Leave the Window Open: Part 3

Story by Altaniun on SoFurry

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Leave the Window Open Synopsis

In a world on the brink of a steampunk revolution, Diego a war orphan skips out on a life in the military and plummets himself into a life of crime. With a past full of questionable choices and immoral acts his future is set to be a bleak one, until by chance he meets a girl.

Dialogue has always been my biggest bug bear when it come to writing.That compromise between making it short enough not to become tedious but full enough to feel natural has never come easy to me, so this chapter was a great challenge.

Well I honestly did not think I would get this one in for my self imposed two week deadline, but I made it in the end. My next post will probably be a tad shorter as this one was about double the size of the other chapters. To everyone who has taken the time to give me feedback I say a big thank you.

As ever I love to hear back from my readers and criticism is ever welcomed.

Leave the Window Open

Part 3 - A Walk in the Park

As the city sunk into slumber the 'Three Crowns' hotel bristled defiantly with life. Every window on all of its four stories shone like a beacon in the night, its sign hung in prominence displaying three golden crowns while below a throng of visitors eagerly awaited admission. It was an eclectic mix of old and new money; the avant-garde patrons of the new age music brought a colorful vibrance to the street. Long dresses flowed in the cool night air while the street bustled with carriages drawn by large flightless birds interspersed by new age motor vehicles whose chassis of chrome and brass glistened by streetlight. Excited chatter, mechanical clatter, the squawk of birds and somewhere far in the distance the grand clock struck eleven gongs for the eleventh hour.

Dressed in the finest garb poverty could buy Diego arrived but couldn't bring himself to stand in line. There was an exclusivity he knew he didn't belong to and as he slunk in the shadows of a store doorway he watched as reporters took pictures of the attendants with their crude and unwieldy cameras. They blasted the uptown street with the flash of photographic light and filled it with the scent of gunpowder.

Alone and confronted with something so alien, his well-rehearsed mask of jovial confidence slipped and doubt spread through every fiber of his being. Excitement gave way to apprehension and there hung over him a pall of apathy. He closed his eyes and took in a long breath and slowly let it out like enacting a ritual. As it came to an end, he puffed up his chest and moved to step forward, but from the darkened entryway something stirred and seized him!

A black tar-like hand grabbed upon his wrist, reaching out from the empty darkness of the doorway. It was neither hot nor cold yet from where it touched a consuming numbness spread forth. Unexpectedly there was no frightful jump, nor did he turn to face his assailant, he only stopped motionless as if this had been expected. The shade extended to form a face, whose shape was a featureless mimicry of the form it preyed upon. Slowly the featureless muzzle rose to within an inch of Diego's ear.

"This is not your place, these are not your people, you do not belong here. They bring you here only so that you may be their jester or so that they may feel their lives are enriched because they are not like you. Return to your kin and to the comfort of your station"

Having heard those words, he glanced down the dimly lit street that felt now homely in its promise of comfort devoid of happiness.

"Shame on her for leading you on so, to taunt you with a world denied to you. Even if her intentions were true, she does not know you, who you really are, a knave, a rogue, a cad a co-"

His paw sunk into his pocket and had clasped upon Sarah's ribbon. In it, he found strength. One step forwards out of the darkness and into the light, leaving behind the empty storefront. He looked back despite knowing there would be no deceiver in the shadows. To the empty and silent entranceway, he said, "Not tonight, tonight I don't listen to you" his voice firm yet carried no malice for everyone had their own demons.

Swathed in the finest cotton dress shirt he had ever worn with tan pantaloons and cavalry boots, he walked confidently up to the onyx bull doorman with the same air of entitlement he had witnessed earlier. It did not work.

"Sorry, private function" the bulls hand interposed between Diego and the doorway. It hadn't slipped past him that the bull never even asked to see an invitation, 'do I really look that out of place?' Deep down he knew the answer to that. The ribbon unfurled back to its full length as he drew it from his pocket with a flourish, silent in his smug satisfaction. The bull's eyes warily traced over it and he reached out to inspect the back where concealed stitching served as the seal of authenticity. The bull's nose flared with a mixture of annoyance and surprise "My apologies"

"It's alright" he mused to himself 'I would have stopped me as well' and boldly stepped forward until that meaty bull's hand pressed to his chest and stopped him once more. He looked up to the imposing face that gazed back at him intensely.

"If you don't want to be asked to show that thing every ten minutes, I suggest you wear it openly", it was friendly advice that felt like anything but. Diego took the ribbon out once more and wrapped it around his bicep. The big hand that covered his chest drew back and finally, he was in. Instantly he was awestruck as polite conversation filled his ears, his eyes laid upon works of art and from a long table at the back, he smelled the irresistible aroma of food.

For a party in celebration of a band that brooked convention its formality was stifling. The 'Three Crowns' was a classical venue, its décor a pallet of dark woods and lacquered flooring smattered with a collection of curiosos behind glass cabinets. The myriad of waiting staff swanned around the room serving champagne flutes and nibbles.

Instinct immediately took over and he began to weave his way over towards the buffet table. Deep down he knew it was a boorish thing to do, but as he made his way over, he felt his pallet moisten. Like so many in the city, Diego's stomach rumbled woefully over its share of missed meals.

From a gaggle of socialites, a cat abruptly peeled away and bumped into the hastily moving raccoon, "Sorry" he blurted out reflexively. His attention was instantly captured by the dazzling black dress that shimmered with a sea of sequins over feminine curves, a deep contrast against thick white fur. A moment's hesitation and her piercing gaze held him in place, "Lydia isn't it?" He said recognizing one of the four members of the band.

Playfully she reached out and held the ribbon that hung from his arm and let it slip between her fingers while she treated him to a coy smile, "Do you often attend concerts and not know the performers?"

A single conversation and already he felt like a fraud "Sorry, I'm a new fan, I-"

A wave of her paw and he fell silent, "I tease" her voice trailed off into a gentle purr, "Plus we both know whom your eyes were upon"

His cheeks felt like they were on fire, but also something stirred in him a sense of worth and validation "It was unexpected, the ribbon that is"

Her eyes fell across him appraisingly, "Your words, not mine, Mr?"

"Diego" the inflection that there was nothing else.

Lydia took two crystal champagne flutes from a waiter as he sailed on past and offered one, "Just Diego?"

He played the part of the charming guest and took the flute from her. One delicate tap and a sonorous chime filled the space between them. "McAlister"

Her coy smile blossomed with amusement "Diego McAlister? Your parents must have been very well traveled?" She paused only long enough to have a sip of champagne before continuing, "So, what do you do Diego?"

His mind slipped back to the encounter with Syrus and drew a little truthful inspiration, "I'm a wagon driver", Yet as he answered her, he had an unshakable feeling of discomfort. Every question felt pointed and every answer scrutinized. Not wanting to be pressed any further he turned the spotlight on her, "Have you known Sarah long?"

"To say a long time would be an understatement, she's my step-sister and we grew up together" thoughtfully she began to trace a finger around the rim of her glass, "The others we met later, Cas and Kyle were already friends and were performing, we just joined their act"

"And added a touch of class?"

"I can see I'm going to have to keep my eye on you" she reached out and tapped her claw-tip to his nose, "Enjoy the party Diego" On stage, he had seen her like a wild performer befitting the bands contemporary image, but now he saw it was all an act. She turned from him with a classy swagger of her hips and put her now empty glass down onto a passing tray, all while seamlessly engaging in a fresh conversation.

'So, Sarah has a very protective sister' He thought to himself as he watched her go and resumed his course back to the buffet. No sooner had he started his spirits sank as he found Cas, the band's lead singer, walking in the opposite direction. The lynx was still only dressed in trousers and that long overcoat, his entire torso exposed, the iconic renegade visage that had started his musical movement.

Diego steeled himself and walked with determination, hoping to avoid another inquisition, but as their paths crossed the lynx paused and turned on his heels to look at the out of place raccoon, "Whoa! I can't remember the last time I saw someone in cavalry boots"

Diego had not expected a pass at his clothes. He stopped and squared off against the lynx, "I'm bringing them back"

"Is that so? I'll have to get me a pair" older and taller, Cas loomed with masculine confidence.

Diego smirked and reached out to knock his paw against Cas's chiseled abs "Maybe after you can afford a shirt", they both laughed at the impromptu banter and walked past each other, Diego finally rewarded with his chance at the buffet table, while Cas had someone he needed to talk to.

Sarah finished speaking with a pair of admirers before she turned straight into Cas, fresh from his encounter with Diego, "Run out of people to talk to Cas?" she said and playfully cocked her head to the side.

The Lynx wore a bemused smile and Sarah knew some scathing comment was coming her way. "He yours?" and gave a reserved nod to across the Hall.

Sarah's gaze followed Cas's gesture towards the buffet table and saw Diego as he hearty sampled it. Her expression softened affectionately "Got a ribbon, hasn't he?"

Cas circled around the black feline and put his paws onto her shoulders, "We are feeding the poor on Wednesday, you don't have to bring them to our party"

The Lynx towered over the smaller feline, who laid her head back into his chest to look up at him, "Don't be an ass, wasn't that long back we were pulling gigs and struggling to get by"

Cas looked down to his friend and fellow performer then once more over to the voracious raccoon. He saw only trouble in him but when he looked into Sarah's eyes he wavered "Ugh, you and those ribbons", she smiled in triumph as his paws came up and held her cheeks and planted a brotherly kiss onto her forehead, "Don't let him bother the other guests, they paid good money to be here" As swiftly as he had arrived he left, once more throwing out his arms and walking towards another group of well-wishers "Glad you could make it!"

For a time, Sarah just watched him, paws on her hips like a disapproving mother wondering what to do with her 'problem child'. The ebony feline had as much energy off the stage as she did on it and when inspiration finally struck her, she pounced into action. With vigorous enthusiasm, two paws clapped down onto Diego's shoulder and Sarah's face hovered over his shoulder with a smile that showed off those feline fangs, "You know most people mingle a bit first, before going to the buffet"

He choked in surprise at her sudden arrival and pounded on his chest to send the lodged food down, "Most people don't try and scare the crap out of someone who's eating either" he slyly folded a napkin around his other pickings and pocketed them for later, "So, uhm..." he rubbed the back of his neck nervously and looked around searching for inspiration on what to say. Just as his muzzle opened to speak, she cut on in.

"Let me guess you were going to say something like-" graciously she twirled to press her back against the buffet table and her shoulder into his chest as she playfully got under his snout "-The concert was amazing, you were amazing, I'm your biggest fan, where do you get your inspiration? blahblahblah" her face a picture of mirth.

Diego snorted and stuck his thumb out at the buffet table "Actually I was going to say the quiche is amazing but I'd stay clear of the salmon rolls", his dead plan delivery was perfect and for a moment they just looked at each silently before they both broke into laughter.

"At least you're funny, but could you be any more uncomfortable here if you tried?" she slipped away from him and as they talked began to pick at the laid out edible fare.

He shrugged off her criticism and started to follow her "Let's just say this isn't my usual crowd, way less swearing and sea shanties for a start" She looked back to him amused and it was then he noticed she was wearing the same clothes as she had on stage "You came straight from the concert?"

She paused for a moment to figure out what had provoked his comment then looked down over herself and found the answer, "Oh yeah it's all go go go" it took one final bite to finish the scone she had picked up before she thoughtfully licked her fingers clean, "Say, want to go for a walk?" Diego expression of surprise was not unexpected "I'm bored and you couldn't look more out of place"

Diego looked out at the crowd and saw the other three band members as they circulated around "Won't you be missed?"

Her response was a lackadaisical shrug, "We don't have to if you don't want to"

When she had taken his wrist back in the concert it provoked strange feelings. Certainly, he had seen girls he thought of as pretty before, even beautiful, but around her, he felt awkward and that strangely drew him in closer "I never said that"

She took his arm and started to briskly walk them both towards the door "How non-committal, what girl doesn't find that attractive in a man?" ironically her sass had quickly become one of the features he found most fetching in her.

"Ones that like to get what they want?" he retorted back as they nipped out of the front doors to the attention of the bull doorman who looked to them in surprise.

"If anyone asks, I went out for some fresh air Walter" Her suddenly commanding tone took both men by surprise. Impatiently she tapped her foot waiting for a response.

"Yes, Ms. Moon" he spoke and gave a reluctant but respectful nod.

Her authoritarian demeanor slipped back once more into playful feline as she got onto her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. Softly she whispered to him "Thank you" and before he could change his mind, she walked down the street, only to pause and threw a glance over her shoulder at Diego "Coming?"

When he caught up to her the two walked shoulder to shoulder seemingly aimlessly down the street. The silence was broken as Diego snapped his neck to look at her, "Did he just call you Ms. Moon?"

She rolled her eyes playfully "It's just a stage name, -" her speech ended abruptly as it dawned on her she had never asked his name.

"Don't know my name, do you?", he teased wickedly and batted his striped tail against her back.

They got to the end of the empty street and faced each other, Sarah threw up her arms and declared "You got me" she turned and started down the adjoining street which led to Monument Park, whose graveled paths wove between historic statues and war memorials, "So what is it?"

"It's Diego" Instantly he knew what she would say next.

"Oh, are you Alytian?" the question was so innocent but it brought a deluge of emotion to Diego. Alytia, Parla, the war, the orphanage and a lifetimes regret.

"No" his tone was sharp and instantly filled him with regret, "Sorry"

"It's ok, wars leave scars" Her voice carried comfort and a deep understanding that she wasn't yet ready to share.

He nodded back to her "What I meant to say was that my parents were Alytian traders, but I was born in Parla", When Sarah continued to walk towards the park Diego stopped and put his paw onto her shoulder, "You shouldn't go in there alone, you never know who might be about", experience had taught the raccoon that the brighter somewhere was the safer it tended to be.

"Oh?" She looked back to the Park and then to Diego "Who said I was going in alone, aren't you coming?" That playful smile returned as her lithe tail swished provocatively from side to side.

He shook his head in disbelief as she walked backward from him and into the dimly lit park, "Fine, but we stay on the path", With a feline grace she gleefully jumped up onto a low wall that followed the edge of the path while Diego walked alongside. Step by step she effortlessly traversed the narrow ledge, "So do you often go on moonlit walks with strangers whose names you don't know?"

"No", she says without looking back, "But you my dear Diego are just too common for our magnanimous lead singer, which is something given he's the son of a miner" with a hop she turned in the air and started to walk backward. Diego was impressed, both by her dexterity and her candor, "He didn't want you to bother the other guests, now you're not"

He stuck his paws into his pockets and made an amused grunt, "So you gave him what he wanted but made sure he wasn't going to be happy about it?"

She jumped back down and landed in front of him, paws raised she pointed a pair of 'finger guns' at him "Bang, you got it in one"

Diego glowered back at her as he wondered to himself 'Is this just a game to her?' "Then why did you give me this in the first place?" He said and raised his arm to draw attention to the ribbon.

"Well..." her voice trailed away into the night, but she could tell he would not let this go, "I had to, it was the only way I could think to stop you from robbing those people", Diego's eyes widened in fright, "I mean, I know you're a thi-"

Out of reflex, his paw came up to cover her mouth, as if by stopping her from saying it, miraculously it would not be true. The last syllable came out muffled through his paw. Those vibrant amber eyes narrowed fiercely and all of a sudden Diego found himself looking up at the starry night sky having swiftly taken two sudden steps back and felt the dull throb of a bloody nose.

Had she punched him any harder he would have been on his ass.

"Owwww!" he paced in a circle clutching his nose, "Ahhh! That stings!", he caught a glimpse of how she scowled at him "What did you do that for!" he spoke in a nasal tone as he tried to stop the flow of blood.

"You tried to grab me!" she shouted back defiantly.

"I was trying to shut you up!"

She folded her arms and had a look of righteousness "But I'm not wrong, am I?"

He no longer knew what she wanted from him and just fell back onto his rump, the clatter of small stones as his defeated form impacted upon the gravel, "No, you're not wrong" he swiped a finger under his nose and flicked the drying blood away, "Why did you come out here with me? Don't you think I'm dangerous?"

She took pity on him and stepped closer, that sleek black feline form towered over him for a change "Well, kinda, but-" she searched back through her thoughts and tried to find the right word for what she wanted to say "It's just, while you were doing it you looked so... guilty", she held out her paw and when he took it she pulled him up.

What she had said felt cliched but still, it resonated within him. For a brief moment, Diego felt like he was back in the concert as he lost himself in those eyes and felt her paw within his. Between them lay an intimate silence as they stood under that clear night sky. Slowly he leaned closer only to be brought back to reality by the sternly spoken words, "Diego I swear if you try to kiss me, I will break your nose"

He didn't know what he wanted with her anymore, only that he had felt something. Her impish nature complimented his so nicely and for once he felt like he had met someone with the energy to keep up with him, more so he questioned if he could keep up with her. Yet he knew if the night ended with those words it was over no matter what. 'Act casual? It would just come across as uncaring, make a joke? that's just immature' She looked to him expectantly, 'Just do SOMETHING!' His internal voice shocked him into action.

He leaned the rest of the way to her and her paw clenched once more into a fist. He felt his nose brush past her whiskers as he planted a kiss onto her cheek. The affection she felt stayed her paw and she stood there in stunned silence, "That's for not snitching on me to the guard" He gestured back the way they came, "Lets get you back, parties probably nearly over" He tapped one booted foot against the other "And I've gotta be honest, these things are killing my feet"

"Oh, Diego" anger defused into affection as she reached out and stroked over his shoulder.

The walk back was quiet and uneventful, filled with fond chatter that came without expectation. They stopped outside the Three Crowns and it was clear the function was over, the square beacons of light that cast back the night now subdued. Each looked at the other and neither knew what to say.

"I had fun," Sarah said after a while and truly meant it.

"Yeah, so did I" there was only one thing Diego wanted to know and his chest tightened at the thought of asking, "So, do we meet again?"

How she felt to answer that question mirrored Diego's apprehension in asking it, "I'm not sure", she looked over towards the doorway to where normality lay and thought how quickly and easily this night could be over.

"That's fair", It was all he could do to hide the hurt from that answer, "Listen, it's fine, I know I'm a thi-" before he could finish her paw was pressed over his muzzle the last syllable muffled through it.

"It's not that" she lied and knew instantly he would see through it "Or it's not 'entirely' that" her paw slipped from his muzzle as she bit her lip anxiously, "It scares me that I actually find you more exciting because of it" she frowned as he lit up with optimism, "It's not a good thing Diego"

"I didn't say it was" He could never in one night get her to understand the desperation that led him to this life. Much that in the same way, she could never get him to understand that he was better than this. Deep down they both wanted more than this, "Which is yours?"

She looked over to the Hotel with him, "Top floor, third from right, why?" she bit her tongue and held back the desire to sass him and say he 'wasn't seeing her bedroom'.

"You want this thief to stay in your life?" He pointed up to her room "Then leave the window open and you'll get to see me"

Nothing he had said or done that evening had flustered her more than that proposal, "Gonna climb up to my room are you?"

He coyly smiled back to her "Maybe"

Their liaison had to come to an end, but even as she crossed the street, she looked back to him, once, twice and as she opened the door, thrice. Patiently he waited and saw the light to her room come on. Her figure soon stood at that window, her paws resting on the windowsill, 'Was she really going to open it?' Anxiously he waited for her to give that invitation on up. At the last moment, he caught her wicked expression right before her paws swiftly rose from the window and yanked the curtain closed.

"What a bitch," he said as his tail fondly swung from side to side and he watched as her silhouette behind the curtain walked off, the light turned out soon after. He swooned and fell back against a wall "But damn do I like her"

Leave the Window Open: Part 2

Leave the Window Open Part 2 - Hearthward Leaving behind the Old Town Hall and the muted sounds of music would fade into memory, yet the performance had left its mark on Diego whose ears still rung with a monotonous chime. As he walked under the...

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Leave the Window Open: Part 1

Leave the Window Open Part 1 - A World of Contradictions As gentle twilight enveloped the city of Parla the fluted street lights began to turn on one by one. They looked like they should be illuminated by gas light but instead those tinted glass...

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Leave the Window Open: Prologue

Leave the Window Open The Prologue Black smoke rose out of the ironclads as they carved their way through waves like grey steel sharks. The resounding thump of the engines carried them at the speed of conquest to the promise of battle, death, and...

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