Robbery Gone Right

Story by veilunlifted on SoFurry

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Three career criminals, an ex GSG-9 operator, Krauser, a lockpicking and demolitons, nervous snow leopard, Spot, and their charismatic, ruthless rabbit leader Black, are on a nationwide crime spree, robbing and laying low repeatedly.

When Black is informed a lottery winner will be taking his winnings in cash at a bank close to their location, much to the dismay of his partners, he orders the job, and they move in to snag the cash for themselves.

Finding himself in a bit of a predicament with an officer of the city police however, Black will need to think quickly to get out of this situation, however that's Black's specialty, and his well spoken tongue has more uses than just threatening hostages...

This one was just a purely "I like this idea and I'm going with it." I have no real idea why I wanted to mix a bank robbery with yiffy work, but hey, I did it, and hopefully you enjoy it.

Happy criminal fapping,

VeilPosted using PostyBirb

"You sure about this Black?" Asked the clearly nervous Leopard, as he adjusted the tie that hung from his dress shirt "Seems like it's risky as fuck." He'd been on plenty of jobs, this was nothing new, but his friend, Black, the rabbit in charge, never was this reckless, a broad daylight bank job? fucking crazy. "You're doubting me now, spot, really?" Black replied, his blue furred hands loading his semi automatic nine millimeter, his eyebrow raised. "Trust the boss, works every time." Said a German Shepherd, walking into the room through the door behind them, a musty lit cigar hanging from his lips.

This crew of three criminals had been on a nationwide spree of thefts, holdups, even one time to prove a point, Black, the charismatic blue rabbit, Spot, the demolitions and lockpicking specialist white snow leopard and Krauser, the ex GSG-9 German Shepherd, had held up a candy shop, to indeed, take candy from babies. This one however, was a mixup of ideals, Black had come into knowledge through a connection that a bank withdrawal was being made today, some lucky ass lottery winner, no doubt with a few armed guards, was going to take his check to the bank, and cash it out, what a moron. "Yeah, I just, feel like we might be outgunned..." Spot replied, a disgruntled growl leaving Krauser's lips in reply. "Trust, the boss." He said, reaching down onto the table near the door, lifting his shotgun, and pumping a shell into the chamber.

Black simply chuckled and holstered his handgun, looking up at the two as he stood up, shrugging his shoulders. "It's a million plus in cash, if you two want to stay home and whack eachother off instead, be my guest, as for me, I'm getting in the car, and getting my score." He said, walking briskly to the door, and out of the hotel room. "Well, fuck it, fine, but when we're in a cell don't say I didn't warn you Black, this shit's plain stupid..." Spot said, following behind, Krauser walking with his shotgun openly on his shoulder, silently. "We'll see..." Black responded, getting into the back seat of the black sedan, Krauser in the driver's seat, and Spot in passenger.

The three rode toward the downtown area where the bank resided, it was three o clock in the afternoon and no doubt press, cops, and general public would be around, if they knew about this arrogant lottery winner, so did others, but Black wasn't detoured and the gang would not look past that, Krauser turned on the radio, blaring German Electro, when Spot went to turn the radio down, he bared his teeth and growled loud enough that it was heard over the bass, making Black laugh intently. "That'll teach you, keep going, pup." Black said, knowing that while Krauser was a large canine, he still enjoyed the nickname.

The vibrating sedan rolled into a parking space, and much to Spot's surprise, the bank was relatively dead, a few reporters and a singular police car, two cops standing outside of it carelessly on their phones, and a few civvies standing inside in line. "See, fucking clockwork." Black said, pulling a pair of rubber gloves over his paws, smirking. "Yeah sure, till we get in and the SWAT team's making a deposit." Spot said, sighing as he reached into his satchel, retrieving his black ski mask. "Ja, then we will have more target practicing." Krauser said as he killed the engine of the car, gripping his shotgun which he had kept in his lap the entire ride. "Now now pup, no killing unless reason arises, you know the rules, now, shall we gentlemen?" Black said, exiting the vehicle.

These jobs always went the same, Black loved the attention, the blue rabbit was like a modern day Clyde, and had no desire to cover his handsome face during jobs, but Spot had no intention of being Bonnie, he would always wear a mask, Krauser however wore a simple camouflage bandana over his muzzle when working. Krauser and Spot exited the vehicle, the Shepherd tying his bandana and unslinging his shotgun, walking toward the only police car, Black nodding his head as he pointed toward the cops, and walked toward the reporters, and Spot held his mask tightly, waiting for the go-ahead.

"Let's do it, boys." Black said, and with one snap of his leatherclad fingers, Krauser flipped the safety off and lined his shotgun's barrel directly at the two officers. "H HEY!" One cop said, his paw reaching for his glock, his eyes wide in fear. "Do you have family?, would they approve of du toten?" Krauser asked, giving the two officers a death stare. The cops simply looked at eachother in fear, one otter, one fox, their hands going from their belts to above their heads, to their knees, and each of them, being dealt a swift whack from the walnut stock of Krauser's shotgun, rendering them unconscious.

"I hear freedom of the press isn't worth dying over, I'm Black Rabbit, *the* Black Rabbit, take a picture, then take a hike, or take a bullet." Black said, unholstering his handgun, and firing a shot in the air, the paparazzi quickly doing exactly what Black asked, in order, a few shutters flying off as they ran. "God can I get my fucking mask on next time?" Spot asked annoyed as he slid the black fabric over his head.

"Why hide all that beauty, now, get your guns out and get in there." Black replied, walking brazenly to the glass doors of the bank's lobby.

The crowd inside had already been nervous from the gunshot outside, a teller had already tripped the silent alarm, but none of this detoured the crew, as Black kicked the door open and began his typical speech. "Ladies and gents, this is a robbery, we're here to rob the lottery, and by default, the FDIC, not you, so just keep your heads down and let u-" Black said, interrupted by the thunderclap of a large caliber handgun behind him. "Sveinhunt!" Krauser exclaimed, returning fire with a shotgun blast, a slug entering the chest of the security guard that fired the revolver shot at Black, dispatching him instantly. "Alright, have it your way, Money or blood, I want one or the other." Black said, reaching behind him drawing another handgun, aiming into the crowd of cowering furs."

One fur, a weasel, how ironic, stood up wearing a flashy business suit, clearly the winner they were looking for. "Don't hurt anyone, it's y yours okay?!" The Weasel pleaded. "You want death, you move." Krauser said, keeping the bead of his shotgun on the Weasel as he walked slowly toward him. "Don't mind my friend, what's your name." Black asked, keeping one handgun on the crowd, the other focused on the Weasel. " name's Benson" The Weasel replied, bingo, the name's a match. "Alrighty Benson, I'm Black, you may of knew that already, Hey teller!, gonna open that gate up before I have to make Benson the richest dead guy in the city?" Black said smiling coyly toward the teller, who complied immediately, the gate buzzing as Spot shoved it open.

"Where are you ta taking me?!" Benson asked Black as he was guided through the gate into the vault, the cold steel of Black's handgun on the back of his neck. Black remained quiet as he nodded to Krauser, knowing this meant to keep an eye on the crowd, he walked back out to the lobby, his shotgun firmly held to the crowd, as Spot sighed following alongside. "Oh teller, open the box." Black said, motioning toward a large crate, already sat upon the table, looks like they had arrived just as the money was being withdrawn. The female tabby cat complied, nervously unlocking the case. "Thank you, now kindly fuck off into the company of my canine counterpart." Black said, holstering one handgun, keeping the other trained on Benson.

"Fill it." Black said, handing Benson a nylon bag he had tucked under his suitcoat, Benson nodding and filling the bag with as many 100$ billstacks as he could, Black tapping his shoe on the ground, his ears perking up loudly as he heard sirens approaching in the distance. "Well, that's a shame, looks like we're going for a ride, you don't mind cars do you Benny?" Black said, placing his hand on the bag, taking what he can is better than taking the rap, as he led the shaking weasel out of the vault and into the lobby. "Polizei, boss, we should proceed with leaving." Krauser said, backing away toward the back of the building with Spot, Black, and Benson. "I concur." Black said, kicking the fire escape open, and walking out into the back alley.

The sirens grew louder, as the fire door shut behind them, the four in a corridor with an alley on either side, Black stopping for a moment and thinking. "Krauser, give Benson your sidearm." Black ordered, drawing his other handgun again and shoving Benson away from him. Krauser obediently tossed his Luger to Benson and pumped his shotgun at his hip, the barrel on Benson's chest "Run."

"We need a few men on either side of the exits, wo- woah FREEZE!" Said a cop, drawing his handgun on the gun toting Benson, who dropped the gun immediately and held his hands up. The diversion was just what they needed, as usual, Spot would take the money and run, Krauser would defend the leopard, and Black would sneak his way off to a nearby store, set off a diversion by firing a few rounds, and meet up with the others back at the hotel, all clear, all clockwork. The rabbit ran down the opposite alley as his partners ran the other, slipping around a corner, and vaulting over a railing, down onto a lower level of the street, and as he turned another corner, his heart sank.

"S Stop!" Said a Golden Retriever police officer, his hands gripped tightly onto his weapon and a bead of sweat ran down his fur. "Look, fuzz, normally you'd be dead by now, but my boys already went the other way." Black replied, lifting his hands slowly. "P Put your hands behind your head." The dog said, taking a step toward Black, and before he could react, Black flicked his wrists downward, both of his handguns drawn, barrels matching barrel. "Why don't you?"

The cop flinched, but didn't fire, fear ensnared him, his tail fully between his legs as he kept a firm grip on his weapon, yet his whimper was sign enough to Black, this happened sometimes, that good old emotion, guilt, and man did Black hate it. "You fire one shot, I fire two, let's do the math puppy." Black said, his fingers firmly on the triggers, the cop's not moving either. "I...I might hit your head first." The Cop replied. "You very well may, but I may hit your nuts *and* your head first, is that a gamble we wish to take, lower your pistol, and I'll lower mine." The charismatic rabbit said, somehow, succeeding, the officer slowly lowering his sights, to which Black did the same.

"What's your name, puppy?" Asked Black, holstering one handgun, walking slowly toward the uniformed Retriever. "M- Mike" The dog replied, nervously, his hand holstering his sidearm. "Alright Mike, how about I make you a deal." Black said, slowly removing his leather gloves after holstering his other gun. "You kill that radio and give me five minutes, and I'll give you a stack of cash, and a reason not to call what you've seen in, what do you say?"

The cop was alone in this back alley with no backup and a nationally recognized career criminal, hell he was just a beat cop on a routine walking patrol and heard a gunshot, he wasn't even under command for the bank response, and thirty grand a year is not worth dying over, so he listened to the rabbit. "Alright..."

With a coy grin, Black reached over, placing his hand on the shoulder of the retriever, gently leading him to a brick wall nearby, smiling the entire time as his other hand slid down the officer's chest. "See, my friend has the money, so that'll have to wait, but as for the other reason, did I tell you I adore canines?" What the hell was happening, one minute he was about to die at Black's hand, now that hand is caressing him so warmly, so affectionately, Mike was straight, he had never even thought of a male fur in such a way, how is this happening.

"You...Didn't." Mike replied, his breath going from heavy in fear, to heavy in arousal, the soft rabbit's hand arriving between his legs, cupping over the dog's sheath through his blue pants. "I think I'd sooner prove it, would you like that Mike, better than the alternative." Black said, sliding down onto his knees, his fingers undoing the police belt, his gun, radio, and equipment dropping to the ground with metallic clinks, as the rabbit undid the dog's pants. "I...I think I will..." Mike replied, unable to contain himself, or resist his cock's hardening out of his golden sheath.

Black smiled up at him, his soft hand wrapping around the erect canine cock, his tongue licking over the swelling length, his free hand cupping the canine's balls, his words making way for warm aroused murrs as he began to lick over the length. "F- Fuccck..." Mike muttered, his paws gripping the brick wall, his length fully erecting to nearly eleven inches into Black's working hands and tongue. "Big, Krauser wouldd be quite jealous." Black commented, before filling his mouth with as much of the retriever's cock as he could, his throat flexing around the confused cop's length. "K Krauser?" Asked Mike, although not focused too much on the name as he was the blue furred rabbit enjoying his cock.

Black began to bob his head, his tongue swirling over the fleshy length of Mike, his precum oozing into Black's mouth only making him slurp harder, his paw knowing just how to work his balls, his tongue a wonder, no woman had ever given this great of oral to him before, it was equal parts the best, and terrifying, but the pleasure was worth the fear. "Mmmph, God that's, amazing..." Mike said between heavy panting breaths, his tail wagging slowly, his tongue falling out in pleasure. Black just winked as he looked up into the officer's eyes, his throat relaxing as he pushed deeply onto his cock, allowing the thick red knot to press it's way past his lips, groaning as the knot being slurped in caused a nice jet of precum to spurt into Black's throat, swallowing eagerly.

Mike's resistance was dead, this felt way too good, as he began to thrust into Black's mouth, at first a bit nervous as to what his reaction would be, relieved when the rabbit simply pointed to his long blue ears, grinning, Mike took them in his hand and tugged lightly, Black moaned and vibrated his cock in his mouth, this made Mike bark out in pleasure. Black looked up at the cop, bobbing his head more intensely, working his tongue and throat as best he could, the both of them forgetting they were cop and criminal, and in this moment, they were dom and sub, Black needed that thick canine load, and Mike needed release.

"I'm gonna finish...fuck...get ready!" Mike pleaded, his grip tightening, his knot pulsing warmly and roughly as he thrusted into Black's eagerly slurping mouth, the rabbit replying by cupping his balls in both soft hands, fondling them to coax the orgasm. Mike whimpered out loudly as his cock began to spasm in Black's mouth, his tip jetting creamy retriever seed down the rabbit's throat, pulling back as some sprayed out onto the eagerly awaiting, swallowing rabbit's face, his ears being let go of as Black caught every rope of the dog's cum on his face and tongue. "That's right, give it to me puppy." Black said, albeit muffled due to the messy ropes he was receiving over his face.

Mike gripped his rod, stroking tightly and quickly milking the last few droplets of cum from his twitching red rocket, panting and whining, as Black stood up slowly, grinning widely as the dog's seed began matting into his fur. "This is always my least favorite part, but hey, you were fucking amazing, Mike." Black said, drawing his handgun, and gripping it by the barrel, winding his hand back, and swinging his gun forward into Mike's forehead.

The last thing Mike remembered before waking up in his hospital bed, was fading in and out of consciousness, feeling his belt being rebuckled, and his wallet being taken.

"Ah, Mikey boy, you're awake!" said a voice as the retriever opened his eyes, the light of the hospital room blinding as he let his eyes focus. In his vision, on a chair across from his bed, sat a leopard, he had never met before, he was filled with nervousness as he slowly sat up. "Do I know you?" Asked Mike, the Leopard simply sighing as he stood up, a black gift box, wrapped in a blue bow in his hand. "No, and I'd like to keep it that way, but you do know a friend of mine, he said he owed you uhhh, the first part of your deal?" The Leopard said, placing the box on the hospital table in front of Mike, and turning away without another word, walking out the door. Mike remembered most of what got him in this bed, and wasted no time opening the package, inside of the box, was a large stack of 100$ bills, and a well handwritten note.

"Hey there K-9 unit, here's hoping the money's enough to pay for your head bump, and for my forgiveness, I'd not run off and tell anyone about your friend Black's donation to your retirement fund now though, accepting a bribe can really fuck your career up, but if you can keep it between us, enjoy it, we both know I sure did...

Sincerely, Black Rabbit."

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