A Monster Situation

Story by Jessi Snow on SoFurry

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#1 of MasterInkBlaster Collabs

I apologize for this website's formatting! This is a commission done for MasterInkBlaster, with whom I've done many collaborations! This story is a product of his own ideas and he graciously hired me to write it for him!

"Man, am I stuffed!" Monster says, patting his belly as he walks through the door, heading to the sofa, plopping down with a large, relieved sigh. "The diner's bacon never gets old! Every bite is like a sizzling, hammy, porky morsel of unholy delicacy!"

Robot follows him, closing the door behind him, "I know! Man, I could eat there for hours and never get full!"

"Must be great to be a robot, Robot."

"Sometimes. Must be great to have an actual nervous system!" Robot laughs, taking a seat next to his large, purple friend, "What to do for the next... few hours, I guess?"

"I dunno about you, Robot, but I've got some business to take care of. I-In the bathroom, I mean," Monster grins, "Get it? In the John!"

"Yeah... I get it," Robot says slightly annoyed, "Don't take too long. I gotta oil up my joints," he watches Monster stand up, heading to the bathroom and closing the door behind him. "Meanwhile, I can always go over my old blueprint collection, see if I can fix anything or make something better. Always room for improvement!"

Monster closes the bathroom door and opens the cabinet under the sink. Reaching all the way to the back of the cabinet, he feels for a rolled-up magazine he'd stashed away. His face lights up as he feels the glossy pages; he grabs the magazine and pulls it out from under the sink, closing the cabinet doors.

"Ah, finally... a moment alone," says Monster, quietly, "Been looking forward to this all day!" Unrolling the magazine, Monster takes a seat on the toilet, flipping through the pages. One of the pages is marked with a bent corner, displaying many lady-monsters showing off their bodies and making love to the camera responsible for these images.

One in particular that stands out is a lovely green-furred woman with small horns. Her single, blue eye stands out, almost taking the attention away from her lovely curves. Though she's a bit on the heavy-side, Monster can't help but begin fantasizing about her in such lewd, interesting ways.

As he ogles over the image of the gorgeous, green woman, he begins to stroke his flaccid member, hoping to quickly make it hard. He bites his lip as he imagines kissing the woman, feeling her curves and her fur, imagining her begging him to touch her and make her feel really good. Oh, you know I want to... of course, I'll let you touch it. He imagines the woman begging to touch him all over, and even imagining her getting to her knees, gripping ahold of his hard, throbbing tool.

As the fantasy continues, Monster's cock begins to throb and pulsate in his fist. He strokes firmly, moaning softly, trying to keep the noise down. With one eye barely open, he looks at the magazine again, turning the page and holding the magazine vertically, a centerfold unfolds, displaying a large portrait of that same green woman, on her knees and exposing herself, touching her clit as well as fondling her dark green nipples. Oh my God! She's incredible! If only I could just... aagh!

Looking through his failed inventions and invention ideas that never got completed, Robot finds himself both amused and inspired. Before he realizes, an hour goes by and he's nearly gone through every invention since the beginning of the year. Looking to the clock on the wall, he begins to get a tad worried.

"Monster's been quiet for a while... I hope he's alright in there. Unless he's done already. I'm sure he's finished. Time to lube up these rusting joints!" Robot says, getting off the sofa and wheeling himself to the bathroom, opening the door, only to be met with a loud gasp. Monster, mid-stroke, holds his cock tightly in his fist, blushing badly as he meets Robot's eyes.

"Aagh! W-w-what happened to knocking!?" Monster scolds, pressing his knees together and pressing a magazine of lady-monsters in lewd poses over his lap, "Get outta here!"

"Wait... what's... going on?" Robot asks, noticing that Monster has an extra limb in his lap. "There's a weird growth in your lap. Are... you okay?" He catches a glimpse of the magazine on Monster's lap; Robot doesn't quite make the connection between the magazine and Monster's exposure, so dismisses the magazine in general.

"What? Growth? Oh this? It's just an... uh... erection..." Monster mutters quietly.

"What?" Robot says, unable to hear him completely due to the muttering, "Oh no... it's affecting your speech! I knew something was up with you this morning when you walked funny out of bed!"

"Robot, no! It's just a...b-boner..."

"Come on... we need to get this fixed up and get you back to your normal, healthy self!" Robot says, grabbing Monster by the hand, dragging him out of the bathroom, leaving the magazine behind.

Robot drags Monster into a room with lots of green lights, and a few red, blinking softly atop of strange panels and devices. In the center of the room is a large, hospital-grade table with buckles at the corners. Robot flings Monster onto the table and straps him down, leaving him with no way to hide his modesty.

"Alright. So first thing's first, we need to analyze what exactly is causing this strange, swelling... leg-thing," Robot says, looking rather closely at the phallic limb. It's tall and thick with clear signs of veins. The tall, purple rod measures about nine inches in length and three inches in girth. As it throbs, a strange, clear fluid can be seen oozing from the mushroom-like tip. "Aha... it's worse than I thought. It actually might be a rather strange abscess! Look at how swollen it is... and it's weeping!"

"Robot, listen to me! It's not... ugh! It's just an erec..."

"Monster, calm down! I can handle it! Just trust me, okay?" Robot holds up a remote-like device which emits a red LED grid, scanning the large member. The device beeps; Robot sighs in relief, "Okay. According to the scan, it's not an abscess, but a swollen, muscular limb."

"Yeah... because it's just an erec..."

Cutting Monster off, yet again, "So when we have swollen muscles, usually a simple massage will help unkink any knots and loosen any tough tissue!"

"R-Robot, I don't think you need to do that. I... I can rub it myself!" Monster panics a bit, bucking his hips to get loose, his cock swinging a bit as he moves.

"Nonsense. You're my friend. Besides, you treated me to bacon today! The least I can do to make up for it!"

Ignoring Monster's pleas to be let free, Robot insists on 'helping' with Monster's problem. "A while ago, I've invented a small machine that'll gently squeeze the excess grease out of bacon strips... by the bundle!"

"Wait... Robot, please just hear me out! You're not putting my dick in a meat machine!" Monster panics, struggling to get out of the restraints.

"Nonsense, it's totally safe! All you need to do is put the swollen part inside this cylindrical device, and with a few light pulses and a bit of suction, the muscle should relax and eventually go back to normal!"

"Robot, listen to me!" Monster says, writhing in place, "It's just a... wait... what?" he says, calming down rather quickly, "So... you... put my, erm, problem... in a little device that sucks on the swelling?" he asks, a small smile streaking his face. "I mean, I guess I could try it." Essentially, he's gonna be sucking me off with a machine? What was I even worried about? Maybe I ought to just let him do it? "I guess... whatever helps, Robot! I guess you know better than I do what would make this go away."

"Excellent! So let me just set it all up and we'll get started!" Robot says, rubbing his clamp-like hands together. He turns to a panel behind himself and begins pressing a small series of buttons, soon pulling a short, little lever. Once the lever is pulled, Monster watches above himself as mechanical arms begin to move. "Feast your eyes, Monster, on my new invention! The Meat-Massager 3,000! Its prime purpose is to take bacon strips in bundles of ten to twenty, and using pulsing sensations, suck and massage the grease out of each strip, resulting in less bathroom-time for those who can't handle the grease too well."

Monster watches the mechanical arms work in unison as a small, cylindrical device is brought above him, slowly lowering down.

"The silicon interior is plush and waterproof for easy cleaning, soft enough to handle even one strip of bacon without tearing, breaking, or bending!" Robot says, wheeling closer to Monster's side, "Handling the bacon with utmost care and precision, it'll gently massage and extract all the grease, so my thought here, is if we insert that swollen muscle into the Meat-Massager 3,000, we should be able to help soften the tissue and relieve the tension!"

Monster grins, "Alright, well... as long as it doesn't hurt, I'm willing to try anything!"

"Perfect! Let's get started, then!" Robot says, flipping another small switch, "Don't worry. It's not gonna hurt at all, trust me."

The mechanical arms move again, lowering the device closer and closer to Monster's member. Monster begins to feel a bit more at ease. I saw these in the magazine! Things that looked like that supposedly feel really good. Hey, if Robot's willing to 'help', I guess I ought to just let it happen! He relaxes, closing his eyes with a smile on his face, feeling the Meat-Massager 3,000 touching his tip.

Robot watches, scribbling down notes as the device begins to pulse, slowly allowing Monster's cock to enter. With a low hum, the soft, orange silicone vibrates lightly, pulsing firmly and slowly. Monster's cock soon becomes swallowed by the device and pleasure takes over.

Monster tightens his toes and fists, stifling his moans. God, this is better than doing it myself! It feels incredible! The device begins to rise and lower, stroking Monster's tool while it continues to pulse. He can feel his shaft throbbing, compelled to thrust upward into the device.

Robot continues to scribble down notes, analyzing what's going on. "Okay, so spasms are apparently, but he seems like he's much more relieved than he was earlier already, so this is a good thing! Now... let's see..." he wheels to the foot of the table, watching Monster's experiment from another angle. He examines Monster's large, purple testicles bouncing as he thrusts upward, listening carefully to the moans of pleasure. Good, good... from the noises he's making, I'll have to assume the pressure is being relieved.

Monster thrusts a bit harder, the machine set to only go a certain speed. "F-faster! God... p-please!" he moans.

"Oh... ah...r-right!" Robot wheels toward the panel, pressing a few more buttons, making the Meat-Massager 3,000 start to bob up and down quickly, pulsating harder, sending Monster into a state of euphoric bliss.

"Aagh, yes!" Monster groans, thrusting harder into the machine, "S-so good! It's so good! Ye-yeaa-aagh!" he moans, clenching his fists, feeling a glorious wave of pleasure crashing over his whole being.

"Goodness... it must really be helping," Robot mutters, scribbling notes, "Imagine how much it'd get out of a bundle of bacon! Could make money off this."

Monster groans as he squeezes his eyes shut, going back to the fantasy of the green woman from the magazine. He imagines himself beneath her, bucking his hips and thrusting deeply inside her. He groans while the machine firmly strokes and pulsates over his cock, all while he imagines it to be her.

"Oh, Monster... you're so big! I've never felt anything like this... I'm so glad I've decided to let you be my first! My virginity being taken by you is the best feeling in the whole world!" Monster's fantasy echoes throughout his mind as he groans, moaning happily, squirming, and muttering amidst his moans, Monster's daydreaming begins to feel all too real to him.

"Aagh, Monster... you make me feel so full. I've never had anything so big! You're stirring up my insides. Harder! Harder, please! F-faster!"

"I'm... mmgh... y-yes!" Monster groans.

"I want you to cum inside me, Monster! Please! Fill me with your hot cum. T-touch me... touch all of me!" Monster imagines the woman grabbing his hands, pressing them against her breasts. "I'm so hot, Monster... you're hands are so cool against my hot, sensitive tits."

Robot takes more notes; For use on swelling limbs and ligaments, the speed ought to be kept low and the firmness of the pulsating should be kept moderate: subject has become a bit delusional, muttering things that can't be made out too well. Subject's heart rate appears to be rising as well, due to the reddening of his cheeks. "What an interesting test... huh!"

"Aagh, God... yeah... you're so... t-tight and... I'm gonna c-cum!" Monster mutters, thrusting up into the device and arching his back as much as he can, releasing a loud, erotic groan. "I'm... cumming! Aa-aa-aagh! Mmgh... y-yes! Ooogh!" Monster's strain trails off as his orgasm builds. He fills the device with his seed, gravity doing the rest by letting it pour and drip out over his cock as it lifts back upward.

While Monster's shaft reduces in thickness, it easily slides out from the device, covered in sheer, thick cum. Monster says nothing, but relaxes completely, panting and sweating, his tongue slightly out of his mouth and his eyes closed. Robot approaches his side and examines the outcome of the procedure, noticing the difference made to Monster's 'swollen limb'.

"Interesting! So it really did help!" Robot says, excitedly, "All this stuff came out of it, though. What is it?" Out of curiosity, Robot leans over and takes in the scent. It's strong, but not repulsive. There's almost a strange sweetness to it. Huh, perhaps an organic excretion that monsters naturally give? Like how we robots can sometimes give or share oil? Interesting! "I'll just collect a small sample of this stuff and have it tested on."

"That's just... my... aagh..." Monster moans, his cock still twitching as a bit of an after-shock of an orgasm strikes him, making a short wave of pleasure burst up his spine. Again, his mind is distracted by the idea of the beautiful green monster begging for his touch and to please her.

"Monster, don't stop! Please... I'm almost there! Don't worry... I'll do the rest of the work. I hope you don't mind if I rub myself while licking you." "Aa-aagh... yes... s-suck me all you want t-too... h-hoogh!"

He imagines the woman taking his cock into her mouth, sucking him deeply into her throat. He can almost feel his cock being handled by something warm and wet. "You're so sensitive... what if I make you cum again? I'd love to taste it... please cum for me again? I'd love to swallow it all up." Monster shivers and begins to twitch, his cock feeling as if someone had shocked it. "Your balls are so heavy," He imagines the woman fondling his balls, rolling them gently in her palm as she licks up his massive shaft and then back down, past the base, even licking across his sack, suckling his testicles softly while stroking him.

She'd then lick back up the shaft, still massaging and fondling his thick, tense balls. "They feel so full... empty them all over me, in my mouth, on my face, my chest... Monster... please!" the sensitivity surges, bursting throughout his whole body. Soon, as his heart beats faster, he begins to cum again.

"Agh... aa-aagh! God... I'm...s-swallow it!" Monster groans into the air, thrusting his hips upward, releasing a heavy orgasm, his cum spraying straight upward and oozing over his cock. Some of it landing on the table, while a bit of it manages to land on Robot's metal. "Oogh! Oo-ooh, yes... aagh!" Monster looks to Robot, who has a splotch of cum on his face. "Aah...s-sorry... Robot."

"Don't worry about it, that's what experiments and tests are for right? To prevent these things later. Anyway, I've got a sample of that stuff next to my notes. Now... let's get you off the table and, well... I suppose you should go get cleaned up while I clean the table, huh?" Robot says, feeling a bit proud, "I think we've made some pretty great discoveries today! This invention works! It actually works! For more than one thing, too, so multipurpose gadgets are bound to be way more valuable!"

"That's great, Robot," Monster says, sitting up once his restraints are off. He feels lightheaded, but in the best way possible. With a large grin on his face and his cock slowly shrinking back to flaccidity, he stands and stretches. "I'm gonna go get cleaned up and find my shorts. Thanks Robot... that was uh... interesting!"

"No problem! I'll see you in a few minutes!"

Monster comes out of the shower, a cloud of steam following him as he slips into his shorts and wraps a towel around his horns. Content and satisfied, he leaves the bathroom, walking out to meet Robot on the sofa. As he arrives, he sees Robot holding a tray of small, glazed biscuits.

"Want some?" Robot asks, happily.

"Oh, definitely!" Monster says, grabbing a biscuit and eating it. It tastes crunchy, sweet, a little salty, but quite flavorful. "It's so good! It tastes like... hmm... can't put my finger on it. What is it?"

"Well, doing a bit of research, I found that I'd come across a very natural source of protein and I thought 'hey, why not make it into something good?' so here it is!" Robot says proudly.

"What's it made of?" Monster asks, eating another biscuit, not really able to stop himself from scooping more and more into his mouth. "It's so delicious! This was a bad idea, now I'll never stop," he laughs.

"That sample I took from your predicament in the lab?" Robot says, watching as Monster's facial expression fades from ecstatic to worry, "Well, since it's organic, I made it into a glaze! Sounds weird, right? But it works, and clearly, according to you, it's delicious!"

Monster slowly opens his mouth, a pile of crunched up biscuits and glaze made of semen rests on his tongue. He immediately begins to scoop the contents off his tongue, wailing and panicking, soon hopping from one foot to the next, nearly screaming in panic.

"What?! You said it was good!" Robot says, watching Monster start to cry as he hyperventilates, seemingly overreacting. "Calm down, it's just..."

"I can't believe it! I can't... I c-can't!" Monster panics, rushing to his room, slamming the door. As he slams the door, Robot can hear nothing but the sounds of violent retching and muffled cursing amidst more sobbing.

Robot slips one of the biscuits into his mouth, shrugging. "I don't understand. I thought they were good... oh well. I'll go see what Nessie thinks. She'll like 'em."

My True Colors [Poem]

I tried to show you shimmering steel, But all that flattered you was rust. I tried to give you my entire heart, But you betrayed it in the dust. You wanted me to try and fix you, But you wanted me to break. You wanted me to give my all, So...

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Witch [Poem]

I am a witch. Nature calls to me And I answer her. I believe in God Because He believes in me. Candles, potions, hexes, spells, Seven heavens, seven hells. Black cats and gemstones, Plants and spices, Knowlege and power. Elements and spirits...

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I Love You During [Poem]

Your voice leaves a chill up my spine When you tell me you love me. The way you move inside me with care And with grace tells me so much. It tells me all I need to know about you. My inner goddess will dance with your Beast To the music that...

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