Bar Tales 1

Story by SwampRat on SoFurry

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Bar Tales #1 - The Stranger

By SwampRat

(c) 1991 The Rashathran Society

One fine day I arrived early at the Tavern to set-up the equipment. We have a

small group that plays sometimes. Not much money, but lots of good times. I

felt, rather than knew there was somebody inside.. Now I knew there wasn't

Supposed to be anybody in there.. And especially nobody who was plunking on..

My GUITAR!! This was worse than finding somebody in bed with your wife... Even

though I wanted to run in and strangle whoever it was, caution prevailed. And a

good thing too! As I cautiously opened the door (The hinges were as silent as a

ghost for once. That in itself was unusual..) and peeked in. Somebody was

sitting on stage, instrument in hand. The person was stroking it, playing

nothing in particular. Then he struck a match.. and I forgot my own name.

There, puffing a pipe into life was a WereWolf! The fangs bit into the

mouthpiece. Black, doggish lips held the Meerschaum in place. Long claws

attached to hairy fingers slid across the top, and he puffed for a moment.

Blue, Almost human eyes stared into the flame for a moment.. Then, with a

gesture that made me wince, put the flame out on his tongue.

He turned his head and spat the now dead match into the fireplace. My eyes

adjusted to what little light there was, revealing a furry body, legs crossed.

The being Did have a robe of sorts on. He reached over, turned the amp gain up,

and started to play. I was almost thrown back out the door, as the muzzle

opened.. And pain poured out. "Carry on, My Wayward Son.." The furred neck

lifted, tilting the mouth up. ".. No More..." Grief rose to the ceiling. Then

downward, shaking the grizzled head, as he went into the first riff. The being

seemed oblivious to his surroundings, not even noticing when I came in plugging

a second git-box in (Ever since a little incident, I keep a guitar locked up on

the storeroom), and started playing rythem. And even though I joined in, I

talked.. He SANG! With a touch of an English accent, misery flew to the

rafters, wafted towards the floor. And in general made me feel like a Piker,


As if That wasn't enough.. When he finished ripping my heart out, the creature

started playing 'Spellbound'. "I have lost my memory. Baby, for the life of

me..." I forgot to pick! Lower lip quavering, agony chased anguish across the

wooden slats. "One look and I wear my heart upon my sleeve, One touch from you,

And I just can't believe..." I felt the tears welling up. How could anything

hurt so? And those furry fingers never missed a note. With one last flourish he

sat, head bowed. I put my hand on his shoulder, in a comforting way.. "Have you

come to finally end it?" The eyes looked at me. I almost fell off the stage.

"What?!?" He sighed, standing. "No, You have no weapon.. I thank you for the

use of your instrument.." The WereWolf turned, and started toward the door.

Now, one of the First rules at Callahan's was: "Don't Pry. When they get good

and ready, they will spill the beans.." Of course many Laws and Rules have been

bent 'twixt those hallowed walls. And since we pattered ourselves after that

legendary establishment, This place was no exception. And I wasn't about to let

that tortured soul just walk out with no rhyme or reason as to why he felt


I am taller than most, but I didn't even come up to his shoulders, Hunched and

all! So, I did the next best thing.. I slapped him on the back. "Come on. Life

can't be all that bad.." The creature turned around.. And Kissed me! I fell

back, sputtering. He looked down at me, a sad smile flickering across the

being's features. "Tell me you didn't feel revulsion.." A Homosexual WereWolf.

If that don't beat all.. I got up, and took a hairy paw. "Not at all. You just

startled me.." That was the Second Biggest Lie I have ever told. "I am used to

rejection." Those 4 words hit harder than if he had hauled off and smacked me.

Without thinking I lashed back. "You expect me to wallow in Self-Pity with you?

So You're Gay! At least you are alive! And healthy!" I paid for my arrogance.

He turned, and walked out. Even though it was only a few steps to the parking

lot, By the time I could get my feet to move, the WereWolf had vanished.. His

words, spoken just above a whisper, now haunted me."You do not understand.. It

is not pity, but fear that treads so heavily upon me.."

What was it like to be a creature of the dark? Did he too crave blood? We had a

resident Vampire. And a damn good friend too.. I kicked myself, looking at the

Sign. "Brotherhood Tavern. We welcome everyone." Well, almost.. Sighing, I made

the stage ready. My heart skipped a beat, when a hand laid itself on my

shoulder. "I believe I owe you an apology.." I looked at the 7-foot tall form.

"As I said, I am used to rejection. Perhaps too used to it.." I laughed

shakily, and asked him to help me with the equipment. Thereafter, He was a

frequent visitor..

* * *

He sometimes joined in our card games, But never for money. I always wondered

why. Even Ralph played for money, although what a dog would do with it, I have

no idea.. But, we respected his decision. Until one night.. I should have known

better, but after my third mug of Old Bushmills (And giving my keys to John), I

wasn't thinking too clearly. Long Drink and Doc were pretty much 'in the bag'

as well. Which is exceptional, since Doc doesn't drink.. Well, occasionally.

Anyway, Zane sat, sipping his Irish Coffee, and shuffling. Slowly.. That was a

clue unto itself. Well, somebody brought up the fact that although playing for

matches was ok, they would rather play for drinks. For once the WereWolf was in

agreement. Another ominous warning. Did we listen? Hah! We sat, grinning to

ourselves, for the pile of matches in front of the creature was somewhat larger

than anyone else's.. And revenge being a universal feeling, we decided to

recoup a small share of our pride. Nothing serious, mind, just a few dollars..

Or perhaps a Bar-Tab. Nah..

Ralph sat in awe, watching the long fingers manipulate the 'pasteboards'.

"Please close your mouth, Love.. You're giving me Ideas." He grinned. and set

them down in front of Doc. "Cut?" That worthy looked like a snake had reared up

in front of him. Then smiled crookedly. "Sure.." And promptly made 20 little

piles. Zane shoved the cuffs of his robe up to his elbows, to show us there

were no cards hidden on him. "Nothin' Up My Sleeve..." A collective groan came

from about 3 tables. Then he gathered all the piles up... And proceeded to deal

each of us an Ace. Then a King. Then a Queen. Naming each Card as it came up.

He stopped at the Ten. "That, Gentlemen, is why I NEVER Play for Money.. Let me

know when you wish to play for matchsticks.." Then he snapped one of the

afore-mentioned off his thumb, and lit his pipe with it. Stood, and took his

empty mug back for a refill. We sat there, looking at the cards.. Ralph

suddenly snapped his mouth shut. "Ideas?!?" We all fell on the floor.

* * *

I knew he was different, but I didn't understand why the being was so nervous

until.. I closed up the bar and had stepped into the parking lot, When... "I am

sorry, Bill, but I need.. I hunger.." Those same blue eyes that had looked at

me countless times, showed the ragged edge of insanity. Except the pupils were

now split, like a cat's. "I shall try to make this as fast, and as painless as

possible.." The claws dug into my shoulders, as the WereWolf pressed his lips

against mine. There was a momentary revulsion, washed away by pity as the

creature fumbled at my belt. "You see, William, I am not like other Wolfen. I

do not crave blood.." My trowsers puddled on the soft ground. "For a long time,

I made do with animals. But, Society caught up with me.." The elastic in my

underwear was stretched, and they too, fell. Claws grasped me gently, but

insistently. "Too many houses. To many people.. Now, I must get my nourishment,

as I shall from you.. By coercion, instead of volunteerism, or even Love.."

"I must ask you not to struggle or make too much noise.. I regret this, But the

want is greater than my will..." He snarled, and knelt. One paw caressed my

butt while the other held my cock up. Zane lapped on it, paying particular

attention to the sensitive underside. Despite my loathing, as we were both

males, My penis jerked to hardness in very little time. The creature continued

slavering over it.. then pressed the seeping head to his lips. I moaned, as he

pressed his muzzle forward, making my hard flesh slide into the warm mouth.

This continued until fangs pressed themselves into my groin. Long fingers

caressed my testicles, as the monster nuzzled my crotch, sucking hungerily. He

bobbed, rapidly pumping his snout along my maleness. In no time, I felt an itch

building under my nuts. The tongue wiggled against the underside of my

cock-head... And I gasped, orgasm making me grit my teeth. The Wolf milked my

churning balls for all the scum they could, drool running warmly down my

scrotum, as he sucked with abandon. Another wave of pleasure hit, making me

tilt my head back, and grab at the furry shoulders. I collapsed over the

creature nursing at my groin.

Both paws dug into my butt, as the creature laid me on my back, still gulping

my jism. I looked through slitted eyelids at the animal now gently cradling my

shrinking dick in his warm mouth. With one last longing lick, he let it slide

out, steaming. He patted the inside of one thigh. "I thank you.. But now I must

go.. It was nice knowing you, Bill.." I looked at the downcast creature. "What

do you mean 'was'?" He turned, startled. "Look guy. We have many people in

there who do much worse than suck an occasional cock. If you had given me some

warning, I would have found somebody.. Hell, If I knew you were That much in

need, I would have volunteered.." He gave me a hand up. and brushed my back

off. Then stood, head down. I felt like smacking him one. "Nothing to be

ashamed about.. Just Tell somebody.. OK?" He nodded. I grinned, thinking about

'Trixie'. Now there's someone who would Really be turned on by Zane. "Come on.

I'm thirsty.." I zipped up my pants. It had been a while since I had gotten my

rocks off.. Way too long since my last BJ. The Wolf caught me as I tripped over

a stone. He looked at me for a moment.. I grinned. Hmmm... What the hell.. One

more time couldn't hurt. "Come on, I'll buy us both a drink.."

The End

"Carry On Wayward Son" - From 'Leftoverture' by Kansas

"Spellbound" - From 'Green Thoughts' By The Smithereens


AGENT.TXT - M(?)/F(Canine), Beast - November 08, 2000 A short tail of Dog and an Agent By SwampRat (cl) 1999 Gay Furry Association Note - Names and Locations have been changed for Security Reasons. I am Mercenary Agent 112486. I have...


After Twenty, Another Slant (alternative 2)

AFTR20D2.TXT (M/M, Semi-NC/Rape, Felines/Canine) After Twenty - Another Slant. I never was much for bullies.. Story 4, Episode 2 - Added more to the ending, fixed a few things. By SwampRat (cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association Note - Nightcat...

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After Twenty, Another Slant (alternative)

AFTER20D.TXT (M/M, Semi-NC/Rape, Felines/Canine) After Twenty, Another Slant - I never was much for bullies.. Version 1.3 Added more to the ending, fixed a few things. By SwampRat (cl) 1998 Gay Furry Association Note - Nightcat is a...

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