The Gates of Hell, Nymph

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!! Sorry, not much Yiff folks, not that kind of Nymph in this story.

The Gates of Hell


By William W. Kelso

With a soft crackling tear a short lived rip between the two realities opened; the air charged with electricity and reeking of ozone, and another denizen of that world humans know as Hell entered their world, whether by design or accident who knows, but most likely the latter. The pulsing black nothingness ringed with virulent purple wavered and pulsed, and just seconds before it closed a small fragile shape fluttered through, sucked through by the changes in air pressure.

It was night so it was not particularly upset, not that its simple mind was capable of much in the way of advanced thought. It could feel fear though; all organisms that are aware have that survival instinct. But so far nothing had happened to trigger that emotion. True, this place was cooler and brighter, but those differences alone did not necessarily mean a threat. The intruder had the appearance of a good sized butterfly, its soft wings green with red 'eye' spots; its hard chitin covered carapace also red. It was quite pretty, and in Hell was quite feared despite its small size and dainty appearance. It was; like all its kind, asexual. And being an adult was constantly on the lookout for the chance to reproduce. To do that required certain conditions conducive to the requirements of its larvae. It would soon find this strange new world was perfect. It flew through the warm summer night, its natural phosphorescence causing it to glow faintly, and any who saw it would have assumed it was a moth or butterfly. It eventually landed on a tree branch were it caught small insects attracted by its soft glow and sweet scent lure, and seizing them in its powerful mandibles devoured them alive. It was a voracious predator, and ate as many insects as it could catch. Once a lizard tried to eat it, but spit it out in disgust at the vile taste. The butterfly's broken wing healed quickly, and it took flight to find a less dangerous feeding ground.

Betty had been really depressed since her latest boyfriend had moved out, it seemed as soon as they got tired of fucking her they just left. She knew she wasn't a great beauty, but she was a nice person and couldn't understand why she couldn't find a man who wanted to spend his life with her. She certainly fell in love with them, and had 'adopted' some real characters. She loved the sex, and knew she was a good lover, but the minute she started hinting at a more permanent relationship it was 'so long, thanks for the fun!' The last bastard had taken her car. So she was 'shopping' again, and horny as hell. Before going to bed she decided to have some fun with her favorite dildo 'Mr. Binky', and take the edge off her horniness. She pleasured herself for quite awhile, enjoying the control she had, and finally brought herself to a very nice climax, gasping as she slid the long thick dildo in and out of her sex. Satiated and spent she cleaned herself up, and deciding against taking a shower just lay down on the bed, still nude, on top of the sheets as it was a very warm night. But first she opened the window to let in what little breeze there was in the sultry Georgia air. She laid back down on the bed, and finally fell asleep on her back, snoring softly.

The butterfly paused and hovered, it had detected the scent of a large animal. With a flap of its wings it instinctively headed for the source of that scent. It soon located what it was looking for, but found its way blocked by an obstacle. Landing, it began to chew its way through the metal screen, snipping the small strands one by one with its powerful mandibles, the minute clicking sounds drowned by Betty's snores. As soon as it had made a hole large enough it bent back the screen, and folding its soft flexible wings slipped inside. Once inside it took flight again, drawn unerringly towards the large animal it could now see as well as scent. The scent was not familiar to it, but it knew this was a suitable 'mate'. It hovered over the sleeping woman, trying to decide what to do as the animals form was strange as well. Finally it landed on the pillow next to her head and approached cautiously, not knowing what defenses the vulnerable appearing animal might have, it's seeming lack of defenses could be a ruse. Finally it was close enough to run its sensitive feathery antennae gently over the animal, and what it found excited it, this animal was perfect for its needs. Next it flicked its abdomen over its head and injected a mild sedative with its stinger to keep the animal somnolent and cooperative. Betty stirred and mumbled; the insect taking flight in reaction, but didn't wake, and soon settled back into an even deeper sleep as the sedative took effect.

The butterfly waited as the animal sank even deeper into sleep, and then landed on one of the large globes of flesh on its upper body. It inspected the large breast having no idea what it was for; it had no memories or experience to compare them to. But it did know the organ was not suitable, so crawled towards the upper part of the animal. It crawled across Betty's face with delicate steps, and inspected her nose and mouth. The nose was full of sticky goo and blocked by thick hairs, so was not suitable. The mouth might have been, but her deep snores, and the rush of breath in and out, deterred the butterfly as well. A little irritated it moved back down the body past the large breasts and headed for the main source of the scent it had detected. Her pubic hair gave it pause for a few seconds as where it came from such body covering was unusual, it was far more used to hard scales, spines, or other natural armor.

As it inspected Betty's vagina its excitement grew as it tasted and scented her sexual juices, its tongue like proboscis licking and rubbing the soft pink opening excitedly. The wet soft opening at the junction of the animals lower appendages beckoned irresistibly, it was perfect! It gently rubbed and probed at Betty's labial lips, and grasping them in its claws it spread them, and folding its wings the butterfly pushed itself into Betty's pussy head first, past her labial lips, and into her vagina until it disappeared with a final wiggle of its abdomen and her lips closed after it with a wet slurp. It was a fairly tight fit for the six inch insect, and it had to push in, back out a little, and then push in a little more, but her natural lubrication juices and its slick hard body made its entry relatively easy. As it wriggled its way into her Betty gave a soft moan and licked her lips, spreading her legs in response to the pleasant penetration as she had a minor orgasm, but soon returned to normal sleep. The insect burrowed deeper into her causing her to squirm from the pleasure, past her cervix and into her womb, having found what it wanted and needed. Then the insect 'died', its body quickly breaking down to be absorbed into the soft wet lining of the woman's womb.

Betty woke up feeling better then she had in a long time, and she'd had a wonderful wet dream, her pussy still wet and sensitive when she'd woke up. That nagging ache in her lower back was gone for a change, and a hot shower felt wonderful. Next stop was the kitchen. Normally she just ate a bowel of cereal and piece of fruit, but since it was Saturday she decided to pig out; besides she was starving, and grilled a pan of bacon and then scrambled eggs in the hot grease. She wolfed the large delicious meal down, and drank most of a carton of milk before she was satisfied. Then she gave a loud belch, and said "excuse me!", then giggled because she was alone. She had planned on staying at home, but feeling restless decided to go out early instead of waiting for night. She went to one of her favorite clubs, but it was really slow, and getting hungry again ended up going to an 'all-you-can-eat' buffet and pigging out. God she was hungry! This was so going to her butt, she thought, which was already too big. But she stuffed herself until she thought she would burst before she was satisfied. Then she went back to the bar and ordered a drink, but it tasted awful for some reason, so she got a beer instead and nursed it for a couple of hours. A few friends showed up, but no one new, so the night was pretty much a bust, and she went home a little earlier than usual. She felt lethargic and tired, and was hungry again. After devouring just about everything in the fridge she watched the TV for awhile, before deciding to go to bed early as she kept dozing off in the chair. She took a hot shower, and still nude, lay down the bed with a tired sigh.

Betty didn't realize it yet, but the now completely absorbed butterfly's genetic material was now coursing through her veins, and the changes were already starting. It would not be obvious for quite some time that anything was wrong, but by the time she became aware she was no longer human it would be far too late, and in fact it already was.

Betty reached down and gently rubbed her mound as she wished her most recent boyfriend was there, he had been a great fuck. He really knew how pleasure a girl. As she thought about him her sex became wet and moist, and with a moan she ran her fingers inside of herself and rubbed her lips and clitoris, but that wasn't enough. She got out 'Mr. Binky', and slid the dildo between her slick wet lips, and gasping and moaning fucked herself with it, and when she came it was the most intense and pleasurable orgasm she could remember having in a very long time. As she came down from her sexual high she gave the wet dripping dildo an affectionate kiss. What would I do without you? She thought. She was drenched in her sweat and sexual juices, her orgasm had been very wet, so took another shower. When she got back into bed she quickly fell into a deep restful sleep. And inside the changes continued, stimulated by her sexual pleasure.

Needing fuel to fuel her ongoing; and as yet unnoticed, metamorphosis Betty started eating out three or more times a day, usually at buffets or other 'all you can eat' places. And no matter how she stuffed herself was always hungry again an hour or two later. She even began to frequent 24hr restaurants when she woke up in the night, her hunger too great to ignore. But despite all she ate she lost weight, her large hips and plump belly slimming down nicely, which delighted her at first. Usually she couldn't look at a slice of cake without gaining five pounds, now she could eat the whole cake and still lose weight. And she'd never been hornier, and was soon using her collection of dildos to pleasure herself for several hours a day, her orgasms increasingly intense and pleasurable but taking much longer to reach, not that she minded. She would sit on the edge of the bed slowly sliding the largest dildo in and out of her sopping wet pussy, moaning in pleasure for hours, orgasm after orgasm causing her whole body to quiver in ecstasy. But while she enjoyed pleasuring herself it wasn't enough, so she ventured out again in search of a partner.

She went back to her favorite bar, and soon a man she'd once had a fling with showed up and sat down at the bar. She got up and went over and slid onto the stool next to him and said,

"Hi Steve, how you been?"

The man didn't seem to recognize her at first; she had lost several inches from around her waist and hips and was much more voluptuous now. Then his eyes lit up,

"Betty! Man, you're looking good girl!"

Betty flushed in pleasure, she'd always been border line chunky, with just a little too much padding to be 'hot', but she knew she looked pretty damn good now, she'd been admiring herself in the mirror.

"Buy me a drink?" She asked with a smile.

"Oh, yeah, or course, Steve said. Your usual?"

"No, Betty said, just a lite beer, I'm watching my figure."

So am I, thought Steve, damn she looks good! She'd been great in bed, but just a little too chubby for his taste. And a little too desperate, he knew she was trying to catch a husband, but it wasn't going to be him. But still, that didn't mean another night or two with her might not be fun, especially now.

"You know Steve, Betty said, since I'm not really in the mood for drinking tonight why don't we go someplace a little less...public?"

"Sure honey." Steve said, boy that was fast! Usually he had to work at it a little longer to get into some chicks bed.

Betty was hornier then hell, she could actually smell Steve, and could tell he was just about as horny as she was. As soon as they got in the door of her apartment she practically ripped her; and his, clothes off. She wanted him, now! And fuck the foreplay!

Jesus, Steve thought, as Betty ground herself against him as they kissed, one of her hands down in his pants and roughly squeezing his balls. She is hot to trot! He usually liked some titty play before getting to the main event, but if she wanted to get laid so bad who was he to argue? What the lady wanted, the lady got!

She led him into the bedroom, and lying down on the bed spread her legs, moaning her need, and he didn't hesitate. When he took out a condom she just shook her head, and he threw it over his shoulder with a smile. He got up on the bed and knelt between her legs, then slowly lowered himself onto her, and she gasped in pleasure as the head of his cock pressed against, and then into, her pussy. He fucked her long and slow, both of them moaning and grunting in pleasure, before finally bringing them both to very nice climaxes, and she drummed her heels against his rump as she came. But instead of satisfying her lust, it just intensified it. As soon as he pulled out it was like he hadn't even fucked her at all.

Steve was quite happy when she indicated 'no condom', he hated the damn things, as far as he was concerned you might as well just jack off as wear one of them. He figured she was on the pill, so took her up on her 'offer'. As he knelt between her legs and looked at her pussy he literally drooled, she was so wet drops of fluid were leaking from between the swollen pink lips. He wouldn't even need to lube himself, and as he mounted her his cock slid in easily, and after he hilted he started fucking her hot slick pussy nice and slow, taking his time. The way her vaginal muscles caressed and clenched around his cock was fantastic. He drew it out as long as he could, and when he finally couldn't hold back any longer she came when he did, bucking and writhing underneath him, and, oh man, it was awesome! He loved chicks that lost it at the end, and she was a real squealer.

Betty waited impatiently while Steve got up and went and took a piss. When he got back she started fondling and kissing his dick right away; she wanted him again, while he kneaded her breasts and pinched her nipples, but she pretty much ignored that, she wanted his cock inside of her again. Her efforts soon got the desired result, and this time she had him mount her from behind, it wasn't her favorite position, but she hoped it would add a little more eroticism to their love making. She hung her head and grunted in pleasure as he humped her, it felt good, but her lust just kept increasing.

"Damn it Steve, fuck me harder!" Betty grunted.

Steve lay next to Betty as she worked on his cock and balls, hefting and fondling her nice tits, her nipples swollen and rubbery. Man, she is really horny tonight, usually they had waited longer between the first and second couplings. But she knew what she was doing, and soon he was more than ready again. He was even more ready when she got down o all fours and presented herself to him, doggie style was his favorite position. It gave him a more dominating, and in control, feeling. With a grunt of pleasure he mounted her, her pussy every slicker and hotter than before, and gripping her around her waist humped her with steady powerful strokes, and when she told him to fuck her harder he grinned and granted her wish, humping her as hard and fast as he could.

Oh yes, much better, Betty thought as Steve lunged into her, much better! She bit her lip as she neared her orgasm, and when he spurted she gave a loud squeal of pleasure and pushed back against him as he grunted and strained. And again, as her orgasm faded her lust was just as intense as before. Damn it! She thought.

As Steve dismounted she gave an angry hiss, and turning to face him she flipped him over on his back and mounted him, grinding down on his still hard cock in desperation. He gave a surprised yelp, and tried to push her off, but she grabbed his wrists and pinned them over his head, and began to ride him as he moaned in pain and pleasure, begging her to stop. She ignored him and continued to grind down on his hardness, then she lowered her head and forced her lips against his, his wide open eyes staring up at her and he gave muffled squeals as her tongue slid between his lips and deep down his throat, far deeper then should have been possible, but she didn't notice.

Steve smiled and grunted in pleasure as he humped Betty, slapping her on her nice shapely ass every now and then. He just might move back in with her, she really had shaped up. It always took him longer to reach his second orgasm, but it was enjoyable to 'work' up to it, and it was always more intense too. As he came the second time he was more than satisfied, what a great fuck that had been. With a pleased smile he pulled out of her and started to get up, and was caught totally by surprise when she spun around and pulled him down, then straddled him. What the hell? He thought, then gasped as she impaled herself on his still rock hard erection. She looked wild as she began to ride him, her eyes turned up in her head as she gave almost bestial grunts and hisses of pleasure. He was always good for twice, but three times was pushing it, even with a first class fuck like her.

"Betty, stop it! Steve gasped; I can't again, not so soon! I need to wait awhile!"

But she ignored him and he tried to throw her off, and was shocked at how strong she was when she easily pinned his wrists over his head. He had at least fifty pounds on her and was in good shape as he worked out regularly, but she pinned him with little effort.

"Betty, God, stop!" Steve begged.

He was still rock hard, but there was as much pain as pleasure now, and he wasn't enjoying himself much. When she kissed him he tried to resist, but her tongue slid between his lips and teeth like it was a steel cable and he gagged as it slid down his throat. Jesus Christ!

Betty gave muffled grunts and squeals as she rode Steve for over an hour, her mouth locked to his, his struggle growing weaker as his own sounds became those of agonizing pleasure. When he finally arced under her and climaxed she pulled her tongue out of his mouth with a loud slurp and shrieked as an incredibly massive orgasm exploded in her sex and washed over her and Steve bellowed in agonizing ecstasy. Sobbing, she rolled off of him, and he got to his feet, and yelled,

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you psycho bitch! That fucking HURT!"

And it HAD hurt; it was the first 'dry' orgasm he'd ever had. He had no doubts he had just been raped, and it had been humiliating. He'd always laughed at the thought of a woman raping a man, but he'd just found it was entirely possible. His pride and dignity; and his manhood, shaken he angrily started putting his clothes on.

"Oh God, Steve! Betty said, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me! Please don't go, I need you! Please fuck me again."

As Steve went out the door, he yelled, "You know, you need help lady!"

Betty gave an angry snarl as the door slammed shut, fine! She didn't need the dickless wonder. She grabbed her favorite dildo, and with a grunt started fucking herself, and didn't stop until several hours, and orgasms, later, still not entirely satisfied, but too exhausted to continue.

The internal changes continued, and she did not realize her internal organs were now much different. Her womb had become much larger, small bumps on the lining slowly developing into eggs, thousands of them, each not much larger then a pinhead. At first the food she ate went to provide the nourishment her changing body needed, but when she reached the next stage of her new life the food was converted more and more to a sweet nutritious paste that began to fill her womb, and slowly her stomach began to swell as she lost her new shapely curves. But she didn't really care as it wasn't that obvious, at least at first, but her hunger was her main concern. No matter how much she ate it never seemed to be enough, and despite consuming huge amounts of food she continued to lose weight. Finally her belly swelled to the point she looked nine months pregnant, and people even asked her 'when she was expecting'. She usually just made a rather rude comment, and kept on eating. And all this had taken place in less than two weeks.

But finally her hunger slowed, and then came to an end even though she continued to eat, but not as often and desperately as before. In fact she was feeling more and more bloated and sedentary, lethargic and slightly nauseous and weak. But now her lust increased dramatically, and no matter how much she rammed the dildos in and out of her aching sex, no matter how often she climaxed, it was never enough. But she kept doing it as the pleasure was incredible, almost unbearable. This was intentional as it kept her mind off other more noticeable changes, plus the constant internal stimulation and waves of pleasure racing through her sensitive nerves helped to speed up the final stage of her transmutation into an entirely new species.

Finally, exhausted, she fell into a deep dreamless sleep, her body squirming and writhing, her skin and stomach rippling and pulsing as the internal changes sped up and increased. Her lips parted as her tongue pushed out, but it looked more like a tubular tentacle now as is seemed to sample the air before withdrawing from sight again. Several times her vagina bulged noticeably as the lips of her sex spread and stretched, the tip of something protruding slightly, before disappearing back into her body. Two small growths began to push out from under her hair, the vestigial antennae not yet functional, and the hair around them starting to fall out in clumps to cover the pillow around her head. The skin on her chest and legs began to bulge in places as something underneath formed and moved restlessly; the soft skin rippling and stretching, and still she slept as her face softened like putty, then began to assume a new form as her eyelids thinned and stretched trying to cover her growing eyes. The changes would speed up, and then slow down again, each time leaving her less recognizable. In a few spots dark thorn like growths poked through her elastic skin, but there was no blood and no pain, her sleep was deep and restful.

Betty came slowly came awake, groggy and sick feeling. She felt strange and confused, disorientated, and something wasn't right. With a moan she reached up and rubbed her eyes, her eyelids seemed to be stuck shut and she could feel a thick crust over them. And her arm felt weird, hard and stick like, like she was wearing armor. As she pushed an eyelid back from one eye she felt it tear and peel off, and reeled in shock as she looked around. Instead of one image she was seeing dozens, blurred around the edges but crystal clear in the center, the same image repeated over and over. Frantically she pawed at the other eye, her fingers refusing to bend, and as that eyelid was torn off even more disjointed and kaleidoscope like images rushed into her mind confusing her further. With a high pitched garbled squeal she got up, and on shaky legs she found hard to control, she staggered into the bathroom, her thirst horrible. She tried to fill a glass, but couldn't hold onto it as something was wrong with her hands, so finally she gave up and just let the sink fill till it was overflowing, and plunging her face into it began to drink, realizing she was sucking up the sweet fluid through her tongue like a straw and that she could no longer feel her teeth, but was unable to stop until her horrible thirst was quenched.

As the water poured into her she began to swell, impossibly so, and triggered by the inrush of badly needed fluid she entered the final stages of her change as her body began to expand and slough off its old skin as its new form emerged.

As she stared at the mirror over the sink, water drooling from the long thing hanging out of her mouth, the skin on her face began to split and peel away around her eyes, her rubbing off of her eyelids having started the process. She watched in horror as her skin, which now had the consistency of wet paper, peeled off in long soggy strips to reveal the rest of her large bulging eyes, each one gemlike and covered with dozens of facets, and her visual perception changed as she could now see all around, and behind her, in a 360 arc at the same time. It was like having eyes on the back; and sides, of her head, showing multiple different images at the same time. It was horribly disconcerting and she grasped the edge of the sink to steady herself. As the skin continued to peel away around the huge emotionless eyes it revealed a hard brownish green slick surface that glistened wetly and her antennae unfurled more, and new senses begin to bombard her already terrified mind as they fluttered and twitched. She tried to scream, to say something, but her flaccid lips didn't move, but something inside did. She watched as hard black digits began to push out of her mouth, ripping the soft skin easily as the lower skin on her face fell aware entirely like a mask to reveal rapidly growing razor sharp mandibles and a churning maw of inward hooking hard segments where her mouth had been, the long tentacle like 'tongue' slithering in and out as she kept trying to scream, the mandibles gnashing and making a clicking sound.

She stared at the INSECT head that was staring back at her, its antennae flailing in panic, and ran her hands over it in disbelieving horror. And as she did the skin on her fingers peeled away revealing large single claws with serrated edges on the inside, and she watched as the claws began to lengthen and thicken, and then with a snap they folded back against her arms forming an extra joint as her skin kept sloughing away to reveal limbs covered with hard brown chitin, small black thorn like protrusion scattered randomly over them. She flailed with her hideous new limbs at the mirror in desperation, wanting her fingers back, the hard appendages slamming into the glass, and as she did the rest of her remaining skin flew off in wet chunks revealing the still forming limbs in their entirety, hard and shiny, with too many joints and socketed joints. The weight of her breasts; which had collapsed into deflated bags of flesh, caused the skin to slowly slough away from her chest revealing the hard bony plates of her thorax, and two pairs of small vestigial legs pushed out through the soft doughy flesh as they began to form, their soft segmented lengths swelling and lengthening as they kicked feebly.

Her immensely swollen belly suddenly heaved, and she gave a chittering rasping hiss as her legs slowly spread as they were forced apart as something began to push out of her vagina, spreading her pussy and stretching it impossibly, but there was no pain, only a sickening pleasure as a large soft abdomen began to push out of her sex in a horrible parody of giving birth. As it did the skin remaining on her waist and hips tore away and fell to the ground with wet splats, and her legs began to split open into not one, but two new appendages each, one pair only partially formed, and as the sockets attaching them to her thorax began to separate they took form rapidly. By now the abdomen had reached the floor and her new legs were beginning to force her into a bent over stance as her thorax shortened and condensed, and frantically she grasped the edge of the sink with her new 'arms', hooking the razor sharp serrated inner edges over the lip, desperately trying to remain upright. Screams reverberated inside her hard frozen head as she realized nothing human remained, that she was now an insect of some kind, and she swiveled her head on the hard socket that connected it to her thorax, her antennae waving aimlessly as she had no control over them yet, and did not really understand the information they were sending her still human mind.

As the tip of her throbbing abdomen hit the floor it kept growing as it pushed out behind her and started to harden, and her two extra pairs of legs were now almost fully formed and reached the floor, and with a loud 'snap' her back shifted into its new shape, and she was pushed into a multi-legged posture as her body flattened out and thickened. She held onto the sink a little longer, balancing on the tips of her clawed 'feet', but as her limbs finished forming they pulled her into her new posture of going on her belly like a cockroach, which she bore a horrible resemblance to now. Her abdomen finished forming and hardened into its segmented form, it softer banded underside pulsing. She let go of the sink in despair and tucked her 'arms' into their retracted position tight against her body. But it wasn't over yet, and she watched with her strange new eyes as two large knobs on the hard chitin of her back suddenly spilt open, and soft wings unfurled, visibly pulsing as fluid pumped into them as they took from and hardened, fanning out into large fragile looking wings, then they folded and tucked themselves away under thicker protective wing cases. It was over, all that remained was for her to adapt to her new body, to understand its needs and her new instincts, and to fulfill her function.

The huge insect remained crouched in the bathroom for a long time, the only movement its antennae which flailed aimlessly for awhile until they slowly slowed, and then lay down across the back of her body. Her mind seethed and teetered on the edge of complete insanity as it tried to understand, to comprehend, what had happened. Part of her hoped, prayed, it was a horrible sick dream, but the part of her that knew it wasn't wondered why, and how? Her mandibles clicked and her mouth segments rasped every now and then as she tried to form words, to make some sort of vaguely human sound. And she couldn't even close her eyes to blot out the sight of her hideous new body for a few minutes at a time so she could pretend it wasn't real.

Her body had finished its metamorphosis, but her mind had yet to accept and learn to control her new body, but that would soon change. Even now new instincts, needs, and priorities were beginning to filter through the confusion and terror, and one of these was a growing need to be in dark safe place. Deciding she didn't like the; to her, bright light of the bathrooms fluorescent fixture she lifted herself up, and somewhat awkwardly scuttled on her eight legs into the dimmer bedroom. She pulled herself up on to the bed and lowered her body again in a resting position, and clawed feebly at the pillow with her front grasping limbs. She could scent her old self, but it seemed alien now, the tufts of hair on the pillow strange. Finally, driven by her new need she moved to the window, and pressing against the screen easily pushed the frame out of the clips holding it, and it fell into the bushes two stories below. She stuck her head out the window and realized she could 'see' variations in temperature with her antennae, as well as feel the slightest movement of the still warm air. Using her claws she easily scrambled up the side of the house and onto the roof. More and more the insects mind was assuming control without her even realizing it yet. What she was doing just seemed, well, natural and necessary.

She climbed to the peak of the house and looked out over the sleeping neighborhood, still horribly confused and scared. She wanted to try and find help, get whatever was wrong with her fixed, still retained some hope this was a horrible mistake and she could be human again. But another need, the need to stay out of sight, to find a place away from the lights and strange smells was growing stronger. With a faint buzz she tested her wings, opening and fluttering them, her antennae feeling their lengths looking for any imperfections. She refolded them again, and instinctively used her front limbs to groom her eyes and antennae, combing over them. Then she paused, and as the new need became more urgent she raised her body up, and wings vibrating in a rapid blur lifted off and flew into the night.

She made her home in an overgrown and wooded area near some abandoned industrial buildings and warehouses. The building offered cover, and the hunting was good, her main food being rats and other small rodents, which were numerous and easy for her to catch. She would grasp the helplessly squealing creatures in her gripping claws much like a praying mantis, the needle sharp serrated spines lining their insides gripping the prey easily, and using her proboscis would first suck the fluids and softer portions of their entrails from the their bodies, then feed the rest piece by piece with her mandibles into her churning maw. At first she was horrified and repulsed by what she was doing; though she had to feed her hunger, but as her mind became less and less human and more the mind of a predatory insect her qualms faded and disappeared. She still knew what had happened, and who she had once been, but it just didn't seem...important anymore. And slowly she was beginning to realize her purpose.

Inside her largely hollow abdomen the eggs lining its interior had finally hatched, the minute larvae living in, and feeding, on the thick royal jelly that filled it, to which supply she was always adding more as she fed her ravenous appetite. As her abdomen swelled and became heavier she flew less and less often, staying instead on the ground. Sometime she would rear up and run a pair of legs; or two, over her swollen translucent belly, the small forms of the developing larvae visible as small wiggling shapes inside. She had conflicting emotions, the human part horrified at the alien life within her, but most of all she felt extremely protective. She knew they must survive at all costs. That her...children depended on her. She ran her claws gently over her pulsing abdomen, her shattered mind feeling something approaching love.

She had slowly grown larger, molting several times, always eating the old skin to leave no trace of her presence. Her prey had grown larger as well, now consisting mainly of stray dogs and cats, though she once snatched a goat from a small petting zoo late one night. Very little of her human mind or awareness remained now, her more primitive insect mind losing the ability to retain the higher level of intelligent thought processes. She still had a vague feeling she had once been...different, but it no longer bothered her. To dwell on such thoughts only brought pain and confusion, so she avoided them. It was better to just live her life as it was now. But one incident brought back the full horror for a brief instant.

She was hunting in a dilapidated and abandoned warehouse when she detected a new scent, one faintly familiar. It was not a prey animal she was used to. She scuttled up a wall and crouched on top of a beam in the dark shadows. The dim light was no obstacle to her, her sensitive antennae and sharp vision told her exactly where the animal was as the young child explored the interior of the building. She realized the prey was somewhat larger then she was used to, but felt she could handle it. Once she seized something in her powerful grip there was no escape and she could leisurely enjoy her meal. The fact it often lived for quite some time no longer bothered her at all, the longer it stayed fresh the better the taste.

She waited until the small girl; who was looking for her puppy who had disappeared a few days ago, was directly underneath, then dropped onto her and after a brief struggle had the five year old girl firmly in her grip, and prepared to feed. She crouched over the girl and started to lower her head to feed, her proboscis sliding out of her maw, her mandibles ready to tear into the soft flesh. The girl, too terrified to do anything but struggle wildly at first, was now immobilized, her arms pinned to her sides, the sharp spines penetrating her flesh. But as she saw the horrible head, drool dripping tongue, and gnashing mandibles and mouth she started screaming.

At the sound of the shrill scream Betty froze, and looked in horrified realization at what she had gripped in her claws, the child's terrified face reflected dozens of times in her compound eyes. Oh GOD NO! She thought, and throwing the child from her she lowered her body and ran to a large crack in the foundation of the building and disappeared, going to her 'nest' in the basement and taking shelter there. She crouched in a corner, her whole body trembling. A child, she'd almost eaten a CHILD! That brought what remained of her human mind to the forefront for a brief time, the horror or what had happened, of what she was now, returning. She realized what she had become, a deadly alien predator, a giant insect that fed on animals, and knew beyond a doubt that next time she caught a human she would not hesitate to feed. And what of the young growing in her abdomen, if she gave birth what would happen to the world? Would there be any defense against a plague of prolifically breeding insects like a cockroach, only one the size of a pony or larger that ate living prey? Even though she still felt something akin to love for her unborn young, she also knew she had once been human and had been given no choice in what had happened to her, and couldn't allow herself to spawn.

She fought to retain her already fading human awareness as she left her nest, it was almost dark out and she needed to do what she had to do before the insect mind reestablished control, somehow she knew she'd never have another chance. She took flight, and flying erratically as her mind battled with itself she finally found what she had looked, and hoped, for. The power substation had a chain link fence around it, but that was no obstacle to something that could fly. Just before she slammed into the transformers she gave a high pitched chittering sound, and her last thought; even as she felt joy and relief the horror was over, was 'My babies!" before thousands of volts of electricity fried her body into an unrecognizable mass of burnt and charred chunks of unidentifiable flesh as her body exploded. When the repair crew arrived a short time later they assumed a large animal had somehow gotten over the fence, and scrapped the gooey mess into a trash bag which would soon end up in the dump.

Sometimes the sacrifice of one goes unnoticed in the scheme of things, and no one would ever know what happened to a rather plain woman named Betty, but her sacrifice was in vain as Hell always has a back-up plan.

Steve lay on his bed gasping and moaning, holding his swelling stomach. He'd had a stomachache for a few days, it would get worse, and then he'd feel better for awhile. He figured he'd gotten a bad burger or something, and had called in sick the last couple of days. But when his stomach started swelling a couple of hours ago he got scared, but the pain was too debilitating for him to get out of bed and call for help. Any attempt to get up only made it worse and he was vomiting blood now, and his stomach kept swelling until it looked like he was pregnant; and it rippled and churned almost like there was something inside of it, little bumps pressing out.

He held his still swelling stomach, it was too large to for him to wrap his arms all the way around it now, and then screamed as it suddenly began to split and release the ravenous larvae that had hatched from the eggs Betty had deposited in his stomach through her proboscis, and as his stomach burst it released a huge mass of writhing maggot like worms. He passed out from the pain and horror, and mercifully didn't live much longer as the larvae kept feeding on their 'host'. The hundreds of grub like worms feasted until little remained other then glistening bones, and then slowly stopped moving as their soft skin hardened. Later that night they began to hatch, fully formed beautiful green and red butterfly's shedding their husks, their wings unfolding and pumping as they filled and formed. Then with soft flutters of their fragile seeming wings they flew around the room until the last one had emerged, and finding an open window flew into the night and scattered. A storm front moving in spread them far and wide with its strong winds, and the world would never be the same.

The End


Menagerie, Chapter 1

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!! This is another short series that ties in to the longer 'The Seeker'...

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Bigger Isn't Always Better

My stories are copyrighted, so NO...

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