himself away but there was simply no possible way to evade the hard and heavy paws of the stallion whose name he did not and would not ever know as his mouth was yanked open, a thumb in the corner of his jaws, and shoved down to that waiting cock.

"Take it all..."

They didn't need to raise their voices to command and dominate him, the trembling fox helpless putty in their paws, a mere passing toy and dalliance to him. They wouldn't remember him, not even after he'd sucked off the rodent who shuddered and groaned through clenched teeth, claiming and slamming into his muzzle as if he was just another hole to be fucked. And, to the shrewd rodent, that's all he was, really, something to be tossed aside as soon as they were done with him. They'd have their use out of his sweet muzzle and, besides, didn't everyone already know that a fox's muzzle was truly built for fucking at the end of the day? The equine laughed hoarsely, tail swishing in a lash of thick hair. He'd been gagging for it anyway!

"Keep sucking," the stallion warned him, even as he took his paws away. "You don't want to make me use this now, do you?"

The flash of the knife, a bone-chilling blade that surely looked as if it should have been on display somewhere in some murder museum, was more than enough to get Matteh whimpering, eyes rolling back into his skull as if his body too was trying to protect him from the horror of it, wanting to be anywhere, absolutely anywhere, else but where he was right there. Saliva drooled from the corners of his lips, strained wide for a cock that wasn't truly all that large, but the slam and brutal grind of the rodent's cock into the back of his throat made him gag, eyes streaming.

"Look, he's crying..."

But Matteh didn't know if that was true or not as the beast's thrusts sped up all of a sudden, slamming ruthlessly into his mouth over and over again as he hastened towards a crude and lustful peak. The fox could only expect the spill of hot, dirty cum into his mouth, although the rodent seemed to make a point of not getting all of it into his mouth, painting his muzzle crudely and seedily with a hefty dose of what his balls had to offer. Yet the fox would have been amiss with reality if he hoped that was all, the stallion even then pulling his tail up to see just what pleasure lay beneath.

"My turn now..."

The stallion laughed but there was no humour in it, the rodent passing another knife from paw to paw after stuffing his cock wetly back into his jeans with the slick sheen of cum and spit still on it. Panting heavily, Matteh hung his head, retreating into himself even as his own shaft seemed to plump up, loving the act even if not the why of it, his body reacting. Could he help that? The fox's head spun but he couldn't get a grip on reality as the stallion yanked his jeans down around his red-furred ankles and drove him up against the wall with a hard, muscled body that, in any other circumstance, the fox may have wanted to get up close and personal with himself.

But not when being taken so crudely and coarsely, without his consent. Not when the stallion closed his paw around his throat, squeezing as if to say that he could cut off breath from his lungs at any given time, his cock finding and forcing entry to a bare tail hole that was woefully underprepared for what he had to deliver.

And he had to take it all - every last sordid inch of that cock. Matteh howled brokenly as he was abused, his tail hole stretching around that shaft, so thick that it felt as if it was going to split him from the inside out. Of course, the stallion was not quite so well-endowed so as to do any manner of lasting damage but that was hardly a thought going through the whimpering fox's mind as just the jab and grind of that meaty girth up against his prostate sent his head swimming and his cock hardening.

"Look..." The stud stallion jeered, holding him tight as he thrust and took his pleasure from him. "He's getting hard. Think I can get this one to cum?"

If the rodent answered, Matteh didn't hear them, grinding his teeth together and clenching his jaw so hard that a muscle jumped in the corner, trying to force away the pleasure that his body seemed insistent on delivering to him. It wasn't right - not at all! He was being taken, he should not have any sense of pleasure... But he could not prevent his body from reacting to simple physical stimulation and the grasp of the horse's meaty paw around his cock was the final straw for him too as he panted out a short and curt orgasm that seemed unfulfilling to the extreme.

But that was okay: it did not matter if he enjoyed or not, only that the crude beasts got what they wanted from him. And the equine was more than intent on that, grunting thickly in the back of his throat as he put every ounce of strength in his body into each and every one of his thrusts, muscles tensing to ensure that not a single bit of that lustful fox hole would go to waste as it squeezed around his cock. There was no sense in the vulpine trying to push him out, not even then, as he would have what he wanted from Matteh regardless of his cries and shrieks, hammering in harder and faster and deeper than ever before.

The equine's snort and grunt of orgasm was more muffled than it would have been had he been in a position to cry out his pleasure in the most carnal way possible, but the hot wash of breath over Matteh's ears was coarse enough for him. Hot rope after rope of equine seed flooded his tail hole, the head of the stallion's shaft flaring out noticeably to strain his innards open just a little bit more. There was nothing a little fox like him could do to stop the onslaught of cum, the equine chuffing and grunting as he filled him to the brim, only pulling out when he was good and done and dropping the fox unceremoniously to the grimy ground, cock soft and bored with their ploy already.

"Leave him."

There were no pleasantries in their leaving, pocketing his belongings that most certainly no longer were his. And all Matteh could do was groan, lifting his head shakily in their absence and trying to draw some semblance of strength back to his body, tugging his jeans up slowly, although he could not help the pool of cum beneath him, some of it belonging to the stallion and the rest to the rodent. He couldn't acknowledge what had been spilt from his body - at least not yet.

Footsteps. Quiet, but they were there, making their way down the alleyway at a leisurely pace as Matteh moaned and tried to shove his torso up, flopping back down again like a rag doll even as a skinny stoat looked over him with something that could have been concern. That was, it would have been concern on his muzzle if Matteh did not know him so well to understand that little twinkle in his eye and just what chuckle the other fur was concealing from him.

Damn him...

"Hey, foxy," the stoat said with a grin and a wink, reaching down to help up his friend even as he giggled. "Hope you enjoyed that... They not too rough with you? I knew I had to get a couple that you hadn't ever met before or else you'd've been in on the game!"

Although the taste of cum lingered thickly in his mouth, tail hole sore, the fox somehow managed to groan and accept the stoat's paw, although he did not quite yet manage to heave himself up, chest rising and falling quickly for breath that was sorely needed even in the afterglow of 'abuse' that had driven his lusts up and up and up to an even greater level than before.

"Wow... Just wow."

Sometimes things weren't what they seemed to be at all, the play off without a hitch and a well-satisfied fox left behind with a smile stretching from ear to ear. He hadn't known at the start what was up but he'd had a feeling and they hadn't taken things, really, as far as they could have, making sure he achieved his own crude orgasm too even in the midst of the 'rape'. His friend helped him up, Jason who had been there throughout in the background, even if Matteh had not had the sense of mind about him to see the fox. Licking his sore lips, the fox shook himself off a little sheepishly, trying to brush the dirt from his clothes and fur to no avail, but it didn't matter, not really. He really did have some good friends about him, going to such extremes to see his fantasies fulfilled.

And he couldn't wait to see just what they came up with for him next time too...

Stretching the Size Queen

**Amethyst's Advent Calendar of Kink 2018** **Size Queen** ** ** **Stretching the Size Queen** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Matteh_ Giggling, Chloe licked the tip of the dragon-shaped dildo saucily,...

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