Play with Me Part 2

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#5 of Music Story

Forgot to mention this in the last upload, but this story is inspired by "Play with Me" by Extreme

Arya has finally found Uma, but the rat has let the pleasure of the Pleasure Society change her. Now, our serpentine protagonist is caught chasing the playful rat down, all the while being publically humiliated with her nudity and with a vibrator stuck to her

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"Oh, so you want to play with me? You want to take me on a romantic romp and explore each other in ways we'd never imagined?"

"What? No! But you're going to remove this damned thing from me and turn off your virus."

Uma giggles, her voice getting closer, but coming from... behind? Uma pops out from above Arya, and gives her a firm slap on the ass before popping back up the higher shaft. Arya can't turn around, and takes the punishment, but not without her humiliation clouding her judgment. As Mouse scurries back up above, she continues to speak. "So, what do friends do for each other, then? You stole my work, got Jay nearly killed, and tried to get me away from the one place that makes me happy. Please, you have to admit this is very exciting... any moment, you could be a quivering mess, your moans filling the entire estate."

Arya finds the turn that Uma took to get up higher. With the snake down on this level, there's only one place Uma can escape, and it's just up above. Arya claws her way closer to the exit as she shouts. "You can't substitute reality with this fantasy world! Are you going to be a part of this society until the day you die? Doped out of your mind and surrounded by other people who gave up on life, real life!?"

She pops herself out in a much more warm area. Steam whips around as Arya lands on tiled floor. In this large chamber, pools of various sizes bubble with water. Some people scream and scramble out of their hot tubs, while others sit back and watch as Mouse stands defiantly in front of Arya.

Mouse frowns as she thinks those words over, but shakes her head and says. "Sorry, Snake, but that sounds much better than the shit hole that life really is. Who cares if its 'real,' this is much more fun. Plus, I have a star player backing me up."

Just then, Arya feels strong arms wrap around her, pinning her arms behind herself as the strong horse has her from behind. "Mouse is going to change the world for the better, and I won't let you stop her!" the horse blusters.

Already flustered by the teasing Uma gave her throughout the chase, Arya is not in the mood for a grappling match with the equine. She rolls her eyes and whips her tail around the horse's legs.

"Now, Star!" Uma shouts, and the horse hopps up before Arya's tail can constrict her, but the coil is perfect for what she has in mind. Pulling zip ties from seemingly out of nowhere, the horse wraps them around Arya's tail, turning the powerful muscles into a useless lump of weight. Arya lunges forward to try and grab the horse and stop her, but Star spins around, tying up Arya's wrists.

She falls forward, unbalanced and bent over herself. Uma herself runs up to help her companion with the final tie, binding Arya up until her arms are behind her, her tail folded up, and leaving only her mouth free.

"What... what the hell, Uma?" Arya gasps. "This has gone too fa-!"

Mouse clicks a button on the device she carries, and Arya can't help herself but gasp as the device taped to her clit buzzes even harder than before.

"Bet you wished you tore that off earlier. What's a little sting against such pleasure, huh?"

"F... fuck y..."

Mouse sighs, a hand placed upon her cheek as she stares off wistfully. "Oh, Arya... I really wish you'd want to fuck me. But we can't get what we want all the time... that is, unless we work for it. And I'm working to keep life as fun and pain-free as possible. Now, I think you need to cool off.

The horse huffs and places a hoof against Arya's side, pushing her into one of the shallow pools. Arya splashes and thrashes in the water. Bound up, it becomes difficult to get herself up, but she is able to gasp some air in. That is, until Uma jumps into the pool next to her. The mouse climbs on top of the snake's body, placing her hands upon Arya's shoulders and squeezing. She straddles Arya, her eyes gleaming with a hopefulness, and... were those tears?

"Come on... join me. Together we can stay safe from that terrible monster out there. Together, we can be so much more than just friends..." She brushes her fingers over Arya's cheeks. "Or... or you can make me yours another way... and I don't think I'd mind that, so much."

Star climbs down, sticking her legs into the water. "Mouse, what are you talking about?"

Uma looks over her shoulder and hushes her lover. "Shh. I'm talking to Arya now..." She turns back to the snake, pressing her lips up against Arya's mouth.

Arya, with all her frustration, with all her anger, with all the desire buzzing through her, finds her head spinning as Uma pulls her lips from hers. The rat's whiskers twitch a moment as she looks for any sign of reciprocation in her feelings. "See why I can't come back with you? It would be a world I'm not interested in. It'll be a world I can't have. A world without you and me... together."

"You're mad I don't want to have sex with you!?" Arya gasps, thrashing about. Throughout her splashing fit, Uma keeps herself riding on the snake's body.

"H... hey... Arya... please... calm down. There is one way you can have me..." Uma bites her lip as she reaches up, moving her wet hair aside. She tilts her neck and stared down into Arya's eyes, her breath becoming deep, slow, and wanting. "You can make me do whatever you want... if you force me into it... I wouldn't even mind it. But there's no way I'm doing anything for you when I'm not under your influence."

Play with Me Part 3

"T... there's no way I'm going to... gah!" Arya turns the dial up on her device, a devious smirk upon her lips. Arya pants, squirming under the constant stimulation of the little device. "Aah... t... this is..." "Yes...? What is it? Tell me,...

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Play with Me Part 1

Arya slithers along the old Victorian halls of Komodo's home, followed closely behind by Jay. As they make their way, a sudden explosions from the far side of the building and a shaking of the very foundation of the house cause the two to glance at...

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Mongoose Chapter 7

Backstage, Mina slams the door to her dressing room shut and collapses into her makeup chair. The door opens wide and in steps Ash. "Mina, what the hell are you doing? They love you out there!" "Can't you fucking knock!?" Mina shouts. "You're not my...

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