Tribal Submission

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Two Ethiopian wolves come together in carnal lust in a society where females are dominant hunters and the males submit peacefully to their lusts and whims...

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Tribal Submission

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

A gift for Razak

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A Christmas gift for my sweetheart <3

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The mountainside stretched down before the Ethiopian wolf, her eyes closed and toes curled into the fine grain of dirt, clinging to the edge of the cliff as if she thought that, somehow, she would be able to take flight against every law of nature. With her rich, red and brown fur slashed through with a hint of cream down her front for her summer garment, there was no doubt in anyone's mind as to the nature of the wolf. She was not a bird that could spread its wings and throw itself into the air, body light and free in that brief, scant moment of freefall before fighting off gravity, but she could imagine she was such, if only for the briefest of moments, with the wind gently picking up the fur from the back of her neck, a lover's intimate caress. Her chest was bare, breasts exposed, but that was all fine in her little world with a loose skirt of pelts hung from her waist, slit up one side so that her freedom of movement was not restricted in the slightest.

A string of beads formed out of shell, precious stones and animal bones - dyed to stand out against the natural shades of her fur - hung from her neck in long, thick ropes, glorious in their splendour as the wolfess was not out on the hunt that particular day. No, she had set that task to another and would return to the tribe with a hot pot of stew bubbling away above the fire or a haunch of meat searing and roasting, just the way she liked it. Even with the splendour and divinity of the greener slopes, further down the mountain, stretching before her, the thought of her home, the hut kept warm and wholesome by stretched and beaten animal hides, still drew a glimmer of drool to the corner of her black lips.

There was no such time for wandering and wondering for others in the tribe, a luxury only afforded to those with enough status and power to command the time in which to meditate and take in the world just as it was. There was, of course, an ever-prevalent fight to survive, whether that was against mother nature herself and the elements or the wild, dangerous, feral type of animals that eked out a living in a harsher landscape than they would have perhaps chosen for themselves: this did not lend itself to taking time to oneself. It was the females of the tribe, however, who counted themselves the fortunate, taking their stance at the top of the pack while the males muddled about as omegas, controlled and dominated to their whim.

She smiled. It was a good life. She'd seen the lives of other tribes where they had not yet accepted the dominance and power of the females, the males refusing to submit to their betters. For who could possibly be more suited to take the lead in all the dealings of the tribe than the femfurs who knew everything and were perfectly in place to take care of what needed to be done? They were not for rearing pups and the menial tasks alone! The thought made Amina scoff and the wolf shook her head at the sheer ludicrous nature of it, stepping away from the cliff face as her stomach grumbled, hunger, once again, rearing its ugly head. But that was all fine and she would be fed, even if not by her own paw in the kill and the skinning and, of course, the cooking of such a meal.

Oh no, one as high as Amina was in the tribe would not debase herself to such a little task, something that anyone with half a brain between their ears could do. Although, sometimes, with some of the males in the pack, it was entirely debatable as to whether they were capable of all that much thought, even if they didn't really have to think all that much. It was nice, after all, when they were able to act on intuition, pleasing the femfurs all the more for it in the end. But, when it came to cooking and taking care of her hut an possessions, Amina had one special pup to take care of that for her.

A lover? Ah, she would not have gone that far as to call him that but he was something to her and she took her pleasure from him too as she pleased, enjoying his company. There was something about that wolf, she had to say, that had her step quickening as she paced her way home, her bare hind paws finding the well-beaten path that had been trodden over a hundred times and more, a route to the lookout point that gave her and others in the tribe the perfect spot in which to take in the lay of the land. That was something that the females could do, after all, and just another reason they were held in such high esteem and entirely separate from the lowly males.

The aromas and sounds of the tribe bustling about their day and business reached her before they even came into view, Amina rounding the scrubby bushes, scrawny things that clung to the mountain as if they were afraid of being ripped out by their roots. Her nose twitched, taking in the scent of meat cooking that could be her own but she would only know if it belonged to her belly when she reached her hut. The scene before her cut very differently - and rightly so - to what she had seen in other, lesser tribes, with the males hunkering down to work. It was a common sight to see a male wolf washing clothes in the river or cooking, of course, and neither was it strange to see one caring for a pregnant wolfess, treating her as the royalty she deserved to be through the most arduous months of her life in the carrying of new life. She laughed softly to herself at the thought that there were so many males elsewhere that would do nothing at all with the youngsters and spend their time hunting (often badly and fruitlessly, of course) and sent a silent prayer of thanks up to her goddess for placing her in the part of the world she had. She was right where she needed to be and all was well and good.

Except with the male that she had ordered to cook her meal, a scrawny runt but one that was usually very good at selecting just the right spices - something harvested and coveted highly - for a meal, regardless of what he was cooking. The wolf had a duller hue to his fur than most of the males that were often dragged off to the private quarters of sleeping huts by their tails or even their scruffs, but he was still a specimen, even if much smaller and weaker than Amina herself. The wolfess stood taller and stronger than him, her body lean and tight and firm with muscle in all the right places. There was no space for an ounce of spare fat in the harsh world in which they lived but the male could have surely used a great deal more muscle than he had.

Still, he was good in the sleeping hut too and Amina warmed to the thought of his tongue between her legs, the smaller male having soothed her to sleep on many a stormy, tumultuous night. It was a shame, however, that he seemed to still be working on her meal when, surely, everything should have been good and done already, a pot atop the fire suspended between two pronged sticks to keep it at just the right height.

Amina's stomach rumbled and her mood soured, although her expression did not change - not yet. She'd expected a leg of that Hartebeest - that was what the travellers had called the animal that had a name already in their own language, was it not? - at least and stopped in her tracks, her expression coolly disassociated from the situation at hand. After all, it was not Amina's responsibility to bring home feast. No, that was a chore for the lesser males of the tribe, the ones reduced down to the dirty work and the grunt work when the dominant females reaped the benefits and challenged themselves on the truly magnificent hunts. There would never be any honour, after all, in simply bringing down a prey animal, even if one of that size.

Furtively arduous and intent on his task, the male wolf took a pinch of spices from what he had laid out beside him, each 'pot' of spice coming from a wrapping of some kind of animal skin with a rope around the neck to keep it closed. That too disappeared into the bubbling pot, the fire crackling merrily as it warmed the metal, doing the job it was meant to while the wolf himself lagged behind.

Well, that would not do.

"Rada..." She frowned minutely, brow furrowing as her paws hung limply at her sides. "Is it not yet prepared?"

The male wolf visibly gulped but, to her small amount of pleasure, did not pause in his stirring of the metal pot, keeping a careful eye on the sustenance within even while replying to his superior. His brown eyes dropped to the fire below the pot, anxiously poking and stoking the flames up a little higher still as if that small act alone would hasten the process of her dinner being cooked.

"I could not get fresh meat today," he murmured, keeping his eyes respectfully lowered. "It has been a hard time, the prey are wary. Until there are fresh young born, we will struggle to be successful on our hunts."

Holding back her sigh, Amina stared him down levelly, her stern expression not changing in the slightest as he squirmed and shifted his weight uncomfortably beneath her stare, hunkering down closer to the ground as if he could slip away entirely if only he made himself look small and insignificant enough. But it was not his fault that he had fallen short of expectations, even if she had come to believe that he was one male that would exceed them. He was just doing the best that male wolfs could do ant here would still be a hot meal in her belly soon even if it came later than she expected.

"So, what are you cooking?" She asked, although it was not a question that should have had to have been asked as she wrinkled her nose and snout. "Something strong... Those spices will burn the back of my throat going down. What are you covering up?"

Rada swallowed, edam's apple bobbing anxiously.


He barely raised his voice above the level of a whisper as he replied, shamefaced and looking down at the pot as if he wanted to drop himself into it too. It would be one way, at least, to exit a highly awkward and uncomfortable situation, the male wolf dipping his muzzle all the way down to the bare dirt as he shivered, the ruff of thicker fur across the back of his neck and shoulders fluffed up. Oh, he most certainly knew that he'd disappointed her but what could one wolf possibly do at such a late hour in the game to get anything of her respect back?

Amina's frown deepened. Well, at least it was meat. But it was not like him to disappoint her so. Perhaps there was another wolf in the pack that she could share the noonday meal with while times were quiet enough to actually have more than a morning and an evening meal? Ah, too late for that and she had not the patience to find conversation or slip into a meal where others would call on her wisdom, asking so much of her that her mind would grow tired right when she should have been relaxing and rejuvenating herself with the sustenance of the land.

"It will have to do. But the meat is still going to take time to cook, is it not?"

He tried not to meet her eyes but could not avoid the stern glint there as she shook her head, the wolfess wanting more and seeing her pup and charge failing. But there was always something to do as she pressed her legs together, heels tucked in as if she was striving to stand on a tiny spot alone. Rada didn't notice, casting his gaze fervently between other members of the pack, everyone else seeming to have settled down at the designated meal time for those who were in the village at the time of eating. Only they stood out from the crowd and he quailed, tail tucked all the way down against his rump.

Yet Amina had something else in mind for the wolf to redeem himself, even if he was only a male...

"Well, if you are going to be so disappointing as to not have my meal prepared when I arrive, I shall have to use you in another way in the meantime..."

And Rada had not a moment in which to ask what she meant, the wolfess stepping over him and tipping his muzzle up to her sex beneath the pelt skirt. He knew just what to do and what she wanted even if he was considerably caught off guard in the heat of the moment. But she didn't give him a chance to say anything or even work out just what she was doing, her leg sliding back over his shoulder so that her bare hind paw hung down his back, able to press and guide in the most minute and intimate of ways.

Hot musk and warmth surrounded his head as her thighs pressed in and, instinctively, the wolf's tongue flicked out against the heat of her sex, the pussy lips bare of any clothing - for what use did they have of something like that in their back? Their modesty was covered and protected for hunting means and often to ensure, in the case of the males, that their assets would not become inadvertently burned during the course of cooking the meals of the femfurs, as used to be the case, but clothing was entirely optional throughout the pack and more of a fashion choice than anything else.

Rada moaned without thinking, stroking along her lips in that particular way that he knew she liked, teasing and stoking the fire within the wolfess' red-furred coat. She groaned and gripped his ears, claws pinching the sensitive flaps in, and he redoubled his efforts, hastily thrusting his tongue into her sex and penetrating her in the most intimate way possible.

"Unnff... You need more training."

And maybe he did or maybe he did not, the wolf only knowing how to do what she told him to. Amina was a kind teacher too, not like some of the other wolves in the pack who would bind and strip and humiliate the males just in the name of teaching them a lesson, but neither was she a wolf that would not be quick to act on discipline either. And that meant that he had to do his job, softly loose himself in the moment of submission as he ignored the eyes of the pack, which were surely upon him, bathing her sex in the soft wash of his tongue over and over again as her weight shifted above him.

Her breath caught, the muscles in her abdomen tightening just a little, and he knew that he'd hit the right spot. Emboldened, he dug his tongue in more fervently, sweetly seeking out the patch inside her tight passage that made her squirm so very delightfully. For it was giving her pleasure above all others in the pack that made his heart pound so very wildly, in that special way that they said that the males were not able to feel. If he had been permitted to, Rada would have openly and happily devoted his life and service to Amina but that was for a wolfess to decide, if any of them decided to ever claim him entirely for their own.

Maybe if he did a good job... He could only try and serve and be all he could possibly be for Amina. His fingers curled around her thighs, pressing lightly into muscle, and her tail flicked as she moaned breathily, rocking her hips into his muzzle as his nose ground into the throbbing bud of her clit. That too required due attention and he huffed hotly as he drew back only enough to allow his tongue to curl around it, snaking and teasing and flickering until the ropes of beads around her neck rattled lightly together with the shifts of tension in her body. But it was the very best kind of tension she held in her body, heating up beneath the early winter coat of fur that had not yet grown entirely fluffy to protect her from the harsh chill of the season.

He lapped slowly and sensually, leaving no spot untouched as he carefully brought a paw up beneath her clothes. The darkness that her 'skirt' of sorts cast over him was comforting in a way too, making him feel as if he was safe and warm and protected - by Amina, of course. And that was truly all a wolf male wanted too, a femfur to own him and be called by, even if he could serve anyone in the pack before then too. Her clit pulsed gently against his tongue as the flexible appendage swept over it and Rada could not help a little grunt of his own as pleasing her roused his own member, poking out of the tip of the sheath. There was no loincloth that day to hide it as he had not thought to protect his parts before rushing to her meal and he could not feel ashamed even as a voice rose to his ears, muffled and yet still clearly audible.

"Even that one becomes aroused when pleasing her..."

"A good male is better than good perfume."

"Coffee and love are best hot..."

Rada gulped and folded his ears back, submission rising over him like the water of a lake even as he lapped all the more desperately, coaxing more and more of her sweet nectar onto his tongue. It flowed as sweetly as ever and he rumbled a growl that was far from one of aggression as she pushed into him, the shift of cloth around her hips the only thing that denoted that her tail, very slightly, was beginning to wag.

"Too warm..."

Fiddling with the pelt, she groaned as she cast it aside, shaking out a little of the tension from her hips with a shift from one side to the other. It was hard to stay balanced over him but worth it as she used his sweet muzzle, the pelt falling from his head and exposing their joint lust for anyone in the village, who cared to look at all, to see. It was hardly unacceptable at any point in their culture and time to not use a male but would have been a sad sight to see if a male thought that he owned the right to take a femfur whenever he pleased, as was the case in other tribes. Amina knew she was fortunate there to, at least, be following the correct trail in life, however much training the males may have needed at times. Rada, still, was learning and she ran her fingers lightly back through the fur atop his head and around his neck to his shoulders, admiring the patterns in his coat.

"Much better," she sighed, shoulder rolling back as she pulled her leg back, standing on both hind paws and using her greater strength to shove his muzzle into her harder still. "Get your tongue in there nice and deep now, pup. Don't slack off on this too..."

Of course! Rada growled his affirmative and, as a couple of the younger femfurs gathered, smiling and nodding at his submission, so freely given, did all he could to please her. There was nothing more to it than that as one did not have to be overly eloquent or gyrate or appear as if they were doing more than they were: that was not the way of a submissive pup, after all. He was not to care what onlookers thought and only for the result of his actions as he lapped and moaned into her pussy, taking her lead and driving his tongue all the way up into her passage with her juices slick and heady on his lips.

His cock throbbed but Rada could not think of that as she gripped his head, huffing and grunting herself as she rocked her hips against him. Amina's head fell back as she dug her fingers into the scruff of his neck, holding him in place as she humped and ground, using him as a living object just to relieve herself. But she could not hold back forever from such an, admittedly, sweet tongue and the wolfess' breath quickened, breasts heaving in a flurry of rapid breaths that set her toes curling blissfully.

And she howled out her orgasm too, not caring who heard her as her hips rolled and Rada's muzzle dampened with her juices, the flood squirting out around his nose as he desperately thrust two digits into her pussy while his tongue lavished attention on that throbbing, twitching nub. There was little more he was able to do at the very crux of the moment as he rode out her orgasm, snatching hasty breaths where he could that only came thick with the scent of her. It was no wonder his cock was so hard, the knot almost swollen completely at the base too in evidence of his need, but there was to be no sense of such pleasure from him while he was merely there to serve as a lowly male.

"Mm... Well, that was something, was it not, little pup?"

Rada shuddered and licked his lips, lapping her juices obediently off his muzzle - Amina didn't like him to remain messy and unsightly for long - as he nodded. He was hers to do with as she willed and all that her heart and soul desired would be hers, if he could only throw himself wholeheartedly into the pursuit of it.

What he did not expect the wolfess to do, however, was to guide him back beside the bubbling pot, his shoulders connecting with hard ground with a considerable thump. Rada grunted and glanced, hopelessly, at the pot containing the rabbit that really needed to be looked at but he had not the time as she licked her lips, lusts still high. He could not possibly disobey the femfur when she still was caught up in making use of him and a part of his heart and most certainly his loins too wouldn't have ever dreamed of saying no to her. Amina could have every last bit of him she wanted and more.

"Little pup... You have more work to do."

And it was the hard cock jutting out from his sheath like a trophy that had caught her attention, Amina chuckling throatily, her good humour roused through the benefit of orgasm, or so it seemed. Gone was her surly demeanour as her expression softened, the wolfess tipping forward over him as she stroked and pumped her paw along the length of that cock.

"Such a little stick...but it will have to do."

Her leg swung over him and she moved in a smooth, sinuous flash, a stream of motion that his pounding heart struggled to keep up with. The scent of burning wood filled his nose, only surpassed by the lingering thickness of her aroma clinging to his muzzle, and he held his breath as she sank down, cock pointing up to her cunny. There was no telling what she would do or take from him as she pushed all the way down, skilfully taking his shaft as if their bodies had always been meant to come together in that special way.

Rada caught his breath, eyes wide as she leaned over him, lips pulling up on one side as the wolfess' smile quirked. He could not have said if it was deliberate, for only Amina truly knew, but her pussy clenched and rippled around his cock at the point where he sank into her fully besides the knot at the base, half-swollen on the edge of climax already. Yet the wolfess frowned, grinding her pussy-lips down on his knot as he could not help but whimper, buttocks clenching and balls aching for that sweetness in its entirety.

"Little pup... Do not disappoint me again."

And he knew well enough just what that meant, screwing up his muzzle and willing his balls to stop churning. For it was an order that he knew well and he want not to spill the essence of his virility into her even as she rocked her hips, a lustful groan rolling by them as Amina enjoyed his body for what it was and no more than that. It was, after all, her right to use him, even if she did not want him to fill her at that moment and risk her stomach swelling with pups.

That did not stop him, however, from enjoying the hot tightness of her pussy, the wolfess easily able to take him even if he had to spend every frantic second of their copulation thinking of ways to hold himself back. He'd displease her if he climaxed but Amina could not have been said to make it easy for him, grunting and working her hips so furiously that it was as if she was actively trying to test him, putting him through a trial of which she, truly, expected him to fail.

Yet he could not - would not! The wolf ground his teeth together, locking his jaw even as she cooed to him, sweetness dripping from her tone like honey from a hornet's nest. Rada had to concentrate, had to think and be careful, his buttocks pinned down to the ground, blessedly, by her weight and thighs so he did not have to think about not thrusting in the heat of the moment. Yet he could not chance to lose himself as he hissed through his teeth, expelling a hasty rush of breath that did nothing at all to alleviate the rash burning in his lungs.


But she seemed to like that, tipping her hips at an angle as she ground down onto his knot, adding that extra bit of stimulation to the nub of her clitoris that she desperately needed to reach her own delicious high, even if she was astutely determined to deny him his. Rada did not matter - his orgasm did not matter - but Amina would have what she wanted whether it was from his cock, his paws or even his muzzle. No part of him, a male wolf, was off limits and she panted heavily, the first damp curls of sweat-marked fur appearing down the lines of her sides and obliques as she worked at taking all she could from him.

The wolfess, however, was not going to let the lure of her own pleasure linger as the wolves around them commented - only a handful of watchers but an audience all the same that would monitor and gauge his performance. Yet the only one that Rada saw was Amina looming over him, struck and striking against the backdrop of a sky shot through with wisps of cloud, a day that warmed the bones when the land itself would soon be plunged into the most dangerous time of year.

Still, there was time for pleasure and even he could not resist wriggling his hips back and forth from one side to the other, hovering on the point of climax as he tried and tried and tried to hold back. So hard was he concentrating that he was barely aware of when Amina's second orgasm hit her, the wolfess ripping out a forlorn howl that could have come up from the very depths of her soul, her own song carrying her up and away as her pussy massaged almost the full length of his aching cock.

And perhaps it was that she kept his knot outside her pussy that gave him a fighting chance in holding back, denied and yet successful as she finally drew off him, legs trembling in that abject sense of satisfaction. Little could Rada have known, however, in that moment alone just how their dynamic had shifted, Amina pressing her lips together as she cast her paw out to the tribe and surveyed him with the tiniest of smiles pulling at her soft lips.

He blinked up at her, scooting onto his knees as he awaited her next command, although Rada could not have possibly predicted the next words to come from her muzzle. Maybe Amina did not know either or maybe she had planned it all along, her meal finally simmered to perfection and ready to be enjoyed. Only, there was far more to be enjoyed still as Amina's fingers tapped lightly on the top of his head, calling for attention that was already, completely and devotedly, hers and hers alone.

"You're mine now, little wolf."

And then the wolf was owned, leaning into a paw that ran commandingly down from the top of his head to the back of his neck, holding his scruff in lieu of the strip of animal hide to come that would serve as a collar. It happened so quickly and seamlessly that it seemed that he did not have a change to react, cock still throbbing as he knelt obediently at her side, the trail and spurt of eager pre-cum impossible to ignore. But Rada did react, the wolf's lips stretching into the widest grin that his muzzle could possibly fit.

He was finally in his place with her paw stroking his head, leaning into Amina's touch as the others softly congratulated her on choosing a male at last. There may have been others in the future, but that would in times to come and he would serve his tribe-mistress for the rest of his life, living with her in her hut forevermore.

Rada was home.

Chosen: Chapter Nine

**Chosen** **Chapter Nine** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Chirmaya Nashaar_ _ _ ** ** Tayna leapt, slamming into her mother hind paws first. As if in slow motion, she saw Fayla's eyes glaze over and Tuck...

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The Mare in Molasses

**The Mare in Molasses** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Lord Legion_ _ _ _ _ "C'mon now, colts, git 'er done!" Serenity paced back and forth, trying to keep her eyes on everything at once as sheriff of the...

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Settling the Score

**Settling the Score** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by D.C. Yote_ _ _ _ _ Dora slowly, very slowly, removed the manacles, one by one, although they had long since been unlocked by her sister and Yote, the coyote in...

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