Thema's NSFW biography

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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Name: Thema Gender: Female Species: Shiny Delphox Type: Fire / Psychic Birth place: Igneous Forest Current Place: Igneous Hill City North Personality: Elegant, sophisticated, competitive, protective, very jealous and friendly.

Appearance: Thema is a relatively high bipedal pokémon that resembles a fox. She's covered with a coat of fur that resembles a tunic. This "tunic" is mainly dark purple, with red-orange spots, similar to the flame near her knees, as well as a strand of white hair on her torso, flanked by light gray fur covering up to her shoulders. She has three strands of red-orange hair that protrudes from each ear. Her forearms have long sleeves of dark purple, and her hands and feet are dark grey with three claw fingers and toes, respectively. She has a tail covered with light gray fur protruding from her tunic. When her mouth is open, you can see two pointed teeth in her upper jaw. She wears a long staff that she uses as a magic wand; When is in use, the spherical pearl that is embedded, lights up and when she's not wearing it, the staff disappears using her powers. Her eyes are yellow and she has a 10 points star tattoo on her left arm when she awaken her psychic powers. She have a pearl necklace arround her neck She's the second sister of her family.

Mini-story: Accompanied by his elder brother, they left the clan to begin their solitary life after the elders of their clan, expelled for betraying them in defending a common Delphox, who was her younger sister, Kissa. They found a large territory and divided it to be close to each other. Thema in a couple of weeks already had a lot of servants at their feet and enjoyed themselves a lot with them. A few months later, his older brother went to find her, informing her that she had noticed her sister's psychic power and went to visit her after 20 years without knowing anything about her younger sister. After visiting her in their territory, they were many times to visit until they decided to live in a pokemon city called Igneous Hill after being in that territory for a long time, as in the current cities inhabited Pokémon instead of humans. She decided to stay in the north while his older brother stayed in the south, near a natural park.


  • The tattoo of her left arm increases her special attack and special defense by 5%. She also gives her immortality.
  • Understands the human language.
  • She can take the appearance of a human with her powers only during the day to go unnoticed.
  • Immune to Attract and resistant to Rock and Bug attack types in 10%
  • If she attacks without using her staff, her powers are more offensive and her agility is greatly increased.


-Kissa: Is her younger sister and always love to have sex contests to know who is tougher, Common pokémon or Shiny pokémon. She's very jealous when her younger sister makes more progress than she does.

-Kamuzu: Is his older brother and always is closer when has a problem. Although he's very serious sometimes, he takes good care of her.

-Flamur: Kissa's assistant. This Simisear is a good Pokémon and she has tried to steal from her sister but without success.

-Ekain: She met him in the limits of his old territory in search of food. Now he lives in a Pokémon city 50 miles behind the mountains.

-Egin: He met him in one of his classes that he performed in the city for a few months. He teach him to defend herself physically instead of using so many special attacks. They are friends and when she can she will see his wrestling fights.


  • The tattoo of his clan bestows the immortality that who is born with it. Almost 1% are obtained at birth, while in their next evolutionary stages increases at 10% to the Pokémon while the common Delphox does not reach 2%.
  • As bigger is the tattoo more increases her power.
  • She likes to collect pearls to concentrate her psychic power. She always has a pearl necklace on her neck and her staff also has one embedded.
  • If her staff breaks, she always look for a better one and she mold it to her liking, including some accessories to further enhance her powers.
  • When she use her psychic powers, the tattoo lights up in a very pale blue color.
  • She always has assistants bigger than her to protect her without need to use of force.
  • On her staff she have an encrusted pearl that changes color and she can use any special attack of only 12 of the 18 types for a limited time a part of her types.
  • Nowadays, she works together with his older brother in a small pharmacy where they make natural medicines.

Thema's biography

Name: Thema Gender: Female Species: Shiny Delphox Type: Fire / Psychic Birthplace: Igneous Forest Current Place: Dawn City Personality: elegant, delicate, sophisticated, helpful, protective, a little jealous and very friendly. Appearance:...

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Flamur's NSFW biography

Name: Flamur Gender: Male Species: Simisear Type: Fire / Psyquic Birthplace: Mount Arrow Current location: Phoenix Island Personality: active, helpful, protective, grumpy, obedient, friendly, playful, competitive. Appearance: Flamur is an ape...


Flamur's biography

Name: Flamur Gender: Male Species: Simisear Type: Fire Birthplace: Mount Arrow Current location: Drought city Personality: curious, a bit lazy and rebellious, active, proud and friendly. Appearance: Flamur is an ape Pokémon that is mainly red....
