
Story by Tredain on SoFurry

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Happy new year! Been plugging away at this the last several hours and I made it just before the balls dropped at midnight! The final thing I'm writing for 2018. This was 100% inspired by Dramamine doodling up this incredibly fucking sexy beaver dude. Which you can see right here:

Which just, gah holy fuck, right? I have a thing for short hairy bear types and beavers are a fun not-seen-enough species so the combo just pushes all of my buttons -hard-. I've had this piece on my mind for a little bit so I'm glad to kick it out. Hope you all enjoy! (also I completely apologize for the likely butchered french I used).

If you'd like to support Dramamine's work (and see more of big burly studs just like this fellow) you can check out his Patreon:

If you enjoy my work, please consider checking out my galleries here:

I also maintain a Twitter where I post and advertise a few odds and ends

And if you'd like to support my work with a tip, consider submitting to my Ko-Fi

Every little bit helps support me and my work! Thank you!


by Tredain

Daniel pulled himself onto the bar stool and glanced down the counter at the bartender. The moose gave a polite smile and nodded his way as he mixed a drink for an otter set at the end. He'd be next. The wolf settled in, resting his elbows on the bartop while he glanced over the room. Pretty tame for a gay bar, he considered, but then this far north you didn't really see many gay bars to begin with so he counted his blessings it was even here. A few folks sat at the tables and booths, one very energetic cheetah was working the dance floor, and a couple others sat at the bar. Pretty tame, but then he really just wanted a drink, unwind. This business trip was quickly spiraling into such a headache. He pinched carefully between his eyes to rub between this.

"This seat taken?" a husky voice seemed to growl from behind. He looked up, turning his head without really looking back.

"Oh, no no, feel free," he answered. He yelped as a hand smacked down on his ass and gave a firm squeeze. He jumped, then finally turned to look back. The bar stretched out behind him. Then he looked down.

"Bonsoir," the beaver greeted him, his voice low and gravelly. The bushy greying beard turned up as he smiled wide, one thick hairy arm reaching out and cupping Daniel's ass, the fingers were still kneading at his cheek. He was short but goodness, thick all over, his arms, stomach, legs, even his tail were heavy with muscle and fat. Black wirey hair sprouted from the dense brown pelt. He wore a flannel shirt, unbuttoned and hanging open to reveal the wide chest and round gut below, and a pair of denim that left little to the imagination.

"Uh, e-excuse me," the wolf muttered, tail giving a little flick to tap at the beaver's hairy arm.

"Oh!" the beaver feigned shock, pulling his paw, slowly, away from Daniel's butt. "My apologies, did you think I meant the tabouret? No no mon ami, I meant this luscious little seat of yours,"

Daniel tried to swallow the lump in his throat. His heart pounded in his ears and his face just glowed with heat. He couldn't even remember the last time he'd had his ass touched, much less hit on so openly, even in a gay bar.

"It's uh, it's it's," he stumbled, looking over every inch of the hirsuite little stud, he had to be maybe four feet at best, a full head and shoulders shorter than the wolf, and gods he was just... thick. Was it normal for beavers to be built like this? He tried to think if he'd ever really met any others. The beaver smiled widely and with one paw on the stool next to Daniel he vaulted up it, wide bottom slapping down while his thick, flat tail hung down over it. Those jeans really hid nothing, particularly his crack as he sat down.

"Marty, your usual?" the bartender asked as he stepped up to them. The beaver smiled widely and just nodded, pulling a card from his wallet and setting it down.

"Oui. And whatever my friend here wants," he said, Daniel couldn't think of any better word to describe that voice that 'gravelly'. Just a little raspy. Was it natural? The moose looked to him.

"Oh uh, th-thank you I'll have a.. have a.." his mind blanked. "Fuzzy navel," was the first thing that popped to mind as he looked at the squat beaver. Both the bartend and Marty exchanged a look, but the moose simply nodded with a smile.

"Coming right up," he answered and quickly began grabbing glasses and bottles. The beaver turned on the stool with one elbow propped on the counter and gave the wolf a wide smile as his free paw idly brushed up and down his furry belly.

"So what brings you this far north, mon ami?" he asked, eyes taking in Daniel's slacks, dress shoes, and polo shirt. The wolf blushed harder as the beaver looked him over. His heart fluttered and his tail flicked back and forth nervously.

"Business. Had to meet with a.. a.. uh," the word wouldn't come to him. His tongue wanted to just climb down his throat. Or maybe down the beaver's. That lump just wouldn't go down no matter how hard he swallowed. "Investor!" the word finally popped out. The beaver nodded and smiled.

"Yes, not too many dress like that for the cold. I hope you have a good coat. Or someone warm to curl up with," Marty turned back to the bartop as the moose brought their drinks, leaving the thought to hang between them.

"Your usual Bordeaux." A wine glass slid over to the beaver. "And your.... fuzzy navel." A tall glass full of orange liquid slid to the wolf. Daniel stared at it, realizing he had never actually had one in his life. He glanced up, both moose and beaver looking at him with little smiles.

"Th-thank you again," he muttered and pulled it close to him, picking it up and giving it a very careful sniff. Orange juice and... He couldn't quite figure what else was in it. He gave it a sip. Peach and orange juice and whatever made it alcaholic. Not bad, actually, but his eyes glanced back at the beaver's open shirt and the big hairy belly.

Marty turned in his stool, elbow up on the bartop again, while he held the one glance in his other paw. He looked out to the bar and casually sipped the red wine. That flannel shirt opened wider, revealing the bright pink nubs of his nipples perched on his wide pecs. Daniel took a longer pull on his drink and tried not to stare.

"I uh, have a coat. I was, I was told to dress warm. This is just... I just came from my last meeting for the day," he tried to sound casual but his tongue didn't want to cooperate. The beaver just smiled wide and took another sip.

"That is good. It is very cold up here and we like to get very warm. So you are... alone then?" he asked. The wolf gave a nod.

"Yes. I have a few more meetings this week and then I fly back Saturday," he explained. The beaver smiled.

"Ah, unfortunate for you. There is little to do up here but work and drink and fuck," Marty gave a little chuckle and finished off the small glass. Daniel just blushed harder.

"I uh, did notice there wasn't a lot to the town, yeah," was all he could think to say. He sipped his own drink but it was hard to remember it with his eyes wandering over to the beaver. Marty gave a little nod, then suddenly hopped down from the stool.

"Mmm, well bon ami, if you'll excuse me, I need to use the restoom," he said, giving a little bow to the wolf before he headed to the end of the bar. Daniel's eyes followed him, that wide tail swinging over those denim clad cheeks. He rounded the bar, just the top of his furry head visible, before disappearing through a door just at the end. Daniel looked down at his drink.

"Ahem." He looked up. The bartender smiled down at him. The moose towered above him and that wasn't even including the impressive antlers. He gave another polite ahem and motioned his large head toward the restroom. Daniel furrowed his brow.

Then realization hit.

"Oh!" he said outloud. The moose gave a knowing smile and watched the wolf hop from his stool and nearly trip himself making his way down to the end of the bar.

Daniel's heart skipped a beat as he pushed his way into the restroom. The lights were low but everything looked clean, all of it done up in a dark green tile. Nearest the door were several sinks while opposite them were a long row of a dozen or so stalls. The counter top ended and opened onto a row of urinals. The beaver's squat form occupied one on the end, one of two that were lower than the rest of them. He was just zipping up his fly. He pulled away from the wall and saw Daniel standing before the door. That bearded muzzle perked up in a wide grin.

Without a word the beaver stepped over to the stall at the end of the row and gave a little nod of his head to it before he pushed inside. Daniel stood and stared. His heart pounded in his ears. Slowly he put one leg in front of the other, both of them feeling leaden and heavy. He paused, just a moment, before the last stall. The door was ajar. He pushed it open, the stall quite a bit wider inside than he expected with rails to either side, along with a glory hole to the connecting stall and a padded mat on the floor. The beaver sat back on the toilet, the lid down beneath him, with his pants unzipped and open.

"I was worried I might have scared you off, mon ami," he said, leaning back against the seat. The wolf's eyes stared between those thick legs. The beaver's dick was as thick as the rest of him, wide and veiny, the head a light plum with the shaft was a chocolate brown like his fur. Daniel's own dick throbbed, hard and aching.

Daniel shook his head.

"N-no. You're very... I'm just... I'm... I'm not used to.." his tongue kept wanting to twist into knots. The beaver smiled widely, then pressed one finger to his lips. With his other paw, he motioned to the pad on the floor. Daniel knelt down, finally eye to eye with the squat mammal, then went down onto all fours. He stared at that wide head. It throbbed eagerly and the beaver's scent tickled at the wolf's nose. Fat balls nestled under the thick shaft, hairy as the rest of him.

"You're so fucking sexy," he said breathlessly, suddenly thinking it sounded a lot better in his head than outloud, but before he could be emberassed about it he pressed himself forward and slid his mouth over the hard cock. It was thick and warm and just a little salty. It was heaven to the wolf. His muzzle plunged down it, eager to feel the stud in his maw and to press his nose into the bushy of wiry pubes tucked just under the beaver's prodigous gut.

"Oh, mon petite loup, yes, just like that," Marty growled above him. His cock throbbed harder and hotter in the wolf's mouth, a spurt of pre splashing onto his tongue. Daniel eagerly sucked it down, bobbing his muzzle up and down the fat beaver dick. It was neither too long nor too wide, a bit of a jaw stretcher certainly but the wolf could suck it to the root without trouble, which he did with abandon. His chin pressed against the beaver's heavy sac and pulled back to the wide tip, letting the rod glide across his tongue. One paw descended and stroked at his ear, rubbing gently through his hair and guiding his suckling.

Daniel tried to think of the last time he'd gotten to suck a dick. Too long, for one. It'd probably been his old roommate. Man that buck had been an asshole. Nice dick though. The thought evaporated. He had a much nicer dick here. He wrapped his lips around the base of Marty's cock and held it there, just on the verge of going down his throat, letting his nose and chin press in against the beaver's padded groin. The beaver let out an encouraging groan, then moaned openly as Daniel stroked his mouth back and forth, smoothly bobbing over it again and again.

"Ohh yes, yes, oh Je vais te basier le cul si fort!" he growled deeply. Suddenly the fat cock jumped, swelling and spasming wildly against the wolf's tongue before spitting out thick gobs of sticky cum. Both of the beaver's paws gripped at Daniel's head to hold him in place, his fat balls pulling up tight to the wolf's chin as they unloaded down his throat. Daniel suckled happily, nursing at the big dick and swallowing every drop eagerly while his tail beat back and forth excitedly.

The flow came to an end and the beaver's paws relaxed their grip, his whole body settling back against the toilet with a content sigh. Daniel let the dick slip from his muzzle, giving it a kiss, then kissing the beaver's big balls. He kissed the fat shaft again, already starting to soften, before kissing up at that gorgeous broad belly. His nose sank against the wirey hair and prodded the navel. "Mhm you do like fuzzy navels don't you?" the beaver gave a low little chuckle, brushing at the wolf's head. Daniel wagged, keeping his snout buried against that warm, hairy belly. Slowly, the beaver tucked his cock back inside his pants and zipped them up. One paw cupped under the wolf's chin and stroked it with one thumb.

"You have a hotel room?" he asked. Daniel nodded, letting his muzzle rub against that thick paw. The beaver's beard turned up as he smiled. "Then I think you will be walking very funny to those meetings, mon bon loup." He grinned and helped Daniel up to his feet. As they walked out of the stall he clapped one paw against the wolf's ass again, kneading it as they headed into the bar. Daniel shivered and moaned. He leaned against the beaver's body, feeling the heat just glowing off of it. He was going to be very, very warm tonight, he considered.

(The end, for now! Hope you enjoyed.)

If you enjoy my work, please consider checking out my galleries here:

I also maintain accounts on Twitter and Tumblr where I post and advertise a few odds and ends

And if you'd like to support my work with a tip, consider submitting to my Ko-Fi

Every little bit helps support me and my work! Thank you!

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