A Spell Gone Wrong

Story by VictorTheMaker on SoFurry

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#1 of 2018 Halloween Collection

After years of researching the nature of a coveted Old Artifact, Endra has designed a spell to reveal its location. Lacking the raw power to pull it off alone, she waits until Halloween Eve, when natural forces have aligned to assist her. Her ritual works as expected, but weakens the barrier between planes as an unexpected side effect. A demon lord takes advantage, and she most stop him before he strengthens his foothold.

So, here is the first chapter of the Halloween special I'll be running through October. This kicks off the main arc and sets up the premise for the other side chapters. I'm not sur exactly how many chapters It'll take to get to the ending, but I'll give it the time it deserves and not rush it.

If you're interested in getting a side chapter for one of your characters, I've created a listing for that on my commissio page~ https://commiss.io/listings/mAqE

I'm offering discounts on commissions for this collection, and my patreon supporters will get a little extra off on top of that. Everyone gets a flat $10 off these chapters, and my patreon supports can get between 10% and 25% off on top of that. If that interests you, please consider checking out my page and pledging~https://www.patreon.com/WaiteInkworksPosted using PostyBirb

Glowing bottles of mystic fluids sat in watchful silence in the cramped room. The air was still, devoid of all movement and sound, save for the subtle humming of its sole occupant. Endra sat in the middle of its floor, legs crossed, tuning her energies with the world's natural arcane flows. The subtle ley lines were undetectable by most, but with great effort, a mage could resonate with them and boost their skills. The five-tailed kitsune worked to precisely that end, sharpening her focus until she felt their faint, ever-present thrum. Her tails fanned out and swayed on a nonexistent breeze, serving as antennas for the supernatural signal. The blonde-furred vulpine's gaze shifted behind her closed eyes when their first traces tugged on her perception, and her fur bristled as she mentally hunted it down. Agitation twitched up her fluffy bouquet as her drifting thoughts pounced the source, and her tails spun together as one while she tuned to its frequency. A faint glow emanated from her fluff as her own magical reserves resonated with the world's ambient magic, filling the room with neon, arcane light. Sharp shadows flicked across the walls as she gradually overpowered her candlelight, swamping the atmosphere with her thrumming presence. With her attunement complete, she opened her eyes and steadied her breathing.

Before the kitsune, scrawled out across the cobblestone floor, was a large circle of chalk and wax. Innumerable smaller circles of varying sizes filled the space inside, and countless runes and sigils adorned them. The spell itself was a laborious work of art in its own right, but it served a distinct purpose as well. After months of research, Endra had devised a spell that would reveal the location of the most coveted Old Artifact. The day she solved that riddle was a day of bittersweet victory, however, as she lacked the raw magical power needed to activate it. The thought of teaming up with another magical being to find it filled her with unease, so she opted instead to train and wait for something of a supernatural hightide. Endra took a deep breath and folded her arms in her lap as anticipation welled in her chest. She'd waited years for a full moon to align with an equinox, and on that Halloween eve, it was finally happened. The kitsune shook her head and gathered her nerves once more, resharpening her focus before she lost the energy she'd stored. Her tails wrapped around her waist as she reaffirmed her control, and she spent her last moments of preparation checking the symbols in front of her. Though she didn't have her notes for comparison, nothing looked off, and all her reagents appeared to be in the right places. With nothing more to do, she turned her gaze up through the room's skylight.

All things considered, it was the perfect night to conclude her scholarly journey. Not a single cloud marred the dark indigo skies, allowing the moon and stars to shine with their full beauty. Their presence eliminated the need for streetlights, providing a perfect amount of ambiance for those celebrating Halloween early. A soft pillar of moonlight beamed through the roof's opening and cast a bright octagonal patch on her cluttered floor, which lazily drifted toward the circle as its source followed its nightly arc. Endra battled her own anticipation while she watched it approach the intricate spell circle, which reacted to the natural spotlight. The chalk and wax of its contours thrummed and glowed, accumulating a charge before the kitsune touched it. The tranquil atmosphere drained away in the presence of the pooling energy, acknowledging its increasing potential. Endra's hair lifted from her shoulders and danced on an invisible updraft as the moon came tantalizingly close to its apex, and her eyes glowed with luminous might as she prepared to unleash her skill. A lengthy chant passed her lips and twisted under her breath, gathering the last bit of lingering mana in the air. Uneasy silence fell over the room when she stopped, then snapped when she placed her fingertips on the edge of the circle. The moon's radiance surged in the same instant, creating a blinding flash that reached beyond the walls of her room.

The bright burst was simply a prelude to the main event. Endra wiped the afterimage from her eyes and watched the spell unfold, both to monitor its progress and bask in the culmination of her work. The circle's outer edge blazed with chromatic fire, casting a rainbow of shadows around the room as it raced around the spell's perimeter. The flaming trail caught itself and closed a ring around the runes and sigils, just in time for them to explode to life. Tremors shook her shop's foundation and resonated outward as they activated, adding their hues to a vast, luminous pillar. Their combined beam shattered the kitsune's skylight and shot into a cool autumn air, no doubt catching the attention of everyone for miles around. Endra cared little about the subtlety of her work however, and she kept watching with rapt wonder. The mystic laser intensified as it carved a series of symbols into the cloudless sky, each of which rumbled with thunder before fading away. Concern crept into the back of her mind as script stretched longer than expected, but she pushed them to the back of her mind once it finally concluded. A web of lightning scattered across the night with an earth-shattering boom when the arcane verse dispersed, and the rainbow pillar flowing from her floor shrunk and collapsed on itself. Only a faint glow remained in its wake, which shifted and shimmered as a bevy of information flowed into it. The spell worked on arcane principles similar to echolocation, and sources of great magical density filled in on a planar map as they resonated with the blast.

Endra rushed to her desk as more and more of the image filled in, retrieving a recording device and quickly returning. A cone of light shot from the pendant-like object and copied the shimmering cloud of smoke, and a set of glowing symbols scrolled across its metallic surface. Tension drained from the kitsune's muscles once she verified the copy's quality, and she let her excitement surge forth. She threw her arms into the air with a triumphant shout and fell backward, slumping against a wall as the strength drained from her legs. She of course still needed to plan and expedition and retrieve the Upprana Galdur, but that was a task for another day. Endra clutched the memory capsule to her chest until the last of the ritual's results returned, and she updated the map for the last time. After double and triple checking it recorded everything, the kitsune put the relic into her cleavage and let it slip into her personal storage, then fetched a bucket of solvent to end the spell and clean her floor. A sense of unease wormed into the back of her mind as she returned, one she didn't dismiss as easily as before. The fur on her neck bristled and stood, and she sharpened her perceptions to find the cause. At first, nothing seemed amiss, until she realized she could sense far beyond her typical range. The fields of ley lines on other planes tickled her senses, and her stomach dropped when she realized what had happened.

She had weakened the barrier between planes.

The kitsune scrambled to find her notes and find precisely where her ritual went wrong, but the consequences of her mistake arrived and interrupted her. The air of the room churned and shimmered as a point of light ignited in its middle, which fell to the floor and traced a jagged bolt. The core of the branching line glowed and seared with infernal energy, cracking space itself as it spread. Sizzling sparks dropped and charred the ground as it spread, widening in its sharp middle and narrowing at its ends. A sharp crack rang through the room when the center of the rift opened, admitting a torrent of abyssal haze in the process. Endra's fur bristled in its burning presence, and her palms glowed while she charged her rebuttal. Strands of arcane light leapt from her fingers and coiled around the two-dimensional break, but her magic threads shredded and unraveled on its edges. With no other way to quickly seal the rift, the kitsune readied herself for a fight. The prospect of winning said encounter seemed ever more far fetched as the rift's creator stepped through, however. The air around the three-headed hellhound simmered and danced in his radiant heat, and with him came an oppressive heat wave. The kitsune's changed her strategy and gathered what parchments she could before they burst into flames, already deciding most of her lab was already lost. If the hellhound noticed, he didn't care, and simply took a moment bask in a plane that would soon be his.

Unfortunately Endra's presence didn't go unnoticed forever. The instant she attempted to shroud herself in illusion, the towering hellhound turned and glared at her with a withering gaze. The kitsune's forming spell tore away in shimmering tatters, leaving her stunned and exposed. A wicked smile spread across the hellhound's muzzles, and his posture relaxed as he spun and faced her.

"You're the one that weakened the walls, aren't you?" Blasa rumbled.

Endra didn't respond, but he clearly knew the answer already.

"I owe you some gratitude, you know. I was years from making this trip, but now its as simple as walking across the room." The hellhound paced across the room, both to punctuate his point and approach her spell circle. "And, you even have the courtesy to show me where my prize lies. It's as if you're interested in partnering up."

The kitsune bristled and sneered at the offer. "Stay away from that," she growled. "I didn't spend years tracking that book to hand it over to anyone, let alone some megalomaniacal mutt from a backwater plane."

The demon's thin veneer of civility peeled away. Wisps of flame poured from his muzzles and a growl resonated in his chest, and a flash of heat overtook the room. Endra's loose papers burst into flame, and the glass jars lining her shelves exploded with thermal shock. "Tall talk from a self-taught fuckup," he retorted. "It doesn't matter to me either way. You've already outlived your usefulness, and there's no room in my ranks for disloyal scum."

He turned his back on Endra once more to examine what her ritual gathered, and she seized the opportunity. An invisible wave of force shot from her paw, kicking up the shards and ash of her ruined lab as it passed, though the demon anticipated her attack. The cerberous set his stance and dissipated the front, but lacked the foresight to cancel all of it. A smug look played across his faces, then dropped as he watched the spell circle wash away from the corner of his eyes.

Another heat wave washed over the room as his rage flourished, and he split his attention to salvage the situation. One of his outer heads watched the flickering image and raced to memorize its every detail before it faded for good, while the others unleashed two hellish cones of flame at the meddling kitsune.

Endra summoned her will and deflected the gouts, avoiding the brunt of the strikes. Still, the glancing blow singed her fur and put her on edge. It had been ages since she last fought such a formidable foe, and she had no desire to let a simple mistake be her undoing. The kitsune blew the smell of burnt fur from her muzzle and prepared for his follow up, which came immediately. Blasa's claws blazed with furious radiance as he rushed toward her, and she narrowly dodged his burning uppercut. The failed attack left him open, and Endra's rebuttal was swift. Her eyes glowed with arcane furry as bright magic encircled her wrists, infusing her punch with disruptive energy. The physical blow did almost nothing against his thick hide and rippling muscle, but the same could not be said of the magical charge it imparted. Blue sparks danced over his pelt and spiked his pressure points, breaking his momentum and severing his magic. The hellhound dropped to the floor with a pained roar, and Endra almost took pity on him as he twisted and writhed in frustration. Not enough pity to withhold punishment, however. Her tails brimmed with glowing energy as she closed bands of raw mgic around him, preventing any counterattack while she prepared his banishment.

She closed her eyes and focused as a spike of purple energy rose from her fingertip. The magical needle thrummed with a malicious aura, which intensified with its completion. Its force of presence was enough to earn Blasa's attention, and he watched it with genuine concern as Endra knelt down and pointed it to his forehead.

"This is a memory spike," she explained. "I'm going to erase the last few minutes of your memory and send you back to where ever you came from. You wont' remember what you saw in the circle, and you might forget our little scuffle here entirely, so let me make this clear enough to stick with you. If you come back and trash my lab again, I won't be nearly as gentle."

One of the cerberus's three heads seemed to show actual remorse, but the other two only grinned. "I think you should have got me while you had the chance instead of monologuing."

Endra knew exactly what was about to happen in that instant, but she couldn't react fast enough to stop it. A pair of imps lunged from the shadows and stung her with disruption rods, fizzling her magic and dropping her to her knees. The hellhound rose to his full height and made a show of dusting off, then stepped over the incapacitated kitsune and spoke with his underlings. Endra couldn't make out their conversation, but they seemed to be high ranking officers in his order. She attempted to piece their plans together while she recovered, but Blasa wouldn't give her a chance to escape. A set of iron bindings clamped around her wrists and ankles, restricting her movement and fully suppressing her magic. The sensation of her ebbing mana made her head swim, stunning her once more and leaving her helpless as the two imps picked her up and carried her off. An indignant twitch ran down her spine and out of her tails when the cerberus ordered his emerging army to loot her shop, though she reserved the rest of her strength to stay awake. Endra collected the pieces of a plan while she watched the ground go by, which gradually condensed into a viable plot.


The mall's food court was totally empty as Endra and her deliverers arrived, its typical occupants either busy preparing for Halloween or already asleep. The imps squabbled as they carried her to the back of one of the many restaurants, where they unceremoniously dropped her to the cold tile floor. The disgraced kitsune grunted as she hit the ground, eliciting mocking chuckles from her captors. The pair spent a brief moment inspecting her bindings to ensure they hadn't loosened, after which they leaned in close to the restrained vulpine. They muttered something about using her to swell their ranks and how many imps she'll give them, but Endra didn't let them wade too deep into their fantasies. In their ignorance, they had failed to bind her tails, a mistake they paid dearly for. All five of the frighteningly strong appendages lunged and coiled around the two jailers, constricting the breath from their chests. The pair wheezed for mercy as she tightened her grip, breaking their will and forcing them to drop the key to her shackles. The kitsune plucked it from the ground with a tail and unlocked her restraints, and she relaxed her grip just enough to let the imps breathe. They collapsed in her fluffy grip and panted for breath, then offered meek looks of apology. They whimpered something about just following orders, and she replied by following her nature.

The kitsune opened her maw wide and brought one of the imps into its shadow and clamped down over their head. The other demon twisted and thrashed in her grip while she liberally coated her meal with drool, which dripped from their red skin and splattered to the floor. A feral groan of delight resonated in Endra's chest as she finished slathering her snack, and ravenous hunger surpassed her self control. The imp wrapped in her tails could only watch her yawning maw overtake his comrade's shoulders, which bulged her cheeks around the narrow points. Her ravenous momentum built after that first hurdle, and she claimed their upper body in a series of quick, greedy gulps. The slightly less restained imp's struggles slowed as he watched the swells in Endra's neck, transfixed by how easily she claimed them. While she wasn't exactly mortal, such displays of gluttony were not common outside of his home plane. The kitsune took notice of his pacification, and small part of her felt compelled to reward his cooperation. The corners of her muzzle turned up in a mischievous grin as she indulged that impulse, tipping her head up to the sky and showcasing his comrade's descent. She only briefly paused her swallowing to let him watch, just long enough for the half-eaten imp to show their reluctant arousal, then she let gravity do its work.

Her gullet loosened around its meal, letting them drop to her stomach under their own weight. Their slick hide gave no resistance, and they plummeted to her belly at full speed. The tight ring guarding her stomach's entrance squished against their face and covered them with gastric slime, then winked and pulsed around their muzzle as if considering their worthiness. The imp let out an indignant growl that resonated through Endra's soft figure, which seemed to be the response it was waiting for. The ring widened with a thick squelch and dropped them into the waiting pool of ooze, which clung to every inch of their exposed figure. Endra rubbed her swelling middle as they curled against her spongy walls, which clenched and compressed them into a tight ball of calories and reluctant acceptance. Their bugles were obvious even through her generous padding, the sight of which stunned the imp still bound in her tails. The kitsune took a moment to indulge herself and tease her next course, who seemed eager to play along. She stayed on her guard and smushed the side of his face to her stomach, against her sloshing snack, and when he didn't struggle in the least, she indulged herself more. The vulpine merchant squeezed him deep into her plush fat, drowning out his world with the song of her demanding gut and the muffled complaints of its occupant. The imp melted in her grasp, and he hardly noticed he was being repositioned.

The cuddle-drunk imp only broke from his trance when her tails' grip loosened, and by then it was far too late to resist his fate. He looked up to see her generous rear eclipsing his vision, and the warmth of her body engulfed him when she drove him between her cheeks. The imp put up a token struggle as she took his head and horns, but his resolve faltered when she settled around his neck. Endra shivered with his acceptance and allowed herself to savor her second course. A low moan resonated in her throat as she rolled her hips around his points, sharp enough to hit her favorite spots yet dull enough to no cut her. Every subtle movement stoked her lusts, and they became decidedly less so as her needs rose. She fought the urge to masturbate however, at least until she was out of danger. She remembered her situation in that moment of clarity and reluctantly decided it would be best to make quick work of her former captor. Endra wrapped her tails around his exposed form and placed his feet on the ground, then dropped her hips with the full force of her weight. His shoulders caught on her plush cheeks for a brief moment, though a quick twist of her hips resolved the issue. She reached back and planted a hand on the floor to salvage her balance and silently winced with the speedy entry. The kitsune recovered quickly, and once sure she wouldn't fall, flexed her inner muscles and swallowed the enraptured demon. The lower curve of her stomach swelled out to match it upper counterpart as he disappeared, and she held it steady in her arms while her meals calmed down. It would be some time before the second imp reached her stomach, but her tight inner passages easily stifled his struggles.

Endra shifted from side to side and adjusted to the weights in her belly, refining her balance before creeping up to the front of empty restaurant. Fortunately, the food court was every bit as empty as it was when they arrived. That didn't mean she was home free, however. She kept the lesser demons' ability to planeshift through shadows in mind as she planned her exit, and she constructed a solution in a few short minutes. Her attention drifted to her churning stomach and the occupant within, specifically the mana suffusing their being. A few seconds passed while she recalled a chant, which poured from her lips as she augmented her digestion. A faint glow emanated from her middle as sigils appeared on her ripping inner walls, tuning them to absorb her meal's arcane energy rather than their body. The effect was immediate, and her powers returned as her reserves refilled. It was a slow process thanks to the imps' disabling strike, but her mana pooled faster than it could drain. Endra sat in meditation, ineffective thanks to her mood and the snesations coming from her middle, and waited to accumulate enough strength to conceal herself. A soft whisper left her lips when that moment came, and she vanished in a shimmering mist.

Invisible to all but the most vigilant magics, she stood and crept out of the desolate mall, her stomach subtly sloshing and churning with every step. A budding food coma tugged at her stamina as she stepped into the brisk night air, but she staunchly resisted the siren's call. She had a mountain of damage control to run before she took on Blasa once again, and she pondered if she could defeat him before Halloween arrived.

She may need some help.

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