Blue's Night Out

Story by Carpi on SoFurry

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#7 of Mesozoica

A collaboration with Krkthal010.

Blue's Night Out

A Story from Mesozoica

By Velkaden and Littlefoot010

Blue woke up for her evening shift at 7:00 PM. She lay in her bed for a minute wondering what she would do tonight. She suddenly caught a whiff of her diaper, which was currently full of poop. She got up and walked over to her changing mat. The Deinonychus_hissed as her diaper sagged and swayed between her legs. Blue laid down and undid the tapes on her soiled diaper. As she unfolded her diaper, the odor of _Deinonychus droppings wafted up to to her nose. Blue cleaned her cloaca with a baby wipe and grabbed the soiled diaper and threw it in her diaper bin. She then pulled a fresh diaper out of the bag and slid it under herself as she layed on her back. A sprinkle of scented powder inside the padding concealed any offensive odors that would be present when she inevitably used it. She did the tail tapes and then the front tapes. Her feathers ruffled at the comfortable feeling of a soft, fresh diaper. She then walked over to her hanger and grabbed her guard's collar and fitted it around her neck. At the center of the collar there was the Universal Theme Parks security guard badge.

There was one last check before she grabbed a light meal from her refrigerator. She looked at herself in the mirror and made sure her light grey-blue plumage was was carefully groomed and any bent or broken feathers straightened out or removed.

After some minor preening, she headed over to her kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Blue grabbed a bag of frozen steak, shut the refrigerator and took the meat out of the bag and put it in the microwave to thaw. Once it was sufficiently warm she placed the meat in her meal bag and headed out the door. She took a deep breath, inhaling the humid Florida air that carried with it a myriad of scents. Blue could smell the alcohol that someone was serving at their backyard bash. Diaper crinkling, she walked on over to the bus stop where some Humans and other Mesozoicans were waiting for the bus. There was a rather content looking adult Compy being held in a man's arms. She couldn't help but overhear the two talking about a party they were going to attend. Blue watched as the others waiting by the bus stop all looked at either their cell phones or just let their eyes wander. The Compy chirped as the bus rounded the corner and hissed to a stop. Blue stood in line to board. She flashed the ID badge on her collar and climbed aboard. Blue grabbed hold of a pole and hung on as the bus started to move.

Blue couldn't help but notice the scents within the bus. Sweat, baby powder, alcohol, plastic, diesel fuel, heated metal...she scrunched her muzzle up. Did the Compy cradled in his friend's arms need to be changed? The sag in his diaper confirmed her suspicions. She politely averted her gaze from the other Mesozoican's drooping, gingko leaf patterned diaper. She suppressed a giggle at hearing the man sigh and mentioning that he just changed his friend's diaper less than an hour ago.Blue cough-barked to suppress some laughter at the Compy protesting that he couldn't help it. The bus made a turn and Blue held onto the pole to avoid tripping over a woman staring at her phone. The Deinonychus looked around the bus; like any public transport, the space above the seats was dedicated to advertisements, public service announcements and the like. She saw everything from diaper ads to ads for charter fishing trips and even an ad for Jurassic World itself.

There was a stop at a shopping center to pick up and discharge some more passengers. Blue looked at the digital display over the side door of the bus and wondered if she'd make it in time to start her shift. A female Velociraptor wearing a claw/tooth print Running Raptors diaper and sporting a blue feather crest got on and hopped into one of the seats. She ruffled her feathers as she settled into her seat across from Blue.

"Hi!" Blue said to the new arrival. "Where are you going?"

"Claw & Feather," the _Velociraptor_said. Her eyes then traveled over to the badge on the larger Mesozoican's collar. "What about you?"

"Jurassic World," Blue replied. She idly licked her teeth.

"Oh, they got nighttime events?"

Blue nodded. "Yeah, but not today. I'm just night shift security."

"Sounds interesting. I'm just a bartender at Claw & Feather. My name's Zara. What's yours?"

"Blue," the larger Mesozoican replied. She wondered if the Velociraptor's parents named her after the character from Jurassic World. Despite the movie being over thirty years old, it was still quite popular. She felt a card being slid into her hands. She looked at it and saw it was a card for Claw & Feather. She thanked Zara for the recommendation and reminded herself to check the club out later.

The_Deinonychus_ watched out of the corner of her eye as Zara lifted her tail and soiled her diaper. She smiled and winked at Blue; Blue simply winked back. The bus hissed to a stop at Horner street and Zara got up and walked off, diaper noticeably sagging between her legs. The man with the Compy in his arms got up and got off too.

Blue noticed a large neon sign down the street with the words "Claw & Feather Nightclub" on it. She bobbed her head and chittered softly; she knew exactly where she was going when her shift ended at Jurassic World.

The bus continued to Bakker street, where Blue's stop was. From there Blue walked to the back entrance to Jurassic World. Blue touched her badge to the scanner and the gate opened, letting her through. She then proceeded to the security office where she would pick up her gear.

Even the security office had some little embellishments to make it seem as if it had come straight from the movie. A Masrani Global poster was stuck onto the far wall and an action figure of her movie namesake was placed atop one of the desks. There were monitors containing live camera feeds from practically every section of the park as well as telemetry readings from the robotic dinosaurs. Thankfully, it was mostly automated and all she had to do was respond to whatever incidents arose.

Blue headed over to the personnel locker room. Sitting on the counter was a half-opened package of size five Mesozoican diapers. She snorted and shook her head in disgust. The brand they chose was some bottom tier brand that was only marginally better than wearing a plastic bag filled with paper towels around one's rump.

She opened her locker and got out her flashlight along with a radio bandolier. She didn't really need a flashlight since most dromaeosaurs have natural night-vision but its purpose was mostly to intimidate would-be trespassers. She made sure she had an ample stack of Cretaceous Comforts diapers for when she inevitably used the one she was currently wearing. She then walked over to a table and sat down on one of the benches specifically designed to accommodate a Mesozoican's pubic boot. Blue decided she had better get some food before she went on her rounds and pulled out the steak from her meal bag.

A few minutes later, she was all done with her meal and cleaning the blood off her hands. She decided to give her diaper a quick check before she headed out.

She patted the part of her diaper between her legs and noticed her diaper was a little wet, but not enough to warrant a change yet. She gave her diaper a little shake to make sure it was still secured around her rump and then headed out of the security office. The back portion of the park was still beholden to the illusion of it being the _real_Jurassic World with its tropical flora and stony decorations. There were some janitors and maintenance personnel of both species doing the usual tasks. Even though it was sunset, there was still the sound of guests enjoying the park.

Blue exited into the main guest area through a gate that was made to look like part of a jungle trail. She scanned the area and found nothing out of the ordinary. A Human and a Mesozoican holding hands. A Human couple making out on a bench. A_Utahraptor_ letting her sleepy hatchling ride on her back.

The_Deinonychus_ continued past the Raptor Paddock attraction and was soon assaulted by a foul that she and all other Mesozoicans were all too familiar with. Blue sniffed the air and ducked into a small little alcove off the main path. There, she was met with the frankly disgusting sight of a large Deinonychus_male changing his _very messy diaper. She growled softly at the display. "Clean up and get out!" she barked. She bared her teeth and scrunched up her muzzle in a Deinonychus's version of a snarl.

The male quickly bolted away, his fresh diaper hanging off his rump and his messy diaper on the ground, its foul contents on display. She pressed a button on her radio and called for a janitor.

Her patrol soon took her past the Margaritaville restaurant where she could smell the savory aromas of cooking meat and the heady scent of alcohol. It reminded her of what awaited her at the Claw & Feather after work. There was also the scent of her favorite Mesozoican beverage, a Bloody Pig. As was usual, it was very crowded with guests of all species. Seeing as everything was in order, she continued, carefully moving around the crowd that milled outside the entrance as patrons waited for a table.

For the next three hours, there was nothing major to handle. She paused briefly to get a drink of water from a nearby water fountain. She saw a Human security guard breaking up a fight between two teenagers and a juvenile Troodon. Blue had to admit that she didn't think Human security guards were capable of subduing rogue Mesozoicans but she had seen it enough times to believe it. Of course, there were outlandish rumors that surrounded such feats, ranging from claiming the guards were genetically enhanced superhumans to claiming the guards were actually robots. She knew these tales were preposterous, something straight out of a low-budget sci-fi movie. But at the same time, she had seen the advanced robotics that went into making Jurassic World come to life and she -- and all other Mesozoicans -- were the product of Human scientific genius. Regardless, entertaining conspiracy theories wasn't something she liked to do and Blue quickly continued on.

As she stopped by the Innovation Center, which was currently closed for the night, she began to feel a familiar pressure in her cloaca. She quickly ducked into a shadow just as she felt the mess slide out of her cloaca. She ruffled her feathers and purred at the pleasurable feeling before she walked back out and continued her rounds. She had used plenty of deodorizing powder when she changed last so her mess probably wouldn't smell too bad. She rubbed her messy diaper and purred.

She heard the parkwide announcement that the rides were now closed and the park itself would be closing in thirty minutes. Because the Innovation Center was closed, it was spared the crowds. Even so, she had to make sure everything was in order. Seeing as it was, she continued down into Main Street.

Main Street was where the majority of the shops were located and despite it being 10 PM, it was still as busy as ever. Perhaps even busier as guests rushed to buy souvenirs before they left. Blue scanned over the area, nothing out of the ordinary and no troublemakers. She flinched as someone bumped into her, pressing the mess in her diaper against her rump. There was a muttered apology and whoever was responsible was soon lost in the crowd. A Utahraptor pushing a stroller with a smug looking adult Compy in it walked past. The Utahraptor was obviously wet as his diaper was sagging and the wetness indicator was bright blue. The Compy was fiddling with a plush T. rex, probably a souvenir he just bought.

And it seemed like there was trouble brewing at one of the stores. Blue noticed that a male Compy was standing atop one of the trash cans and apparently showing everyone his diaper-less rear. She could smell the alcohol emanating from the little dinosaur. She approached the Compy and snorted air at him.

"Excuse me," she said. "The dress code states that you must be wearing a diaper at all times! Now get out!"

The Compy lifted his tail and waved his rump at Blue. "Nah, I like it like this!"

Blue growled softly. "Absolutely not!" She made a move to grab the naked Compy who immediately jumped down from the trash can and ran away into the crowd. Sighing she stepped forward and immediately scrunched her muzzle up in disgust as she put her foot in something wet and squishy. Fearing the worst, she looked down and found that she had just stepped on the drunk Compy's used diaper.

"At least it's just wet," Blue thought as she picked up the item and tossed it in the nearest diaper recycling bin. There were giggles from the crowd gathered but she paid no attention. Hopefully, the next two hours of her shift were going to be uneventful.

And her wish was granted, when the park closed, at 10:30 PM, nearly all the guests had left the park. There were a few who tried to squeeze out the most time they could but they too, eventually left.

The_Deinonychus_ looked around Main Street. She was amazed at how quiet it was. All she could hear was the lapping of the water against the walls of the Mosasaur Pool and Jurassic River Cruise. Her last stop was the robotics workshop.

Making her way to Gallimimus Valley, she entered through the little cabana that marked the entrance to the robotics workshop. Already, she could hear machine tools and smell heated metal.

As she opened the door to the bustling workshop, she was greeted with the sight of several mechanics hard at work maintaining the robotic dinosaurs. Most of them were Compys wearing overalls over their diapers. One of the few non-Compy mechanics, a woman in a grease stained jumpsuit waved to the Deinonychus.

"Seeing what's cooking in the lab?" the woman asked.

"Yeah," Blue said. She sniffed the air. There was the faint scent of soiled diaper in the air but it was overpowered by the smell of hot metal and grease.

The woman gestured to the badly cracked shell of a Stegosaurus. "Just some repairs as usual."

One of the Compys climbing on the Stegosaurus_paused for a moment and his tail lifted up. Blue watched as the Compy's diaper bulged out and the little dinosaur sighed in relief. "So," she said, pointedly ignoring the diaper-filling Mesozoican. "What about the _Mosasaurus?"

The woman let out a sigh. "We gotta fly in some specialists. She got a virus." As was tradition, the robots were always referred to as female.

"Yeah. Snowball told me about it." Blue chittered a bit. "At least I don't have to deal with the crowds like he does."

A Compy was perched on a Gallimimus and trying to remove the outer shell to access the internals. The small Mesozoican waved to the Human. "Well, it's been nice chatting with you but I still got work to do. See ya tomorrow!" The mechanic then went over to the Compy and helped remove the outer shell.

Blue exited out the cabana and looked around Main Street. The only light came from the moon and the streetlights; the storefronts and the billboards were blank slates. She intentionally took her time getting back to the security office and when she arrived, her shift was over.

There was a man sitting at the computer desk looking over the monitors. She chirruped softly in confusion as she smelled the scent of grilled anoles and spices. Regardless, Blue ignored him and entered the locker room.

She opened her locker and took out one of her diapers. This one had a stylized gingko leaf print on it. The Deinonychus_put the fresh diaper to her muzzle and inhaled the woody-herbaceous scent that permeated the padding. She walked over to a changing mat in the back room with diaper in hand. The _Deinonychus carefully reached between her legs and cupped her diaper to see how full it was. The heft of her padding confirmed what she had already suspected; her diaper was decently full.

Seeing as she was going to change anyways, she decided to make the most of it. Blue relaxed slightly and her tail lifted as she felt a hot rush of liquid soaking into her diaper. She licked her teeth at the strangely pleasing sensation of her diaper warming up and swelling under her stream. The moment the stream died down, she felt something slide out of her cloaca and diaper weighed down by a more solid mass. Blue sighed in pleasure as she finished emptying her bowels and gently patted her sagging and swollen diaper.

"Well, don't want to keep Zara waiting," she said with a chuckle as she laid down on her side and undid the tail tapes, then rolled on her back and undid the front tapes. She carefully pulled the loaded diaper away from her rump, being careful not to spill its contents. Next was a thorough cleansing of her rump and cloaca with some baby wipes. The last step was in her opinion, the best part of diapers...aside from using them.

Getting a nice, fresh diaper on one's rump.

Blue unfolded the fresh diaper and laid down on her side, taped the back around her tail, rolled onto her back and threaded the diaper between her legs and taped up the front. A quick and careful run of her claws around the legs, tail and waist ensured the leakguards were tight against against her body. She double checked the tapes at her waist and tail. It simply wouldn't do to have her diaper leak in public! The _Deinonychus_rumbled softly in pleasure as the soft, plush material of her diaper hugged her body in all the right places.

She then tossed her used diaper and the wipes into the recycling chute on the wall and headed back out to her locker where her flashlight and radio were placed back into the built-in chargers. Blue then clocked out and headed out into the night air. She waited by the bus stop. A sleepy looking Velociraptor was standing on one of the benches A digital display showed the time (12:30 AM) and how long it was until the next bus (10 minutes).

Blue was soon lost in her thoughts of what she had planned at Claw & Feather. The squeal of the bus arriving got her attention. She waited until the bus stopped and then boarded, flashing her ID to the driver. There was a male Dilophosaurus wearing a palm tree print cloth diaper. The large Mesozoican was partially asleep but he seemed to react when the bus started moving.

The rest of the bus ride was a blur to Blue but she remembered getting off Horner Street. The moment she got off, she could smell the scent of alcohol, food and excitement from both species. A man was quickly pushing a stroller away from the bar as several people were shouting at him. The Deinonychus wondered why someone would bring their, baby (it was a mistake she occasionally made much her coworkers' amusement) to Claw & Feather. It was until she saw a scaly head poke out from that she realized that the occupant of the stroller was an adult Compy. One who looked way too happy for what had transpired.

Blue approached the entrance and was vigorously sniffed over by the Utahraptor bouncer. The large theropod nodded and ushered Blue into the club.

Claw & Feather's decor was rustic and earthy with stone, wood and bone artwork that had been imported from Mesozoica...almost 4,000 kilometers away. Resurrected prehistoric plants and other modern plants added to the decor. Indeed, it looked like someone had shrunk down a forest and shoved it inside a building.

There was even a live band, a Troodon who was bobbing his head along to a Mesozoican dance track. The steady tattoo of the drums merged with the heavy stomping of the larger Mesozoicans. There were even a few Humans present and intoxicated by the liquor and music, they added to the atmosphere by pounding their chests and drumming on the wooden tables. The dance floor seemed to bring both Mesozoicans and Humans back to their primal roots.

Blue took a seat at the bar and looked around for Zara. Suddenly Blue felt a claw on her shoulder. She quickly turned around to find Zara, now in a fresh diaper with a drink in her claw. "What are you doing out from behind the bar!?" asked Blue.

"Can't expect me not to join the fun now and then," replied Zara. She offered Blue the drink. "Round's on the house."

The_Deinonychus_ felt herself heating up as she laid eyes on the Velociraptor. Zara's plumage was a sleek, grey-blue evocative of a storm cloud and the diaper she wore with its stylized pattern of multicolored feathers complemented it perfectly.

"So," Blue said as she took a sip of the free drink. "What decided to make you bring me over here?"

"I thought you'd like the place," said Zara.

Blue chittered in amusement. The pounding beats and the frenzied primate hooting of the Humans in the club made her want to join. Her stomach grumbled softly as she realized that she hadn't eaten. "So," she said. "What's on the menu for tonight?"

"Well, we do have grilled anoles," Zara said. "Strangely popular with the Humans."

Blue looked at the menu. There it was, today's special: wild boar (both raw for Mesozoicans and pan seared for Humans). "I think I'll have the boar."

Zara bobbed her head and shouted out the order to kitchen. "Sure, it'll be out soon." She passed Blue another drink.

The_Deinonychus_ swiftly drained the glass. The alcohol left a pleasing warmth in her stomach and she could feel herself becoming more and more relaxed.

The meal was out soon enough, and Blue wasted no time in taking bites out of the slab of meat. The Deinonychus rumbled in contentment as she ate the warm boar. She decided to take her time and savor the flavor.

When she was done, Zara gave a tired looking Human a tumbler containing a pale green liquid. Blue could smell the melange of herbs that had been in the drink. "Done?" she asked.

The_Deinonychus_ nodded and she took the plate away. It was comedic watching the little raptor scurry about on a special runway situated next to the bar but she managed to hand off the dish to a Troodon wearing an apron that completely failed to cover the dinosaur skull-printed plastic pants he wore over his diaper.

The_Velociraptor_ turned to Blue. "So, shall we?"

Blue tilted her head. "What?"

"Talk in private." The raptor stumbled a bit. "Erm, some help?"

"Here." Blue gently picked up Zara and cradled her as she headed to one of the rooms in the back where they could get away from the noise. She paid no heed to the squish that resulted as she pressed Zara's padding against her chest. As the _Deinonychus_opened one of the doors to the private rooms, she felt a sudden warmth in her arms.

She looked at the little raptor who had an expression of contentment on her muzzle. "Did you just?"

"Yeah I did," replied Zara, with a giggle. Blue gently moved the apron aside and lifted the Velociraptor's leg, exposing her now puffy diaper with much of the feathers on the diaper having taken on a distinct blue hue. She gave the diaper a gentle squeeze, noticing that it was warmer and squisher than before. Zara wriggled as her wet diaper was prodded.

Blue felt some liquid dribbling out of her cloaca and into her already damp diaper. "Must be that alcohol I drank," she thought. Seeing as it was pointless to stop, she lifted her tail and sighed as she let loose a warm stream into her diaper. Her bowels quickly followed. She ruffled her feathers as her diaper swelled and grew warm.

Zara sniffed the air and chittered softly. Amidst the scent of baby powder, Mesozoican urine and feces, there was the distinct odor of arousal. She licked her teeth as she looked down at her swollen diaper. Was her diaper always this warm after she wet? Or was she just now acutely aware of it? Curious, she rubbed her wet diaper and ruffled her feathers at the pleasurable sensation that it evoked.

Suddenly Blue felt a pang of heat in her cloaca. She felt some more liquid dribble from her cloaca that she knew wasn't urine. "Hey, no fair!" Zara replied as she detected the new, more pungent odor from Blue's diaper..

Blue gently laid the smaller Mesozoican on one of the couches and gently tapped her muzzle. She gently shifted Zara's apron aside and spread the Velociraptor's legs apart, exposing her feather patterned diaper, puffy with urine. Zara rumbled softly as Blue's claws gently pressed her soft, squishy diaper against her cloaca. "Mmm," Zara purred as she rubbed against the Deinonychus's claw. She could feel her cloaca heating up under her diaper but she knew it wasn't the result of her urinating in her diaper again.

As Blue's ministrations grew faster and faster, Zara's tongue lolled out and her tail swished back and forth even faster. The smaller raptor buried her muzzle into Blue's chest and inhaled her scent as she bucked against the Deinonychus. A roar, muffled by Blue's feathers came out of Zara's mouth as pleasure burned within her body and her diaper was filled with a warm, slick goo. She lay back and patted her diaper, making it squish lewdly with its absorbed fluids.

Blue chittered as the smell of _Velociraptor_juices practically choked the room. She gave Zara's diaper a firm squeeze, making her squeak in surprise. "Blue!" she exclaimed. "My diaper's about to leak!"

"Well, looks like we'll have to change that then!" Blue chuckled at her accidental pun.

"Please do, I haven't had a chance to change since I started work!"

Blue picked up Zara, and took her into an adjacent changing room. There, she laid her down on a changing table and proceeded to remove her diaper and apron. She rolled her on her side and undid the tail tapes of her diaper, next she undid the front tapes. As Blue unfolded Zara's diaper, the odor of Velociraptor juices filled the room. She slid Zara's old diaper, which was filled with her fluids out from under her. Then, to Zara's surprise, Blue laid down and proceeded to undo the tapes on her diaper. Blue opened her messy diaper and slid it out from underneath herself. Her cloaca was covered in a clear fluid.

Blue pulled out some wipes from the dispenser and began cleaning the accumulated liquids off of Zara's rump and cloaca. The _Velociraptor_purred softly at the stimulation. She watched intently as Blue cleaned the remnants of her mess from her cloaca and rear. The two soiled diapers were pushed aside as the larger raptor cuddled closer to Zara.

"So, uh, round two?" Zara asked.

Blue rumbled in affirmation and rolled over, exposing her moist cloaca. Zara carefully laid on the Deinonychus's belly and rubbed her pubic boot against Blue's own. Blue's head lolled back as her cloaca began to leak her arousal from the stimulation.

The scent of the larger raptor's arousal reignited the fire inside Zara and she began grinding against Blue even more vigorously. Blue panted and growled as she grabbed the smaller raptor and pushed her down.

Zara's mind was blank with arousal as she lowered her tail and pressed her own damp cloaca against Blue's. Blue's tail swished at the strange and pleasurable sensations that radiated out from her cloaca. Already, she could feel her juices leaking down her onto her tail. Her tongue lolled out and she felt the Velociraptor grinding against her most intimate parts.

Suddenly the heat in Blue's cloaca rose sharply and she bucked against Zara's cloaca. Blue's tongue lolled out as she orgasmed. Warm fluid gushed out of her cloaca and coated the smaller raptor's nethers. Zara also came and her juices mingled with Blue's own. The air in the changing room was thick and heavy with the heady scent of Mesozoican arousal.

Zara sighed and rolled off of Blue. She licked the larger Mesozoican's cheek. "Well, that was fun but I think we should get our diapers back on."

Blue rumbled in contentment as she carefully rolled herself off the changing table and grabbed some wipes from the dispenser for both her and Zara to clean off their juices. The changing room did indeed have diapers available but they weren't Cretaceous Comforts. They were apparently a brand called Feathersoft. Blue sprinkled powder liberally on Zara's cloaca and gently set her on the open diaper. The front of the diaper was swiftly pulled between the Velociraptor's legs and the tapes fastened. She was then lifted up and the tail tape fastened as well. A quick run with her claw ensured the leakguards were in the proper position.

Zara shied away a bit as her feathers shrunk in embarrassment at having her diaper changed like a hatchling but at the same time, she couldn't deny that it was a nice change of pace. "All done!" Blue said as she patted Zara's diapered rear.

"Thanks," the Velociraptor said as she looked at her diaper with its multicolored claw print pattern. "Now, I'm guessing I diaper you up?"

Blue chittered. "If you want to."

Zara scratched her neck. "Well, it would be rude not to." She hopped up onto the counter and grabbed a diaper that had the same pattern as her own except it was obviously made for a larger Mesozoican. A cloud of powder rose up as Zara applied powder to Blue's cloaca. Blue obligingly rolled onto her side as the new diaper was slid under her. She stifled a giggle as Zara struggled to pull the diaper between her legs and fasten the tapes but regardless, the little raptor managed. The tail tape was much easier for Zara. When the leakguards were properly positioned, Zara gently patted Blue's padding, making some powder puff from her the leg holes. Blue got up and tossed the dirty diapers and wipes into the recycling chute.

"All done!" Zara crowed. She hopped up onto the sink to wash her hands alongside Blue.

Blue sighed, "I think I need to go home now, It's been a long night,"

"Well, I certainly hope it was worth your while," replied Zara.

"It was great, I'd love to get together again sometime."

Zara led Blue back out into the main area of the club. The noise had died down now that it was around 2:00 AM. Blue opened the door and stepped outside and waved goodbye to Zara.

"Thanks for the fun!" Blue said.

"You're welcome." Zara waved farewell to Blue.

Blue walked up the street to the bus stop and sat down on the bench. Her diaper crinkled as she did so. "These diapers are really comfortable," thought Blue. "I should buy myself a pack of these tomorrow."

Blue recalled the moments she and Zara had had almost an hour ago. She licked her teeth at the memories.

Soon she was once again lost in thought. The noise of the bus rounding the corner snapped her back to attention. She got on and flashed her badge. She sat down and ruffled her feathers at the feeling of her soft diaper.

The_Deinonychus_ noticed that there was a pair of Compys making out on the back seat of the bus. She thought about what she would do tomorrow. But the first thing she wanted to do was to look up and possibly buy herself a pack of Feathersoft diapers, as the one she was currently wearing was quite comfortable. She looked up and noticed the bus approaching her stop.

Blue pulled the yellow cord to signal the bus driver. The bus pulled over and stopped at the bus stop nearest her home. She got off and walked up the street to her house. Pulling out the key she kept on her necklace, she opened the door, walked in, turned on the lights and shut the door behind her.

The_Deinonychus_ un-clipped her collar and hung it on her wall hanger. She placed her meal bag on the kitchen counter and and proceeded to her bedroom. She gave her diaper a firm squeeze, making it crinkle under her touch. Still dry.

She padded over to her computer, taking care not to step on the pile of blankets and pillows that served as her bed. The _Deinonychus_booted up her computer and immediately went onto Feathersoft's site.

As she browsed the site, she wondered if she'd meet Zara again...preferably with both of them wearing matching Feathersofts.

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