Gryphon Whims
#70 of Commissions
Xavier the shameless gryphon strikes again! This time with a friendly dragon-raptor who totally mistakes him for feral. While causing the gryph to make a similar mistake. Shenanigans ensue!
This one is unique among mine in that one of the characters is asexual. Which utterly baffles a very sexual bird like Xavier. But he's as indulgent as ever, and finds a way to enjoy himself nonetheless. And the draptor can't even complain about the pleasant trip.
Contains: Feral on feral attempted sex and domination that doesn't quite take, some slightly forceful grinding, and even some shrinking and cock vore, with the prey safely shot out later after some extended captivity.
A gryphon always needed to be sure he was surveying his territory from above for at least some part of the day. It wasn't that Xavier was worried about any intrusion in his forest. All were welcome to spend some time in the wild as long as they weren't overly destructive. But on the other hand, every new visitor was an opportunity, so to speak. Someone or something who might prove entertaining, enticing, or if all else failed, delicious. He was a gryphon of many appetites. And so when he spotted a large figure trudging through the trees, he had to swoop down and see for himself. Even from the miles in the sky where he was gliding, he could tell the creature was at least part dragon.
Oh, it wasn't like he had anything against dragons. Xavier might have been a proud, dominant gryphon standing tall and sturdy as he paced one of the many forests he called his own, but he had nothing against the species as a whole despite historical disagreements. Even so, when he sensed the presence of a particularly large unknown creature wandering into his territory, he had to assume their intentions weren't immediately peaceful. But he always hoped to be proven wrong.
Though the jet-black crow-gryph could have easily knocked the trees over with his bulk and muscular build, he was still half feline. That meant he needed only press himself lower to the ground, watch the way the shadows of the leaves shifted in the wind, and he was all but invisible. He moved along silently, crouched low in a hunter's pose, despite only having the intention to observe. With wings folded tight against his sleek flanks, he went slinking through the grass, beak pointed sharply forward at the intruding target.
Eventually he got close enough, undetected, that he could simply relax and watch for a time. He was silent as a shadow, seeming to nearly absorb the light that remained in the evening. The trees were glowing orange and red like they were on fire, but he remained shrouded in his inky plumage, moving even less than the blowing grass. It wasn't like he needed to sneak right up, or that he couldn't see the curious creature from afar. But being closer let him really take in every detail. The way their muscles flexed, the way their eyes moved. It would all tell him what he needed to know about the intruder's intentions. If they even had any. Sometimes animals were simply animals.
Even from that closer position, he still couldn't discern any genitalia. Which, naturally, was the first thing he looked for, glancing beneath the dragon's swinging tail. That was just how a gryphon like him worked - though on a more practical side of things, the gender of the beast_would_ have at least given him a hint of what to expect. First of course was the priority of figuring out if he was going to have to fight with the new creature in a vicious territorial dispute. And then there followed discerning whether or not he could fuck them. That was simply the most obvious chain of logic for a gryphon as experienced and indulgent as he was.
After that distant inspection, he looked over the rest of the reptile. He was stricken by those handsome stripes, and those multiple eyes. The wings and teeth said dragon, but the shape of his head and feet spoke of some mixed heritage. Perhaps something ancient, like a dinosaur. A raptor! That was it. Xavier nearly gave away his position when he came to that conclusion, suppressing the urge to exclaim. And he needed further willpower to remain silent and avoid chuckling out loud when he came up with the perfect designation in his head. Draptor! From that moment forth, that was the only word Xavier could bring himself to use in reference to the stranger.
Like a field ranger, he made mental notes of the hybrid's behaviour as he observed unseen. The draptor seemed curious, and perhaps a bit lost. He (or so Xavier guessed at the outwardly sexless' creature's gender, by way of defaulting to male in his head more than anything when he was unsure) was poking around at the trees, at the bushes, finding fascination in the simplest of things. He took interest in every squirrel dashing across the branches, or the chirping birds all around, though he didn't show any sign of aggression towards any of them. From the relaxed state of his legs and gait, the gryph quite quickly concluded that he had nothing to fear from the unusual intruder. What was more difficult to determine was whether there was any sign of sentience. Certainly the dragon-dino looked like an animal, but such a unique hybrid perhaps had origins of a more civilized nature.
Only one way to find out. He didn't clear his throat to make himself known, but instead simply rose from the ground and stood up tall, shedding his feline stealthiness for proud gryphon presence, all but beaming out from the shadows as he emerged into sight with his grand wings outstretched and audibly rustling. The mental shift from stealthy to visible was more subtle than that, involving the tensing of muscles, or the relaxing of his breathing. For him, and any other keen-sensed creature, it was as blatant as turning off a switch, the shadow becoming a beacon in the trees. As expected, the draptor immediately registered the presence of another, perking up and turning his gaze this way and that.
Just to make it clear that he had no aggressive intentions, Xavier casually strolled forth, ensuring he wasn't too silent on his paws and talons. Stealth just came naturally to him, to the point he had to make an effort just to be a little noisy. Rather than comfort the intruder though, it instead sent the draptor into a state of visible alarm. Perked, rigid, his stripes flashing brighter, illuminating the grass around him in a pleasant azure gleam. His reaction time was swift. Xavier thought he perhaps didn't even get a chance to do anything before the hybrid was sprinting off, and at an impressive clip too, using his wings to propel himself along the ground at such a speed that the gryph himself would have had to exercise himself just to catch up. He didn't bother making it a race, instead just pacing off along the dragon's trail or footprints and broken branches. It led deeper into the forest.
Even Xavier had to admit when he was outmatched by something, and he was surprised to find he had totally lost sight of that stripey fellow. At least until he caught a gleam of those stripes from beneath the surface of the nearby lake. Pristine and blue, the water was a pure source of refreshment, a place the gryph often loved to bathe. Moreover, it wasn't murky in the slightest, and yet he was still finding himself gazing into its depths without actually managing to lock onto the silhouette of the hybrid whatsoever. Someone with as bright of markings as he had shouldn't have been so sneaky. He was starting to wonder if there was some sort of magic involved, though he didn't catch the scent of it in the air.
While he was gazing after those stripes, finding them little more than a reflection he had misinterpreted as their owner, there was a tremendous splash. For all his swiftness, Xavier didn't even get out of the way in time. Perhaps he was just curious what would happen, or maybe that was just what he was telling himself to preserve the old gryphon dignity. Either way, he was impacted with the full force of the dragon's pounce, nearly toppled as he struggled and cawed in alarm, lashing his tail as he whirled his body around to confront the aggressor.
If he expected teeth or claws coming at him, he didn't get them. Instead, the hybrid was simply grappling with him. He was surprisingly strong as well, to the point the gryph had to flex those muscles taut to wrestle back. Of course, he had a little advantage. It was subtler than the glimmer in his eye, but like most gryphons he was no stranger to the magical side of the world. And he was not exactly a gryphon who was about fighting fair. Taking it slow so that his opponent wouldn't notice, he began to shrink the dragon-raptor down, just slightly. From the hybrid's perspective it wouldn't have looked like anything - just that the gryph was getting stronger, more unmovable by the moment. As if he had only just never quite noticed exactly how big he really was.
Eventually in their fur-rustling, feather-flinging tussle, Xavier got the unfair advantage, body-slamming the hybrid to the dirt. Relatively gently. He wasn't trying to actually hurt him or anything, especially since the attack seemed more playful than malicious. Still, he couldn't just let himself be pounced like that, or what sort of gryphon would he be! He put a slight smirk on his beak as he glared down into the four eyes of the dragon, curious just what he would do when pinned by a gryphon. No slashes of claws, no gnashing of teeth. Though he still had some surprises up his figurative sleeves. Rather than try to bite, the draptor simply leaned up close, all but kissing that beak, and swept his tongue across Xavier's features, leaving a nice wet streak on those elegant feathers. It was enough to leave the great gryph sputtering, shaking his head with a good-natured laugh. And just like that, his quarry wiggled free, popping out from beneath the gryphon's forelegs when he lightened his grip for even a moment, and was gone once more.
So that was how it was going to be. Xavier snorted as he gazed after the trail. As before, the draptor was speedy enough he had simply vanished from sight. No doubt forming some other sort of clever ambush. Well! Xavier would see about that. A gryph never got surprised twice. Or something like that. Not that he was upset or any such. It was quite amusing to see such a toothy, potentially dangerous creature acting so playfully. How had he wandered out so far? Did he have an owner who missed him? All those were such questions he might have normally considered. But the nuances of civilized behaviour were melting away in favour of a more predatory, feral side of him. Perhaps it was the adrenaline, that moment of dropping his guard and being vulnerable because of it. His higher thoughts were fading and he was operating more on instinct with every moment, as he dropped low and crept forth, becoming as invisible as the night itself once more.
The hybrid was good about disappearing, but not at hiding his tracks. It wasn't simply footprints. He cut a distinct and slightly destructive path through the trees in his escape. Xavier couldn't fault him for it. He was just an animal, or at least it seemed that way. One who apparently thought of nothing more than the urge to play, even when dealing with a potentially dangerous predator. Xavier had eaten dragons before. No raptors, that was new, but there were few creatures who didn't please his palette. Not that he was planning such. But he could never rule it out, given his whims and sudden appetites. He really wasn't sure what he was planning at all as he stalked forth along that trail. Simply following his urges, the natural instincts inside him that guided his every muscle, his every movement.
He found the draptor lying in wait. Crouched low just like him, but swishing his scaly tail with visible excitement. He was quite visible thanks to that movement, though Xavier couldn't help but notice how well he blended in with the foliage. Those stripes had faded, and he was just as much a shadow as the gryphon. Grey as a rock, easily mistaken for nothing more than a particularly large boulder if only he would have held still. But Xavier wasn't considering that for long. He simply could not fight off the urge to pounce that was welling up in his muscles to the point it was nearly driving him mad
And what a pounce it was. He poured himself into it, flowing like a gush of water, elegant, smooth, and most of all, deadly accurate and powerful. The very same lunge he might have given some prey he was hunting. The two of them went sliding through the grass, the dragon-raptor letting out an alarmed chirp as he flailed about, skidding helplessly. But he could squirm all he liked. The gryphon [/i]had[/i] him this time. Xavier was afflicted with a tremendous burst of dominance as he used his strength and greater size to pin the mischievous intruder flat on his belly, limbs splayed around him. Truly, Xavier never was far from his animal side, not matter how much he might have sometimes appreciated civilization and art. In a simple blink of an eye, he could revert to a state little more than feral, trading intelligence for whims and urges. Which was why he really didn't feel much in the way of shame, even when his sheath dropped, growing heavy and plump with the rush of excitement that he got out of possessively pinning another large, wriggling predator and letting him know he was stronger.
He wasn't going to force anything sexual or anything. Never in his centuries of existence had he gone so far as to mate with an unwilling partner. Sometimes it just took a little convincing first. All he needed to do was announce his intent, and the rest would follow naturally. Few could bask in the heat and inviting scent of a horny gryphon for long without becoming irresistibly interested in his every desire. He still hadn't fully determined if the dragon-raptor was male, female, or otherwise. Not that it mattered to him. He'd never met someone he couldn't mount. And rarely someone he didn't want to. So as they came to a sliding stop, he planted his front feet on the hybrid's shoulders, and simply let that heavy sheath plop atop the reptile's back, sliding it up and down by way of introduction, accompanied by a sultry caw from deep in his throat.
The hybrid didn't respond how Xavier expected, to say the least. It was usually pretty clear how someone felt about such a blatant advance. And it almost always worked for Xavier. The gryphon was very used to getting his way in sexual manners, simply by virtue of existing as such an attractive beast. There were all number of reactions he might have expected, but the least of which was none at all. The hybrid was cuddle, at best. But he didn't seem to place any sort of emphasis on that grinding sheath. He rubbed his head against the gryph's chest, his belly, seeming as if he assumed it all to be a bit of friendly spooning, at most. Neither accomodating nor opposed to such an advance, he hardly even seemed to notice it was happening. That any creature could fail to be affected by that pleasantly plump pair of silky-smooth gryphon nuts tapping upon their back left Xavier outright baffled.
Nor was there any sign of arousal from the hybrid. Xavier was left so confused that he was startled by a headbutt to the chest. It was painless, but it came from a rambunctious creature who simply refused to be seduced, or even notice such a thing. Unless that was his idea of foreplay. He let the draptor up, and simply stood above him for a time, giving a distinctly unsubtle look at his sheath and balls, but nope, the hybrid wasn't even looking. He was bouncing around, nosing and nudging here and there, nibbling at his fur but taking care not to cause any harm with with his teeth. He well could have, but his 'attacks' remained playful as ever.
Meanwhile, Xavier was for the most part simply standing there, beak slightly gaped as he tried to figure out what the draptor was doing, or thinking. He'd already cast aside The gryph's confusion was slightly lessened when the reptile finally seemed to take brief interest in his sheath. The play had grown a bit more affectionate, nuzzling up against him where he was warm. That naturally led the draptor down to that hefty sack, where he curiously nosed for a few moments. Xavier was expecting a lick, a kiss, anything. But all the draptor did was lean against it, seeming soothed by the warmth. He even took a sniff - and Xavier knew that had to be it. The decisive moment that would break through the creature's indifference. But the draptor simply moved on, attending to other parts of his underside. It was enough to make the gryphon wonder if the creature had any sense of smell at all. That anyone could be so dismissive of his generally enticing nature was simply beyond his own fathoming.
Not that the attention, however minimal, failed to turn the gryphon on further. He was firming, showing some of that dark purple shaft. Just the first few inches for the moment, but that was enough to make his sheath drop and swing. Yet there remained the unimaginable fact that he draptor simply didn't seem interested. He turned his body away and bounced around some, making playful half-pounces at the gryphon that Xavier simply absorbed, his present state one of distraction, perhaps confusing the draptor right back. And so, as if trying to convince the gryph to continue the play, the hybrid simply went speeding off again, swishing his tail all the way, disappearing as before, leaving a trail that he clearly expected the gryphon to follow. When he was firming up like that, Xavier found it difficult to focus on games, but he really had no choice if he wished for some form of release. And he really wasn't going to be able to settle down without such satisfaction. The draptor had gone and started it. It was most unkind to leave such work unfinished!
He gave chase despite his impatience, flustered, snorting to himself. Once it had already started firming up, there really was no softening that shaft. It flowed downhill, so to speak. By then he doubted he'd have even been able to focus on anything else until he was properly satisfied. If he were feeling more civilized, he would have chided himself for acting such feral. But he was barely more than an animal in those moments. The draptor was toying with his instincts, intentionally or not, and leaving him frustrated, grumpy, and overall much less a polite and welcoming host to any who visited his forest than normal. All he had in mind was the primal need to find that hybrid. The rest he could figure out when he accomplished that.
Such was his haste that he didn't even immediately realize he'd lost the trail. It simply stopped cold all of a sudden, like the dragon-raptor had vanished. Or, more likely, flew. That would had an easy explanation to discern from the evidence, but Xavier was in no mood for thinking. His thoughts had become little more than shapes and images, instinct taking over moment by moment. Yet even in that deeply instinctual state, arousal clouded all. His senses were dulled, his focus was singular. He was all but walking blind. And that left him open for yet another pounce, this one striking him from a much sharper angle than before.
It was quite uncharacteristic of him to be taken down. He hardly even had an entry in his mind for what to do in such a situation. But even slightly shrunken as he was, the draptor could muster a solid lunge. Especially when swooping down from the treetops where he'd hidden. An obvious spot if Xavier had been looking with both eyes open, so to speak. But in his dulled, lusty state, he left a very notable blind spot. That left him sprawling, lying on his back with the stripey hybrid on top of him, looking directly at his teeth as they came forth.
It was nothing more than another playful nibble, but the sight brought out such a primal reaction from the gryphon that he didn't bother with subtle magic any longer. He wasn't even pretending to fight fair. The draptor quite visibly shrunk there atop him, the process instant to the point he plunged through the air for half a moment before landing back atop the gryphon's belly. That allowed much greater ease when Xavier forced him off and got on top of him once more, reversing that attack in a great swing of his ebony body, thudding the hybrid to the dirt. From there, he set to holding him down, shooting an intense, devious glare towards him. This time, there was no room to squirm. No getting away. He was going to hold that creature exactly where he was until he'd learned his lesson about getting aggressive with wild gryphons. A lesser animal might have already harmed him, but Xavier was better than that.
There was no time to think about why his body was reacting in such a way. The dominance was getting to him, perhaps. He might have analyzed such a thing in more civilized times, even joked about it. But such japes would be lost on his foolishly playful prey. Yes, that was the word. Prey. Quarry. Not an opponent, or an assailant any longer. Not shrunken down to that size. He laid all his fluffy warmth over the reptile, simply keeping all of the draptor's limbs pinned down for a time, while soundly, slowly grinding on him. Xavier was merely letting his body do what it wished, following his every urge, no matter how shameless they might have seemed, or even somewhat cruel. 'People' wouldn't understand. This was feral business.
In time that slow grinding turned to a more obvious thrust. He was having his way with the intruder in typical territorial gryphon fashion. It wasn't like the half-dragon was fighting back or anything. But he had awoken something in Xavier that simply could not be extinguished. He looked perhaps slightly nervous, but more confused than anything, to be subjected to such strokes and rubs. The whole of that violet shaft was gliding over his stripes and scales, bringing forth such an enticing scent that no creature could ignore for long. At least in the gryphon's experience.
Yet there was still nothing. Xavier couldn't understand it. He broke out of his somewhat aggressive rush of energy to instead withdraw his weight from atop the hybrid. Though he was sure to keep a front foot upon the creature's back, planted right between his wings, keeping him quite pinned. Xavier was stronger than even his muscular bulk implied, a single sole enough to hold the draptor in place. He snorted and stood, examining the other creature, confused as to why there seemed to be no biological reaction whatsoever. That was enough to warrant something of an examination.
The hybrid didn't try to run this time, though Xavier maintained a grip on his haunches just in case. No more chasing, no more ambushes. He had won, as far as he was concerned. And that meant he got to do whatever he liked. Such were the rules of the forest, especially when you came in challenging its guardian. The gryph prodded his way down the draptor's spine, getting at least a squirmy reaction there, but not quite the one he was used to. That continued even as he got his beak beneath the draptor's tail, closely inspecting what sort of gear he had down there and curious why none of it seemed to function in any detectable way. Usually by then his prey's reactions were less than subtle, to say the least.
Rather than discovering some sort of dysfunction however, he was quite befuddled to find nothing there at all. Simply smooth scale, with no sign of genitalia whatsoever. Aroused or not. Perhaps he wasn't dealing with a natural creature. Something that came from laboratory or magical means. That was consideration for another time. All he knew that was after being harassed and frustrated like that, the hybrid owed him something.
He'd so inconsiderately got the gryph all worked up without any offering of helping him with such a burden. That wasn't fair at all. Such a sentiment perhaps was unacceptable in the civilized world, but that was why they were in the forest. Things worked differently there. And so he was going to have to do about that, whether they were 'compatible' or not. He placed his other foot atop the hybrid's back, and concentrated his subtle magics into those scales, bringing him down to a smaller and smaller size until he could nearly clutch the hybrid in his talons. Just a little larger than that, only slightly larger than the average housecat before the exceptional bulk of the mighty gryphon. A little slip and he could have crushed the shrunken reptile, but he handled him with care, treating him as more fragile than he really was. For the moment.
It was a strange feeling in Xavier's body. He didn't normally get outright aggressive, but he was fighting down some odd urges that made him want to simply toss the hybrid around now that he was shrunken and largely helpless against him. Maybe he could dribble him like a basketball, or just throw him into the air and see if his wings would unfurl in time before he crashed to the ground. It was oddly cruel of him, at least internally. He of course didn't act on any of it. But he was worked up to such a state that he was gritting his beak, huffing, his heart beating at a considerably heightened rate. He needed to do something about that hot and bothered state, and he was really well past caring just how selfish he was being.
If there wasn't any pleasure to be gained from mounting the hybrid, then Xavier was just going to have to make use of him in other ways. More predatory ways. He still half expected the draptor to start licking when he introduced the tip of his muzzle to that great, pulsing gryphon cock. All slick at the tip, pulsing visibly, forming an impressive knot just atop those two titanic balls that swung about with his every motion - it was all very hard to resist, he generally found. Few people could help but submit to his whims when they were that close. But at the most, the hybrid just seemed curious. He nosed it a bit, nuzzled some, but it felt like he was simply taking in its texture rather than expression any sort of admiration. No part of him apparently understood what was about to happen to him, and he wasn't eliciting any sort of danger response. Nor biting, which was a relief. The heat had at least placated him somewhat, if nothing else.
Xavier kept pushing. He'd started the process, and he wasn't even sure he could have brought himself to stop if he wanted to. Instinct was a powerful thing. One that kept him from even thinking twice when he sat down on his haunches, gripping the hybrid around the hips with his front feet, shoving him firmly up against the very tip of his shaft until the slick slit began to part open, stretching right around that scaly muzzle as he began to engulf his prey. Such an indulgence. Perhaps a bit mean, even for him. But he wasn't stopping. Not when he felt those scales sliding along the inside of his cock, massaging him in a way he could feel tingling all the way down to his balls, while he churned and sloshed up a mighty load of seed just waiting for the perfect moment to release it all.
The pressure was welling up before he even got the entire of the draptor's head inside. It made him clench down powerfully, which finally got a significant reaction out of his prey. Not trying to escape, but instead bracing himself, digging his shrunken feet into the dirt below, wriggling around until he got in a position where it was easier to breathe. With all the hot juices welled up in that member, even drowning was a not-insignificant risk. Xavier simply kept a hold of his prey's haunches and humped his hips forth to continue slipping and sliding the dragon-raptor down his dick, cawing deeply as he pleasured himself with the selfish act of consumption.
The squirming continued, but it was never quite the panicked struggles of unwilling prey nor the pleasant wriggles of submission. The hybrid was unlike anything Xavier had ever consumed, animal or person. Not that that was going to stop him. He gave another throaty caw, bumped his hips, and slurped right up over the draptor's head, sliding over his throat, squeezing hard all over those features while the hybrid faintly pawed at the tip of his shaft. Just trying to adjust himself, to keep from getting crushed by all that pressure coming down on him, and to avoid running out of air as his surroundings turned warmer and wetter with every single inch of stripey scales getting consumed.
His tail lashed back and forth, still curious about all of this. Was it play? Was it an attack? There was no apparent mechanism in his mind or instincts for dealing with such a situation. Which suited the gryphon just fine. Before his prey had even arrived within them, his balls were giving notably excessive clenches and flexes, all but bulging as the pressure built within them. The urge to orgasm was enough to make him claw gouges into the soil around them as he humped forth at that muzzle and started sliding in the draptor's chest and back. But he wasn't going to be able to cum until he'd cleared his shaft of his prey. The sooner he got the shrunken cock-meal down into his sack, the sooner he could find release. And it wasn't going to be easy to wait when every inch he took inside made that tingle surge in his shaft grow more intense.
Xavier was clacking his beak, rocking back and forth. He'd never had prey that squirmed quite like that hybrid. Those tentative little motions, tugging and pushing and flexing his way into the gryphon's shaft, that was getting Xavier to a state of hardness so rarely accomplished. It was making him lash his tail against the ground, making him caw and claw the earth, closing his eyes and finally just letting his tongue hang slightly over the edge of his beak as he near to drooled in his blissful state. Not exactly the gryphon elegance he was known for, but who was looking? And even if someone was, no one would dare walk in on a creature such as him in the middle of his meal unless they wished to become part of it.
The process of feeding his shaft grew noisier as it got messier, the fluids he was churning up slipping past the draptor, getting those scales sleek where they were still visible. Though it made that purple member bulge with the size of the insertion, the gryphon was more than used to such a thing. He simply clamped down on that outline of the hybrid, skin tight around his features while sliding him in through the power of his squeezing along. There wasn't even any need for him to push. He could simply flex his arousal, and the gulp-like tug was dragging the hybrid within. One inch at a time.
He still felt that muzzle poking about, pressing against the insides, trying to make more room for himself. Or whatever it was he was doing. It didn't concern Xavier anymore. He was nearing the halfway point, getting over the hybrid's belly, working towards his hind legs until they had nothing to do but straighten out. The draptor's legs were dangling from the gryphon's shaft, while the rest of him remained sleekly outlined in the dark, knotted confines, working towards the bottom. The heat was growing intense enough that it was finally pacifying him somewhat, ceasing that nervous writhing for the most part as he settled into the sauna-like conditions of the gryphon's insides. Never quite burning nor stifling, but warm enough to soothe the muscles and take much of the worry out of the situation. Including any discomfort he might have felt with how thick the air was getting.
There was still no sign of arousal from the draptor, even hip-deep in gryphon cock. He seemed to simply be stretching himself out, exposing his body to the kneading, seeming to accept what was happening to him, and his new, squeezy surroundings. At least he seemed to be enjoying the treatment somewhat, but that wasn't going to change how Xavier treated him. The big gryph cawed and even growled a little, giving another sharp jab of his hips that slickly stuffed most of what remained outside his shaft right into that gaping slit. His entire length was squeezing so hard it was enough to bring a gasp out of his prey, one that would have visibly steamed in the heat in front of him if he could see anything in there. It was working on him with such tugging strength as to resemble a gulping throat. And it didn't have much further to go. A nudge to those wiggling feet and toes with his talon. A playful tug on that swinging tail. And then a long, wet slurrrp and he finished off his lewd, self-indulgent meal, letting his stretched shaft return to normal as all that weight deposited instead in his sagging sack, the very last of the hybrid's tail dragged inside along with the rest of him, flailing about like a noodle.
Xavier's cockslit quickly sealed up tight, the stretch not doing any sort of damage. His shaft entire was back to its normal engorged size, his slit close as if it hadn't just swallowed an entire being whole. Only to gape open again as the pleasure of depositing his prey inside his balls finally sent him to his peak. His shaft had been cleared, and all that accumulating pressure meant that everything he'd been building up came pouring out at once. A toss of his feathery head, a clack of his beak, and all his muscles went tense. His shaft gave a startling jump, flexing hard enough to thump against his belly. His balls clenched inwards, outlining his prey once more as he wiggled there within the gryphon's sack. And then with a surprisingly understated caw, he hit his climax.
It was like he was trying to flood his very surroundings, or to create a new lake within the forest. The load he'd churned was so thick it outright bulged towards the tip of his cock, stretching out his urethra and making that shaft bigger for as long as it was filled with freshly churned gryphon cum. Then it was firing off audibly, splatting on the grass, the trees, marking down all his surroundings with the scent of gryphon. As if his claim to that territory wasn't already clear. His orgasm went glopping, splurting, pouring out in a mighty spray, all that built up tension coming out at once. It was a constant stream rather than mere ropes, all perfect creamy white as it marked down the very earth around him with potent, musky seed. It all pooled around until it was nearly ankle deep, pouring out thick and potent for several full seconds. Perhaps even near to half a minute passed before it even showed sign of thinning out. He remained upright and rigid all throughout, bucking, shaking through it all until the excessive ejaculation was growing watery. But only when it finally trickled to a close could he rest.
As afterglow came over him, Xavier felt a sudden rush of clarity return as well. He slumped, splaying his wings and flexing them, sighing as he relaxed. His needs were finally fulfilled. Now where was he, exactly? It was like coming out of an extended sleepwalking session, hardly even knowing where he was or what he'd been doing. It was obvious enough once he felt the weight and movement in his balls, and he turned his attention down to that visible bulge as his furry sack pulled taut around the form of the shrunken hybrid. It still felt good, tempting him with thoughts of firming up again. He certainly wasn't showing any sign of regret.
Though he had at least remembered himself. He leaned right down and gave a prod to his captive with his beak, producing a startled reaction from the hybrid. That simply made the gryphon chuckle. He knew he was essentially talking to himself, but he couldn't help but through in a little tease, if only for his own sake. Speaking out loud helped him come down from that feral state and remember that he was, in fact, a person.
"You may have got a few good pounces in, but I have to say, it looks like I won our little contest," he mused, wearing a satisfied smirk.
"I wasn't really thinking of it as a competition," came the draptor's unexpected reply.
Xavier wasn't startled, but he did tip his head to the side at hearing such a clear, if muffled voice coming from what he was quite convinced was a feral animal. That changed his perspective on things. Somewhat.
"Oh dear, so a person as much an animal then? You had me fooled with your behaviour, I admit!"
The hybrid shrugged, though to the gryph it just felt like a slight shift of his body. He'd mostly emptied out his nuts with that orgasm, so the hybrid had plenty of room to move around, though he was staying mostly still.
"Speaking didn't feel right. I was just curious to see how it would go! I can't say I expected this exactly."
"Well, no harm done, aside from eating you," the gryph joked, giving a dominant flex around his catch, as if he'd forgotten the hybrid didn't get anything out of such things. "But how rude of me. I haven't even introduced myself. Xavier Inkfeather. I shall be this evening's bed, it seems. Unless for some reason you desire your release before you've even had time to enjoy yourself in there."
"That's okay. I go by Pyxaron around here," the draptor said. "This general area that is. Not inside of you. Though it is very nice and warm in here."
"That's what I thought! And I quite agree. What better place for you to spend the night than the safety of a gryphon's balls? You'll find no cozier accommodations. Not to mention safer! After shrinking you down like that, it would be quite irresponsible of me to let you out now. Just think of all the things that might swoop down to carry you off and have you for dinner! Especially when you are so thoroughly coated in such irresistible scent and flavour. Why, you might as well be tattooed with the words eat me all over your scales."
Pyxaron chuckled lightly, wiggling the sack around him. "That's very considerate of you. But aren't you the one who shrunk me down in the first place?"
"That's not how that word works!"
That made Xavier laugh. Or maybe because he'd realized his own accidental pun, one the draptor didn't seem to pick up on.
"Quite. Now, do tell me. I have never encountered a creature like you in all my travels. And I assure you, those are many. Forgive me ego, but is my assumption correct? You truly get nothing out of being in there?"
"It's soft. Comfy. It's warm but not too warm. And it smells ... very you. . It's comforting, in an odd way. There's not a a hint of anything but you all around. No other scents, nothing to see, no threats, no distractions. I can actually allow myself to relax now that I'm in here."
The bird puffed proudly, grateful for the praise, however unusual it was.
"Most of those who I tuck away inside me would use more words than that. If they could even manage to form them. I admit I was gentle on you. There was a certain innocence I felt slightly ashamed for violating. Though not too ashamed. A gryphon does as he likes, after all!"
"Is that so? I've never been told about that rule." It felt like Pyxaron was smiling. Maybe it was the warmth Xavier felt coming from his captive.
"Evidently! And that is why you needed to be taught, clearly. If you were more educated in how to behave around a wild gryphon, you might not have ended up sloshing about in my balls. Though I do find you cute, so I shall refrain from turning you to cum, I assure you. For the evening."
The draptor didn't seem phased by such a thought, though he was neither audibly enticed by it either. He simply seemed to shrug it off. "Is that even possible?"
"In seconds," Xavier assured, though it wasn't a threat or even really a boast. More just stating fact.
"I appreciate the safe accommodations, then!" Pyxaron didn't sound exactly nervous, just sincere. It was hard for Xavier to determine what the hybrid thought of such a treatment - but after already indulging himself as he had, he wasn't going to try to push further.
"Thoroughly generous of me, if I do say so myself, after your shenanigans. In a hungrier mood I might simply have swallowed you. And while you may have been safe in my stomach, I can't say you would have found the surroundings as pleasant."
"Also appreciated," Pyxaron said, stretching out his legs, bulging the sack around him in the process. "I think I would have chosen to be in here, if you gave me a choice. It might be a pretty good place to sleep."
He let a heavy yawn slip out, opening wide and holding it for a while before just smacking his lips. His surroundings were lulling him to sleep much more quickly than was normal. It was simply so relaxing and safe in there, despite the gryph's teases. If it was truly as easy as Xavier said it was to turn that turn the churns back on, then every moment spent in comfy captivity was one the gryph actively kept him safe. He could hear the big bird's heart beating, slowly now, relaxed, could hear him breathing, along with some other internal sounds. And of course that constant splurching and splorching as those walls kneaded slickly all around his scales. But the lewdness of such noise was lost on him - it just became part of that relaxing symphony.
"You may certainly do so if you wish. In fact, I encourage it," Xavier cooed. His voice was much gentler than before. No longer teasing, he sounded comforting and reassuring. He'd had his fun. He didn't actually want to scare the hybrid, but merely make him blush a little. Aside from the natural flexes and churns his sack gave around their occupant, he was totally in control. "I might join you shortly. I can never resist a nap after a meal, one way or another."
Pyxaron was already drifting, already blinking himself awake here and there as his head swayed and drooped. He didn't even mean to be falling asleep so quickly. It was simply far too soothing to be in there. He could feel himself all but basting in the scent around him, feeling it imbuing and becoming part of his scales. Even though ti wasn't all that messy out there thanks to how thoroughly Xavier had emptied himself out, there still remained a clinging layer of wetness all around the walls. But Pyxaron was finding he really didn't mind. There was still no sexual reaction from him, aside from rubbing about and kneading. That was more just cuddling and settling in, like he were getting cozy in a squishy bed. But in place of such a feeling there was contentment, as well as a slight sensation of bliss.
Before he could simply nod off entirely, the draptor was stricken by a thought that had him perking back up suddenly.
"Will it be safe? If you fall asleep, I mean. You did say you were holding back what you could really do, if you wanted ..." Though he still didn't feel any sort of danger instincts being in there, mostly trusting the gryphon, he did sound a bit tentative.
"Oh, you will be fine. I'd only do that to you if I meant it. I'm not an accidental predator by any means," Xavier assured, and then he lowered his voice to an even gentler tone as he leaned down close to nudge at the bulge within his sack, playfully poking with his beak. "Promise."
With that soothing tone still fresh in his mind, Pyxaron finally allowed himself to close his eyes. It wasn't exactly where he had imagined himself sleeping for the night, but he had never thought it would be so comfortable either. Conforming to the shape of his body, massaging at him, while bathing him in a sweet-smelling heat, it was all enough to leave him in a surprisingly blissful state. A golden glow, one that might have even been compared to an orgasm if he knew how such a thing felt. Even so, he trusted the big bird, rambunctious and pushy about getting his way though he might have been. And he was happy to at least stay the night within those sloshing, squeezing nuts. Perhaps even longer, depending on how he felt when he woke up. There was no more time to consider before he was setting his head down upon his folder forelegs, sighing, murmuring, and letting his mind go blank as he embraced that state of utter contentment granted to him by the soft, squishy, male-scented luxury suite.
As for Xavier, he lingered awake just a while longer. He was in such a state of relaxation that he almost didn't want to go to sleep. Flopping over on his side, he raised his front in a regal sphinx-like pose at first, surveying the landscape. Not quite as thorough as doing it from the sky, but his eyes were sharp enough to ensure there were no more unexpected intruders for several miles in any direction. And if there were, he would deal with them too. For the moment, content that he had marked and defended his territory properly, and perhaps even made an unexpected new friend in the process, he laid his head down and stretched himself out. His balls jostled and his sheath twitched here and there, but he was too relaxed to be aroused. He felt the captive draptor inside him drifting off, and that feeling of slumping weight and muscles finally going loose beneath the skin of his sack was contagious. It was hardly of him resting there, all stretched out with his eyes closed before he drifted into a pleasant slumber, snoring slightly and faintly cawing in his sleep.
The morning came bright and fresh through the trees, the golden light accompanied by the smell of fresh dew. Not that it could quite blot out the thorough mark the gryphon had left upon his territory. Xavier was actually the first to awaken, smacking his beak and yawning as he rose, stretching out his body. His sack was still hanging low, swinging once he got to his feet. He could feel the draptor breathing slowly within, still caught up in a deep slumber. Far from a nap, it was a whole night within those balls, bathing and marinating in the warmth he offered there.
Eventually the movement woke Pyxaron up as well, especially as the gryphon stretched out his forelegs like a cat, cricking his back. The hybrid stirred slowly, swishing around in there, rubbing around at the walls. Xavier was almost immediately hit with a certain morning arousal when he felt the movement. His sheath dropped with a thump against his balls that took the hybrid by surprise, bringing a faint, sleepy chirp from him. Then he was firming, swaying his hips back and forth right along with his feline tail while his shaft grew to the same girthy, knotted size it had before. Not just semi-firm, but fully hard and throbbing before long, giving just a little trickle of fluid from the tip, swinging back and forth as he swished.
"Mm. Good morning in there. I am certain you slept well." The gryphon spoke with the usual confidence despite just waking up. "As tempting as it is to keep you there all day, I wake today with a sense of pressing urgency."
When the draptor didn't immediately seem to know what he meant, Xavier elaborated.
"It's time to cum again. And that should take care of your captivity. In a manner of speaking."
Pyxaron was still feeling somewhat dazed and disoriented after swimming around in all that humidity all night. He could feel the morning sun warming the chamber he was trapped in, but he couldn't actually see the light. It was all a bit strange, enough that he forgot to actually respond. Not that it would have changed Xavier's plans any. The gryph was already shamelessly getting into position to lewdly rescue his prisoner from the heated clutches of his nuts.
He didn't even have to stroke himself. The feeling of that living weight inside him was already getting him puffing, getting him flexing up even tighter around the draptor to the point the grip was almost smothering him. Not quite crushing him or anything, but that comfortable chamber where he'd spent the night was suddenly less a five-star hotel and more a motel, so to speak. It was cramping up his muscles just a bit as he was forced into a tight ball, and the swinging motion of that came with the gryphon rapidly thrusting at the air, like he were breeding an invisible female.
Then came the pressure. Pyxaron felt it welling up behind him, making the tight confines even more claustrophobic. It didn't last long, at least. Not nearly enough time for him to panic or even complain or such. But he was certainly disoriented, especially once he felt himself propelled for on a jet of something hot and thick. He was shooting out of the gryphon's shaft so much faster than he went down, slipping forth with a messy pop and splut, and sailing gracefully through the air for a few precious moments, feeling as if weightless. But he didn't get his wings out in time before he went slopping to the ground in a squishy splat, rolling about in the potent mess a bit. He didn't bother trying to get up, either because he wouldn't or just couldn't, effectively glued to the grass by all that hot cream as he lay sprawled in it, wings splayed. His expression was mostly dazed.
Xavier couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. But he had mercy on the hapless hybrid, reaching out to pluck him up, all dripping and hot, tugging him in close, no matter what mess that might share. The great gryph relaxed on his belly, front legs stretched out to stroke and pat at the shrunken draptor - who still hadn't returned to normal size. He cast a curious look up at the comparatively huge bird, only to have the expression wiped right off his face by a generous application of the gryphon's dark tongue. Its deep violet tone closely matched his cock, though it was even sloppier, dragging across the hybrid's feature's until they were sleek and dripping with drool.
"Akkpth ... do I ... do I get to be normal size again? Ever?" Pyxaron sputtered through his words. He sounded at most mildly concerned, partly because he trusted the gryphon. Even while being tasted by him.
"Hmm. You do look good like this. It might be more fun to keep you this way. But if you desire to return to your previous size, then I will be sure to turn you back. Eventually."
Pyxaron perked up, only to get flattened back down by the forcefulness of that gryphon tongue. Xavier was grooming him like a cat, and he was very thorough about it. His tongue was mostly avian, but there remained that slight tingle of feline texture dragging over the draptor's scales, ensuring he was being almost perfectly cleaned. But for all the spit. Any of that mess the gryphon made, he swept right up, smacking his beak, nibbling here and there. The slightly predatory nature of all the attention wasn't lost on the draptor. But just in case it wasn't already obvious, Xavier made sure to point it out.
"Of course! There was still such fun I can have with you. You know, it would be very easy to swallow you like this. You have an exotic flavour. That means you'd probably make for a delicious meal."
"Yes, but I'm not food!" Pyxaron reminded.
That seemed to give the gryphon slight pause, though it didn't shatter his demeanour. Not even close. He just gave the draptor a nibble right on the spine, sending a spark of a reaction right down to the tip of the hybrid's tail, leaving him twitching and writhing a moment before Xavier spoke in a reassuring tone.
"Oh, of course not. Not if you'd protest. That doesn't mean I can't tease you about it though, hm?"
He leaned in good and close, pecking the hybrid on the cheek, quite literally. His breath was warm and thick - and smelled slightly minty. Overall pleasant to bask in, even with him clinging to his prey like that, kneading the draptor with his toes, tickling him with his talons, and nibbling wherever he liked. Pyxaron was smiling throughout the treatment. With the promise of safety, it felt more like he was being pampered than threatened. And though the edges of Xavier's crow beak were sharp, they pressed against those scales pleasantly, making for a massage even when he was gently chewing upon his shrunken captive.
The gryph was obviously enjoying the flavour. He was making satisfied little groans, deep but subtle, breathing slowly and strongly over the draptor while he toyed with him. Up and down his tail, nipping and tugging, playing with it before slipping the entire thing into his mouth. That had him sucking for a while, though there wasn't really anything sexual about it. He was mostly just testing, letting Pyxaron feel the strength of his jaws without actually outright biting. A bit ominous, but he wasn't doing any harm. Just the same when he went slurping and prodding up the draptor's spine, bringing out some more twitching reactions as the attention settled some of the tension in his muscles, replacing the tightness that was there with a cool, soothed sensation. Ferals needed massages too, especially after being stuffed into a confined space for the night.
The draptor just happily chittered as he was nibbled and stroke. It felt at the same time selfish, like the gryph was indulging himself with all that, and also generous. Attending to him, helping comfort and relax him, even though they'd just woken up. The gryph's weight remained heavy upon his back, those legs wrapped around him to be sure he didn't squirm away, but he really wasn't trying to do so at that point anyway. He was content to simply recline and soak in all the attention, intrigued by the way Xavier used that beak on him, falling into a somewhat sleepy, happy state thanks to the slurping massage.
A little yelp escaped him as the gryphon flipped him over suddenly, seizing hold of his shoulders and just planting him flat on his back, looking up at that beaky grin. Xavier wasted no time. He just leaned right in, teasing the draptor's belly, prodding with the tip of his beak, but gently. There were plenty of licks mixed in there as well, ensuring any lingering mess was replaced by just warm gryph spit. Pyx was no less dripping, positively soaked, but he was in at least some sense cleaner than before. He wiggled happily in those clutches, even as Xavier made his way up to his face for slurps.
It was almost a kiss, but it was more forceful than that. Pyxaron could barely even lift his head from the ground under such an assault, but every muscular stroke felt nose. Even if the amount of saliva he was getting in his mouth had him sputter eventually, shaking his head. The gryphon just loomed over him when he did that, looking pleased, but also giving a lingering glare that was nearly unblinking. Though it wasn't intimidating him or anything. The draptor just stuck his tongue out up at the currently oversized gryphon.
"What's that look? Is that the 'pleased with what a good grooming job you did' stare?" he joked.
That made Xavier chuckle. "Something like that! I'd say you have no been thoroughly cleaned of any deliciousness and would be quite safe from woodland predators. Of course, you have already been caught by the biggest, hungriest of them all!"
For emphasis, he opened wide. His beak was wet, filled with connecting string of spit that snapped in the draptor's face. His breath was near as hot as his insides, shifting the very air around the hybrid, submerging him in humidity like the season had suddenly changed around them both. Though Pyxaron still wasn't nervous. Even as that beak descended upon him. If Xavier truly was feeling predatory, then the draptor would have sensed it in his muscles. That tensing up of anticipation, that rumble from within. Instead, the gryphon was totally relaxed, docile as could be even as he began to stuff the entire draptor into his mouth.
It was a tight fight, but with enough stuffing, he managed to close his beak down around the entire draptor. But for his tail anyway. That remained dangling outside, swinging about somewhat excitedly as he got kneaded by the gryph's firm suckling. He could feel that beak pressing inwards on him, surely having enough strength to crush and chew, but there was a sense of restraint even in Xavier's most self-indulgent motions. The bird worked on those scales a moment, all but submerging Pyxaron in how much saliva hew as generating, letting some of it run down his beak when he couldn't just gulp it down. That left the hybrid gazing into the flexing darkness that was the gryphon's throat, but though he could feel its muscular grip working near his face, he never felt in danger of actually being swallowed. That was evident when he even went so far as to dare giving the rippling flesh a light nuzzle. Brave indeed!
In time, his faith proved well-placed when Xavier finally spat him back out with a comical pleh. Once more, the draptor was flopping to the floor, soaked and dripping, though the context was different this time. He set to rolling around on the grass to do his best to dry off. Some of him still smelled a bit like Xavier's breath - but that was a entirely pleasant to carry. He shook himself off and rose to his feet, briefly losing his balance when his balance wasn't quite aligned with his newly restored size. He was standing near the gryphon's own height once more, having grown in the time he was drying himself off. When he swished his tail, the gryph mirrored his movements, swishing his own right back.
They didn't say anything before they simply nuzzled back at each other some. The gryph was on his feet, but was still considerably relaxed in his manner and expression. Pyxaron snuck in a little slurp on the cheek of his own, then pulled back with a small smile.
"Well, that was an unexpected way to spend a day. But I feel surprisingly good. I'm grateful for your restraint."
"Certainly!" Xavier said heartily. "It just wouldn't feel right to do anything especially bad to you. Shameful, perhaps. But that's to be expected of a gryphon."
"So it seems!" Pyxaron chuckled a little. "Others might not have been so nice."
"Perhaps. But as long as you're in my general vicinity, the only gryphon you have to fear is myself. I like to think that's a pretty good deal."
The draptor nodded. "Should I expect you to be swooping down upon me at any moment from now on?"
Xavier nodded eagerly. "Whenever I get the whim."
"Hm." Pyxaron snorted. "You know, that doesn't sound terrible either."
"Good! And do feel free to visit my forest again sometime. Or another of mine. They are numerous. A curious hybrid like yourself is always welcome in any territory I call my own."
Pyxaron offered a smile, and then a glance over his shoulder, wondering if he could make it back himself. Maybe it would take a little more wandering, but the forest was lovely, if gryphon-scented. And he could be certain no other predators were lurking near, at least none that could threaten him. If he'd survived his encounter with a proud, dominant gryphon, then he was definitely safe. Another little nuzzle, and he wandered off through the morning dew, considering the way his body felt, the way certain things still tingled or remained soothed to the point of feeling partly melted. It truly was like a day at the spa, just with a much more natural, hedonistic kind of masseuse. And while it might have been a confusing encounter for everyone involved, neither had a single regret.