Claiming Dominion

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art/Raven - angellsview3

Writing/Ceylon - runa216

Jay - Jaikonran

Neera - Dryftwood62

Rokanoss - Rokanoss

Spike - shade1

In this story, Ceylon the Gryphon finds out the hard way that if he wants to pass through the Valley in the Forest of Flowers, he'll have to go through Raven one way or another! This not only involves having to think of a way to please her, but also a way to please the dragons that offer her the gemstone she needs!

Unlike FA and InkBunny, SoFurry gets the whole story instead of just the first two chapters!

Visit my Patreon to get the full E-book when it's released at the end of the month:


Claiming Dominion

It was a crisp autumn day in the forest of flowers when Ceylon ran afoul of a local mare that blocked her path. The leaves on the trees were a warm shade of red with hints of orange and yellow along their edges while the grass remained green as a stark contrast. The final flowers of the season bloomed the last time before curling up for the winter, their stems shrinking and retreating to the soil. Though the region was rarely blanketed with snow, winter still brought upon hibernation of its flora.

Ceylon was travelling by foot en route to her home due to the chilly winds that battered the forest of flowers. The black and white gryphoness was technically capable of taking flight and gliding past the treetops with relative ease but she hated trying to flap against the wind. Few things were more exhausting than wasting energy fighting against the elements when the skies resisted her. Furthermore, the chill in the air could have brought about the faintest hints of ice crystals on her wing tips and that could have spelled doom if she dared fly too high.

As a result of this, she chose to keep to the ground, saunter through the forest, and pause to sniff the flowers along the way. She wasn't entirely unfamiliar of the region - at least from the skies - so she was confident that she would be able to navigate the forest with ease. She knew the landmarks, she recognized the cliffs and the escarpment and the creeks that dotted and lined the region, so she knew exactly what route would take her through the valley and into her home where she expected to be greeted by her mate, a massive naga named Leera.

Leera was hibernating already but could be woken by the arrival of Ceylon since the gryphon's presence meant there was much free warmth to be had. As a saurossin naga she was cold-blooded and often went out of her way to steal much from Ceylon, since as a gryphon Ceylon was warm blooded and even hotter than most bipeds due to the feathers that lined her upper torso.

The thought of having that snake partner of hers lunch forth from the deepest depths of their cave home to greet her made Ceylon flush with delight as she trotted down the path between the trees, tail raised high and wings partially spread to buoy herself at the apex of every jaunty hop that took her from flower to flower. While the chill in the air and the whistling of the wind above the treetops kept the gryphoness from chirping in delight - it was very hard to maneuver her tongue for the vocalization when it was both windy and chilly - that didn't stop her from contentedly rumbling to herself.

Much of that morning passed her by without much in the way of distractions. She climbed trees to get a better vantage point in order to identify her location every half hour or so and rarely found herself in a position to question her navigational skills. Gryphons and horses were both known for their ability to maintain an internal compass even in the face of bad weather, yet Ceylon wasn't in a hurry and had no real concerns about when she got home so she took some time to occupy herself while also maintaining a tight grip on her surroundings.

Just before noon she came across a creek that cut the Forest of Flowers in half, showing her that she was more than halfway to her destination. The city she had come from was on the western side of the forest and her cave was on the eastern side.

Much of the creek was lined on the eastern shore by tall cliffs and underbrush so thick that Ceylon had no desire to fight with it; the last thing she needed was to have brambles and thorns tear her wing feathers up or pluck clumps of fur from her haunches. She could have climbed the cliff if she chose to go that route but it would have drained her energy and by that point she might as well have just took to the skies. No point in wasting energy or risking the health of her feathers, so she opted to focus on an alternate path past the creek.

South of her was the only valley that ran through to the eastern half of the Forest of Flowers, a clearing that had a small field between the shores of the creek and the treeline. If Ceylon made it there she could hop the creek with ease and be on her way. At least, that's what she hoped. In reality, she was unaware of a local, territorial mare by the name of Raven, a mottled equine with attitude to spare.

Raven protected that valley from predators and any unwanted passerby, serving both as a gate keeper for the eastern half of the Forest of Flowers and the dominant force that took the territory as her own. This was her home, and she was known by many locals to protect it with her life.

Ceylon had seen Raven in the area many times in the past when she flew by overhead but by some cosmic act of irony had never landed to greet her or asked the locals about it. As far as Ceylon was concerned, Raven was just a lone mare protecting the territory she called her own, not the sassy, sentient mare that had no patience for outsiders using her territory to go places without her permission.

So when Ceylon sauntered down to the stretch of the creek that wasn't lined by thick underbrush or tall cliffs, she didn't think twice about squatting down and spreading her legs as she prepared to leap across the body of water to the slate-rock lined opposite shore of it. In the split second before she went to pounce, a voice came booming from beyond the treeline, throwing her off balance and making her land with her front talons in the chilly water.

"Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?" Raven sneered as she stepped out from behind a tall, red and green bush. The mottle, ashen mare kept her head held high as she sauntered to the opposite shore, tossing her mane and flicking her ears to show her irritation. "I do not know you and I have not been asked for permission to cross, so could you explain yourself?" Her voice was upset but commanding at the same time, demanding Ceylon answer honestly.

"Oh, sorry about that! I didn't know this part of the forest was off limits." Ceylon apologized as she rubbed her wet talons off on the grass. "I was just travelling through here to get to my home; had quite the time in town but the winds are-"

Raven cut Ceylon off by stomping one of her hooves. "You didn't answer my question, bird. What are you doing? Explain yourself!" Her voice was even more intense than before.

Ceylon narrowed her eyes as her ears pressed to her skull. The mare's aggression had triggered a defensive response deep inside her, one that made her more competitive and stubbourn than she might have been otherwise. The gryphoness - who was rather small compared to the full size mare that blocked her path - had no initial intentions of stoking flames or getting into any fights, yet Raven's instantly combative stance and accusatory demands had put her on edge.

"I was trying to explain." Ceylon hissed through a clenched beak. "I was planning on hopping this here creek en route to my cave on the eastern edge of the Forest of Flowers. I might ask you what you think you're doing here trying to stop me." Her tone was equally aggressive, like she was threatening the mare for daring to stand in her way.

Both Raven and Ceylon were known to be their own brand of stubbourn. Ceylon was persuasive to the point she could negotiate her way out of a blizzard by asking the snow to step aside while Raven had a reputation for refusing to budge once she dug her hooves in and stood her ground. In many ways, an unfortunate encounter between the two could have been likened to an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.

Raven tossed her mane again and took a few more steps towards the east shore of the creek, her hooves on the wet rock as the water bubbled and flowed between them. "And what makes you think you have earned that right?"

"Who said anything about earning the right to pass through the valley in the Forest of Flowers? Last I checked, the wilds of this great nation were free for anyone to explore and I've not heard any laws of having to pay a toll to cross, so step aside and I'd be glad to move on without further complications. Do you concur?" Ceylon matched Raven's motions so that her own front talons were pressed down on the rock on her side of the creek. She was still upset about this sudden interruption in her otherwise pristine morning but was softening a bit in an attempt to be diplomatic.

But Raven was having none if it.

"I do not concur, gryphon. I know your kind, I know what gryphons do to horses. I would be a fool to trust you and you would be an even bigger fool to assume I'm stupid enough to believe you. I will not step aside to let you ransack my land, I will not concede my territory, and you will turn your feathered rump around and return from whence you came." Her voice remained intense, booming with increased anger as she spoke each word; it was clear she was not going to budge.

The problem for Ceylon was that the gryphon didn't really feel she needed to ask permission to pass through. As she had stated, the region was free for any and all to trek across and through; therefore Ceylon was not obligated to seek approval before making a decision. Not only could she happily spread her wings and glide over the valley if she wanted to, the reality was that gryphons were often predators of equines; that was what raven was referring to by saying she 'knew what gryphons did to horses'.

Ceylon was not the type to give up or take the easy way out. She could have bypassed all of this and was quite upset that the mare was so stubbourn about not letting her pass, but it didn't take long for her mind to assess the situation as less of a roadblock and more of a puzzle to solve. Ceylon could attack her and probably even kill and eat the mare if she wanted, but she didn't want that. Of all the options laid bare before her - be it flight, violence, or simply taking another route through the Forest of Flowers, the most appealing option was to negotiate and to convince Raven to let her through.

She was, after all, a problem solver who felt great pride in her ability to get what she wanted.

With this shift in tone and intent, Ceylon sat contentedly on the western shore of the creek and preened her wing feathers in a display of nonviolence. She needed to get the idea across that she wasn't in the mood to argue or fight and the best way to do so would be to act casual and nonthreatening. "I see you're quite protective of this land. Tell me, my equine friend, what has made you so hesitant to allow me to pass? Why do you feel the need to be angry about my mere presence?"

This inquiry seemed to throw Raven off guard. She parted her lips to speak but then narrowed her eyes and flattened her ears to the back of her skull. "Don't try to psychoanalyze me, gryphon!"

"My name is Ceylon, if you were curious." She explained, doing her best to smile.

"I wasn't, but I suppose that's good to know. Ceylon, why is it so important that you invade my territory and insult my people? Why are you so adamant about tainting this land with your feathered body when you could be flying the skies; isn't one dominion enough? You winged beasts have the skies, let my kind have the land."

Ceylon took note of this particular use of words, picking up on the subtleties of the mare's tone in the process. She decided it was best to be as honest as she could, assuming Raven to be amenable to that sort of back-and-forth. "I see, I see. Well, if I'm being honest with you, I cannot effectively fly in this weather, not for extended periods of time. The wind and the chill stiffen my feathers and force me to expend far more time and effort and energy than I would in the summer skies. I would hop above the treetops to glide but the Forest of Feathers is quite dense and it would make any attempts to fly over it a test of endurance; I'd be forced to stay in flight for more than an hour straight and I'd rather not."

"And you chose to invade upon the sovereignty of my territory as an alternative to spending a little extra effort to avoid confrontation? Such typical, arrogant gryphon behaviour." Raven spat back.

"No, no. Nothing like that. But the Forest of Flowers is such a nice place I wanted to enjoy every moment of it. I could have travelled south or north of the bush and past the mountains if I wanted to take the long way around but I truly felt that it would not be as pleasant a time. And look what happened! I got to meet you! A pleasant mare who clearly cares about her land; what was your name, again? I didn't catch it upon our introductions."

Once again this caught Raven by surprise. The sudden shift in tone made her shake her head and mane, grunting and snorting to herself as she began to pace. "I didn't give you my name, gryphon."

"Ceylon." She corrected the mare. "I've given you my name, I'd appreciate it if you used it."

"Fine, Ceylon. I am Raven and this is my valley. I have claimed this territory for myself and I do not appreciate arrogant avians - or any cocky beasts - invading my land. You will find no solace in this region so you should turn around and go back to town; if you wish for compassion, pay a-" She stopped before finishing her thought, having noticed that Ceylon was staring intently at her. "And now you disrespect me by giving me that glare? I'd have the right mind to kick you for that."

This accusation made Ceylon shake her head as she pulled her mind out of its analytical state. She had been trying her best to piece together the puzzle that was Raven before making another statement. "Raven, my dear mare friend, I fear you might have the wrong idea about gryphons." She started, then began pacing up and down the western shore of the creek. "We're certainly not out to prey upon your kind. Maybe once many long years ago our species may have been enemies, but things have changed. Sure, gryphons are predators and we do require a lot of food, but do you forget about hippogryphs? Our kind can be the worst of enemies, sure, but we can also be the best of friends."

Raven grunted. "Are you think you can appease me with tales of lust?"

"No, no. I wasn't going that direction at all. I'm a gryphon-mare, same as you." Ceylon clarified as she turned and lifted her tail to show her thick, equine-like vulva. In the cities or among bipeds this display would have been crass and rude but among quadrupeds it was no different than exposing the shoulder to show an appealing feather pattern or fur coloration. "I'd have nothing to offer you in regards to intimacy. However, I feel that it's important to establish that we're not enemies. We don't have to be, anyway; we could be friends and allies."

"In what way do you feel we could be friends? We've known of one another for mere minutes and the only interaction we've had is that of an invader and a defender of my territory. How is it that you could feel we're not enemies?" Now both Raven and Ceylon were pacing up and down their respective banks of the creek, sizing each other up while trying to maintain their conversation.

It was only a few seconds before Ceylon knew what to say. "Simple, really. You seem to have this gross misunderstanding of my intentions and that is painting your impression of me in a poor light. I don't claim to know what might have happened to you in the past and I don't dare presume what may be influencing your opinion on gryphons in general but I can assure you I'm not here to steal or insult. I didn't even know you laid claim to this territory before now so I certainly had no plans on having to negotiate my way through a region I thought to be free for all to enjoy. Plus, as we've established, I'm a gryphon and therefore a predator; you and I both know that if I came here with malice in my heart I could easily have subdued you by now. I could be feasting on your flesh if I wanted, but I don't."

Such a bold statement was a bit of a gambit for Ceylon. She wasn't sure how the mare would react, since it seemed equally as likely she saw it as a show of faith or a threat. While it was clear - at least to Ceylon - that no harm was intended and it was not meant as a threat, that didn't mean the mare would have seen it that way.

A moment passed where both participants stared each other down while deciding what to say or do next. Raven wasn't stupid and she could tell Ceylon wasn't intending to come across as threatening but by this point she really had to dig her hooves in and stay strong. If she gave in and let the gryphon walk by her she would seem weak and have her pride metaphorically trampled on; however, at the same time, she was starting to find Ceylon's persistence charming even if she didn't want to admit it.

Rather than respond with violence or righteous indignation, Raven simply took in a long breath and stared Ceylon right in the eyes. "I think you should leave, now." She simply stated.

"I'm sorry you feel that way." Ceylon conceded. "Would it help if I came back with an offer of peace? Some sort of gift that proved I wasn't here to bring dishonour or disrespect?"

Raven didn't say another word. She just turned and walked away while deliberately swaying her hips from side to side, tail flicking her sides. The intention was to swagger and show her confidence in turning her back to Ceylon but it had the opposite effect. As she flicked her tail to the side, her vulva winked and her clit folded out to show the pink of her insides glistening in desire. This was not something she did on purpose but Ceylon's keen eyes saw every bead of fluid and fold of flesh.

That brief instant painted the scene in a whole new light for Ceylon, who was able to quickly realize that Raven might have been territorial and stubbourn because she was in heat. It was that time of year and Ceylon had a bit of mare in her as well so she knew better than most just how strong-willed a mare can be when estrus came knocking. Seconds later she even smelled the faintest whiff of equine pheromones tickling her nares, further affirming her theory.

She didn't outright acknowledge this but did call out to Raven in the last seconds before the mare disappeared into the underbrush of the Forest of Flowers on the opposite side of the creek. "I'll be back this afternoon with a gift. I hope you'll meet me here before sundown to accept it!" Without saying another word, Ceylon turned and headed west towards the city as she began brainstorming a dozen potential offerings that she could give Raven.

At the same time, Raven stomped her hoof and shook her head as she realized - perhaps a bit too late - that was was being a little too harsh on the gryphon. Living alone in the Forest of Flowers had hardened her in ways she wasn't prepared to handle and it had affected her ability to make new friends. All she wanted was for passerby to prove that they were worth her respect before letting them head through but her pride had coaxed her into a defensive mindset.

Internally, she hoped Ceylon kept true to her word and came back a second time; if the gryphon returned it would prove that she was willing to put in the time and effort and might actually be worth Raven's respect. If nothing else, it would give Raven an opportunity to show her compassion to compliment her occasionally cold exterior.

Both Ceylon and Raven parted ways, leaving the babbling of the brook behind them as they each approached the next step in their own unique ways. Ceylon intended to appease the mare while Raven was planning on testing the gryphon. Either way, they had quite the afternoon ahead of them.

Raven spent the next hour or so pacing around the meadow that she called her home while running over the encounter with Ceylon in her mind. Was she too harsh? Was she not strict enough? Had the gryphon seen her vulva wink when she went to walk away? Was Ceylon actually going to come back? If so, what sort of peace offering could the avian bring to an equine's place of peace? All these questions and more darted through her subconscious as she struggled to not panic.

She may have been stern and strong-willed, but Raven was also desperate for friendship. In her mind - one tempered over many years of living in the harsh wilderness of the east Forest of Flowers - she needed to test any and all who crossed her path. It wasn't enough to just accept that some people were kind and honourable, she needed others to prove it. They needed to earn her respect one way or another and she wouldn't accept anything less than that.

Of course, this meant that she was often alone and rarely made new friends but it also meant that the few friends who were there for her were the best friends a mare could ask for. In fact, she was expecting two of her closest friends to be showing up to visit, both from the eastern village just beyond the valley and the Forest of Flowers.

Jaikonran - more cordially known as Jay - was a half-roo, half dragon of diminutive stature who happened to be one of the best when it came to deep tissue massage. He, unlike most when it came to touching a lady's body, was cordial and didn't often let his feral side take over. Not only was he well-spoken, intelligent, and polite, but he also had a gentleness that few males had; as a result he was in a very small pool of drakes and studs who's company Raven enjoyed outside of occasional rutting.

Her other friend - Neera - was a biped mare who ran a tavern in town. She had been friends with Raven for many years after Raven found her browsing her meadow in search of the prettiest flowers. Neera was a lover of nature and was diplomatic beyond measure; her reserved behaviour and persistence to befriend Raven had worked better than most and since then the two had grown to be quite close due to their mutual love for the Forest of Flowers and their mutual respect for each other.

Both of these friends of hers came to visit often and regularly filled the role of therapist every time some fool made the mistake of intruding upon Raven's territory. If nothing else, the mare needed to vent her frustrations and few were better at doing so than Jay and Neera. Luckily, both had planned on visiting that evening and were travelling together, so when they arrived at the edges of Raven's meadow, they saw she was pacing and immediately switched to therapist mode.

Neera had already gathered a bundle of flowers from the approved list of species, so she held them in close and made a show of approaching the agitated mare that lived in the meadow. "Raven, darling, everything alright?" She reached out with a single flower and a smile.

Raven turned to her and grunted in anger, ears flattened to the back of her skull. "No!"

Jay raised his hands to her, as if to calm her. "Whoa there, girl, we're just here to enjoy some tea and chat! No need to be angry with us. What has you upset? It's not often you're outright angry."

Though it might have been offensive to treat her like that - the same way a rancher would calm a rearing stallion - the soft words of Jay and Neera worked together to calm her. The reassurance that they were her friends and on her side no matter what allowed her to shake her mane, releasing any negative thoughts that stirred in the back of her mind. They were still there, but no longer clinging to the forefront of her emotions. Once she was satisfied with her altered mind, she smiled at her friends. "Nothing big, I don't think. Just some foolish gryphon trying to invade my property en route to the eastern edge of the forest. Thinks she can just walk through without asking permission first."

Neera and Jay paused to glance at each other, with Neera stepping forward to inquire. "Was this by chance a black and white gryphoness by the name of Ceylon? Pretty small, has some golden brown patches on her neck plumage?"

"Yes, how did you know?" Raven counted, head cocked to the side with one ear drooped. Her tail swished and pumped as she shifted her weight, somewhat agitated by Neera's quick response.

It was Jay who filled in the blanks. "We met her on our way here, and I've seen her in the past. She's a really sweet girl, actually. Kinda shocked she didn't manage to convince you to let her pass; she's always been very persuasive." He laughed to himself, rubbing his balled up fist. "Then again, it doesn't take much to coerce me into a bit of massage therapy."

"What are you on about?" Raven grunted at him. "She was nothing but an arrogant, rude, agg-"

"She's not like that at all, sweetie." Neera interrupted, earning a glare of scorn from Raven. "Based on what she said to us, she just wanted to pass so she could get home and didn't feel safe doing so by wing. She likes you, though."

This threw Raven off. "In what way? I wasn't exactly kind to her."

Jay hopped up on a nearby flower-covered log and got comfortable before answering. "Well, from what I can tell she respects you. She doesn't respect a lot of people and the fact that you stood your ground inspired her to earn your trust and respect in return." He plucked one of the flowers - growing like a mushroom would right out of the bark of the felled trunk - and sniffed it while his muzzle tendrils caressed the petals. "Well, that's what we gathered from what she said to us in passing. She wasn't the most talkative but based on what she said I'm pretty sure that's what she meant."

"She's very reclusive." Neera added. "Which is why you probably shouldn't be so upset by her. If she was allowing herself to deal with your thorny attitude it must have been with good reason."

"What reason could a gryphon have to intrude upon my lands?" Raven snorted. "She has the sky all to herself; the land is for terrestrial folk, ferals, and quads. It's bad enough that those avians used to eat our kind, now they seem content to take our territory as well? She can break a wing for all I care!" It was clear that she was somehow triggered by Ceylon's arrival, upset beyond reason.

Neera - the more compassionate and intuitive of the two guests, picked up on this and quickly pulled out her mini-kettle and custom-made tea bags. "Alright, let's go relax for a bit. Clearly something has got you angry, so let's figure it out and see if we can fix this. I highly doubt this gryphon deserves your rage, no matter how justified it might seem to you." She slipped a single gem into the bottom of the kettle, which quickly heated up and started to boil the water. She then sat it down on the log next to Jay and sat on the opposite side of it with Raven standing tall and proud before them both.

Together all three of them took some time to get to the root of the problem over a blend of hot beverages. Neera enjoyed an herbal tea, Jaikonran had some hot cider, and Raven enjoyed a unique blend of the same tea Neera enjoyed - which was complicated for a quadruped to drink but that didn't stop Neera and Jay from helping her out.

As a result, it wasn't long at all before Raven was able to loosen up and relax a bit. The rage that had filled her upon Ceylon's invasion of her territory never went away but it was dampened a bit the longer she was able to share and vent with her 'girlfriends'. Yes, Jay was a girlfriend of sorts due to his propensity for sensitivity and his inquisitive nature.

It quickly became apparent that the reason Raven found herself so angry about the situation was less about Ceylon herself and more about Raven's history defending her meadow in the valley, but it was made worse by the gryphon's persuasive insistence. This was not the first time an avian had intruded upon her land and it wouldn't be the last. As a quadruped she was fiercely territorial in the first place - something partially beyond her control, especially when in estrus - and over the past few years she had been constantly subjugated by the avian population.

As far as she was concerned, her argument about the birds getting the skies and the horses getting the land were all she needed to explain herself. It was never a problem with hating the flying types of the world, but she felt that if one could fly they shouldn't be also taking the land beneath them. That was why it was so frustrating to her to potentially host a gryphon on her land and escort Ceylon through the valley. She shouldn't have to, and it felt disrespectful to her.

Problem was, Neera was actually on Ceylon's side in this instance.

"Raven, do you understand how cold weather and wind makes flight harder?" She probed in the most tentative way. She wanted to get the point across to Raven that the mare may have been more harsh than needed without making her words sound accusatory. Once she felt comfortable continuing, she did so. "This time of year is quite challenging for avians travelling, especially through mountainous regions like this. The cliffs and valleys funnel the wind currents and amplify the cold at higher altitudes which results in pretty much any attempt at flight a waste of time."

"So?" Raven countered. "That's not my problem, I shouldn't have to give up my land just because some dumb gryphon can't be bothered to adapt to their surroundings."

Jay took a sip of his cider before butting in. "Actually, it's not so much about that, I don't think. From what I know of her, she's not the type to just take and not give back. I have no doubt in my mind that she probably felt terrible when she realized that she may have been intruding."

"What makes you think she didn't know I lived here? Gryphons have amazing eyesight and I'm not exactly the most reclusive type. There's no way she didn't see me out in the fields on her many flights through the valley. No, I have no doubt she deliberately did this as an act of aggre-"

"No." Jay cut her off. "I don't think that's the case at all. I mean, I can't guarantee anything - I'm not a psychic, but I am somewhat empathetic. From what little I got from her when we crossed paths in the Forest of Flowers en route to your meadow, I definitely got the impression she is desperate to prove herself to you. She's dedicated to showing you that she's not doing this with any malice."

This just made Raven grunt in disapproval. "Of course you'd say that."

"Exactly. Maybe you'd do good to listen? I mean, look, Raven, you've known me long enough to know I don't mince words. I say what I mean and mean what I say and I genuinely think that you're being unreasonable here. Even based solely on what you've told us mixed with what I know about you, I'm certain you're overreacting. It just sounds like misfortune on her part and-" He paused to sniff the air, halting his thought before interjecting himself. "Are you in heat?"

Raven pumped her tail down to cover herself, sealing off the scent of her estrus. "What's that got to do with anything? Has no relation to this gryphon's invasion of my home."

Neera casually sipped her tea. "You say that, but you know as well as I do that you get a bit more aggressive this time of year. We may not be of the same form but we're both mares, so I know I can be grumpier and on the defensive when my loins ache with desire. I don't suppose you've mated recently, have you?" She flicked her own tail and grinned with a smug smirk.

This just irritated Raven, to insinuate that her seasonal needs were having such an effect. It was true and she knew it but hearing it come from someone else was aggravating beyond measure.

Before she could speak in protest, Jay hopped down from the log and stepped up to her flank, pressing both hands on her left haunch. She flinched and stepped away, only to have him lean into her.

"What are you doing?" She grunted with her ears laid flat to the back of her skull once more.

"I'm going to relieve some of that tension you've got built up in ya. That's what I was coming to do in the first place, I just figure now that a more localized massage might do you some good. Now stay still a bit and I'll get to work." He tapped her hip, testing to see if she moved. The mare stood her ground so he hopped up onto her back, facing toward her rump end. "That's what I thought. Now relax a bit, I can literally feel the tension in your back muscles."

Raven lowered her head with a blush as she swished her tail once again spreading her scent. It was a feral, almost unconscious action that came with the sensation of having his fingertips pluck and caress her lower back, much like what a stallion might have done with his maw to entice her. Rather than focus or comment on what Jay was doing, she turned back to Neera with a look of defeat. "So this is what you think of me? Touch me just right and I'll melt?"

Neera took another sip of her tea and put it down on the log between her and the gem-powered kettle. "I don't think that, per say, but I do think it's worth a shot. You didn't tell me much, but your body language spoke volumes. It's been a while for you, and I bet that need is building up deep inside. If nothing else, I'm sure a proper bit of tension relief - no matter what form it takes - could do wonders since I know it works well for me."

"So fuck the hate out of me?" Raven grunted as she felt Jay slide down her back.

"I'd not use that terminology, but yes. Basically. Nothing wrong with stress relief, especially if it's with a roogon who, might I remind you, can't impregnate you." She grabbed her mug and tipped it to Raven once more with that smug look still on her face. "Worth a shot, either way. What harm could come of it? I mean, it's better than rubbing yourself on tree bark."

With a blush and a casual glance over to a nearby tree that had its bark peeled off and its soft interior core exposed, Raven realized that she had been caught, her secret revealed. Rather than deny it, she sighed heavily and rolled her eyes, lowering her head again while hoofing the ground in front of her while trying her best to not act too needy or desperate. "Fine. But if I kick you, it's not my fault."

"I can take it." Jay assured her as he started his massage, palms and fingertips kneading at her lower back and plump haunches near the base of her tail. "And if not, well, I'll haunt you forever."

Neera enjoyed another sip as she crossed her legs. "This will be good for you, I'm sure. If not, well orgasms are fun regardless. You win either way; and if you refuse, well I've found myself rather hot and bothered and might steal Jay from you." She then winked and flicked her tail over the other side of the felled, flower-covered tree trunk as she tapped her hoof on a nearby rock.

Raven glared at her, but then immediately relaxed a bit and shuddered a she felt Jay's deep-tissue massage easing its way down her back and over her rump end to tease her upper thighs. He remained on top of her, both legs straddling her back while leaning down and putting all of his weight into every motion. While he wasn't anywhere near her most intimate areas, that didn't stop her from lifting her tail and arching her back in order to best invite him there.

Jay was a consummate gentleman, not diving in at the first chance he got despite how much he loved burying parts of himself in mare partners. What mattered first and foremost to him was that his partners were comfortable and happy and, above all else, capable of handling what he had to offer. There had been instances in the past of he and Raven getting intimate but they weren't all that common considering how stoic and cold she pretended to be. He knew perhaps better than anyone else how soft she was on the inside - both literally and metaphorically.

This day was a day that she needed the stress relief. The season was slowly sealing the life in the forest around her and avians were, presumably, choosing to travel by foot more and more often given the wind currents and the chill in the air. Raven needed warmth and comfort now more than ever. As an empath of sorts, Jay was finely tuned to this reality and was happy to offer his services, especially since he was just as into it as she was. Before long he'd be elbow deep in her and neither would have a problem with that.

Raven made jokes about kicking him, jokes that only worked as jokes because she and both her guests knew that, while she was quite tolerant of anyone who proved themselves to her and was willing to put in the appropriate effort to earn her trust, she still had a reputation for being nasty to those who crossed her; the juxtaposition was to assert that, by being behind her, Jay would cross that line. In reality, Jay was one of the few studs she trusted to lift her tail and not deserve a kick. He was, as she often reminded herself, in it to bring her pleasure more than himself.

That was something that mattered to Raven. With the right partners she was more than happy to help them out in any way possible but she also expected the same in return. Too many males - mostly dragons and stallions - wanted only to use her for their pleasure and then move on. Mares had a reputation for being exceptionally slutty and needy compared to others, especially in heat, and that was something that both Raven and Neera tried to avoid. It was a topic of conversation both had engaged in on multiple occasions so they both knew and understood each other's stance on the matter.

Which made it even more interesting that Neera was so keen on offering Jay to Raven as a sort of peacemaker. Though, on deeper introspection, it wasn't hard to understand that since they were both mares they would be intrinsically linked to one another. They just understood one another and barely felt a need to communicate; if Neera was ornery from her seasonal desires then it stood to reason that Raven might also be subject to those carnal instincts.

In this situation, as well as many others, she was right. That was why Neera was so confident about casually sipping her tea while watching Jay give a thorough and fierce back rub from his position upon her and aimed at her hindquarters. He was very good at what he did, remarkably skilled with his hands without sacrificing any of the tact and compassion he had been known to offer.

All the while, Raven kept her head down and her tail up as her vulva winked, folding outward and revealing her clit to nobody. With Jay on her back and Neera in front of her she knew none could see what she was offering but she also knew that her scent - that which she could not control - would better spread itself and be caught by Jay's nostrils if she winked and swished her tail about.

"I hate that you're right about this, Neera." She growled after a series of juicy, messy clit-winks. "I get that you're just trying to help but there are few things as...embarrassing than realizing that sex is somehow a solution." She felt terrible saying it aloud, but the words acted as a valve that released some of her inner tension and encouraged her to relax more; enough that she felt her loins swell in desire as blood pumped to her lips and her passage worked overtime to lubricate itself.

Jay leaned back to pat her on the neck. "Girl, you should never feel bad about allowing pleasure into your life. If sexual tension is what's causing your grumpiness, then I can't imagine a better way to alleviate that tension than by sharing yourself with someone you trust." He turned back to her haunches and scooted towards her hips, wrapping his fingers around her rump cheeks to part her lips without ever touching her vulva. Doing so coaxed her to tense up her lower back and pull her tail to the side, essentially releasing a cloud of her aroma to his nose.

Neera didn't need to say a single word in response to this. She just bowed her head and offered a toast with her tea before taking another sip and grinning broadly. Slowly, she uncrossed her legs and leaned forward to sniff the air, having sampled the faintest whiff of Raven's arousal. Only then did she feel the need to comment. "Wow, you really are in season, aren't you?"

"Shut up." Raven grunted as she turned her head to avoid eye contact, loins tensing up again as her depths squeezed in place and forced out a dollop of her thick, viscous lubricant over her clit and down between her legs onto the flower-rich grasses beneath her.

Jay tried his best to reach out and catch a bit of the natural fluid before it escaped him but missed. This frustrated him a bit so he hopped off her back to reposition himself up under her tail in order to ensure that he'd catch every bit that escaped her, be it with his hands or his mouth. From there, he focused his hands on squeezing one leg at a time, wrapping fingers and thumbs around her thighs to rub up and down as if he were stroking a dragon's member. This was to bring her pleasure and show his value by focusing on foreplay without just diving in.

Though, with her tail up and legs spread and plump insides exposed to him every time she winked her clit at him, it was hard to not do exactly that. Jay loved few things more than burying himself to the elbow in pussy or rump that could handle his worst. Passionate or not, the reality was that, as far as he was concerned, today her pleasure mattered so much more than his own. That was why he remained clothed even as his cock grew hard and his balls inflated to the size of softballs in anticipation of what might come next.

It wasn't until she shifted her weight and arched her back so that her pussy was practically gaping and opened up above his snout that he felt it might have been time to focus his attention there. However, his desire for balance ensured he didn't do so until he moved to her right leg and gave its upper thigh - both inside and out - the same attention he'd given her left. While he stood there, practically mounting her leg from behind, she winked once more and spurted out a single strand of her arousal that trickled over her clit and flopped out towards him.

Hungry and horny, he gaped his maw to collect it on his tongue. Once he closed his jaws and started rubbing the silken strand of her arousal around the inside of his mouth, he noticed there was a stringy bridge of female ejaculate extended from her lips to his. Still eager for more he sucked it up and lapped at its drooping length until his snout pressed up under her tail, smearing her natural fluids all over his muzzle. When their lips touched, Jay wrapped both his hands around her hips to pull her in for a passionate kiss, one that got his tongue deeply involved in between muscle contractions that practically forced her plump clit onto his tongue.

He sucked and plucked at her flesh with his lips and teeth, careful to not hurt her while also remaining intense and vigorous in every way he knew and understood mares to require. He had done his job by warming her up with a deep and firm massage easing his way from the small of her back and over her haunches to her thighs before getting a taste of her for himself, as any gentleman should. Only then was he confident taking the next step by sliding his hands around her shapely rump and parting her lips, gaping her wide and deep before literally burying his muzzle inside her.

Given their difference in size - with him being relatively short compared to a rather tall Neera and an appropriately sized Raven - his muzzle functioned as a short but thick cock by plunging in and out of her. He paused in between each bob of his head to lap up any of her fluids and swallow them down, eager to not let a single drop of her hit the ground. As a result, he ended up soaked to the point he could barely see but that didn't slow him down; in fact, having the lubricant soaking him through the fur and to the flesh only ensured him less resistance as he used his muzzle to fill and please the mare.

Still in a position of uncharacteristic submission, Raven kept her head down as she struggled to decide who she was going to focus on. With Jay's muzzle parting her lips and tickling her just right she wanted to focus on him, to reward him for warming her up and appropriately focusing on her most intimate region with near clinical precision - she couldn't imagine anyone hitting the right spots and switching things up with much better timing - she also wanted to see what Neera was doing.

When she finally mustered enough of her self control, most of it was lost the moment she gave into Jay's physical attention, she glanced up at Neera to see her biped mare friend had stripped down herself, presumably to join in on the fun.

Neera was still sitting on the log but her legs were parted and her clothes were folded up next to her opposite the kettle. She had one hand back on a ridge of bark for balance while her other hand was buried between her thighs, two fingers slipped into herself, having parted her chestnut folds to tease her equally juicy and plump cherry insides.

"N-Neera, what are you doing?" Raven grunted as she struggled against the pleasure that Jay offered her. She wanted to articulate her thoughts but lacked the state of mind to share; as a result she found herself unable to clarify how out of character it was to see Neera fully nude and indulging herself in the meadow that Raven called her home. Most of the time, Neera was more reserved and almost serene when spending time in the Forest of Flowers; she rarely let her carnal instincts take over.

Luckily, the relationship the two mares shared over the prior years tipped Neera off to the nature of Raven's inquiry, so she responded. "What? It's the same season for all mares, Raven. I'm allowed to indulge myself, too, and seeing Jay work his magic on you makes me desire the same for myself. It's far easier to fantasize when I don't even need my imagination to visualize-" She stopped before she could finish, curling another finger into herself while pressing her clit to her palm with her thumb. "I think you get what I'm trying to say. When you're done with him, I want him for myself."

Raven shuddered and glanced back, only seeing Jay from the neck down as he continued to lick and thrust his muzzle into her. She wanted more but knew there was no way he'd try to fit his whole head inside so she lightly stomped her foot to get his attention.

"Wh-what is it?" He asked after jerking his muzzle from her depths and leaning around her flank to catch yer gaze. Only then did he see that Neera was nude as well; he hadn't heard their brisk conversation so he hadn't absorbed the implications that came from them both. Once he figured it out he figured that this was as good a time as any to peel out of his button-up shirt and shorts. Once nude he tossed them close to the log and stood defiantly, balls swelling larger than before in growing anticipation. "Oh, okay then. So you're next?"

In a moment of unrestrained need, Raven grunted and stepped back, nearly knocking Jay off balance as she practically ground her plump lips against his muzzle. "Less talking, more massage."

This was code for using his hands inside her. A request - nay, a demand - that Jay had no intentions of neglecting. Within seconds of her positioning herself above him, he looked up and opened his maw while sliding each of his palms up against her inner cheeks and prying her open. As a result of her excessive arousal, her loose and ready depths widened with a guttural squelch as her walls parted from each other. Only then did he give her clit a lick and a suck before sinking one fist into her.

Raven threw her head back and shifted her weight on each of her hooves, not quite prepared for the sudden and intense sensation of having his hand elbow deep inside her. She figured that's what would end up happening but was preparing for a more gradual insertion! Given this, she had to struggle to not instinctively kick, holding onto her wits for only a few seconds before the sensations dulled to a feeling of pure, unfettered pleasure. The pressure of his knuckles against her anterior wall made her weak in the hindquarters and her vulva soaked with delight.

While idly hoofing at the ground and tossing her head without ever raising her gaze from the flowers in front of her, Raven was able to focus on every little thing that Jay did inside her. He was not in this for his own pleasure, nor was he acting like most males would when smothered in mare flesh. On the contrary, he continued his methodical tactics by using his fingertips, the base of his thumb, and the heel of his palm to hit every sensitive spot inside her. He wasn't fisting her, he was massaging her.

From inside, thus a truly deep tissue massage.

The more he worked, the weaker she grew. Despite her best efforts to maintain her composure, Jay's experienced hand was doing a number on her. He lightly pumped his arm in and out while balling his fist up and extending all of his fingers, rhythmically grinding his knuckles against her G-spot before pulling out and tenderizing her flesh near her opening. Before long, she found herself quivering and shuddering in delight along with every single stroke and twist of his arm, a gradual deluge of arousal gushing out from between his forearm and her plump lips, soaking his chest and her clit all at once.

But despite her clearly having reached her apex, Jay knew to not stop. There was still so much more pleasure he could coax out of her and this was the best time to do so. As she grunted and arched her back and flagged her tail, he pushed in harder and curled his wrist to put the most pressure on her G-spot, practically forcing another gush of her ejaculate out onto his face and chest, soaking him. The longer he kept the pressure on her anterior wall, the longer her orgasm extended. The pleasure never receded, not until she gave up and stepped away, pulling her flesh off his arm with a guttural squelch followed by an audible sputtering as the last bits of air escaped her.

Her knees were weak and her every step threatened to topple her but that didn't stop her from finding a comfortable spot near the tree with the bark removed. There, she lifted her tail, arched her back, and let loose a gooey mess of fluid from her depths that splashed in a puddle and was quickly absorbed by the dirt.

"Aw, come on!" Jay protested with jovial enthusiasm. "That could have been in my face!"

"S-sorry." Raven said as she glanced back at him. "I wasn't thinking about that." This was very exposed and very unlike Raven, so she quickly pumped her tail back down to cover herself up.

Neera nickered her approval before turning to Jay. "Don't worry, watching you got me worked up and I think you can have some of me." She smiled as she spread her lips, exposing her cherry pink insides. "If you still have enough in ya to go another round."

"Another round? Girl I'm still on my first round." He glanced down at his swollen balls - now the size of footballs - and shrugged, showing how nonchalant he was about it all. He was horny of course, but that didn't mean he couldn't make jokes.

With a curl of her finger to beckon him and one final squeeze of her clit, Neera coaxed Jay over to her and rolled onto her belly, tail up and legs spread to expose her plump, chestnut-coloured lips. "Well come on, mate! I see you need a release and you did your job with Raven so now it's only fair you get some yourself." She then bent her knees since he was so much shorter than she was.

At the same time, Raven tentatively trotted over to the opposite end of the felled tree trunk so that she was facing Neera, rump away from her two guests to hide the fact that she was still leaking.

In an effort to keep the mood casual, Neera flicked her tail and rested her chin on her palm, propped up on the tree trunk. "So, Raven. Tell me now that you've been given a proper release: How do you feel about Ceylon passing through here next time she tries? If she tries, that is."

Raven watched as Jay stumbled over his swollen balls to get to behind Neera, not wanting to comment or focus on that since she was still feeling aftershocks of pleasure coursing through her hindquarters. Then, as she tried her best to re-contextualize what was going on in her head when the gryphon visited she came to the conclusion that she was definitely being needlessly harsh. She wasn't wrong, in that her logic held to scrutiny, but she was being unreasonable by associating her fears and frustrations with a random avian who was otherwise being very polite, all things considered.

She slowly shook her head in a sort of unfocused approval. "Alright, yeah. Sure. Seems you may have been right and my seasonal needs may have been messing with my ability or will to reason properly. Looking back on it, I may have been overreacting. That said, she wasn't being the most reasonable either; that gryphon was so entitled, acting like she-"

"Hold up." Neera interjected. "Is this grumpy pre-mating Raven talking or relaxed, relieved Raven talking? It sounds like you're letting your emotions from before dictate what you think now."

After contemplating for a bit longer she came to admit that, indeed, she was letting her prior emotions paint her current reactions. The thought of being proved wrong, even when all the evidence was there, was not something Raven was often prepared to deal with. Nobody likes to be wrong. "I suppose. So what do I do? How do I make it up to her? What if she never comes back?"

From behind Neera, Jay raised his lubricant-smothered hand. "Actually, I'm quite certain she will be coming back. When we met her en route she did make it clear she had intentions of returning with a gift as some sort of peace offering. Said she felt like she had to prove herself even if you chose to not let her through. Like, as an apology for offending you."

Neera and Raven both twisted their necks to give him a look. Neera even flicked her ear at him. "And you didn't think this was something that you could have said earlier?"

"I thought I did. You were there with me, why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I was busy picking flowers at the time." Neera said with a bit of a giggle. "By the way, Raven, have I complimented your territory lately? The season really brings out the best colors in the Forest of Flowers. Now every leaf and fern is pink or red, just like the flowers." She was going to say more but gasped and arched her back as Jay finally started his work on her backside. Much like Raven's massage, Jay was taking his time by caressing her rump cheeks, parting her lips, kneading her thighs, and teasing the base of her tail.

Of course, Neera wasn't anywhere near as reserved or self-conscious about getting dick as Raven, and as such she was able to urge Jay on while only paying half of her attention to him. "Don't be shy, sir. I'm not some gentle soul who needs to be warmed up and loosened before you have a go." She then turned back to Raven. "And what have we learned?"

At that exact moment, Jay pressed his palm against Neera's lips and curled his fingers into her, parting her lips and cradling her clit as he got rough with her, burying his muzzle under her tail and wrapping his other hand around her thigh to keep her in place. From there, he was able to easily open her up and slide his fist into her. Only once his knuckles passed her lips did she turn and scold him.

"Hun, I told you that you don't have to warm me up. Fists are nice but nothing compares to cock and, uh-" She paused to glance down at his massive, twin balls. "Well, I'd much rather feel that in me."

His fist remained inside her and he gave a clench to grind his knuckles against her G-spot. Then, once he pulled out with a sensual glide of his fingertips over her clit, he motioned at the top of his head to emphasize his height. "You're a bit taller than me and I don't exactly have a crate to mount you. If you want cock you're gonna have to work with me here."

"Oh, right." she said with a giggle before turning back around so that she was leaning on the log, squatting next to it with her arms on the top of it. From there, with her legs spread and pussy dripping into the grass, she craned her neck to keep eye contact with Raven. "So as I was saying, in the future try to be a bit more amicable towards strangers. Keep your guard up and all, but believe it or not most of the gryphons I know are quite attracted to horses; both mares and stallions."

Raven trotted around the felled log to continue watching as Jay got into position, grabbing his cock head and aiming it between Neera's lips. She wanted to say something, to respond to Neera's suggestion, but found it quite distracting to watch Jay work his magic. It was just stirring up immediate memories in her mind that made her loins ache for more.

It was actually Jay who broke the awkward silence. "Ladies, I don't mean to be a buzzkill but it's very distracting to have you carrying on a conversation right now. I mean, I'm a big boy, if you're not into this, Neera, I'm okay with jerking off while you finger yourself or something. I can take care of myself if need be." As he spoke, he kept his cock inside her, its length throbbing and his balls pulsating.

Neera grabbed him by the cheek and cradled him there while thumbing at the base of his whisker-tendril, smiling as she did so. "Oh, don't be like that, Jay! I wouldn't dare make you take care of yourself, I just wanted to clear some things up with my girl here before we got too involved. I'm sure you understand, since she's your friend, too."

"I do." He confessed, then slowly pulled out while leaving her dripping with her own arousal. "Just not sure it's best for the overall mood to be doing both at the same time."

"Agreed. Come on, let's get you taken care of before we get back to having girl time." Neera insisted as she rolled over onto her hands and knees with tail up and rump waggling at him. "We'll be nice and quick, just like a stallion. I don't need hours of passion to get off." She then winked both her eye and her clit at him at the same time before bending down and pressing her face against the ground, acting submissive in the same way Raven had prior.

Jay, though pretty apprehensive about the call to arms and demands made of him, had no problem diving back in for a second attempt. The difference in size - which was almost comical - had him standing on his feet while she was on her hands and knees, and he still struggled to reach her plump pussy lips. After tapping her haunches to get her to lower herself, she spread her knees and arched her back, pushing her loins down onto him while he aimed himself into her.

All at once he managed to bury every inch of his shaft in her folds, the core heat of her body quickly pushing him to a level of sensitivity he wasn't expecting. Mares were hot to the touch, but his cock wasn't prepared for her to be so tender, so throbbing hot. He grabbed the base of her tail and started to pump, using those powerful leg muscles of his to buck into her with the sort of vigour usually offered by a stallion. As he slapped his hips against hers, he grunted and growled in delight as her depths squeezed him and her clit winked to tease at the base of his member, spewing fluid on his balls.

Everything seemed fine and dandy - with Jay fully expecting to be pounding her for an extended period of time given his propensity for long sessions - until she clenched so tight he nearly bent his dick in half on his next thrust! Her walls constricted him so thoroughly that he nearly came within seconds, the aggressive increase in pressure and heat and the throbbing of her walls holding him tight very quickly overwhelmed him to the point he felt he had to pull out to resist.

However, as soon as she felt him withdrawing his member from her lips, she nickered in protest. "Hey, what do you think you're doing, Jay? That's no way to treat a mare!"

"What do you mean? I'm giving you the attention you deserve, I'm not going to just mount and run; if I had it my way I'd be elbow deep and massaging you for hours before I dared mount you! I ju-"

She pumped her tail to slap him on the chest with the base of it. "I literally just told you to go ahead and finish up. I'm sure you'll go shoulder deep some time, some day, but today is not that day. I saw those balls fill and grow the more aroused you got and right now all I want is to feel the heat of your seed filling me. Come on, drake, I want it all!"

This was not the sort of woman Jay was used to. Most of his encounters were long, drawn out affairs wherein he massaged and caressed and loosened them up first, sometimes never even mounting them in order to get his own pleasure. To him, his partners always came first. Yet Neera was oddly demanding of him, aggressive in her commands and without a hint of reservation.

In many ways, this was beyond arousing to Jay. He loved a powerful woman, a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to demand it. This resurgence overcame his usual need to remain reserved, forcing him to once again grab the base of her tail and his cock before sinking himself deep inside her, hips to hips as he struggled against her clenching walls.

Little did he know that Neera was just as shocked by his temperature as he was of hers. The sensation of a warm - perhaps even hot - cock and balls pressed against and into her was unlike any stallion or gryphon she had ever experienced. Under most circumstances, at least those not tethered by an actual issue she needed to worry about, she would have loved to get the extended care session Jay offered Raven, with fingers and tongues and fists and eventual cock to finish up. However, given the circumstances and the fact that she really wanted to get back to enjoying tea with Raven in the mare's time of need combined with the shocking revelation of Jay's increased body heat made her crave cum.

Not just any cum, either. Roogon cum. She imagined the sting of heat as it filled her, the warmth it would spread throughout her nethers as he pumped her womb full of it. Every fantasy and every potential sensation hit her at once as the two bucked and rocked back and forth against one another, with Jay thrusting into her with precision and she clenched and pushed back in perfect time with his motions. She winked her clit and used her exceptional core strength to squeeze him tight, ready to take and keep any of the mess he made inside when that finally happened.

Perhaps he was prepared this time and therefore able to control himself better, but Neera quickly found that he wasn't finishing as fast as she would like. In an effort to coax - no, to suck - the cum from him, she started arching her spine and alternately clenching with each pull away, practically gripping him by the base and pulling out towards his tip as her walls clenched around him.

This seemed to work. Less than a minute of this rhythmic, precision mounting passed before his motions became erratic, his cock throbbing and twitching as a precursor to his inevitable explosion.

All at once he dug his claws into her haunches and held her close to him, sealing the space between them as his massive balls pumped spurt after spurt of his seed deep into her. In response to this sudden and intense ejaculation, her walls clenched even tighter and seemed to undulate inward, sucking more and holding it inside. She clearly wanted it all and the extra pressure further accentuated his pleasure, coaxing more and more until he noticed a distinguished shrinking in his ball size.

Much to her delight, his offering of seed was a voluminous as she had hoped. The heat of the creamy strands of fluid tickled her just right even as bits of it seeped out of her; most ended up in her womb, cervix partially gaped to allow it in due to her level of arousal and the time of year.

Together they grunted and whimpered as almost every drop of his essence drained into her. Even with their difference in size there was a noticeable distention in her belly as her womb inflated with his seed. She was so efficient with her muscle control - the mark of a pure expert - that when he pulled out half flaccid, only a few small drops escaped her and trickled down over her clit.

Drops that Jay happily lapped up and swallowed. If she wished to not waste, then he wouldn't either. As a gentleman, it was his responsibility to ensure his partners were clean and content in equal measure, he wouldn't dare let his mess spread to the ground between them.

Then, once she was sure she had gotten all of it, she fell forward onto her slightly bloated belly, tail up and hips angled just right to expose her chestnut lips and the creamy white that slowly seeped out of her thanks to the pressure on her lower abdomen. As a result, Jay practically dove at her to keep licking up the emerging mess, mostly ignoring her protests as he was sure to give her the attention she needed. Right now, more than anything, she needed a cleanup crew thanks to how much he left in her.

After that, while she regained her composure, Neera and Raven had another heart to heart over tea while the three of them remained naked. Jay returned to the log next to Neera and couldn't take his eyes off her somewhat bloated belly, proud of what he did to the larger woman. He continually offered to get down on his knees in front of her if she wanted to relax a bit, clean her up, but she insisted on keeping it inside. She said it felt nice and the temperature emanated through her every time the fluid sloshed about in her womb.

The issue of Ceylon didn't come up again - that conflict was resolved before Jay and Neera had their quickie - but that didn't stop the three of them from chattering on about everything else in their lives. Neera was gathering flowers for some teas and potpourri she was making that she planned on putting in her office, Jay was doing a bunch of different things on the side and was planning on returning to the meadow in the near future to hang out with raven in a one on one setting. Not for sex, but to follow up with her and see if Ceylon ever did return.

Interestingly enough, once the two guests finally did leave, Neera decided it might be in her best interest to offer Jay a job at the Near and Dear. Given his unique talents and interest in pleasing others, he would have been a perfect candidate for live sex shows. If nothing else he would have made for a perfect creampie artist.

But that wasn't the focal point of Raven's concerns. With her friends gone and her spirits - as well as her tail - lifted, she was prepared to deal with anything, especially polite and kind gryphons.

After having left the creek shores en route back to town, Ceylon immediately started thinking up various solutions to her problems. She knew that Raven would not be so easily swayed by honeyed words, so she needed to think up a way to butter the mare up and let her pass.

In reality, the amount of effort needed to appease the keeper of the valley in the Forest of Flowers was not really worth it. Ceylon could easily have just took flight and dealt with the fatigue or even travelled south to circumnavigate the cliffs and mountains there, thus returning home at a reasonable if late hour. She could have expressed her skill and strength in combat and just overpowered Raven in a fight but that was definitely not what she had in mind.

No, by this point Ceylon had focused on a task and wouldn't concede until she'd accomplished it by appealing to Raven's kindness. The only way to complete this challenge was to have the mare willingly allow Ceylon to pass through the valley, no strings attached. If this meant bringing her gifts, paying her off, or offering her services for that privilege, then so be it. This had already become a matter of pride first and foremost; pragmatism was no longer the goal.

While trotting through the flora of the Forest of Flowers and muttering to herself the whole time, Ceylon came across two individuals that she had met before: Neera and Jaikonran. Though their encounter was brief, it quickly became clear both of them were headed to Raven's meadow. Ceylon managed to implant some of her ideas in the roogon while mostly letting the mare focus on her collection of various flowers and ferns for a growing bouquet. She could be quite manipulative when she wanted to be and was certain by the time she parted ways with the two travellers that they would help to paint Ceylon in a positive light upon encountering Raven.

It was a little dodgy and dishonest to do so, but one doesn't get a reputation for being persuasive without employing subtle manipulation tactics prior to success. Luckily for her spirits, she wasn't the type to manipulate with intent to take advantage of others; on the contrary, she mostly just focused on actions that would benefit most or all parties involved. If she successfully implanted the idea that she could be a friend of Raven's, it would not only give her free access to the valley but would also get them both friends in the process! It seemed, from Ceylon's limited encounter with Raven, that the mare was in desperate need of more companionship.

However, Ceylon knew that if she just turned around without an offering or something to prove that she was willing to put in the time to earn Raven's trust, the whole plan - what little of it she had conceptualized thus far - would have crumbled. At this point, the extent of her plan involved giving Raven some time and coming back with a gift that would prove her willingness to earn the mare's trust.

That wasn't much of a plan and really needed some depth before she took the next steps.

Of course, one of the best things Ceylon loved to share was her knowledge and skills as a potion or gem enchanter. Her significant skills could be put to use creating an enchanted relic for Raven to enjoy, and that enchantment could be anything from a gender swapping spell to a heat spell that would stave off the cold and snow from her meadow all winter. There were virtually endless options but in the end she knew she had to make it count. All she needed was the raw materials to make it happen.

Problem was, she was too far out of town to want to take the trek all the way through the western half of the Forest of Flowers just to buy an unenchanted gemstone. Luckily for her, she knew about a cave system to the south buried deep in the cliffs where she could find some raw ademane crystals. She would have to deal with the local dragon population to earn one but that was worth it. Ceylon knew the dragon elder Rokanoss and was capable enough to entice him to do what she wanted.

It might cost her, but it was a price she was willing to pay.

Of course, the trip from the pathway to the cliff side caves of the southern edge of the forest was not a short trek. Once again, she was presented with the option to spread her wings and fly her way there but she didn't entertain the thought for long due to her decision to respect Raven. If she flew, she felt that might have undone any good will she gained by committing to her self-imposed quest.

Fortunately for her, she was quite speedy when it came to darting and dashing through the underbrush and over the many logs that obstructed her path. Ceylon was a gryphon and therefore had feline in her, which in turn gave her stunning agility when on foot. Running through bushes and brambles often tore up many of her feathers, but that didn't bother her due to the fact she wasn't planning on flying that day and would have plenty of time to preen herself once she returned home.

Before long she emerged from the treeline to stand in the shadow of the towering cliffs, a multi-layered series of plateaus and sharp drops that looked like an erratic set of stairs for a giant. Many of these plateaus had cave openings that led to the hive of dragon caverns inside, each one of a dozen entrances to a maze of tunnels and passageways.

More importantly, many of those plateaus also had full sized, proper dragons backing in the sun. The warmth of summer had given way to the chill of autumn, so the only way for many dragons to get heat was to bask in the sun and the ebony-stone cliff walls - the same ebony stone that was perfect for growing ademane crystals - absorbed much of the sunlight and kept the caverns a moderate temperature. This made it a perfect place for dragons and a lovely way to avoid snow even in winter.

The largest of the dragons was on the central plateau, right in the middle overlooking most others. This was Rokanoss, a black-scaled beast of a dragon that towered over most others. On other plateaus, Ceylon spied an orange and black and yellow dragon named Spike, a smaller black dragon known as Urai, and a thick beige dragon known as Nantangitan. There were others as well, all varying colours of the rainbow with slightly different sizes and shapes.

Naturally, it was Rokanoss who spied Ceylon first. He was the elder of this group of dragons and was regularly known to be the one who vetted all visitors before allowing anyone inside the caves. "Oho! I see we have a guest." He bellowed as he got to all fours while pointing is gaze at the gryphon at the treeline. "Do my eyes deceive me? Has lady Ceylon chosen to grace us with her presence?"

Ceylon loved this dragon and the two had quite a lot of history together, even though they'd not seen one another in months. That's what he was teasing her about but she didn't play along. "Heya Rok. Long time no see! Was wondering if I could steal some-"

"It's not theft if you ask first, dear." Rokanoss interjected as he spread his wings and leapt down off his plateau to meet Ceylon in the clearing. He landed with a blast of wind and flower petals before offering a gentle bow to her. "What brings you to our home?"

She clicked her beak at him and glared, ears flat to her head. "I was trying to tell y-"

"Then go ahead and just tell me! No point making my people wait!"

"You can stop now." Ceylon hissed. He was deliberately being silly by cutting her off but she didn't appreciate it much; as a result he saw she was serious and cut it out. "I'm here to see about an ademane gem. Pure, not enchanted. I know there's a lot of them in your caverns as bioluminescent light sources. Was hoping I could steal one about yay big." She held up her talon with her claws about twenty centimetres apart, then indicated with her other hand how thick it needed to be.

Rokanoss narrowed his eyes and cocked his head to the side, studying her. "And why exactly do you need ademane from these dragons? Can't you just head back home and get some from your own collection or buy some in town?" He wasn't wrong, since Ceylon was known for being an enchanter.

She bobbed a bit and shrugged. "Well the whole reason I came here was to hopefully make it quick. I didn't want to go all the way out west past the cliffs into town because that would take too long and the reason I didn't just go home is because there's a mare by the name of Raven gatekeeping the valley between the creek that splits the forest and my own cave to the east."

"Ah yes, Raven." Spike called out from his perch up on one of the lower plateaus. He then leapt down to join Ceylon and Rokanoss while trotting about with his head held high. "I've met her, she isn't the kindest. You might be better going around or just flying overhead."

"She's not that bad, just territorial." Ceylon corrected with a chirp. "I know she's kinda rough around the edges - and I only met her for like half an hour total - but I can tell there's something good inside her. She means well, but circumstances have led to her being on the defensive all the time."

Rokanoss rumbled a bit with a grin. "You learned that in half an hour? Impressive."

"I'm very keenly attuned to the emotions of others when I'm trying to understand them. It's just an innate thing I have about me; if I wanted I could probably read your mind." She put her finger up to the side of her head and squinted at Spike in a faux-threatening manner.

Spike stood his ground and half-cocked a smirk. "You sure you wanna do that to me? You might not be able to handle the kinkiness that I fantasize about."

"You say that but I bet I could out-kink you." She countered before turning back to Rokanoss. "So is there anything I can do to steal some of that ademane off you? I could probably buff it to a mirror sheen on my own, just give me some raw crystal and I'll turn it into a gem."

Ademane was the liquid source of magic and was known to 'grow' in select caves - mostly ones that housed dragons - as a result as the ademane mist that emanated from various sources deep underground or the moisture of dragon breath. Dragon fire was borne of pure liquid ademane that they ignited as they spewed, making it a deadly weapon or a great way to cook food quickly; when dragons breathed some of that ademane came out in their exhalation in the form of mist. As a result, Ademane Crystals often formed on the walls of ebon-stone caves and could be harvested. When enchanted, an ademane gem could be used to summon magic or amplify a user's magic.

Many ademane gems and crystals - the difference being that gems are smooth, round, and well shined up while crystals are angular with rigid edges and more naturally shaped - were used in modern technology, be they for cooking or keeping things cold. Therefore, Ceylon could use her skills to give Raven any spell she wanted for the duration of a season, since gems and crystals held their enchantments for many months before losing power.

So of course, the raw materials were highly coveted and held value for long periods of time.

"Tell me, Ceylon, what is it you're willing to pay for our resources? I don't want to rip you off but I do expect you to pay a fair price. We could sell our wares for a mountain of gold, you know." Rokanoss rumbled, a wide smirk upon his face. He loved negotiating with her.

That was when Ceylon decided to turn on her charm, acting like a feline by pressing her flank to the large dragon's front leg. She looked like a housecat marking a large dog, given their difference in size. "Well I wasn't in the most creative mood, you know. Was hoping you could name your price and I could decide from there if I could handle it." She cooed at him in her most flirtatious voice while strategically lifting her tail to let Spike get a good look. "What do you say, studs?"

Rokanoss laid his front talon down on her haunches with nearly enough weight to force her into a squat. "I think we can work something out. Come on up to my cavern and we can negotiate."

Spikes frills stood on end as he got another good look at Ceylon's plump, juicy gryphon bits. He, to, was interested in participating in negotiations if it meant he got to have a taste of her; Dragons had an affinity for gryphons if only as a means of friendly competition or domination.

Without much need for further words, Rokanoss and Ceylon both leapt into the sky and spread their wings, catching the slightest of updrafts in order to reach the highest plateau before the top of the cliffs. There, they swirled in place before landing on the green and red coated platform at the maw of the cave's opening. Seconds later an eager Spike joined them, startling Rokanoss.

The larger, black dragon was put off by this at first but casually shook his head and rolled his eyes before using his tail to cradle Spike's chest, holding him in place. "You wait." Is all he said before escorting Ceylon into his own personal cavern, which was lit up by the familiar teal glow of pure ademane crystals. Inside, the cavern opened up with three exits, one to the plateau behind them and two others that looked like they led to the labyrinth of tunnels that extended under the mountain range.

Ceylon couldn't help but stare, beak agape as she marvelled at the view in front of her. The combination of partially reflective black rock and the throbbing teal glow was gorgeous to look at but it was the hum that came from the gems that could be felt deep inside her. Those were what had the most impact on her; that and the image of each of Rokanoss's scales highlighted in teal as he looked down at her, lips peeled back in a devious grin. He knew what he wanted in exchange for the crystals.

So did she. Not only was she happy to indulge his desires, the thought of being watched by Spike - who remained waiting patiently at the entrance to the cave - made her even more excited. She wasn't a gryphon who cared much for modesty and was happy to use her body to get what she wanted. In fact, her ability to use transformation magic made her body her most versatile and useful negotiation tool. With spell and a few minutes she could be male, female, both, neither, and accommodating for virtually any partner, including dragons who were dozens of times her size.

As a result, she was not only happy to turn and lift her tail to Rokanoss but actively eager to see just how rough he could get. She had been with him before and his cock was almost as long as her whole torso with a knot nearly as wide as her hips; if that thing locked into her she could, in theory, be stuck to him for hours as he inflated her with his seed. That's where the transformation magic came into play if it ended up being necessary. A bit of rearrangement of her insides mixed with a spell to give her elastic, malleable flesh ensured that not only could she survive such an encounter but enjoy it!

And enjoy it she would. "So what are you waiting for, drake? You've got me alone in your cave and an open invitation to do with me as you wish in exchange for what I want. I'm sure you can be creative enough to figure out what to do next." She then grinned and chirped at him while sauntering over to him, tail up and hind legs parted to ensure that Spike could still see her glistening vulva, accented by the throbbing teal glow that reflected off her folds.

Rokanoss was not the most vocal dragon. Rather than countering her inquiry with some witty answer or matching her in banter, he simply stepped forward and pressed one of his front talons down on Ceylon's shoulders, forcing her down onto her chest and pinning her in place while leaving her hindquarters raised up, tail flopped over her back. Without letting her go, he shuffled around until he was positioned behind her and only then did his member start to emerge from his slit while drooling.

At that moment, as Ceylon got a whiff of the powerful dragon musk that emanated from between them, she had a sudden and intense desire to be a bit more active with Rokanoss. It wasn't enough for her to casually sit back and let the dragon do all the work; her kind and his were in a perpetual rivalry to show who was the more dominant of the ancient species. While Ceylon loved being aggressively pounded and filled - few things made her feel more empowered than taking on the cock of a beast that could have split her in two - she knew that any action Rokanoss took that she didn't match would be perceived as being an act of submission on her part. If she didn't act, he might let his instincts take over, which could have been unfortunate for her if she wanted to return to Raven that evening.

Her response to the pressure he put down on her torso was to wiggle out from under his weight and spin around, eagerly nuzzling at his groin as he escaped from his clutches. She buried her beak in between his thighs and started caressing either side of his slit as a kitten would nurse her mother.

As a result, Rokanoss tensed up - somewhat taken aback by her shift in mood and attitude - which traveled down his partially exposed member to squeeze out some of his precum.

For that brief moment in time, both were frozen in place as they each waited for the next move. Ceylon expected Rokanoss to shift around to once again find her and pin her to the ground while Rokanoss hesitated because he knew if he moved too quickly he ran a risk of having his scales or cock flesh snagged by her hooked beak. Once both were sure the others were appropriately relaxed, they each resumed their behaviour in an effort to get the most out of the situation.

The dragon instinctively bucked his hips, arching his spine and flexing every muscle in his lower body to peel back his slit folds to expose more of his member. As a result, he slid his shaft past Ceylon's cheek and down over her shoulder to rest between her wings while she kept kneading.

Without missing a beat, she wrapped both of her arms around his girth and pushed as hard as she could, forcing his slit lips to slide back over his emerging knot. At the same time, she nuzzled into his swollen bulges to soak herself in his musk and precum, forcing it to gum up her plumage from beak to neck all in one swipe. Curious, she licked at the ridges of his shaft to collect some of the fluid and instantly twitched, shocked at how potent it tasted.

She was not prepared for a flavor so intense, so she opted instead to soak up the scent instead.

Content in the attention he was getting, Rokanoss leaned back onto his hind legs and spread his wings, the span of them reaching so far he nearly touched either side of the cave with their tips. He then raised one of his front talons, ready to push it down on her at any time if she dared stop. She didn't, though, and in fact she got more aggressive with her actions to the point he rolled his eyes in their sockets and nearly rocked onto his back before tensing up his tail to regain his balance.

Only then did he regain his will enough to wrap his talons around her midsection, holding her in place as he started grinding against her. The motions forced his cock to slide past her head and get caressed by the feathers of her wings, but it wasn't exactly what he'd hoped for when he invited her into his cave so he tried to twist her around so he could have a go at those swollen nethers of hers.

Upon reaching around her upper body to pull her away from his member, she chomped down on him with her beak nearly drawing blood. "Let me have my fun, first." She hissed at him, ears flat against her skull. To most - and especially to Spike - this looked like a budding conflict between them but was nothing of the sort. Both Rokanoss and Ceylon had developed a personal back-and-forth that may have appeared violent to outsiders but was borne of mutual adoration for one another.

But that was a long time ago and Rokanoss - in his carnally-driven lust - forgot for a moment that she was just being silly. As a result, he growled and wrapped his talons around her completely, forcing her to turn around and expose her pussy to him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" She growled, biting him again and scrambling out from under his front talon to turn and face him. "This is supposed to be fun, not a competition!"

He shook himself clear of the haze of arousal to regain his lucidity. "Sorry." Was all he said before standing up straight, his member resting heavily on the floor of the cavern in a puddle of his self-made fluids. Without needing to say another word, he angled his snout downward as if to invite her to once again return to pleasing him.

This was a request she was happy to indulge. She didn't hesitate even a moment to once again pounce him, tackling him and impacting his belly while wrapping her upper legs around his member, forcing his tip to slide along her own belly feathers and fur. Though she loved being soaked in his essence, she had something very specific in mind since she didn't want to risk getting tied to him for hours on end; she would have enjoyed that immensely but had plans.

The gryphon planted herself in place and used all her might to press up against his belly, tilting him off balance and forcing him onto his back. When he landed he cracked the back of his head off one of the elongated crystals, breaking it off the wall in a cascade of rock and shards of ademane. Regret quickly welled up in her as she saw what happened. "S-sorry about that!" She chirped at him, ears flopped back in shame and beak clamped shut.

Rokanoss rumbled and laughed at her. "Just a bit of a bump. I'm a dragon, miss, I can handle hitting my head on a crystal." He reached up and grabbed one of the crystal shards, offering it to Ceylon. "This can be yours when you're done." He then winked at her and laid the crystal on his chest, tail swaying behind him as he nestled his head and neck between two ridges that were jutting out from the cavern wall. He looked content and comfortable, but mostly looked like he needed release.

Ceylon narrowed her vision as she got a close-up look at the ragged ademane crystal; she wanted and needed it but also knew that she had to pay the price, first. Well, more accurately she wished to offer herself to the dragon in exchange for it; deep down she knew that if she was in a hurry, she could have easily requested it without payment given her history with Rokanoss. It was that history that ensured she didn't dare try to take it from him without giving him proper compensation.

In an attempt to once again take control, she crawled up over him with her belly laid flat against his ventral scales to ensure the underside of his cock slid down her chest, gumming her up in the process. With a few more steps she was able to position herself in such a way that his cock tip throbbed and prodded against the underside of her tail; a perfect, well-placed angle for her. Without hesitation she arched her back and pushed down, wiggling her hips to ease his girth into her with relative ease. Though his tip was wide, it was tapered enough to comfortably part her lips before slipping deeper.

A subtle shift in Rokanoss's body language made it clear he was struggling to not grab her by the shoulders and push her down. He was a dominant dragon, one who loved to be on top and in control with most any partner he encountered, but knew that Ceylon was plenty aggressive on her own without his help. This was why he growled and snarled and leaned back, clenching his fists as he idly bucked his hips to urge her down onto him without demanding action.

She was by no means oblivious to this. In fact, she was relying on it and waiting for him to show a bit of frustration before really giving it her all. As far as she was concerned, this was as much of a game to her as it was payment. She wanted to coax as much out of him as she could, and the best way to do that was to tease him, to let his seed build up before finally taking it from him.

Yet, despite her intentions to hold off and extend her time with the dragon, she couldn't hold back for very long. Contrary to popular belief, female gryphons were just as deeply needy and prone to sexual aggression as drakes were. Luckily for her, there were no stigmas or taboos about quadruped females living out their fantasies, not like there were for some bipeds in some cultures.

That was why she didn't bother holding back much further. After only a few gentle grinds and twitches of her hips, she pushed back as hard as she could go, impaling herself on the cock that was as long as half her torso. The sensation of his ridges plunging into her proved to be a bit more intense than she was expecting, which in turn made her push even more of her weight down in an effort to feel more of it inside her; only half his length disappeared between her folds before she felt his tapered tip prodding at her gaping, hungry cervix.

Ceylon wasted no time wagging her hips, digging her claws into his scales for balance, and arching her back to consume every feature of his cock down to the half-swollen knot. The girth of his shaft distended her walls with ease and his tip popped into her womb without much resistance, but she knew she had waited a bit too long to have that knot inside her. Had she let Rokanoss mount her, he might have pushed it in before it swelled to half its total girth and that was exactly what she was trying to avoid. Despite doing her best to take as much of him as she could - an act that required her full attention or near to it - she kept her later plans in the back of her mind.

Then, just as she was about to get her first full-bodied thrust upon him, she caught a glimpse of orange and yellow out of the corner of her eye. It was Spike! The smaller dragon had crept up and was closely watching the action from just behind Rokanoss and beside the dragon's tail. His cock was as hard as could be, swollen to its full girth with knot inflated and presumably as hard as the crystal that lined the cave walls.

"Well?" Ceylon egged him on, deliberately dipping the small of her back and raising her tail to expose her rump and distended pussy lips wrapped around Rokanoss's cock. A gentle teal reflection glistened off her ebony flesh, drawing Spike's attention for only a second before she slammed her hips down and engulfed every bit of the dragon's length with a series of grunts and squelches followed by a slap as his knot hit her vulva.

The sounds brought Spike to lunge forward, stopping a snout's length away from burying his muzzle under Ceylon's tail. He twitched and growled, not sure what to do next or if he would be permitted to do as he wished. The gryphoness had invited him, in the loosest manner of speaking, but he lacked the boisterous nature to make a move without explicit consent.

At least, that's what he told himself. In reality he was overwhelmed with options. Did he dive in, muzzle first to taste her rump? Mount her anally while Rokanoss was filling her cunt to feel the other dragon's cock between them? Lap up any juices that emerged from her folds? Aggressively bite or claw at the avian's back for dominance? He could even just wrap his front legs around Rokanoss's knot, coaxing him to ejaculate since it was clear that, despite Ceylon's oddly accommodating form, there was no way a tie was going to happen and dragons needed their knots squeezed to properly finish.

However, he didn't have much time to percolate those options in his mind before Ceylon leaned back down so that she was pressing her chest to Rokanoss's belly, his cock still fully inside her and pumping his essence into her depths. She reached back under her tail with one of her talons to prod at her pucker, slightly opening it to reveal the bright red inside. While she did this, her beak extended forward to nuzzle at the ademane crystal on the dragon's chest ahead of her.

This was all the incentive Spike needed to take her up on her offer. He leapt that last bound towards the couple and buried his snout under her tail, nuzzling into her and probing her rump with his tongue while also wrapping both of his arms around Rokanoss's cock. Almost subconsciously, he started grinding his hips against the larger dragon's tail base, sliding his shaft up between the supple, soft scales there while focusing most of his energy on the sweet nectar of her rump mixed with the musky fluids that emerged from between her pussy lips and Rokanoss's cock.

"Hold still." She chirped at him as she flexed her thigh muscles and slowly pulled halfway off the dragon's cock, leaving Spike to lick the air in her absence. Before long, she slammed herself back down, her flesh slapping against Rokanoss's length and knot while also having her booty dilate and wrap around Spike's muzzle. Almost instantly she pulled off and did the same thing a second time with greater vigour, quickly turning it into passion in the form of aggressive bouncing on huge dragon cock.

She kept this up for much longer than either Spike or Rokanoss expected, her bodily motions fluid and vibrant amidst a series of squelches and pops and slaps and guttural squelches as her holes sucked in air and pushed it back out thanks to both cock and snout taking turns distending her flesh and tenderizing her walls. Ceylon dared not stop, not until Rokanoss wrapped both his front talons around her shoulders and neck and forced her down, her hips pressed tight against the bulge of his knot and her pucker dilated and stretched to rest heavily on Spike's snout.

That was when Rokanoss roared and bucked his hips, the force nearly squeezing his knot into her only to have it swell between her hind legs and against the grip of Spike's front arms. His length started to pulsate and his internal gonads swelled before twitching and shooting a thick, hot mass of his load deep into Ceylon's womb, his seed splashing against her walls and getting locked inside due to the plug that was his cock tip squeezed tight by her cervix.

He grunted and bucked into her, slamming the very end of his member as deep as it could go while also struggling against the pressure of his knot squeezing in tight against her hips; the more powerful, dominant drake in him wanted to feel her flesh wrapped around those bulbous lobes of his but no matter what he did he couldn't quite compensate for their difference in size. As a result he ended up just grinding and rolling either side of his knot against her pussy lips while twisting his length inside her, each of his ridges grinding against her walls in the process.

Ceylon was more than happy with this. She got that wonderful sensation of being stuffed and stretched well beyond what might have been comfortable while also knowing deep down inside that she was earning her half of the bargain. Even more enjoyable was the deep, guttural sloshing of the hot dragon seed swaying from side to side in her womb as he filled her while all three rocked back and forth. After about a dozen deep, muscular contractions of the dragon's cock pumping, Ceylon clenched her walls up tight to make a seal and slowly pulled off, his flesh tugging hers before popping out.

This left her partially gaping with a trickle of seed dripping over her swollen clit, a bridge of white connecting her lips to Rokanoss's cock tip. At the same time, a bridge of her natural, slimy lubricants formed a second bridge from her sealed-up tailhole to Spike's muzzle.

Content, she hopped off the larger dragon's belly, swiping the Ademane crystal in the process. Neither Rokanoss nor Spike did much to chase her down or stop her. Spike did turn and whimper a bit, disappointed that he didn't get to finish as Rokanoss had, but he wasn't going to risk tackling her to the ground and taking it from her.

All he had to do was ask.

"Well, it looks like you got what you wanted, I got what I wanted, now I just have to-" Ceylon began to declare, only to pause as she ran one of her front talons down the edge of the chunk of ademane crystal. "Actually, I haven't yet gotten what I want. I've got a crystal and I want a gem. Anyone want to help me to smoothe the edges on this beast?" She winked as she slid her other talon down between her legs, collecting some of her natural lubricant to soak the edge of the crystal. As her fluids soaked into it, the gemstone melted and lost its edge, softening and smoothing itself out.

The image of this made Spike narrow his gaze and focus before he really figured out what was going on. Behind him, Rokanoss rumbled and rolled to his feet as his knot shrunk and his member slipped back into his genital slit. The larger dragon offered Ceylon a silend bow of approval to let her know his part of the bargain was complete before sauntering past them to once again perch on his grassy plateau. As always, he was not the chattiest type. The elder drake was happy to bow on his way past and rumble in delight, leaving a zig-zag cum stain on the shiny black rock of the cavern, all of it illuminated by the faint glow of the ademane crystals around them.

"So what is it you want me to do?" Spike asked while sauntering over. "I mean, I, uh..."

Ceylon touched herself again and pooled more of her natural lubricant in her palm in order to smear it against the side of the crystal. As she rubbed it in, the rough edges melted away and rounded into place as a teal mist billowed up around them. "As you can see, my natural fluids react with the crystal, and I want to turn this into a gem. I bet it'd work a whole lot better if I could rub it on all sides simultaneously." She didn't feel the need to elaborate on that, but she was rubbing herself as she said it.

Spike picked up on what she said and stepped in close to her, outstretching a talon to take the crystal. "I'd be happy to help." He said with a grin. "Is this an egg-laying thing? I can totally get behind that and if you want I can ask one of the hens on the lower levels to give me one of th-"

"Shut up spike and stuff me." Ceylon interrupted him, handing him the crystal and turning around to raise her tail. The crystal was a bit wider than an average gryphon egg, which meant that once it was inside her it would shrink to the proper size, which was perfect.

He took the crystal and stared past it to look directly at her plump, ebony vulva. Her pussy had sealed shut but was still leaking a thick slime comprised of her natural fluids and an opaque cloud of dragon seed swirling inside it en route to the ground. Spike was by no means a careful or reserved dragon once an opportunity was presented to him.

In his mind, all that mattered was that he got to stuff her full so he pressed the tip of the crystal up under Ceylon's tail, rubbing the pointed end of it up and down her slit to watch with bated breath as its angular ridges parted her lips and revealed the swollen red of her insides. He loved the way the sharpness of the crystal slid through her flesh so easily but quickly found that, as it hummed in his hand the part that touched her was melting away like ice, the resulting liquid coating the curved rim of it in the process. Curious, he kept grinding the end of it against her lips while twisting it and sliding it up and down.

She winked at him with her equine clit, squirting a single strand of her fluids down the underside of the crystal and onto his hands, the touch of it making his scales tingle. She wanted it and had no qualms about demanding it so she leaned into him with back arched and tail raised high. Her pussy was leaking a steady flow of her essence, some of which cascaded over the ridged edges of the crystal before meeting around Spikes knuckles and joining the rest of the liquid on the cave floor.

"Are you sure this is safe?" The dragon asked even as he pushed back into her, forcing the crystal to melt into an egg-shaped gem. "I mean, this can't be good for your insides."

Ceylon grunted and chirped at him as she waggled her hips and leaned back, grinding her hindquarters against the rounded tip of the ademane. The harder she pushed the more of her fluids escaped and soaked the crystal with each bit of it melting more and more of its hard edges off. Then, with one heavy lurch as she sat on the gem, she swallowed every bit of it up and smacked her nether lips around his wrists, sucking him in as her gift slid deeper into her. "I'm fine." She managed to squeak out in between pained grunts and the echoing, guttural squelches of her depths sucking on the gem.

This was the part where Spike was supposed to pull out and back away, having satisfied Ceylon's needs to have the gem stuffed into her. However, the warmth and wetness of her tender walls lightly caressing his wrists and forearms past the blunt end of the egg-shaped gem was too pleasant to halt. He pushed in deeper, slipping his fingertips in between the smooth edges of the ademane and her quivering walls, rotating it inside and eagerly caressing her most sensitive areas.

However, Ceylon seemed to have a different idea about it all. She turned her head to look back at him with a gaped-beak grin. "I wouldn't get too comfortable in there." She warmed as her walls constricted him in place and her clit winked at him, soaking his front and belly with one gush.

"And why's that?" He countered as he pushed in deeper and kept rolling his shoulders to please her, assuming she was being cheeky and not serious. He was about to be shown wrong.

A sudden glow and mist emerged from Ceylon's folds, illuminating his upper legs and chest as her walls closed up and her vulva sealed shut, locking him in place. He could feel her flesh fusing around him, holding him in place as her outer flesh shifted and melted and started growing taint hair.

He panicked for a moment and violently pulled away from her, his fists popping out of her while the last puff of ademane mist belched out of her as the two holes sealed shut. While he watched, her rump hole squeezed and regained its pert nature while her flesh melted into the form of two thickly furred balls and her lower belly distended to form a sheath, clit flesh shifting until it formed a cock inside that sheath.

"W-what? Since when can you-?"

"Longer than you've been alive." She answered. "Now if you don't mind, I have a date with a sexy mare and I can't be bogged down with silliness." She then winked and clenched her bowels so that her newly formed balls tugged upward. And as a result, her - well, his - mood completely changed.

Naturally, Spike was left in a puddle of goo not sure of how to respond. He had a storm of questions running through his mind concerning Ceylon's transformation of gender and where the gem went and what might of happened had he not pulled out in time, but didn't have time to dwell on them since Ceylon had already left the cave and had given Rokanoss a salute before gliding to the ground.

She then looked back at the cliff face with all the dragons looking down at her, bowed, and then jauntily disappeared into the Forest of Flowers, eager to share with Raven what she had gathered from the dragons.

Given her level of excitement - well, his level of excitement now that she had done a full external transformation from that of a mare to a drake - Ceylon found he had no problems returning to the western shore of the creek where he met raven earlier within less than an hour. The trip took less time now that he was excitedly making his way towards her territory.

Ceylon had a lot of ideas about what he wanted to do in order to win Raven's favour but couldn't settle on a single solution. The gem was inside him, in his womb for safe keeping, but he didn't know how he would go about giving it to Raven. While in his male form there were two options; he could push it out through his tail - which functioned as a maw if he so desired it to do so - or he could ejaculate it into her. Those were the fun ways, anyhow.

When it all boiled down to it, he had done the transformation into his masculine form with the hopes that she would be eager to receive it through oviposition. His cock could deposit it directly inside her and she'd be granted its effects all winter! She was in heat, or so his sense of smell told him earlier.

Upon arrival at the western bank of the creek, Ceylon called out to the mare that guarded the valley. He didn't want to be seen as sneaky or trying to creep past her domain. "Raaaven! I'm back and I come baring gifts!" After shouting, he flopped his rump down on the bank and waited eagerly, preening his feathers to straighten them after having the brambles and underbrush of the Forest of Flowers' thorns make a mess of him.

Some seconds later he heard the rhythmic clopping of hooves on rock and dirt just beyond the opposite treeline followed by Raven stepping through the bushes with her head held high. She had a regal look to her yet gave an aura of relaxation at the same time. An odd blending of expressions. "I see you returned." She said, her voice light but still commanding.

"I have!" Ceylon chirped back as he got to all fours and started excitedly shifting his weight from side to side. Even as a male Ceylon couldn't help but act chipper. "And I have so-"

"If you could allow me to speak for a moment, I'd like to say something." She interrupted. Ceylon looked disheartened by her interjection but kept silent so she could proceed. "Since your visit this morning, I've had some time to think and reflect upon your presence in my territory. I've consulted with my closest friends and advisers about the issue and after much deliberation I've decided-"

"Hold up, before you finish I think I need to make my offer." Ceylon interrupted back. Raven didn't appear too impressed with him but let him speak. "After exploring the region and thinking hard on what I can do to make you happy, I think I've come to realize what I can offer to make you happy. To prove I respect you enough to earn my passage through your valley. I knew I couldn't just get you something shiny and pretty, because you seem to care more about function over what looks good. Furthermore, I also know you-"

She snorted and hoofed at the ground in front of her. She was just going to let him go through since it was clear he was willing to put in time to please her but curiosity got the better of her and she felt like she had to know more about what it was he was offering. Nobody refuses a freebie. "Just get to it. I really don't need to hear the thought process that led to your decision; if you waste time elaborating on every idea that flashed through your mind it'll be winter before you return home."

"Winter! Exactly! It will be winter within the next few weeks or so and I think what I have to offer is something that you will love! I'm not sure if I elaborated on it much when we first met, but I'm a mage, an enchanter. I enchant potions and gemstones with magic and can conjure up pretty much any spell you can imagine. I've curated a rather sizeable gemstone from the dragons in the cliffs to the south and I am willing to infuse it with any spell you want, in exchange for passage through your valley over the course of this winter."

Raven narrowed her eyes and hoofed at the ground before stepping forward, curious to hear more. "Go on; you certainly have my attention. Where is this gemstone you speak of?"

Ceylon paused to think about how to explain the situation to her. "Actually, it's inside of me. Before I received the gemstone I had it tucked away deep inside me for safe keeping; as you can see I don't have saddlebags or a satchel hanging off my neck so I had no place to hide it or hold it, leaving me with this as the only option."

"So release the gemstone and let me see." She commanded, struggling to contain her curiosity.

Unsure how to elaborate, Ceylon clawed at the ground. "It's not quite that easy." He started, only to shrug and waffle about, meandering between the many ways he could have gone about explaining. "Well actually, it is pretty easy, or could be, but I want you to know that, through my magics I have shifted from the form of a female to the form of a male." He then turned and raised his tail, exposing his plump black pucker, white-furred taint, pert but snug balls, and the outline of his sheath hanging down from his lower belly.

The view made Raven gasp to herself while her tail flagged below her, the long and luxurious strands of her hair tickling her vulva as she did so. She had a pretty good idea about what he was about to say and was excited to hear more but didn't want to interrupt in case she was wrong.

"Well, due to the magic power of this ademane gemstone inside me, it triggered my gender transformation and the only way to get it out is through my brand new drake bits." He lied, deliberately obscuring the alternate way he could release the egg via his tail maw, which was connected to his womb. "So since it is that time of year and I'm sure you could use the companionship, you will have to work for the gem before it can be fully utilized." This was manipulative and Ceylon knew it, but based on her subtle body language cues and the fact that he could practically taste the aura of her estus in the air between them he had no doubt that if she had her interest piqued in the least she would accept.

And accept was exactly what she wanted to do. For a brief moment she considered happily turning and lifting tail in order to demand he please her as part of his payment for passage but she managed to keep her poise. "And what makes you think that pleasuring yourself is going to endear you to me?" She inquired, only to regret it seconds later.

Ceylon shrugged. "I don't. But a gryphon can hope, can't he? I believe wholeheartedly in the idea of mutual benefits on multiple levels. You get the gem and the spell in exchange for passage through the valley and, based on various factors I've observed such as your body language and the estrus scent that has practically formed a cloud between us - one I can literally taste in the back of my throat - I'm willing to bet that you're just as needy as I am this time of year. Remember, in my natural form I'm in estrus as well. This masculine body and these male bits are temporary, but I'd hate to have them go to waste and I can't think of a better way to share what I have to offer than mutual fun."

Raven, for all her poise and dignity, couldn't help but crack a smile followed by a bout of body-shaking laughter. "You really are a persuasive, persistent one, aren't you?" She nickered at him while hopping from hoof to hoof, tail flagging and clit winking as she imagined him finally mounting her. "I want more than anything to tell you to turn around and go back to where you came just to punish you for daring to assume such things of me, but the reality is that I was going to let you pass without any sort of payment for the privilege. Yet here you are offering me not only magical gemstones but also that male body of yours for my pleasure. I should be offended but I'm not."

"So do you accept my offer? Shall we proceed with the transfer?"

"I want to, but I think I need to know more before I give my final word. You said that this gem - wherever it is inside you - can be infused with any spell I desire; have you got any ideas for what you think I would want? I would love to hear your suggestions before you cross this creek, sir gryphon."

"Actually, I do!" Ceylon chirped as he got back to all fours and shifted his weight around, ready to pounce across the creed the second she approved him. "The first idea was a low level, radiant heat spell. Given the size of the gem and the strength of my magic, it would keep your glade free of snow for the season, leaving a patch of green and red any any other colors the flowers bloom. Would be about fifty to sixty meter radius of no snow, with the aura of it maintaining a springtime warmth that ensure you never have to-"

Raven whinnied and reared up, tossing her head and pumping her tail all at once. "Sold! I want that! Sounds exactly like what I need!"

Ceylon paused in hesitation. "You don't want to hear any other options? What about-"

"Nope, that sounds perfect! Life here in the winter is tough and that sounds like it's exactly what I need! Tell me, Ceylon, did you read my mind to know that was exactly what I needed, you cheeky bird? That's almost too perfect, but I accept either way!" Her mood had completely shifted between the time Ceylon offered her the gem and the final revelation of the spell that he could infuse it with, her attitude starting out as stiff and serious to chipper and playful.

It was a change that Ceylon approved of. He greatly preferred chipper, playful, compliant Raven over cold, steely bitch-mare Raven. Not only did this make him eager to see what might come in the future but it also excited him in ways that tingled in his loins and coaxed his member from its depths.

"So may I cross the creek, my dear Raven? Shall we proceed with the deposit of your gem?"

"You may." Raven affirmed, but stopped him before he could take his first step. "Wait, did you just work your charisma on me? Did you do some sort of trick? If you have transformation magic doesn't that mean you could also influence me in ways beyond my understanding?"

Ceylon stood in place with a broad grin on his beak. "I could, but where's the fun in that? Means a whole lot less to me if I cheat to earn my way through life." With a wink, he hopped over the creek to land on Raven's side, where he circled around her with her side facing the mare. Once they were close to each other it once again became clear just how disparate they were in terms of height and size. Some gryphons grew to be larger than any horses the world had ever seen but Ceylon was the size of a pony compared to Raven's more typical height.

One kick would be all it took to end this if something went wrong. Luckily for both parties, neither had any interest in stirring up trouble.

"Now that you're over here, Ceylon, I'm curious to know what it is exactly that you plan on doing to me to earn your passage? I mean, you're notably shorter than I am so I highly doubt you could reach my loins; not even a fully capable stallion of your stature could." She was being cheeky about it, sultry and inviting while also bringing up some very real concerns. She couldn't exactly squat down and the idea of rolling onto her back just felt demeaning so that wasn't an option.

But Ceylon wasn't discouraged in the least. He was a resourceful gryphon who had no problems improvising and had already factored in their size difference before even thinking about proposing a more physical way to share gifts. Yet, despite being perfectly capable of perching on her rump and filling her with his jewels, he wasn't the type to mount and bail.

Instead, he sidestepped in closer, granting her a sly, sidelong glance as he flicked his ear at her. Without saying a word he slid his tail up under hers to tickle at her inner thigh, the feathers and fur caressing her without ever actually touching her loins.

Raven had to grunt and pump her tail to resist the urge to wink and spurt a bit of arousal onto him. "Why are you trying to seduce me?" She asked, matching his grin and sidelong glance. "I thought we had an accord, your gem for my land. All that's left is to give me what's mine so I can give you what you want."

He leaned in closer so that the bulk of his wing was teasing her flank, tail still under hers and coiling around her upper thigh. He could feel the rim of his appendage caressing her breasts, but that only seemed to make her even more excited as a moment later he felt a single drip of her arousal soak through the fur on his tail. "You know, I'm aware I don't have to ease you into anything but once again, where's the fun in that. I learned many lifetimes ago that taking the easy way out wasn't fun and was counterproductive in every way. Everything is more fulfilling when you work for it, isn't it?"

"That is quite true." She agreed. "So what are you going to do to work for it?"

Rather than respond with some witty quip or tease her any further, Ceylon whipped around and reared up to rest both of his talons on Raven's haunches, digging his claws in without puncturing her skin. He figured she liked it a little rough but didn't want to hurt her so he was aggressive without being nasty. There, he used the curve of his beak to hook the hair at the base of her tail and force it to the side, exposing her moist, succulent lips. She was sopping wet and dripping, with strands of arousal connecting her vulva to the underside of her tail.

Her eyes went wide as she struggled to not instinctively kick him. While she had practically invited him to make a move, his sudden and brisk motion to get near her had kicked up a defense mechanism deep within her, one she had to suppress. Once she had calmed herself, she found a wholly different instinct rearing itself in the back of her mind, one that habitually lifted her tail and hoisted it to the side while she arched her spine and pushed back.

For a brief moment she felt a wash of shame fill her; she had so willingly succumbed to the gryphon's wiles that she barely hesitated to clench her loins and part her lips with the muscular control only a mare could muster. Yet, despite that shame, she couldn't help but enjoy it. Her vulva was soaked with her natural fluids and she was leaking more, her more carnal, feral side taking over more and more with each passing second she had to wait.

Luckily for her, she needn't wait long. Ceylon may have been a tease and may have spent some time prodding around and near her pussy without ever actually touching it but he was eager to please her the first chance he got and didn't hold back once he got a virtual taste of her folds granted to him not by the touch of his tongue to her flesh but by the thickness of her aroma billowing up between them and invading his nares. The second her estrus scent hit the back of his throat he immediately buried the crest of his beak between her rump cheeks and started gently nuzzling until he parted her lips with it.

She whinnied and threw her head back as the anticipation mounted. The gryphon was behind her, digging his claws into her haunches and teasing her folds with his beak but hadn't yet probed her with anything - be it tongue or fingers or, ideally, cock - and each moment that passed made her want more. Much like a feral mare in heat and eager for her stallion, she shifted from hindhoof to hind hoof, pelvic muscles twitching and spewing her arousal down the gryphon's beak.

Any semblance of poise and posture was gone. She was in full on feral mode now.

Which actually put Ceylon in a bit of an awkward situation. He wanted nothing more than to tease and taste and give her the proper affection she deserved while also enjoying every second himself but it appeared that she wasn't in the mood for foreplay. Ceylon loved foreplay, but feral mares - and Raven, it seemed - just wanted to rush to the end. This was saddening because the gryphon drake could slowly caress and lick and part and fist and use magic for hours with the right partner and he knew that, given his recent transformation, his member would be as sensitive as a virgin's.

But no matter what his internal justification of his reluctance to continue, the reality was that Raven was not in a patient mood. She was squatting and squirting down his beak and chest - something he eagerly licked up and swallowed with aplomb, the sweet nectar of her depths a potion to passion - while pushing back and arching her back to squat down on him.

He really didn't have much of a choice but to hop on and give her what she wanted. So, after a few idle licks aided by both of his thumbs parting her lips to let him taste her deeply, he pecked at the base of her tail and reared back, leaping up onto her with a grace and delicacy that only a cat could manage. He had to spread his wings a bit for balance thanks to Raven's ragged, feral movements and the constant shifting of weight between them but he did quickly find his balance as he perched on her.

At the same time as this, his member had slowly emerged from his sheath and was drooling avian precum over the mare's back and flank. Its weight - which was growing with each passing second - pressed heavily down on her spine as he eased his way back and let his tip rest comfortably between her rump cheeks, shaft lightly parting her lips and subtle gryphon barbs plucking her inner folds. Only then did he dig his claws into her back for balance before tensing his loins, using his length to slap her folds.

"Dammit Ceylon, what are you waiting for?" She snorted at him as she eased forward into a bow, most of her weight on her front knees with her rump up and tail flipped over her flank.

"Sorry, I was trying to stretch this out a bit. I like to please my partners thoroughly before I-"

"No need to waste time. I'm sure you'll come visit again when I'm not in heat and we can experiment all you want. Right now I just want you to-" She grunted and snorted again, loins clenching to wink her clit and spew more of her fluids onto his cock to interrupt her thought patterns. She didn't even bother finishing up what she was trying to say because she was too focused on the heat of Ceylon's flesh pressed against hers, teasing her vulva without plunging in deep.

Despite her intentions being clear and Ceylon being a natural empath who was more than capable of reading the surrounding situation with near-perfect accuracy, Raven's aggressive needs took the gryphon by surprise. What he didn't know was that she was incredibly turned on by the idea of having an egg-like gem inserted into her; she never mentioned this and barely thought about it in the build to their coupling and yet the moment he mentioned he'd have to deposit it into her by mounting her, she had basically lost all self control and had shed her shame without regret.

With this permeating sense of desire encapsulating the both of them, Ceylon finally gave in and let her estrus take control. He bit down on the base of her neck, clenched both of his front talons below her shoulders, and arched his back so that his tip prodded past her lips and into her passage. He was at just the right angle and didn't bother wasting a single movement before bucking his hips and burying his entire length in her, wings flaring out for balance in order to best leverage while perched on her.

She couldn't do much to push back now, since she was in a bowing position and Ceylon was on her back the whole time so any motions she would commit to would also move him; however, that didn't stop her from finding ways to urge him in deeper.

The girth of his knot throbbing against her tender walls made her clench up tight, squeezing her lips around the base of his knot to pull him in deeper while her experienced equine pelvic muscles constricted in waves going inward, walls soaked with secreted fluids and lips drooling down over her clit and inner thighs. Everything under her tail was sopping wet, tender, firm, and snug while also being loose and accommodating at the same time. She was everything in that moment because she wanted his seed inside her; and by that she meant both the gem and his essence.

As expected, Ceylon's virgin cock didn't stand much of a chance when smothered in the hot flesh of a mare pussy. While the gryphon had been active for many years, each transformation from one gender to another resulted in his genitals reverting back to a natural form; this meant that, when returning to a female body his hymen returned and when returning to a male body his member was so sensitive that it gave him a hair trigger.

In reality, this was a good thing, since Raven wanted it and was impatient.

At least that was until he felt the lurching sensation of the egg-shaped gem shifting inside him and getting stuck at the base of his cock below his knot. His member was fully inside her and he was even tied to her - at least he would have been had her depths not been so open and loose compared to a gryphon's pussy - so each and every one of her vaginal contractions sucked him in deeper and coaxed another body-length orgasm from him.

He grunted and held back a screech as he felt the pressure build inside him. While he was able to lightly buck with shallow thrusts to match her contractions, he felt like he could barely move in place as her lips gripped his knot and the gem shifted forward a bit at a time with every pseudo-ejaculation. In reality, he had quickly been brought to orgasm but the plug that was the gem had ensured that, while he had long since climaxed within seconds of her first squeezing him, he didn't get a release and was thus left on the cusp of relief with mounting pressure building inside him.

With an unconscious grip on her shoulders with his front talons, he bucked once more so that he felt her lips pressing tight against the base of his cock, peeling back his sheath and revealing the gem-sized bulge in the neck of his cock. Only then did he manage to compose himself enough to clench his loins with all his might, every muscle constricting around it to ease it - alongside a veritable flood of his seed that would surely erupt into her the second the blockage was removed - a little bit farther down his shaft each second.

The pressure mounted and the discomfort built as he felt the fist-sized gem get stuck against the right passage that led through his knot. His urethra may have been tangible and malleable, but the arousal that came from having his knot squeezed ensured that each knot lobe was as rock-solid as a gem itself with next to no give whatsoever. The gem inside him met the firmness of his knot and stopped dead in its path, unable to go further.

This would not do. Ceylon was not a master of transformation magic for nothing! Yet, though he may have been more than capable of altering his body to suit his needs, the reality was that the ever-present pleasure that had built up in him and got stuck in his groin was keeping him from consciously taking control of the situation.

Amidst great struggles between his carnal side and his lucid side, he was able to just barely release enough tension in his shaft to loosen up his urethra and let the gem shift a bit further down his member. However, the very instant it passed his knot the rest of this length failed to do anything to stop it and he ejaculated it like a cannon out the end of his cock and directly into Raven. The tip of his member - barbs and all - had lodged in her cervix and anchored itself there, thus parting the opening to her uterus and depositing the gem inside her without any further resistance!

He grunted as a flood of gryphon cum cascaded into and eventually out of her, soaking his knot and splashing out from between his flesh and hers to soak his thighs and dribble down her hind legs in a puddle on the grass between them. Ceylon finally let go of the grip his beak held on her shoulder to tenderly lick her as the pressure that built inside her forced his knot out of her with another gush of cum and fluids, resulting in a pearly mess soaking the both of them.

With the gem finally deposited deep inside her and his orgasm finally concluded in one messy eruption, Ceylon collapsed off her back and nearly fell into the nearby creek while Raven flopped down onto her side, one leg phantom-running in the air as the tingles of pleasure mixed with the heaviness of the gem inside her to give her a perpetual sensation of delight.

There was an internal need to get up and leave, as Ceylon's masculine instincts were very much that of a mount-and-leave stud, but his compassion took control in the form of coaxing him to crawl over to her and gingerly lick under her tail until she was clean of his mess.

She twitched and winked and spurted their combined fluids all over his beak, all of which he happily licked up before returning to her. Neither spoke a word, not even as Ceylon finished his work under her tail and rested his chin up on her haunches with a grin.

They were exhausted but satisfied. Ceylon's first partner since shifting to male proved to be a wonderful one, and in their mutual bliss neither were even thinking about their agreement, the enchantment of the gem, the liberty to pass through the valley, or the events that brought them here.

Many minutes passed with Raven on her side, chest heaving and tail flicking every few seconds. She was spent and the warmth of Ceylon's body next to hers was a nice contrast to the biting chill of the encroaching winter winds. She didn't want him to leave but that didn't stop her from raising her head and inquiring about his future intentions.

"Say, Ceylon, I thought you said your mate was waiting for you n the other side of the valley. Isn't she going to be lonely without you?" In reality, Raven wanted him to stay for a bit as he'd earned her trust and respect, but she reciprocated by showing him that she never intended to keep him from his lover.

"She's fine." Ceylon answered before slapping his front talon down on her hip. "She's a saurossin naga, so she's likely in brumation already. This time of year she sleeps three quarters of the day unless I wake her up. Leera won't even notice I'm missing for a few days. Besides, I have a new friend to spend my afternoons with, don't I?" He then winked and grinned.

This was the first time she really got a chance to see just how vibrant and blue his irises were. It actually coaxed a nicker from her and another flick of her tail that left a few strands of tail hair draped over his beak. "Fair enough. Fair enough. So when do you plan on enchanting this gem?" She looked down at her abdominal wall, thinking about the object that was resting heavily in her womb; the thought of it more than the actual sensations made her lips quiver in delight once more, a single trickle of her arousal dribbling past her vulva to soak into her rump fur.

Ceylon noticed this and licked her up before patting her on the haunches. When he came back to rest his beak on her hip, he gradually slipped his other hand under her tail and all the way through her birth canal - an easy task considering how relaxed she was and how tender her walls had become - to penetrate her cervix with two fingers. He then concentrated for only a few seconds as magic flowed through him and quickly infused the gem while it was still inside her, the free flow of energy building up inside her to give her a permeating tingle that coaxed a few cycles of her hind legs out of her.

Then, when the gryphon pulled out to the faint guttural squelches of her depths collapsing in the absence of his forearm, he gave her clit a rub and licked his fingers clean before resting that hand on her haunches under his beak. "There ya go. You've got the enchantment. Any questions?"

"What good will it do in there? What if I need to get it out?" She didn't want it out and her inflection made that clear, but she was still curious.

"You know where to find me. For now, just relax and enjoy it." He gave her another sly wink and nuzzled up against her, waiting for her response.

She didn't give one beyond flopping her head back down into the grass and offering a few heavy breaths, chest heaving and tail flicking to spread her scent. This was a good day, one she would not soon forget. In fact, with the drone of the gem inside her she quickly came to realize it might be a few months before she was able to forget about this day.

Not that she minded. Raven had made a friend and so had Ceylon. Given the fact that both would be seeing one another quite frequently on the gryphon's travel, that was a good thing for all involved.

And in the end, Ceylon had won by enticing Raven to see things his way without having to resort to any drastic measures. As he noted to himself as he basked in the estrus scent of his mare partner, working for his rewards made the result far more amicable than if he had cheated.

Yet, despite him being in bliss, he couldn't help but crack a joke before nuzzling up onto her belly. "You know, when we first met you said you feared that I, as a gryphon, had come to eat you. Now, with your essence smothering my beak and my chest, I can say that I had quite a feast at your behest. However, I don't think this was what you were concerned about when you laid eyes on me."

She glared and flattened her ears, snorting at him. "Shut up."

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