The Bandroid (A SynTech Story)

Story by danath on SoFurry

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#2 of 2019 Livestream Stories

A script-hacker draws the wrath of an administrator in a popular virtual reality roleplaying game produced by SynTech...

The Bandroid (A SynTech Story)

Jordan © friendofloyd

Written during Freebies Stream Vol. 71: Corporate Advancement (1/3/2019).

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The jackal's grin stretched across his long and narrow muzzle, revealing twin rows of sharp, glinting teeth. Despite wearing no armor, a volley of magically-summoned arrows bounced harmlessly off the smooth and glimmering black pelt made of tight, dense black hair. It wrapped around his muscular torso, outlining his beefy pecs and solid abs. A pair of Common Cloth Pants offering only a single measly point of armor covered his hips, purposefully sized down to accentuate his round rump and muscular thighs - as well as the beefy testicles and thick maleness protruding lewdly in the front.

Before him, a fallen lion knight blinked rapidly several times before disappearing, leaving a light green jeweled orb in his place, marking where the fallen player could venture to pick up their belongings - but if Awoo00b1s had anything to do with it, they'd die as soon as they spawned.

Long-winded messages of frustration, coercion, and begging scrolled up the jackal's view in the lower corner - he'd long ago muted any player audio in the game. He grinned even wider and danced around, humping the glowing orbs in the air even though he couldn't actually interact with them, but knowing it would show up on the player views.

Jack hadn't always been a cheater, or a script kiddy, or whatever other insults the other players threw his way. He didn't care - he'd been put into the same exact situation by other players before, and now it was his turn. Despite being level 199, far below most of the others, he'd found a way to trick the system into letting him PvP against higher level players. The game wouldn't allow the other players to fight back, and because of the virtual reality world's combat rules regarding proportionality, he could one hit them with the game's starting weapon - a Steel Shortsword most people pawned for the ten silver it was worth without a second thought. Jack held onto his though, and this was the perfect bling for the situation.

Muscles rippling in the artificial sunlight, the jackal growled as he watched an orb twitch in the distance, moving back and forth as though waiting for the right time to dash in. The jackal leisurely strolled over, waiting for the distressed shimmering orb to steady in fear before holding position next to a large red one. Probably a player over a thousand, Jack thought, holding his gaze on it until the information popped up in the corner of his view. Yup - just hit 1,000 a few hours ago. Losing everything to a level 199. Tough life.

The jackal grinned and tauntingly swung his hips, making fake moans of lust as he teased the orb until the light in the distance shimmered back and forth rapidly before blinking out of existence, along with the orb between Jack's thighs.

The jackal giggled as he turned, looking for more people to make ragequit the game. Besides the half dozen or so orbs and the sprawling grasslands of the game's early stage, however, there were no other players nearby. Word spread rapidly, and perhaps he should think about making an exit before-

A pair of perfectly formed carbon fiber fingers formed with impossibly smooth and tiny joints wrapped around Jack's shoulder. The yellow tint of the scale-like ridges of additional metallic plates stretching up the attached arm ran into a thick and dense coat of dark gray fur past the elbow. Jack's smile faded as he turned around and found himself face to face with a griffin, who regarded him with some hostility, the jackal couldn't help but feel.

"Well, Awoo-zero-zero-b-one... oh, ha ha... Okay, Awoobis, let's see who you really are..."

The griffin floated in air, hovering a few feet above the ground without having to flap his outstretched wings, which were colored dark gray at the outside and lighter on the inside. He was small, no more than five feet tall, and wore a smart pair of navy blue pants and a white button-up shirt, through which stray strands of the long purple fuzz on his chest protruded. Besides the roboticized appendages and a strange glint in one eye, there didn't seem to be much unusual about the griffin besides his ability to appear so suddenly without setting up Jack's carefully placed warning traps. He had a pair of wide hips and a narrow stomach, along with a healthy backside.

As Jack's account information suddenly appeared in the air between him and the floating griffin, whose sharp yellow beack clacked several times as his bare lion paws hung lower at the end of his lean legs, the jackal realized this wasn't just any other player. He'd called down the wrath... of an admin.

The cute griffin shook his head as he read out a name.

"Jack Ell, address 123 Gofudgeyourself Lane. Cute. Real cute, Jack. Which is still better than Awoobis, by the way."

The screen disappeared and the griffin floated closer to the jackal, who's grin was by now long gone.

"Uh... sorry... I was just letting off some stress," Jack said, trying not to stammer as the ominous little femboy griffin swiveled around, surveying the various orbs floating around them.

"Yeah, well, your little stunt is occupying five percent of my processing power right now, so how do you propose to make up for that?" the griffin said, his voice a cute little growl of fluffy menace. He lifted his arm and swept the carbon fiber talons in the air across, swiping left. The orbs disappeared from the area and would be found by their owners in the safe zone of the nearest town, plus all their missing equipment as well as bonus gold as way of apology. Even the disconnected players would get their items back since the griffin was able to arrive soon enough. Word of a young scripter in the shape of a jackal had indeed spread far and wide throughout the game, requiring the cyborg to spend an inordinate amount of time puzzling out how the hack worked and a way to trace it.

But it worked, and here he was.

"Really? You confused the server with its own IP address, which let you... hmm... injecting attack... wired through VPN... traceback pings with the VR frame... local computer... oh!"

The griffin steadily drifted away, eyes twitching in every direction as the cyborg-augmented brain processed all the information flooding in from his searches throughout the net. His right eye glowed a dim blue color around the edge as he devoted even more of his significant brain- and computing-power to the task. All of the sudden his eyes froze and his head perked up, ears going straight up and tail extending. His fur puffed out around his button-up shirt as he turned and zoomed back over to the frozen jackal in a blur of dark gray fur and wings.

"Found you!"

Jack decided it was time to go before things took a turn for the creepier as the grinning griffin circled around him. He twitched his thumb, activating the escape menu that would disconnect him from the virtual realm.

"Nope! And nope! Oh, almost, but nope!"

Jack realized quickly each of his escape attempts was going to backfire, and that he couldn't disconnect. He slumped in defeat as the griffin hovered in front of him.

"Now, wasn't that fun? You got me all worked up," the griffin said, his voice nearly a chirp as he flew backwards a few feet further from the jackal. Around them, the light darkened, fading to black, though Jack could still clearly see the griffin hovering in front of him.

The jackal's eyes widened as a new environment rendered around them - the inside of his own apartment. And him, sitting in his chair, visor armed and beaming into his brain. His wrists pulled, but they were already bound by restraints, leaving him immobilized. He closed his eyes as the vision of watching himself watching himself watching himself repeated into infinity for a long, sickening moment.

"Oops, my bad! Here, is that better?"

The spinning stopped and Jack opened his eyes, gasping for breath as his vision refocused on the griffin. It was as though he weren't wearing his helmet, but he was still in the game - in his apartment. He saw his television, his dirty clothes, the door to the kitchen - it was exactly like his own apartment.

He craned his head around for a moment longer to confirm it, then swept his gaze towards the griffin, who looked around the room, unimpressed with what he saw.

"Hey! This is invasion of privacy!"

The griffin purred as he hovered a little closer. "Read your Terms of Service. Or did you skip that part when you joined up?" A long metal talon slid delicately across the jackal's jaw as the griffin leaned forward, muzzle forming a cute and mean little grin. "You're all mine, Jack!"

The room twitched, blurring with indistinct electronic fuzz. The buzzed out, digitized view blurred before Jack realized it wasn't the room that was twitching, it was his own eyes.

"Sorry again, I forgot to warn you-

-about the filter coming down."

The griffin's voice changed down an octave mid-sentence, becoming lower and huskier, with a sultry edge that immediately set Jack's alarm bells ringing. By the time the griffin finished speaking, Jack realized why the voice was so different: the griffin's filter disguised her true appearance.

The robotic elements shone even in the dim light of the jackal's apartment. Completely replacing her forearms, now slender and long, more feminine than before, when they'd been merely girlish. The upper parts of her arms featured round carbon-fiber plates that mimicked muscle, lending form and elegance to the griffin's partly robotic body. Her legs, similar to her arms, featured more robotics than flesh, though her torso remained, on the outside, completely natural, and featured a rippling pack of abdominals nestled into a taut, flexing gray pelt. A pair of heavy breasts, each swollen and firm, rested comfortably from powerful pectorals. The griffin's cleavage featured a heart-like shape of dark purple fur spread across the center, reaching almost to the edges of the prominent, dark gray nipples protruding through the silky pelt. The contrast between the long fuzz and smooth metal worked, especially considering the natural dark gray of her fur and yellow scales of her eagle-like forearms and lower legs.

What most concerned the jackal, however, lay dormant between the griffin's thighs - or rather, just above them. A heavy pair of semi-robotic, furry orbs drooped low, almost to her knees, while a thick sheath that put the jackal's own endowments to shame plumped up just above, opening slightly to reveal the bright pink tip of a flaccid girth. The griffin noticed his gaze and smiled, beak stretching slightly wider as she swung her hips slowly side to side, causing her impressive package to jostle and wobble almost as much as the heavy orbs draping over her chest did.

"Now, let's make ourselves comfortable for a quick administrator-to-player discussion about why hacking is bad, yes?"

Strolling forward, the griffin's yellow talons poked at a screen that Jack couldn't see, tapping away at buttons. After a few, the jackal realized his clothes were gone, leaving him bare from the waist down - and the semi-chub sprouting from his thick thighs on full display. A healthy pair of balls went with the plumped up shaft, which the griffin smiled at.

"Oh, so not the tiny puppy down there after all?" she said, her voice a purr as her hips swung closer, sending a wave of her musky scent across his face, resulting in a few inches of thick red canine cock sprouting from his sheath.

"Now that we're comfortable, let me introduce myself," the griffin said, reaching out to tease a talon down the jackal's chest. "I'm Jordan, and I'm an admin, and you done fucked up. Had to go up to seven percent processing power to deal with your shenanigans so that I'd be able to focus entirely on this conversation."

Though the griffin's tone was calm, almost amiable, Jack felt a tremble up his spine.

"Now, let's see... you say you were using this - and I'll admit it, fairly clever hack - to vent a little frustration, right?"

The cyborg tapped at the air again, and in a moment a round golden band appeared around the base of the jackal's sheath and balls, squeezing tight enough to elicit a hasty groan from Jack, who squirmed in the restraints keeping him in the VR chair.

A few more taps brought about several more rings, these around the jackal's sac, causing it to pull down and away from the base of his constricted sheath. With each additional weight - perfectly shaped and formed to fit precisely in place, with no possible way for a mere player to remove - the jackal's breath caught in his throat and his erection grew that much larger, until he was fully hard and throbbing with need.

Jordan purred as she surveyed her handiwork, swiping out of the menus for now.

"Maybe if I teach you about true frustration, you'll learn there are better ways to vent."

The lion-like torso shifted closer, sliding forward until Jack's throbbing red shaft squeezed into the griffin's belly. The jackal's moan rang out as, from the touch alone, desperate desires surged through him, though the plethora of rings prevented him from reaching any sort of orgasm any time soon. The griffin slid lower, a rumbling, sultry purr vibrating her chest as the heavy, firm orbs draped around either side of the jackal's shaft. The wispy purple cleavage tickled and teased the jackal's cock until it was pulsating red, veins fat and angry, but not a single drop emerged from the stopped-up length.

"True frustration, Jack, is having to spend hours chasing a little bug that someone found and decided to abuse instead of reporting for the reward money!"

The griffin's fuzzy chest squeezed tight and warm around Jack's stomach, enveloping and caressing his aching cock until he could hardly breath, dizzy from the sensation of all that soft, plush fur slipping up and down, up and down, side to side and each time delivering a shocking jolt that ran deep into his guts, unanswered in the slightest by his bound-up sac. A growing, pudge-like ache formed in the root of his member as he groaned louder, gasping and shivering, trying to urge something - anything - from the tip of his achingly hard cock.

Unable to move, Jack could only wriggle in his restraints until the administrator was finished with her handiwork, leaving him pent up to the point of constant gasps and heaves of breath, the ache for release the only thing running through his mind. He'd never felt sensations like this so real from the game before. It was just VR, wasn't it?

The griffin leaned back, her spotlessly dry breasts jostling side-to-side, brushing her fat, plump nipples back and forth across Jack's dark red length. The angry pulsing intensified as Jordan leaned forward, ears perked, listening for all the eager groans and pleading moans.

"Good boy... keep squirming..."

Jack slumped into the chair as the griffin stood. His head turned to the side, eyes closed, as his hips twitched involuntarily. His aching balls squeezed into the sides of his thighs - he could feel them pulsing and growing, swelling with need. Just a little looseness... any at all... enough for a drop to get out and he could have some relief...

A warm and heavy length of smooth skin slid across his face, from the back of his head, over his cheek, and across his muzzle. The blunt, slightly pointed tip pressed against his lips as a carbon fiber paw stretched out and grasped the back of his head.

"No reason for both of us to be frustrated," the griffin said, straddling the chair and the muscular jackal sitting in it. Her hips swung forward as her half-hard, bright pink maleness pushed deep into the surprised jackal's muzzle. Her fingers clutched at his head, pulling him forward and pushing her thighs down, letting the weight of her heavy, furry sac drape warmly around the jackal's member. His throat swallowed involuntarily, opening up out of shock as thrills of unanswered pleasure shot through his loins.

Jordan sighed as her hips pumped forward, grinding her growing length to the hilt while she still could. The half-hard shaft flexed, already a foot long and thicker than her wrist by a few inches. Jack's cheeks and jaw bulged as the griffin's sausage rolled deep, plunging in before drawing back, allowing him a gasping breath through nostrils soon bubbling with pre-cum.

"Oh... you're good at this," Jordan gasped, hips driving forward rhythmically now, a steady and pounding session designed to get her cock as wet as possible. Jack's gurgling moans and huffed gasps came with the bound male's quivering hips rattling the whole chair as his cock lurched and jerked into the heavy and taut balls swinging across it. Jordan's eyes closed as she leaned forward, going up on tiptoes as she buried her shaft to the hilt one last time. A growl of pleasure echoed through the apartment as the griffin's shaft swelled longer, revealing the bulge hiding in the sheath to be a canine knot. It plugged up against Jack's lips, sealing the coming load that poured down into his belly a moment later.

Streams of white seed drained from the jackal's nostrils, each time shortly after the griffin's flexing length deposited another load deep into his belly. Curiously, though his stomach did fatten up significantly, blotting out the jackal's hard-earned abs, it appeared that most of the deposits went somewhere else: the jackal's growing, swelling testicles. By the time Jordon felt the last blast of her initial orgasm squirt down the jackal's clenching, warm throat, his balls were twice the size they were before. By the time Jordan dragged every last inch of her rock-hard cock free of the jackal's lips, they'd grown larger than his head. And as the overhung griffin leaned forward, draping her own heavy chest around the fat pink stalk of canine length still squirting ropes of seed across the bound male's chest, she teased the tip to his muzzle, filling his cheeks a few more times to make sure he got the taste for it.

The jackal's sac ballooned over the next few minutes. He cried out, writhing in the chair as pent-up lust turned his mind into mush. His rock-hard cock flexed against his belly as his huge balls draped over the edge of the chair, reaching past his knees as they filled up with more and more backed-up seed.

Jordan's hips pressed forward, lazily feeding the jackal the tip of her shaft, ensuring there wasn't too much of a mess left behind and further growing his taut and quivering testicles, now dwarfing his relatively small red canine cock. She glanced to the side, fingers tapping at the air again.

"Ah, here it is... let's see... for the amount of trouble you caused, a one-day ban won't do. Today's Friday, so maybe you'll be back..." the griffin said, words trailing off as she focused. Her hips plunged forward, roughly forcing her cock deeper and making the jackal's body quiver. "Monday morning. Early morning, probably. I have a staff meeting before lunch."

Jordan leaned over and patted the side of the jackal's oversized, swollen balls, and got a strangled groan of helpless pleasure in response.

"Well, time to start your ban, Jack. But don't worry, I'll be back to check in on you later," Jordan said, idly using one paw to smear her pulsing cocktip across the jackal's moaning muzzle. "But before I go, I do want to test out this new admin feature they rolled out last month. Let's see... enable... disable... change that... turn that off... and... there we go!"

Realizing the administrator meant to do even more to make him suffer for his hacking crimes, the jackal squirmed in his chair and tried to speak, but couldn't make out any words.

"Okay, first administrator command: mountaintop."

Jack's eyes widened, but his cock did the opposite, shrinking up and going completely soft despite the ravaging lust racing through his body. The red tip disappeared into his plump little sheath as his swollen, black-furred balls quivered, audibly gurgling as any chance of release vanished completely, at least for the time being.

"Perfect!" Jordan said, her voice a purr. "That'll keep you nice and quiet until I'm back, won't it? Then we'll see about taking care of this..."

The griffin's swollen knot ground forward, smearing into the jackal's cum-filled face and forcing her scent back deep into his nostrils. She purred as she moved her hips slowly, enjoying the faint vibrations from the pent-up male beneath her.

"Filter on," she said, and after a moment of disorienting blurriness, the muscular, overhung griffin had gone, to be replaced by the slim and slightly feminine male griffin twink. He grinned at Jack and hovered over closer, beak coming near the jackal's ear as he passed.

"Just wait until I come back and give you a good wingjob... you'll wish you'd never learned what a script was..."


"Using the private server function again, Jordan?"

A ten-foot-tall werewolf sat at a tiny chair next to the break room table, delicately holding a mug of coffee between two pinched fingers. He took a sip between grinning knowingly at the cyborg griffin hovering on the other side of the table.

"I'll have you know that I am perfectly within my job description and the TOS, thank you," Jordan replied. A few crumbs from her crackers and seed pate lunch fell onto the table. "Besides, he's loving every minute of it. I even got him to call me Mistress last time."

"Ha! I haven't private server-ed someone in a while, but maybe I ought to. I heard there's a rogue hacker out in Brightmane Mountains bothering people," the werewolf said. He took another sip, causing his significant biceps to squeeze out against his shaggy, dark brown pelt.

"If you gotta work, may as well enjoy it, right?" Jordan said, his voice a playful chirp as he finished off his crackers and used a wing to sweep the crumbs off the table and into a wastebasket. "Anyways, I better go check in on him. If he promises to behave himself, I may let him disconnect early."

"You gonna warn him about using a tub?"

"Are you kidding? For 7 percent of my processing power, he can flood his place," the griffin said, sticking out his tongue. Then he grinned and hovered towards the door. "Though I would like to see the look on his face when he realizes his balls grew for real, not just in the game..."

The end...

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