Howard's Way (8)

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#8 of Howard's Way

Here is Chapter 8 of Howard's Way, I hope that you all enjoy the continuing story as much as I enjoy writing it. Please feel free to leave comments and maybe even a vote and fave if you feel so inclined, they are all appreciated.

Howard's Way (8)

By Wolfie Steel

Do you ever have one of those days where you just wish that you hadn't bothered to wake up? Well,mine is today, having just had only one of his drivers finishing the race, in fourth place no less, for me that would be an achievement, but to a team owner who is used to having both of his drivers at least finishing on the podium it is a disappointment and so I decided to offer some moral support, a decision that would ultimately make things quite messy.

I'm standing there with my arms wrapped around Mason's waist and my crotch buried in the valley of his butt and a TV camera showing everything...LIVE! I had just managed to calm Mason down before he saw the camera pointing directly at us, a deeply rooted growl begins to flow from Mason's muzzle.

Max looks toward us from the back of the garage and can clearly see that Mason is distressed by the camera, he calmly walks to the front of the garage area and then stands between us and the camera, he now addresses the camera operator.

"Mr DeLuth and his guest would like a little privacy if you don't mind."

The cameraman takes absolutely no interest and continues trying to catch Mason and me together by moving his camera to a slightly different position, Max lets out an agrivated snort and then puts himself between us and the camera again, he then uses a slightly louder voice.

"Hey camera guy, Ima talking to you, get that camera out of our faces and out of our garage or I will be forced to call security."

Still, the cameraman didn't take the hint and tried to get to another spot, that is when Max stood between the camera and us again only this time he raised his hoofed right hand that had a walkie talkie radio held in it.

"Security, this is the VP of DeLuth racing, I need a security team down here as I have a cameraman that is refusing to give us some privacy, and if he keeps it up the last thing that his camera will show is a huge hoofed hand smashing it into the camera guys face."

This time the warning got through and the cameraman left the garage area, but by now the damage had already been done, Mason disengages himself from me and storms off back towards the motor home. I begin to follow but I am stopped by Max.

"Mr. Howard take some advice from me, let Mason have some time alone, go into the hospitality area, Mason will come and find you when he has calmed down, trust me I have only seen him like this once, and I made the mistake of going straight after him."

I let out a shaky sigh but I follow the Horses advice and head to the hospitality area knowing that I couldn't do any more damage in there.

For two hours I sit and wait wishing that I had done things differently, also trying to come up with a way to apologise to Mason, but no matter how many things that run through my head not one of them seems adequate enough to repair the damage that I have done.

I stand from my seat and head out to find Max, I find him supervising the dismantling of the teams timing wall.

"Max, will you take me to the airport please, because I am pretty sure that Mason no longer wants me around."

I hear a booming voice from behind me.

"Max don't you dare follow that instruction."

I spin round and I am now facingMason, he looks like one pissed off Husky.

"Tom, can I have a word with you in the motor home please?"

So here we go again, another relationship bites the dust. I dutifully follow Mason back to the motor home, once we're inside he closes and locks the door, he stands there looking at the door for a moment and then slowly turns to face me.

"Well Tom, tell me, how do we handle this?"

I can feel a little wetness forming in my eyes as I try to formulate some sort of coherent plan.

"I - I'm so sorry Mas...I mean Mr.DeLuth, my intention was to try and offer you some support because I could see that you were disappointed by the race result, but now I have gone and made things ten times worse for you, so I guess the only option that I have is to grab a seat on the next flight out of here and get out of your life for good. Once I get back to the yard I will make sure that any money you have paid in will be transferred back into your American accounts and once I have a bit of money I will repay you for the stuff that you have paid for at the house."

A shocked look falls across Mason's features as he realises that I am ready to head out of his life for ever.

"Shit Tom no, that's not the answer, I'm sure that we can weather whatever storm is about to face us, I certainly don't want you to leave me, I love you so much and yes I know that you were just trying to lend me some support, trust me I was grateful for it, the problem is as a race team owner I get no privacy at all and that stinks."

I shakily put a paw on his right shoulder and gently squeeze it. Mason takes a few deep breaths and then continues.

"Okay, my mind is clear and believe it or not I have a plan to forstall all the questions of my love life once and for all, I just hope that you are ready to be thrust into the limelight because you and I are going to hold a press conference, in it I will come clean about my sexuality, I will also announce you as my lover, I will then finish off by asking that the press give us our privacy, hopefully, that will do the trick."

A gasp leaves my muzzle as I hear what Mason has for an idea, he then kisses me and continues.

"I'm sorry Tom, I didn't mean to storm off like that but I didn't want you to see me when I was that upset, but now enough is enough I'm done with hiding I am no longer Mason DeLuth closet gay Husky I am Mason DeLuth proud to be gay CEO of DeLuth racing with the stunning Tom Howard of the Mermaid Boatyard by my side."

Part of me is really not looking forward to being out in such a way whereas the other part of me is relieved to finally be able to put my previous life behind me and start again with the Husky that I love so very, very much.

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