SynTech: Pinnacle of Entertainment

Story by danath on SoFurry

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#12 of 2018 Livestream Stories

A new employee at a fancy executive club on the SynTech campus discovers some of the perks of the job.

SynTech: Pinnacle of Entertainment

By Danath

Characters © Friendoflloyd

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"Hi! Welcome to the Pinnacle Executive Club! What altitude would you prefer?"

Mercury Drop blinked at the aggressively friendly hostess at the podium. The filly was about seven feet tall and her skin featured a strange, gel-like shine to it, but otherwise she looked like a normal, if tall, horse. The revealing uniform propped up a healthy pair of breasts, featuring black and white stripes that hugged her hips and bulged conspicuously over a bulge between her thighs.

An electronic sign on the podium held the cafe's initials, "PEC," as well as a few words below: "Goo Week Ends Today!"

"Sorry, I'm not a customer... I'm a new employee. It's my first day," Mercury Drop said, trying not to stare as the hostess horse's breasts jiggled rapidly side to side.

"Oh, of course! You must be Mercury! The manager said you'd be coming in today. Head on through the back to the locker room and get changed - we're just about to hit the lunch rush!"

Mercury nodded and moved out of the way as a pair of executives in expensive suits strode up behind her. As the hostess led them to their seats, Mercury spread her large wings and took off into the air.

Past the rather plain-looking wooden door and hostess podium, the Pinnacle Executive Club opened up into a vast and open interior space. In the center, a massive tree stretched upwards and spread out into a large canopy, filtering some of the natural sunlight streaming in through the domed glass ceiling. At least a hundred feet high and almost twenty feet thick at the base, the enormous redwood featured a large ring bar around its base among the roots, while higher branches sported various tables, seats, and couches for groups of diners to eat, drink coffee, and read the newspaper. Around the outside walls of the club, small alcoves housed additional tables and seating for a variety of airborn guests, with lifts and stairs hidden behind the wooden walls for flightless patrons.

A conspicuous white sign with black writing read "Employees Only," so the pegasus headed for it, eyes wide as she surveyed her new workplace. Waitresses flitted around in all directions, at least a dozen of various shapes and sizes - some pegasi, a griffon, a few winged mammals, and a bat were among Mercury's new coworkers. The strange thing was, every one of the Club's waitresses had skin with the same shine to it, even the mammals with fur.

Anxiety about starting her new job on the right hoof crowded out those concerns, though, as Mercury narrowed her wings and zoomed into the employee tunnel, emerging into a hallway with several doors. She passed by the ones labeled "Management," "Accounting," and "Employee Resources" before finding the locker room. It was empty when she entered - a simple square with lockers on each of the four walls and a single shower in the back.

Mercury's bright teal tail swept across her backside and thighs as she walked around the small room looking for the locker with her name on it. She found it along the back wall and opened it up. Inside, one of the club's uniforms hung on a hanger. Before the pegasus even removed it, however, she could tell it was far too large. Mercury's pale yellow hide twitched beneath her street clothes - nice pants and a blouse - as she held up the uniform against her chest and belly. The top reached almost to her thighs, while the hem of the short pleated skirt was almost to her ankles.

"Well, how am I supposed to wear this?" Mercury asked out loud.

Obviously someone put the wrong size in her locker was all. Carrying the uniform with her, the pegasus left the locker room and knocked on the next door down the hallway marked "Management."

"Whaddya want?" a surly, baritone voice bellowed from the other side of the door.

"Excuse me... I'm Mercury Drop, the new waitress," the pegasus said. "I think there was a mistake with my uniform? It's too big."

"Nah, it's the right size. Hurry up and get dressed! You're needed on the floor!"

Mercury stared at the door, upset by the lack of a face-to-face conversation with her mystery manager. There was no further response, however, so she turned to head back into the locker room. After undressing, she pulled the uniform into place. The rose-red top hung over her shoulders. The oversized chest area stretched out and down, overlapping the loose fabric hanging over her belly. She kept her own underwear on - a nice and professional pair of white cotton panties - as she hiked up the oversized black mini skirt. Gold trim spelled out the name of the club along the outside edges. Mercury had to pinch the fabric together in the back so that it wouldn't immediately fall down around her ankles. It took a minute to maneuver her wings through the slits in the back of the pull-over top, but because of its size it wasn't too hard once she pulled the shoulders higher up.

Mercury stared at her reflection in the mirror set into the corner of the locker room. Still holding her clothes up with one hand, she stroked her fingers through her long, bright teal hair and mane with the other, rearranging the strands pulled loose when she tugged the uniform over her head.

Only the strands didn't merely smooth back into place along her bright teal mane. They melded into place. And also, Mercury Drop realized with a literal sinking feeling, she was getting shorter.

The pegasus's muzzle opened in an "O" of shock as she looked down and saw a puddle of yellow forming around what used to be her hooves and calves. She could still feel the floor beneath, even the cracks in the tiles, as the puddle spread larger, lifting the bottom of the skirt as her knees dissolved into the thick puddle of gelatinous goo.

Instinct took hold. Something fluttered against Mercury's shiny skin as she tugged at the fabric of her uniform, watching with alarm as her fingers stretched and dripped. That wouldn't do, of course - employees at the Pinnacle Executive Club didn't drip.

Closing her eyes, the mare focused, even as her the large puddle of goo climbed higher up to her hips. She took a few slow, deep breaths - even though she realized that breathing was no longer necessary - and then tightened her muzzle. The process reversed itself and the mare's body began to rise out of the puddle, reforming her hips and thighs.

"Ahh... that's better," the pegasus said, though it took a few tries to figure out how to get the air to form sounds without vocal chords. Fortunately, as soon as she thought about it, the knowledge came to her.

As far as employee training went, this was better than almost any other job.

By the time her hooves resolidified - though faint jiggles appeared throughout her goopy new figure regardless - Mercury faced a new problem. She was due on shift in just a few minutes and there was no way she could serve tables with her uniform hanging loose around her body.

Casting her eyes around the locker room, the filly grinned when she saw the shower in the back corner. New ideas on how to use the facilities came to her as she trotted over, wings half expanding behind her to hold up the shirt around her shoulders, with a neck as large around as her own hips.

Mercury's eyes widened as the stream of water droplets hit her shiny new skin. Even the water that soaked through the uniform reached her body, which rapidly absorbed every molecule, converting it into more gooey mass for the pegasus. Within seconds, she began to fill out.

The yellow goo stretched outwards in all directions, but with a little effort, Mercury could guide the process. She let out a small moan as the lukewarm water sloshed across her torso, which quickly grew to fill out the oversized uniform to the point the fabric stretched at the seams. She felt ripples of power across her body as clearly defined muscles protruded through the goop - an aesthetically pleasing effect, though unnecessary considering her entire body was made of the same gel-like substance. Her height increased so that her head rose above the shower and bounced off the ceiling, flattening like a ball before she bent over and reached for the water tap.

Mercury's eyes widened when the handle snapped off in her large fingers. Water continued to pour over her body, swelling and inflating her even larger as she mashed her palm against the spout and focused her eyes, solidifying her hands as much as she could. With a grunt, she managed to get the water off, but even the last few drips from the spout soaked up into her body, leaving her cramped and squeezed within the confines of the shower.

The unexpected, fast growth distracted her from other important change, though as a strange heat swelled in her abdomen, she could ignore it no longer. Mashed between her voluminous, wobbly breasts, which themselves stretched into each of the upper corners of the shower enclosure, the mare felt a distinctly male presence throbbing and wiggling between her chest. A quick check with her hands confirmed the dramatic outline of a massive male bulge, long and smooth barring a fat medial ring halfway up. Her thighs squirmed against a similarly sized pair of testicles that fought for space with the rest of her, even big enough to squeeze up and rub along the undersides of her overdeveloped breasts.

Gasping and moaning, the aroused pegasus stumbled and squeezed her way out of the shower and back into the locker room, where she could stand up straight and take full stock of what just happened.

The oversized mini skirt's black pleats down draped halfway down her swollen nuts, which themselves reached to just above her knees. The waist of the skirt left a large gap before the bottom of the blouse, showing off a heavily muscular abdominal area - what little could be seen behind the swells of her chest, which more than filled the top and revealed the slit stitched into the front middle. The winged mare's generous cleavage peeked through as she stared at her reflection, in awe of herself as a gelatinous, Amazon-like serving girl. Not to mention the thick maleness stretching from her hips and up between her breasts, so that the tip pressed outwards, lewd and wet, already starting to pump thick seed that her body quickly reabsorbed.

"I can't go to work like this!" she gasped, shuddering as her flexing maleness rubbed between her warm, heavy, wet breasts. The fabric of her uniform was already dry despite the deluge of water, with her naturally moist skin constantly vacuuming up any stray water or liquid. "What am I going to do?"

The answer was easy. With less than five minutes to start her first ever shift, the newly enhanced waitress used her gelatinous fingers to pull her flexible, thick maleness free of her top. It flopped out and splattered across the locker in front of her, leaving a trail of syrupy seed drooling down the metal. The slap of flesh on steel echoed through the locker room as the pegasus's chest wobbled and shifted side to side.

Despite the ability to shapeshift, it was limited, and Mercury quickly realized some things she couldn't change - like the size of the stallion-shaft jutting obscenely from her hips, swinging back and forth in front of the mirror as she reached around her chest to grasp at the base. The size of her chest was another variable she couldn't affect much, despite trying to shift some of her mass from her top to her rump, though she did feel a good breeze as the pleats fluttered over her round, plump backside.

Her soft moans and eager gasps filled the locker room as she pumped her hips into her fingers, stroking herself madly while being careful to aim the tip away from herself, not wanting to reabsorb any of the liquid her thickness expelled. With two minutes to go, the mare's quavering moan increased in volume, followed by the wet sounds of sticky syrup dumping across the floor of the locker room by the bucketful.

A few splatters of her own seed ricocheted back across her face and breasts, but her body cleaned her uniform with incredible efficiency, wicking up any moisture and reabsorbing it. Though it defeated the point of trying to let loose a little of the pressure, Mercury had to admit it felt incredible.

With thirty seconds to go, the frantic mare stuffed her still pulsing, drooling cock down into her cotton panties, which stretched tight like a g-string between her overly plump rump cheeks. The tip shoved up against her balls, creating a perfect loop of expulsion and absorption as she made her way to the front of the employee entrance. She tugged at her uniform, though the size of her massively engorged, muscular figure ensured that every bit of it pulled taut across her various assets.

The swollen, still hard length of her stallionhood shoved outwards, only a fraction of the yellow maleness covered by her white panties as it lifted the black pleats up. The pegasus shivered as a few gusts of wind generated by the large ceiling-mounted fans swept up around her backside, lifting the pleats entirely off her thick posterior.

"Hey, new girl! You'll be shadowing me for the first part of your shift!"

Another pegasus, one that Mercury Drop noticed earlier while flying into the employee tunnel, dropped out of the sky and landed neatly on the ledge. With a silky white mane and a deep red, almost maroon color hide, the pegasus wouldn't have looked out of place in a cartoon, especially considering how her proportions almost rivaled the over-filled Mercury.

"I'm Sunny! Nice to meet you!" she said, leaning forward and reaching out a hand. As she did, her gooey, wobbling chest squeezed up against Mercury's, flattening the four enormous spheres together and crinkling their uniforms. "By the way, be careful with the shower - the handle's broken. Okay, ready? We've got two tables waiting. Here we go!"

Sunny's torso bounced away from Mercury's, leaving the yellow pegasus gasping and more than a little aroused. Mercury's eyes followed her co-worker's backside, widening as she noticed for the first time the impressive masculine bulge dangling between the other goo-girl's thighs.

Such thoughts were not professional for a new employee at the prestigious club, however, so Mercury did her best to put the thirst out of her mind as she launched into the air after the other pegasus. Her wingspan wasn't all that larger than before, but she found by controlling the density of her goo-body, she could fly very easily.

"All right, table 10 is a high roller, treat him nice - he leaves good tips," Sunny told her about an hour later, after giving a quick crash course on delivering to the myriad of tables all around the enormous redwood tree. "I've got to take care of table 84 up in the canopy. Think you can handle it?"

"Sure, no problem!" Mercury said. "This is just like any other serving job, isn't it?"

So far for the pegasus, the job experience was remarkably similar to other jobs she'd held. Granted, trying to fly with a massive and, so far as she could tell, permanently aroused goo-cock between her thighs wasn't the easiest, and the uniform was ridiculously tight... but overall, she'd picked everything up easily. Taking care of a single high-roller wouldn't be too difficult. The gelatinous bob of bright teal goo mimicking her mane and tail wiggled and jiggled as she took flight while carrying two plates on one arm and three mugs in the other, using her shapeshifting abilities to easily carry them all at once.

At the table, she landed neatly and folded in her wings, then smiled past her enormous chest towards the two pegasus stallions and the peacock perched in the seats balanced on the broad limb of the giant tree.

"Espresso?" she asked, handing one mug to the stallion on the left who nodded at her. "Black coffee? Cappuccino?"

After passing out the drinks and setting down the two plates of complementary biscuits, Mercury beamed at the three males - two pegasus stallions and a tall peacock. Her new stature gave her an enormous amount of self-confidence - she was easily two feet taller than any of the three fit males at the table in front of her, and there was no doubt her erection could put any of them to shame.

"Will there be anything else, sir?" she asked, leaning over and squeezing her arms together, forcing her enormous cleavage to reach all the way up to the end of her long jaw.

The right-most guest, a green-hued peacock, smirked and nodded his head. "Sure... I'll have a filly on the side, please."

The other two pegasi stifled grins as Mercury's lips pressed together. "I'm sorry, sir, I'm not sure we serve filly here. Is that a nickname for something?"

The rightmost stallion's lips spread into a wide grin. His expensively tailored navy blue suit crinkled as he raised his arm up and dropped his open palm flat down across Mercury's thick backside, sending a wave of jiggling goo swirling from one side of her hips to the other and back again.

"Oh, sir!" Mercury gasped. The playful smack sent pins of pleasure shooting up and down her thick arousal as well as causing a flush of heat between her thighs. She refocused her gaze on the attractive peacock and shook her head. "Now now, hands to yourself..."

Mercury winked and took off, flying away from the three males as they chuckled and leaned together, watching her go. When she related the story to Sunny a few minutes later, the maroon pegasus nodded and shook her head side to side.

"Yeah, those three are infamous. Super handsy, but they leave good tips. And they back off if you say so, but I mean... c'mon, why else is this -" and here the pegasus stopped to strike a pose, both arms over her head, huge chest to the side with her hips facing front, putting her fabulously large package on full display - "our official uniform?" she finished. "At least this week, anyways."

"Oh, the uniform changes?"

"New theme every week. The new manager started it a few months back. Okay, enough chit-chat. Let's get these orders out!"

The aviary-styled cafe only got busier over the next several hours, right into the evening dinner crowd. Curiously, the two stallions and the peacock kept their table, ordering refills as they worked on laptops and drew up various plans. Every time Mercury Drop landed, she'd get another smack, grasp, or grope from the peacock, bolder each time until finally he was lewdly rubbing her masculine package almost the moment she landed.

Mercury shivered as she grit her teeth, struggling not to let her arousal flex right out of her panties, but it was a losing battle as the huge stallion-hood bent over on itself, rising outwards like an upside-down "U". The trapped tip squeezed in against her huge sac as the peacock's fingertips danced across the smooth exposed length.

"Hmm... I'm not sure what to order," he said, his high voice talking much slower than normal as he took his time teasing the shivering waitress. "What would you recommend? Another coffee? Mocha? Something... sweeter?"

The two pegasi at the table chortled and snickered, giggling like schoolboys as their companion toyed with the embarrassed and highly aroused goo-girl waitress.

"Uh... everything is... oooh... everything is on the menu, si-sir!" Mercury gasped. The peacock's fingers wrapped as far around the trapped tip of her malness as they could get and squeezed several times. "Ooh!"

The enormous length swung out and up, flexing to full hardness and throbbing madly as pints of clear pre-cum rolled down the tip, thick and syrupy. Before the mess could drip off of her overfilled pale yellow sac, her gooey body reabsorbed the fluid, recycling it into even more thick goo-cum. The tip rose up past the outlines of her thick nipples capping her chest as the three males laughed louder.

"What a show! Definitely earning your tip," the peacock said, switching his hand to under her pleated skirt in the back.

"Sir!" Mercury protested, but the lewd groping continued. "Will you be ordering anything e- eh- else?"

The peacock's smirk grew. "You still haven't recommended anything. Maybe something with milk?"

Mercury closed her eyes, shuddering even more when the peacock's clawed fingers squeezed around her nipples, compressing the fabric as they clenched tight. She gasped as her thickness swung, lurching and swaying between the peacock's arms.

The heat and pleasure was too much for the newly-transformed goo-girl. She wasn't sure what came over her besides that, because before she knew it, the peacock's laughter was muffled thanks to the prodigious length of stallion-shaft squeezing up against his chest and beak.

"Oh, now you've done it, Julian! Teased her too much!" the pegasus on the left said, leaning back and sipping on his coffee as he watched.

"Yup. Same thing happened last week," said the other. "He just doesn't know when to quit."

"Pardon me, siirrrr!" Mercury said, her voice breaking into a quavering groan as she shoved herself up against the peacock, whose arms stretched outwards to the sides of the mare's enormous chest.

What happened next sent thrills of pleasure spiking through every molecule of Mercury's shifting, gelatinous body. As she squeezed closer, the peacock began to merge into her goo. The semitransparent sticky substance squeezed around his beak and head before stretching to wrap around his torso and belly. His paws sunk into her chest, melting in beneath the fabric of her uniform as she leaned even further over him. The peacock's wriggling movements made Mercury's entire body jiggle and slosh, from her large ears down to her thick rump. The dark green and purple feathers swam through her insides as she swallowed the cafe customer entirely and massaged her sides, gasping and shuddering as the peacock kicked and wiggled inside her. When his muzzle opened, his eyes went wide as her thick goo poured down into his throat, swelling his neck and soon his belly.

"Ha, that's gonna teach him a lesson," one of the pegasi said. "How long do you think this'll take to wear off?"

"Last time was almost a month," the other said, nursing an obvious semi in his suit pants as he watched the peacock's body distending through the thick layers of yellow mare-goo surrounding him.

The peacock's throat swallowed as the mare's body enveloped and massaged him. The whole time, Mercury kept her eyes closed, hips thrusting, pumping her massive horsecock along the metal arm of the seat where the peacock was moments before. Ropes of thick seed flooded from her tip as one orgasm after another thrilled through her body, spurred by the motions of the wriggling peacock still embedded in her fluidic form. Her massive sac swung and smacked forward against the seat before splattering back against her own thighs as the definition in her face melted somewhat. Her groans turned to gurgles as she melted, too overcome with lust and pleasure to hold her shape. The swollen body of the peacock executive ended up on the bark of the branch surrounded by a gelatinous yellow and teal puddle of living goo, but he wasn't quite the same as before.

The pegasus sitting in the middle leaned over, reaching out his fingers to tweak the fat, prominent bulges of the new nipples pressing out against the white button-up shirt beneath the expensive jacket. The peacock's eyes flicked open and he let out a squawk.

"Hey, hands off the goods!" he gasped.

The pegasus stallion leaned back and laughed. "You're lucky she let you off with just those this time."

The yellow puddle reformed a few moments later as Mercury Drop quickly regained her senses. She tried to apologize to the peacock as she helped him - or was it her, now? - back to the seat, but the other pegasus cut her off.

"Don't bother," he said, grinning. "You're new, right? He does this with all the new girls. And goo-week is his favorite, can't get him to go anywhere else for lunch."

Mercury grinned back and heaved a sigh of relief. "I'm so sorry though, I really don't know what came over me."

The peacock grinned and spread the fantastic multicolored tail behind him as she hefted her breasts in her clawed fingers, adjusting them to fit better in the tight confines of the male-tailored suit coat.

"Hey, can't blame me for wanting to have a little fun at work."

Mercury blushed as she picked up a spilled drink on the table - the pegasus's espresso from earlier. As she pressed her palm against the table, the caffeinated beverage soaked up into her body, plumping out her breasts by a few noticeable inches. They'd shrunk somewhat with the amount of fluid she'd pumped into the peacock minutes before, but she was relieved she'd be able to refill somewhat easily.

"Will there be anything else?" she asked. "I'll fetch a new drink for you, of course."

The stallions and the peacock waved her off. As she took flight, she heard the peacock complaining about the other two taking snaps of his new chest for social media and she grinned, landing with a gentle wiggle next to Sunny.

The maroon mare glanced up from the ordering computer. "Hey, saw you were having fun with the high rollers. Good job - that peacock always leaves the best tips."

Mercury blushed. "Does that happen often?"

"Depends on the theme... next week is macro," Sunny said, her eyes narrowing and her smile growing slightly more vicious. "That's my favorite..."

Mercury grinned and shivered, still enjoying the feeling of her gelatinous body constantly shifting and moving and flexing against the too-small uniform gripping her.

"Do we have to?" she asked. "I mean, could I stay... uh, like this?"

Sunny's smile stretched even wider. "You're gonna fit right in at the Pinnacle," she said, her voice dropping into a throaty purr. "Now, let's go take care of table 19 - but be careful, they get pretty handsy."

The end

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