His Pregnant Sister

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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Kao's gotten his sister pregnant but she's still up for some fun...

I delayed upload on this one as I was trying to get the Halloween stories uploaded in October. But enjoy now that it's live!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Character © respective owners

ABCs of Kink


His Pregnant Sister

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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Fyr relaxed back on her brother's bed, her stomach rounded and pushing up against her T-shirt so that a strip of scales showed between the waistline of her jeans and the plain T-shirt she'd donned. It was one of the last ones in the bag she'd brought home for her parents' anniversary dinner. Of course, the rest of them were already in the wash, Sasha having scolded her thoroughly for not using the right detergent or something, although it really wasn't much of Fyr's concern. Maybe she'd have Kao fuck her later, just to get her mother's mind on something else, but the rising bulge of her stomach was going to become a greater problem once others realised that she wasn't just putting on a little bit of weight.

Running his paw over her stomach, her brother and the father of the dragonet in her belly smirked, his blue tail flicking lazily. If not for his masculine, blocky jaw, he could have been the spitting image of their mother, a dragoness with shockingly blue scales, while their father was a black as dark as the darkest night, struck through with the yellow stripes that also adorned Fyr's scales. Vaguely, the dragoness wondered if the dragonet would look like him too, whether he or she would carry the stripe gene or whether they would simply take more after Kao. The thought warmed her from the inside out, the dragoness' tail flicking lazily back and forth from where it hung over the side of the bed.

"You know, sis..." Kao rumbled, teasing his fingers across her stomach towards that strip of exposed scales. "Mom and dad aren't gonna be up for a while... You know what mom's like in the kitchen..."

As if he even had to persuade her! And yet Fyr murmured under her breath, turning her muzzle into the pillow as if she was all of a sudden overcome by tiredness.

"Aw, come on, Kao," she grumbled, her tone as grumpy as she could possibly make it. "It's been a long drive back from college... And you want to get it on now?"


All it took was that one word, the drake not taking no for an answer as his paw closed demandingly on her shoulder. Fyr's eyes snapped open in time to catch his muzzle descending on her, lips parted to claim hers for his own. The dragoness groaned into his mouth, welcoming the invasion of his tongue as he took control of the situation. It was so easy to softly, sweetly, give in to him, the dragoness moaning into his mouth as he so quickly stoked the fire inside her, need flaring up from the brush of his fingertips alone. There was nothing the dragoness could or would do to fight him off and it was truly the bliss of submitting to him that had gotten her pregnant in the first place. Even though she couldn't wait to be a mom.

Ah, but there was still time for fun as, with the risk of being walked in on at any time, she allowed her brother to kiss down her body, easing her out of her jeans and panties as if there was never any question about whether she would allow him to or not. What Kao wanted Kao got and Fyr even helped him out by casting her T-shirt off, letting her bare, full breasts hang heavily, slipping to either side of her chest under their own weight.

His lips were quick to follow her perky nipples, however, closing around them as he drew them, one after the other, between his lips, suckling them as if he was actually a babe at her chest. But his teasing was far, far more erotic and she bit her lip, swallowing her whimpers the best she could as she arched up against his muzzle, heartbeat fluttering madly as it refused to keep any kind of steady pace.

"Oh, Kao..."

The drake chuckled throatily, eyes gleaming with the air of command he held over her - and they both knew that she was well and truly lost to him. There was no resistance from her as he dragged his T-shirt lethargically up over his head, revealing rippling, maintained muscle and a six-pack that was a treat for the eyes indeed. Fyr could not help but place her paws on it, admiring what he had so cultivated - all for her attention, of course. Well, and that of many other female furs at college too, but they didn't matter so much. As long as she got to watch, that was.

Oh, for he had just finished fucking a really hot leopard chick when he'd come back to their college house, a rickety affair, to fuck her, his cock still thick and musky from his first orgasm. Fyr shivered with the memory, remembering just how she'd cleaned him off first off all before her brother bent her over the arm of the sofa and ploughed her full over and over again, depositing such a dose into her that it was no wonder that his seed had taken in her belly. It had had to have been that session of rough, passionate sex that had done it for her, because her brother had had to take off on some trip for some class - really, she had not been paying all that much attention way back when he'd told her - and she hadn't seen him for a couple of weeks afterwards. It had been a very short window, after all, in which her birth control hadn't been working and that had been more than enough time for things to either go very wrong or very right, depending on just how one looked at things.

Dragged back to the present as her brother's cock pressed to her lips, the dragoness readily parted her lips to take it deep, the ridged length sliding right up into the back of her throat as if it belonged there. With as much time as he kept fucking her muzzle, perhaps his cock did indeed belong there, with his little, pregnant dragoness on her knees before him. Slipping deeper into fantasy as her whole body warmed further, Fyr moaned around his cock, allowing him to hold her head still as he worked his hips back and forth, sliding over her tongue even as she strove to curl it around his cock, all to give her brother just that little bit more pleasure.

"I can't wait to see you heavily pregnant, sis," Kao murmured, his eyes half-lidded as smoke curled from his nostrils, twisting itself into sinuously fantastical shapes. "You're going to get so big... All with my dragonet."

Fyr trembled. It was all a symbol of power for Kao, something that would show how virile and studly he was. Surely it would also help him get more chicks at college while he showed off just how masculine he was - hey, he'd knocked up his girlfriend! - as no one could resist him. Of course, there was the whole thing about no one there actually knowing that they were brother and sister too, which may have complicated the whole matter of him taking whatever femfurs he pleased and Fyr either watching or happily hearing about his exploits later: it was all part of their relationship and something that, truly, the two of them relished.

"Yeah, that's it..."

Kao grunted as he slammed into her mouth, dominating her the best way he knew how. His sister groaned, the end of her tongue hanging out over her lips, tucked between her teeth so that she would not catch it painfully. But it was not just a blowjob that the dragon was after with her and he hissed wantonly as he drew back from her muzzle, Fyr's tail flicking impatiently for the main event.

Bending her leg up to her chest, Kao pressed in as close as he could, using the weight of his body to hold her down - not that Fyr would have ever dreamed of going anywhere, of course. No, the dragoness was there to do with as he pleased, although her stomach was already ripe with his young, still inviting the drake to enjoy her and use her and take every last bit of pleasure he possibly could from her.

"Won't be able to do this one when you're very pregnant," he growled, forcing his cock into her tight snatch, inch by inch. "You'll be big...and round...and...unnff..."

Anything more Kao may or may not have been going to say was lost in a groan, the drake caught up in the moment. Out of the corner of her eye, Fyr saw the bedroom door swing open just a little, her heart leaping into her mouth. Of course, she had no standing whatsoever to stop anything and she didn't want to either... Just the mere thought of her mother or father catching her in the act with her brother made her hotter still, scales tingling as if she was burning up from the inside out.

Would they join in? Would her father want to fuck his little pregnant girl again once he found out that she was slowly becoming heavier and heavier with a little one?

Orgasm slammed into her as she imagined taking her father's cock into her throat, Kao cramming her pussy full, rolling over her like an old-style steam train, relentless in its onslaught. Like her brother's dominance, there was no stopping it as she bucked and twisted beneath him, pinned in place by that one leg bent up to her chest, held down and forced into position as her brother's thrusts sped up and up, driven on by the pulse and clench of her needy pussy, milking him for every last drop he could have possibly had to give.


Kao's cry was hardly unexpected as he clenched his teeth and worked to keep fucking her through her climax, sharp and abrupt and oh so very difficult to hold back from once it had begun. There was something about a pussy that rippled and squeezed around one's shaft that made it so very hard to hold back from the point of no return and Kao was no different, despite his stamina, which was becoming rather legendary around the college campus itself. His tail thrashed, slamming into the wall hard enough to jostle a picture frame there of him and his family, slamming and grinding into her with the force of a dragon possessed.

Only, it was something far more beautiful that had possessed him, the dragoness beneath him contorted in blissful ecstasy, lips parted and orgasm coursing through her, on and on and on, as if it was never going to stop. There was no moving away from the squeeze on his cock either and it was with a swallowed snarl of barely restrained pleasure that Kao allowed himself too to take flight into climax, eyes rolling back into his skull as he fought and strained to be as quiet as possible.

It was easier said than done with such a hot dragoness - his own sister - beneath him, tail swinging as he ploughed into her as deeply as he could possibly go, letting each rolling, throbbing spurt of cum leave him with a shudder and a gasp, scales damp with sweat from the strain of holding down his pleasure. If he made too much noise, they would be caught...and then what would it be for them?

Ah, but the moment there was their own as he breathlessly spent himself inside her, kissing her muzzle and neck with surprising tenderness. There was no one else there but them to bear witness to their wicked liaison, him pumping his already pregnant sister full of cum that was for pleasure and not the act of procreation. Trembling, Kao grunted thickly, ducking his chin down to his chest. No... They'd already taken care of that part.


"Don't talk," she breathed, eyes burning with an inner fire. "Just fuck me again!"

And what kind of brother would he have been to refuse his sister what she so desperately needed?

He was, after all, the very best kind of brother she'd ever had.

Feral Lovin'

**ABCs of Kink** **Feral** ** ** **Feral Lovin'** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ "Are you ready for this?" Fyr smirked, holding up the innocuous little vial, filled to the brim with...

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Oceanic Liaisons

**ABCs of Kink** **Underwater** ** ** **Oceanic Liaisons** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ "Catch me if you can, Kao!" It was a jest that Cheryal would have been better off throwing back at...

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