A Bird of a Particular Feather

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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A pet bird becomes an anthro to adore her owner...

Written up as a raffle prize for a lovely gentleman! Hope it was enjoyed!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

A Bird of a Particular Feather

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

A raffle prize for Fulminar

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The ox-pecker hopped about the floor of her cage, picking up stray bits of seed that she had dropped, although it was nearly feeding time again and she never had to worry about anything like that, like not getting food. Tik-Tok was a good bird and she had plenty in her life to feel good about. Like the fact that the cage door was open again, allowing her free roam of much of the house, although her owner, a buffalo with kind, warm eyes, made sure that she did not leave the house itself.

No! Tik-Tok chirped and fluttered her brown-feathered wings, dark beak cocked as she surveyed her little domain. She wouldn't have wanted to leave anyway, not if he wasn't there, for she loved her owner very much indeed and he was the best thing in her little world. There was a big world, a scary world, out there and it wasn't one that she wanted to experience without the buffalo at her side.

Yet if she could... The bird clung to the side of her cage, claws curling around the bars for grip, dangling there casually. It wasn't as if her body weighed much, after all. But if she could go out with the buffalo at her side, wouldn't that be something indeed? That would open up a whole new world for her - a world that she was still keen to explore! But that wasn't something that one bird could do, not even an ox-pecker like her.

Or was there? Her eyes glittered darkly as she hopped about, eyeing up the door of the cage speculatively. Was there something she could do? Something she could do out there?

And then, the feather drifted into her cage, the fluffy edges carrying it as if it truly held no weight of its own at all. It was not one of hers or that of any other bird that she had had visit her and neither was it one of the feathers off the birds she'd seen looking for food outside the window, the pane of glass separating her from the outside world.

Yet that world was about to open up to her as she curiously brushed the feather with just the very tip of her beak, a wave of warmth swinging over her as if she had just been doused in a shaft of sunlight. Tik-Tok squawked and flapped her wings, darting out of the cage even though it was a well-known safe space for her, fluttering away just in time for the changes to begin. It was just as well that she'd chosen to leave the cage rather than stay inside as her body grew rapidly, feathers flying off in all directions.

The ox-pecker squalled and hopped about, wide-eyed and flapping as her wings pulled back, spine drawing into a shape, well... She could not have said what the shape was but it was one that she would swiftly recognise in the hallway mirror. Tik-Tok didn't have to worry about her tail feathers disappearing even as her legs grew out, lengthier and slenderer still, her torso sucking into something...oh...

The bird chirped and flapped, although those wings were now becoming arms, feathers retreating to smoothly coat them as flight was taken from her. But that didn't matter as she was shifted into the very clear form of an anthro, the shape of breasts even coming into definition on her chest, although the nipples were hidden by a thick fluff of feathers that seemed to be for protection. Gaping, she opened and closed her beak several times, although not much changed about her head besides the size, her neck separated from her chest so that she looked far less like a bird and more like the ones that had cooed and flitted over her in the cage when Fulminar had brought friends around.

Her tail feathers plumped out thick and full and she gasped loudly, bringing the shape of new 'hands' to her chest, eyes wide and staring. But there was something different in her throat too and the avian could finally speak the words that she'd wanted to for so very long, no more squawks and shrieks to burst from her beak without due cause.

"F-Fulminar!" She cried, shaking and shivering off loose feathers. "Fulminar! Where are you?"

He came running, even though it was not her usual call that roused him, the shower upstairs shutting off with a clunk as a very wet and frazzled Cape buffalo stormed down the stairs, taking them two at a time in his haste. He blundered full-tilt into the living room and skidded to a stop, scraping up the carpet beneath his cloven hooves, hocks still dripping and soaked through to his skin, the light fluff of coarse hair atop his head and down the back of his neck flattened in his state of wetness. The only clothing he wore was a towel loosely wrapped around his waist, threatening to slip at any moment.

Opening and closing his mouth, the buffalo tipped forward towards her, his hooves seemingly rooted in place, although no words came out. Giggling, she settled more comfortably back onto her avian heels, the transformation complete as she flung herself at his arms. But it was only when her feathers connected with his rough skin and coat that he broke his silence, shakily holding her at arm's length just to take all of her in at once.

"Tik-Tok! What's happened to you? What the..." He couldn't get his tongue around the words. "You're..."

But they did not need words to 'talk' and connect the way they always had, body language playing a far more important role in their relationship than anything else ever had. What did a word do when a kind touch and brush of one's fingers spoke so much more loudly? In that vein, Tik-Tok chanced a chirp, chattering briefly at him as she ran her hand down his arm, revelling in just how his coat felt with her more sensitive fingertips. So much better than just having wings!

"I can finally...see you."

Not that she meant that she could not see him before but there was something far more special about slipping her newly feathered arms around him rather than hopping about on his shoulder. She could feel him, experience him as no bird had before. That was all she'd ever wanted and, well... The ox-pecker's eyes lit up with a smile that her beak could not form.

And she had to show Fulminar just how much she loved him.

"Come here..."

She took his paw and led him to the sofa, demonstrating surprising control of her body, which had only been hers for such a short while. But Tik-Tok was a quick learner and she wasn't about to let anything get in the way as she giggled and rattled the edges of her beak cheekily together, pulling away his towel, which, truly, had not covered very much at all. She didn't want him to be covered and nudged him off-balance the very moment he lunged for it, yelping and swinging those blocky horns about even as she giddily toppled him onto the furniture that had served as her perch for so very many years already.

"Tik-Tok," he breathed, although any willpower he had was softening rapidly, unlike other body parts. "What... Oh... What has happened to you? You're..."

"So much more, for you."

And then her beak was up against his, the bird struggling to kiss him even as he helpfully returned the favour, wrapping his arms around her and clasping the back of her neck lightly as he dropped kiss after kiss onto her beak. All she could do was giggle and shiver as she was so adored, swinging a leg over his hip to sit astride his lips and that rapidly hardening shaft of his, the length thick and full as it pushed up against the vent between her legs.

It was quick, too quick, but she'd been waiting for so long to feel him against her that Tik-Tok could not even think of holding back as the buffalo's cock twitched and throbbed, pre-cum glistening at the tip. His eyes told the tale of his love too and the avian knew that the time was right and the time was good: there was no sense in holding back when she had everything she wanted, what they both wanted, laid out right there for the taking.

No foreplay necessary for those who didn't know how much time they had left together, her form perhaps temporary or perhaps permanent. Tik-Tok churred sweetly as she sank down, letting her body take over and go through the motions to take his length deep into her tight snatch, her warmth parting around him as she took her very first lover. Fulminar let out a long, low bellow that sent a tremor through her in the very best way, his paws on her hips as he tried to swallow his moans.

She wanted to hear them though and squawked as he managed to rock his hips up, filling her with a smooth of his cock. Slow and smooth and gentle, yet the buffalo managed to moan and pump and drive into her with every bit of love and lust he had in his body. Tik-Tok gasped, pleasure shivering through her with each and every sweet stroke, striving to move her hips in time with his rhythm but finding her newly transformed body to not quite work with what she wanted it to do. Luckily, of course, she had her lover right there to guide her, drawing her beak down to his so he could gently lock his lips with it once more, their tongues tentatively tangling as their bodies came together in sweet bliss.

But they needed more, lust driving them on as they moaned and groaned into the kiss, her feathered backside in his cupped paws. Her backside rose and fell with the grind of his hips, neither needing to think in the heat of the moment as they came together, moaning as their lusts rose and rose. But Tik-Tok could not have known what the prelude to an orgasm felt like and could not be held at fault for not realising that she was about to climax, her sex clenching and rippling urgently around his shaft as if she was trying to draw him deeper still into her hot wetness.

The buffalo was close too but he could not have anticipated the full force of Tik-Tok's climax as she chattered madly, her joy only punctuated by gasps and moans that she could barely contain for her own. Her pussy rippled around him, coaxing his own climax, and he broke the touch of his lips on her beak to bellow out his own orgasm, ropey tail thwapping the sofa as he filled her. His heavy balls churned and she moaned, the sensation of hot cum spilling into her slit new and fresh and so _invigorating_that all she wanted to do was show him just how much she love him all over again!

Their orgasms blended sweetly together as she kissed and nipped at his neck, the tip of her beak a teasing tool, his cock staying half-hard inside her as he spent every last drop of cum he had to give her deep inside her sex. The avian chirped and moaned, relaxing down against him, his cock slipping from her in the afterglow as her head swam with contentment, feathers trembling lightly.

How long did she have left in a magical form? There was no way to tell but there was one thing that Tik-Tok was certain of and that was that she wanted to spend as much time as possible with her buffalo before everything reverted back to normal. Her beak tucked into the crook of his neck as her lover rumbled a laugh that was, somehow, still mingled with intricate lust. Yes, there was still time together, time to laugh and time to enjoy one another, all the words that they had never been able to explore prior.

And that time was not only for talking...

Chosen: Chapter Seven

**Chosen** **Chapter Seven** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Chirmaya Nashaar_ _ _ ** ** Tayna sat cross-legged before the carefully struck embers of a fire, the tip of her tail flicking as her mother hummed a...

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The Magic Gloves

**Kinktober 2018** **Magic** ** ** **The Magic Gloves** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Daikyi_ _ _ _ _ The rabbit poured over each and every item in the curiosity shop, a bunny with time to kill. With soft...

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Knot on the Beach

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