Neptune's biography

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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Artwork made by Onixtymime a FA artist


Name: Neptune Gender: Male Parents: Amphy (Ampharos) - Kim (Feraligatr) Species: Hybrid Ampharos/Feraligatr Type: Electric/Water Birthplace: Tohjo Falls Current Location: Unknown

Personality: Serious, distant, distrustful, very intelligent and cruel to strangers. Is friendly, sympathetic, friendly, very protective, polite and thoughtful. In fighting is very skilled and very proud of his strength.

Appearance (water illusion): Bipedal dark grey Pokémon with green belly. He has conical ears with black stripes and an green orb on his forehead. His length has several black rings around it near the base. Their stubby arms resemble to the fins and each foot has a single white nail. He has a long tail of black stripes with an green orb at the tip. His eyes are green.

Original Appearance: Maintains the appearance of a Ampharos but his fur are replaced by dark gray harsh scales and he has Feraligatr features like his dorsal fins on his back and head. They're green. He also has three teeth protruding from his mouth. His height is 2.30m.

Brief History: Neptune was born in Tohto Falls. After two years, he went with his mother after his father will leave them for unknown reasons . While her mother was looking for food, his brothers cared of him. A few hours later, Ace was looking for his mother, while Lumeria cared of him. Suddenly, he was attacked by a group of humans with dark red clothes and hat of the same color and kidnapped his sister. She tries to rescue her but was easily defeated by his Pokémon. An hour passed and Ace saw his wounded brother but he not sees Lumeria. Ace was mad with his brother for not helping against those humans and left him badly hurt while it was looking for his sister with a strong hatred for his brother. Neptune returned with his father Kim where he was received with open arms and accepted him as Feraligatr other family member. Years later, he said goodbye to his father and went in search of Lumeria and get forgiveness from his brother even challenging him to a fight.


  • Absorbs water and electric attacks. Resistant to Ground types but vulnerable to Grass types.
  • Has a monstrous physical strength and defense with which he can divert special attacks and block physical attacks but his speed is bad on the ground and really high in the water.
  • He knows use Hydro Cannon, inherited from the father and controls it as he wants.
  • His healing power is not as high as Lumeria.
  • He can manipulate and freeze water with his claws.
  • He becomes immune to all attacks when it rains, but for a time.


  • Amphy: He hasn't remains so much with his mother when he was little, but he loved him.
  • Kim: Very good, he learn a lot with him
  • Ace: Unstable, but wants to make peace with him.
  • Lumeria: Is her favorite brother, has always been very good to him.


  • Hides his original form, creating a invisible water mantle and keeps his body wet . When he stops to use, the water mantle disappears.
  • It's a expert predator like his father. Before, he fed meat but after leaving from Tohto Falls, started to eating fish and berries to balance his diet and control his predatory and murderous part.
  • He likes to train and relax in waterfalls.
  • If one of his friends is hurt, it will attack and might even kill his victim and eat him. In Pokémon battles, behaves like a normal Pokémon.
  • Makes allies easily.
  • Because of his enormous size seems to be the eldest of the three brothers but really is the youngest.

Lumeria's biography

Name: Lumeria Gender: Female Parents: Amphy (Ampharos) - Kenneth (Delphox) Species: White Ampharos Type: Electric/Psyquic Birthplace: Santalune Forest Current Location: Unknown Personality: Very intelligent and friendly, motherly, a little shy...

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Ace's biography

Name: Ace Gender: Male Parents: Amphy (Ampharos) - Jin (Zoroark) Species: Hybrid Ampharos/Zoroark Type: Electric/Dark Birthplace: Lostlorn Forest Current Location: Unknown Personality: Very mistrustful, distant, naughty, provocative, proud of...

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Lily's biography

Name: Lily Gender: Female Species: Cinccino Type: Normal/Fairy Birthplace: Limecross Town (Unova Borderline), Twowaves Town (20 km near Mossdeep City - Hoenn) Current location: Lumiose City (Kalos) Personality: Very sociable with everyone but...
