to gain a lose your heart

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#1 of to gain a lose your heart

To gain a lose your heart

Greg walked down the path, his left hand holding the strap of his backpack so that it didn't cut into his shoulder, his right hanging by his side, brushing against a belt that held a single pokeball with every step. He sighed as he imagined the weariness that would soon encompass his body as he trekked from his hometown, Azalea, a tiny little place known only for it's slowpoke, to goldenrod city, where he hoped to challenge and defeat the gym leader, Whitney, and get his first badge.

But first, he had to brave Ilex forest, a dark, enclosing space, with an untrained pokemon.

He sighed again and reached down, lightly caressing the pokeball with a rapidly numbing hand.

Inside rested a small, tough pokemon that went by the name of sandshrew.

He shifted the backpack, squared his shoulders, and stepped through the entrance of Ilex forest.

* * *

That was three days ago.

Greg had very quickly become lost, turned around by constant encounters with wild pokemon, and the endless trees surrounding him.

He hadn't won a single battle. His sandshrew hated him. The first time he had summoned it with a triumphant flick of his wrist, sending the ball straight at the opposing pokemon, a rather weak looking oddish, the tiny shrew-like creature had turned on him and attacked him.

His clothes were shredded, he had lost all his pokeballs, his pack was gone from an errant flame shot by a passing growlithe, and he was hopelessly lost in the woods with a rapidly dwindling food supply.

He was lying at the base of a tree, resting, hoping not to get ambushed by a passing pokemon, as had happened several times already.

He opened his eyes and lifted his head as he heard a yell nearby. Pokemon couldn't yell, they didn't have the right vocal cords for it.

He rose to his feet quickly, looking around for where the sound had come from. Sound had a strange way of distorting and changing direction in Ilex forest.

He quickly locked onto the sound and started making his way towards it, hoping to maybe get instructions on where to go.

What he saw was not what he expected.

The first thing he saw was the large, brown, curved shell of a Blastoise, facing away from him, staring down at a Ninetails.

The Ninetails stood on splayed feet, head down in a threatening manner, growling up at its larger adversary, its nine tails from which it derived its name twitching slowly in a patient way.

Greg settled down to watch, figuring that it was a trainer battle. He thought that he could wait until it was over and hopefully ask the loser where the exit was, as they would not fight him after losing so recently.

It was obvious which pokemon would win. The Ninetails was outmatched in both size and elemental attribution.

The Blastoise bent over; bring to bear its two massive water cannons, aiming them straight at the defiant Ninetails, intending to do away with it with one brutal attack.

The Ninetails leapt out of the way as the Blastoise fired, the powerful jet of water hitting a tree and causing it to snap as if only a twig.

The Ninetails leapt nimbly around the larger adversary, always just one step ahead of it, avoiding each deadly blast with precision dodges that were faster than the eye could follow.

Greg searched the shadowy recesses around the battleground, seeking the two trainers. One was standing in plain view, a younger boy, ordering the Blastoise around with clear, precise commands, laughing maniacally as he fought the outmatched Ninetails.

But the other trainer wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Greg watched on as the Ninetails made its first and last mistake of the match, launching away from a water-blast, but landing too close to the Blastoise, leaving itself open to attack.

The Blastoise lashed out heavily with a giant paw, catching the Ninetails a horrible blow to the side, lifting it clear off the ground and hurling it against a tree.

The trainer laughed evilly and stepped forwards, dark eyes dancing with sadistic delight as he observed the downed pokemon.

"Finish it" He ordered impassively.

Greg leapt forwards as he realised that there was no other trainer and that the Ninetails must be wild.

As he threw himself forwards into view he drew his pokeball, throwing it straight at the trainer, hoping to hit him in the head.

He didn't know why he did it; it was a stupid thing to do, trying to protect a wild pokemon by putting himself in danger. The kid could decide to use him as target practise for his Blastoise, and then kill the Ninetails and him. But something inside him wouldn't let him just stand by and let a pokemon die in front of him.

The ball flashed before it hit its target, the small pokemon exploding forth from inside, launched straight at the trainer by the momentum of the throw.

It curled into a ball on reflex, slamming into the kid's head, knocking him off his feet.

Greg landed on his feet and ran towards the trainer, working on instinct as the hopelessness of the situation set in.

There was him, a sandshrew that was naturally bad against water types, and a grievously wounded Ninetails, vs. a very powerful Blastoise and a maniacal trainer who thought that killing a defenceless pokemon was fun.

The kid stood up, slowly brushing himself off, and then staring daggers at Greg, uttering a single, sharp order.

The Blastoise turned and swept the sandshrew away, lifting it off the ground and hurling it for almost a hundred metres where it hit the ground and lay, unmoving. The pokeball that was on the ground, the one that had held the sandshrew, slowly turned deep black, signifying that the pokemon who resided within had died.

Greg could only stare as the Blastoise turned on him, a single swipe of its paw lifting him as well, slamming him into a tree, where he slid down it, head lolling lifelessly, conscious, but only barely.

"You wanted to save the pitiful creature? Then you can watch while it dies." The kid said, a strange light dancing in his eyes as if a fire was lit inside his head.

The Blastoise rounded on the wounded Ninetails, bringing its water cannons to bear, aiming them impassively, and firing.

Greg, who had used his last ounce of strength to launch himself in front of the helpless pokemon, caught the full blast of both jets, lifted off his feet again to slam into the same tree the Ninetails had, sliding down it like the last one, slumping on top of the Ninetails soft side, losing consciousness as he heard the kid say something.

"Leave them be...they'll die in time. I've heard that a caterpie will eat its victims while they still live, tearing off piece after piece. A fitting end for such pitiful adversaries..."

* * *

Greg groaned and opened his eyes slowly, seeing stars above him, revealed only in small patches by the branches of trees. He could feel something warm under him, and moved off it, falling back weakly. His movement awoke the Ninetails, who whimpered slightly and got to its feet shakily, staring around as if stunned.

"Go on..." He whispered from his position, unable to muster any sort of strength for anything. "Get going..." he made a weak shooing motion with his hands. He felt that he should get the pokeball of his dead sandshrew, and try to make some sort of offering for the dead pokemon, but he couldn't move.

The Ninetails moved closer and sniffed him curiously, nudging his face for a second as if trying to rouse him from a deep slumber.

Greg knew he was dying. He could feel a horrible feeling creeping up on him, and he swore that he could also feel his organs slowly bleeding into themselves, killing him from the inside out.

"I didn't get myself killed so you can just stand there. Get going!" He tried to yell, but he was too weak. He lost consciousness as he felt the weakened Ninetails lie down next to him, licking at his neck entreatingly.

* * *

He awoke once more, a few hours later, a pain slowly radiating from his stomach. The Ninetails was still there, looking even weaker now that it had before, it's sleek white fur matted and dirty.

"You need to get'll die too if you stay..." He said as it looked at him with its lupine eyes. He could feel that it could understand him, that it knew what he was getting at, but it wouldn't leave. He tried to push it away, but all he managed was a gentle nudging with his hand. The Ninetails nudged him back, a twinkle in its eye, as if teasing him. He had the most insane thought that, if they weren't both going to die, then maybe they could have had a lot of fun battles together.

* * *

The next he awoke, he felt just as bad, but the surroundings had changed. He was laying in the pokemon centre, in a back room, a place where people rarely went.

A nurse Joy was leaving the room, her outfit rumpled, as if she had just been wrestling with something.

The Ninetails hopped up onto his bed, giving nurse Joy a weak growl, stumbling slightly and plopping down next to him, breathing fast and shallow.

Greg tried to muster the energy to talk, but it was impossible.

"If se doesn't let us help her soon...she'll die." He heard nurse Joy tell someone, "Chansey, I'll need your help."

Nurse Joy returned with a pink pokemon with a cute little nurse cap on. She saw that he was awake and immediately drew closer to see how he was.

The Ninetails growled dangerously, tensing up, its body heat increasing as it readied a flame.

"Call your pokemon off." Nurse Joy said. "She hasn't let us near you. She just dragged you in here, tipped a full-restore down your throat and has been lying there next to you ever since."

"It's not mine..." He coughed out. His throat was sorer than he had ever felt it.

"She's not yours?" Nurse Joy asked with bewilderment. "You can't tell me a wild pokemon dragged you in here and protected you for three days."

"Three days?!" He half-shouted. "Has she taken any water or anything?" He asked with concern.

"She hasn't let us close to either of you since she dragged you in. we put our full array of potions out for her, even offered her chansey's egg. I think that she didn't trust any of them. The potion she gave you was one she brought in herself." Joy replied.

Greg immediately leapt to his feet, ignoring the pain in his body. The Ninetails tried to follow, but he was out the door, taking Joy with him, and closing the door before the weakened pokemon could even get off the bed. She moved over to the door and began to scratch at it weakly, whining piteously.

"You shouldn't be doing anything stressful in your condition." Joy admonished.

"And neither should she." He replied, jerking his head towards the sound of the Ninetails scratching at the door.

"Wait here. I'll be back" Greg said.

* * *

He made his way over to his shredded clothes, searching hurriedly. He found what he was looking for, his pokedex, which contained all his money as well. He slipped it into his pocket and made his way over to the goldenrod department store, using the elevator to access the floor he wanted, buying a few specialised items, and then returning.

He crept back into the room that contained the Ninetails. He thought that she was asleep, but she lifted her head and stared daggers at him the moment he got far enough away from the door that she could stop him from leaving. The look she gave him firmly said 'You aren't going anywhere'

"I couldn't have you following me." He stated. "You would have hurt yourself."

He moved over to the bed and placed a gentle yet firm hand on her side, holding her down as he started to spray her all over with three different kinds of potions.

She whimpered slightly as the potions took effect, stinging painfully.

When he had finally finished, she looked better. But her fur was still matted and dirty, strings of mud and leaved hanging in it.

He took out a grooming set he had purchased, and started snipping off the bits of fur that he couldn't brush clean, her tails swirling erratically through the air.

When he had finished grooming her, she looked superb, her body radiant once more, her fur shining with reflected light.

"There." He stated, and she nuzzled him gratefully.

He reached into the new pack he had bought, and retrieved the drinks he had spent the last of the money on. One was a cheap bottle of fresh water, the other, a rather expensive bottle of moomoo milk. The gym leader had allowed him to purchase a bottle of it off her when he had told her the story of the wild pokemon that had saved him.

He set the moomoo milk down in front of her, producing a bow and filling it with the rich, tasty milk, placing it in front of her, and then opening the bottle of water for himself.

"Drink up." He stated.

She looked at the bowl of milk, her thirst growing with every ripple across the surface of the enticing liquid, and nosed it back towards him, one of her tails taking the water from him.

She pressed her muzzle against the lip of the bottle, tilting it slightly with her tail so that it ran down her mouth slowly. She finished the water with a graceful flick of one her many tails, setting the bottle down out of the way and staring at him with her penetrating eyes, inspecting him.

"You don't want the milk?" He asked wearily.

She pushed it back towards him insistently.

He sighed and picked up the bowl, carefully pouring the precious liquid back into the bottle. He screwed the led back on and placed it in a fridge marked 'trainers fridge' and stood up, motioning her to follow him.

He took her back to the entrance of Ilex forest, kneeling down in front of her.

"I want to thank you for your help. I would have died if you hadn't saved me." He said quietly, before nudging her in the direction of the depths of Ilex forest,

She nudged him back, a roguish twinkle in her eye, as if it were some sort of game. She saw that he was dead serious, and her face fell. She turned her back on him with a sad flick of her tails, walking away without a backwards glance.

Greg sighed softly in a sad way, likewise turning from the vixen, walking irresolutely back towards goldenrod, unsure what he should do. He had no money, no pokemon, no employment; he was in a foreign city, with no clue as to what to do next.

He was rather preoccupied with these thoughts, and so didn't notice the trainer stalking him.

He heard a twig snap, and whirled, expecting to the see the Ninetails following him, and fully prepared to yell at her to go away, but instead, he saw a ninja.

He was about six feet tall, dressed all in black, his hood covering up his identity. A long sword was sheathed across his back.

"Fucking weirdo." Greg muttered under his breath, turning away.

"You are a trainer are you not?" The masked ninja asked.

"Yes..." He said, but before he could continue, the ninja had already drawn a pokeball and tossed it into the air, the ball exploding outwards to reveal a large fearow.

"I don't have any pokemon!" Greg yelled out as the fearow swooped.

He ducked, the backwash from a flap of the fearow's massive wings knocking him clean off his feet.

"Then you must fight as you are." The ninja stated, laughing quietly at the show he was about to see.

Something awoke in Greg, and anger he never knew he had.

The fearow came back for another pass, and Greg picked up a long stick, standing ready.

The fearow came in fast and hard, and at a signal from the trainer, started to barrel roll through the air, faster and faster, until it was spinning like a drill.

Drill peck.

Greg dodged to the side as fast as he could, rolling and reaching out with his left hand, catching a wing tip and holding on grimly, catapulted forwards and up above the fearow by the momentum of its spin.

He let the spin of his move roll him through the air, striking outwards with the stick at the zenith of his arc, slamming it straight into the fearow's head.

The fearow dropped like a stone, but the trainer withdrew it before it could hit the ground.

Greg indulged himself in a small smile. He had won!

But then he noticed the ground coming up at!

WHAM! A bone shattering impact and broken stick later, and he was lying on the ground, moaning quietly with pain and clutching at his chest weakly.

The ninja laughed, and threw another ball.

This time, he knew he couldn't win.

A Scyther stood before him. The insect stood six feet tall, each arm ending in a wicked scythe.

It gave its insane sounding cry, a high-pitched "Scytheeeerrr!" And charged faster than the eye could follow, hitting him full in the chest, knocking him backwards and forcing him to roll into a ball, rolling for several metres before he unrolled and hit the ground painfully, coughing slightly.

"Scyther, extremespeed!" the ninja yelled impassively.

The Scyther extended its long scythe, flitting from side to side as it started to charge. As it grew closer, its body seemed to elongate, until it was just one long, green blur.

Greg had a split second to react, but all he could do was look away and put his arm up in some kind of vain defence.

There was a bark behind him, and he felt something leap over him, landing lightly in front of him and squaring itself off.

The Scyther hit like a runaway freight train, slamming into the safeguard barrier that the Ninetails had erected. The Scyther bounced off with as much force as it had hit it with, sprawling across the ground in a tangle of wings and blades.

"Scyther! Fury cutter!" the ninja yelled out.

"Ninetails! Safeguard!" Greg yelled out as the Scyther struck again.

It went right through the safeguard shield, reappearing on the other side of the Ninetails, its praying-mantis like face bare inches from Greg's, before it disappeared again, hitting the shield and going right through again, not harming the Ninetails within its protective confines.

"Wait for it...wait for it..." Greg said, staring at the blinding display of speed intently, waiting for the opening that he knew must come soon.

"Fire spin!" He yelled out as the Scyther fell back a little, out of energy and needing to recharge a little.

The Ninetails leapt into the air above the Scyther, tails pointing straight upwards, mouth pointing downwards. She let loose a jet of fire, which twisted as it went, encircling the Scyther in rings of searing heat.

The Scyther stared around, trying to see where the vixen had gotten to, it's eyes affected greatly by the fire. It shied away from the flame in front of it, only to step closer to the ones behind it.

"Iron tail!" Greg yelled out as the Ninetails landed.

The white vixen leapt forwards, all nine of her tails coming together and turning a metal colour, solidifying into a single, large tail.

The vixen rolled forwards, skidding sideways, bringing her rear out to the right, digging her front claws into the ground at the exact right moment, her tails sweeping out and catching the Scyther perfectly along the ankles, knocking it clean off its feet.

It hit the ground with a dull thud, trying to roll out of the way.

The Ninetails continued her movement, sweeping her tail right around in a circular action, before flipping forwards, her hardened tail catching the downed Scyther perfectly, knocking it out.

The ninja watched on impassively, lifting the pokeball and withdrawing the Scyther, throwing his final pokeball out into the arena.

A huge shape erupted from within the pokeball, leaving a massive Rhydon standing there, watching the two puny opponents as if they were of no importance.

"Ninetails...flamethrower!" He called out uncertainly. There wasn't really all that much that a fire pokemon could do against a Rhydon.

She obeyed willingly, opening her mouth and loosing a cylindrical stream of fire that splashed harmlessly against the Rhydon's hardened skin.

The ninja just watched, wondering how the other trainer would cope with the adversary he faced.

" attack!" He called out.

She turned her head and looked at him quizzically. The look said with more eloquence than words ever could 'I don't have wings you dolt.'

"The trees!" He called.

She looked up at the towering trees, and leapt for one, leaping from tree to tree in ever higher jumps, her powerful body carrying her right to the top, where she leapt outwards, perfectly aimed, arching her back and spirally downwards, hitting the Rhydon with an amazing impact.

The Rhydon looked a little stunned by the blow. Likely it had never been hit so hard before.

But it wasn't enough.

"Rhydon, shoulder charge!" The ninja called.

The vixen leapt out of the way just in time as the Rhydon launched itself, brushing her side roughly, spinning her in the air a little.

"Iron tail sky attack!" Greg yelled out, hoping that the Ninetails realised what he was trying to do.

She nodded once, before once again doing her amazingly acrobatic leaps to the top of the trees, the Rhydon standing conveniently still.

She launched outwards, her tails coming together and solidifying again.

She started to spin slowly, but the rolling movement gathered speed as she dropped, until she was spinning furiously fast, her tail whipping through the air in a deadly arc.

"Rhydon! Dodge!" The ninja called out as he realised that the attack was going to hurt. A lot.

The Rhydon lurched to the side, nowhere near nimble enough to evade the massive attack, but managing to move its head out of the line of fire.

The tail caught it across the back with the force of a steel girder dropped from dizzying height, slamming into its hardened armour-like skin.

It gave a loud roar of pain as its armour cracked and the Ninetails bounced off, landing on her feet nimbly and squaring off again.

"Horn drill!" The ninja called.

The horn on the Rhydon's head started to revolve, faster and faster as it turned on the little vixen, its eyes blazing red with anger and pain.

"Retreat!" Greg called out fearfully. A horn drill attack could kill her if it hit.

But she didn't listen. She squared off against the advancing Rhydon, her eyes gleaming, a mischievous smile paying across her muzzle.

She opened her mouth wide, her paws digging deep into the ground, steadying herself.

"Fire attacks don't work!" Gregg called out desperately, trying to get to his feet. His left arm collapsed under him, which was the first time he realised that it must be broken.

The Rhydon watched her with an evil gleam in its eyes, before lowering its head, bringing its drill closer and closer, until it was almost touching her nose.

She waited until the last possible moment, and then attacked.

Her mouth exploded with a white radiance, the brilliance engulfing the Rhydon, lifting it clean off its feet as if were no more than a Ratatta, slamming it into a tree, which snapped under the immense force, the Rhydon powering into another tree, this one snapping as well, but stopping the Rhydon in its tracks, the tree falling and covering its splayed body.

The tree dropped another few feet as the Rhydon returned to its ball.

"I win!" Greg called out triumphantly, but then stopped. He turned towards the Ninetails, and said quietly "You won..."

A whisper of wind swirled between the two, before the Ninetails opened her mouth, and spoke.

"*We* won." She stated so quietly that he was the only one who heard it.

Greg was so surprised at this incredible act that he didn't have anything to say.

"Your winnings." The ninja stated, throwing a hefty bag full of gold at him, throwing a star soon after, which hit the bag in midair and spilled the gold over the ground.

Greg just stared at the ninja as the coins hit the ground, spreading and rolling across the forest floor.

He knew what the ninja was doing. He would escape while Greg wasted time picking up the gold. The ninja smiled at him "Farewell...we shall meet again." He stated.

Greg began to pick up coins with his good arm, and then turned to the Ninetails when he had finished. She had helped a little, her dextrous tails having trouble picking up the small, slippery coins. "Why did you come back?" he asked, curious as to why a wild pokemon would feel compelled to help a trainer.

"because sa-saved-...m-me..." She struggled to say, swaying slightly before keeling over sideways, hitting the ground with a dull thud, unconscious. Greg rushed over, seeing that she had used up all her energy in the battle.

He sighed as he realised that he would have to carry the vixen, which was not in any sense of the word light, with a broken arm, all the way back to the pokemon centre.

He sighed and picked her up; trying with difficulty to balance her on his shoulder and starting the weary trudge back to the pokemon centre, his left arm hanging uselessly, but a smile on his face.

* * *

"You seem to get in a lot of accidents." Joy commented as she woke him, drawing back the blinds on the window and letting the sunlight stream in. It was mid-afternoon. The Ninetails and he had slept for the night and half the day.

The vixen was lying across his lap, dozing peacefully.

Greg slowly lifted her off his legs, which were completely numb from her weight. She came up to his waist when standing on all fours, and weighed at least as much as he did.

He set her down on the bed lightly, leaving her to sleep as he left for the department store; his left arm healed through the use of another full-restore.

He made his way to the top floor, and got some lemonade, going back down a few floors to buy the Ninetails a little gift. He didn't know what she liked, so he got a silk scarf, a polkadot bow, and some perfumed soaps and stuff. He intended to give her a nice warm bath for her troubles, and spoil her until she had to go back to the Ilex forest. He also took the opportunity to buy some new balls. He got seven pokeballs, three great balls, and a single ultra ball.

He took his haul back to the pokemon centre, setting it down on the bed and amusing himself by painting patterns on to the ultra ball, painting it in lurid, sparkling blue lines with a black background, the button in the centre a nice little yellow spot, sparkling as if the stars themselves were affixed to it.

The Ninetails awoke as he put the finishing touches on the ultra ball.

"Pretty" She commented. "Who's it for?" She asked directly.

"I don't know yet...I'll have to try and catch something with it won't I?" He replied, putting the ball on the bedside table.

"I got you some presents for helping me in that battle." He stated, pulling out the scarf, bow, and scented soaps.

"Oh they're so nice! Thank you." She said, and nuzzled him gratefully. "But I can't use paws can't do that." She said.

"Well...I was going to take you to the hot spa's later on. My mothers uncle owns them and he can give us the use of a private room for a while. And then I can groom you and wash you to within an inch of your life." He replied.

"That would be...nice." She said.

"So just why did you come back?" He asked.

"Because you saved me." She said simply, watching as he extracted the lemonade from his backpack, and then went over to the fridge and got the moomoo milk back out.

"No complaints. You're drinking it this time." He said, handing her the milk.

She took it in her tail and sipped at it gratefully, giving a little yip of delight at the taste of it.

"You've had a wild pokemon around you for a whole day and you haven't even tried to capture her yet. What kind of trainer are you?" She asked teasingly, nudging him with a claw.

"I don't want to capture you. That would be a betrayal of your trust." He replied.

" think that I would hate you for capturing me?" She asked.

"Yes." He replied, unsure where she was going with this.

"And I would." She stated. "Now...about that bath..." She said.

"Follow me." He said, standing up and putting on his backpack, walking out the door and leaving his other stuff where it was.

He didn't see it, but the Ninetails quickly grabbed the decorated ultra ball, holding it firmly in her tails, hidden from view, but still there as she followed him

* * *

A few minutes later, and they had entered the private hot spa room, devoid of anyone except the two of them.

The Ninetails immediately leapt into the water, sighing as the warmth enveloped her.

She lifted her muzzle and placed it on the side of the spa, staring at him as he stripped down to his shorts and leapt in after her, a bar of soap held in his hands.

He set the soap to the side and just enjoyed floating in the warm water for a few minutes, the bubbles gently caressing his skin.

"About that soaping you promised me...?" She said, and he got out of the water, dripping all over the place, motioning her closer.

She got out as well, stepping up close to him and then lying down right in front of him, her wet tails draped across one of his legs.

He took the soap, scented with lavender, and began to rub it between his hands, getting them nice and lathered, before dropping the soap and starting to caress her fur with his soaped up hands, cleaning her with strong massaging motions.

She gave an 'ahhhh' of relaxation, spreading out luxuriously and murring quietly while he rubbed her.

He slowly removed the bow and the silk scarf that he had given her, and started running his hands up and down her back, and then along her stomach, front legs, and then to her back legs, only skimming across her inner things and that basic area, and then starting on her tails.

She opened her eyes as she realised that he was about to find her theft.

He took the ball from between her tails, holding it up and then staring at her.

"You little thief!" He cried out playfully.

"I took it in case we met a pokemon. Every trainer needs a partner..." She replied, looking at him and whining quietly, begging for more rubs.

He set the ball aside and continued rubbing her, spending a lot of time on her tails, especially since they had a single-minded desire not to be caught at all.

When he had finally finished, she nuzzled him gratefully, before he grabbed her, making the vixen let out a little yip of surprise as he rolled them both into the water, rubbing his hands all over her body to dispel the soap.

They both came up for air and she grinned at him playfully. "You know you didn't do a certain spot properly?" She asked coyly.

"Where would that be?" He asked, confused, he was sure that he had gotten every square inch.

He felt her paw on his hand and let her guide it towards her.

He felt a sudden, strong heat against the back of his hand, hotter even than the water around them.

"Right there..." She sighed as she felt his hand come into contact with the heated area between her back legs.

He stiffened with surprise, completely stunned. Of all the scenarios he could have imagined, this was not one of them. But he felt himself becoming aroused at the thought of what he was about to do.

He picked her up and carried her out of the water, setting her lightly on the lip of the spa, heaving himself out of the water and lying down besides her, staring into her eyes as his hand drifted along her tails, slowly probing upwards until it found her lips again, starting to rub softly at them.

The Ninetails arched her back a little, closing her eyes and smiling, her eyes opening and staring into his, a mischievous twinkle sparkling at him playfully. She smiled a bit more as she reached up with her muzzle, locking her lips against his, her tongue probing carefully at his mouth, the searing heat of her body increasing as her tails wrapped around his wrist, insistently pressing it against her tender flesh.

He obliged willingly, rubbing a little harder, his shorts becoming uncomfortable as she pressed the kiss deeper, gasping into his mouth as he pressed a finger into her, penetrating her gently, making her arch against him again, his erection pressing noticeably against her thigh.

She murred happily as she noticed his arousal, her tails pressing his hand deeper, trying to force him to rub her harder as she kissed him needily.

His free hand slowly removed his shorts as he kissed her deeply, his other hand rubbing a little harder. He gasped into her mouth at the feeling of his hard and needy member sliding through her silky fur.

She smiled at him, a paw moving down to stroke at the length softly, making him gasp a little louder.

"What's your name?" He asked suddenly, his hand stooping its rubbing for a second.

"Cindyr" She gasped out, anything to make him continue his rubbing.

She growled a bit as he didn't continue, and then leapt atop him, her rear pointing straight at his face, her muzzle resting alongside his erection.

"Keep rubbing" She growled, commanding him.

"Oh no...I'm not going to rub you." He stated, and she growled dangerously, her front claws digging into his legs painfully.

He ignored the slight pain of her claws, and yanked his wrist free from her tails, placing his hands on either side of her rump, her tails twirling through the air, searching for his hands to try and force him to rub her.

He laughed with good natured evil and gave her a quick lick from the base of her reddened flesh right to the top, driving his tongue inside her amazingly hot entrance for a split second before moving it back down, lapping at her clit once and then stopping.

She yelped loudly with surprise and pleasure, pressing back against him eagerly, yipping her need as her heat increased ten-fold.

He laughed and rubbed her shapely rump gently a few times. "Did you like that?" He asked slyly.

She growled loudly and pressed back against him insistently, needing to feel that wonderful tongue caressing her.

He licked her again, parting her lips with his tongue, his eyes going wide and his breath coming in gasps as her intense heat almost burned the sensitive flesh of his mouth and lips. But the wetness, and delightful softness, coupled with the wonderful taste that flooded his mouth with every movement enticed him to lick harder and suck on her lips a little, taking her clit between his lips and nibbling at it gently, making her arch and yelp loudly with surprise, her juices flowing freely across his face and neck. And he loved every second of it.

She started to gyrate her hips a little, her tails trying to force him deeper into her warm and waiting depths. He pressed his tongue as deep as he could, rubbing her sides softly as he lapped eagerly at her inviting entrance, his cock hardening and twitching slightly as he pleasured the sexy vixen.

She opened her eyes, seeing his hard erection, begging for attention with each little throb, and gave it an experimental lick.

He gasped into her depths, completely unprepared for her cold nose against the head of his member, and then the impossible heat of her mouth engulfing him, making him gasp even louder and writhe under her, pleasure from the licks flooding his mind while the heat around his erection made it very uncomfortable, but, for some insane reason, ever more pleasurable.

He could feel his climax spiralling up from within him, and he could also feel her insides starting to twitch in anticipation of orgasm, becoming wetter and hotter with each passing moment. He smiled and began to lap at her depths rapidly, trying to make her reach her peak before he did

She arched her back and convulsed, letting go of his member as a gout of flame spilled from her muzzle, quickly followed by a howl of pleasure as her insides convulsed around his invasion, her scalding juices spilling around his tongue, engulfing it before running straight into his mouth and over his neck as she collapsed forwards onto him, shuddering heavily from the aftershocks of her intense orgasm.

He smiled at her and pulled her around to face him, nuzzling her neck as best as he could. She reached down and lapped at his face experimentally, tasting her juices, her red-hot tongue collecting her own essence and sampling it delicately.

She pressed her muzzle against his mouth, kissing him with fiery passion.

"You an I have unfinished business..." She growled, one of her many tails coming down to rub lightly at his erection.

She leapt off him, standing a little ways off, her tails lifted, her rear in the air, her reddened flesh completely exposed, the area was red and aching, the swelling from within holding it open and presented.

He walked over to her slowly, rubbing her shoulders gently while she whimpered with lust, her tail wrapping around him and trying to draw him in closer. He resisted, grabbing her hips and flipping her over onto her back.

She yelped in surprise as she was flipped onto her back, but still stared up at him, smiling warmly and kissing him once more as she felt his hardness pressing against her heat.

The moment his erection touched her impossibly hot entrance, he lost control, thrusting hard into her with a single movement, making her give a half-yip, half-yelp at his penetration, her tails coiling around his legs and forcing him deeper, until he was hilted within her, her tails holding him close as she kissed him again.

He gave a yelp of his own, trying to withdraw from her as the astonishing heat from her body seemed to scald his member. But she wouldn't let him withdraw, and held him tightly, her paws resting on his shoulders, her back legs holding tight to his hips.

He rocked against her, squirming impotently as the heat caused his mind to blank completely, every other thought leaving him except for the beautiful creature under him.

She finally released her death-grip on him, her inner muscles rippling around him, as if they too, were trying to stop him from withdrawing from her. He pulled out, the air around it seeming freezing when compared to the vixens impossibly hot depths, so he thrust back in, the heat making him want to pull back out, so he did, and the cycle repeated itself, the only sounds being the soft gasps he made and her yips of pleasure each time he hilted within her.

He began to thrust a little harder, her tails tensing up and twitching with each thrust within her hot body, her eyes closing in bliss as the human made love to her at an increasing pace.

She yelped loudly as a particularly brutal thrust made her cum. Her juices engulfed his member, caressing it with a super-heated flow as she let go another flame.

He pistoned into her silky, convulsing depths, showing no sign of stopping.

He put his hands under her back, lifting her slightly, and then lifting her completely, pulling her into position above him, with him sitting under her, on his knees.

She tilted her head back, letting loose another howl as she came once more, her white-hot juices once again flowing out of her and across his lower body.

He lifted her right up his length, and then dropped her so that she slid down it, making them both gasp as her heat once again engulfed his hard, throbbing member.

He rolled them both sideways into the water. He paced his feet on the floor of the spa, the bubbles gently caressing the fur and skin of the mating pair as he hilted himself within her, staying there for a few moments, the both of them writhing at the amazing feelings rushing through their bodies.

She howled out loud once again as she came, her juices mingling with the water and heating the area around where they were joined together.

He started to pump within her hard and fast, the water slowing him down enough to prolong the act, but not enough to keep them both from the inevitable end of their delightful actions.

She gave a final howl as her insides cinched down on him, holding him tight within her as they rippled strongly around his length, forcing him to cum as well, his cock tensing, and then throbbing heavily, thick spurts of his pearly seed spilled directly into her womb, making them both give vent to their pleasure with loud howls of ecstasy, roaring each others names, each of them enjoying the delightful shudders that passed through each other, transmitted to one another by the intimate joining of their bodies.

She collapsed against him, and he pressed her against the wall hard, so as to keep her head above the water, his face buried in her neck, her muzzle resting on his shoulder, her hot breath almost scalding his skin as they both resting in the afterglow, both of them enjoying the way that each others bodies trembled, the place where they were joined communicating each tiny tremor with unbelievable accuracy, making them gasp happily at each other.

He heaved himself out of the water, dragging her out as well, setting her down lightly on the lip of the spa as he collapsed besides her, a hand resting on her belly and rubbing gently, unbelievable heat radiating from her body.

"Oh my lovely Cindyr" He gasped out, gently massaging her belly as he moved closer, kissing her again, the heat from her mouth burning his tongue a little.

She didn't say anything, perhaps she was too tired to speak, but she gave a little yip of contentment and made a happy murring sound, her tails caressing lightly along his skin.

"I have a gift for you as well." She gasped out a few minutes later, when her body had cooled a few degrees and her breathing had returned to something approaching normal.

"You just gave me the greatest gift in the world." He stated happily, kissing her once more, enjoying the way that her hot breath spilled into his mouth with each little pant she gave.

"You'll like this gift me." She panted.

"It isn't something that you'll need while you're in the wild is it?" He asked in a concerned voice. "Because if you'll need it, I'm not taking it."

"No...not'll see." She stated, that mischievous gleam back in her eyes.

She lifted the ultra ball with her tail and presented it to him.

"I already own that silly Ninetails." He said, staring at the ball before trying to take it off her.

She drew it back for a second, and then held it in front of her nose. "I'm going to make an improvement." She stated, bringing it even closer to her muzzle, until her nose was almost touching the little button.

Greg just stared, wondering what she could possibly be doing.

She tapped the ball against her nose, a sharp, expert tap that opened the ball, her body being consumed by the beam that the ball emitted. The ball fell to the ground. It didn't wobble like when one caught a wild pokemon, it just at there, dull, dead, as if nothing had happened.

He picked up the ball with a shaking hand and tapped the button. Cindyr appeared in a flash of red light, the pokeball snapping closed as she glanced around in bewilderment.

"That felt strange." She commented, rounding on him and nuzzling him happily. "Do you like your present?...master?"

He reached down and pulled her into a big hug, his naked body pressing against hers. He kissed her furiously. "It's the best present in the world. Now...I promised you a grooming my pokemon." He said, putting the ultra ball down, never intending to use it on Cindyr, but to keep it as a mark that he was bonded to the greatest pokemon in the world.

* * *

They both returned to the pokemon centre, Cindyr looking like a princess, all sleek and clean, her scarf and bow arranged neatly on her body.

She strode along besides him proudly, her head held high, announcing to the world that he was her trainer, and that she was happy with the decision.

Greg, for his part, walked around in a daze, hardly believing his luck. He 'owned' the most beautiful pokemon he had ever seen, and they shared a bond that rarely existed between different species.

They had both decided unanimously that he wouldn't use the pokeball on her unless absolutely necessary. She could walk wherever he walked, and the pokeball was just a guarantee that no one could capture her.

They made their way back to the pokemon centre, and sat down on the bed. Nurse Joy came in to inspect his job of cleaning her, looking for any cuts or scratches that he might have missed. She announced that Cindyr was to her satisfaction and left with the parting comment that maybe she should start charging him rent if he stayed there for any longer.

He had smiled and told her that if he injured himself again, then he would gladly pay rent.

"So what now?" Cindyr asked as soon as Joy had left.

"Uh...sleep?" He asked uncertainly, unsure what she meant.

"Well duh...I mean what are we going to do. Are we going to settle down someplace?" She asked.

"I was thinking of taking the league challenge...would you feel up to facing Whitney?" He asked.

"Whitney I could's her Miltank I'm concerned about..." She replied, her eyes sparkling playfully.

"You know what I meant. Maybe we should train for a few days and then face her...?"

"That would be best I would think. But first, that sleep you mentioned." She said decisively, curling up on his legs, her tails brushing against his face for a second.

"Sleep." He parroted, and was very soon afterwards asleep, her gently breathing soothing him, a feeling of contention filling him up like a good meal, only much more satisfying.

* * *

"Cindyr, fire blast!" Greg shouted out.

Cindyr catapulted herself over the targets head, shooting a massive ball of fire downwards, scorching the wooden dummy to ash in a heartbeat.

She landed lightly on splayed legs, her tails twitching slowly, ready for her next command.

"Flaming iron tail!" Greg commanded.

She opened her mouth, disgorging a small, super-heated ball of fire onto her paw. She tossed it, caught it with one of her tails, and then wrapped all her tails around it as they solidified, turning white from the heat radiating from within it.

She leapt forwards, spinning her rear out like she did with the Scyther, only higher, catching the dummy in the stomach, splitting it open with the massive blow, sending flaming pieces of wood across the training ground.

"I think we're ready." He said, leaning down and kissing her joyously. She immediately straightened up, pressing into the kiss eagerly.

She pouted at him as he drew away. "If you win...I promise that a kiss isn't the only thing I'll give you."

She smiled and looked at him with that mischievous twinkle in her eyes that he loved so much. "I'll hold you to that..." She promised.

* * *

They made their way to the gym. It was a maze of rectangular flowerpots, each one vibrant with blooming flowers, flower-like pokemon crawling around through it all. He could see Paras, Glooms, the odd Vileplume, Oddish's, even bug pokemon were in there.

They walked out to the centre of the arena, standing there uncertainly, waiting for the gym leader to appear.

One of the girls nearby lifted her hood to reveal that she was Whitney, walking to the other side of the arena and standing there, staring at them. "Do you wish to challenge?" She asked.

"We do." Greg stated.

Whitney drew a pokeball and tossed it into the centre. Out came her Miltank, a giant cow-like pokemon who could pack a serious wallop when it hit.

"The rules are 1-on-1 with 1 pokemon each. Go." She stated.

Greg raised his arm and pointed at the Miltank. "Go Cindyr. You know what to do." He said quietly.

Cindyr stalked out into the arena, her tails held high, each of them writhing slowly in anticipation of a good battle.

The Miltank took a step forwards, the ground seeming to shudder under weight of the massive impact.

"Miltank...rollout." Whitney ordered.

"Safeguard!" Greg countered.

The gigantic Miltank started rolling, its agility amazing for something so big, it was upon the small vixen in an instant, rolling straight into her safeguard and bouncing off, rolling once again as her safeguard dissipated, this time hitting her squarely and sending her across the room, a yelp of pain coming from her.

The Miltank kept rolling, increasing speed, indiscriminately flattening flowerpots.

"Cindyr! Iron claws and tail! Ramp it!" Greg yelled out.

Cindyr got his meaning instantly, turning her back and digging her claws in deeply, both her paws and her tails hardening. She dug her tails into the ground, leaning forwards as far as she could, her tail and claws grounding her as the rolling behemoth came closer.

The Miltank rolled right up Cindyr's tails, getting airborne and slamming down onto its back, stunned by the unexpected blow.

"Cindyr! Constrict!" Greg commanded.

She leapt at the Miltank, her tails coming forwards and binding the cow-like pokemon, squeezing hard, to try and constricts its breathing.

"Miltank! Body slam!" Whitney commanded.

Greg could only watch as the Miltank quickly grabbed the base of Cindyr's tails, lifting her and slamming her into the ground hard.

Cindyr yelped with pain, her tails releasing their grip.

"Cindyr! Don't give up! Extremespeed! Wall-run!" He yelled out.

Cindyr shook her head a few times, and then leapt to her feet, doing as commanded, using her powers to speed up to a phenomenal rate, leaping onto the wall and using the traction afforded by her claws to literally run along the walls.

"Miltank...headbutt!" Whitney called.

The Miltank moved into position, perfectly place to headbutt the vixen as she passed.

"Wait for it!...Iron tail Cindyr!" Greg called.

At that exact instant, Cindyr dug her front claws deep into the wall, her rear spring downward and forwards with the force of her speed behind it, just as the Miltank did a massive headbutt.


The Miltank was sent sprawling through the flowerpots, knocked clean off its feet by the force of the blow, knocking it out with a single hit!

Cindyr swept forwards with the momentum of her move, and the headbutt had caught her a glancing blow that had almost cracked a rib, but she let go of her grip on the wall, back flipping and landing lightly, sprinting to him and pouncing on him, licking his face gleefully as the Miltank returned to its ball

"You win...*sob*...take the badge *sob*..." Whitney said, holding out the little badge for him.

He reached up from under the gleeful pile of fur and tails that was his Ninetails and took the badge, smiling and rubbing Cindyr's neck as her tail attacked him in her eager enthusiasm.

Cindyr finally got off him, and he rolled to his feet, walking towards the exit. He saw a nice little spot, hidden among the flowerpots, most of them taller than his head.

He pretended to notice something among the pots and made his way towards it, Cindyr following curiously.

As soon as he was out of sight, he knelt down and kissed his vixen with fiery passion. She gave a little yip of surprise into his mouth, but then smiled and kissed him back eagerly.

He broke the kiss with two quick ones, and whispered in her ear, "You just wait until I get you alone..."

* * *

Cindyr practically threw him into the pokecentre, forcefully dragging him to their room and tossing him roughly onto the bed, her rough and tumble approach to getting him into the room completely at odds with the way she began to passionately lick his face, pressing her muzzle against his lips, her long tongue twining with his as her tails slowly slid across his body.

He smiled up at his pokemon lover, kissing her gently as the door slid open and Joy walked in.

"I was just concerned about how your poke--*gasp!*" She said, catching sight of the two kissing and blushing bright red, turning away and shielding her face. "I can see you two are busy...I'll just leave you to it then." She said, leaving as rapidly as she had arrived.

Greg moved to get up, but Cindyr silenced his movements with another kiss. "She can wait for an explanation...I cannot" She stated as she broke the kiss, and then leaned down and gave him a long, slow, passionate lick from the base of his neck to his ear.

"Just let me lock the door..." He said.

She got off him for a second, and let him lock the door. He turned around and started to make his way towards the bed when the Ninetails slammed into him, making him hit the door with a dull thud, both of them sliding down it, her tongue forcing its way into his mouth as she kissed him with furious passion.

He started to rub her luxuriously soft fur as she got much more needy in her attentions, rubbing her body eagerly against his, her tails successfully arousing him with lingering little touches and playful brushes across his groin.

She quickly stripped him of his clothes, being forceful in her need to undress him quickly.

He gave a slight yelp of surprise as she suddenly wrapped her mouth around his hard erection, exiting him instantly, the impossible heat engulfing his length unbearable without first being prepared. He thought he would pass out with the pleasure.

Cindyr smiled as he became hard and started to throb in her mouth. She lifted her muzzle and kissed him again, her tongue twining with his own, both of them kissing each other passionately.

It was Cindyr's turn to yelp as he thrust up into hard without warning, the Ninetails burying her head in his neck and gasping as she started to move on him, loving the gasps that passed close to her ear as her amazing heat swallowed his erection.

She worked her hips a little, rocking back against him, whimpering with pleasure as she felt his member caress her most intimate paces, driving deep into her tunnel of searingly hot velvet.

He kissed her again, his tongue and mouth stifling her sounds of pleasure as the lust-crazed vixen started to pump away at him ruthlessly, her tight, red-hot entrance rippling around him needily as his cock invaded her searing opening.

She gasped joyously as she felt his cock start to throb within her, obviously growing close. She started to growl lightly, working herself over him and then pressing down as far as she could until he hilted within her, her tails coming up to gently stroke his legs, belly and chest all at once.

He hilted himself within her heated depths, the heat coating his erection like a blanket made of fire, groaning happily into her mouth, loving the way her soft fur caressed him with each little movement of her body against his.

She started to breathe faster, panting heavily as her peak neared. She couldn't contain her lust anymore, and came, her insides tightening on him in a death-grip coaxing his own orgasm from him.

He thrust up into her, pressing his mouth against hers to stifle their mingled howls of pleasure, his seed jetting forcefully into her womb, thick spurts of his hot cum spilling deep into her quivering depths, filling her with his lust. Her own juices spilled out across his thighs and cock, feeling like molten rock spilling across him. He gasped into her mouth at the feeling, her scent growing impossibly strong as the two collapsed to the side.

Cindyr laughed and kissed him happily, his cock still buried firmly within her furnace-like confines.

He smiled at her breathlessly and kissed her, their hot breaths mingling as they dragged each other to the bed and lay down, still joined together. They fell asleep in each others arms, both content as could be.

Greg stared at his badge for a few minutes after Cindyr had fallen asleep, and then tossed it onto his pack as if it were of no importance, because, to him, it pretty much *was* worthless...he had something much better than a mere badge right in his arms...

* * *

Greg awoke feeling happy and contented, Cindyr lay out along his body, her tails slowly slithering across his lap and legs in her sleep.

She opened her eyes and looked at him, reaching up and kissing him softly, before asking, "Now what?"

" you feel up to taking down another Scyther?" He asked.

"They're easy if I can get in a good hit with a fireball right up." She commented. "So I'd say yeah, pretty confident I can take down any little green bugs you throw my way."

"Well, we'll trek back through Ilex forest, and then take on Bugsy." He said decisively.

"Why didn't the master pokemon trainer take down Bugsy before he left?" She asked slyly, that twinkle once again in her eyes, making her ten-times more beautiful.

"Because I only had a sandshrew the last time I was there." He commented dryly.

"Hmm...we may have to get you another one on the way through rock tunnel." She commented, looking thoughtful.

"I don't want a sandshrew. You're more than enough for me." He replied, kissing her softly.

She blushed, her white fur turning crimson around her cheeks. "You flatter me..."

"No I don't...I'm just telling the truth." He replied making her blush further. "And now, we shall go get some breakfast." He said, picking up the vixen and carrying her out of the room, setting her down, as his arms were already getting sore from holding her weight.

He was halfway to the exit of the pokemon centre when he remembered nurse Joy walking in on them the night before.

He made his way over to her uncertainly, unsure how she would have taken the blow of seeing a human in such a passionate embrace with his pokemon.

"Uh...nurse Joy?" He asked.

She looked up at him, and her eyes widened as she realised that he was the same one who she had seen kissing a Ninetails the previous evening.

"Hello sir...I see that you are less occupied at the moment. I was rather afraid that your Ninetails was taking aggressive action against you. You understand? I saw her dragging you into the room and I thought that she was being aggressive with you." She said, repeating herself as she tried to remain calm and not show any outwards emotion.

"Well...she was being aggressive with me...but not that sort of aggressive..." He said, trying to make a joke, to try and ease the tension that was so heavy in the air. It was only after he had finished his ludicrous exclamation that he realised that it might not have been the wisest thing to say in that situation.

Nurse Joy stared at him with a blank look on her face, before she started to shake slightly. And then she started laughing, long loud peals of mirth that seemed odd in the deserted pokecentre.

"I you tell me...did know?...did she...?" She asked hesitantly.

Cindyr took the answer out of his control, throwing him up onto the counter and kissing him passionately right in front of the stunned nurse Joy, straddling him and making some extremely suggestive movements with her hips.

"Uh...does that answer your question?" He managed to ask before she began kissing him again.

She lifted an eyebrow. "Graphically" Was her only response. Cindyr seemed to think that she had demonstrated their particular bond enough that nurse Joy knew exactly what she meant, and stepped off him, leaping nimbly to the ground.

As they were both leaving, a dark, hooded figure stepped in their path, stopping them both in their tracks.

"You again?" he asked wearily as the ninja removed his hood, revealing the mask beneath.

"I saw your victory against the gym leader Whitney. I wish to offer my services on your quest for the pokemon league." The ninja said without delay.

"Your services? I don't have enough money to pay you, and I don't even know what your services are." He said with a raised eyebrow.

"My services are not for sale. They are free to those who I deem worthy of them. They consist of information, techniques, and everything else that is gained through camaraderie." The ninja replied, bowing to him.

"Why do you want to join me?" he asked suspiciously, wary of being stabbed in the back, literally and figuratively.

"I see that you are a good trainer, who respects his pokemon. Therefore I wish to help you in the hope that you may become the champion of the pokemon league." The ninja replied.

Cindyr nudged his leg with a claw, and he leaned down close so that she could whisper in his ear. "He has a hidden agenda, but until it comes to that point, we can trust him." She said.

"Welcome to the team." He said as he straightened back up. "This is Cindyr, my partner, as you can see, a Ninetails. I am Greg. Who are you?"

"Names hold no importance, but call the name Hitan if you wish for me to recognize that you are speaking to me." The ninja replied, walking around behind him. "Lead the way master." He said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Cindyr bristled with anger at his tone, her tails constricting the ninja, as she pushed him to the ground roughly and straddled him, his hands held carefully away from where he could get to his pokeballs.

"My partner is not the angry type. You can insult him all you want and he will not care...but if *I* should hear you insult him, then I will castrate you with my teeth...understood?" She asked, holding her open muzzle close to his face so that he had a good view of her long, sharp teeth.

"Understood," he said, and gulped as the Ninetails gave one final warning squeeze and got off him, trotting along happily after Greg while the ninja picked himself up and brushed himself off, staring after the two.

* * *

Greg, Cindyr and the ninja stood before the entrance to Ilex forest.

Greg stepped through without a second thought, figuring that he should just get it over with.

It didn't take nearly as long to get through the forest this time around, as Cindyr had an excellent sense of direction, and she led them through easily, this time it only took them around about four hours to trek through the gloomy trees.

Greg arrived back at his hometown without any sort of fanfare to announce his presence, just two weary humans and an overactive Ninetails yipping playfully and chasing butterflies.

He made his way for home first, intending to say 'hi' to his mother and drop a few things off to leave at home.

When he arrived home though, there was no one there. He went next door to see if his neighbours had any idea where she had gotten to, but there was no one there either, and their skitty was nowhere to be seen, which was odd, as it was usually up the tree at this time of day, meowing and chasing bugs.

"Get your pokemon ready." He whispered to the Hitan, before brushing his hand along Cindyr's third tail, a signal they agreed to be a warning sign.

She looked at him, cocked her head to the side as if listening, and then gave a single nod.

The three slowly made their way to the gym, the one place where there was sure to be a trainer or at least Bugsy.

The place was deserted. There was no sign of struggle, it was as if everyone had just decided to up and leave at once.

"The slowpoke well..." Greg said, turning his back on the deserted town and heading west towards a well that was inhabited by slowpoke, the regions only claim to fame.

The entrance was only ten minutes walk from the edge of town. It was the only place nearby, save for rock tunnel, that the citizens could hide in, unless they headed for Ilex forest and they hadn't noticed them when they went through.

It sure seemed like the township had passed this way, as the ground was stamped flat by the passage of many feet.

"I shall scout ahead." The ninja stated, summoning his fearow and leaping upon its back, taking off into the sky.

He returned only a minute later. "The entrance to the well is clear, save for a single pokemon guarding the entrance." He commented as he withdrew his fearow.

"What type of pokemon?" Greg asked.

"Charizard." The ninja stated.

Greg turned pale. No one in the village owned a charizard, and they were tough motherfuckers to take down too. He didn't think that either he or the ninja could take down one in fair fight, but maybe, if Cindyr and the ninja's Rhydon took it at the same time...

"Could your Rhydon handle taking orders from me for a few minutes?" He asked.

The ninja handed him the pokeball wordlessly. Greg took it and then summoned the giant behemoth, which looked down at him as if he were of no more import than a skitty.

"I need you to team up with my Ninetails for a few minutes...can you handle that?" Greg asked.

The Rhydon cocked its head at him quizzically, stunned that a trainer should ask permission to command it. That was probably the reason that it nodded.

"Good." He stated as the slowpoke well, and it's formidable guardian, came into sight.

The charizard roared at them the moment they came into view, spitting a ball of fire in their direction.

The two humans leap out of the way, while Cindyr, showing great presence of mind, sidestepped behind the Rhydon, the bulky beast shielding her smaller body from the flame.

"Cindyr and Rhydon! Flame drill!" Greg called out.

The two pokemon looked at each other, and then nodded. The Rhydon started to spin its drill, while Cindyr worked on keeping a constant flame lit on the revolving headpiece.

Very soon the drill was a flaming, rotating thing of power and flame, an oscillating nightmare of fiery death.

The Rhydon charge then, slamming into the charizard full force, knocking it off its feet and onto the ground.

Greg leapt forwards, getting closer to try and see what else he could do to take down the massive beast.

The charizard rose slowly to its feet, before leaping forwards so fast that it seemed to be an optical illusion, knocking Cindyr right off her feet and onto the ground. It rose above her, ready to sink its fangs into her side and savage her.

Greg reacted on instinct, not knowing what he was doing. He drew a great ball, tossing it as hard as he could, catching the pokemon just as it was about to bite his partner.

The charizard disappeared in a flash of blue light.

Greg had only intended to stall the great beast until Cindyr could regain her feet and get clear, because every one knew that pokemon that had already been caught, and was owned by a trainer, wouldn't get caught again by another ball. It was physically impossible.

So Greg was readying himself for when the ball would explode with blue light, releasing the charizard from its prison.

The ball rolled a few feet, and then stopped, the button on its side glowing red, the ball rocking gently.

Greg tensed, ready to give an order as soon as the ball opened, although he knew not what he would do, though he would no doubt find out any moment now...

The ball rocked a few more times...and then stopped, the button fading back to white.

"What the fuck..." He breathed.

"You said you weren't going to catch any more pokemon!" Cindyr accused, waving an admonishing claw towards him.

"But I couldn't have caught it..." He protested.

"But you did." Cindyr replied, winking at him and flicking the ball towards him with one of her tails.

It sprung open in midair, the towering inferno dragon standing before him. It looked like it longed to attack him, but couldn't because he was its trainer.

"Where do you come from?" Greg asked it.

It gave a low roar.

"Cindyr, translation please?" He asked.

"Mount silver." She said offhandedly.

"Can you wait until I reach Mt. silver for me to release you?" Greg asked.

It gave a strange roar in response, as if it had been startled.

"You're confusing it dear." Cindyr said.

"Whatever." Greg said, returning the charizard to its ball.

"What's a wild pokemon doing guarding the slowpoke well?" he asked out loud, completely wrong-footed.

He shrugged, motioned Hitan and Cindyr closer, handing the Rhydon's ball back to Hitan, before squaring his shoulders and walking into the depths of the slowpoke well, afraid and excited at the same time as to what he might find in the shadowy depths.

a tale of dragons part 16

And BTW, I'm not going AWOL...I've decided to stay in this run down little town. (I dare you all to find it, look in a Queensland atlas, and try to find a horrible little place called 'Tambo'. If anyone furs ever end up visiting here, I'm the only...

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the chronicles of Dreyst: uncertain past part 1

Well, anyone who follows my stories knows that I recently posted a chronicles of Dreyst story. It was basically just a yiffchat transcript that I cleaned up, and then posted to give some people a few minutes of derision from their daily routine. This...

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getting into Trouble

Well. Here it is Blood. (You get raped ha ha!) This is how you write another writer into a story. If you don't like it...then two words...fuck off. Trouble is moving out of to charm a dragon forever. She is taking up with Erik. Deal with it. ...

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