Hello, Neighbour

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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#3 of Story Sketches

Concept of a story series with a wolf who blackmails an older stallion into being his sexual plaything...before moving on to the other males in his family.

I have a Telegram group! Whether you're interested in seeing snippets of upcoming pieces, helping me decide what to write next, like seeing WIPs of my art, wanna provide characters for future art or stories, or just want to chat casually with fun people about shared interests, why not pop in? Readers, writers, and everything in between are welcome :) Join us here: https://t.me/joinchat/G9Tf2kf7xV7E15L374bF5Q

The wolf pushed the two of them into the closet and pulled the slatted wooden door shut behind us. The air was warm - the boiler was right behind the back wall - and smelled of the stallion's son's clothes. Hutch's shirts and pants hung all about us, and Fenrir took a deep, appreciative sniff.

"Now there's a smell I'll never get tired of. Good, clean colt scent. Do you know what aftershave he uses? I'd really like to know." Another sniff, and a growl of appreciation. "Fuck year. Hey - ever thought about having another son? You sure know how to make 'em."

Zaggy stood stiffly as his wolf tormentor talked about his son like he was a piece of meat. It made him mad, but he didn't know what the lupine intended for him in here, so he kept his mouth shut. Heaven forbid Hutch should come into his room to get changed and find his dad and his new friend lurking inside. The memory of that near-discovery in the kitchen was still fresh in his mind.

Then, as if his thoughts could change reality, he suddenly heard footsteps coming down the corridor. His blood froze, but the wolf just chuckled. "Showtime," he whispered, pulling the horse deeper into the closet. Zaggy felt the canine prick rubbing against his ass...and then the wolf pulled his pants down, and slipped his rock-hard cock into the stallion. With his ass still loose - and soaked - from the knotting that morning, it met no resistance.

Zaggy's body jerked, but the wolf slapped a paw over his muzzle before he could make a sound. "Woa there, boy," he murmured, barely audible. "Keep it quiet now."

The bedroom door opened, and Hutch rushed in, looking down at his phone. He closed the door again, more carefully, and his free hand grabbed his crotch and rubbed frantically. Zaggy blushed, trying to look away, but the wolf's paw kept his head facing forward. He swiveled his eyes aside instead, but that did nothing to hide the sounds. The rustle of removed clothing. The gentle creak of a weight settling onto a bed. The tap, tap of fingers on a laptop keyboard.

The squirt of a lubricant bottle, and the squelch of fingers sliding across flesh.

"So yeah..." came Fenrir's soft and eager whisper. "I sent your boy a few nice pics. Of me." Fuck you, leave him alone! Zaggy wanted to scream, but couldn't. His body began to shake with a combination of rage and pleasure. Rage at this indignity, at how far the wolf was willing to push his little blackmail ploy. And pleasure as he fucked him gently, as if he was an inexperienced lover, the thick shaft sliding over his prostate and making his cock harden in his pants. He tried to keep his nostrils as wide as he could to ensure no hard snorts of breath caught Hutch's attention, but an inadvertent glance showed that to be unnecessary. His son had headphones on, and his attention was fixed to whatever was on the screen. One hand glided up and down the lube-slicked pillar of his cock as the other tapped regularly on the keyboard.

Zaggy shut his eyes, trying to force the image of his son's masturbation from his mind, but removing sight just made the noises stand out more. The soft grunts Hutch made every time his hand reached his flare. The accelerating pace of his handsome - h-handsome?? - son's self-pleasuring, filling the room with fleshy noises. Every breath he took filled his head with the scent of his boy, and every motion of the wolf behind him rubbed him in exactly the right spot. His cock was fully hard now, running down the leg of his pants, and he wouldn't last much longer.

Oh, please, fuck, don't let Hutch find me here like this, please, no...

Hutch made new sounds, and Zaggy was almost proud, even as shame laid over it like a covering cloth: he sounded just like his dad right before he came. The wolf's mouth slipped closer to his ear; Zaggy could imagine the shit-eating grin on the lupine's face in his mind's eye.

"Cum for me, daddy stallion," he whispered lustily. "Cum in your pants right now. Same time as your pretty son does as he jerks off over pictures of me...and you." Zaggy was too far gone to stop, and the shame of that unpleasant revelation was overruled by his cresting orgasm. He squeezed his lips shut to prevent any hint of a moan from escaping as his balls clenched and pumped semen into his pants.

"Yeah," the wolf whispered with Machiavellian delight, "those pics are of your stretched, dripping hole. Your good boy's gonna cum to pics of his dad's fucked hole while his dad cums in his closet, watching him..."

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