Snake Lords of the Desert 7

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#7 of The Chronicles of Lore

Chapter 7, where he first of the prince's slaves arrive to the elephant's land and he begins to plan his rise to power again.

Snake Lords of the Desert 7

For Necross Skywing

By Draconicon

The court of the Sizwe was at once relaxing and reprehensible. Lorenus Adelin - Prince Lorenus Adelin, he forced himself to remember - could not remember the last time that he had enjoyed so many different slaves at once. Even in the sands of the desert, only so much time could be devoted to self-indulgent hedonism. Out here, however, the Sizwe seemed to be dedicated to the act of pleasure to a fault, always engaging with one slave or another, and he had yet to see a member of the elephant court that did not have at least one slave either sucking their cocks or lapping at their asses or feet or something during a regular conversation.

That said...

Lorenus shook his head as he dismissed the slave that had been asked to attend to him, the crocodile slumping away and stumbling along as he was pushed back. The elephant prince, Dumisani, chuckled.

"Is there a preference of yours I don't yet know, Lord Adelin?"

"You do not need to know everything about me," the naga said.

"I suppose not. But it would be easier to give you pleasure as our guest if you would simply tell us what you want."

Many things that you cannot give me, the naga thought. Many things that I have built that I have to put back to work. And many things that serve with a mind and not a zombie's touch.

He spared the crocodile leaving him the glare that he wished to bestow, if only because it would be counter-productive to his cause. The last thing he needed was to let the prince of the Sizwe know that he was...ungrateful. It wouldn't help him to anger his host, much less the one in charge of the country while the father was off at war.

Instead, Lorenus coiled about himself, shaking his head as the elephant pushed his monkey slave down between his legs. The former prince of the monkeys sucked on the elephant's uncut cock hard, slurping it down his throat while keeping his tail up, exposing his ass as he had been taught. The naga put his anger out of his mind, clearing his throat.

"I have prepared the potionssss that you assssked for."

"You have? That was very quick."

"I believed you would prefer sssspeed over artissssansssship."

"You're not wrong. The poisons are as I asked?"

"Yessss. Sssstrong enough to sssstop a water buffalo in their trackssss, and leave them mindlessssly humping their handsssss."

"That will do wonderfully. If you can keep this up, we'll make sure that you are well rewarded."

They'd better. He was using some of the more extreme secrets of the family here in order to keep himself useful. Not a member of the Adelin family had been born without some talent for the potions and the brews of poisons, but he believed himself particularly capable. The various poisons that he had made for the elephant's army would stand up against most anything that the enemy could use to heal it, he was sure. A few battles where the enemy was left barely bloodied but helpless to their own arousal would do a great many things for the Sizwe propaganda machine.

That said, he didn't want to be doing this for the rest of his life. He leaned back on his coils.

"Have my requessssstssss for my sssslavessss back home been ssssent?"

"Sent and responded to, as a matter of fact."

"...And? Their ansssswer?"

"Heh, I should have mentioned, but I was busy. There is a slave waiting for you in the warehouses."

"...For how long, Prince Dumisssani?"

"Eh, about three days?"

Three days. He had been here for a week, and his slave had been waiting for him for three days. Three days where he might have been locked away, used, or otherwise damaged by the incompetent slavemasters of this country. Whoever it was, whichever it was, could already be damaged beyond repair because this hedonistic, incompetent, insane prince had held back that information.

Lorenus kept the various bits of frustration from showing on his face, restraining himself to a single hiss with his tongue passing between his lips.

"Then I sssshall go and collect him."

"By all means. I will assemble an escort for you."

"It issss not necesssssary." He slithered around the prince, shaking his head. "I will go now."

Before I give in to the urge to kill you...


The damage was not so bad as he thought. The slavemasters of the port had put Raya, his monitor lizard, into a cage and kept him there for the last three days. His diet, as far as he had been able to wrangle from those that had attended to him, had been undrugged save for a tranquilizer to keep him quiet and docile. It could have been worse, much worse, for the young male.

After being reminded of the cold stones of the city, as well as the fact that they were rough and cut at his belly in places, Lorenus ordered a cart to be brought forth. He would take the trip back with greater ease than his trip out. While he waited for it, he turned back to the lizard.

"Look into my eyessss."

Raya, lightly muscled and lean as could be, turned to look at him. The naked lizard was soon absorbed, pulled into the naga's gaze, and Lorenus was pulled into the other male's mind.

Almost instantly, he was forced to be still. Chains and manacles and traps of all sorts abounded within the mind of his fellow scaly. Each one bore the mark of his father, and he shook his head as he realized that his sire had managed to completely re-enslave this lizard, putting down greater restrictions than ever, and carefully marking each one so that any adjustment by an outside source would be able to be tracked, pulling at the bindings like an insect in a spider's web.

"Well played, father. Well played."

He shook his head. It was not impossible to fix, though he knew that he would be at this for a while. The mind-blanking technique that he had begun developing back home was an option, but that would force him to lay down entirely new restraints on top of his slave, and he didn't want to do that while they were moving through the city. He had other plans, plans that he needed to move forward. Delay was not acceptable.

So, instead, the naga began to slide through the mind of his slave - his slave, no matter his father's interference - and began to tweak the chains here and there, ever so lightly, always taking his time.

Not too far, he thought as he pulled on the chain enforcing loyalty to a naga. Not too far at all. Simply expanding the loyalty from my father to my father and me, he thought, shifting the chain and waiting for it to make an alarm go off.

There was none.

A few more experiments later, Lorenus concluded that he could add himself to the commands in the mind, enforcing a loyalty to him in addition to his father, but he could not cancel out the loyalty to his sire. That had been embedded too far, and would not simply break. Instead...

Well, he would just have to make sure that Raya did not receive any communications from his father. As long as he was the only naga of the Adelin bloodline that had contact with this slave, he would be able to have the final authority.

After adding his own chains at diverging pathways, ensuring that they did not pull on the restrictions already in place too much, he added a few more designs to the inside of Raya's mind. Nothing new, but rather reinforcements, extra chains and pillars and supports and restrictions that would help bind the monitor lizard against the various smokes and drugs that filled the palace of the Sizwe. The last thing he needed was for the lizard to be corrupted.

Then -

"Lord Adelin."

He had to leave. The naga turned his head, blinking as the world of the mind shifted to the world of the real. He found himself looking down at two well-armed boars, the pigs looking back at him.

"What issss it?" he asked.

"Your cart?"

They gestured behind them, pointing to a rough wooden cart that would have been a shame back in the capital. If he had seen slaves riding in such a rickety thing, he would have had them pulled out and asked to walk instead. The whole thing was rough, nothing smoothed down, with long pieces of wood sticking out along the railing.

But it was still better than slithering back.

"Into the cart," he commanded the lizard.

The naked reptile stepped into it, his eyes glazed, his body as stiff as a board, but as obedient as one could ask for. He moved to the center, planting his feet in place, his cock hanging down between his legs. Lorenus followed, coiling himself about the smaller male's legs, and then resting his hooded head along the top of the lizard's own head.

We shall continue this...carefully.

"To the palace."

The cart was off, and he was back in the lizard's mind.


They were greeted by the court of the elephant people, the room still swathed in the arousing fumes of whatever incense and drugs that the prince had picked for the day. Lorenus did his best to keep his breathing shallow, but even that wasn't entirely enough to avoid the worst of the consequences. His cocks were already free, not that it mattered in the perpetual, hazy orgy of the throne room.

Prince Dumisani seemed to have just finished fucking the ass of his monkey slave, Slave Prince Thulani spread out on the ground before him and oozing seed from his ass. Lorenus shook his head, looking from the monkey to his master.

"Prince Dumissssani."

"Ah, you've returned. And with your slave. He was well?"

"Yesssss. He wassss."

"I assume you are here to thank me for telling you about him?"

Only in your very small mind...

Nevertheless, he nodded.

"Yessss. My thankssss for ssssending my messssagessss oversssseassss. It issss ssssomething beyond my capabilitiessss currently, ssssso I thank you."

"You are welcome."

"And I reinforce my thankssss with him."

He gently nudged Raya forward, the entranced lizard falling to his knees before the prince. The rotund elephant looked down, looked up, looked down again, and then looked up once more.

"You give me him?"

"Yesssss. Conssssider him a gift of the Ssssnakelandsssss."

The prince certainly looked pleased, and why wouldn't he? A slave trained by one of the princes of the greatest slave-trading country on the planet was certainly not something to be sneered at. They had a reputation for being highly skilled, a reputation that Lorenus had been very keen on keeping up, and one that he had never let slip for his own slaves. Others might, and they were outcasts on the edge of society, undercutting proper slavemasters with cheaper, less-skilled slaves that were waiting to be broken.

But this...Lorenus knew that Prince Dumisani would have beggared his own personal coffers to buy a slave with Snakelands training. A gift of it was worth much.

More importantly, the naga knew how little the prince would question it. A pair of eyes on the elephant's court was certainly worth the temporary loss of the young man.

"I accept this, Lorenus. a gift of my own, I offer you Prince Thulani."

The naga's eyeridges would have gone up, if they were at all flexible enough to do it. The offer of a prince was hardly of the same caliber as the offer of a slave from his country, though the social standing of the slave did make a difference, he supposed. He looked down at the monkey, a hint of awareness showing through the haze of the drug and everything else that had been done to him.

Perhaps there is hope for you...and perhaps you may be of use.

"I accept your offer, Prince Dumissssani."

"Then take him. And leave me, if you aren't going to fuck him. I have uses for your slave."

"I'm ssssure."

He snapped his fingers, pulling the monkey's attention to him. Shortly after, they departed, heading back to the lab that the naga had demanded for himself. There were experiments to run.

The End

Snake Lords of the Desert 6

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