Teaching the Rabbit Part 4

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#36 of Sonic the Hedgehog

Twelve years after the final defeat of Dr. Eggman, the planet Mobius is at peace, and the inhabitants can finally focus on living their lives how they want to live, instead of fighting in an endless war. Cream the Rabbit, now an adult, wants to experience sex, and lucky for her, she has friends who are willing to show her what its like in a safe environment.

Of course, when her friends are happily married couple Antoine and Bunnie, their active sex life may be a bit much for the inexperienced rabbit to handle. What's this? Both of them want to fuck her at once?

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The couple look at each other with a smirk upon their faces, and with the coordinated effort that only true lovers can muster, they lower the girl down, both of their poles sliding into her body.

Cream cries out, her eyes closed, her hands holding tightly onto Bunnie's shoulders. She had dabbled in sex before this moment, mostly just laying in the bathtub and letting her fingers explore. When she got herself a hold of a toy and finally started to explore penetration, that is when her mother walked in on her. She hadn't a chance to fully experience it, and now, she is going full on double penetrated! Her anus spreads for the invading warm member of the coyote, molding to him as it fights desperately to remain in its small state. Her womanhood welcomes the metallic dildo. The warmth of her walls wrap around it, milking Bunnie's fake length. Though the older woman cannot feel it, it is the look of pure lewd surprise on the rabbit's face that makes Mrs. D'Coolette happy.

But as she slides in, Bunnie feels the resistance. Cream gasps, biting her lip. Bunnie's look of concern is enough for Antoine to stop his own movement, holding onto Cream tightly to keep her from falling.

"Aw, Sugah, Ah didn't know you still had yer cherry. You sure you wanna continue? Do you want little ole' me to be the one who takes it from ya?"

Cream responds by pulling Bunnie in close, locking lips with the other woman as she squeezes her legs against Bunnie's hips, pulling her in deeper. The fake cock pushes up, straining the maidenhood, before eventually snapping it with a cry and a whimper from the girl. Cream's breath comes out in squeaks of surprise and pain as she rests her chin on Bunnie's shoulder.

Both Bunnie and Antoine frown at each other, and the two start to pull back and out

"No!" Cream cries out. "Don't... don't stop!" she gasps. "I want... I want to keep... to keep it up!"

The two lovers lean in, placing their lips upon the rabbit's cheeks. They hug her tightly as they push forward, their pumping alternating so that she is never unfilled.

Cream throws her head back, letting out loud and lewd cries as the pain from the loss of her virginity fades away into the pleasure of joining these wonderful lovers together in the dance of love.

They continue working on her for some time, the poor girl's eyes rolling back as she finds herself slipping away into the pleasure until finally, the male of the bunch states. "I... I cannot hold much longer... where?"

"Inside...!" Cream says.

"Very well," Antoine responds.

"Bunnie!" Cream continues.

The two lovers stop. "Now, wait, sugah... this is for you..." Bunnie says. "We're teaching you. Don't you want to finish?"

"I... I want to see... true love..." she whispers.

There's silence in the D'Coolette household for a bit, but soon, Antoine pulls out from the younger rabbit, and Bunnie helps her down on to her feet. Cream's legs wobble uneasily, but they rest her upon the couch, allowing her to lay down and get a view of the pair.

"Better to not be in your flower, mi amor," Antoine says as he brushes his fingers over Bunnie's cheeks.

"That's okay, sugah," Bunnie says, unbuckling the strapon. "I'm feeling plenty kinky tonight."

Antoine spins his wife around, and his pole finds her tailhole with practiced ease. His hands wrap around her body, fingers delicately playing with her chest.

Cream watches the two, laying back on the bed and curling her legs up. Her fingers find their ways between her legs, where she stimulates herself, the warmth growing in her as the married couple finish off, Antoine's howl as he cums inside his beloved's ass drowns out the younger rabbit's whimpers of orgasm as her womanhood contracts in pleasure, staining her fingers with her love.

Cream smiles as she feels the warmth of climax go from the tips of her ears to the end of her blobs, and the young woman drifts off to sleep, having learned a very important lesson.

When Vanilla knocks on the door, she is pleasantly surprised to see Cream standing on the other side, a smile on her face and eager to embrace her mother. "Welcome back, did you have a nice trip?" Asks the decidedly more chipper teen.

"Well, well, it seems Mr. and Mrs. D'Coolette have done a nice job keeping you in line."

"Oh, yes, they did! I'm no longer going to do anything hasty or dangerous, thanks to what they taught me."

Vanilla nods and grasps her daughter's hand, leading her away back to their home. "That's wonderful, dear. And, what exactly did they teach you?"

Cream giggles at that. "Oh, you know, they taught me stuff about their life and stuff, and they really knew how to make the lessons come alive, you know?"

Vanilla nods as they arrive back at their stately house. "It's so wonderful to have friends like them, doesn't it?"

"Oh, yes, indeed, mother! In fact, I may want to visit again. They've been oh-so-great tutors."

Standing to the entrance to Cream's room, Vanilla leans over and kisses her grown up daughter on the forehead. "Yes, they are, aren't they. Well, goodnight, dear. Sweet dreams."

Cream flops onto her bed, her hands propping herself up. She sighs in relief. If mom ever found out about what the three of them did...

"Oh, Cream, dear!" Vanilla calls out from behind the door.

"Y... yeah, mom."

"Their famous D'Coolette sandwich is enough to scream over, isn't it?"

Cream's heart freezes for a moment, and she opens her mouth to respond, unsure what to say for a moment, before she croaks out. "Y... yeah.... It was delicious."

Vanilla giggles and walks off. "Goodnight dear," the mother says, humming happily to herself as she leaves her daughter to ponder. Perhaps in there is an even more important lesson?

Teaching the Rabbit Part 3

Cream swallows the lump in her throat, licking over her lips as she gets an eyeful of Bunnie's sex. The rabbot slides her robotic fingers down along her own body teasingly before using two fingers to spread the lips apart, giving the younger rabbit...

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Teaching the Rabbit Part 2

Cream sits down on the couch, her eyes wide as she watches the couple on the floor in front of her, holding each other close, their legs entwined as they sit there, Antoine on the bottom, Bunnie on top. Their mouths slip together without any mistake,...

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Draykan awakens with a cold sweat. His chest rises and falls as the memories of the dark times resurface. Though the dragon may be in the safety of a clean bed in civilized lands, that is little solace to him. The door opens, shedding light into the...

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