Dragons Lair pt 10

Story by Chalmrah on SoFurry

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#11 of Dragons Lair

Michael woke up in a bed, with many Dragons surrounding him. He was still in Dragon form but didn't care. Myra, who was sitting down next to Michael's bed, stood up and called for a doctor. She kissed Michael and said, "Welcome back, Scales."

A doctor pushed his way to the front of the crowd and took Michael's hand. He helped Michael sit up, who said, "What happened?"

"You won against Sam. He's dead and you passed out because of blood loss." Myra replied

Michael leant back, "Ok. Who are all these people?"

"They helped bring you here in some way, or they just joined and decided to stay."

"Ah. Thanks guys. Are we still in orbit?"

"Yes, and we will be for the next week. After that, we go back to the Dragon home world and take a week off. After that we go back here and develop our revealing strategy. I have a surprise for you. I managed to convince the council to give me bigger quarters. All except one in favour. We now have our own quarters Michael."

"Thanks Myra. I feel like I'm home now."

Myra smiled.

"What is stabbing me in my ass?"

"That's your hand Michael. You're sitting on it."

"Oh. Oh yeah! I forgot about the Dragon thing." Michael moved his hand and looked at Myra, who giggled. Michael looked at all the other Dragons, "Could only Myra, Saiu and Klaedr stay please?"

All of the Dragons except the 3 left. "What do you want to talk about?" Myra asked.

Michael turned off the armband, rendering him Human. "You have been with me from the very start. I appreciate that a lot. Thank you."

Saiu nodded, "It was an honour, but that honour is not gone yet. I have yet to serve with you in battle."

Myra had tears in her eyes, "It's ok Michael. I love it when you're here."

Klaedr started to say something but was cut off by Michael, "Klaedr, could you bring my laptop to me, but turn it on first. It's a button with a broken circle on it."

Klaedr walked out to Michael and Myra's quarters. She found his laptop and pushed the power switch, a picture came on the screen. Klaedr studied it for a few seconds and saw it was her, almost perfect. She ran towards where Michael was.

Michael was having a discussion with Myra and Saiu when Klaedr burst in. She ran to Michael and kissed him, her tongue playing with his. "Thank you so much Michael. I love it."

Michael smiled, "Anytime. I thought you would like it."

"What?" Myra asked. Klaedr showed her the laptop and Myra gasped. "Michael, did you draw this?"

"Yes. Scroll over to the next picture."

Myra scrolled trying not to accidentally break Michael's laptop, and almost dropped it. Myra was looking at a picture of herself. She smiled, "That is beautiful Michael, and you used the background." She bent over and kissed him, forcing her tongue down his throat. Michael grabbed Myra's legs and swung them onto the bed. The doctor went over to Michael and said, "You can leave anytime now. I have completed my work."

Myra jumped off Michael and picked him up. They raced off to their quarters.

Myra opened the door and Michael slammed it shut after they were in. He threw Myra onto the bed and jumped onto her. His tail was wrapping around hers and his cock was coming out of its slit. Michael kissed Myra and stroked her. Her body felt so soft, and he had her all to himself. He rolled over so Myra could be on top and she rammed herself onto Michael's throbbing cock, hard. He roared with excitement and had to fight back his orgasm. Myra was good, she raised slowly and rammed herself down again, every time clenching her vaginal muscles as Michael shuddered. She screamed as Michael roared and they were so loud people walking outside wondered what was happening in her room. She felt her orgasm coming and worked harder than ever before to make Michael come with her. She clenched harder than before and pushed Michael over the edge. His hot, sticky cum filling Myra up but she came at the same time, her cum spraying their legs and stomachs. Myra got off his cock and laid next to him, cum soaking her pussy. They looked at each other, "Do you remember the first time we had sex, and I said that was the best feeling I would ever have?"

"Yes, why?"

"I lied." Myra said as she kissed him. Michael's tongue was rough when he was a Dragon, but he was still gentle with Myra. They released and Michael said, "You are the perfect Dragon for me."

"Actually, I'm a Dragoness. You're a Dragon."

"I don't care. You're still you no matter what your name is. I'm tired."

"Get some sleep then you silly Dragon." Myra said while poking Michael.

"I can't."


"These wings are so not comfortable."

Myra laughed but Michael did have a point. Her wings dug into her when she slept but she overcame that problem.

"Ok. Sleep on your side."

Michael turned to face Myra and closed his eyes. He fell asleep while Myra was wondering what they would do now. Does she want hatchlings? Does Michael? Would he want to stay on the ship or settle down on a planet? She fell asleep with questions in her head.

Myra woke up with Michaels head in her neck, his breath warm against her scales. She didn't move for a minute, just enjoying Michael next to her. She got out of bed and left for the bridge. Michael didn't stir as Myra shut the door a little too loud.

"Morning Myra. How is Michael?" Saiu asked

"Still sleeping."

"Busy night?"

"Exciting night. He was brilliant."

"For a Human?"

"He was a Dragon."

"I'm sorry for prying into your personal life."

"It is ok Saiu. I'm sure anything you learn will stay only with you."

"That it will Myra. I have a mission for you and Michael."

"What is it?"

"We have received word that the Humans are holding 2 research Dragons prisoner, the council wants you and Michael to get them out."

"Michael is untrained."

"I start training him when he wakes up."

"Oh. Be patient with him. He may be eager but he doesn't know."

"Doesn't know what?"

"His glands are empty. He is unable to ignite."

"I need to fill him up then."

"I'm pretty sure he will have the biggest course of food available. It's his first time as a Dragon."

"That I know Myra." Saiu said as he got up. He went to Michael's quarters and saw him sleeping.

"Michael. Michael, wake up." Saiu said softly

Michael rolled over saying, "I don't wanna go to school today."

Saiu changed his tone, "Michael. Wake up!"

The sudden noise caused Michael to roll out of bed and fall face first onto the floor. He got up holding his snout, "My nose! Saiu, you bastard."

"I am merely doing what I have been instructed to do by the council."


"You are going to retrieve 2 scientists which Humans are holding hostage. All deaths are to be avoided. I will train you for 2 days, then you will bring them back."

"Avoided deaths?"

"Killing is unauthorised unless necessary. We eat then train. Meet me in the mess hall in 5 minutes."

Michael stretched, "Yes Saiu. See you then."

Michael went into the mess hall and saw Saiu with 2 large plates of food. Michael sat opposite Saiu and started shovelling food into his mouth. Saiu was shocked at first but realised that Michael's Dragon form had not eaten yet.

"We know their location. It's in the Nevada desert. I went through the download and found some things that are useful."

Michael nodded.

"Their names are Linx and Rhyzul. Bring them back alive."

Michael finished his plate and stood up, "Woah. That feels weird."

"What Michael?"

"Something under my lungs. It feels good."

"That will be your glands. They come out of the sides of your mouth and ignite."

"That's how Myra did it."

"Yes. Let's go." Saiu said as he stood up and walked out, with Michael following him. They came to a large room which was the same size as the mess hall but was about 4 stories high. The floor was partitioned into 3 parts and there were courses in each part, increasing in difficulty each time. Each partition only went up 1 story allowing room to fly. There were platforms in the middle of each partition. They went up to the easy course and went on the platform.

"Right. Now I'm going to teach you to breathe fire, then spit it."

"Breathe deeply then try to think about something that will make you want to burn it. Then open your mouth and try to let that fire out. Whatever you do, don't breathe in, you will burn yourself."

Michael did as instructed and held a flame for a few seconds before seeing his own power and yelping, stopping the flame.

"Good. To vary the distance, bring the object closer or further away."

Michael started igniting again and varied the distance a few times. Saiu looked impressed. Michael closed his mouth and looked at Saiu, waiting for what to do next.

"Flying. I've seen the way you do it in those big birds of yours. This is how you truly fly."

For the next 3 hours Saiu taught Michael how to fly and spit. At the end Saiu brought Michael to the advanced course and said, "Do it. As soon as you jump off this platform the timer will start. When you land on the other one on the other side, it will stop. Anything you didn't set on fire will add 10 seconds to your time. Good luck. Begin when ready."

Saiu stepped back and allowed Michael to prepare. Michael looked up and saw a platform almost at the roof. He looked at Saiu who knew what Michael was thinking. "No Michael. That is for experts only."

"I'm going to try."


Michael didn't respond, he just took the stairs to the higher platform. Saiu followed Michael.

"Have a go then Michael. I guarantee you will not do well."

Michael started breathing heavily and jumped off. He spat a few times and opened his wings. 4 targets were set on fire while Michael spat at a few more targets. He climbed and took out a target with his tail and landed on the other side. He took off again and went to Saiu who said, "You are a quick learner. I hope we can fight together, it would be an interesting experience."

"Thanks Saiu. Break?"

"I think that would be in order. You have worked hard today. We have a few more hours and tomorrow to perfect your style."

"My style?"

"Style of flying. I prefer to be as horizontal as possible to minimise energy lost, you appear to be vertical."

Michael and Saiu walked out talking about flying until Klaedr found them. "Michael. My father talked to me and said I should say this. I'm sorry for what I did to you. I took advantage of you when you weren't expecting it and were vulnerable so I'm very sorry."

Michael hugged Klaedr and said, "It's ok. You will find the right Dragon for you eventually. I'm not the one. Just promise you won't do it again."

"I won't" she said while crying. Michael looked at her and kissed her. "It's ok Klaedr. Nothing is wrong. Relax and breathe. Then go to your father and tell him everything is sorted out."

"I will. Thanks Michael." She said as she groped his ass and ran to her father.

"What was that all about Michael?" Saiu asked

"She wanted to talk to me in her quarters then pinned me to the wall and fucked me."

"You should file a formal complaint. She will never do that again."

"I will not lose a friend."

"As you wish. I can't force you to do that."

"Good. What can you force me to do?"

"I am now your superior officer. You answer to me now that you are registered."

"But I'm not registered yet. That's why we will go to the Dragon home world, wherever it is."

"You will love it there. It's a wonderful place."

"So I've heard."

"From who?"

"Myra, when she's sleeping. She sleep talks to herself. I think she should rest, there is so much pressure on her I think she needs to relax."

"Well she is on the bridge right now."

"I'll talk to her."

"As you wish."

"You say that a lot Saiu."

"I know."

Dragons Lair pt 11

This will be the last part in a while because about a page away is the end of the document, but NOT the end of the story. So you're all safe. ===================== Myra was in Saiu's seat on the bridge. When Saiu came in she moved to her seat and...

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Dragons Lair pt 9

Michael looked round the corner into the bridge. "Yes Myra. Me. I take it I didn't impregnate you the last time." "I was in between cycles." "Well I intend to this time." "You!" Michael screamed as he went round the corner. "Who are you?" Sam...

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Dragons Lair pt 8

Sorry. Only a short part today. I'm working on the scene immidately after it so I'll post on the 10th of April. ================ Saiu was waiting for them in the teleportation room. "What happened down there?" "We were caught by my parents and 2...

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